MONTHYEARML20116A0341996-07-17017 July 1996 Rev 0 to Temp Vs Distance Profile for 10 RHR Line Containing Stagnant Water ML20058Q4061993-08-30030 August 1993 Package Consisting of Employee Concerns Programs ML20128G9491993-01-22022 January 1993 Calculation of Weights Due to Fire Protection Matl ML20128G9551992-12-29029 December 1992 Design Validation of Conduits W/Thermolag ML20128G9861992-10-0202 October 1992 Ampacity of Power Cable Wrapped W/330-660 Installed as Free Air Drop ML20105A7981992-08-14014 August 1992 Rev 0 to Calculation of Thermal Response for Sprinkler & Raceway Supports ML20101G0471992-06-17017 June 1992 Rev 3 to Calculation 2-FP-0085 Raceway & Firezone R Cable Supports Analysis ML20115B6851992-03-0202 March 1992 Rev 0 to 2-NP-GENX-544, Reconciliation of Local Stress Evaluation Using ME215 Analysis ML20104B4001992-02-13013 February 1992 Rev 1 to Calculation RXE-TA-CP1/0-027, Undervoltage/ Underfrequency Reactor Trip Setpoints ML20127H2091991-11-12012 November 1991 Calculation 2-NP-GENX-551, Evaluation of NUREG-0797 Suppl 1A (Sser 14) App a Sections 12.1 & 12.2 ML20082U5851991-05-0808 May 1991 Liner Attachment Welds Serviceability ML20055E2881990-03-12012 March 1990 Package Consisting of Event Notification Worksheet Re 900312 Inadvertent Safety Injection from Single Train.No Equipment Malfunction/Failure Noted ML20072A8471990-01-23023 January 1990 Rev 2 to Calculation 071, Review Statement for Safety Related Calculations ML20042D3711989-09-28028 September 1989 Audit Rept ATP-89-146S, Scaling Calculations, on 890821-0928 ML20247R3711989-09-18018 September 1989 Package of Three FOIA Requests ML20247G4111989-03-31031 March 1989 Transit Time Flow Meter Calculations ML20155F8031988-09-0707 September 1988 Viewgraphs from Meeting on New Radwaste Facilities at Plants ML20151T3841988-08-0101 August 1988 Protocol Between OSP & NRR for Technical Review of Comanche Peak Fsar ML20151K5841988-04-18018 April 1988 Page from Draft Rept on Plant Safeteam Activity & Ofc of Investigations Review ML20148F8201988-01-21021 January 1988 Rev 0 to Investigation of SIF for Weld Shrinkage ML20148F8631988-01-21021 January 1988 Rev 1 to Parallel Snubbers ML20237D7901987-12-10010 December 1987 Package of Unrelated Documentation Re Listed Plants Concerning NRC Emergency Response Data Sys IA-87-725, Package Consisting of Requests for Addl Info Re Gpu Topical Repts TR-033, Methods for Generation of Core Kinetics Data for Retran-02 & TR-040, Steady-State & Quasi-Steady-State Methods Used in Analysis.... SPDS Meeting Summary Encl1987-11-20020 November 1987 Package Consisting of Requests for Addl Info Re Gpu Topical Repts TR-033, Methods for Generation of Core Kinetics Data for Retran-02 & TR-040, Steady-State & Quasi-Steady-State Methods Used in Analysis.... SPDS Meeting Summary Encl ML20236S4421987-11-20020 November 1987 Package Consisting of Requests for Addl Info Re Gpu Topical Repts TR-033, Methods for Generation of Core Kinetics Data for Retran-02 & TR-040, Steady-State & Quasi-Steady-State Methods Used in Analysis.... SPDS Meeting Summary Encl ML20148F2151987-11-19019 November 1987 Rev 0 to Potential Binding of Lugs in Axial Supports ML20149H9011987-10-0808 October 1987 Package Consisting of Repts of Licensee Telcons to Region V Re Incidents on 871007 & 1221 ML20237K9771987-08-19019 August 1987 Press Release 87-115 Informing of NRC Release of Documents Re Investigation of NRC Actions Involving Plant Under Const. Portions of Documents Deleted for Personal Privacy Reasons or Prospective Personnel Matters ML20151M9601987-07-20020 July 1987 Package of NRC Administered Requalification Exam Results Summary ML20215G6621987-06-18018 June 1987 Package Consisting of Basic Nuclear Concepts - Lesson Objectives,Ja Dellavalle Undated Ltr & Northeast Utils, Thames Valley State Technical College Nuclear Engineering Technology Contract & Amend 1 ML20148F2521987-05-22022 May 1987 Rev 0 to Evaluation of Fluid Transient Cutoff Forces & Development of Screening Criteria for Piping Sys ML20237K0381987-05-14014 May 1987 Record of 870514 Telcon W/S&W & Util Re Insp Requirements for Pipe Supports (Ref Item 4,SWEC NA-1140 Rept) ML20237K0201987-05-13013 May 1987 Record of 870513 Telcon W/S&W & Util Re Insp Requirements for Pipe Supports for Plant.S&W Does Not Consider Insp of Designs to Be Warranted ML20235P0461987-03-23023 March 1987 Package Consisting of Draft Board Notification 87-005 Re BNL Draft Rept on Spent Fuel Pool Accidents & Viewgraphs Concerning Generic Issue 82 on Beyond DBAs in Spent Fuel Pools ML20128G9681987-02-24024 February 1987 Cable Ampacity Derating Factors for Conduits Boxed in W/ Thermolag (TSI Product) ML20236L9091987-02-19019 February 1987 Rev 1 to CT-1-137-701-S25R, Pipe Support Calculation ML20215H9621987-02-0505 February 1987 Package Consisting of NRR Presentation to ACRS Re 870115 Technical Meeting to Consider Generic Implications of Facility Feedwater Line Failure & J Rosenthal Failure of Main Feedwater Pipe 861209 Outline ML20236N4981987-02-0202 February 1987 Package Consisting of Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Design Change Authorizations & Evaluation Summaries ML20207D7231986-12-23023 December 1986 Pipe Support Calculation:General Calculation for Richmond Insert/Tube Steel Connections Design Mods ML20207D7481986-12-23023 December 1986 Generic Calculation:Evaluation of Npsi Rear Brackets, Dimension for Design Calculation IA-86-386, Package Consisting of Potential Violations Not Included in Proposed Enforcement Package & Violations of Little Safety Significance Not Included in Proposed Enforcement Package1986-12-16016 December 1986 Package Consisting of Potential Violations Not Included in Proposed Enforcement Package & Violations of Little Safety Significance Not Included in Proposed Enforcement Package ML20211P4701986-12-16016 December 1986 Package Consisting of Potential Violations Not Included in Proposed Enforcement Package & Violations of Little Safety Significance Not Included in Proposed Enforcement Package ML20214R3351986-12-0101 December 1986 Partially Withheld Package of Info Re Plant Investigation, Including Draft NRC Ltr to Aslb,Partial Transcript & Handwritten Notes IA-85-799, Partially Withheld Package of Info Re Plant Investigation, Including Draft NRC Ltr to Aslb,Partial Transcript & Handwritten Notes1986-12-0101 December 1986 Partially Withheld Package of Info Re Plant Investigation, Including Draft NRC Ltr to Aslb,Partial Transcript & Handwritten Notes ML20235S1101986-11-15015 November 1986 Package of Documents Re Nomination & Authorization for Cash Awards to NRC Personnel Involved W/Insp Efforts Re Implementation of Util Comanche Peak Response Team Program IA-87-528, Package of Documents Re Nomination & Authorization for Cash Awards to NRC Personnel Involved W/Insp Efforts Re Implementation of Util Comanche Peak Response Team Program1986-11-15015 November 1986 Package of Documents Re Nomination & Authorization for Cash Awards to NRC Personnel Involved W/Insp Efforts Re Implementation of Util Comanche Peak Response Team Program ML20210E5991986-11-0707 November 1986 Rev 2 to Calculation 020-040-M19, Clip Stiffness Production Value ML20210E6811986-10-31031 October 1986 Rev 4 to Calculation M-03, Cable Tray Properties ML20236L8891986-10-31031 October 1986 Rev 1 to CT-1-137-702-S25R, Pipe Support Calculation. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20210E5221986-10-15015 October 1986 Rev 2 to Calculation M-10, Cable Tray - Clip Angle Stiffness ML20210E5751986-10-10010 October 1986 Rev 2 to Calculation M-12, Qualification Procedures for Cable Tray Support Evaluation 1996-07-17
MONTHYEARML20237K0381987-05-14014 May 1987 Record of 870514 Telcon W/S&W & Util Re Insp Requirements for Pipe Supports (Ref Item 4,SWEC NA-1140 Rept) ML20237K0201987-05-13013 May 1987 Record of 870513 Telcon W/S&W & Util Re Insp Requirements for Pipe Supports for Plant.S&W Does Not Consider Insp of Designs to Be Warranted ML20134J9451985-06-17017 June 1985 Telcon W/Rm Grant on 850617 Re Reinsp of Structural Welds in Power Block ML20199H5511985-03-21021 March 1985 Partially Withheld Record of 850321 Telcon W/Alleger Re Unit 1 Backfill Performed in 1977 ML20206U6031985-01-27027 January 1985 Record of 850127 Telcon W/Alleger A-31 to Discuss Concern Re Const of Facility ML20134G0411984-12-28028 December 1984 Telcon W/Members of Comanche Peak Project Technical Review Team & Util on 841228 Re Util Action Items.Nrc Briefed Re Util Approach to as-built Concrete Schmidt Hammer Test Work IA-86-217, Partially Withheld Record of 840614 Telcon Between D Andrews & B Hayes Re Drug Investigation at Plant1984-06-15015 June 1984 Partially Withheld Record of 840614 Telcon Between D Andrews & B Hayes Re Drug Investigation at Plant ML20215E3631984-06-15015 June 1984 Partially Withheld Record of 840614 Telcon Between D Andrews & B Hayes Re Drug Investigation at Plant ML20207Q0811983-10-19019 October 1983 Record of Telcon W/G Kaerter on 831019 Re Alleged Cocaine Use at Wolf Creek Site.Related Documentation Encl ML20023D1811982-10-18018 October 1982 Telcon W/R Lanksbury on 821018 Re Analysis of Carbon Steel Not at Facilities.Nut Passed Hardness Test Used to Calculate Proof Test ML20129J3941980-02-27027 February 1980 Telcon W/B Beal of San Antonio Newspaper on 800221 Re Concrete Void Problems in Containment Bldgs.Final 10CFR50.55(e) Rept Issued on 840220 ML20129J5231980-02-15015 February 1980 Telcon W/Ea Turner of Util on 800212 Re Untimely Reporting of Significant Const Deficiencies & Other Matters Concerning Interface W/Nrc Resident Inspectors.Prompt Corrective Action Will Be Taken ML20129J4181980-01-30030 January 1980 Telcon W/B Hight of Austin American Statesman on 800212 Re stop-work Order to Util for Plant Const activities.Stop-work Order Imposed on Complex safety-related Concrete Placements as Result of Recent NRC Insp Findings ML20133N1301979-04-10010 April 1979 Record of 790320 Telcon W/D Ford of Ucs Re Participation in Facility Pipe Stress Issue ML20098C8631975-10-0808 October 1975 Telcon W/Th Cox of NRC Re Financing for Units 4 & 5 1987-05-14
[Table view] |
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Chet Posiusny
I telephoned an alleger regarding his concerns over
On March-21, 1985, backfill perfonned around Comanche Peak Unit I during 1977.
I told him that I and appropriate TRT members would be willing to meet with him to discuss his Concerns.
He requested that the TRT verify his concern which was as follows: During l
1977 the area around Unit I had been dug out down to solid rock, had been photographed and diagrammed by TUGCO.
_ In the spring of 1977 the Applicant had to use a crane near Unit 1 and brought several large dump truck loads of dirt (no approved fill) and leveled it off. He was told that the backfill was a temporary measure and that it would be removed at a later date. He feels that it was never removed and that requirement for Class 1 fill has not been met as a result.
I He asked that the TRT do two things; the first is to determine that there is still a requirement to have Class 1 backfill around the structures and secondly to review the soil records to determine what was used around Unit 1.
I told him that I would contact him next week when we had an answer.
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