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Audit Rept ATP-89-146S, Scaling Calculations, on 890821-0928
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1989
From: Ranstrom D, Sturtz W
Shared Package
ML20042D368 List:
ATP-89-146S, NUDOCS 9001090060
Download: ML20042D371 (89)


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L TIX-89850 Pc8e 1 of 71 LFEnclosuro3to l

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i I


AUDIT DATES: August 21 thmugh September 28,1989 ,





y b / l W .A l W. F eiumas M," h AUWIT TEAM i

a AFP OV 1 hila '

U. L. RA We a MOM



.l 9001090060.891221 Page 1 of 23 PDR ADOCK 05000445 A PDC '


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Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 l



se 7300 Process Instrumentation System The sedit of scaling calculations related to the Westin 28,1989 at the CECO of5ces on the was performed ham August 21,1989 through Septem CPSES site in Olso Rose, Texas.


l The Westinghouse 7300 Process Instrumentation System is considered to be a mature system sinc is installed and operating in a number of nuclear facilides worldwide. The CPSES system was l designed, fabricated, assembled, and tested by Westinghouse under their QA program.  ;

' Documentation including Equipment Reference Manuals; the Scaling Manual, the Precautions, j Limissions and Se point Document (PLAS); and Interconneenon Wiring Diagrams was sent to the ,

sine to facilimee the understanding of tha system. In the 1982 time frame the project decided that a '

document was needed which prcmded nec assary instrumentanon calibration and setup informanon l a concise useable format. The scanng calculation evolved as the document a fL11 that need. Scanng Calculadons are not calculadons in the classical ensmeen'ng sense. These documents, which a unique so CPSES, are primarDy a compilation of information derived froen several sources th assembled in one document for the convenience of the user. The average scaling calculation cont approximately 100 discrees bits of information necessa_ry for the proper calibranon of the loo than 20% of which are acamily calculated or derived. Bits is not sneant to indicate that scaling calculation preparadon is simplisde; on the con , a thorough undmtanding of eleceonics and the l mentanon reference sources and drawings is a Westinghouse system and components as well as prereqmsies.

Scaling is the process of determining the adjustments to the process inssumentation which w ture, pressure, etc.) ikom engineering units (*F, psig correctly convert plant variabit.s (e.["., se 7300 process instrumentanon system unlizes esc.) to equivalent analog vokages. he functions for both the Nuclear Sesam Supply System these voltaps to perform preescoon and con (NSSS) and Balance of Plant (BOP) synesms. To achieve these functions instrument loops are configtsed using a senes of printed obcuit bosnis (cards) which modify _(condition) ' Carc, an incomi of common card types era: NFL PROM si l Card pia,to give a desired outp(ut. " and"OR" functions); NSA Summing w deh provides logic gams i.e.,"

which adds or subtracts incoming signals and applies gain (anplincation) so the NCH-

' hections; and NAL - Signal Charactenser Card which provides square foot and " curve fit" Comparator Catt which compares an incoming signal with a predetermined "sespoint" and ch -

state (on or off) when the seapoint is reached.

In the 7300 systems cabinets the incoming field signal is convened e a 0 10VDC for:range si which is aced upon by the var 6ous inssument loop cards. The signal may hlycompuun, ense be m ihe plant process and anerpacy ree conson roomianication and alenn.

input to otherinsstansatloops,or for proerdon and consol (s. . trip t w reactor, start the isolaes the containmem, Mdate safety , sec.). One of the auxiliary feedwater tloop and provided functions of the 3 miadada= is e describe eacn card in the criticalparameenrs such as ts, card gain and bias, as well as application umque car;!

in components such as resissors,j

  • and PROMS. The end configuranon for applies theinformenonin4e is  !&C Calibration group w userofthe scaling calculation aconfigure insalledinssumentation l

l l

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l The purpose of this audit was to venty the technical adequacy and progrm=& aspects of ti l

CECO scahng calculation effort.


, l A11Drr SCOPE: )

i I

The audit scope consisted of 1$ presslected scaling calculations, five of which were safety rel (NSSS) and Balance and 10 of wiuch were non safety related. Both Nuclear Steam Supply S er sample was required of Plant (BOP) calculations were included in the audit sample. Where a '

to address a specific issue, additional calculadons were reviewed for appropriate attributes.

Calculations which prtwided inpus to or outpus from the audited calculations were pernally leviewed. Additionally, the audit mam reviewed the enginsonna documents which provuled sources '

of input data to the scaling calculations. A number of scaling calculation related issues which ,

subjects of concem during the audit were also invesagated.


The revisw of the sample of scaling calculations wu comprehensive ami demiled. Specine scal

! calculation conent and format is conmined in Project Procedure PP.009, Attachment B (Prepar and Connel of Scaling Calculadons). SWEC Engineerint A ssurance Pmeedure EAP 5.3 (Preparation and Control of Manual and Computerised Cahlations) conmins guidelines properanon and review of calculanons. The dam utilland in the preparation of scali mints are obtained Bonn the Westinghouse Precautions, taken from several sources. NSSS ser OP setpoins are obained 6cm seapoint calculations or system Limiestions and Setpoint Document. I DBDs. Scaling methodology and the derivation of transform equations are contained in the Westinghouse Scaling Manual. Component specinc o data (i.e., resistors required or remove jumpers required, gain and bias som'ngs) am found in the Wesdr -r Equipment Manua relanng to indicators, nunsmitters, head and corrections, recorderslinserization am conmined trIWestinghouse Shop Orde of RTDs, and component specincation shoes. Instrument by# eo the CPSES Scanng Calculation Manual. Insaumen

  • accurecies are found in the .C

' Inarconnection Wiring Diagram c nas and me foundin the Weedn Block Diagrams (PCBDs .

) and Pmoess Each of the 15 scalins calculaslons examined was checked against the raferenced drawings an documens for the foBowing anributes:

a. Mminiemasive Consol

< - the the calculation safety classi5 cation is appropn'aes.

- that the siganaams and dases of prepartis and tuviewers are in accordance with

- Cmdinnsdon Required" removal process is conect and in acconiance with pensednes-

b. Purpots that the calculation adequately describes the purpose of the insaument loop.
c. Scope that devices whhin the instrument loops we liseed and contain appropriam tag numbers, model numbers, and group numbers,
d. Reference Documenu - that the engmeering premises and input data utilised in the Palml*8Wns are appropriamly referenced. ,


c. Calculation that sensWs, cards,indicatets, signal compentes have appropn,am in culan,on outpum, accuracy,locanon, scale, jumpers, and resistors, and are included in the ca Page 3 of 23 TU ELECTntIC QA

I e L Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850 i

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I as required try loop funcdon. Further, that mathemadcal manipuladans and data fitxn refuences were performed and/or transcribed correcdy,

f. Plgures that Puncional Block Scaling Diagrams (Agues) consin the corre:t devices numbers, aespoints, location, and function and are consiment with refersnos documentatio l
g. Weednghouse Inputs - ibat design changes to !WD and In chanps to Westinghouse input documents have been included or referenced in the calcu ations.

The soove anributes, as applicable to each calculadon, warsManual, invesdgated the PLAS, by specine review of associated IWDs, ICDS, Westinghouse Equip (ment Reference Westinghouse ProjectTransminals WPTs), Process Consol Block Xagrams Manuals, (PCBDs), and Scalint other -

pomnent documents. In order a verify the appropriateness of inp  ;


sely managed The overall resula of the audit indican that the scalin

, although not fullycalculadon nted,is effort adequate is and conentle& that calculadon preparation methodo and produca; and that the calculation in that it has produced useful and anchnically accepa informadon Is presensed in a form which is acceptable to the user organizadon (i.e., Operation

IAC). The audit team vertned that a high level of competence calculation preparers, panicularly with respect a understanding Westin 7300 Process currently @

Instrumenudon Sysum desip requirements. No significant errors relanng to instrument system canaguradon and scaling were detected during hot functional and subsequent preopera The calculations are judged to be eachnically correct, and with the excepoon of references to in data sources, have generally been prepared in accordance with the appicable procedures.

Norwithsending the generally satisfacery nature of the scaling calculadens, cernin progra shoncomings wars idensined during the course of the audit as follows:

+ Rgsansas The scaling calculadons contain das exaected from tuuldple refsence sources well as values which smist be calculated based on equations and data contained in yet other reference sources. Audit resula indicase a lack of clear and readily traceable reference and required equations (i.e., unasform funcnons) conmined in many of the scaling values, examined. SWBC Engineering Procedures require that the source of identifiedin the computadons, explanesary cons, and diagrams leadin to the resula heinformadon, min calculadons. The las,k of adequate references and inasar order toundersand the resulted in the need for recourse to the calculation In allcases,however, methodology used la the calculation (see Denciency Mo. 891465 01). references wars veriSed, and design input v ,


I . Calcul onWalinas .1hers is no single CPSES damt which provides an of scaling calculadons, addressing overnli (or " road ") for the equipment references, and calculation input sonroes, assumptions,en anamian some direcean on calcuission format, a, DB EE and specific consent and 2 -4=Tation while the Scaling Calcu Manual (1 SC 3800) contains scaling provule component dam; however, these documens neither individuaDy nor scaling overall program definition and procedural direction governing the preparation calculanons (see DeSciency No. 8914HI2). Even without a wriaan overall program description, the actual r%s, procedures, and consols used in the prW~a of scali .

Page 4 of 23 TU ELECTRIC QA g-e---p - -,y.+w ---a-gw, g- ww.-----g,ewee-w-

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, t Enclosure 3 to TxX-69850.

Pess 5 of 71 _..



cakadadons wee found a be satisfacery and have resuled in schnically accuram and acospable end psoducts.

m- thw MamadadPutoMai Weednghouse 7300 Sysum NFL and NDT l

.  :=

canis conajn PROMS, which are sically identical sleesonics components used to l

. While these devices look the same and are implement required consol '

physically inerchangeable, can desip) contain different slecnical circuim. Also, the PROMS are not permanently to a circuit board (either by soldering or crimping) and  ;

can be removed for replacement purposes. Changes in system desip require that now  :

PROMS be prornamed a reflect the specific change in cucuit logic.

The auditors found that individually p(rogrammed PROMS are not I.Jbrary). Addi there is no PROM- procedure which describes controls for on,or physicaliden of PROMS (see Denewney No.89-3, The Wesdnghouse NFL canis can also contain timer modules used e impisment time delays where required in the control system. The scalin0 calculations do not explicidy specify the type of timer module to be used (ses DeSciency No. 891465 04).

L An addidonal timer related lasus was found involving a DCA used a tuodify the Auxiliary

" nip to auso" . The DCAin quesdon failed a properly Feedwater(APW1 naarcircuit. Althou the DCA was incorrect in its desenpoon of the describe ths req ' on the resula of an Operadons IAC bench amor function, the audit team concluded, pismented and would have been est, that the design modincadon could not have been imao faGod e idendfy an a detected 4xior to unplementadon in tbs Asid.1hs DCA a


.Abrary" drawing on the changes made to the IWD (se 39 1465-05).

In addition to the issues described above, the fouowing documentadon dsSciencies were identined, none of which impeced ths resuhs of any of the scaling calculations examhed: ,

process by the scaling calculation was

+ 1hs use of tbs"CoeGrandon however, found to be and yin sooosdanos with ths appuceble Servions diselbution processi == that the investiganon theTU "ConArmadan Regulsed" removal cover sheets for - H 'y 160 anlada*== were not distributed a the Satsuin Document Connel CenemI(DCC) (see Danciency No. 89 1465-07).

MasterInden was not being updated by Also, the Weedaghouse ProjectInfonnadon Adminismedvs Services as required Proce ydure CE 5.19 Revision 2 (see Dencwncy' .

89 1468 08); however, most Westin documents (e.g., manuals, drawin is, etc.) are Rafenace documens, such as the P .AS and aveGable hemthe DCCa.

Shoes, have not been Adly enessed into the DCC database:

Inseusness however, project sansmittals conmining design changes are reviewed by IAC Engmeering for on acaling calculadons.

  • Several Wesdaghouse IWDs wue found which conmined handwriaen annotations dating hem 1983. The audit team venned that ains sheets of the total set (apprmimamly 450 by Westin mnainin the DCC system as "Apmoved-shoots)ofIWDs n of thess !WDs apprognauly have X'As written Except as Noend"( documenta.


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l Enc 1couro 3 to TXX-898$0 l l Pass 6 of 71 l I



agniast due approving incorporation of the AEN annatanon. The two drawings not  !

DCA contain AEN annotadons made by Gibbs and Hill during review peessady covered by a

  • wiring changes  !

and approval of the 30F instrurnentadon document package and '

y correct and represent enginessed by Westinghouse. The annotated drawings are ac  !

the instaBed hardware.1he drawings, including annatanons, had been reviewed and  ;

approved by both W::f=~"w and Gibbs andMill. The lack of a DCA initiated against these drawings is considered an isolated finding (see Deficiency No. 89-1465 06).  ;


  • Most of the Wesdnghouse NSSS IWDs reviewed during the audit have outstanding DCA:

i against mem; some for exanded periods of time. Whus lack ofincorporation of the does notviolaes any site Observation No. 89-1465 01).pmcedure,it does complicate the use ofi I

  • Weednghouse documens were reviewed e assure that appropriam design data were being utilised in the preparadon of scaling calculadons. The Audiers observed that the Westin Scaling Manual used in scaung inethodology had not been upiated since ',

1933. no instances were found for wh ch moorrect methodology or mput das was of the scaling calculadens examined in the audit, there a a potential for error

! ueGisedin sinos the Manual is based, in part, on an outdated version of the Westinghouse i  ;

PLAS document (ses Observadon No. 89 1465-02).

l ,

In addidon a the programmatic and documentadon related shoncomings discussed above, the audit  :

seem idemined X seat discrepancies or inconsisesncies in isoprosentisolated in neview of the 15 preselected and 14 findings interfacing: calculations. These est disemW=-::f: >

involving E"'- '= within the calcufstions and/or referenos documents, uninor mathematical or '

I references, inconect or missing noses, and nonnonal enors in transcripdon errors, "ConArtnadan Raq ' sassmens (see DeSciency No. 89 1465 03). None of the specific dL- 1= idendSed during the audit impacted either final calculation results or the

'1- -Ws:-: S acceptability of Sold application.


The audit team finds that scoung calculations are being in a generally satisfacery manner.

of these scaling calculanons were Consols used in the preparaden, soview, sevision, and

  • the scaling calculadon effort, particularly also judged a be adequam. lapsovemens are seguired PMn: forcalculation properanon.

in the amas of inferences, ensament of PROMa, and =ined in the audit do Nevenholess,the daneimaananandobservadoesidani not y detract calculation program which was e be ymducing fromthe adequacy of the overaR schnically correct andconsismet 1

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  • I Pess 7 of 71 1

l fEnclosure3toTXX89850 ATP 891465 AUDIT DETAILS l l

Meeting Atendees:


l Ram tut 1 Essence 9/2349 9/28/89 Nuns C. ' " =-Tlds 4/21/89 CB N Dhecur X X D, tary T. Besagreur CBCO-QA Preysm Mansgar X Weedsghouas PapactEsguser X C. Smann X X  :'

O. Basked CASE SWEC4hief Eagaser1&C X L. SnWit X H. Snuur 1UE asmarVice Piesident GC04And t&C Engineer X X '

R. tenhun X H. Cannichael CBCO.Sr. Project QA Manger

  • H. ChomBry 1U.QA TechnicalSpecaba X TUE 14C Englamanns Manager X X C. Oeuner X W. Celsler CBC04A.QA Sigismoor X
a. ones CASE SWBC EAChief Engmeer X '

W. Eitut X X

5. Haynes CBCO 14C Sepammar -

1UE Chief Engneur X C. Hags Esechsing MDhsour Testudosiinsedoes X J. X J. IAMusa 1UE Manager,Elesmcall&C TUElJesastaglassenes X

5. Mess X X
  • T. McLaun 1 U E Teshmisal '

X X D. Mitar CSCOl&C QA X C. NuesAn CBCO Asst.PlainstEnginest!&C 1U5 Supervisor,DCC X K. Numman X X E. ousy CASE 1UE Selpidaten Manger X X S. Pshner X WX>PaugustEngheer X W. Peter X J. Plchest 1U54FSlec X C30014CEngaser X L R. Poistmo X SWBC VissPissidsetand Dhessor,QA l D. Quuuns X X X

" D. Rasseen 1U54M auperviser. TAP '

CEO>Depeqr Dhecer X X

' P. Rayencer

  • s. Sanga its 4AIAmeAmour X X X X

" J. Seeser 1tS Olmeer,QA X

  • X X W. Sess 1154MLAsi Astur X X X '
0. Theo CASB X

S. Wsues 112 TAP Supemsar Key:

  • AuditTess Members a Management Support Page 7 of 23 TU ELECTRIC QA

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1 Encicouro 3 to TXX-89850 Peg 2 8 of 71 l.

l ATP.891465 1 Defielency No. 89 1465 01 i



Inedequam input References in Scaling Calculations j

Raananalbia Organimatlaar 3 00 l Ranutr9mnent, t l

EAP 5.3, " Preparation and Connel of Manual and Compuerised Calculations (Nuclear Projects),"

  • Rev. 3 smess:

i Seedon 2.0. "All manual and computeriand engineering and design calculations shall be: .

1) i, l

l Propend such that the analysis can be understood by an individual I

. i i

campsesnt in the calculation discipline without recosse to the preparer of the calculation." b i

Asachment 1.4 "1hs body of the calculation shall consist of all compuntions, along with

2)  ;

t explanatory esat and diagrams, leading a the results 1hs followies shall be included:

Inputs (lacluding Souross) 1 In at values (including units) and identification of the somoss (sos sample source  ;

m'erence below). .

. Technical Document Document Number and/or Titis; Issus Dess; Revision Number, and Section Page, or Table Nanbars,if applicable."


Contrary to the above, most of abs samling eahdadaan reviewed exhibiend one or more of th  ;

%e th c c-ons):

deficient r=tidana (la many cases secourse so the pre  ;

1. Section 3 of ibs calculances conmins reference to " Sanded Rafsmoos Doc  ;

Sesden 2.0 of tbs SeaEng cahdadam Manual (1 SC-8000); however, Secnon 2.0 conesias 29 h not an of which me applicable e any one calculadon.

AddisloseDy, tbses seismoons do not consin revision levels or dates, yet specific inferension commined la these documents (e.g., gain, bias values, esc.) was used in the calculselona.

2. The body of the calculadons does not contain specific input referenos somtes (e.g.,

document number, revision amnber, dtles, issus dass, secdon, pass, sec.) for: module gain, bina, and input voltage; jumpers required or removed; or resissors required.

3. Input reference soucos are not sated for module equations or transfer functions u l

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co Txx-89650 netosu


F 4 .

Explansory noess ass not provided for mathemadcal manipuladons perfanned nor are t mandpuladons shon.

t l

5. Secelon 6 of to calculadoes contains the setement "Por Imop Accuracies, see Scaling H (1 SC 5804H, Rev.1)"; however, Appendix H only j Calculadon Manual ,

ofloop accuracy values rather than providing actual

<zovides guidelines for  ;

cop accuracy values themselves. (A similar sessement is made in Project Pmeedure PP-009, Attachment 8, page 7. Paragraph E.) .

6. Figure 1 of the calculadens does not contain a reference for the source (e.g., Wesinghouse Process Control Block Diagram, etc.) of the loop configuration. l Disemanad whh: ,

GC0 IAC, Control Systems Supervisor B. Haynes CECO IAC, Senior Engineer ,

W. Hinton i


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1. ' ~

Enc 1cours 3 to TXX-89850 Pcgpl10'ef 71 i l

D '

- ATP 891465 e

Defielency No. 89 1465 02 m net- ,, Tiele: Inadequas Scaling Calculation Preparation Guidelines a- u .this or.maintie: CECO Requirement:- ,

- ANSI N45.2.11 1973. Draft 2 F.svision 2, Section 4.1 smess:

p pmcedures of a Design acdv! ties shall be prescribed and accomplished in acconlance into with

' ' type sumcient to assun that applicable design inpe ans correctly transtand g :i"-#=1 drawings, procedures or instrucnem,"


Conesty a the ateve, design activities are not wescribed in sufficient written detail to define the ocuments utilised in the production of scaling l' telstionship of the various sosce or reference c an overall" iced map for calculariana Specifically, there is r.o single document which sources, equi)unent refenace the pre paration af scaling calculations which addresses input n1 Calculation manua s and calculation consent and methodology. Neither DBD EE 032, Scm 1 procedural Manual (SC 8800) nor any of several other inferences provide the tsquired overa L

definition or gritelines for this activity.

L Nose: On the basis of its review, the audit nem finds that practices and consols used in the -

production of scaling calculadons se adequam as evidenced by the anchnical accepta

- end products. Design drawings and infomaco data used as input were h determined to be approprians. W enure that funne scaling caledation acdvities are condnued on a sound a

'controundbasis,exisdng -3ces and cone:is need a be incorporated in an overall program ,

l 3

description (or " send map covering 4e enths scaling ententariaa process.

l L DiasmassLakk: -

l GCO IAC, Control 3 ms Supervisor B. Haynes '

CECO IAC, Senior W. Hinton f

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.Encissuro TXX-89850- j

PegJ 11 of_71. _


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Deficiency - No. 89 1465 03

- 1 Dafleiance


Inadequate Preparadon and Review of Scal.r.g Calculations -

Ranqianalhia Organization: G00 g Reaniramant-1)l ANS1 N45.2.11 1973, Draft 2 Rev. 2, Section 4.2 soms in part:

l "L p. 'nalyses. . . shall be performed in a. . . correst manner."


~ 2)

EAP 5.3, Rev. 3 Anachment 3.0, " Review Requirements," smees:

"'Ihs signanze of ths reviewer (s) on the calculation page signlSes that requirements of this anachment have been met."

i Daggigagg:

failed toidentify the Contrary to the above, the calculation preparation and review -

followmg amm, amlasians, and inconsistencies which were tifiedduring the audit of scaling n calculanons:


1. ' Calculation 1 SC 55 52, Rev. 4 shows relay card NRCS as 1 TS/411F, whereas'the refsenced Westinghouse IWD 8810D31, Sheet 6 shows this device u TS/411E.

2.' Calculadon 1-SC-55 52 conSrmadon less 2 senses "Westinghouss Insaumentation Sheets L for Shop Order 320,325 and 395. Revise to show cunent sman." This nose apparently to canarmation issa 6 wt ich relases to ths revision of Section 2 of the Scaling

' Manual 1


Calculation 1-SC 55 52 Rev.4, 20, Sectons D.1 and D.2 esfuenos Wesdn

3. . Lo La e Piecautions,f.i-lh and (PLAS), Rev.2 as the sonna of the La

' ~ Rre, of the PL& S wasissuedinJ 1985. The ~,

TAv3. interlock _ _3/2/88) did . tot refeenos the lasset revision of the l calculan'on(lasued o l

- 4. -

NW 1-SC-55 72, Rev. 6, page 13 senses that Visset = Vasspoint 0.40 VDC.

t the .0.40 VDC vales should be -0.04 VDC.

5. Calculs6e 1-SC-55,52 Rev. 4,pages 21 and 22 reference Wesdnghouse Scaling Manual ,

l S ut, Rev. 2 as a souros of sospoint values. This infuence is not appropriam since itis ' on Rev. 2 of the PL & S. Rev. 3 of the PL & S has been issued since Rev. 2 of the Scaling Manual (Oosober 1983).

6. Calculation 1-SC-55 28, Rev. 5, Pigure 1 shows device JY-410K as an NCH1 card,

? wherens DCA 88528 bidicanes that this device is as NCH4 card.-

l l

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.Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850-muus. Pass 12 of 71-

~ 7. Calculadon 1 SC 55 28, Rev. 3, page 8 states that Bench Calibration Accuracy for Summining Ampliner 14Y-410A .s t0.10% of or10.10 VDC. The span is 0 10 c

VDC, thus the correct value should be 10.01  ;

8. Calculadon 1 SC 2819, Rev. 4, page 11 Loy,-yedy references a previous revision of the same calculation for the seapoint value for loss of feedwater pump speed rather than L referencing a controlled, up to dam source of setpoint dam such as the PL&S or Instrument Setpoint List.
9. Calculation 1 SC 55-28, Rev. 5, page 8 calculans gain for NSA1 card 14Y-410A u "RI

= 50K ohms 4.1 = 500 K ohms, use 499 K ohms." No explanatory noes was indicated for

! - using a 499 K ohm resister in place of the calculated value of 500 K ohms.

10. Calculadons 1 SC 55-01, Rev. 8 and 1-SC 55 02, Rev. 7 are designated "No ConArmation Required"; however, Note 1 on the cover sheet stases " Confirmation i Required for values in Table 1 Breakpoints by W."
11. Calculadon 1-SC 55 01, Rev. 8. mge 5 for component 1 TY 0413M stans that the output l is 1.417 e 7.833 VDC,1he 7.8'.L3 VDC value should be 7.783 VDC,
12. Calculadons 1 SC 55 01, Rev. 8 (page 8) and 1 SC 55 02 Rev. 7 (page 8) for devices 1-PB 0403D and 1 PB 0405D stas tut the alarm setpoint is "peaser than 20 psi Valve (cloes, hysteresis)." The notation " Valve (closs, hysseresis) does not apply to the alarm ,


t C=Wladaa 1 SC 55-02, Rev. 7, 9 shows the output froen device 1 TY 0413P as

13. value should be 1.667 VDC as shown on page 5 of 1.417 7.783 VDC. The 1.417 the calculation. .

Calculadons 1 SC 55 01 Rev. 8, and 1 SC 55 02, Rev. 7 7 use a deadband of

14. '

or explanation was ,

0.667% forW hle.1-PB 0403C and 1 PB-0405C. Noj provided for the use of this deadharid value.

15. Appendix H of the Scaling Calculadon Manual (1 SC 8800 H), Rev.1, page 10, Item 4 idendnes an output accuracy +0.35% of span for NAL casds. A11 scaling calculations using NAL cards sense that the output accuracy is + 0.25%. (A noes on page 10 of '

Appendix H points out this discrepancy in Westinghouse teference documents.)

16. The le v.1 program " Boss" devices on pase 22 (F_igure 1) of c'.wiawan 1.SC 28 23 and on Westi Procad'astrol Block'Dfagram 5758D39, Sheet 33 Rev. 5 are shown as 1-PY and 1-PY 505Y. Westinghouse IWD8810D35, Sheet 30, Rev. ? shows these devices as PY/505X and PY/505Y, respeenvely.
17. Calculadon 1-SC 28 '13 Rev. 2 contains the following hys.ies:

- a) Weednghousn drawing 8810D35, Sheet 28 shows that die output of device 1-FY-0512 goes directly so device 1 FY 0509. The Figue 1 representanon in the calculation shows the signal to 1-FY 0509 as being processed by device 1 FY.

0510D before going to SFY 0509.

b) The output of 1 FY-510E is shown on Figure 1 of the calculation as going so 1-FY.

2181. Westinghouse drawing 8810D35, Sh. 29 shows this output as going to 1-FY 2181 A.-

Page 12 of 23 TU ELECTRIC QA

- ~. .- -- .

y Enc 1couro 3 to TXX-89850 iPcss-13 of 71 ,

L ,

E c)

Figun 1 shows output of bistable 1 FB 05108 is shown as "LO 0.7X106 Whr."

h L

Pass 19 of the calculation shows this output as "HI O.7 x 106 Whr."

1 of the calculadon shows devices 1 LC-0519,1 LC 0550, and 1 LC-0510 i

y d) 1 Cants, whereas Sheets 11,12, and 14 of the calculation show them as as .

NCB11 cards, e) Page 12 of the calculadon shows the input m 1-LC 550 as coming fnxn 1-QY- '

n 05 ,9 whereas the sferenced Westinghouse IWD 8810D25, Sheet 27 shows this source as 1-QY-510. ,

L f) . Page 15 of the calculadon shows bench calibration accuracy of device 1.FCY 0510 n as 0.025 mV. 'this should be 0.025 VDC.

3) Page 15 also shows the NTD (1 LCY4550) clock so be a T2 output while the jumpers shown will give a linear clock rase.
18. Calculadon 1-SC-49 01, Rev. 3 contains the following discrepancies:


'the calculation references ICD 2323-M1 2255-12, Rev. 4 which is a voided I document.

L b) Appendix E of the Scaling Calculation Manual (1 SC-8800 E)is nor referenced in L

the calculadon as a somce of the applicadon notes for the NID cart c) Page 5 of the calculation contains no values for gain or bias setting for the NMD1 card used in the loop.

L 'd) The calculadon idendfies a device on the Hot Shutdown Panel as 1-FK-0121 A, whereas Westinghouse PCBD 8758D39, Sheet 27 Rev. 6 identiflo this device as 1 PK 0121F.

paaerns required to "

19. Calculations 1 SC 37-18 and 1 SC-3419 did not idendfy the '

and 0000 were not implement the binary deer mage code. Also, the chorecaers 1 Waarunt as binary codea.

20. Calculadon 1-SC-28 19, Rev. 4 had "ConSnnsdon Requhed" removed, yet the cover sheet was checked "ConSnnsdon Raquired yes."
21. caladadaa 1 SC 49 01, Rev. 3 lists the appropriase shop onier number and specification sheets for the indicasara,insnual auso stadon, and crifice plan in the loop but fails to include abs sheet revisions numbers for these components.

c Discussed eight CECOIAC ControlSystems Supervisor B. Haynes CECOIAC SeniorEngm* eer W. Hinton K. Grim CECOIAC Systems Engineer Page 13 of 23 i .


  • '^*1- er- ,y--c-, .

t Pag 2 14'of 71 FEncicouro3toTxx-89850 .

-ATP 891465 1

Deficiency No. 89 1465 64 j


f j

I Dafleiency


InadequaseTignerIdentincation Rae - rikte Orenntentlan: M j


= ANSI N45.2.11 1984 Secdon 3.1 ". . . De design input shan be speciSed . . . to the level of dotad necessary to permit the design activity to be camed out in a correct manner . . ."

I Daggigat!.:

Contrary to the above, Scaling Calculadons 1 SC 37 18 and 1 interchangeable).

Dimensand with: '

(: ConnelS Supervisor B. Haynes CECOIAC j.. SWECIAC Principal Engineer

, ' R. Poltrino L






t Page 14 of 23 I TU ELECTRIC QA

Pag) 15:of 71  :

f.Encicourol3toTXX-89850 ATP 891465 Deficiency No. 89 1465 05




TechnicallyIncorrect DCA Rannaanible Organization: GCO Reanfrement:

PP423, " Processing of Design Change Authorizadons (DCA's) and Cent Modification Canis (CMCs)," Rev. 6, Seedon 5.3 states "The Responsible,, Engineers are responsible for:

Ensuring that the design change is technically satisfactory Einding:

Contrary to the above;

1. DCA 88869, Rev.1 failed on , ages 10,11, and 16 to properly reflect the required timer lo pic, whereas the Westinghouse 7300 chcuit.' 1he DCA calls for aane-Delay T Deay Pick Uplogic. Additional .

tmdes  !

series process instrumenation


toing,lement the!

only w' unction described in the DCA were not included in elements Circuit 2.-

DCA-88869, Rev.1 failed to identify Drawing 8358A95, Sheets 11 and 12 as the PROM program on the Interconnection Wiring Diagrams.

Discusand With:

CECOl&C Connot Systems Supervisor B.Haynes .

L I. Page 15 of 23 TU ELECTRIC QA .

'Encicouro 3 to TXX-89850 Pess 16 of 71-F ATP.89 1465 Deflelency No. 89 1465 06 Deficionev Title- Failure to Updas " Approved Except as-Noted" Drawings Responsihia Organizatlan: GCO Requirernent:

NEO 3.06, " Reporting and Consol of DeSciencies," Secdon 6.4 smens "De organization responsible for resolving the DR has the responsitn'h'ty for development, implementation, and verincation of the accons necessary to comet the dancicat conditions. . ."

ggggigggg,:  :

8815D36, Sheets 2 and'3 Contrary to the above, Wesdaghouw Interconnecdon Wiring @md (AEN) annotations as re i were ret updated to incor:mmte the " Approved Except as Noe by Deficiency Report C47-05180.


Nose: De auditors extendod their myiew to include ah remaining "Appewed Except as N:ned" '

drawings forthe Wesdnghoused lied BOP process instrumentanon. This review identifsd seven additional drawings stampt.. Argved Except42 Noted," cach of which had been properly revised by DCA te irm pome the annosnoons.

Discusand With:

CECOIAC Control Systems Supervisor B. Haynes CECOIAC Syssoms Engineer

! K. Orimm l

4 Pr. S "" /3 I TU ELECTRIC QA

Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850 Pcgs 17.of 71 ATP 89146S Deficiency No. 89146S.07 Denelener Title- Failure to Dissibute Connrmadon Removal Updates Emannnalble Greanization: W Electric Administradve Services Requirement:

h 6.9.1 " Design change Procedure PC 21342, Rev. 3, "Distribudon Control," states in para documentation, exce x final DCAs/CRs and "No Change Required" s and CHNs shall be i

distribused to(.ontroled holders and rnainmined at the same location as the affeced documents,except for Satellites. Distribution for satellins will be on an as tequired basis." l 2383133gy:

on one occasion, involvins approvi==1y 160 scaling calculations, Intemmce Correspondence (IOC) telated to removal of con 8rmanons from those scaling calculations were not distributed to DCC satellites for requ' ed distribution.

Discunned with:

TUE Administrative Serm EDCC Coordinasar K. Norman Procedures Supervisor K. Panerson WE Administration Semees operations DCC Libranan 1

' N. Sadler 1

i 1

l l

l l

I Page 17 of 23 i TU ELECTRIC QA


Encicouro 3 to-TXX-89850  ;

4 I

FP:,gt18of71- '

.,e, e

., \

ATP.89146S Deficiency No. 89 1465 08 l l

Defielenev Titlet Failes so Distribute PIP MasterIndex Sheen Rpapannible Organimatlan: TU Electric Adminissadvs Services -


. ECE 5.19, Rev. 2, " Review of Vsador Docenents," Secdon 6.3.p. states, in part, "The Master Inden Sheets and the Associated PIP documents shall be distributed to the concolled copies of the PIP."

RSStiEREF WFI' leteers with their inspective anached Consary a the above, apptoximanly 15 Westin of controlled copies of the P!P Master Index.

Master Index Sheets wees not distributed to ho Discussed with:

'!UE Administrative Setvices EDCC Cootdinator

.K. Norman ,

r l

1 p

Page 18 of 23 TU ELECTRIC QA

- _ . - . ~ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ -. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Enc couro 3 to TXX-89850: 1 P ass'19 of 71: l J

Fi .

ATP.89146S l

Deficiency No. 89 1465 09 j Defieleney


Inadequase Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) Aedvities '


Raanannihla Organlaattan: GCO Requirement:

ANSI N45.2.11 Draft 2, Revision 2, Section 4.1 states: l procedures of a -

' "Design acdvities shall be prescribed and accomplished in accordance with type sufScient to asses that applicable design inpus are correcdy tranh into J speciScations, drawings, procedures or instruccons."


Programmahim Rand Only Memories (PROMS) are physically identical electonic components

  • e implamant sequired consol system logic. WhGe these devices look the same and are physica

.inseichangeable, they can (by design) contain diSerent electrical chcuits. - Also, PROMS are not +

and can be removed far r

permanendy affixed to a circuit board by soldering or new PROMS be programmed to Changesin systemdesign require p

PROMS cunendy installed in the Wessinghouse 7300 Series Instrumentation were ori,ginally identined, instaued, and the systems sessed by Westinghouse before shipment to ES '!he original system conSguration has been maintained through the use of existing printed .

ciremt board procedmes.-


Contrary to the above requirement, PROMS are not consistendy iristined within the design 1.

docenent set. Per example:

" . Scaling Calculados 1 SC 38 18, Rev. 4, page 9 idandaan the instrument tag number and the soapsedve NPL card locadoes but does not reference the PROM Libeary nor ideedfy which PROM is to be used in which PROM location.

  • 'the ROM IJhrery drawing 8358A95 :sferences the inssument tag number for L

' only 4 of the 10 PROMS in this set of drawings.

. IWD 8815D31 Sheet 41. Rev. 7 provides the instrument tag number but does not include the PROM 1Jbrary drawing number. Other IWDs sriatelylist both the L NPL cards. l tag aanbar and library drawing numher for other PROM I 2. Connery a the cove, there is no PROM-specific procedme which describes the controls pas, and forphysical to be used for programming PROMS, for veri 8 canon of PROM the application of all i' identineerina of PROMa. 'the procedme should typesofWesdn 7300 series PROMS atCPSES.

Page 19 of 23 L



-1 6._,_,__

Encleeuro'3 to'TXX-89850

. Pag 2 20 of 71-F, 1

, l

' Nose: The audit team finds that, whh the excepo'on ofinconsisent identification of PROMS in the document set, existing pracdcas relating to PROMS are adequate as evidenced by the technical of the tasalled insensnenadon. k is also noemd that PROMS are traceable thieugh eachindi' desip decr.unent package but with considerable difficulty. Availabdity of a -

PROM-specific procedure will ensure consisant PROM idendftcation than design documentation - 1 through programming and physicalidentificacion and will funher ensure that funse PROM related activities continue to be camed out in an orderly and controlled manner.


Discunned With:

B. Haynes CECOIAC Connot Systems Supervisor '

J. Laughlin '11.1IDectric OperadonsIAC Manager

.  ?


j -

I r

Page 20 of 23 I' TU ELECTRIC QA ,

d -

w- - - - - v-wv v r--- - - -_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Enclosuro-3 to Txx-89850 Pas) 21 of 71-ATP.39 1465 Observatlos No. 39 1465 01

%pansible Organizatlan: CECO Relevant Documents: Westinghouse Interconnection Wiring Diagrams (IWDs) cr rlatlan of candlelam:

I A majority of the Westinghouse NSSS IWDs have outstanding Design Change Authorizations (DCAs) posted against them, some of which were dispositioned in the 1983 to 1985 timeframe.


! Incorporate outstanding DCAs to Westinghouse NSSS loops.

Qincunned with:

CECOIAC Connel Systems Supervisor B. Haynes f

I I- '

9 4

U PaSe 21 of 23 TU ELECTRIC QA

- - - - - . . . _ - . .~ ., _ _ - _ _ _. _ __

  • ~

J Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850- -


l y

fPes?.21of.71- -

ATP.89146S Observation No. 89 1465 01 J

- 1 Eanpanalble Organizatlan: GCO ,

I L..

l- Italavant Documents: Wesdnghouse Interconnection W'uing Diagrams (IWDs) l f r- rtorian at candleian:

i A nudotity of the Wesdaghouse NSSS IWDs have outstanding Design Change Authorizations (DCAs) posted against them, some of which vwe dispositioned in the 1983 to 1985 drneframe, l



I Incorporane outstanding DCAs to Westinghouse NSSS loops.

Discussed with:. '

CECOIAC ConnelSystems Supervisor 8.Haynes L


. 4 l

r b

Page 21 of 23 I TU ELECTRIC QA

Encicouro 3 to TXX-89850 1 MEMB > Paso 22 of-71 ATP 891465 I

Observa*.lon No. 89-1465 02 l Essaa'ulble Or**al'atlan: GCO Wesdngbouse Scaling Manual (WCAP 9696)

Relevant Documents:

Dameription of Condition:

The Wesdnghouse Scaling Manual and its supplementa, which contain scaling methodology and 1 i

data used in the preparadon of scaling calculanons, have not been since 1983 %Yde no in a calculation, there is a inst **. ,es were found where inconect methodology or data were posential for this to occur.

Reenemendatlan i

L Update this document and maintain it current.

nam 3 d with; CPCOl&C Connels Systems Supervisor l

- B. Haynes 1

i L

r i

i i-Page 22 of 23 TU ELECTRIC QA

e .---

-Ehcicouro 3'toiTxX-89850-

..)Pego 23;cf 71;-



I ' t[i 6

'. it l



.it 4


Lo I

y n

1: a I,

' I.

s 'j- i

? age 23 of 23 11 TU ELECTAIC QA l-r . r <

1 I

,a+ w....--..--._... . . . . . . ..- . --.


socicoure 3'to:TXX-89850-EM. :. Pass 24'of 71- Prge 1 ef 47 Audit Report No.: ATP-89 1463 L


L. ITEM NO.: I Scaung calculadana ,

P:rsonnel-. Contacted: . R. Adams W '

sIAC SupervisorIAC Engineering S Engineer

. K. Grime IAC CECOI&C trols System Supervisor B. Haynes Senior Engineer W. Hinson CBCOIAC J. Laughlin W I4C IAC R strative Services EDCC ator v K. Norman BAR

. W Operations I&C StaffEngineer F. Nunn K.- Panarson BAR Adtninistrative Services Procedures Supt.rvisor SWEC1&C Principal Corinois Engineer R. Polarino '

Libranan N. Sadler DCC C. Plaming Pield Engineer Surveying Supervisor H. &_W , T. Mct. man, W. Stura, B. Scanga, K. Mardirosian (part time) (See Attachment.

Auditor (s): '

A for S Calculations Reviewed)

I 18CFRa8 Annandit B Cihila: 111 Nrkilat Oth thwa:

For each scaling calculatict selected for nrview, desarmine the adequacy of de foDowing attributes:

1) IhlrJagt la) Design Document Classification is appropriase.

reywwers, and independent reviewers are correct.

Ib) Sipatures and dates of has been removed in this revision, obtain preymus revision and Ic) If ConArmation for confirmation sequireditems.

inview eschnicalj 2). Eugstas - Verify that the calculation pupose statement accurately describes the function a purpose of the instrument cop.

Seas - Verify that the information for devices listed la this section of the calculadon are 3) accurass:

Alldevices,cartis, power indicanor numbers, esc., agree with Specificanon 3a) Diagrams (IWDs), and the Instrumenation and Consol Shesis,Interranaaesta=

Diagrams (ICDS).


Model numbers and cesd poup numbers agree with the instrumentation M*' ions and theEquipmentRefettacs danuals,tospecovely.

. 4) Reference Danemana

'ces, 4a) Verify accuracy of data transfer fhun e : *-- e"= sheets, drawings,Scaling scaling see mme calculations, anhhe Sundard Itaference Documents in Section 2.0 C= ~1=*iaa Manual to the scaling calculations.  !

Al = u = h m an Rie L Auditer(s) SignaturelDate:

Audit Team t.eader SignaturelDate:

M - --




e Encicaure 3 to TXX-89850 Audit Report N2 : ATP R9-146E g


  • Continuation Sheet D fTEM NO.: 1 - ScalingCalculadons l  !

Checkilet Objectivs: (cont.)

4b) Verify that the latest informadon (as of the calculadon sign off dam), including Design '

Change Authorizadons (DCAs) was utilized in the preparadon of the scaling calculations.

de) Verify that all premisma utilised in the scaling calculations are supponed by appropriate .

reference documentation.

5) Calalations Sa) Verify sensor inputs, outputs, and head corncdon, if requimd.

5b) For cards in the instrument loop, venfy type, group number, a nurnber inputs, outputs, '

bench calibration accura:y, jumpers requred, resisters etc.


For indicators, venfy type, tag no,, location, input, output, scale, scale factor, etc.

Sd) For signal comparators verify type, tag no., inputs, setpoint value and reference source, l' setpost voltage, reset volage, resistors required, jumpers, et.

6) Figures - Review the Funcdonal Block Scaling Diagrarn for device type, setpoints, locadon,

' funcnon, volage/curtent, em. Verify that this afonnanon is nnnaierant throughout the calculation and documentanon.

7) Wesdnghouse Inpus for the scaling calculations selected perfonn the foBowing:

uncy 7a) Review changes to Wesdnghouse Interconnection Wiring Diagrams for eachrdcal adec

,y and verify that changes affecting scaling calculadon parameters have been appropnase incorporated.

7b) Review chan pas so lasun=ansadaa and Control Drawings and verify that changes afrecting scaling calcu adon paramenes have been appropriately ' -:+W' 7c) Review Field Chary a Notices (FCNs) e design documentadon utilised as inpua to scaling i calculations and ver ty that the changes have tieen appropriately incorporated.

7d) Review changes a lanrument speciflearians (i.e. RdF-RTDs) and verify that change wer w ,----1 law scaling calculations.

- - input in the scaling calculadons are the latest per 7e) Verify thatW Evidenea:

See Evidence Document sheets 1 thnwgh 15.



Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 - Scanng ra h la h n 1

! Ranulta:  !

CHECKLIST MATRIX l Scaling 5b Sc Comments Ib ic 3a 3b de ab de 5a Calculation No. la 2

@ $ (P S S S Ev *-- ~= Doc. Sh. I 1 SC 2819. R.4 5 5 UI $ S S 5 5 5 $ S S @ $ @ S l>* lM S EVfne Doc. Sh. 2 ~

l SC 28 23 R.2 $ S EvWance Doc. Sh. 3 S S S LP S LP S 1 SC 34-02. R.! S 5 S S S UM U7 IP S 1F $ Evi- e Doc. Sh. 4 1 SC 3718. R.4 5 5 S S Uu 5 (P S S S Evesace Doc. Sh. 5 5 5 $ $ $ $

1 SC49 01. R.3 5 S S Evdence Doc. Sh.6 1 SC 55 70,R.2 S S S S S S (F S U8

@ S LP S S S Evesacs Doc. Sh. 7 l 1 SC 2812. R. 3 LP S S - Evesnce Doc. Sh. 8 5 5 5 S S S (P S S 1 SC 5544. R. 4 S Ev"? Doc. Sh. 9 3 5 $ $ $ $ IF S LP S S l 15C 1911. R.1 LP S S S Evesace Doc. Sh.10 5 5 S S S S 19 S l

1 SC 1945. R. 3 Evesace Doc. Sh.11 5 5 $ $ 5 5 IF S LP S S S 1 SC-1947. R. 2 $ $ Evesace Dec. Sh.12 5 5 5 5 5 $ IF $ LP $

I 1 SC-48 01. R. 2 5 5' S S S S LF $ 17 S IF S EvC+= Doc. St.13 1 SC 3419. R. 4 4

LF S U3'13 $ $ $ Evesace Doc. Sh.14 5 S Ull 5 Ut2 S 1 SC 55 52. R.4 IF S Ul8 EMM = Doc. Sh.15 S S S S S UD (F UU S 1 SC 55 28.-R. 5 l

Scaling Comments 5d 6 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e Calculation No. Evesnce Doc. Sh. I 5 MA 5 53 1 SC 2819. R. 4 Ul* $ S Evdence Doc. Sh.2 Ul8 $ $ WA S S2 1 SC 28 23. R. 2 US Evesace Doc. Sh. 3 5 S S S MA S S3 1 SC 34 02 R.1 E. - = Doc.Sh.4 S S S $3 1 SC 3718. R. 4 (P S S Evennce Doc. Sh. 5 (F3 U18 S S MA LP $2 1 SC 49 01. R. 3 Evesace Doc. Sh. 6

$1 S S MA $ $3 1 SC 5510. R. 2 5 Evesace Doc. Sh. 7 1 SC 2812. R. 3 5 $ S S MA S S3 Evesace Doc. Sh. 8 S S S WA 3 S3 l SC 55 04. R. 4 5 Evesace Doc. Sh. 9 S S S S WA $ $2 1 SC 1911. R.1 Evesace Doc. Sh.10

$ 8' S S S S 82 l SC 19 05. R. 3 Evesace Doc. Sh.11 S S S S S S2 1 SC 19 07. R. 2 S Evesace Dec. Sh.12 1 SC 48 01. R. 2 S S S S WA 5 $2 Evesace Doc. Sh.13 LP S S S S S $3 1 SC 3419.R. 4 Evesace Doc. Sh.14

$ $ $ S2 1 SC 55 52. R.4 U3 .13 $ $

Evidence Doc. Sh.15 5 3 S S3 1 SC 55 28.R. 5 U'7 5 $


S = Sansfactory N/A = Not ApalW U = Unsatisfactory TU ELECTRIC QA

. _ - ~ . - - - .- .- . - - - - -- ---..-.-.--- - -- _.- -.

Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 Pass-27 of 71 Audit Report No.: ATP R9146S CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continuelloat Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 Scaling Calculadoru (WWrTT teT MA11tIY NOTES U1: Confirmation Required had been removed; however, the cover sheet was annotated yes (see Deficiency No. 891465-03, Item 20).

U2: Generally, data was correctly transferred fmm the reference documents to the calculations; however, (or " road map") for the preparation of scaling there is a lack of programmatic descri 'between reference documents (see DeSciency No. 89 146S calculanons and the mter relationshi 02).

U3: References were not made directly a the source document (see Denciency No. 89 1465 01).

U4: On Page 15, Isto 13 Clock Raes is given as T2 output when it should be linear (see De6ciency 146S-03, Item 173).

U5: Timer Module Type and PROMS not identified w%in scument set (see Deficiency Nos. 89 146S-04 and 09.

U6: Reference Drawings contained unir-.W Approved-Except As Nosed annotadons (see Danciency No. 861465 06).

DCA 88 869 incorrectly addressed dmer (see Deficiency No.891465-05).

U7: No. 861465 03,Isam 18a). Also, Appendix E U8: Referenced ICD had been voided (see was not referenced for NTD card (see DeSciency No. 861465 03, Item 18b).

U9: Gain values not given for NMD ced (see DeSciency No. 891465 03, Inom 18c).

U10: Tas Number 1 FK 0121 A conflicts with mg number used in references (see DeSciency No.89-146 03, Item 18d).

Ull: Confirmanon noes incorrect (see DeSciency No. 89-1465 03, Item 2).

No.146S 03 Inom 1).

U12: Device numbers inconsiseent (see _ _ __ ~ '

of PLAS (see W No. 891465 03, Item U13:

Direct seapoint reference was to oundated3). Also, acorrect reference made s Deficiency No. 89146 03, Item 5).

! U14: Calculation 1-SC-29-19. Rev. 4 refusaces the same calculation Rev. I for setpoint value (see Deficiency No. 89-1465-03,leem 8).

U15: NCH cod number on Calculation Pisise 1 not in agreement w 1465 03,Isam U16: Ermr in Banca Calibration A-.;y (see DeSciency No. 891465 03, Issa 7).

U17: No explanatory nose smand for tesistance value a be used in Seid (see _W No.89-146S-03, Item 9).

U 18. Several errors in Pigue 1 of tids calculadon (see Denciency No. 89-1465 03,Isoms 16,17a,17b, 17c, and 17d).

U 19. Connoller input source inannaissantly identined (see DeSciency No. 89 1465-03. Imm 17e).

U20. Bench calibration occuracy math error (See C ~-t g No. 89-1465 03 Item 17f).

U21. Tuner"ange code not klandfled (see Deficiency No. 891465 03, Isom 19).

Shop Order WMon sheets (see W7 o. 89-1465 03,Iem 21). N U22. Norevisionlevel#ven however, this is nosed "Conarmation Required."

S1: Configuranon not a conformance with f ow , PIP Master Index had not been updated S2: Westin darunware obtained Bom DCC; I (see ' ncy No. 891465 08) by Ahn!nier stive Services. The danciency is not against the scalingcalculanons.

l l


..- ~ . . ..- .__. ~ . - _ __ . _ _ - ~ ' ~ -


Encicsuro 3 to TXX-89850- Page 5 of 47 m: Fes2 28 of 71' Ansgit Report No.: ATP.R9 1465 CHECKLIST WORKSHEET f

Continuation Sheet  !

l (TEM NO.:- 1 . StalingCalculations .j tssrvr rtT MAMN NOTES  !

Note: 1. Deficiency No. 89-1465 03, lisms 4,10.11,12,13, and 14 were faund in calculadons -

. which were outside of the scope of the 15 audit sample calculations.

H of the Scaling

2. Deficiency No. 891465 03, Item 15 describes a condidon within A enarin the Westinghouse tipment Reference Calculation Manualwhere s bench calibradon accuracy data for NAL cards.

Manualwasinconectlyincluded I

3. E "": -- 891465 07 describes the failme by Administrative Services e distribute "d-- Required" removal updates.

l J

I' L


Enclos. ire 3 to TXX-89850 Page 29 of 71 ,

Audit Report No.: ATP.R9.14M . .

CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 - Scaling Calculations Chechtlet Camments "

the checklist objectives as specifiA .n the  ;

Each of the 15 preselected scaling calculadons was reviewed to '

audit checklist worksheet attributes for Imm 1. AlthouSWEC note lici sated in the checklist attributes, the calculations were myiewed against the requimments 'neering Assurance Procedure EAP.5.3 for Project Precedure PP 009, including general calculation preparation and review process and againstAttachment B

  • the calculations were reviewed against the Evidence Documents listed for each calculation. Issues which during the audit which were outside of the immedian audit checklist scope were also investigard. Th are discussed herein and are identified by aference to Supplementary Evidence Document Lists.

The tollowing is an analysis and expansion of the audit results by checklist attribute:

1) Dighgs la) DocumentClassificationis yy.op.iane.

Each of the 15 calculations reviewed had the r e y.oyiane safety classification identified on the title page.

Ib) Signatures and dases of preparers, reviewers, and independent reviewers, are correct.

The signatures and dates of y..y ., reviewers, and independent reviewers on the calculations were found so be appropriase and in accordance with the requirements of  ;

procedum EAP 5.3. i The dates corresponding to the myiewers signatures on most of the calculanons that the were the of that of the calculation paparation dases. It same or within afew uma to review calculanons ar.d close proximity of dansa would not aBow l maponse so questions raised, indicased that the reviewers resolve enmmenen on a .

I si dase was the dose of final review, and that an initial tuview cycle was indacased l or peellemanry version of the calculation. This naponse was examined below:

l A sample of two safety missed and two nonsafety slated calculadons was selected (l S ary Evidence naannant ust 01). Audhors desermined that the calculations were J by the papear whose channes appeared on the draft review copy in red ink. '!he:

reviewer then added his comments in green ink.1hs independent reviewer's comments were l xmsible for comments and changes made in black ink; thus traceability so the individuals me '

i was aarmhlinhad 1he audit team compared the annostec . draft so the issued revisions '

ly on the issued revision, and and fbund that all draft anannants were ap that the avisicn processis consistent nothing further was added. Auditors conci with the intent of the , informanon is not " lost" in the reyww process, comments and changes an and the smultaneous signing of the W'-W. which takes place at the completion of the draft myiew procesa, is not an irdication of inadequam or review.

-~ .-. . . -

Enc 1couro 3 to TXX-89850 W Pcgs 30 of 71 Page 7 of 47 l Audit Report No.: ATP-89 1463 i l

CHECKLIST WORKSHEET l Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 . Scaling Calculadons 1 Ic) If "Confhmadon Required" has been removed in this avision, obtain previous avision and review technical justiScation fw coiu'a u-tion required inros.

In those calculadons where " Confirmation Required" had been menoved, the audit team i venned that the technicaljustification fw such removal wasw e wydam. This was I desermined by review of de previous calculadon revision; however, during the audit several anedlary issues ernerged relateo to the Confinnadon Removal process as follows:

i) The "Connernation Requhed" process is udlized when an input value or other data is l

not available in final ferro at the time of calculadon issuance. Procedure PP 009 states that when the "Confirmadon Requind" changes from "yes" to "no" status, and the data w#uu d does not affect the calculadon results, an IOC (Interomoe C.m.,sidence) nodng this fact is to be sent to the calculation file. In addition, a j revisk calculadon coversheetthe is to be i.w.;;l showing the new conHrmation satus Design Engineer. Distribudon so satellite which isinitialad and dated is then rnade by TU Mministrative Services. The l Document ConnelCenters audit team investigated the fact that some scaling calculadons received thxn the TU Operadons DCC had a "Confirination Required Yes" status danns back to 1987, ye the requued confirmation data had been available for some time. The CBCO

.organizadon stated that Cannrmation Required had been removed by an IOC.

Review of the Confirmadon Required removal process for 10 calculations and four transrainals (see Supplementary Evidence Document List 02) revealed that Operations DCC had not sceived the revised coversheets even though had been received at indicased that the main DCC ce site. Eaamination of the recceds in the main apper*-=8y 40 transmittals with "Confirmarinn Requued" removals covenng roughly 160 scaling calculadon were not distributed to the samtlise DCC's. All of these transmittals occmedon Ma 10,1989 and were annotated "No distribution the same person. ' ?-:"i appears to be isoland (see Deficiency It was con 8rmed that cunent DCC practics is so distribuse "Confinnation Requaed" removal cover sheets to the appropnate distribudon.

l One instance was found where two scaling ralaulariana prepared for idendcal ii) += bad different swinnannt instrument loops oc the same d ay by the same "Confhmedan Requhed items listed on the covembeet (Ls., one calculation required confhmedan of eight imma, the other four); thus, it 4. that the confirmation was bringiaena My applied to- calculations. Further removal revealed that in one of the ald=*inna the four additional confirmatio lemas were in.w. - intely =W since they requesed that changes be confhmanon required process cannot change other made in otherdocuments.

documents. 'this over use of confbrmation requhed was s-#'-miisolased and not of nuhiant sip?-:5== in itself to issue an audit finding. The remaining items on both calculeinna were idendcal.

As a result of this case, the audit mam undenook an investigan'on of an additional 40 calculadons (see Supplementary Evidence Dw.cuest ust ~03) for redundant instrument loops, the results of which indicated that the "wiuu usdon required" ite u TU ELECTRICQA

  • ~ l znclosure 3 to Txx-89850 Audit Report No.: ATP 89146S CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continuation Shoot ITEld NO.: 1 . - SeeHag Palailmiaan was anaal===wly idendSed. The audit seem concluded that the "ConSrmation Requhed" process has been %-C'y utinand and is in conformance with Procedure PP.009 requusments.

iii) Calculadon 1 SC-55-52, Rev. 4 was found no tequite conSrmation of itvision of Westin S Orders when,in fact, conSrmation of a pornon of Section 2.0 of the Manual referencing Shop Oniers was required (see Deficiency

-03, Item 2),

No.89 1 Calculations 1 SC 55 01, Rev. 7 and 1-SC 55 02, Rev. 8 are designated "no iv) i ConSrtnation Required." yet the coversheets state that conSrmadon is required for values in Table 1 (see Denciency No. 89 1465 03,Ium 10.)

Calculation 1-SC 28 19, Rev. 4 had "ConArmation the cover U

v) semoved,'N46S.03, No. 8 sheet was checked "ConSrmation Required Yes," (see h ]

Inom 20).

the audit team determined that, with the exception of thme udnar errors (leems iii, iv, and v 1

I ' above),

In summary,he that t "Confirmadan '

utrod" pacess with sogard to scaling calailarian preparadon is approprises andinaccordance the applicable procedure.

2) BgDesa Verify that the calculadon purpose staesment accurseely descriha :he function and purpose of the l

i instrument loop.

in the 15 calculations reviewed accursesty described the function of the The smesmentof l

instrumentloop. Sons and alarm functions were smesd, and the loop funcnon descriptions i were in accordance with the example in PP 009, Anactua=* 8.

p I>

- 3) agags Verify that the informadan for devices lisend in this section of the calculation as acewate:

3a) All devices, cents, power supplies,indicanor numbers, sec. agree with Specification Shoes,IWDs,and the ICDS.

numbers agree with the instrumentadon 3b) blodelnumbers andcosd Reference Manuals,respectively.

W andabe In this secdon of the calainasiana all of the devices utiBand in the instrununt loop are listed sequentiaBy mg number. A one to one competison was made between the actualcomponents p., transniners, cards,indicasars computer inputs, alarms, etc.)

and their tag numbers a the canaiianiana IWDs, and ICDS. No discrepancies were found.

L TU ELECTRICQA y r -- *-f w -* * = -

  • we-

. H Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 Audit Report No.1 ATP-89 1MS s

CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continuation Shoot ITEM NO.i 1 - Scaling &ladadans A4tirinaan , the device vendor model nurnbers and Weedaghouse  !

were against the Equipment Reference Manuals and the l discrepancies were found relating a the scope section of the calculanons.

4) Seference Documents Sections 3,4,5, and 6 of the charMan constitute the bulk of the review performed on the scaling calculanons. Many of the attributes are overlapping since they involve comparisons between sections of )

the calculadons with each other and reference us ;.ssntation. The descripdon of review activities l performed in comjunction with other attributes will only be addressed once, 1 4a) Verify accuracy of data transfer fmm .p f.",cstion s' wets, drawings, scaling appendices, setpoint -

cal ~I% and the Sandard Reference Documents wi Secdon 2.0 of the Scaling Calculation J Manualto the scaling calculation.

the multitude of separate One of the primary functions of scaling calculadons is to -

For example, NSSS pieces of dass reqmrod to set up and cah'brase the instrument and setpoints are obtained horn the W Prae =**iaan setpointcalculanon or DB scaling Document; BOP setpoins are me con in the Westinghouse and the derivation of transform ual; and component specinc data .c., resistors required or removed,

(' Scalin '

t Man . ut i req ' sain and bias seeings) are found in the Wesdaghouse dasrelating toindicanors, .~J- andrecorders are con Weninghouse Shop ulic head corrections,linearizanon of RTDs, Order specilcanon shoes. Instrument H '

a the CPSES Scaling Calculation and component accuracies av foundin A Manual Instrument loop components and are found in the Westinghouse IWDs and PCBDs.

Procedure EAP 5.3 requhes that calculations be prepared so that the analyn's can be undersacod by an individual campsesnt in the calculados discipline and, further requires t input values tie identined to a soume document (i.e., technical document number or tide, issue dass, revision number, section, or ,if ). Although the input data was found to have been accursesly transferred sources,the audit seam found(with the of tefenaces) a general lack of speciSc refenaces in the body of the -

for bias, m,and . Osnaral references are 2.0 of g Manualwhich contams some 29 L pmvidedin h in which desa can be facad; however, not all of the 29 documents are unlized in remesentation of any one calculadon. Also, the Sgures in the calculations consin a can'iguration.

the instrument loops but no reference is provided to the somte of ue was given Additionally, when computations were required, only the final n without explanatory noses or mashamarie=1 computadons (see DeSciency No. 891465 While the ask of verincation of the input values was laborious due to lack of references a L amtienes daarmmed thatin in some cases required aaasidearian with the anta*:=daa L ,

every calculadon reviewed, the conect input values were 4b) Verify that the lasest infonnsdon (as of the calculation signoff dam) including Design Chnge Authorizations was unlised in the preparation of the scahng calculations.


Enclosurs 3 to Txx-89850 r Pege 11 Cf 47

" Audit Report No. g ATP89ld63 ,

[Pase-34of71 -


ITEM NO.: 1 Scaling rahladaan ,

5.d)- Den for bistable seapoints.

i Throughout this section are the calculand values derived fhxn the equations given in the ,

Westinghouse Scaling manual. The audit mam found that in several calculations only th '

values were given (i.e., the computations performed to derive the resulu were not included).

This is cana'dered a violation of Procedure EAP 5.3 and is described in D#dw 1465 01, Item 4. i.

Sa) Verify sensor inputs, outpum, and head correction, if requimd.

I Sensor inpua and outputs were verined to be correct for all of the transmiteer e the audit sample.1hs dam was verified by review of vendor specification sheets and instrumentation and consol disgrams.

the source' of transmitser and insuument TAP elevaion data being The auditteaminvessi head concedans. Scaling Calculation Manual Ap pendix !

used todetermine h I of the J contains a listing the instrument transminer and proosss up elevations for a Westinghouse 7300 insaumont loops. Elevation dam was obenined hem Brown & Ro documents. The audit mams concems were 1) that the Bsown & Root PE skeec consolled documens, 2) the precision used to anuset the dam was unknown, and 3) there did' not a spear e be any conelation with the FVM 089 walkdown. The audit team verined th 4 i the e svations were usated as swveyors data. Each sheech ispansral logged and sevuod (when -

appear to meet the '

seguired), reviewed and approved before being issued, and in that the measurements were requnement of a connound document. The audit team verifled r

' made so an accuracy of & 1/32 in.1hs audit team also verified that the FVM.069 walkdown .

maamus and won not inamaded so replace the Brown & .

elevadondatawue taken with a #

l Rootdata(see Supplemonary E than=aar List 11).

The audit team doesrmined that the saisting practices and procedums used for obainint l sensmiaer and insuument TAP elevations me adequass fbr their applicadon and are being l conecdy fouowed, l

Forcadsin theinarunentloop type, group number, og number, inpum, outputs, bench Sb) resissors sequimd,sec.

calibration accuracy, jumpers of the calaaladaan ass tahan hans sources as described -

I Thedoescessainedinthis ininun4aand a bulk of the infonnsdon in the animladaan Eners were J

of the calculadons in refereness, mmb, and noses (see Denciency foundin this No. 891465 03,Innes 3,4,5,7,8,9.11,12,13,14,17s,17f,173,18b,18c, and F 186 for dessus of the eners/inconsisesocios found in this secdon of the ca Noss: Auditors identified a total of 30 anst enors, includina the above,in the 15 paneleced and 14 perdauy aviewed calentadama These aaamiaawl of:

lanaanlan=acima between the body of tbs calculations, Agues, refsmace I a) 4 drawings, devios tag numbets, and group numbers - 11 examples .

i aaandanat enors in "Confinnadan Requind" massmens - 3 examples L b) 4 g -

i i


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Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850- - "- ' ' ' '

l- pegt 33 of 7_1 Page 10 Cf 47--  !

j Audit Report No.:t ATP R9-1461 i


Continuation Sheet *

- ITEM NO.: 1 Scaling calentadrais ,

l Auditors found that the scaling calculations an using the lama informadon available by t DCAs. In instances where information required for the calculadon was suspect or not 1 available immedianaly, a "Conarmadon Requimd" nou refsencing this fact was appropriately applied e the calculaden.

Most DCAs encountend during the audit wee wriaen to document changes to the - '

Westinghouse IWDs. Auditors observed that many of the IWDs have oustandin DCAs 1 is not a posed assinst them, some Bom the 1933 to 1935 time frams. Widle this drawings (see violation of any sin procedure, it does complican the understanding of .

Observation 891465 01). ,

Auditors found several Wesa'nghouse IWDs which contained handwritten annotations dating

.r froen 1933 which had not beenlactuded in DCAs. The audit mem verified that nine sh the meal set (approximately 450 sheets) ofIWDs developed by Westinghouse for the BOP process insuumsat cabines istnain in the system as ." Approved Except as Nosed" (AEN) documents.- Seven of these IWDs have DCAs writsen against thern ' gincorporation ,

of the AEN annotation. 'ths two drawings not dycovered by a consin  ;

anarwadana to the synom grounding wires by Gibbs and Mm dwingteview and of the BOP inssumenudon document package. 'the annomand drawings me .

correct,ispassent the installed hardware, and were reviewed and appsowed by -

both and Olbbs and H15.- An audit finding was identined concoming the -

fanneto a DCA against these two drawing as sequimd by Danciency Report (DR)

C 87 05180(see No. 391465 06). T ds is considend to be an isolated finding thatdoes not callineo the overaR adequacy of the Weninghouse !WDs (see .

. Suppismentary Evidence Document List 05). 1 4c) Verify that all psemises utilised in the scaling caladadana se supponed by appropriate reference docummaranaa

'the audit tenen aaaehwlad aber review of several scaling caladadami t het it was dif5 cult to verify the psomises, e and postulaess used in the preparation of the calculadons4

. without scourse athe 'IYds coupled with the lack of specinc aferences, as . ,

l discussedinisenada, lead audit asem e the anachialaa that thee nemis to be a tingle -

CPSES document which j sovides an overall "sced map" for the paperadon of scaling '

calculosions. DeGalency "to. 891465 02 idendAma the need for en overan psogram

. Even without description anoveran psopasadescrip (or "tood map ) don, abs practices, procedmes, and concove usedin the production  :

of scaling calculasions am resulting in accurses and ussAd p!=%

5. Calcularians .

'this secdon of the scaling caladadaan consias of fbur parts:

5.a) . The sensordata (Ls.,ineerface with the Seld) .. .

5.b) ConSguradon and setting values for the cards in the Westinghouse 7300 Series Instrument Racks 5.c) Indicators, reconiers, and compmer inputs in the concol scom 4

TU ELECTRIC QA-L L, . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _

g q Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850 epMW& '

Poo 35 of 71 Audit Report No.: ATP49446S CHECKUST WORKSHEET

  • Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 - Scaung t'alcularinna


c) minor math or numhar tmnscription errors - 6 empk; d) ii wicpiate sferences cited - 6 exarnples e) incorrect or missing notes 4 examples None of the above identified discie W individually nor collectively, impact calculatinns.The inmnsistenews/discrepanctes the results a usefulness of the final identifiedrepresenttheauditteamsevaluationof----eH 'y6000 individual data points (or entries) contained within the calcuhdons examined. Deftsisy No. 891465 03 provides details of all of these errors /loconsistencies found In the calculation preparation and review process.

Several additional card relased issues were identifled:

. PROMS Programmahle Road Only Memories (PROMS) se physicaDy idendcal elecconic cornpanents used- to'mp----

concol logic. While ineschen they can(by thesedeviceslookthe same and are PROMS se not permanendy design) contain different electrical cueuits.

affbed to a chcult bond by soldering or W and can be removed for .

j replacement purposes. Changes in system design require that new PROMS be W =-W toteflect the specific change.

PROMscurrendyinstaBedin the Wesdn 7300SeriesInstrumentation were tessed by l mi pr==mmad. idendfled,8-d _. and the mafiguration has W befase use of eldsting to CPSES. De cri bond procedures, been nraiacri 89 1 irlantima thelack of calculadonreference tothe PR widch nnnraina the coding each w T .M PROM. One of the alsothuedeselbrence the PROM . b audit ,

J indicanes that in some cases them is no dhect tiaranhnity between the l

Ubrary, the IWDs, and the scaung relculatinaa honover, the audit team conitamed that them is indbect traceabGity of PROMS. AMirinanny, there is no l l

PROM specificpocedme which describes the consols so be used for PROMS, for verificados of PROM a===== l of __. .. =A PROMS. Dir SadingToes t =>aminano, the and for phy l

I acceptabinty of t ETistaBed PROMS or the abuhy to trace thetn but teflects the l diffienky in ascing PROMS in the ahamare of disect aferencing. j l

De audit team found that PROMS me utilized on a small numher of NPL and l NTDM circuit cads in CPSES insaument loops. The audit team wnfled thatPROMshave disdaguishing fbanseswisichindicam therequired j orientarian and, fhither, awarningiscontainedin the W Equipment Reference Manuel aganding the need to ensure proper criantarian of these devices. De audit team verified that tus-rvei mi PROMS furnished by Wer'-7 =r= ibt both the NFL cads, used in TU ELECTRIC QA l

e  :

Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850 ,

Pag 3 36 of 71 r Page 13 of 47 ,

Audit Report No.: ATP RO 1461 l ,

CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 - ScalingCalculations the BOP, and the NTD cards contain identifying maddngs which differentiate between various conoo! system logics.

. Incorrect DCA While reviewing outstanding DCAs against audit scaling calcularm samples, the audit team verifled that a SWEC == '= involved in the production and review of scaling calculations failed to fully" understand the nature >

of the NPL timer enodules and, consecuently, did not adequately detail the logic l requirements in a change (i.e., DCA #8869, Rev,1) to the Auxiliary Feedwater Syssem wmicts. The en inocerectly manumeri that Westinghouse provvied l both tirne-to pickup and ic> dropout timer modules similar in function to those povided by most other tiener manufacturers. 'the engineer had fled t; however, Westinghouse tuners only a pu:k up 1 for ac No. 891465-05, l (sees lementary Evidence Docuanent List 04).

Item 1 the incomplete DCA circuit desenpdon.

' Ibis DCA was not implemented and is curready being sevised. The audit team

=~d that Qmelaan !&C conduct a bench test of the timer mnriule as

=lscribed in XA.

de theThis test M ==.;;;d that the and,consequendy, timer logic described in the would have i DCA could not have been phys.;.lly l been routinely referred back toFad _ fortesolution. In addition DCA '

88869, Rev.1 failed to identify Dr' awing 58A95 as the PROM progmmon the Inserconnection Wiring Diagram (see Deficiency No. 89 1465 05, Item 2).1he audit team found no other examples of an Lx-M= "y or incorrectly engineered DCA.

- Timer Scaling calculations 1 SC 3718 and 1 SC 3419 sequire tuner modules; , the t (see W No. 89 ype of Four 1465 04). module types ofto bemartulan dmer usedare in each used case by was Wesdnghouse, none of which ase dhoody insemban .1he team found no innticarian thes the wicos type of timer was in the fleid.

Neither calculadon identified the jumper panems ==d=d to implement the binary timer range code, In addition, the chanceers 1000 asu1OOOO were not identified as binary codes (see Defleiancy No. 89 1465 03, Isem 19).

  • Punction Generanar Caids (NCH) - Westinghouse manufactures a nurnber of Penedon Generasar Cards (NCH series). Each of these cards contains 17 vanneinmanns which must be a4ussed for the card to A.Jy transform the into the ihnction. For example, sc uns toot functions aput ;dcs. Due to the me toconect forflow alamane te vulnenbiBtyof;,-J-w =.tovibradon, inneduced anew '

mainmic sensi .

function generasercani(NCH4)withseduced

'this cast has been tested to the Westinghouse - - ~ -seismic test the results were p= hum The audit team vedfied that has a program to review the use of function generator cards to asmus that the conect card type has been applied in each instrument loop requiring a characteriser ihacdon. CECO will campse the Westinghouse test data for all NCH cards with the curve j J

l l l


g- - _ _ ,, - -- ..- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850


Pago 37 of 71 PS0e 14 Cf 47 l

Audit Report No.: ATP44146S CHgCKLIST WORKSHEET Continuation Shoot ITEM NO.: 1 - ScaHag Calculadons characterisdes picip-. A into the cad to determine the largest expected enor foDowing a seisanc event. 'the error data will be used in setpost calculations to deterunne required bistable setpoint values. '!be audit maro found this ongoing acovity to be e.dife.-y and in accordance with good engineering practice (see Supplernentary Evidence Document List 06).

. Controuer (NCB) Cards - W...' ,", cues inidally rnanufactund a fannity of controuer cards (NCB1, NCB2, NCB3, NCB4, NCBS, NCB6, NCB7, NCB8, and NCB9), each of which is basically dmilar but which contain di5erent control tyiaan In the 1983 time frarne Westinghouse maantid=*ad these designs into two cards, liCB11 and NCB12.1he NCB11 card was designed to be a direct in the replacement for all NCB odd numbered cards and the NCB12 card even austed cards. 'the audit seem interviewed Westinghouse 7 Process Instrumentation System experts and reviewed application ; .ase for both the NCB1 and NCB11 cads. As a result of this revow, the auditors concluded that these boards are directly interchangeable. Connot reset rates me slighdy di5srent between the NCB1 and NCB11 cards; however, these maes are aqusted in the field to w-. -- --$= specinc process loop requirements when the contml sysum is tuned. 'the scaling calculadoes contain a note stating the board sers m e specified for slow response and should be fine tuned under conditions.

The audit team also verifled that NCB11 boards me qualified Iwents for

--- transmittal and1he TUE NCBI bosnis by reviewing itemreplacement ovata='iaa theItwas original verid W- WTU0C0 Stock Nurnbers (TSNs) for the NCBI and NCB11 are identical. Also, the current TU Elecmc weehouse stock mnnisen only of the NCB11 cads (see Supplementary Evidence Documan List 07).

The audit scam found CBCO's applicadon of Westinghouse concouer cards to be generauy satisfactory.

1 Sc) For induaws, verify type, tag no., ineadan, input, output, scale, scale factor, etc.

Data forindic ams and secorders and computer inthe ConnelRoom orHot Shutdown Panel were reviewed against vendor data and the Items verified were tag number, W model number, input and output voltages, scale, scale facter, and bench calibration accuracy where appropriam. Resuks indicam no W in this ama.

5d) For signal comparasors, vrify type, tag no., inputs, setpoint value and reference source, setpomt I voltage, reset voltage, resistors required, jumpers, etc.

For each of the calculations containing signa 1 comparator cards, the input data somoes for setpoint values,resetvoi and ced configuration (jumpers and resisters) was venfled.

Cmdconfiguran'ons wem to be in asrammar with the ihnedanal requirements derived fromthe We= ' x Eqdpr .;Refemace Manual 1


. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . - _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _

Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 m l

Page 38 of 71 Pe90 15:$f 47 q

Audit Report No.: ATP.29 146S


l- Continuetten Sheet ITEM NO.: 1 Scaling &la>1adans L

As a result of DeSciency No. 89 1465 03, Imms 3 and 5 concerning questionable setpoint a i

references, an expanded sample (see Supplementary Evidence Document List 08) was

' reviewed in order to verify that appropnam reference sources were used for setpoint data.-

Auditon venned that either a setpomt calculadon or the Precautions, Limissions and Setpoint Document was appropnamly referenced in each of the supplementary calculanons reviewed

6) Figures - Review the Functional Block Scaling Diagram for device type, setpoints, location, function, volmse/ current, em. Verify that this mformanon is consissent throughout the ' '

calculation and~documenation The Agure (Functional Block Diagram) section of the calculation is a graphic representa' j

of the components which make up the instrument loop as deSeed by the IWD and PCBD.'

Each of the major loop components is tepresensed by a symbol with input and output -

direction and value stated. For certain cards (i.e, NRA. NSA, and NLL cords) pertinent informadon such as gain, setpoint, lead, lag, bias, etc., me shown.1he Sgure contains a wealth of informadon and gives a simph'ned, yet accuram picane of the interactions of all the componens in aloop.  ;

The Sgmes for each of the 15 audit sample calculations, and for i and'additional A estalof 14 calcul inpus to or received output toca the audit samp le were rev ewe .

which ,

seven between the Sgures and either the tofuence documents or the calculation secdons were found (see Denciency No. 891465 03,Isses 6,16,17a,17b,17c, and 17d  ;

for demils). Considering the soul amount of discrees data presented on the calculation -

figures, this number of errors is not consHerod to be eacessive. >

numbers were satisfac+erily verified against the IWDs 1he component mg numbers and

. Values for geht. &;, leed, lag, etc. was wnfled and the other secdons of each -

1 sansfacecrily against the appsopnase card calculations.

7) Westinghouse Inpus - for the scaling entailadaaa selected perfbem the fouowing:

documentation which During the audit,.perticular anention was paid to the Westin setpoina, and drawings provides the --- -f--

, cad conSguranons, equipment unlisedinthe scaling eShet, wherec  :

beels for the scalin calculation eShrt has its atWesdn "

l The tadon. BOP.

the was forthe NSSS process '


,ad on sies based on the methodology.

scaling antal was l , Equipment -

Weenschoose developed the IWDs, astnanent component cons i

Ra8menos Mannais, and Insaumont Dem Shoes and issued docuinens which-

l. uimments for the psocess inseumenation. The CPSES i specify the scaHag endaccuracy in one document end to mainmin it current by scalingeffortserves socompile dds incorporating changes as the design evolves. .

It was the ineens of this portion of the audit to verify that changes in the design of the 7300 Process Instrumenation System were g---f ^"y included in the scaling calculations.

.i e


. , . , - - - , , - . . -

  • v -ww, E.--,-%----e.

t l

,_ Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850' Page 13 gg gyf Pags 39 of 71 >

Audit Report No.: ATP.801461 CHECKLIST WORKSHEET l Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1- Scaling Calculadons l

7a) Review changes to Wesdaghouse Interconnection Wining Diasmms for technical adequacy and


venfy that changes aNecing scaling calculation parameters have been appropnately incorpo i 1

' For each of the calculations audited, the contsponding IWDs and Piecess Control Block - I L Diapams, when applicable, were obtained and reviewed against the dam contained in scahng calculation. In order to doestmine oustanding changes to the IWDs, an .

A5sesed Document Update Report (ADUR) which identines outsending DCAs was obtained - ,

foreach dra . !he DCAs were reviewed to determine the tuvised instrument loop connguradon was then compared to tbs scaling calculation. Only those DCAs issued prior a the scaling calculatlon preparadon dass were expeced a have been seneceed in th '

calculations. DCAs issued after the calculation preparation dass were tuviewed for schnical adequacy armi completeness. DCAs applicable to each calculation audited me listed iri the '

respecuve Evidence Document Sheets.

In most cases the scaling calculadons accurately inflected the design changes; however, as - &

99 in item eb, one DCA was found in which s logic deer requirement was incorrect.

Additionally, one insance was found where the Sgure a Calculadon 1 SC 55-28, Rev 5 shows an NCH1 card, whereas DCA 88528 indicases that an NCH4 card is e be used in the cucuit (see DeSciency No. 89-1465 03, Item 6) .

7b) Review chan ges to Instrumenudon and Connel Drawings and verify that changes aNecdrq '

l scaling calcu ation parameters have been approprinsely 'segM In a manner similar e that for the review ofIWDs, the changes to the Instrumentation and Control Diagrams were reviewed and compared to the information in the scaling calculanons.

No discrepances were noted between the calculadaan and the outsending DCAs.

Notices e design documenudon udlined" as inpus e scaling calculations j 7c) Review Field ses have been appropriamly '=:-%-

4 and verify that de u Nadcas (PCNs) are aansmiand to the sine via Wesdnghouse Project Wesdaghouse Field '

aderthe Vendor Transuusals(WPts) receive atechnical eview byI&CEn (VL) Program. If the PCN is found to impact hardware or drawings (e.g.,IWDs,

),a DCAis peepend andissued the drawing. Additionally, hardware I is not an appsopriate inn dementation changes see madein the Geldviathe since the document. During the endit a total of seven PCNs were idnadnad as having an a fact on the - ,

scaling calculadens under soview. In each case the PCN infonnadon was incorporated into a.l DCA and approprinsely suosend in the applicable scaling calculation.

I 7d) Review' Q' m instrument specificadons (i.e., RdF R'!Ds) and verify that change was W g- i --+:-riinn scaling calculations.

A review was made of the Westin ghouse instrument spacincadan sheets e determine that the andthatdesign changes were 4

revison level inferenced in the ca culations was S and shese associssed incorporated. 'the specific Westin 1 Evidence _ === Simes.

with the calculadons arelisand on i


. ~

Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 "'

e pego 40 of 71 Page 17 Cf 47 Audit Report NJ.: ATPo89.146S CHECKLIST WORKSHEET Continuation Sheet I ITEM NO.: 1 - Scaling O'culadons Order number and adon  !

Cabdannn 1 SC 49 01. Rev. 3 listed the w e .vgiate S to include j a in the loop but f

  • I sheets for the indicators, manual auto sation, and anfice l the sheet avision numbers for these corupacents (see ency No. 891463 03, item 21).

1 In addidon to checidng the audit sample calculadons as required, an armadafsample of nine lj "out of audit scope" calculations was reviewed to venty that Shop Order Spectfication Sheets '

were appropriately referenced (see Supplementary Evidence Document List 09). Auditors concluded that in general, the Westinghouse equipment spectftcadon sheets were being properly referenced and that the dam used in the calculadons reflects the latest changes. 1 The audit team also invesdgated whether or not the wide range RdF/R1D serial numbers are i

correct. These R1Ds are unique and must be serialized as well as "linearized" by applying sw.vgiam correction factors contamed in a table in the scaling calculadons to obtai accurate reading. Audit issults indicate that the original CPSES RTDs (which are idendfied by unique sen'al numbers) furnished under the NSSS scope of supply wem sent back vendor for recalibration.1he Unit 2 R1Ds with different serial nurnbers were then n.e.k..d to Unit 1 via Permanent Equipment Transfer (PET) (see Supplemenary Evidence Document Ust 10).

The audit team reviewed the scaling calculadon which contains the serialized R1Ds. The number frein this calculation matched those on thethevaluesin PET 1hs Appea4iv serial numbers Fto and "linearizanon" tables in the calculadon were then checked calculation)and were found to the TU Electric Scaling Calculation Manual (teferenced in be in agreement.1hs only inconsiseency noted in this teview was that the original RTD se number and linearimarinn values contained in the Westinghouse Scaling Manual (WCAP-9696) have not been daad: however, none of the documents teviewed makes reference to WCAP-9696 as the data source for serial noenbers; consequently, no audit finding was issued.

7e) Verify that Wesdagbouse input documents used in the scaling calcriadons are the latest per Project Informsoon Packap Master Index.

calculadon and nnnwnant Control Center personnel Interviews with the Packap (PIP) Masaur Index is no longer mvealed that the W Project used as a pritnery dnmunantation aference sourts. At one time (pre 1988) the PIP Masser Index was used str this purpose, in 1988 CPSES decided that the PIP Masser Index system

.e documentadon current was cumbersome, and an ettert was begun to maintain Wesiep==he audit team inves in the Site Documentadon Control System (ECE 5.19, Rev. 2).1 the pionedme and exisdag practices for control of the vendor (Wesdaghouse) docume refenneed in Secdon 2.0 of the CPSES Scaling Calculadon Manual (1-SC-8800 Rev. 2).

The Westinghouse documents are vendor drawings and have always been handled by CPSES as controlled design documents. They are subject to the provisions of PP-

z r4 023 (i.e.,or isvised site by Westinghouse design chanys) and are[".adiell toincorporate design c BOP Analog Conaal System drawings, Wesdnghouse maintains design responsibility fo these documents.


. - _ - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -

r 7 ;

' Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 LPaga 41-of 71 Pege- 13 Ef. 47 ii Audit Report NA:_ ATP 891465 i CHECKLl87 WORKSHEET 4 -1 -

Continuation Sheet ITEM NO.: 1- Scaling Slaitarians c

1) - Pmoess Connel Block Diapams,~ Dwg. 9758D39 NSSS M/A Station Tabulanon, Dwg. 8815D28 -
2) j
3) BOP M/A Sudan Tabularion, Dwg. 8815D28 e
4) Upgrade Protection & Surveillance Block Diasmms, Dwg. 9554D85
5) Feal Di Dwg. 7247D05 -

7300 Series Pmcass Connel System Dwgs. for NSSS shown -

6) on Dwg. 8810D

7) 7300 Series Analog Process Control System Dwss. for BOP shown ';

on Dwg. 8815D11 The

-. .e following ,.hme Wesanghouse mder s,ec manuals a.d .s gsare.consolled y S. dad e and iss.ued thmugh O instruction / operation /mainenance documents. These, manuals me generally not updated unless subsequent purchase orders or vendor inidated changes affect the manuals. These -- -

documents are not subject so sies design changes and .e idendfled by their CPSES document' number which consists of the purchase order number foBowed by a dash (-) and a sequential number.

8) Process Conso1 System Scaling Manual (WCAP 9696) with Supplements for -

Unit 1 & 2, G6100151001, 002, and 003,

9) Instruction Book for Upgrade Prosecdon and Surveillance System. CPSES Units .

1 & 2, Equipment Refemace and Sysum Drawing Manual, CP 0001 027 10)

Insauction Book for Process Instrumentation & Consol for CPSES Units 1 & 2, .

Volume 1, Equi unent Beforence Manual, CP 0001-89; Volume II, Sysems Drawings, CP400190 :l q

Insoucdon Book for Ratanan of Plant Ptocess Insommentation and Connot for l

11) Refuence Manual, CP 06118-001;-

CPSBS Units 1 & 2,Voimne 1.

118 002; Volume HI, Misc. Pmeess Volume D.Sg115 03 Drawings, Inseussenta, yet there -

The Westinghouse Scaung Manual (WCAP 9696) has not bean sevised since 1983,T have been several aplacemens since iban which were transmiand on WPTs.

team =aa==aadad updase of this document (ses Observadon No. 89-1465 02). .

The SaGowingadsceDaneousWesdn design documans which me not drawings or-mensais me ebe and updated ihmugh the Weedaghouse Project . l

.am.-adan however, some of them docenens me not u amendimo du- ..

DemBus 1Bessdocumenn on en as needed" basis? q

.CPSBS - NSSS documents - i when changes me identified by TU Electric or imidased by for CPSES me listed and me requimd by Procedse BCE 5.19 e sumsed in the PIP . l Masser ladox .which idendfles the lasset revision, any sappismens (if appucable) and the . l Westinghouse leser and done which traammined t he daa===ar Addidaaan 'l WPr and amadunanai is somed to the disciplines for myiew sa _ -- 1he- l audit team found 15 fammae== when the FIP Maser ladox was not being updated as recLuired by ECE 5.19 (see Denciency No. 891465 08). Invesdgaden indicated that since 6/24/s8 -

1 i



, .-,_ , , - . _ - - . _ , ~ ~ ~ . . . _ . . _ -

PS9e.19 of 47 L 1

= Paas;42 of 71 Audit Report N3 : > ATP-891463 .l CHECKLIST WORKSHEETJ l

Continuation . Shoot

, j ITEM NO.: 1 Scaling caladelana .


l (the issue date of Revision 2 of ECE 5.19) that Westinghouse documents have been entered . ,

directlyinto the Vendor Document Index and are accessible thmugh the site Document '

Control System. Although the PIPMI has not been updated since early 1989, the documents'. ;l are being maintained on a current basis by DCC. The audit team found no insances of where out of date information was utilised in the preparadon of scaling calculations.

CPSES Precautions, I. imitations, and Setpoints (PIAS) ' f 12)

'13) Pmcess Instrumentation Calibradon Guidelines, W Design Specificadon 955556 i

14) Instrument Specification Sheets for CP@001 (TBX) Shop Orders 320,325,.

and 395 - -t t %s remairdng two Documents listed'in Seedon 2.0 of the CPSES Scaling .

Setpoint for Protection Systems-Calculanon Manualare forTexas Utilities Services;. 4

)" and the Setpou' t S Comanche Peak Station (WPT-Inc., Comanche Peak Units 1 & 2 (WCAP 9818) have been superseded by WCAP 12123 oint Methodology for Pmenction Systems &=aaehe Peak Unit 1" which was issued "Setp!,1989.

Apn De Audit mam concluded that even though the ponensing and contml of Wesdaghouas l 4

documenation is underping a transiden e CP! ES consol, that tbs scaling pseparers are - .

t co puxant of the lasest ava'lable infonnation. - No inmane== were found where incorrect input li va ues or loop cons - "-- were repsessneed in calculaniana At the time of the audit the I CECO personnel hab thorough undersanding of the Wesdnghouse documenation set and were aware of changes via WPTs and PCNs soused to them by DCC.LThe audit team did not, however, saempt to verify past documenation consol precaces but concentrated on the . .

cunent situation.

7 2

.t i



i i


Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850- Page: 80- of 47 -

-Pago 43 f 71 Audit Reptrt No.: ATP 89146S EVIDENCE DOCUMENT SHEET NO.1-CALCULA'!10N 1-SC 28-19, REY. 4 REV. TYpt nocuuvNT NOI 7 laesconnectan Wiring Dtagram

1. 8810D35, Sht. 42 2 lamuramwe*= Wiring Degran
2. 8810D35 Sht.43 lassemmweden Wiring Diagram
3. 8810035, Sht. 44 5 8810D35, Sht. 45 5 W Wiring Diagran 4.

5 laammaneenian Whing Degram 5, 8810035, Slu. 47 5

Pmossa CameolBlock D6agran 6, 8758D39, Sht. 25 0 DesignChamps Ashonaadca l

7. DCA073117 1 DesignChange Amhariandon
8. DCA065071 3 kUA SantonTabeladon
9. 8810 029 3 Scabag Calenh&m 10.1 SC 2842 1 Seabag Calcuhdon 11.1 SC 28 23 2 $saung f'aladadam 12.1 SC %09
13. 1 SC % 16 2 ScauasCalculados I Scoung Appendia 14.1 SC 8800.H 1 ScalingCalculaden 15.1 SC 2819 vel 1 Weedaghomas Equipment Reference Manual - i
16. CP.000lG9 i


I Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 E898'Il CI 47 g

'Page 44 of 71 Audit Report No.: ATP 89146S J l



REV. TYPE DOCUMENT No. 1 Immennamme*= Wiring Degram  ;


1. 8810D35. Sht. 27 lammamanodom Wines Degram
2. 8810D35, Sht. 28 8 8- lauwe==== Wiring Degram
3. 8810D35, Sht. 29 lammenmasedan Wines Degram 7
4. 8810D35. Sht. 30 Puesass ConamiBlock Degram
5. 8758D39, Sht. 23 7 Psonass ComeolBlock Diagram l
6. 8758D89, Sht. 33 $

1 DesipChange Authoriannon ,

7. DCA 065071 D 3 WA Staden Tabulados
8. 8810D29 1


9. 1 SC 8800 H i 1

- Waadeghouse Danige Spacina=*iaa

10. Spas.955556 -)

3 WeedschousePrecemons Limitadona 11.PLAS andSapoism Val 1 Wealapons Squipunant Refemace Manual :

, 12. CP4101039 0 Scaling Calculados 13.1 SC 28 25 Scallag Calcuisson 14.1 SC 3416 _2-1 Scaling Pale =Imaina l 15.1 SC 3419 l 4 Senilag Pal *=laalaa l 16.1 SC 3417 l 3 Sealing Calculados i 17.1 SC %03 2 Scausscale =l='a=

it.1 SC 55 70 4 h

I 5


B- Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 p ,g , gg g, 47 '


l Pass 45 of.71 Audit RepIrt N3.: ATP R9146%



CALCULATION 1 SC 3402, REV.1 l l


i l W Winns Degram

1. 8810D35, Slu. 49 6 7 1- Wiring Diagram
2. 8810D35, Stu. 50 5

Pmosse ConsolBlock Dugram -- t

3. 8758D39, Stu. 25 0 DesignChangs Anihodanoon 4 DCA 020673 i

1 Scaling Appendix

5. 1 SC 8800 H 3 Weedaghouse Picenudons Limitanons
6. PL&S andSeipoins 1

Weedaghouse Design Specifications

7. Spec.955556 8 cr.0001089 vet 1 W

. essaghome squipmea nsfemace Manual .

l l -l I .

1 .1 1

h I

i t

4 l


. . - . - - - , ,.-,...,,,__.m . . . , . . . _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ . - . _ _ ~ . . , , - . . . ~ . - . , - . . . . , , . _ . . . . _ . . _ . , , , _

t Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 Page SS-Cf 47.'  ;

Pass 46-of 71 Audit Report No.: ATP 89146S I




2 lasueanasceanWiring Diapua.STP

1. ID65913. Sk 2 . '

7 lassecomasedanWiring Dispam 2, 8815D31, Sht. 5 7 Inser w=^ Wiring Diagrun ,

3. 8815D31, Skt. 6.

5 lasmoonnecdon Wiring Dispun, _ .

4. 8815D31, Sht. 22 i

7 lassoonosedan Wiring Disers.n,

5. 8815D31, Sht. 27 7 lauroonasadosWiring Disgrua,
6. 8815D31, Skt. 41 7 1senroonnecdon Wiring Diseum, ,
7. 8815D36, Sht. 2 lasmoommesdonWiring Dispua, n
8. E815D36, Sht. 3 7 CP.1 lumosmasadonWiring Dispua,
9. 8815D36, Sht. 7 0 tammusuamiConsetDispam
10. ut.220 sos -

2 Design Ommes Antartsados

11. DCA 020654 1 Designomsgs Ameertsalon
12. DCA 065586 Qft DesignChsnes Ammerludon
13. DCA 088869 0 EnginesingQuagsNaise
14. ECN 000244 '

0 DesignChangs Amhartsados

15. DCA 066793 ,

0 DesignQangs Ambertsedan

16. DCA 017357 ^

0 DesipCimags Amharisselon

17. DCA 052785 0 DelgaChamps Ambertsedan
18. DCA 063467 0 DesipChange Amharisesion ,
19. DCA 063312 ,

5 DesipChangs Ambertsados

20. DCA 065617

_0 DelgaClunge Asthertsadon l

21. DCA 017649 l 0 DuignChangs Andertudon
22. DCA 062532

- 0 DuigsChange Amhartudon

23. DCA 066369 0 DuigsQuags Anderludan
24. DCA 080725 j

0- DuipChamps Antartsadom

25. DCA 00412-0 DeignChsnes Aamutaden ]u
26. DCA 00411 0 DesipChangs Asshortsadon
27. DCA 062530 u TU ELECTRICQA

. - . . - - -, ..-.,,-,ym,_, - _ . , . , ,,,~,-,.,vs.-y .

y ....,,,.,,..,,,,.y-- -

d e Enclosure 3 to Txx-89850 MdE Pags 47 of 71 Audit Report Nr.:_ ATP 891465 l .



Vol.1 Weninghouse Equipenent Reference Manual

28. CP4611D 001 '

1 Wesanghouse Deegn Specificapon

29. Denga Spec.955556_

1 Scaling Appendix 30.1 SC 8000 H 3 ' M/A Sudan Tabulation

31. Isl5D28 2 Scaling Appnadix j 32.1 SC 40001 1 Seapoint Cahndesion 33 X:(B)404

-5 PROM Lamery M. 835sA95 Shesu 1 thru s 12/5/s7 Duecisacy Rapon

35. C4745180  :

12/5/t7 DeestancyRapon

36. C47 05056 Weedaghouse Scaling Manual  ;
37. WCAP 9606 - 2 0 PlaidChemes Nodes  !
38. PCN TBXM 10590 1 DesignChangs Andertsenon
39. DCA 17.342 1

1 f

.l e



_. _ .__ _ .. _ _ _ _ .__.. _ _ . - - - _ - -.... - ~ --. - - - .- --- -


m- Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 Pass 48 of 71 Aust Report No.: ATP.19 1461 a.


\ nav. TYPE l- rwvussNT No. l l

8 Insuccanscaon Winns Diagram l 1. 8810D37, Sht. 7 8 lanuconnecoca Wiring Degram l 2, 8810D37, Sht. 8 '

CP 1 lassmannection Wiring Degram

3. 1065902, Cat. 3 Psosses ConsolBlock Dugram 4, 8758D39, Sht. 27 6 lassumenation Consol Degram CP 4
5. Mt.225512 1

DesipChange Authorunton

6. DCA021227 2 DesipChangs Aushortassion
7. DCA 016387 0 DeelpChangs Amharimson
8. DCA 016568 0 DesipChange Authoriandon i 9. DCA 077633 Vol.1 Weedaghaus Eqaipenent Raf.Manel
10. CP40149 1

.Weninghoues Desip Speih ~

11. Spec.955556 1

Scalles Appendla 12.18C 4800 H -

2 Scelleg Appenska 13.15C 4800 B 2 Wenaghouss Scaling Manual .!

14. WCAP 9696 I SesNag Appendla 15.1 SC.8800 E '

3 . Weedaghouse Paceumons 1.imitsuons

16. P1.&S andSeipoins 17, 8810D29 3 M/A Sudos Tabeladen l TU ELECTRIC QA e r

- - _ . . _ _ _ ._ _ _ , _ . . . . . _ , . . _ . . . . _ . . - . .. ~ ,_..._.. - .

w i 8 -Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 Page R$_ Ef 47 '

Pass 49 of 71 . Audit Report No.: ATP.89 1465 ll



l DoctNwNT NO.

I i

2 Insuw==== Winng Diagram

1. 8810D38, Sk 39 i 9 lauroonnocean Wiring Diagram
2. 8810D38, Sht. 41 l:

9 Immonenscdon Wiring Degram .

! 3. 8810D38, Sht. 45 2 W WiringDiagram I

4. 8810D38, Skt. 49 2 th Wiring Diagram q
5. 8810D38, Sht. 50 lessoonosc6aa Wiring Diagram j
6. 8810D38, Sht. 51 7 7 PiecessConsolBlock Dugram ]
7. 8758D39, Sht. 23  !

2 Piones ConsolStock Degram

8. 8758D39, Sht. 24 1 4 Piones ConsolBlock Diagram I 9. 8758D39, Sht. 32 1 Desip Changs Authonasson
10. DCA 065071 0 DaulpChange Amhanandon
11. DCA 077328 0 DeepChangs Aalhorhadon
12. DCA 020593 0 Desip Changs Amhariannon 'J
13. DCA 073062 Vol.1 Weminfiouns Equipment F.eference Manual
14. CP40001089 J 1 Weninghouse Deep Spect8 canon
15. Spec. 955556 I Scaling Appendix

'16. l.SC 8800 H 0 Design Basis Dr.mesm

17. DBD EE421 3 Weedaghouse Fiesensions Limitanens
18. PL&S udseem ,

2 Weninghness Scaung Manual 19, WCAP 9696 4


1 l-i l


3p Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 Page 37 cf 47 -

Pass 50 of 71' Audit Report Nr.: ATP 89146S EVIDENCE DOCUMENT SHEET NO.7 s

CAIfULATION 1 SC 2812, REY. 3 4

I anv. mm noctuser wo ,

Vol.1 Weednghouse Equipment Refemnce Manual

1. CPellt 001  ;

5 lemmannecdon Winns Diagran

2. 8815D33. Sht.13 6 Imamonnesson WMas Diagram
3. sal 5D33,sht.44 CP 1 W Winns Diagram
4. sel5DM, sht. 33 CP 1 lasseanneceanWinns Diagrun l
5. sal 5D M,she. u 5 Equipannt Spac4Readon l
6. MS405 1 Egsipment Specincanon l
7. MS413 l 2 Egalement spacinnamon
s. Ms422 2 SeelingCalculssionManual Appendin
9. 1 SC 4000.C I ScalingCalculadon Manual Appendin 10.1 sc se00.H 0 DesipChany Amhanannon
11. DCA 6960s 0 DesipChangs Amhorummon
12. DCA 31581 )

0 DesipChangs Awhoriannon

13. DCA 31582 i

l L .

l l


l Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 *E II U E Audit % ort No.: ATP.R9 146E


l EVIDENCE DOCUME!G SHEET NO. 8 CALCULAT10N 1-SC 5544.REV.4 Tynt noctfusNT No. trv.

Vol 1 Wauinghouse Equipment Refaunce Manual -

1. CP.000149 5 W Wiring Degram
2. 8810D31. Sht. 41 7 lassoonsecdon Wiring Diagram 3, 8810D31. Sht. 42 7 Puesens Coment Block Dugram
4. 8758D39 '

CP 2 lam and Conson Degram

5. Mi 225H3 CP 3 lassumenudon and ConsolDegram
6. Mi 225M3A 4 DesistChange Aalhorhamics
7. DCA 77275 9 -Woulapuuse Shop Onler-
8. 5.0. 325. Shoot 04210 15 WesW Shop Onter-
9. 5.0. 395. Shast 05410


t 4


m Encloeuro 3-to TXX-89850 Page 39 sf:47 Pass 52 of 71 Audt Report N3.: ATP 80146S i


CP 1 lauscannecdon Wiring Diagram

1. 8815D33, Sht. 21 2, 8815D33, Sht. 22 4 --

W Wiring Disgram j

3 M/A Sedon Tabuindon l 3. 8815D28 Inanument and Commel Drawing 4 Mt.2204 05 CP 2 2 SasungCalculadonManual Appendu 'l

5. I SC 40005
j I Scaung Calculadon Manusi Appendu
6. 1 SC 8000 H Egsipament Specifkaslon  ;
7. MS40$ 3 2 Equipinent Specificesion f
8. MS4tlA 4 Equipusent Specinandon ,
9. MS424 Vol 1 Wesdefiones Equipment Refuenos Manual
10. CP4611D 001 1

Sasung Cahensden Manasi Appendh

11. 1 sC aso n l

1 l

l -




' h l'

1 1


~ . - - - - _ . , , - . . , , . - , , - . . -.. ...~.- -

Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850'

  • B Pass 53'of 71 Page 30 Ef 47.-


i .


nocUuRNT NO.

l 8815D33, Sht.16 CP 1 1- Wiring Diagram l 1.

Voi. I Wealaghomas Equipment Reference Manual i- 2. CP.06115 001 1 M/A Sasion Tabuladon

3. 8815D2B I ScallagCalculaden Manual Appendu I- 4. I SC 4000 H 2 Scaling Calculation Manual Appendu ,
5. 1 SC 00001 MS411A 2 Equipment Wh 6.

CP 3 Equipment SMN ,

7. MS4115 CP 2 th Wiring Diagram .
8. M1220642A A PlaidChangeNasics
9. PCN 3XM 10658 0 DanignClangs Auennaanon
10. DCA SIW1 0 PlaidChmissNodes f 11. PCN 3XM 10990 1

DesignChange Authonsanon

( 12. DCA 17.342


u L

1 i <

l o

i !j l

1 .:

l 1 l i l i l 4

i j


, -1

< 1 J


i .e

-Enclosure 3-to TXX 89850 '

P3 2 54 of.71 Page 31 of 47-'

Audit Report No.: ATP.59.ld61-EVIDENCE DOCUMENT SHEET NO. I1 CALCULATION 1 SC-19 07 REV. 2 Tynt nertusvr No. anv. .

4 lusmonenecean Wiring Degram  :

CP 1

1. 8815D33. Sht.17 4 Inamoonnecean Wiring Degram
2. 8815D33.Sht.18 '

3 DodgnChange Aushorustion

3. DCA 40145 CP 5 lassemenudon andConsolDegram 4 Mt.2204 03 M/A Sendon Tabuladon  :

5, 8815D25 3 3

Equipment Specification

6. MS 605 2 Equipment Specificesion
7. MS411A 4 Equipmem Specificadon
s. MS424 Vol. I W@ EquipmentRefuence Manual
9. CP 06115 001 0 PieldChange Nodce
10. ICH TBXM 10590 1

DeepChange Aulhonsasion

11. DCA 17.342 ,

r Y

i i


L Enclosure 3 to TXX-89650 ' Page St ~ of Pa83 55 of 71 Audit floport N2.: ATP.10-1461 EVIDENCE DOCUMENT SHEET NO.12 CALCULA110N 1 SC-48 01,REV. 2 l

l- .


VolI Wesinghouse Rafeence Manual ,

1. CP4001489 2 lassiconnecdon Wiring Diagram i' 2. !WDSIl0D36 l Psoness Comen! Block Dugram  ;

2 l 3. PCBD 8758D39. Sht. 51 M/A Sasion Telndadon l I 4. Dreweg1810D29 3 CP 3 W and ConsolDiagram

s. ICD Mt 225643 l 3 squipment Specincedon y
6. Mses 4 l


l l

.1 l

I l

i 1 i-e

! i 4 ,

) I i l i


i 4

Pegs 56 of 71 Audit Report No.: ATP 89,146E fIEnclosurs3toTXX-89850 o


f Vol.1 Weninghouse Eqmpmem Reference Manual

1. CP400149 12 W Wiring Diapam 4
2. 8810D31, Sht.14 8

1-Wiring Diayam ,

3. 8810D31, Sht.15 -

13 lanumanasadon Wiring Dlayam -l

4. 8815D32, Skt.14 7 th Wiring Diapam
5. 8815D32, Sht.15 48 Wenischouss ShopOrder
6. S.O. 325, Shos 01410 Weningsauss ShopOrder -1
7. S.O. 395, Sheet 05020 41 j

6 PleasesCommelBlock Diagremi

8. 8758D39, Sheet 17 1

ScalingCalculadon Manual Appen&x

9. 1SC 300 H 3 Seeling Calculaden Manual Appenda 10.1 SC48001 2 Wenin8houss Scaling Manual l
11. WCAP 9606 J A PlaidChugs Nodos
12. FCN13XM 10658 0 DesignChange Amhartaanon
13. DCA $8841 0 FishiChemesNodos
14. PCN13XM 10S90 1 DesignChases Amhansanon

'""V' Fe-* 9 r a ,

l Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 Page S4 Cf 47 .

L Pags 57 of 71 Avelt Rep rt No.: ATP R91465 t

l i

EVIDENCE DON SHEET NO.14 l CAL 4VLAT10N 1 SC 55 52, REY.4 nocuurwr wo.. anv. rm 4 Wesen8 house Shop Oider  ;

1. 3.0. 325, ShL 04215 41 Weedn8houss Shop 0 dar
2. S.O. 395, ShL 05020 15 Weedn8 house Shop order
3. 5.0. 395, ShL 05410 8 laeuconneenan W' ring Diagram
4. 8810D31, Sht. 5 lasmoonoscoon Wiring Diagram j 5, 8810D31, ShL 6 9 7

lasmoonnectenWinns Degram

6. 8810D31, Sht. 7 I

lasmonenscdon Wiring Dugram

7. 8810D31, Sht. 8 5 2 W Wiring Degram
8. 8810D38, ShL 43 6 Puneses Coment Block Degram
9. 8758D39, Sht. 7 Puneses conomiBlock Dugram
10. 8754D39, Sht. 35 3 CP 2 W sadConsolDrawing i 11, 2323 Mt 225002A 1

Seeling Csicaission Manual Appendix 12.1 SC N00 0 1

Seeling Calculation Manual Appendix 13.1 SC 8800 H 2 Weslaghouss SceBag Manual

14. WCAP 9696 0 DesignChangs Amhariasson
15. DCA 73491 r 0 DesipChange Amhertaanon
16. DCA 73152 1 Desip Changs Authoriannon
17. DCA 88528 1 DesipChangs Amborusson
18. DCA 16740 0 DesipChangsAmherunden
19. DCA 20494 0 DesipChess Amhariasson
20. DCA 83059
21. PCN TBXM 10606 A PieldChemesNoelos i

A FisedOsage Nodos

! 22. PCNTBXM-10613 A FisedChampsNoelce

23. PCN TBXM 10654 vel 1 Wealspouns Equipassa Befsence Manual i 24. CP400139 5 Sasung h 25.1 SC 55 28

' 2 Sasung Csiculadon 26.1 SC 55 76 1

SesNag Csicatsdon 27.1 SC.55 46 l WeedaghousePlesnudens Limitsuons 3

28. PLAS sad Sapoius 0 Equipment Rafmanos and Sysum Drawing
29. CP 0001427

' Massi N16Upyads

! i i


i i

_. ._ ..._.. -_-.,.:_ _ . u __- -

o m;

Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 Pass 58 of 71 Auspt Report No.: ~ ATP-891461 EVIDENCEDOCUMENTSHEETNO 15 9 CALCULATION 1 SC 55 28,REV.5 nav. Tvnt noctwwwT No.

8 laumannecnon Wiring Degram

1. 8833D38, Sht. 3 '

6 Inssoonnecean Wiring Depam

2. 8833D38, Sht. 4 8 lemmannecdon Wiring Diagram
3. 8833D38, Sht. 6 lassesaneceanWiring Degram
4. 8833D38, Sht 7 6_ ,

6 lessoonnecdon Wiring Disgram

5. 8833DM, Sht.14 ~

6 1% Wiries Diagram  ;

6, 8833D34, Sk 15 3

PleasesConsolBlock Disgram 7, 9554D85, Sht. 2 1

Scalhgam Manuel Appendia

8. 1 SC 8800.H 1 Weninghouss PrWestTrumanimal . i
9. MT 11000 0 DesignChangs Amhanandon
10. DCA M2491 0 DesignChangs Amhannasion
11. DCA 73752 1 DenyChangs Amborisaslon
12. DCA 88528 A PleklQuags Nodos
13. PCNTBXM 10696 A PlektChangsNasics
14. PCNTBXM 10654 A PlaldQuangsNodos
15. PCN TBXM 10613 Vol.1 . Westadoues Equipment Refounce Manust
16. CP 0000189 '

2_ - Weninghouse Scoung Manuel

17. WCAP 9696 18,1 SC 55 52 5 SeebasCelsubsalon 3 WesempaansPressudens Limindons i
19. Pl.&S . '

sessapsies L j

20. PCN13XM 10990 0 PleWChemesNodos 1 DesipChange Antioriassion
21. DCA 17.342 I



l Enclosure 3 to.TXX-89850 Page of e .


' Aust Report No.:' ATP491465 >

IPogs59of71- i ,.

.i l





w tNaNT No.

Rev. 3 m 4 : Scaling Calcuindon

1. 15C.5842 Scaling Calculadan
2. 1.SC.37.lg Rev 4 m 5 i Rev. 3 e 4 Scaling Calculadat o
3. l.SC.3710 :1 Rev.4 m 5 seating calculadan
4. ..

j l


l 4

l 1

'l 1

I l

y i


u Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 ---- E89' II CI 47 l

- Peas 60 of 71 Audit Report No.: ATP-191464 -l ,

I I .


a l





I. ^s- i

.02/17/89 Inner OlBas C_-- -

I 1. IOC for 1 SC 34 02 l InnerOmne C, '=

2. 10C for 1 SC 44 06 03/27/09 l InnerOIRose-

- ^ --

l 03/27/09 ,-

3. 10C for 1 SC4446 -
4. 10Clbr 1 SC 37 06 03/27/99 leurOlhos Conuspondenes >



Rev.3 Scaung Calculadon

5. 1 SC 2812 Rev.2 Senung Calculosion
6. 1 SC 28 23 Rev.4 Scaung Calculadon .
7. 1 SC 2819 Rev.3 Scaling ch*
8. 1 SC 2841 1 SC 2844 Rev.4 Samung Calcuission [


Rev.8 ScaungCalculadon 10.1 SC 28 01 Rev.7 ScalingCalculaden 11.1 SC 2842 Rev. 5 Sambag Calculados 12.1 SC 28 28 Rev.4- SenungCalcaission 13.1 SC 28 52 Rev.2 ScabasCalculadon 14.1 SC 28-70 t


i o 1 ' ' " ' " ' ----

( Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850 -

Pass 61 of 71 Audit Report NO.: ATP49-Id6$


Ber. 4 SeebagCalculanon ,

1. X SC4741 Rev. 4 Seebag Calculaden
2. X SC474 Rev.3 Scabag Calcuisslos
3. X SC 3441 Rev.2 SeebagCalculaeon 4 X SC 244 Rev.3 ScabagCalcaineen
5. X SC44
6. X SC44 Rev.3 Sangag Celembdos f Rev.2 SambagCelsehstaa
7. 1 SC.1941 Rev. 3 Scallag Celselsdon
8. 1 SC 194

- Rev.2 SeebagCalculaden

9. 1 SC 1943 Rev.2 ScaBag Celselnden 10.1 SC 2843 Rev.3 Scallag Celselnden 11.1 SC 384 12.1 SC 3846 Rev.2 SeallasCelestados Rer. 2 ScabagCelsehdon 13.1 SC 2847 Rev.2 Scabag r* Man 14.1 SC 284 '

Rev. 2 ScaungCalsehenna 15.1 SC 384 Rev. 3 SeebagCatoehdas 16.1 SC 3141 Rev.2 SandagCelsehdon 17.1 SC 314 Rev. 2 SeeBagCeleuksien 18.1 SC % 11

19. 1 SC % 12 Rev.2 ScabasCelsehden 20.1 SC 3548 Rev.3 ScanasCelsehden Rev. 3 SenBog Celsehden 21.1 SC 3546 22 l.SC 3547 Rev. 3 ScanasCalcahdon Rev.3 ScatagCelselsdon 23.1 SC 354 24.1 SC 454 Rer. 4 SanbasCelselsena TU ELECTILIC QA .

Enclosure 3 to TXX-898$0 Pess 62 of 71 Aust Report No.: ATP.89 1461 s



i l

1 REV3DATE TYPE l noc1NENT NO_ 1 l I 1

1 l

1 Rev.4 Seahns Calcuisson 25.1-SC4543 Rev.4 SeahnsCalcuirman

26. l.SC454 '

i 1

Rev.3 Semblescalculaden j 27. l.SC4343

23. l. Scag @ Rev.3 Seallas Calculamon l

Rev.3 Seallag Calculaeon

29. l.Scage Rev.3 SamnsCalculaden l 30.l.Scasas 1

Rev. 5 Seallag Calculaden j 31,1.SC 4310 Rev. 5 Seebas Calculaden j 33, l.SC.S$43 Rev.4 SeabasCalcuhdon l

Rev 4 Samung Calculssion i 34.l.Sc.$54 )

Rev.4 SenNagCalculaslon

33. l.SC 3545 Rev.4 SenumsCalculenan 36.1.$C.$$.06 s I
37. l.SC.$5 24 Rev.3 Seebas Calcuission l 33 l.SC 55 2s Rev.s Senses Calculaden 39.1.$C 55 37 Rev.3 Santes Calculaden l Rev.2 Senums Celsubsion 40 l.SC.55 33 l

r l

3 I

l l


~b 9

L I '!1J ELECTRIC QA w ssr-- rv--.-mr.em-,.-=,,- -w, .--e.-er---=-.---,-s,*---w-ur--..-,--.,-_.----*----.,-,--..--._--_m ..__..m,--.-- ___em. , ,. --- -----e.e.--,-*,..,- -,-.-,v.--,-.~._-- ._ _ - * .

Enc 1couro 3 to Txx-89450 _

Pege 40 of of  ;

Pass 63 of 71 AudN Report No.
ATP 391461 i .

1 .

l l

i '



i 1

any MATE TY9E w tMsNT No.

l 1 1

i Rev.1 QuanalCalhadon Piecedwo l 1. INC4400A Rev.1 DenyChange Aueensemon

2. DCA88809 Rev. 0 WetRaques l
3. WJL. # 64948

' h Piasedse

4. ICA 106 Pav. O i

1 1

I i

1 I





! i l

1 o

i >

s  !

I  !

1 i


4 >

t  ;

j i i

i i


i l

E .

. __ q Enclosuro 3 to TXX 89850 Page 41 Cf 47

. Pogs 64 of 71 Aust Report No.: ATP 891461

! l

' . 1 l




RRVfDATR TYPE l T ^ifhrtNT NO. I Ie M *14775 Rw. 4  %% hm

2. ocA14ns Rw.5 Desienchme Aumanseson Rw.6 Deslychmen Ausatamon
3. ocA.1477s Rw.2 Caneseve Amlen Rapan i j 4. CAR Oss 12/1s49 DuasioneyRayon j 5. DR C 4745056 12/1s 4 9 osasioneyRapan I 6. Datasino 11/0449 SeuupWak Reques

) 7. F.1149 Oth & MiB Lamar

s. 01N4110 01/1W83 j

12/1942 OGes & MIR taanr l 9. 01N42983 )

i l

1 6

t l

t l

l l



, ,_,v., . . - --..-..-._._w...,,,.--..--.~.~,m, ,,-..__.-.,,_.,...,._._.,e_ - - - - -


Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850 Page 43 et 47  ;

Pogs 65 of 71 e

AuWt Report No.: ATP-3914$1 -!

I i '

i '




l l weeshame hokaTransmiant  :

t. w n.I1tas onmuse 4 oMme wangheses wessesTansmiant  :
2. w n.It m  !

Rw.1 Englassenes Change Neem

3. ECN 243 l Rw.1 Engiasseheouns:Noelm
4. scN 244 Rw.1 Eagleserbs Chess Namen
5. BCN 245 1

i i

l ,

1 i l 1

I .i l

i i

4 1

i 1

i l



,,w-,- w_w._, .-,---c.., ~ . . ...,-w .._w.,,,,~., -,...w.,.,..-,--,,---. v , * - , -


  • l Enclosure 3 to TXX-89850 page 43 cg gy Pass 66 of 71 g y Ng,; g 1





i i

i any MATE TYM l

r UuswT No. 1 l

i l

08/25/B3 mesiumsOnist -l

1. PO 66170M95 OW14/83 WOCO Sansk Nunbarless
2. TSN 139984 8 1 Subselmelon inbladon and Review Form l

08/23/83 WeninWmuss Laner -

3. DA.edOO4 l Onr,Shan, Damaged er Nonconforming
4. 8341919 0041/83 Goods Rapan 104F7/B7 MenCeufusamos Rapon
5. NCR 87 00386 OW3448 CPERS Chemes Onter
6. eC423787
7. OH004 pues 3404 . 08/34/08 nesseurSauk NumberCasios 'f '

12J0447 W Semk Acelan Raques

! 8. 68 408255 1

3/3/08 Commodw Anden Ragsas i 9. CAR 8817  !

hashumanosPiensees i

10. ICA 106 0 l

i l

t ,

t d

8 Ih i


(  :


_ . , , . . . - . . , . , _ . . . . . _ - , - - . _ , - _ . - - . . _ , _ . , . _ - _ . _ . - _ ~ _ _ _ _ ,

. . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

p Enclosure 3 to Txx-89850  !

Page 44 Cf 47 =

Pess 67 of 71 Audit Aspert No.
ATP.39 1463  !

, I l 1


Tyra noctusvr No. uv mm  !

t ,

Rev.3 Seeung Calculsman '

! 1. 1 SC 1149 l Rev. 3 SesNag Calculamen i 2. 13C 1111 -

Rev.2 Sasums Calculsden

3. 1 SC 1442 Seebag Calculeden l
4. 1 SC # 00 Rev.3 s l SeaMag Calculadan
5. 1 SC 3449 Rev.2 Rev. 4 Sosung Calamisden
6. 1 SC W 14 1

Rev.3 SesMagCalculsden

7. 1 SC W17 Rev.3 Sosung Calculadan
8. 1 SC 3710 i Sashes Calculeman
9. 1 SC 3718 Rev. 5 j

I r


l i .

e e

'I 5

l l

F i

i i



Enclosure 3 to TXX 89850 Page 48 of 47 Pcgs 68 of 71 Aggit Report N1: ATF.89 1461

) i 4

l '

, l l  !



I TYpK  ;


f. I Seeung Calculadon l
1. 1.$C-4946 Rev.4 I

Rev.4 Soeung r*=*

2. 1-SC 5543 Rev.4 Sasung Calculadon f I 3. 1 SC 5548 Rev.5 Sasung Calculaden  ;
4. 1SC5741 i Rev.4 Sasung Calculeman
5. 1SC5747

' Rev. 4 Sasung Calculaden [

6. 1 SC 5842
  • Rev. 3 Sasuas Calculadon
7. l SC 5844 '

Rev.3 Sasung Calculaden

8. 1 SC 3443 Sosung Calculadon  !

! 9. l SC 3445 Rev.5 i

4 I

l i



Encicoute 3 to TXX-89850 Pepe 46 of 47 Pego69 of 71 Audit Report No.: ATP 891468 I

p .


1. PO 29357 D L4 07/22/88 PedamOstr Supt.04/25/86 PO Supplement
2. 70 293$7 D L4 Rev.0 Westaghome Quality Release
3. QRN 79681 08/1847 Puumana EquipmentTransfer
4. PET e 1893 07/1347 Westaghomas1.anst S. WPT 9067 >


-- j Enclosuro 3 to TXX-89850 Pete 47 cf 47 4


d 5

Pess 70 of 71 Aust Report No.: ATP R91465 I '






l j

Rev.3 Seahag Appenen [

1. l.SC 80001 Rev. 8 Bsown & Root Egernem
2. PE M90

] Ssown & Root Equipsnam l Rev. 6 1

3. PE 9187 tsows & Root 54 payment l Rev. 4  !

4 PE 9183 Rev.4 Ssown & RootEquipment l

$. PE 9182 Seews & RootEquipment Rev.2

6. PE.7099 I Bsown & RootEquipmem Rev.3
7. PE4187 Rev.I tsown & RootEquipunent l
8. PE 9112 f Rev. 3 Bsown & Root Equipment ,


9. PE4182 '

Bsown & RootEquipsment Rev.1

10. PE 1350$  !

07/1Q99 SWEC Mamo

, 11. SW7U 13.379 Rev. O FVM48WatdowsPackass 12.1 LT4517 !WP 333 FVM48WatdownPackass l Rev. O 13.1 LT4537 !WP 330 >

PVM48 Wahdown Packaps Rev. O 14.1 LT4527 IWP M2 Rev.O FYM48WaRdownPackage  ;

15.1 LT4547 IWP 358 Rev. O FYM48WahdownPackaps 16.1 LT4752 !WP 192 Rev. 0 PMWahdowuPackass 17.1 LT4753 !WP 193 j FYM48WahdownPackaps Rev. O 18.1.n414-!WP 249 Rev.O FYM48WahdownPackap j

19. I M415-!WP 230 ,

l a

I l



- . ~ - . . _ - _ - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

' 3 f$,*f*7f[f7{oTxx-89850 '

Aust Report No.: ATP.89 1462 i .

i ATTACHMENTA Jl Radsgg L Cakluladan 4

T.Metaan  !

1. 1 5C-28 19. Rev. 4 T. McLaan,W. Saun
2. 1 SC 28 23. Rev. 2 T. MetAba
3. 1 SC 34 02, Rev.1

! T.Metaan i 4. 1 SC 3718. Rev. 4 T. McIAta l

5. 1 SC-49-01, Rev. 3 ]
6. 1 SC 55 70, Rev.1 T.McIAan J K O oudhry

. 7.1 SC 2812 Rev. 3 E Choudhry  ;

8. 1 SC 55 04, Rev. 4 E Choudhry  !

9.1 SC 1911, Rev.1 E Choudhry ,

10.1 SC 19 05. Rev. 3 E Choudbry 1 11,1 SC 19 47 Rev. 2 E O oudhry  :

12. 1 SC-48 01. Rev. 2 E Q oudhry '

i 13.1 SC 3419. Rev. 4 W.Seurn 14,1 SC 55 52, Rev. 4 W.Seura )

15.1 SC 55 28, Rev. 5 l


K. Mantirosian reviewed audithC arirHe IWas 7C and 7e lbr 8B Calculadons, I i

-1 1

i b


Enclosure 4 to TXX-89850 Pogs 1 of }g 1 i





, i l

l i

h l

NE-28.245  ;

November 17, 1989 .

D.E. Ranstr e A08 10: I CQuNCHE PEAK STEAM ELacmtIC STATION l REEFONSE 101U ELX3RIC (M AUDIT l REFGrf ATP-89-1485 Please fird attached the responses to the deficiencies and observations- If you i identified in Tap Audit Report ATP-1488, "Soaling Calculations". l have any questions or require any additional inforestion concoming this l subject, please contact Brian Haynes at extension 8034. i l


/T '

C. . Moss' f 991:jb

'3 ! l Attachment -

f oc: Alts 1L,1A 1L,1A EDS Ada/443 M l

' D.P. Barry M.R. Blevins 1L,1A 000 i H.D. tra er IL,1A Ett l R.N. Sumhan 1L,1A IC/444 t D. Corbitt 1L,1A 000 C.G. Creamer LL,1A 500 B.M. Enrass LL,1A 500 J.J. Neller . IL,1A 000 J. Ereobtias LL,1A 244987 J J.J. Id hrom 1L,1A 500 0.J.lau$lin IL,1A 004-0.W. Emue 1L,1A E07 J.W. N ffett iL,1A 000 K.A. Norunn it.LA E04 P. Raysircar IL,1A Adm/443 j J.F. Streeter IL,1A A0S i i


' j

j l - Enclosure 4-to TXX-89850~

f Page 2 of 18 I i

I Ptse 1 of 17 i

ATTAC399ff 1 l

1 ATP-39-1468. rarICIBCY NO. 49-1445-01

' Iradequate Input Sofenness in Somling Chiculations Deficianer


i l j Reauirement 1

EAP 5.3, " Preparation and omtrol of etwasal and computerised omiculations l

j Oksalear Projectal". Rev. 3, statas:

"All normal and congnsterised ensinsering and desian

1. Scotion 2.0 -

a=1=dattans shall he:

f o Prepared much that the ennlysis can he understand by an inaivieml i emmpetent in the amiculation discipline without resourse to the l

' pnparer of the calculatian".

- "The body of the omlaulation shall consist of' all

2. Atta d emnt 1.4 tant and diaanan, leading to 'the canyutati e s, alans with suplanatory i

resulta. The followins shall be included:

4 Inputs (Including Sources) l 1sgn4 values (including mits) and identifiantien of the ammons (see semple source refannoe below).

- Daoumant ihnbar and/or Titlei lasus Data; ,

! o 1Whniem1 Desnament l Revision Number, and Section, Ptse, er Table phabers, if applicable."  :

t Deficianer the samling omlaulations revisued exhibitad one i contrary to the above, most offollowing deficient ounditions (in amor anses, the recours or more of the pnparer ins regaired to adesstand the omlaulations):


1. Section 3 of the =1=d =* h contatas referemos to " Standard Referui Doo ments" in Smoti e 3.0 et the Samling Omlaulation ftusal (1-80-4000); l housvar, Septim 3.0 contains SS dooments, est all et addah are applicable '

to any m e antamistie .- Additionally, these refestnoes de apt aantain revialan levela er dates, yet specifio istemention osatained in these dooments (e.g., sim, bias values, etc.) ins used in the omlaulations.

2. The bedr of the enlaulations does not aantain sysoitie ingn4 referenos '

ammons (e.g., dooumant nusher, zweisia nauhar, titles, issus data, 1

emotion, pese, etc.) far: Itahale amin, bias, and imput voltase; jumpers j required or rumsved; or resistare required.

3. lagnA reference sensees are not stated for mo&de equation er transfer '

fumations utilised.



. .--m,-~ -- ,,,,,-n~-n.,.n-,-+,.en.. ,e- -.,,n,-,-,--e

f Enclosurs 4 to TXX 89850

Page 3 of 18 l

i, Page 2 of 17 '.

AffA009ff 1 I

! 4. Explanntary notas am not prwidad for mathemationi annipulations p nor am the eenipulations shane.

5. Sectim 4 of the omloulations contains the statement. "Por Loop Amourecies, housver.

ese samling Omlaulation Phnumi Appendix N (1-3C-8000-N, Rev.1)"t Appendix N anir gewides guidelines foramouracy determination values themselves. of loop enouracy (A l volums rether than prw iding actani leapProject Proomshes FP400. Attadmant Pese B.

l similar statement is ande in

7. Parasreph B).

l i

6. Figure 1 of the omloulations dose not contain a referunne for the sourse j

(e.g., Westindiouse Process Centrol tiedt Diagrus, ote.) of the loop  ;

l amfiguestie.

t l

l h DM-len/ - . Mwe An*4an a

i Itama 1-4 samling During the early stases of the audit, a dheisten ses onde to revise theifio refenni a=1=1=tions to enhamos th detail and dooment spec j  :

the refennae section and bedr of the omlaulation. t f

11 5 I -)

Appendix N prwidse campanent 1he fwuotion enourecies of Appendixand N isguidelines carrectly and for determ l laap calibestie ensurear. As = 1 = =1 =* 4 - are rwined, a t

specifically stated in the appendiz itself.

clarification will be added toPteJest refannes Preceikse Appendiz PP400 5 as does guidelines in adotareini not require lamp onlibretian ensurecies. '


t 115 A loop .

1be functional bleek osaling diasma is a greghio 1 1=*4= is supresentation therefore . the of th ,

described in the samling omlaulation. Simme the esures dammenta sourse document pruriding the imput to the diagram.enlaulation are heing referenced:


> pewiding imput to the samling the

! anlaulatten itestf. seessunoms are not reindred en the fwl diagram.

samling N1=at=*4- ptimum1. I I

Er*==t of ~ N64== ,

l A recently perforand 30 Gk Savaillanos N1=*1=64 (04P W-000) dataseined Additiemmily, a spoeial that t

i. .

candition is isolated to Samlias tisimmering Amouronos divieica to l emmenennt is being partenued by' SWC'saddeb is h ilad for anagnietad by t

l '

ouhotantista the surveillanos resulta 11/24/99.


- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' " " " " s.-.msm %%_, _ _ _ , ,

l Enclosure 4 to TXX-89850 Pags 4 of 18 f

AffAODeff 1 Pese 3 of 17 1 M be 1he samling omlaulations in their audited forest were originally believed to in empliance with the intent of the presres requirementa.

Prwventive Action f samling omlaulations M han been twined Project Precedure PP-009 and theto prwide and clarify the specific req subaespannt to rwising these doousants, all ensling amiculation prepare:w, swieuere, and independent rwieuere have been tamined to these dommenta.

QMetianJhatas by Prior to fuel land, the safety-related samling samling Omlaulations omleulations M (l 404000) will be rwiewed and pens e nal trained to the rwiendThe omlaulations will he rwised as rea===-y to l appliamble pueject prvisedures. have j

naeure they ass tenhaiaally omreact, meet preamshusi requirements, applicable: l "cantisestian Required" emneteties removed and are consistant with J dosim doousents.

omlaulations 1

Prior to operation aheve 9s peuer, the non-emfety related samling d

will be zwisued by pareannel tamined to the rwised Samlins omlaulations (1-80-8000) and appliamble pseject pusoekses. techniem117 oorrect, meet ',. z N es neossenry to assure ther arehoguired" esmotations removed and are  ;

seguirementa, have "Cantirantion  ;

onnsistant with applianble desia doouments.

A- r less, vertm-7 te. as-1~ M 1

n= N i--aw Ti+1a! Imedeghanta Samling Omlaulation Preparatie Chaidalines aneutrement l

Amt W48.3.11 - Draft 1, Revision 2, testie 4.1, states:

with "Desta estivittas shall he preenribed and esoampliebed la enamedenne preamhmen et a type sufficient to mesmo that espiteshte cheerings, deste taputs procesbres, or are oessant.17 translated into specifications, instawtians."


. . . . . . . _ - . . . , - _ - . _ - . _ . . ~ . . _ , _ , - . _ . . _ _ _ , . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ . . . . _ - _ . .

Encio re 4 to TXX-89850 i

Pass 5 of 18 1


Y l

AffApperf 1 Pese 4 of 17 ,

! 1 Deficiency l j i

contrary to the etwo, desian activities are not prescribed in sufficient /

l j

written detail to define the relationship of the various soume orSpecifically, reformene i doo ments utilised in the production of samling amiculations.

them is no single document dich provides an overall " read map"saurene, for the l

preparstion of samling omlaulations 414 addeummed input data Neither equipment reference annumis, and anloulation oastant and methodologr.

i l

N EB-Ott Samling omlaulation pennumi (SC-4000) nor anr of several other for references gewide the required overall pronehral definitian or guidelines  ;

this activity.  !

331;,controls h the basis of its rwiew, the audit tamm flade that prestions and i used in the production of samling anlentaticas nas adequata as Dosism


evidonood kr the techniant anooptability of the and puedmeta. i I

drawings and refesanos data used as imput were also detsemined to be eppropriata. To ensues that. future analing anloulation activities ano ,

l contimed e a somd and aantrolled basis, existias psectices and aantrols need to be inoceynorated in en oveen11 presses descriptian tar "sund unp") i l

l covering the entire samling =1=1=tian process.

I i

! Emmannan tr*=t of - Mtien the annaeans identified are partinent to the sonling anlaulations activity anir.

- exist sich pewides a " read it is agreed that me opmeifie dooment enes notBousvar, osilantively ante than map" for prepasstian of samling calculations.the MSS, the tomling calculations adequata detsils wese aantained in Mumaml (1-SM000) and the pseject paesehus to prwide an asemptable prohot.

Prevpptive Antian tsminias has been j Sevision of the Samling Omlaulatisms Musumi sad =%=t ,


carruet.ive amt.ian As a remit of an additianni swiew of the conness, it uns dmoided that th '

would be ammon11ed den appliamble directism and requirements frem the hasCD were placed in the Analing Galaulations Manism1. The Analing h1salations Muna I

hamn swined to imoorpsesta ths, appliamble partisms of the W and the C2 has been volded.

Onmnistian Data All actions are oempleted.

.,----n-.n, -,-,-,--.,-,-vng-w.--. -w.-wwm..n,,,...m___,_~-u-_.__--2 --

f Enclosure 4 to TXX-89850 l

! Page 6 of 18 l


l l

A1 TAG 99ff 1 5%8e 5 of 17 l

AT*-02 14&S, MelCIBCf E. $$-14A8-03 l

' i nafici-c,


Insdegunta Pnpantion and Review of Scaling omlaulations Reauirement I i

1. A)SI N45.2.11. Des 2t Si Rev.1, Sostian 4.2, states in part: i j l I

"Domian ennlyses...shmil be parfassed in a...ansteet amener."

t i

2. EAP 5.3, Rev. 3. Attassument 3.0, " Review Requirements," states:

"the signature of the revisuer(s) en the omlaulation page signifies a

l that requirements of this attachment have been met".

Deficianer ta Contrary to the ebeve, the omlaulattaa preparetien and review process failed identify the- following errors, amissians, and immenststancies sich are identified sharing the audit of samlims calculations:

Omlaulation 1-80-56-53. Rev. 4. shous relar emed Mus as 1-15/411F, ediernes 1.

the refesenned tiestinghouse Ile 881521, Stest 6, shoto this device as .

i' TS/4113.


Itas te states, "tiestinghouse l


3. Omlaulations 1-80-56-83, osatisaation 330, 338, and 396. Revise to abow Instaamntation Simeta for stay orderThis meta appanntir applies to confirmat(

ourant statnas."

mistas to the swvision of Sostian 2 of the saalt=W Omlaulatica Itsnu i 4, pese 30, Bastian > 1 and D 8, swtesense  ;

3. Celaulation 1-80-68-82 Rev. i toastindiouse Panautions, Limitations, and estpoints (7148), Rev. 3 Rev.

of the2,PLAS as the l soune of the la and lede 12ss.The interlank antamistian setraints. liasund S/8/08) did not 1

was issued in January 1988.

mferemos the 1stant swvisian of the PIAS. ,

- j N1=t=64= 1-GO-GS-ft, Rev. 8, Page it, states that Vruost s Vestpoint

4.  ;

l 0.40 VDC. The =0.40 VDC value should be -0.04 Vac.


5. nm1=1=*i- 14MS-83, Rev. 4, Pesos 21 and 33, referumos ilustinghouse  ;

Samling ihmuni SW, Rev. 3, as a sewee of estpoint niums. :This Rev. t refennae is est appropriata sinos it is bened an Rev. 2 of the PLAS.

3 of the PLAS has been issued sAnse Rev. 2 et the Sealias Rem .

1983). I

8. Omlaulation 1-80-56-38. Rev. 5. Figure 1, shaus device Jf-415 es an 1E311 ,

aned, disugas DCA 80830 indiantas that this device is an 1E314 omed. t 1

i 4 F



, , , - . - - . . . , , - - ,-,p,,_.m...r_---c,.y.-,,w..-,_,w~m%,..,...-,. _ , , . . . . _ . - . - . - - . ~ - - - -

Inclosure 4 to TXX 89850

! Page 7 of 18 Page 4 of 17

! A W AC39 9 ff 1 Rev. 5, Pese 4, states that Smah Calibratim i

!' 7. Caloalation 1-8C-55-38 Amplifier 1-JY-41M is 1 0.10E of open or 1 0.10 Accumor far SumminingThe span is 0 - 10 VDC, thus the normat value should b VDC.

4, Pese 11 improper 1r ufonnons a pewies S. Calculation 1-ec-38-19. Rev.

I rwvielen of the eens calculation for the setpoint value for less of

' feeduster snap speed mther then mfennoing a controlled, g-to< tate soures of setpoint data such as the MAS or Instument Setpoint, Omlaulation 1-SC-56-30, Rev.

5, pese 4 anloulates emin far M41 omrd j 9. = SOE alumn, use 499E ahms." No 1-JY-41M es "Rt a SW aben/0 1 l suplanstmer note uns indiosted for using a 49E ahn resister in plane of l the omlaulated value of SOE ahms. .i i

naladations 1-8C-56 41, Rev. 8 and 1-80-SS-03, Rev. T are desianstad "No states i

' 10.

Confimation Required"; housvar, Note 1 en the oever sheet ,

"Cantirention Required for values in 1thie 1 Breekpoista by V".  !

11 Omlaulation 1-8C-55-01, Rev. 8, Page 5 for aesponset 1-W-04131 states' that ,

the output is 1.417 to 7.883 VDC. The 7.833 VDC value should be 7.783 VDC.

l Pese 8, and 1-8C-65-08 Rev. 7, page e,

13. Omlaulations 1-80-SS-41. Rev. 8, for devices 1-FD 0403D and 1-FD-040 2 state that the The maare "setpoint notation. Valve is

" greater then -30 pai Valve (olose, hastaresis)".


(class, hyetaresis)" does not apply to the alam innsation.  ;

Pass 9 shows the output fmm devios

13. Omlaulation 14',,-5848, Rev. 7 es <

1-W -0413P es 1.417-7.783 VOC. The 1.417 VDC value should be ,

aboim an Pese 5 at the omlaulation.

  • I
and 14>S5-03, Rev. 7, face 7 use a
14. Omlaulations 1-E -56 01, Rev. 8, and 1-5D 0400C. No ene m ==d of 0.0875 for histables 1-55 0403C

.tustificatim er amplanatim es gewided far the use at this demeand  :

value.  !

(14>0000 5), Rev.1, page t

15. A g endia N of the Samling Omisuistia Itunsal +0.35 et seen far M& cards.

assisesp' 10, Item 4. idsstifies an output

All samling omlaulations using WE oasts state that the outenst eeniseer is 10 of Appsadiz 5 poista aut this dienreponer in

! +0.35. (A note as pose -

Westimeouse referemos dooments). I l

i 16.

The level program " free" devious an pose 28 -(Fisine 1) of omlaulation j 1-8C-38-38 and am Wes*iagh=== Pmosas Osntal Bleek R1assen 875939, me Westimeouse  ;

SS, Rev. 5, ese shaim as 1-Pf=0005 snel 1-N-808Y.

thema devices as M/90EE and M/908Y,  ;

Inm0815)SS, heet 30. Rev. 7, absus j

respontively. 3

[ '


i t

i ,

i i



Enclosuro 4 to TXX-89850 Pegs 8 of 18

  1. FfAGNNf 1 Rage f of 17 ,

1-80 88-83, Rev. 8, ecstains the follautas diesespencies:

11. Omleulation A.

Westiaghawee dres,1as 8818 88, Sheet 88. aben that the outpg of devies 1-Pf 0818 some directir to devios 1-Ff-4808. The Figure 1 reprenantation in the enlaulation absue the signal to 1-Pf=0808 as botas processed by device 1-Pf-0619 before solas to 1-Pf 4000.

B. The outpA et 1-PT-815 is ebenes an Figure 1 of the mi mintie as soins to 1-FT-8181. usettaghouse drawing 8810D86, sheet 38. shaus this outpa es seing to 1-Pf-8181A.

8 C.

1-08 481 3 is s h as "to 0.7110 Fiore lb/hr".1 shaus outpA et bastableItse 19 of the salaulatica shaus this outp2 as lb/br."

Figure 1 of the =1mlation shaus devious 1-&D 0819,1-464660, and 1-10 0610 as 21 Onsde, thereas 28sesta 11, 18. and 14 et the D.

animtatie show them as M11 anede.

3. Rnse 18 et the enlaulation abene the ingan to 1-LD 800 ao eamlas fase 147 0619, thereas the referenced llestinghause IND 881228, emot af, absus this source se 14F-610.

F. Pese 16 of the calculatica abram hench onlihrstia enoureer et device 1-PCT-0810 as 0.0B8 aN. 1tes ebendd be 0.088 M.

I dile O. hos 16 also shoue the WD (1=WY 0880) olock to be a T output the Jumpero abam trill sive a 11amar atm* 1sta.

18. Onlaulation 140-49 01, Rev. 8 contains the follousas dimenopameise:

A. 1he am1= lata = sofessama ECD-8888481-8888-18, Bev. 4 each is a voided docesst.

Baaling est-tation themsmi (1804800 8) is not, B.

Appendia B of thereferenrad la the mistattaa as a source of the appliestica meta the W D casd.

C. Base 8 of the calendation saatains ao volumn for gata ce bias settias far the 18Ed card used la the Icop.

as D. The manstataan identifies a device ce the Ik2 tutdoun paeal 6, 15E 4181A, empens IIsottaghouse PCE 8788D88, eset ST, Rev.

identifies this denies as 1-55-4181F.

1-80-87-18 and 180-84-19 did not identify Also, the Jumper pattaens the aburectors

19. Calaulatione esquired to isessanat the teamer timer rease ende.

1000 sad 0000 unre act identified es tdameF matan.

4, had "Confissatian Reedsed" removed, pot

80. Calculation 1-80-88-19,Rev.

the cover sheet ses checked "Cantinuation Required, Yes."


Enclosure 4 to TXX-89850 I Page 9 of 18

.. l

! l pese 8 of 17 .

AffM30Sff 1 '

I i

11. omlaulation 1-e0-49-41, Rev. 3, listaannun1 the appropriate Snop aute station, andorder orifiesNumber an j

epocifiastian aheets for the indiastore, l

  1. plata in the loop but fails to include the abset zwisian sambers for these acoponents.

h i I

i Estant of Conditian l'

j 1he samling alonistians have the potential for suddbiting the cited onnditient aseditians indiv'i&mily or onllectively, impact the l

however, none of the oited resulta or usefulness of the final enlaulations.

1 Carrective Antion l .

in l


As the eenling calculations are beims swined to esoplete the estians thsee taenspositie erwere, missians, and stated -l l

I 89-1405-41.

l reopense to Deficionerinnansistancias, as well as any other diaerspencies detmeta ayele of all the anlaulations will be asetected.

l I

h peeparetion The oited oseditions are the result of inadvertant emissions in the )

and zwisu pseases.

Preventive Amt.ian j

1be preparere, revisuore, and indspondent rwissers have been tamined to th ebenned goesres seguirements. i

' 1 commist. inn Bata  !

i ' prior to fuel land, the enfety= elated eenling anladatians Massald11 he zwisued (1-80-4000) med br l the swiand Samling Omlaulations permannel treined to The =1=d=*4== will he zwised as nosessasy to  !

appliamble projoet p*rees& ares. eentest, meet passessel sepaisemonta, have ,

  • ia=117 appliable l emeure ther ase "Confisuntin Required
  • emastations memoved and ano sommistant with  ;

desia denuments.

annoulations prior to aposetion ebeve SE peuer, the anspenfetr rela ,

(1-80-8000) and applianble proJest processes.

assues ther are technianlly asevent, most prese&rel

======ary as to Required" assistations removed and . are requirements, have "Osatisestian canaistant with esplianble deste doommova.

5 l


-- - - - - - __ - ~ - . - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


' Enclosure 4 to TXX-89850 l 1

l Pass 10 of 18 l

. i I

l Page 6 of 17 ,

AffAcareff 1 e == leas. Mr1CmrY n 88-1Am ei  !

l n=riei- -w ti+ 1= : Inadagate Timor Identification Emmgirummtt Anotion 3.1 "...The dosis input aball he thea AMI W45.2.11-1984 lovel of detail nessaanry to pasmit the desip activity to be ansvied out in coevect manner..."

l i Rafinianer:

L Cantstry to the above, Samling Chleulations 1-81>37-18 and 1-80-84-19 did not timar l specify the type of timer module 1-*-

sepaired (6 pnuhmes for

' u"e) .

i an& des, none of thich are dissotly Rammanne j Qausm/Dianumsism The samling omledation identifies the timing fumet.ian as having an acoussar of j

The toastiadnouse Instaseti m hook  !

i 11-5 and being installed in FRim Isontaan 1.for and 4 timer meddes Paeones as having instasmanta an J l

as having en amounter of 110s and Gnnes 3 Fret ,

ensureey of 11L In addition W 1 and 3 mm& des must be installed in NGt J 1sostians 1, 3, 4, or 8, while Gregs 1 and 4 anddes must he installed in l Loontions 2, 4, 5, or 7.  !

Ituhda Grana I Rundrement 1 er 3 i i 105 Accursor 1 er S PRIM 1montion 1 Therefore, the emir timias an&de uddah assts the aritaris of the samling omladstian is the enny 1 as&de. Thus, suffiaient inessention. ins puweidad for the and user to estanmine the servest as&de, pptant af Quaditism All samling emisdatisms saataining WL an 4s with timer enddes will' he- (

revisued and zweised as required.

Pawwentive Act. ism 1he Samling th1=da+4=== Musumi has hamn swvised to swasize the sysoitio - tim anny number to be stipdated la the samling emisuistism.

parventive Antian As the omlaulations are revised, the specifie timer enny ramher will be stipdated.


i l- Enclosure 4 to TKX-89850 Pags 11 of 18 I

l AftM30Sff 1 has 10 of 17 ,,

Qumdetica bata br Prior to fusi land, the enfety-related samling calculattens will be misued Personnel trsined to the zwised The calculations samling Calculations will be reviend Ihnualas(1-g0-4000) m y to and l

j applicable project procedurse. have ensure they are techniemily correct, most precedursl seguirennta, "Confirention Required" annotations removed and are ammaistant with applianble desi a dmamenta.

power, the non-entety related samling anloulations Prior to operstian above Rwill be rwieund by pareannel trained to the rwin (1-00-0000) and app 11 amble projert precedures. tanhnaanlly correst, meet pausedurst es nessenary to ensure ther areRagdend" annotations removed and see i

i requirementa, have "Omntivestian aansistant with applicable desi a documenta.

I e __= 1 ^ , vueim -7 MD. as-1 ^~ M 1tsdaiemlly Immersect Dth I wieh 'ri*ht J i g PP-Oll, "Pressesing of Desip eenge Authorisationsstates (DCA's)

"1bsand Onagunant Responsih1e ,

Modifiestias Cards (OC's ) , " Rev. 6, Septies S.3, J heuring that the desia change is techniaally l heinsees are seaponsible for l entisfeetarr..."


I hafielemar: 1 1

j Otettery to the above 1


D04-80089, her. O failed en hans 10,11, and 18 to properir refloot .the 1egio, )

sagdred timer oinnuit. The 304 emins for a T_-  %- A S*  !

desens the taustandieuse 7300 series presens instammentation anir gewidse /'

Time-Delar Mak-Up legio. Additiemm1 legie elements sepaired to isqdement the fsmotion described in the 304 uses amt isoluded in the circu devolegummt.

DCA-40000, Rev. 1, failed to Aduatify Deuwing 8804405, heets 11 and it, as (


' the 3E36 pregnes a the Interessessoties Wiring DiaReums.

4 h

k W the timing ' ftmotion

1. The a v ihte keinser attempted to imp 1===t and diffesent1F than is eheim en the Instamentation and Osntrol diagram time i did not ut.111em suffioient legio elements to camsdetair implemmat the deler drop out legio swesired.
2. Inadvertant amissicm.

i s



_ . _ . ~ . . _ ,_ _- _ _ . . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _

Enclosure 4 to TXX 89850 )

Pags 12 of 18 \

j page 11 of 17 , l ATTAODGif 1 ,

Bu* mat of - -961= i i

1his was the only pk m logic desia modified by CEpi therefore, this is i l

i considsted en isolated anos. ,

7._.ztive Actim l i

In that this is an isolated anee, ne further action is required.

eu .auve an* 4=  !

l drawing D04-80089 has been swined to correct the FEM OS logic and to identify .l l

8364A95, mesta 11 and it, as the pMM program an the De. 1 j

' Omsdetian Data All estians completed.  :

i ar ^^ 1aan. - m -, m. as-less-08 I

l i a-*iai - T1+lai pailure to Updata "Appewed-Russyt-as-Notad" Drawings i

j M1 MD 3.08, " Reporting and control of Deficiencias," Sostian 6.4 states "1he organisation responsihte for resolvias the M has the rempansibility for l' develagement, implementatie, and verifiastie at the estians amassaarr to aersomt the deficient osaditions..."

I lhtGe&EEE1 Ostaery to the eksve, umstinghause Esterennectie Wiring tsompt-es-Notad" Diagram 0815D38, enests 3 and S unge est Wtad to innaryorate the " ,

100. ,

(ABO ammatations as respdred W Deficiamar Aspart 047 lhtlei 'the _.d auditare earteded their swiew to imalude all somniains1-e -

"1. -

1bda swiew Adentified seven additional peoness lastru mstaties. ansk of which had been t duquutags stamped "Appswed-tuosyt-en-testad", l propmely swised W 004 to innarporate the emmatations. P h  :

Estant of Onnditian A swiew of all Im W determined the amtsat at this oandition i  ;

to the tuo dreorias shasta identified kr the audit tamm. ,

9 9

l i

. . _ . . . _ , _ _ . ~ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ , - . . . _ . - _ - - _ - - . .

to TXX-89850 Pass 13 of 18 ATFAGMDff 1 Page it of 17 ,,

Qua actions The mquirmant cited savams the closure of a Ist W verifring andthat allEs partic required were in feet omaglete. a very anneertad effort follound ng a

% ting of neemum vendor doousanta in The candition cited reflecta verification that the entine effort ses completad." Approved-teomyt as Notad" had not that tuo absets of a dooment M s is not reprenantative of the 1st closure pranama inst .hast an inadvertant had oversight kg the individual involved in vtrifying that all of the dammte been % tad.

L _ r.tive ant.ien further In that all the drearings have been swviewed and reviend as repaims, no estica is ungaired.

c -.a uve antien have been revised ta inoseperate the "as-built" ND 981SD88, anasta 3 and 8, drearing oammenta. ,

commalation nata All entians completed.

ma iaan, wa-7 No. as 14es-07 Shilure te Distribute Confirustlem Removal Updatas Wiel===aw Ti+1a:

Esmirassat Promme es P0-819 08 Ber. 8 "Distritast.ies Canteal" states in paragrash 6.9.1 "hanien change dooumautation, ascept final DDAs/Ulm and "No Change Required" at DCAs and CBDen shall be distritasted to santrolled easy holders and e' '**"

the same location as the affastad % , umapt te DOC Satellitas.

Distributim for satellitas will be on an as reesired basis."  :

nafinianer on oma errmaim, insalvias apprenciamtaly samling calaulaticas, Intamffios C..

' = (300) relatad te removal of aantisestaan from those analing calculations were est distritasted to DCC esta111tas for required distrinnstion.

Boeoanse Qause The referanand notification of osafinuation@ tas to@provide tas hadinstructions base backlagged for ny dooment conteel pending prensrhus the idhan the daraum' station was forwarded to preammains the docummatation. Document control Distritaation Group, the updat was perfossed.


i Enclosure 4'to TXX-89850 l i.

Pass 14 of 18  !

! AfrM399ff 1 Pues 13 of 17 .

Butant of M tion / Preventive Actias  !

i l

cianse ta the techniami This cantant of the anlaulation, this ov une en los1stad amourrence and l

impset an controlled recipienta. in pswoose function of Doo ment i

distrinnstian of confirentian notione is en Control.

Corrective Apties the beaklassed notifiestiano are in the penomes of bains distributed.

l Qumnietie Datae 11/13/09.

! Distribution of hocklagged notifianties will be empleted by i

' Ar r leas,--wi Yto. 89-1448 G I h=M ---- Ti+ 1= : Philure to Distrinnsta FIP theter Inden heete l

, a i .

Insdement part, i' EE 6.19, Wy. 3. "Borisw of Veder Dooments Sostie 4.3.P. states, la  !

"the theter tad == Seeta and the Anseoistad PIP doomenta shl ta the controlled copies of the PIP".

i nafielenar lottare with their l contrary to the ebeve, appremiastaly 18 Westindmune WF  :

respective attached thster Indeu mesta were art distributad to holdere of i i osotrolled ospies of the FIP theter Inden, i M l

(klas banklagged 1he referenced WF upsetas to the Westindnouse FIP theter leden were a tannefer of the l

es a result et a departmental voorganiastia and I i

I responsibility fler distributisp of the FIP @tes.

4 ,

putant et omsiition j

Althed the indes me art, distributed, the appliamble Westindiouse documents wese refloated, with the current ensimmering review status in the Document Cetrol VDI/VDC data home (Design Drapisse Indam) and all appliamble PI l

i daeumants had been trenomitted to and unre retrievable et the eita ensince r escords cantar.



! d

Enclosure 4 to TXX-89850 Pags 15 of 18 4

AffAGGGff 1 Pass 14 of 17

'. l I

l e ,a tivei ._.c.tive Anti e ,

as of 10/N/M. The l l Distribution of the banklassed trF lottare es campLetad i

distrinnstien of PIP updates is an in-proomes faction of the DOC Veder Damsent I Grap.

i I Ca mletion Datas i

ansklassed WFT distribution amupletad 10/N/ft. I Ar _?1448, MrtCIBcf 10. AD-14es-08 l l

=- m u vi*i-: sendmeate presremanhte amma m ir stammy namI) I 4

Amt.tvities I 4

l Russisent:

i Als1 M5.3.11 mumet 3, Sprisian 2, emotian 4.1 statast i

! Dusim estivities shall be presarlhed med = ." '-' in emanedsmus with l yeammhares of a typs udflotant to amoure that applianhie desiserAuguta a geomehres currect.1r L -5=w into myosifiantismus, truerimen, I

instner.ians". I i

t andanned:


" e amme only Itumories (SE30s) are phyniently ident.ient atestmenia mile thems devious  !

7. .

agemets med to isolemmet seedsed amatset apetem lasie.they ama (ty emais) entnin  ;

lack the name med are phymianL1r isN1a, dias, atses ase amt poemmastar effix ditemment al W1 minuutts.aisundt bened bymanWEph mandarias er arimpias bs ysegrammad to med a

. emmens la muuten emais seedse that i the spanifie domes. -

names amistay testallad in the ammtisdeuse insta11me, med fees theserias mastsemmitatie systems testmi has ny unse orisimally precrummad, hiMed, to M. to ariqatmal system ammficasties ,

ums+4=+a- teemre midymentbema maintmimme thesu6 the um et amistin 4


hDA&MEL Adamtified ,


Omstaury to the aksee needrummet WW3h ase amt ammaistently l within the demia domment met,. Der ammaples Adamt.ifies the l Santing M a=8-68 = 1 6 18, Ber. 4, 7tes 9, A. dans instnummet tas ester med the sempmotive IWL amme 1===*i

,' tutAdamtifF eddab 3W31 is to bej t met soferemme the 7E31 Librusy mer in ihich 3E38 lamatian. '

seemrumous the immtnummt tas samber

a. me saml Linsurr dmdes 836485 for caly few of the tem PEsta in this est of drundman.  ;

i t

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i' 2 Enclosure 4 to TXX 89650


Paga 16 of 18 l

I Page 18 of 17 4HRIBSfF 1 '

f' DB #1981, test 41. Ber. 7, gewides the instaunust tag sador, but, C. imatuts the 1538 utmery disdag mehur. Other IWs

! dans esttaly list both the tag ==h-e and linsesy dessing

  • tar Ihrelated Is'L aards.


2. cent.rary to the almuse, there is as Inst myositio pruoahme dish == IW3ts the o mtaels to far be used far Adustifiantian

,_ 1ts pregnums, and Ihysical af presummed PEph. 7300 i

premahme ahmund ederums the appliantion of all types at umstisemnes I marias VEse at WW.

1 I h M  ;


! metamt af Osuditism hs j A. the ammling antamist.ies ut.111miss a #Est an an ISL eisent aard willof rariamed (and swiend as asammunry) thetoIE311Ahmesy. amanse the peuper adatifiantienWEBb u: ~

the SEBI and appitambla 3 museum fees This infesustias j

IND ansde me a standsed INBI pressum and WERI 1 emet .

amed to be ayan== sad in the individual =ht=6h)

I J 5. The omreest.ive ast.ian gewridad helaw adhasons the entire amtset of the  ;

! aseditian. i we i C. the Den mustaining Igb easds with IW30s util be criamed (and swimm* l j

mamammary) to amans the pauper UE31 Linrary esmedag musher is listad.


P===ta= me.i=

1he genting Nht=*i- Ihmum1 (16500) has huma swined to immlude spanific and ,

disestians for identifiantaan of suses with suspust to samling anisulaties spemitio demulas adds pueride a mammes et this im>==*1=.

I cennumti= Amt.iam '

A. The maaling util he serland to identify the WEBI and the appliamble penguem tres the WEBI Litensy.

the 39 5E31Idknesy (8008405 tradas maries) udal he serland to safarumme B.

3 Se appliamble Amstsumet tag maters ter the Wests used a 1st sinndt ausda.

C. 306-40000 has namn immend to series DS 801981, test 41, to espist, the ,

l app 11 amble WEBI Librasy dundag.

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  • 1-


i Enclosure 4 to TXX 89850 i Page 17 of 18 i

d ARASSff 1 fees 16 or 17 .

I Ruts 11/30/N 1 Ltal '

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1he mand far a genoodse had est huss Admet.ified ter this unut stans this is :a -l l

souties umst est.avity miih ly tanamed h aat - and as sumerie J puuhtams have home idsstified.


Quement.tva Astiam l es asetant of 1

! Opmentians tac util devalay and M with 7300 systen INDS.

immuskemiss and Admet.ifte 1 l

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I a w of canditiamm l i

j 7300 htam FN35

y td i the 1983 to 1988 timefrums,  !

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Emmmmmenenkimmt Imoorporate autetandiad SOAs to Itastiadnouse M leaps. . f


h -l A review of outstanding DOMS against the thestindesume M IIS's ses sendeted..  :

In me instamos did- the sanser et Bots emmend the pesamtmal regairemsats. - :i Therefore, no additiemmi actim is sessised at this time. .; -

'i f

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4 ,

Enclosuro 4 to TXX-89850 Pass 18 of 18 AfDO98Bff 1 Page 17 of 17 .,

. AE "."-1488. NATIGi WD. 89-1488-02 Westiraghouse Scalias Planual (WCAP-9696)

Balevant Dammenta: '

namaeistica of deeditioni h Westt f & Scaling Ituaal and its supplements, dich contain - acaliras not-methodolear and-data used in ths preparation of analing calculations, have been updated since 1983. Ele no instances were found deste incorrect asthndalear or data were used in a calculation, there is a potentini for this to coeur.

Renoustav.s$ation1 -

Updata this dooment and amintain it current.-

Besoanne .

The Westimshouse analing annual and its supplements will be revisued end entered into the Design Doomant contal syntam. Thereaftse it will also be maintained as a mita design aantrolled document. ,

, Cannistin Data l h Westinghouse Samling temnumi along with its supplemmata have been reviewed E.. esd are currently in the Design Domsment Control syntaa.-

d q

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l 1