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Rev 0 to 1PCP08-AP-0003, Sampling & Analysis of Rcs,Rhr & Reactor Containment Bldg Sump - Post-Accident
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/24/1986
From: Losch J
Shared Package
ML20215F286 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 1PCP08-AP-0003, 1PCP8-AP-3, NUDOCS 8610160160
Download: ML20215F342 (45)





       '                                        SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT               OCURl8DI.Q0ntI01 Cen.itf ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION
                     .E C* I  _'           PLANT PROCEDURES MANUAL Controlled C0py NO.

STATION PROCEDURE N.0 T3AM)Y ff0rDLTEIT'.( QH t.4 Q gg pJ1 p N' t e O L 'A, ' ti u t.:S M .7 : < 4 Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 and RGB Sump - Post Accident Rev. O Page 1 of 45 APPROVED: _ [h 6 f( % 4/ 7/[6 PLANT MANAGER DATE APPROVED DATE EFFECTIVE Table of Contents Page 1.0 Discussion 2 [

1.1 Purpose and Scope

2 1.2 Definitions 2 1.3 Principle 3 1.4 Limitations 4 2.0 Prerequisites 4 3.0 Precautions 4 4.0 Procedure 5 5.0 Calculations 25 6.0 Standardization 25 7.0 Documentation 25

                   . .: .? r 8.0 RefeEene'es                                                                       25
                   ??: ~ .

9.0 Support Documents 26 8610160160 861009 {DR ADOCK 05000498 PDR

e p L !T , Sampling and Analysis of=RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 Rev. 0 - and RCB Sump - Post Accident a", z., Page 2 of 45 4 ~ l 1.0 -Discu_ssion

1.1 Purpose and Scope

1.1.1 This procedure describes the steps necessary to perform in-line analyses and pull grab samples for liquid sample

                                       . sources at the. Post Accident Sampling System (PASS).

1.1.2 The scope of sampling and analysis activities within this procedure are as follows: [ In-line Analyses j a. .pH j b. Conductivity ,

c. Dissolved Oxygen ,


d. Gross Gamma Activity # -

l t l e. Boron I

f. Chloride
g. Dissolved Hydrogen Grab Sampling l

l a. Undiluted Liquid j l b. Diluted Liquid 1.2 Definitions j- .1.2.1 POST ACCIDENT SAMPLING SYSTEM (PASS): A system composed of

                            .    .      various components that provides the capability to obtain 7,ff.i[,      reactor coolant and containment atmosphere samples and J-             perform required analyses during postaccident conditions
                                -       within 3 hours or less from the time a decision is made to

1.2.2 LIQUID AND GAS SAMPLE PANEL (LGSP): The major fluid / mechanical component of the PASS whose purpose is to provide necessary in-line instrumentation, gas stripping equipment, grab sample (diluted and undiluted) collection points, and dilution loops. I l i ( i i L .

1 a h Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003

            ,,,,,.,         and RCB Sump - Post Accident              Rev. 0
            ,"     3.

Page 3 of 45 3 1. r2, 3 SAMPLE COOLER RACK (SCR): A component of the PASS whose purpose is to provide temperature conditioning of liquid samples prior to entering the LGSP, 1.2.4 INSTRUMENT PANEL (IP): A component of the PASS whose purpose is to provide the necessary remote monitors and recorders for the in-line instrumentation located in the LGSP. Standardization liquids and gases needed in the LGSP are regulated from the IP. 1.2.5 WASTE COLLECTION UNIT (WCU): A component of the PASS designed to collect waste liquids from the SCR and LGSP. 1.2.6 ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL (ECP): A component of the PASS whose purpose is to provide electrical support equipment necessary for remote operation of the SCR, LGSP, IP, and WCU. b. i' 1.3 Principle v 1.3.1 The South Texas Project Electric Generating Station IE (STPEGS) Post Accident Sampling System (PASS) consists of five modular units which provide sample selection, conditioning, analysis, instrument readout, operational control, grab sampling, dilution capabilities, and waste collection. 1.3.2 The system is designed to allow remote sample source selection, conditioning and flushing of the sample inlet line(s) and a portion of the internal LGSP piping. Once these flushing operations are completed, the decision whether to collect sample volume " bites" for dilution, and dissolved gas determination is made. Selection of an undiluted sample volume is also made at this point. 1.3.3 Af ter these decisions have been made the remainder of the

               .    . internal LGSP piping is flushed with the selected sample ha![,      source. While in-line analyses (pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, gross gamma, chloride and boron) are        4
          - { f.~; ,   being performed, completion of the other tasks (dissolved     l gas determination, sample dilution / collection and undiluted sample collection) can proceed independently.

1.3.4 Upon completion of all desired sampling and analysis activities on a given sample source, the PASS is then completely flushed with deionized water in preparation for the next sample source or in preparation for shutdown of the system.

                              -Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR,             1PCP08-AP-0003 and RCB Sump - Post Accident                Rev. 0 Page 4 of 45 1.4..htaitations 1.4.1      Accuracies and analytical ranges of the in-line instrumentation are as follows:

Analysis Range Accuracies Boron '0-600 ppm +/-5% of measured value for 1000 ppm and above.

                                                                +/-50 ppm below 1000 ppm.

pH 0-14 +/- 0.3 pH units for 5-9 pH.

                                                                +/- 0.5 pH units for othe rs .

Conductivity 0-1000 umhos/cm +/- 10 umhos/cm b 0-200 ppm +/-10%ofmeasuredvaj$e Dissolved r Oxygen for 0.5 ppm and aboveft

                                                                +/-0.05 ppm below 0.5 ppm.

Chloride. 1 ppb to +/-10% of measured value 200 ppm for 0.5 ppm and above.

                                                                +/-0.05 ppm below 0.5 ppm.

Dissolved 0-2000 cc/Kg +/-5% of scale Hydrogen Gross Gamma 0-2000 mR/sec +/-0.5% of full scale Activity (uncorrected) 1.4.2 The PASS operations described in this procedure are designed to be performed by a minimum of 3 Technicians in order to accomplish all tasks in an orderly and timely

                   . .        manner.
              ; *.:.:.1 >~

2.0 P re ri" qui's'it es

              .;;6..' . .

2.1 'Th'e ' PASS analytical instrumentation shall be powered up, flushed out, and standardized prior to use in accordance with IPCP08-AP-0002 (Operation and Maintenance of the Post Accident Sampling System.) 3.0 Precautions 3.1 Sample collection, preparation and anslysis shall be performed under applicable Radiation Work Permits.

i Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 ygg # and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

                   .: y-                                                      Page 5 of 45 3.2 M11 personnel working within the PASS facility shall be responsible for ensuring that radiation exposure associated with implementing this procedure is kept as low as reasonably. achievable (ALARA).

3.3 Personnel transferring radioactive material shall use measures necessary to prevent the spread of contamination during packaging and transporting in accordance with applicable procedure (s). 3.4 Sample flow f rom the PASS is at a high pressure and temperature. This procedure must be followed carefully and in proper sequence to prevent damage to the equipment and injury to personnel. 4.0 Procedure 4.1 Verify that the PASS has been started up in accordance with IPCP08-AP-0002 (Operation and Maintenance of the Post Accident Sampling System). . 4.2' Position the PASS components in accordance with the Operational SS , Component Checklist (-1). g 4.3 Request Reactor Operations to open, or verify open, the following Containment Isolation Valves. Valve Name Valve Number RCS Sample OCIV l-AP-FV-2455 RHR Sample ICIV l-PS-FV-4823 RHR Sample OCIV 1-AP-FV-2454 Containment Sump Sample ICIV l-ED-MOV-0064 Containment Sump Sample OCIV l-AP-FV-2453

                   .R9turn to PRT OCIV                            1-AP-FV-2458 n.:-*::

4.4} 3E;5n Analyzer System Preparation 4.4.1 Verify that the Boron Analyzer reagent solution containers are full. 4.4.2 Verify that the Boron Analyzer has been turned on and has been warmed up for at least 30 minutes.

                                                                                         '                ~
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                                                                                                                            .        gs

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev,. 0 7,. ..,;,. Page 6 of 45

. . n-NOTE If a PROM has been installed into the Boron  ;

Analyzer, the PROM / KEYBOARD switch should be in the PROM position. *

                                                                                                         -e 4.4.3      Verify that .the mode is set to MANUA$.and that the                                              \. -

PROM / KEYBOARD switch is in the KEYBOARD position. . , s 4.4.4 Verify that the Boron Analyzer has maintained its 'c ' / programming by listing out all prograd sequences as-follows: '. . Depress button " LIST". }g, Afterthe" SEQ.#7" prompt,depressnumeral)[ '

  • Depress "NEXT".

4.4.5 Verify that the Deionized Water Inlet Valve V-17 (1-AP-FV-2545) is open and the Instrument Air Supply '

                                                                                                                                            's Isolation Valve (1-AP-XAP-0315) is in the INSTRUMENT AIR                                                           ,

position. x ~ s , 4.4.6 Check all tubing and reagent burettes for air bubbles. If any air bubbles are present, dispense and refill the~ $ appropriate burette until there is no air, present. . 4.4.7 Flush all analyzer reagent solution lines by entering the following commands into the Boron Analyzer. ,

            . .                      Depress button "D0 SEQ". s l.::.? r                                                                               '
        .71.43'                      Depress rmmerals "26".          ..
        ,;.-l..                                                              n
         ~~ ~~ Depress "NEXT". 's ,s 6; After the " COUNT" prompt, depress dume'ral "l". Depress "NEXT". i n I 1 , P , 4 l s (

   -                     Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR,                               IPCP08-AP-0003
          ,, , . , r        and RCB Sump - Post Accident                                  Rev. 0 Page 7 of 45 4.5 :-IPran undiluted liquid sample is desired, THEN perform one of the following.

4.5.1 For post accident operation, connect the shielded Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask to the front of the LCSP. 4.5.2 For daily (normal) operation, connect the unshielded Undiluted Liquid Sample Bomb to the front ot the LGSP. 4.6 IF step 4.5 was performed, THEN place both liquid sample bomb valves in the " SAMPLE" position. 4.7 Select the appropriate liquid sample source and start the high velocity flush of the liquid sample inlet lines as follows. Refer to Addendum 1 for the correct flow path. i 4.7.1 Place or verify the following valves in the position shown l below: p.

                                                                                                     ++   s Valve Name                                   Valve Number          Position RCS Sample Inlet Valve                             V104(1-AP-FV-2468)    CLOSED RHR Sample Inlet Valve                             V105(1-AP-FV-2469)    CLOSED 4

RCB Sump Sample Inlet V106(1-AP-FV-2470) CLOSED Valve  ! Spare Sample Inlet Valve V107(1-AP-FV-2471) CLOSED Spare Sample Inlet Valve V108(1-AP-FV-2472) CLOSED Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482) CLOSED Deionized Water Inlet V110(1-AP-FV-2473) CLOSED Valve I.* ~ I ~. High Pressure Purge Outlet Vil4(1-AP-FV-2484) CLOSED

         *, ,* : #      Valve "Q .' .

Liquid Sample Diversion Vl(1-AP-MOV-2486) "C" Valve Liquid Sample Dilution Loop V2(1-AP-FV-2561) CLOSED Inlet Valve Liquid Sample Pressure V3(1-AP-MOV-2562) "D" Reduction Selector Valve Liquid Sample / Calibration V4(1-AP-MOV-2495) 0FF Liquid Selector Valve

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RMR, IPCP08-AP-0003

          ...c-        and RCB Sump - Post Accident                                                                       Rev. 0
        . ; ,-                                                                                                            Page 8 of 45 r*        Valve Name                                                                       Valve Number           Position Liquid Sample Metering                                                                 V5(1-AP-MOV-2488)      CLOSED Valve Analyzer Bypass Metering                                                               V6(1-AP-MOV-2554)      CLOSED Valve
  • Liquid Discharge Diversion V7(1-AP-MOV-2509) 0FF Valve Undiluted Liquid Sample V8(1-AP-FV-2489) CLOSED Cask Valve Liquid Sample Pressure V-35(1-AP-FV-2487) CLOSED Regulator Bypass Valve Undiluted Liquid Sample 1-AP-XAP-0214 OPENjh.

Cask Inlet Isolation Valve 4n Undiluted Liquid Sample 1- AP-XAP-0215 OPEN Cask Outlet Isolation Valve 4.7.2 Place the Liquid Waste Transfer Pump P5(1-AP-PA-601) in the AUTOMATIC mode. 4.7.3 Request with Reactor Operations to 'open, or verify open, l the appropriate RCS and RHR sample valves. RCS Sample Valves Valve Name Valve Number RCS Loop 1A Th Sample ICIV l-PS-FV-4454/4454A RCS Loop IC Th Sample ICIV 1-PS-FV-4455/4455A r[.: I '.

       .+..~.~ RHR Sample Valves

       $2$I2 .                                                                                 Valve Name             Valve Number         ,

RHR Train A Sample ICIV 1-PS-FV-4458 RHR Train R Sample ICIV l-PS-FV-4459 RHR Train C Sample ICIV l-PS-FV-4460 1

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. O e,,.. Page 9 of 45 4 .,7,4 Select the appropriate liquid sample source and open the associated Sample Inlet Valve as follows: Reactor Coolant System - V104(1-AP-FV-2468) Residual Heat Removal System - V105(1-AP-FV-2469) Reactor Containment Building Sump - V106(1-AP-FV-2470) 4.7.5 Record the selected sample point, date and time on the RCS, RHR, and RCB Sump Data Sheet (-2). 4.7.6 Place the Liquid Discharge Diversion Valve V7(1-AP-MOV-2509) in position "2". 4.7.7 Slowly open the High Pressure Purge Outlet Valve g V114(1-AP-FV-2484) until Flow Indicator (1-AP-FS-2480) a lightsonthesemigraphicdisplayindicatingaminimua(( sample flow of 0.25 gpm. 45 4.7.8 Flush the inlet sample line for approximately 5-10 minutes. NOTE If the temperature reading exceeds 45 C on Temperature Indicator (1-AP-TISH-2481), immediately begin to slowly close the High Pressure Purge Outlet Valve Vil4(1-AP-FV-2484) until the temperature indication on Temperature Indicator (1-AP-TISH-2481) falls below 43 C. If the temperature does not immediately begin to fall, completely close

             .      . the selected sample inlet valve. Determine jfJi[        the cause of the high temperature before
         .k         .' continuing.

N .' . 4.7.9 While flushing the inlet sample line, observe the liquid sample temperature as indicated on Temperature Indicator (1-AP-TISH-2481). 4.7.10 When the sample inlet line flushing is completed, close the High Pressure Purge Outlet Valve V114(1-AP-FV-2484).

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, 1PCP08-AP-0003

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                              ,  ; j..

Page 10 of 45 4.8 eflush the LGSP internal process lines as follows. Refer to Addendum 2 for the correct flow path. 4.8.1 Open the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482), noting the pressure indicated by Pressure Indicator (1-AP-PISH-2518) located on the instrument panel. 4.8.2 Place the Liquid Sample Diversion Valve Vl(1-AP-MOV-2486) in position "D", and open the Liquid Sample Dilution Loop Inlet Valve V2(1-AP-FV-2561). 4.8.3 If Pressure Indicator (1-AP-PISH-2518) shows less than 150 psig, open the Liquid Sample Pressure Regulator Bypass Valve, V35(1-AP-FV-2487) to bypass the High Pressure Regulation Valve 1-AP-PCV-2510. 4.8.4 If the pressure is above 150 psig, the Liquid Sample Pressure Regulator Bypass Valve V35(1-AP-FV-2487) shougbe kept closed, and the Liquid Sample Pressure Reduction Selector Valve V3(1-AP-MOV-2562) placed in the followigg d' position depending on the inlet pressure. Inlet Pressure V3(1-AP-MOV-2562) (psig) Port Position 150 - 500 "C" 500 - 1500 "B" Above 1500 "A" 4.8.5 Place, or verify that the Liquid Discharge Diversion Valve V7(1-AP-h0V-2509) is in position 2, and open the Acalyzer Bypass Metering Valve V6(1-AP-MOV-2554) until the liquid sample Flow Indicator (1-AP-FS-2525) lights on the semi graphic display. 4.8.6 Purge for 2-3 minutes to displace the liquid inventory from

                                 . .               the LGSP process lines.

s . . .~ '

                              '~ ~

NOTE A gross gamma reading may be taken any time liquid sample is flowing passed Flow Indicator (1-AP-FS-2480) and the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2481) is open. m

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_ Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003

                ,. , . c. .                 and RCB Sump - Post Accident                 Rev. 0
              '}~ ,3-Page 11 of 45 14.8.7        Obtain a gross gamma reading, perform the foilowing steps. Open the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482). Verify that the probe volume indicator on the meter display shows 33 cc. Verify that the range selection on the meter is , in the "AUT0" mode. Verify that the range selector on the PASS Instrument Panel is in the " LOW RANGE" position. Zero the output scale by pressing the "ZER0" function button. Observe the display, it shouldread0+4uql4s (40 uV). +, . IF the display reads outside this range, turn i the "ZERO ADJUST" knob to correct the reading. Verify that the Liquid Sample Calibration Liquid Selector Valve V4(1-AP-MOV-2495) is in the "0FF" position. Verify that the Analyzer Bypass Metering Valve

;                                                    V6(1-AP-MOV-2554) is open to illuminate Flow Indicator (1-AP-FS-2525).

NOTE A flashing display indicates input to the

                 . , , :. meter is above the current meter settings.
             ';.:-41.       Place the range selector switch on the
             '7.' .7#       Instrument Panel to "HIGH RANGE".

K. ' ~ . . Depress the " EXPOSURE RATE" function button to display the exposure rate in mR/ min or R/ min. Convert the meter readings of mR/ min or R/ min to uCi/cc using the table in Addendum 7 (Punchlist 1.0). .

         .                      Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR,             IPCP08-AP-0003
                    .v0+            and RCB Sump - Post Accident               Rev. 0
                   '."f~;: -                                                   Page 12 of 45 7     5-     IF the gross gamma reading is < 10 mR/ min (0.01 R/ min), THEN consult Health and Safety Services to determine if the unshielded Undiluted Liquid Sample Bomb may be used in step 4.5.1 for Post Accident Operation. Repdrt the exposure rate and activity values to the Lead Chemical Technician IMMEDIATELY. NOTE Data Sheets may be completed later in lower dose area. Record the exposure rate and activity valuearon . the RCS, RHR, and RCB Sump Data Sheet (-2).jt 4.8.8 Close the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482). 4.9 Flush the liquid sample dilution loop and dissolved gas " bites" (if required) as follows. Refer to Addendum 3 for the correct flow path. 4.9.1 IF liquid sample dilution loop and dissolved gas " bites" are not required, THEN proceed to step 4.10. 4.9.2 Place or verify the following valves in the position shown below: Valve Name Valve Number Position 10 cc Bite Inlet V9(1-AP-MOV-2485) "A"

                    . , , :. Valve
                 ".' .'I#    10 cc Bite Outlet             V10(1-AP-MOV-2494)        -C"
                 E.C' ! -    Valve Dilution Pump Discharge       V11(1-AP-MOV-2504)        "A" Valve Liquid Sample Dilution        V12(1-AP-MOV-2665)        "D" Loop Control Valve 4.9.3     Close the Liquid Sample Dilution Loop Inlet Valve V2(1-AP-FV-2561), and place the Liquid Sample Diversion Valve Vl(1-AP-MOV-2486) in position "B".

4.9.4 Open the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482).

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

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          . ,4, .S. 5 . Flush for 2-3 minutes to displace the liquid inventory from the LGSP process lines.

4.9.6 Close the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482). 4.9.7 Place the Liquid Sample Diversion Valve Vl(1-AP-FV-2486) in position "D" and the Liquid Sample Dilution Loop Control Valve V12(1-AP-MOV-2665) in position "C". 4.9.8 Place the 10cc Bite Inlet Valve V9(1-AP-MOV-2485), the 10cc Bite Outlet Valve V10(1-AP-MOV-2494), and the Dilution Pump Discharge Valve V11(1-AP-MOV-2504) in position "B".. 4.9.9 Dilution of the " bite" and collection of the diluted sample is performed in step 4.14.2. 4.9.10 Degassing and' dissolved hydrogen determination of the other

                       " bite" is perf ormed in step 4.16.

g 4.10Flushtheundilutedliquidsamplecask(ifrequired)asfollows$[ ' Refer to Addendum 4 for the correct flow path, d5 4.10.1 IF an undiluted sample is not required, THEN proceed to step 4.11. 4.10.2 Open the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482), the Liquid Sample Dilution Loop Inlet Valve V2(1-AP-FV-2561) and the Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask Valve V8(1-AP-FV-2489)). 4.10.3 Flush the undiluted liquid sample cask for 2-3 minutes to ensure a representative sample. 4.10.4 When the flush is complete, close the Liquid Sample Dilution Loop Inlet Valve V2(1-AP-FV-2561), the Liquid Sample Outlet V109(1-AP-FV-2482) and the Undiluted Liquid

             .    . Sample Cask Valve V8(1-AP-FV-2489).

X .'.: *- f 4.1135Lu'sh the in-line process analyzer piping (if required) as follows. 4,JRe,fe;rtoAddendum5forthecorrectflowpath. 4.11.1 IF in-line process analysis is not required, THEN proceed to step 4.12. 4.11.2 Open the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482) and the Liquid Sample Dilution Loop Inlet Valve V2(1-AP-FV-2561) and place the Liquid Sample / Calibration , Liquid Selector Valve V4(1-AP-MOV-2495) in position "2". ' 4.11.3 Open the Analyzer Bypass Metering Valve V6(1-AP-MOV-2554) to establish purge flow, then open the Liquid Sample j Metering Valve V5(1-AP-MOV-2488) until the LGSP Liquid Sample Flow Indicator (1-AP-FS-2520) lights on the semi graphic display.

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 1 -, 0- and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

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Page 14 of 45

               ~-4.11.4      Purge for 2-3 minutes to displace the liquid inventory from the LGSP process lines.

4.11.5 Close the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482). 4.12 This completes the flushing steps necessary to ensure that a representative sample of the desired liquid sample source is contained or flowing through the LGSP. 4.13 The retainder of the procedure is divided into three main sections which may be completed concurrently or independently in any order based on operational requirements.

a. Liquid Sample Collection (section 4.14)
1. IF sections 4.5, 4.6, and 4.10 were performed, THEN Undiluted Sample Collection is performed in accordance with section 4.14.1. Jg-
                                                                                                             ++  .
2. IF section 4.9 was performed, THEN Diluted Sample db Preparation and Collection is performed in accordance wYth section 4.14.2.
b. Liquid Sample In-line Analyses (section 4.15)
1. IF section 4.11 was performed, THEN pH, Conductivity, and Dissolved Oxygen is performed in accordance with section 4.15.1.
2. Boron Analysis (section 4.15.2)
3. Chloride Analysis (section 4.15.3)
c. IF section 4.10 was performed, THEN Dissolved Hydrogen Analysis is performed in accordance with section 4.16.

4.14.Liqpid Sample Collection

             -Q7 ; .

7.'s.'14.1 Undiluted Sample Collection

             % :~:~. Place the following valves in the indicated positions to capture selected volumes of . 1 undiluted liquid for preparation of a diluted sample and isolation of an undiluted sample. l 1 I Valve Name Valve Number Position Liquid Sample Diversion Valve Vl(1-AP-MOV-2486) "D"

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, 1PCP08-AP-0003

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Page 15 of 45

            ., , . . . _            Valve Name           Valve Number          Position a

Liquid Sample Dilution Loop Inlet VaFia V2(FV-2561) OPEN 10cc Lite Inlet Valve V9(1-AP-MOV-2485) "B" 10cc Bite Outlet Valve V10(1-AP-MOV-2494) "B" Dilution Pump Discharge Valve V11(1-AP-MOV-2504) "C" Liquid Sample Dilution Loop r Control Valve V12(1-AP-MOV-2665) "g-Undiluted Liquid . Sample Cask Inlet d5 Isolation Valve 1-AP-XAP-0214 CLOSED

  -                                 Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask Outlet Isolation Valve      1-AP-XAP-0215          CLOSED Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask Valve    V8(1-AP-FV-2489)        CLOSED   Place both Liquid Sample Cask valves in the "BY-PASS" position. Open the Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask Inlet Isolation Valve (1-AP-XAP-0214 ), Undiluted

              .        .            Liquid Sample Cask Outlet Isolation Valve
           -l *a* I (1-AP-XAP-0215) and the Deionized Water Inlet
          .7~- .-E                  Valve V17(1-AP-FV-2545).
          $N: "..      4 ,14.1.4  Place the Deionized Water / Nitrogen Purge Inlet Valve V18(1-AP-MOV-2490) in position "1" and flush the cask inlet and outlet lines for 5 minutes. After flushing, close the Deionized Water Inlet Valve V17(1-AP-FV-2545) and place the Deionized Water / Nitrogen Purge Inlet Valve, V18(1-AP-MOV-2490) in the "0FF" position. Close the Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask Inlet Isolation Valve (1-AP-XAP-0214) and the Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask Outlet Isolation Valve (1-AP-XAP-0215).

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, 1PCP08-l.P-0003 _g,.. . and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0 4"

        ,   j  ..                                                       Page 16 of 45 c.,..,-   Remove the Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask as follows.
a. For the shielded Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask, disconnect the cask and prepare for shipment of fsite in accordance with
                                  .0PRP03-ZM-0014 (Movement of Material Out of Radiologically Controlled Area), and OPGP03-ZR-0020 (Shipment of Radioactive Material).
b. For the unshielded Undiluted Liquid Sample Bomb, disconnect the bomb and prepare for gamma isotopic analysis in accordance with IPCP08-AP-0005 (Determination of Radionuclides - Post Accident).

4.14.2 Toperforma1to1000dilutionontheliquid" bite",p' complete the following steps.

                                                                                   <n   . Place the Liquid Sample Divertor Valve V13(1-AP-MOV-2557) in position "A". Start Dilution Loop Circulation Pump P1(1-AP-PA-201) and circulate the liquid sample into the Dilution Tank (1-AP-TA-204) for 30 minutes to ensure uniform mixing. After mixing has been completed, stop Dilution Loop Circulation Pump P1(1-AP-PA-201). Place the Liquid Sample Divertor Valve V13(1-AP-MOV-2557) in position "D". Start Dilution Loop Circulation Pump P1 (1-AP-PA-201) to pump the diluted liquid sample

              .               through the diluted liquid sample port / septum.

g':.:.-Y JiI- if Purge the process tubing and the sample ilfE; , port / septum for 2-3 minutes. After purging is completed, lif t the port / septum shield and withdraw 15 mLs from the liquid sample septum using a syringe. Continue pumping until Flow Indicator (1-AP-FS-2564) turns off, the stop the Dilution Loop Circulation Pump P1(1-AP-PA-201).

      -                    Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR,             1PCP08-AP-0003
             .u . e. .        and RCB Sump - Post Accident                Rev. 0
            '."[},: -                                                     Page 17 of 45
r. . . n- Transfer the sample syringe to the fume hood in the PASS lab area for further processing and preparation.

4.15 Liquid Sample In-Line Analyses 4.15.1 To obtain a pR, conductivity, and -dissolved oxygen reading, perform the following steps. Refer to Addendum 5 for the correct flow path. Open the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482). Depress the pH monitor STANDARDIZE knob to activate the pH meter display and that the oxygen analyzer function switch is in the "0" position. , Verify that the conductivity monitor-selectgr t-switch is in the " Measure" position. an e When the pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen readings stabilize, report the readings to the Lead Chemical Technician. Close the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve

  • V109(1-AP-FV-2482).

NOTE Data Sheets may be completed later in a lower dose area.

           -5::      ,1.    Record the readings on the RCS, RHR, and RCB T'."f.!'#                  Sump Data Sheet (-2).

Y' : ~ . 4.15.2 To perform a boron analysis, complete the following steps. Refer to Addendum 6 for the correct flow path. Open the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482). Place the Liquid Sample / Calibration Liquid


Selector Valve V4(1-AP-MOV-2495) in the "0FF" position.

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003

      , , . , ,              and RGB Sump - Post Accident                      Rev. O
      ",' ;* ~
- Tage 18 of 45 e . . n- Open the Analyzer Bypass Metering Valve V6(1-AP-MOV-2554) until Flow Indicator (1-AP-FS-2525) lights on the semi-graphic display. Verify that the Boron Analyzer Inlet Isolation Valve (1-AP-XAP-0220) is open. Depress button "D0 SEQ". Select a boron concentration range for analysis.

a. For 0 - 200 ppm, depress numerals "02".
b. For 200 - 2000 ppm, depress numerals "03".
c. For 2000 - 6000 ppm, depress numerals "04". Depress "NEXT" and wait for a prompt comman , When the prompt command " COUNT" appears, dehhess numeral "1". Depress "NEXT". NOTE The analy.cis will take 10-15 minutes. NOTE


[. If an error 3 appears at the end of the g', ,7;'# analysis, select another boron concentration 9l5-: . range, and repeat the analysis. The analysis is now automatically performed, and the results displayed at the completion of all pre programmed steps. Report the boron analysis results to the Lead Chemical Technician IMMEDIATELY.

4 _ Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003

                                     . so .   .              and RCB Sump - Post Accident                                Rev. 0
                                         ~g-                                                                             Page 19 of 45
                                      . . .n-        -                 Close the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482).

NOTE Data Sheets may be completed later in a lower dos'e area. Record the boron analysis result on the RCS, RHR, and RCB Sump Data Sheet (-2). 4.15.3 To perform a chloride analysis, complete the following steps. Refer to Addendum 6 for the correct flow path. Open the Liquid Sample Outlet dk' 4, , Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482). 25 e Place the Liquid Sample / Calibration Liquid Selector Valve V4(1-AP-MOV-2495) in the "0FF" position. Open the Analyzer Bypass Metering Valve V6(1-AP-MOV-2554) until Flow Indicator. (1-AP-FS-2525) lights on the semi graphic display. Verify that the Ion Chromatograph (I.C.) has been prepared for operation and standardized in accordance-with section 6.6 of IPCP08-AP-0002 (Operation and Maintenance of the Post Accident Sampling System). Verify that a stable baseline conductivity

                                    ,)y :l .                                    exists.

4EIS . When the conductivity detector is stable, press

the " AUTO-OFFSET" button to zero the display and wait 10 seconds. Simultaneously depress the " START" button on the ' reporting integrator and the System 1

                                                                                " LOAD / INJECT" button on the Advanced

.' Chromatography Module (ACM).

         ,. - . ,,. . - . - - - , ,             ,,n     - --    - - - . - - , ,        - - . ,   - - , . . , , . . , , ,   . . _ . , -   -    ,- --


Sampling and Anal'y sis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003

                                   .and RCB Sump - Post Accident              Rev. 0 4".-
                           ..                                                 Page 20 of 45
                 .,,,,-    After 5 minutes, press the "STOP" button to stop integration and print the report..

NOTE Allow ten minutes between analysis runs to ensure that all sample ions have eluted from the column. When all snalyses are completed, close the Liquid Sample Outlet Valve V109(1-AP-FV-2482). Report the chloride analysis result to the Lead Chemical Technician IMMEDIATELY. g, 4w . i NOTE Data Sheets may be completed later in a lower dose area. Record the chloride analysis result on the RCS, RHR, and RCB Sump Data Sheet (-2). 4.16 Dissolved Hydrogen Analysis 4.16.1 Degas the liquid sample captured in section 4.9 as follows: Adjust Pressure Regulating Valve (1-AP-PCV-2548) to obtain a 20 psig reading on Pressure

                  .       .                Indicator (1-AP-PI-2541).
                        .? f 7~- sb     Open the 20 psig Argon Inlet i}$i, ,                       Valve V24(1-AP-FV-2538). Fully open Rotometer (1-AP-FICV-2547) to obtain flow indication and wait until the flow degrades to zero. Place the 10cc Bite Outlet Valve V10(1-AP-MOV-2494) into position "A".

~ 3ampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR2 '1PCP08-AP-0003

     ,,,,,.,       and RCB Sump - Post Accident              Rev. 0

Page 21 of 45

     ,,..--   Place the 10cc Bite Inlet Valve V9(1-AP-MOV-2485) into position "C". Observe gas flow on Rotometer (1-AP-FICV-2547) and wait until the flow indication degrades to zero. Then close Rotometer (1-AP-FICV-2547). Observe Pressure Indicator (1-AP-PI-2521), and record the readings on the PASS Data Sheet (-2). Place the 10cc Bite Outlet valve V10(1-AP-MOV-2494) in position "B", close the 20 psig Argon Inlet Valve V24(1-AP-FV-2558) and place the 10cc Bite Inlet Valve V9(1-AP-MOV-2485) in position "B". Wait 5 minutes to allow gas diffusion and m ing ofthegasesinthegasstrippingcylinder.[ ~


4.16.2 Verify that the G.C. has been standardized and that the G.C. system is operational as follows: Verify that 50 psig Argon carrier gas is available. NOTE Any deviation from 50.0 psig will affect the accuracy of the gas analysis. Verify that the Argon Distribution Isolation

       .   .              Valve (1-AP-XAP-305) is closed, the Argon Supply X, .i[,               Isolation (1-AP-XAP-301) is open, and that a-'                   Pressure Indicator (1-AP-PI-2540) reads 50.0 i,( ,                 psig.

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

                      * ~ 4 Page 22 of 45
                        , , .e     Verify that the 50 psig Argon Inlet Valve V23(1-AP-FV-2536) is in the "0 PEN" position.

NOTE If the red light is lit, then there is no carrier gas flow in the G.C. Verify that the G.C. has been turned on and that the red light on the G.C. is NOT lit. 4.16.3 Setup the G.C. and recorder for dissolved gas sampling as follows: Depress the MANUAL button on the front oftN' ((


G.C. and then depress the CLEAR button. e Verify an adequate supply of chart recorder paper. Verify that the G.C. Recording Integrator is on and programmed in accordance with IPCP08-AP-0002

                                             -(Operation and Maintenance of the Post Accident Sampling System). Turn on the G.C. output by entering command code "01" into the keyboard of the G.C. Verify a baseline on the chart recorder at 10% of scale. 4.16.4 Verify that the platen (column) temperatures has stabilized

                         .    . at the set point of 75 C as follows:
                     . .:. r*

7I- 53' Enter code "35" to display the set point of the 4}f9, ,, platen temperature. Enter code "45" to display the actual platen temperature.

      ..                      Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR,             IPCP08-AP-0003
         ;      s. g ,. .        and RCB Sump - Post Accident                Rev. 0
               *, "; ~,4. -                                                  Page 23 of 45
                 . . . , -    Enter code "46" to release the platen temperature display.

NOTE This will take approximately 10 - 15 minutes. Repeat the above two steps until the two temperatures agree within 1 grid mark on the recorder. Enter code "00" to reset all. functions. o 4.16.5 Select the analyzer ATTENUATION by depressing the g(. appropriate buttons on the G.C. 4, , a-d" Normal operation - 5 (5, x1) Post Accident operation - 50 (5, x10) 4.16.6 Verify that the G.C. is properly programmed as follows: Release the ENTER button. Depress the CLEAR button. Enter code "01" to display the first line of the program. Verify the contents of line 1 in accordance with Addendum 8.

              ,,.,.,    Continue to verify the remaining program lines
             ..s. ;;.                    in accordance with Addendum 8.

n did',' . If the data in any of the program lines are incorrect, return to the ENTER mode, CLEAR, and re-enter the correct data. NOTE l l The Gas Stripping Inlet /Oulet Valve l 1 V21(1-AP-FV-2491) may need to be cycled open  !

      -'                    and closed several times to achieve 0.0 psig                              j on Pressure Indicator (1-AP-Pl-2524).                                     )

4 Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 I l;C 4* and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

                            . 7;'                                                            Page 24 of 45 7-4.T6. 7   Obtain a gas sample for analysis by opening the Gas Stripping Inlet / Outlet Valve V21(1-AP-FV-2491) until Pressure Indicator (1-AP-PI-2524) indicates 0.0 psig.

4.16.8 Start a G.C. analysis by completing the following steps: Dep'ress the AUTO button, and press the CLEAR button. When the program has finished and the G.C. has reset, release the AUTO button and press the CLEAR button. Identify the recorded data with the date, time, type of sample and attenuation factor. 4.16.9 Record the G.C. results (concentration of dissolved hydrogeninCasStrippingTank(1-AP-TA-202)inppm)odhthe PASS Data Sheet (-2). 4m ik 4.16.10 Calculate the dissolved hydrogen content of the liquid sample (in cc/Kg) using the equation in section 5.0. i 4.16.11 Report the dissolved hydrogen analysis results to' the Lead Chemical Technician IMMEDIATELY. C' NOTE Data Sheets may be completed later in a lower dose area. 4.16.12 Record the dissolved hydrogen analysis results on t'he RCS,

                         . { . ;.

RHR, and RCB Sump Data Sheet (-2).

                        .% .li' NOTE Liquid Dilution Loop flushing must be completed in accordance with section 4.3 of IPCP08-AP-0002 (Operation and Maintenance of the Post Accident Sampling System) prior to collection of any additional liquid sample
                                    " bites" for dilution.



Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RRR, IPCP08-AP-0003 e O' and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

                     '.$~f -                                                         Page 25 of 45 4.17'Up'5n completion of all sampling and analysis activities for the selected liquid sample source, repeat steps 4.1 through 4.16 applicable for a different liquid sample source.

4.18 Upon completion of all sampling and analysis activities, flush the PASS with deionized water in accordance with IPCP08-AP-0002 (Operation and Maintenance of the Post Accident Sampling System). 5.0 Calculations 5.1 - Dissolved Gas Concentration (cc/Kg) A X (157.7) x (PI) X 1 X S.F. C= 1 E6 (14.7) 0.010 Kg where: C = concentration of dissolved gas in liquid in ec/Kg jk-

                                                                                                <w    .

A = concentration of dissolved gas in Gas Stripping Tankjp TA-202 ppm (G.C. results) 157.7 = total volume of Gas Stripping Tank TA-202 in cc , P1 = pressure of Argon on PI-2521, + 14.7 psia 0.010 Kg = mass of liquid in sample " bite" S.F. = Stripping Factor (from standardiration) ppm Hydrogen (theoretical) ppm Hydrogen (actual) 6.0 Standardization 6.1 Standardization of the PASS is performed in accordance with

                    ..iPpE08-AP-0002 (Operation and Maintenance of the Post Accident
                     ..+-                                                                           ,

7.0 Docudentation i 7.1 Logsheets and reports are dispositioned in accordance with OPCP01-AP-ZA-0011 (Chemical Laboratory Logsheets and Reports). 8.0 References 3 8.1 " Operation, Calibration, and Maintenance Manual for the Post Accident Sampling System for the South Texas Project - Units i NO. 1 & 2, 4314/8314-00064-BNV, July 17, 1985, Revision 0. i


Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 y;c C' and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0 Page 26 of 45 8.2 '-lPDP08-AP-0002 Operation and Maintenance of the Post Accident Sampling System, Rev. 0 8.3 OPCP08-AP-0005 Determination of Radioucides - Post Accident, Rev. 0 8.4 OPRP03-Zti-0014 Movement of Material Out of Radiologically Controlled Area, Rev 0 8.5 OPGP03-ZR-0020 Shipment, Rev 0 9.0 Support Documents 9.1 Operational PASS Component Checklist (-1) 9.2 RCS, RHR, and RCB Sump Data Sheet (-2) 9.3 Addendum 1 - Sample Inlet Line Flushing Flow Path 9.4 Addendum 2 - LGSP Internal Process Lines Flushing Flow Path 4m i 9.5 Addendum 3 - LGSP Sample " Bite" Flushing Flow Path 9.6 Addendum 4 - LGSP Undiluted Sample Bomb Flushing Flow Path 9.7 Addendum 5 - LGSP In-Line Analyzer Flushing Flow Path 9.8 Addendum 6 - LGSP Boron and Chloride Analysis Flow Path 9.9 Addendum 7 - Gross Gamma Conversion Chart 9.10 Addendum 8 - G.C. Microprocessor Program 9.11 Addendum 9 - Punchlist G @. 4 * + ,.%-p l l 1 l 1 l l


         .,                                               Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR,                                            IPCP08-AP-0003
                         .. , . c .                          and RGB Sump - Post Accident
  • Rev. 0

Page 27 of 45 r, . . :- OPERATIONAL PASS COMPONENT CHECKLIST IPCP08-AP-0003-1 (Page 1 of 9) Checklist Commenced: Date/ Time CHECKLIST EXCEPTIONS C0 !PONENT NUMBER COMPONENT NAME REMARKS h-i s Checklist Performed By: Print Name Sample Initials l - .

.: .*- r f.- .li
  • RTS:~.

l Checklist Completed By Chemical Technician Date/ Time I


Reviewed By: Lead Chemical Technician Date/ Time


This FORM, when completed, shall be retained for the life of the plant.

Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003

                                                         -                                      and RCB Sump - Post Accident                                 Rev. 0
                                     '"[,j -
                                      .                                                                                                                      Page 28 of 45
                                     --?                                       OPERATIONAL PASS COMPONENT CHECKLIST 1PCP08-AP-0003-1                                                                   .


                                                                                                                                                                         +                       .

4 h l Micir. 4 1

___s .. - _ , . . . Sarpling and ' An. ,. sis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 and RGB Sump - Post Accident- Rav. 0 Page'29 of.45 A OPERATIONAL PASS COMPONENT CilEC'KLIST IPCPO8-AP-0003-1 (Page 3 of 9) COMPONENT COMPONENT NAME LOCATION POSITION PERFORMED ,', REMARKS NUMBER s, , " ; j'.: .

                                      . '. ! -                                                                  REQUIRED        BY  '.    .


                                      ..    ., ,-                                                                                    e              ., ;

i **** VALUE LINEUP **** i V-1 (1-AP-MOV-2486) Liquid Sample Diversion Valve ECP C 1 i V-2 (1-AP-FV-2561) Liquid Sample Dilution Loop Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED 1 V-3 (1-APHMOV-2562) Liquid Sample Pressure Reduction Selector Valve ECP D V-4 (l-AP-MOV-2495) Liquid Sample /Calibratton Liquid Selector' Valve ECP OFF i V-5 (1-AP-MOV-2488) Liquid Sample Metering Valve ECP CLOSED V-6 (l-AP-MOV-2554) Analyzer Bypass Metering Valve ECP CLOSED t V-7 (1-AP-MOV-2509) Liquid Discharge Diversion Valve ECP 2 V-8 (1-AP-FV-2489) Undiluted Liquid Sample Cask Valve ECP CLOSED i V-9 (1-AP-MOV-2485) 10cc Bite Inlet Valve ECP B ! V-10 (1-AP-MOV-2494) 10cc Bite Outlet Valve ECP- D I i j V-11 (1-AP-MOV-2504) Dilution Pump Discharge Valve ECP D . V-12 (1-AP-MOV-2665) Liquid Sample Dilution Loop Control Valve ECP C V-13 (1-AP-MOV-2557) Liquid Sample Divertor Valve ECP C

V;14 (1-AP-FV-2507) Dilution Vessel Overflow Valve ECP' CLOSED i V-15 (1-AP-FV-2506)

Dilution Vessel Overflow Valve At t $. ECP CLUSED 1 w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - _ _ _ . _ _ _ -

                                                             ' Sampling and Ans_,ois-of RCS, RHR,                                 IPCP08-AP-0003 and RCB Sump - Post Accident                                  Rev. O Page 30 of 45 OPERATIONAL PASS COMPONENT CHECKLIST lCP08-AP-0003-1                                                                                ,

(Page 4'of 9)

                                            ? e COMPONENT                       Q,7:*,,

COMPONENT NAME LOCATION POSITION PERFORMED JEMARKS 8-NUMBER , , f *, REQUIRED BY . - 1 Dilht'ibn.' Vessel Deionized ii l V-16 (1-AP-MOV-2505) Water / Nitrogen Inlet Valve ECP OFF l . j V-17 (1-AP-FV-2545) DeionizedWWater Inlet Valve ECP OPEN i

V-18 (1-AP-MOV-2490) Deionized Water / Nitrogen Purge Inlet Valve ECP OFF i

j V-19 (1-AP-FV-2508) LGSP Spray / Wash System Inlet Valve- ECP CLOSED l j V-20 (1-AP-FV-2539) 15 psig Nitrogen Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED Cas Stripping Cylinder { V-21 (1-AP-FV-2491) Inlet / Outlet Valve ECP CLOSED Gas Stripping Cylinder Deionized ,l V-22 (1-AP-FV-2493) Water Valve ECP OFF 1 j V-23 (1-AP-FV-2536) ' 50 psig Argon Inlet Valve ECP OPEN V-24 (1-AP-FV-2538) 20'psig Argon Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED V-25 (1-AP-FV-2537) 40 psig Calibration Gas Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED V-26 (1-AP-MOV-2498) Gas Sample / Calibration Gas Inlet Valve ECP '0FF V-27 (1-AP-MOV-2499) Undiluted Gas Sample Cask Outlet Valve ECP D V-28 (1-AP-MOV-2497) Undiluted Gas Sample Cask outlet Valve ECP D V-29 (1-AP-FV-2535) Vacuum Pump Suction Valve 'ECP CLOSED i , V-30 (1-AP-MOV-2496) Vacuum Pump Discharge Valve ECP OFF Af tl%b i ] i a .

t Savpling and Ana -us of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003' 2 and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0 . j ~Page 31 of 45-OPERATIONAL PASS COMPONENT CilECKLIST IPCPO8-AP-0003-1 (Page 5 of 9) 1 COMPONENT s,'j', } ij*',, COMPONENT NAME LOCATION POSITION . PERFORMED'. 3EMARKS I NUMBER REQUIRED BY .,s.

  • t.
. * % ? v. . -;
V-31 (1-AP-FV-2500) LCSP Argon Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED

[ V-32 (1-AP-MOV-2501) Gas Chromatograph Outlet Valve ECP SAMPLE V-33 (1-AP-MOV-2502) Vacuum Reservoir Inlet Valve ECP SAMPLE i j ^ V-34 (1-AP-FV-2503) Diluted Gas Sample Vessel Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED Liquid Sample Pressure Regulator t { V-35 (1-AP-FV-2487) Bypass Valve ECP CLOSED 1 j V-101 (1-AP-FV-2465) RCB Atmosphere Sample Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED 1 l V-102 (1-AP-FV-2466) RCB Atmosphere Sample Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED ! V-103 (1-AP-FV-2467) RCB Atmosphere Sample Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED } l l V-104 (1-AP-FV-2468) RCS Sample Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED 't V-105 (1-AP-FV-2469) RHR Sample Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED .l V-106 (1-AP-FV-2470) RCB Sump Sample Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED i V-107 (1-AP-FV-2471) Spare Sample Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED ] i V-108 (1-AP-FV-2472) Spare Sample Inlet Valve ECP CLOSED V-109 (1-AP-FV-2482) Liquid Sample Outlet Valve ECP CLOSED { V-110 (1-AP-FV-2473) Deionized Water Inlet Valve ECP OPEN Af Tlyb 4 b .

_ . _ . _ _ _ .. _- _ . . .. _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ , _ _.-._._ _m. _. , _ _ . . _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ __ ._ Savpling and Analysis of RCS, RilR, IPCP08-AP-0003 and RGB Sump

                                                                                                      -Post Accident.                                             Rev. O i

Page 32 of 451 OPERATIONAL PASS COMPONENT CllECKLIST 1PCP08-AP-0003-1 (Page 6 of 9) i

                                                     .1,1 ; ;                                                                                                                      ,._

! COMPONENT ' f; ; '(l* COMPONENT NAME . IDCATION POSITION PERFORMEI) *RF/jARKS NUMBER l ;f .T . REQUIRED BY -l- E' e 1' V-Ill (1-AP-MOV-2478) Deionized Water Flush Selector Valve ECP A-V-112 (1-AP-MOV-2558) Deionized Water Flush Selector Valve ECP A l E V-113 (1-AP-FV-2559) Flush Water Drain Valve ECP CLOSED V-Il4 (1-AP-FV-2484) liigh Pressure Purge Outlet Valve ECP CLOSED V-115 (1-AP-MOV-2516)l Waste Collection Unit Discharge Diversion Valve ECP 1 ' l-AP-XAP-113 Sample Cooler (llX-101) Inlet Isolation valve SCR OPEN l-AP-XAP-114 Sample Cooler (IlX-101) Outlet Isolation Valve SCR OPEN 1 ] l-AP-XAP-115 Sample Cooler (ilX-102) Inlet Isolation Valve SCR OPEN 1-AP-XAP-ll6 Sample Cooler (llX-102) Outlet Isolation Valve SCR OPEN 1-AP-XAP-ll7 Sample Cooler (IlX-103) Inlet Isolation Valve SCR OPEN 1-AP-XAP-118 Sample Cooler (IlX-103) Outlet Isolation Valve SCR OPEN I l l-AP-XAP-il9 Sample Cooler (IlX-104) Inlet Isolation Valve SCR OPEN 1-AP-XAP-120 Sample Cooler (ilX-104) Outlet Isolation Valve SCR OPEN 1-AP-XAP-121 Cooling Water Inlet Isolation Valve SCR OPEN i 1-AP-XAP-122 Cooling Water Outlet Isolation Valve i. 1 mm SCR OPEN wr a 7 i b

Sarpling and Anayats of RCS, RllR, .lPCP08-AP-0003 and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0 Page 33 of.45 OPERATIONAL PASS C0!!PONENT CllECKLIST IPCP08-AP-0003-1 (Page 7 of 9) l COMPONENT . y ll , , COMPONENT NAME LOCATION POSLTION PERFORMED ,88 MARKS 8* NUMBER . ' . '! . REQUIRED BY . - i In-lins!Isbtopic Analyzer . , 1-AP-XAP-123 (Gas) Outlet Isolation Valve - SCR CLOSED In-line Isotopic Analyzer 1-AP-XAP-124 (Liquid) Outlet Isolation Valve SCR CLOSED Undiluted Liquid Sample 1-AP-KAP-214 Cask Inlet Isolation Valve LGSP CLOSED Undiluted Liquid Sample 1-AP-XAP-215 Cask outlet Isolation Valve LCSP CLOSED Undiluted Gas Sample 1-AP-XAP-216 Cask Inlet Isolation Valve LGSP CLOSED Undiluted Gas Sample 1-AP-XAP-217 Cask Outlet Isolation Valve LCSP CLOSED Removable Gas Sample Vessel 1-AP-XAP-219 Outlet Isolation Valve LCSP CLOSED l-AP-XAP-220 Boron Analyzer Inlet Isolation Valve LCSP CLOSED j Undiluted Liquid Sample 1-AP-XAP-222 Cask Line Inlet Isolation Valve LCSP 50cc/ min Ion Chromatograph Calibration I-AP-XAP-224 Pump Inlet Isolation Valve LGSP OFF 1-AP-XAP-301 Argon Supply Isolation Valve IP OPEN 1-AP-XAP-302 10% 0xygen in Argon Supply Isolation Valve IP CLOSED 1 1000 PPM tlydrogen in Argon I-AP-XAP-303 Supply Isolation Valve IP CLOSED l-AP-XAP-304 5% llydrogen in Argon Supply Isolation Valve IP CLOSED l-AP-XAP-305 Argon Distribution Isolation Valve IP CLOSED N % Q=

                                                                           .Sanpling and Anai. .s of RCS, RHR,                                           .IPCP08-AP-0003                                                    ,

and RCB Surap - Post Accident Rev. 0 Page 34 of 45 4

  !                                                                       OPERATIONAL PASS COMPONENT CHECKLIST IPCP08-AP-0003-1

.! NUMBER -)* l 'U'

                                                      ,                                                                                       REQUIRED             PERFORMED'.-
                                                                                                                                                                       'BY          ' ' E.
                                                  ., i , 4 ! ; '                                                                                                                !i    t, I; l-AP-XAP-308           Nitrogen Supply Isolation Valve                                                   IP              OPEN 1-AP-XAP-314           Calibration Solution Tank Rinse                                                   IP-             CLOSED l-AP-XAP-315           Instrument Air Supply Isolation Valve                                             IP               INSTR AIR l                                          Calibration Liquid Transfer j                    1-AP-XAP-316           Pump Isolation Valve                                                              IP               CLOSED j                     1-AP-XAP-602          Waste Collection Tank Pump Isolation Valve                                          WCU         CLOSED l-AP-XAP-603           Waste Collection Tank Pump Isolation Valve                                         WCU          CLOSED i                                                                 **** PUMP LINEUP ****                                                                                                                                      !

P-1 (1-AP-PA-201) Dilution Loop Circulation Pump ECP STOP

I P-2 (l-AP-PA-202)l Vacuum Pump ECP STOP P-3 (1-AP-PA-301)l Transfer Pump ECP STOP I

P-4 (1-AP-PA-302)l Deionized Water Booster Pump ECP STOP ] ___ l t i P'r(1-AP-PA-601)l Liquid Waste Transfer Pump ECP AUTO ' I P-6 (1-AP-PA-602)l Gas Waste Transfer Pump ECP STOP P-7 (1-EP-PA-001) Liquid Sump Pump 'SE05 ECP '

                                                                                                                                                                                               .                 ,  J P-8 (1-AP-PA-203)l] Chloride Standard Pump                                                                   LCSP          STOP,                                           '
,                        [.                                                 4 1
  • 3 - i g^ ,
    ~                                                                           '

4 4 _

                                                                                                                                    ,,                                 . .e >                                         >,


                                                                                                                                                                          *        ' ~

9_ i

       ..                                                                                                  Sarpling and Anay sis of RCS, RHR,        IPCP08-AP-0003 and RCB Sump - Post Accident          Rev. O' Page 35 of 45 OPERATIONAL PASS COMPONENT CilECKLIST IPCPO8-AP-0003-1 (Page 9 of 9)
                         ,,     ,                                                                          **** ELECTRICAL LINEUP ****
  • Q ; 1l '. .
                                                                                                                                                                >   ,'s y Breaker No. 1 Main Cit      &ui't Breaker                                                                                                   ECP ON
                                                                                                                                                                  . - aw Breaker No. 2 Boron Analyzer Power                                                                                                          ECP DN Breaker No. 3 Pump Power                                                                                                                    ECP ON Breaker No. 4 Electrical Control Panel Power                                                                                                ECP ON Breaker No. 5 Instrument Panel Power                                                                                                        ECP ON Breaker No. 6 Auxiliary Power                                                                                                               ECP ON l


     .                                 Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR,                                IPCP08-AP-0003
                      .. ,:. c .          and RCB Sump - Post Accident                                   Rev. O
                     ".'*{: . -                                                                          Page 36 of 45
. . . :- RCS,RHR, AND RCB SUMP DATA SHEET iPCP08-AP-0003-2 (Page 1 of 1) .

Sample Point: Sample Date/ Time: -

1. pH  :
2. Conductivity  : umhos /cm
3. Dissolved Oxygen  : ppm
4. Gross Gamma  : MR/ min or R/ min
5. Boron  : ppm , ,


6. Chloride  :


        ,   7. Dissolved Hydrogen :                                                               ppm in Gas Stripping Tank TA-202
                    ^:        .;..


                    '~.3 .' .                                . - < . - . .

Performed by: Chemical Technician Date/ Time Reviewed by: Lead Chemical Technician Date/ Time This FORM, when completed, shall be retaint.d for the life of the plant. 1



Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPC'r08-AP-0003

                            ,O                                           and RGB Sump - Post Accident                                                                                                                                 sev. 0
                           ; ,f-                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 37 of 45 T                                                                       ADDENDUM i SAMPLE U1LET LINE FLUSHING FLOW PATH (Page 1 of 1)
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Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, 1PCP08-AP-0003 y,C f and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

, Page 38 of 45
        '"*                                                                           ADDENDUM 2 LGSP INTERNAL PROCESS LINES FLUSHING FLOW PATH (Page 1 of 1) um
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Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003

                . -  -                                and RCB Sump - Post Accident                                                                                                                Rev. 0 Page 39 of 45
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Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 l; 4 -,G' and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

.'- Page 40 of 45
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O Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 llf, C' and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

          - ,-        +                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 41 of 45
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4 . -'  ! Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 - y, C 7":' and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

                                                    -.^~'                                                                                                       Page 43 of 45
                                                   ""~                                                                   ADDENDUM 7 GROSS CAMMA CONVERSION CHART (Page 1 of 1)

(Punchlist 1.0) 1 s


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O Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 y,Cf and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0

                                                             .T'                                                                                       Page 44 of 45 f.'..--

ADDENDUM 8 G.C. MICROPROCESSOR PROGRAM (Page 1 of 1) Program Time Step Min /Sec Code Description 01 00 01 33 Start Integrator 02 - 00 02 03 Inject Sample 03 00 25 25 TCD Signal ON 04 00 26 01 Recorder ON 05 01 30 33 Integrator 0FF 06 01 31 00 Reset h



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Sampling and Analysis of RCS, RHR, IPCP08-AP-0003 y,C f' and RCB Sump - Post Accident Rev. 0


Page 45 of 45

                                             '-*T                                                           ADDENDUM 9 PUNCHLIST (Page 1 of 1)

Item Number Step Item Description 1.0 Conversion chart values for converting Addendum 7 integrated dose readings to activity. This procedure may be used without this information.

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