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Requests Briefing Matls for Response to Encl E & R Miller Ltr Re Util Application for Onsite Nuclear Waste Storage Permit
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 12/01/1980
From: Mitchell G
To: Ahearne J
Shared Package
ML20148R339 List:
NUDOCS 8101300206
Download: ML20148R348 (3)



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December 1, 1980 i John F. Ahearne, Chairman Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

1717 H Street, N.W. i Washington, D.C. 2055.5

Dear Chairman Ahearne:

I am writing concerning Maine Yankee's application with ,

the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for a nuclear waste storage .

permit on site in Wiscasset. ,

A number of constituents have written to me expressing concern with Maine Yankee's proposal. I am enclosing a copy of one letter I have received which represents these concerns.

I would appreciate your supplying me with full briefing material:L on rhis situation including thehterials cited in my_c_onstituent's letter so that I'can most effectively address


my constituents'~ concerns..

Thank you for your cooperation.

With best regards, I am Sincerely, fff/b^YA,/,/ -

George J. Mitchell United States Senator l 4

Enclosure l I

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..uprcsontative Olympia Snowe

.iouse 01 hepresentatives i aing ton , L. C. ,

leur Congrecunen:

1 Jn i;ove C.3rd, 137 , ts.o net'ivt sanc of boot.ibcj 'iarbor,

cx-Congres:.;;a: n Ltanlej 1.. Tupper end David'L. ; iller Co-Counsel ol

..c.saington, T.. C. intervened orainst Unine Yanktt. 's opp 11cntisn tot i.uclear 1.c;;ulator., Co:rnis ion for a per:..i*. to store 1545

.. oste l'uel . rods on site in .iscasset. '#c thougat tais proposr1 ol' 'lankee 's most unaccepta'olc .

Un Jctober 2, 10EO, (nint do., a a: ter tui. reiertndu::.) .Jr ine Yankte as ke d t ra. .. . h. C . lor n permit 1'or lii'e-time waste luc 1 storcge on site. increasing t.m risk of radiation accide.nt, wr.ica we -

consider even less acceptable , because we are literally trepred co..n aere on tiu. cno ol' tnis 12 mile long paninsult and evacuntion 1:aposcicle .

Consider suaertir.4 population close to 100.0C0 people ; you would

  • l rever gct out of tut parkinr lot or your own criveway. Also con- I sicer ti.e ncnrly 7,LLO ytar rour.d resicents tryinr to cet up houte -

l E.7 in u .. inter blizzarc. (Lcc t.ttorntj hogovin'c report and I recoax:encctions to t.e U. ... C. recardinst tne st s% cific cor.ditient..) l Tuert. ic circac.y 300 tons 01 s.aste lu(1 stored at ::nint: Yanktc.

Ly tue .,ecr E006 tacrt will be over ISOC tunc. Think 01 it' v.

Lon ' t torge t t4rt. nre 1GC,CGG resioento in tne Ctate o1 ?!.aine in i favor of closing Caine Yankre. Tnere cre a srrent rmny more now . l c::alust liie-tia. storage in ':iscasset. .

.c sent you to ~.cshington to reprtsent us, so we are asking you to repre.ctnt us to trc lullect 01' your catmeity within the power of your o1fice regnrding tuin is:.ue.


. . 's lon,; LiL4. voting hepuolicens, we. beseeca you to take tue rt cpensioilit., of protecting tne safety henith ena w1 rare of io.r conctittcuts, and the interests of the State of . aire, bs Lrging our Attorney bet.eral to intervent , and the ... l.. C.

to reluse a t.ermit for ' cine Ycnkee 's oreposterous propascl of vetober P, IDEO.

Cinecrely i D

.G.lh%g Eleanor S. 2111er Leynolds C. 311er 2

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