IR 05000395/1985047

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Errata to SALP Rept 50-395/85-47,reflecting Correct Info Re Degradation of Mgt Controls & Eddy Current Testing of Steam Generator Tubes
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 05/08/1986
Shared Package
ML20155J142 List:
50-395-85-47, NUDOCS 8605220031
Download: ML20155J144 (8)


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8605220031 860508 PDR ADOCK 05000395 0- PDR :;

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Enclosure I. Meeting Summary A meeting was held on March 18, 1986, at South Carolina Electric and Gas Company's Columbia, South Carolina, corporate office to discuss the SALP Board Report for the V. C. Summer facilit Licensee Attendees:

J. A. Warrer., Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer-T. C. Nichols, Jr., President and Chief Operating Officer E. H. Crews, Jr., Executive Vice President D. A. Nauman, Vice President, Nuclear Operations W. C. Mescher, President and Chief Executive Officer, Santee Cooper William A. Williams, Jr., Special Assistant, Nuclear Operations, Santee Cooper 0. S. Bradham, Director, Nuclear Plant Operations Dave Moore, Director, Quality and Procurement Services John Connelly, Director, Nuclear Services K. W. Nettles, Group Manager, Technical Services D. A. Lavigne, Manager, Materials and Procurement A. M. Paglia, Jr. Manager, Nuclear Licensing H. T. Babb, Group Manager, Nuclear Engineering and Training W. R. Baehr, Manager, Corporate Health Physics and Environmental Programs

- J. Leach, Manager, Quality Assurance S. R. Hunt, Manager, Nuclear Quality Control R. M. McSwain, Manager, Media and Consumer Information R. B. Whorton, Associate Manager, Licensing Systems NRC Attendees:

i R. D. Walker, Acting Deputy Regional Administrator, Region II (RII)

H. C. Dance, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 28, RII J. B. Hopkins, Project Manager, NRR R. L. Prevatte, Senior Resident Inspector, Summer P. C. Hopkins, Resident Inspector, Summer

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Enclosure t .


II. Errata Sheet - Summer SALP


Page Line Now Reads Should Read 4 10 . . . September 1985. This . . . September 198 This inspection revealed degradation inspection revealed that of management control in areas the licensee was addressing that included the lack of atten- the following four areas i tion to nuclear system operating to correct this trend:

i conditions, outdated and poorly procedure compliance, l controlled procedures, inadequate attention to detail, methods of tracking equipment training, and overall status involving limiting condi- attitude. Additionally, tions of operation, and a generally the inspectors noted an relaxed attitude toward procedure inadequacy in tracking of complianc technical specifications required action statements, feedwater control problems during startup, minimum

operator log entries l regarding plant status, improved housekeeping needed in the control room, and not specifically addressing the root cause of an even Twelve violations . . .

Basis for Change: To clarify the findings of the September 1985 inspectio . . . selected valves; 100 percent . . . selected valves; eddy current testing of steam selected eddy current

, generator tubes; and three year . . . testing of steam generator i

l tubes; and three year . . .


l Basis for Change: To correct the scope of the eddy current testing during the l first refueling outage.

l 17 22 . . . rotopeening and 100 percent . . . rotopeening and 100 inspection of steam generator tubes, percent inspection of the

... hot leg tube sheet area of all three steam generators, sludge lancing and . . .

l Basis for Change: To correct the scope of the eddy current testing during the i second refueling outage.





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I PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Plant Operations i - Analysis


During the evaluation period, routine inspections.were performed

by the resident and regional staffs. The licensee's performance in the areas of housekeeping, control room behavior-and discipline


, was satisfactor The plant overall cleanliness was commendabl Operational staffing of key positions with knowledgeable personnel was considered adequate.

1 Personnel errors noted in the previous SALP continued to plague

plant operations. A series of problems', violations, and the i

j concern inspection thatin a negative September trend 198 might be's, developing inspection led revealedto a special Thi i degradation of management control e areas that included the lack j of attention to nuclear system o ating conditions, outdated and

{ poorly controlled procedures, ) adequate methods of tracking l equipment status involving lie ting conditions of operation, and a j generally relaxed attitude ward procedure complianc Twelve i violations were identified four separate catem+ie These are

! violations of plant opera anal limits as notec . (a), (e) (h),

and (k) below, safety re ted administrative requirements as noted in (b), (d), (f), (j) and (1) below, failure of operations personnel to maintal an awareness of plant status as noted in (b), (c), (f), (i) (j), and (k) below, inadequate procedures as noted in (g) b ow, and failure to follow procedures as noted

. in (i) below. V 1ations (f) and (g) below were issued because of j the February 28 1985 positive rate reactor trip incident which is discussed in ection An enforcement conference was held in

! Region II o October 8,1985, to discuss the events associated i with viola on (a) below. A Civil Penalty was subsequently issued


on Januar 6,1986, and the licensee's response dated February 5, i 1986, a ressed the issue Long term programmatic changes are still eing reviewed.



To mprove plant operations and address the above concerns, the 1 ensee implemented changes to provide improved control over


l lant operations. These included assignment of a Duty Operations ,

Manager to provide oversight and assistance during plant startup 1

and shutdown; the addition of a seventh shift supervisor to i

provide administrative assistance to the duty shift supervisor; a l
@,o control room enhancement program to provide a more professional
y atmosphere; and a team building program to improve. communications

{ g A,

and provide for identification and resolution of operations problem Many of these changes are recent and insufficient time l

.o has elapsed to evaluate their overall impact on plant operations, i


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I PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Plant Operations Analysis During the evaluation period, routine inspections were performed by the resident and regional staff The licensee's performance in the areas of housekeeping, control room behavior and discipline was satisfactory. The plant overall cleanliness was commendabl Operational staffing of key positions with knowledgeable personnel was considered adequat Personnel errors noted in the previous SALP continued to plague plant operations. A series of problems, violations, and the concern that a negative trend might be developing led to a special inspection in September 1985. This inspection revealed that the the licensee was addressing the following four areas to correct this trend: procedure compliance, attention to detail, training, and overall attitud Additionally, the inspectors noted an inadequacy in tracking of technical specifications required action statements, feedwater control problems during startup, minimum operator log entries regarding plant status, improved housekeeping needed in the control room, and not specifically addressing the root cause of an even Twelve violations were identified in four separate categorie These are violations of plant operational limits as noted in (a),

(e) (h), and (k) below, safety related administrative requirements as noted in (b), (d), (f), (j), and (1) below, failure of opera-tions personnel to maintain an awareness of plant status as noted in (b), (c), (f), (1), (j), and (k) below, inadequate procedures as noted in (g) below, and failure to follow procedures as noted in (i) below. Violations (f) and (g) below were issued because of the February 28, 1985 positive rate reactor trip incident which is discussed in Section K. An enforcement conference was held in Region II on October 8,1985, to discuss the events associated with violation (a) below. A Civil Penalty was subsequently issued on January 6,1986, and the licensee's response dated February 5, 1986, addressed the issue Long term programmatic changes are still being reviewe To improve plant operations and address the above concerns, the licensee implemented changes to provide improved control over plant operations. These included assignment of a Duty Operations Manager to provide oversight and assistance during plant startup and shutdown; the addition of a seventh shift supervisor to provide administrative assistance to the duty shift supervisor; a i control room enhancement program to provide a more professional


atmosphere; and a team building program to improve communications and provide for identification and resolution of operations problem Many of these changes are recent and insufficient time has elapsed to evaluate their overall impact on plant operation j

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i i Outages

Analysis p


During the evaluation period, inspections were performA'd by the  !

! resident and regional staffs. Refueling activities observed from  ;

t the control room, refueling floor, and spent fuel pool were found


to be satisfactory.

i The licensee commenced the first refueling outage on September 28, l l 1984. Major activities accomplished during try4 83 day outage were i j completion of the TMI and Licensing C'ondit,fons modifications;  ;

) inspection and maintenance of the main turbine, main generator  !


rotor, and selected valves; 100 percent , eddy current testing of t steam generator tubes; and three year maintenance j on reactor coolant pumps "A" and "B" seals. Thef activities associated with


j refueling occurred without major problems. Some problems were  :


incurred during the outage with schedulingf and interface  !

conflicts. As a result, licenbee management estaolished an 1


l extensive " lessons learned" program with an action item list that  !

required tracking and responses /from affected area ;

! l

The plant commenced the seco/ nd refueling outage on October 5, i i 1985. This third fuel loa. ding placed the core in an 18 month fuel  !

1 cycle. Major work accomplished during this 72 day outage included J changes to the condensate system to provide constant speed pumps l; j and flow control valve's, main turbine five year inspection,  !

!' rotopeening and 100 p,ercent inspection of steam generator tubes, l sludge lancing and/ internal inspection of the steam generator  ;


secondary side, mo'ifications d to the isophase bus duct, removal of f i the boron inject' ion tank, equipment upgrades for environmental  !

l qualification, snd Appendix R modifications.

t l

i l The license. has strengthened the planning and scheduling group by  !

i adding SRp{ HP, and administrative staff personnel to assist in  ;

scheduli g. These changes significantly improved the interface  :

betwee operations, maintenance, and health physic j j Thej econd refueling outage demonstrated that management attention i

! di7ected toward preventing problems that occurred in the first '

j outage was successfu This outage showed good preplanning, i

coordination and prior training for the activities that were


j accomplishe The startup, low power physics testing, and power i ascension after the outage was closely monitored by the staff and

licensee management. The deliberate and methodical startup g* without problems was indicative of good management contro ; j i @


g, ,





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H. Outages Analysis During the evaluation period, inspections were performed by the resident and regional staff Refueling activities observed from the control room, refueling floor, and spent fuel pool were found to be satisfactor The licensee commenced the first refueling outage on September 28, 1984. Major activities accomplished during the 83 day outage were completion of the TMI and Licensing Conditions modifications; inspection and maintenance of the main turbine, main generator rotor, and selected valves; selected eddy current testing of steam generator tubes; and three year maintenance on reactor coolant pumps "A" and "B" seals. The activities associated with refueling occurred without major problems. Some problems were incurred during the outage with scheduling and interface conflicts. As a result, licensee management established an extensive " lessons learned" program with an action item list that required tracking and responses from affected area The plant commenced the second refueling outage on October 5, 1985. This third fuel loading placed the core in an 18 month fuel cycle. Major work accomplished during this 72 day outage included changes to the condensate system to provide constant speed pumps and flow control valves, main turoine five year inspection, rotopeening and 100 percent inspection of the hot leg tube sheet area of all three steam generators, sludge lancing and internal inspection of the steam generator secondary side, modifications to the isophase bus duct, removal of the boron injection tank, equip-ment upgrades for environmental qualification, and Appendix R modification The licensee has strengthened the planning and scheduling group by adding SRO, HP, and administrative staff personnel to assist in scheduling. These changes significantly improved the interface

, between operations, maintenance, and health physic The second refueling outage demonstrated that management attention directed toward preventing problems that occurred in the first outage was successfu This outage showed good preplanning, coordination and prior training for the activities that were accomplishe The startup, low power physics testing, and power ascension after the outage was closely monitored by the staff and The deliberate and methodical startup


licensee managemen l without problems was indicative of good management contro I l


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7 Enclosure


I III. Licensee Comments I

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Licensee comments submitted in response to the V. C. Summer SALP Board Report follow:
