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Forwards Documents Received from ACRS Re Diablo Canyon Subcommittee 780614-15 Meeting on Seismic Design,Including ACRS Consultant Repts,Communications Received from Public & ACRS Project Status Rept
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Diablo Canyon
Issue date: 07/11/1978
From: Allison D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20150F500 List: ... further results
FOIA-86-391 NUDOCS 8608250446
Download: ML20212M330 (3)





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3 JUL 11 1978 MEI00RANDUM FOR:

J. F. Stolz, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No 1 Division of Project Management FROM:

D. P. Allison, Project Manager, Light Water Reactors Branch No.1 Divisien of Project Management


DIABLO CANYON SEISMIC DESIGN The enclosed material was received from the Advisory Connittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) in connection with the Diablo Canyon Subcommittee meeting of June 14,1978 and June 15,1978.

It includes the following types of material related to Diablo Canyon seismic design:

(1) ACRS consultant reports, (2) consunications received froin the public, and (3) ACRS project


status report.

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the material to the public document rooms and the parties.

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0 D. P. Allison, Project Manager d

Light Water Reactors Branch No.1 I

Division of Project Management l


As Stated cc:

See Next Page


, Distribution:

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J. F. Stolz, Chief, Light Water Reactors Branch No 1 Division of Project Management D. P. Allison. Project Manager, Light Water Reactors Brancn FRDM:

No. I Division of Project Management StlBJECT:

DIABLO CANYDN SEISMIC DESIGN The enclosed materfai uns received from the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) ik connection with the Ciablo Canyon Subcoeurittaa meeting of June 14,1978 and June 15,1978. It includes the following types of matertal related to Diablo Canyon safsmic design: (1) ACR$ consultant reports, (2) communications received from the public, and (3) ACRS project The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the material statur report.

to the public document rooms and the carties.


O. P. Allison, Project Manager Light Water Reactors Branch No.1 Division of Project Management

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As Stated cc:

See Next Page Distribution: File LDDavis LWR #1 File RC-oddard NRC PDR Local PDR OPAllison i

JCSTEPP RHofmann RDenise JFStolz 0Vassallo I

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NNewmark - U of Ill.

WHall - U of Ill.

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Pacific Gas & Electric Company July 11, 1978 Pacific Gas & Electric Company ATTH: Mr. John C. Morrissey Vice President & General Counsel 77 Beale Street San Francisco, California 94106 Philip A. Crane, Jr., Esq.

Pacific G'as & Electric Company 77 Beale Street San Francisco, California 94106 Janice E. Kerr, Esq.

California Public Utilities Commission 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, California 94102 Mr. Frederick Eissler, President Scenic Shoreline Preservation Conference, Inc.

4623 More Mesa Drive Santa Barbara, California 93105 Ms. Elizabeth E. Apfelberg 1415 Cazadero BRggWdg San Luis Obispo, California 93401 Ms. Sandra A. Silver E'

Mr. Gordon A. Silver fhf 425 Luneta Drive San Luis Obispo, California 93401

- s Paul C. Valentine, Esq.

321 Lytton Avenue Palo Alto, California 94302 Yale I. Jones, Esq.

19th Floor 100 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, California 94102 Mr. R. C. Martin California Division of Mines and Geology 107 South Broadway, Room 1065 Los Angeles, California 90012 L-


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