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Rev 4 to Vogtle Finalization Program FP-7 Final Design Verification for Safety-Related Piping Sys,Incorporating Configuration Control Methods Established for Unit 2 As- Built Reconcilation Program
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/07/1987
From: Ayoob A, Maryak M
Shared Package
ML20141M032 List:
FP-7, IEB-79-14, NUDOCS 9203310242
Download: ML20141M042 (11)


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Vogtle Finalization Program FB 7

. Final' Design Verification for Sefety Related Piping Syatans Revision 84 '

&tober 7,198T' Vogtle Project File: 17B000-FFI M. E. Maryrac, Manager WSANJ Aa Built Reconciliation Grarp A. J. Ayoob W SANJ f

9200310242 920326 PDR ADOCK 00000424 P


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I Final Design Verification for Safety Related P1 ping Systma Vogtle Finalization Program FP-7 Table of Contents 6

1 1.0 Pur p Page 1 2.0 Scope Page 1-30 Organization Page 2 4.0 Project Intc-frces Page 2 5.0 Schedule.

Page 3 6.0 Procedures Page 3 7.0 Reconciliation Promas

. Puse 4 8.0-Configuration Control Page 5-i l

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Final Design Verification for Safety Related Piping Systessa f

Vogtle Finalization Progra FB 7 p

i E

1.0 Purpose This document provides a general description of - Vogtle Proj ect '

Finalization Progra FP-7, and references the specific proj ect -

procedures and guidelines for irplementation of the progr e -


Ro FP-7-- program addresses the requirments of the NRC Bulletin IE 7914, "Seimic Analysis For As built Safety Pelated Piping Systus", and forms the programmatic basis for ensuring that the final: design basis analysis is reconciled against, and consistent 4

wJth the actual as-built configuration for safety related piping systacs.



' 2.0 -

Scope The FP-7 progran applies to al'._ ASPE safety related piping systems and any_.B31.1 piping systens required to meet the intent of IE 79-14 The i

specific scope of -lines, isometrics and supports ' considered as "in-scope" in. t.his prograre is-def jned in~ the Final Design Verification Scoping Bible.1 ( Attacnment 1)

Activities that are defined in the scope of the FP-7 prograra to meet y

the NRC requi.recents for IE 79-14 include the following.

g Scoping to define analytical package boundaries.

As-Built drawing sutraittal from the installation contractor Engineering reconciliation of piping and pipe supports.


Reconciliation' punchlist interface for rework and 75 program.

Battle Point walkdowns: and evaluations, including in-line mounted

. components, on FP-7. in-scope - piping.

As-built piping isometrics and hanger drawings are provided by the GPC installation - contractor.

. Engineering has previously;' provided the -

critical inspection elements to'0PC for installation contractor h

- as-built data collection, and has reviwed the applicable centractor y

procedure - As-Built' Piping Systes and related Components -X-2 4, for


this activity.

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E Page 2 he data previdec en the contracter a> buil t drawings forras a satisfactory basis for reconciliation in accorcance with IE 7 9-14 requirerents.

The contracter's X-2 4 cata collection is outside the scope cf the FP-7.


For the V-SAMJ Unit 2 scope piping, the Final Design Verification is gerformed in one final phase.

Re final design verification on Bechtel Unit 2 scope piping is performed in 2 phases-preliminary and final (PER PEH Appendix 2, Section 17).

For ooth crgan12ations the 5

final phase is initiated when 100% of the piping and supports are installed in a piping package.

However the reconciliation effort maybe initiated on a package that is not 100% with the approval of the p

V-SAHJ FP-7 manager.

ASME WStmpind and N5 code data reports are b

based upon the 1001 reconciliatien, y

Batt.le Point walPdowns and evaluations of limited clearance conditions 3

are performed by engineering as a separate task frcxn reconciliation, and are not required to complete the ASME N5 Code Stamping progrm.

me FP-7 progra enecepasses the rattle point activities, however, and L

includes identification of limited clearances on piping and in-line mounted components acecrding to the criteria of the FP-14 Selmic Separation Prcgran and other pipe movments such as thereal seimic ancher motion, and building settlment.

30 Organization The Vogtle FP-7 program is managed by the VSAHJ FP-7 Program Manager.

he VSAHJ FP-7 Progrn Manager is responsible for the coordination of all activities and reporting on their status to the Proj ect Engineering Manager.


Re FP-7 progra is a multi-discipline, multi-crganization engineering activity.

he VSAMJ FP-7 Progre Manager is directly restensible for all M K) on site and satellite office reconcillation activities.

He is also responsible for interf acing and coordinating with Bechtel for piping ano supports within their scope of r esponsibility, and identifying limited clearance points for all analyticals.

Re separate engineering groups are responsible for implementing the requiratents of FP 7.

i 4.0 Project Interfaces The FP-7 Progr a Manager interfaces with Bechtel FP-14 Seimic Separation Prograc Manager for identification and disposition of limited clearance conditions on piping in-line mounted cceponents within the scope of FP-7 piping analyticals, per the criteria provided in FP-14 g

Page 3 In addition, the FP-7 Program Manager interf aces with GPC construction manager for issusnce of rework (Hardware modif icatter.3) due to reconciliation or rattle point interferences, issuance of the reconciliation Punchlist, and issuance of Stress Reconciliation Notices for the NS progrm.

- The FP-7 progra has inpct (only in caseswnere the lastest loadir,g exceed the established cartelines) to the FP-9, STRIVE, Progra.

This interfact is controlled by FRM Part C, Section 40.

i FR-7 has direct input into the SStmp Progran.

This interface is controlled by Appendix 2, Section 17 of the FRM.

FP-7 may have direct or indirect interfaces with the rmaining finalization programs if engineering disposition of discrepant items is required for pipir.g or pipe supports scored into FP-7 progrm.

3-5.0 Schedule Mflestene dates for Primary Hfdro, Secondary Hydro, Unit - 2 Hot Functional Test and Fuel Load fortaed the basis for FP-7 piping and support-reconciliation schedules <

The aysts Flush dates, Mechar.1 cal Comconent releases end the systcas turnover dates are also taken into consideral.icn for sche. ling FP-7 piping and rupport recon:1113 tier, ef forts to support the Unit 2 HFi ar.d Fuel load commitment dates specified belcw:

1001 iieconciliation for HFT systens August 31, 1988 1005 Reconciliation Completien ard January 1, 1989 S Stm ping Battle Point Ccepletion December 1,1988 6,0

. Procedures O-Part B, Section 5, cf the Vogtle Project Policy and Precedures Manual (PFPM) sets the cverall requireents for the Finalization Progrms.

FP-7 is in ccepliance with the PPPd.

Detailed cescriptions of the procedures used by Engineering, and interfaces with construction, are provided in Bechtel Proj ect Reference _- Manual (PRH), Appendix 2, Section 17 This section gives both walkdown and stress reconciliation precedures.

In addition, PRM Part C, Section 41, prevides a general description of all Project. Finalization Progrecs, including FP-7.


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1 Page 4 Desk Instructicns are prov ided by each organi4ation for their respectiv e scope *. cf reponsibility.

These are centro 11ec t'y each organization in accordance with Project rmuirments regarcing Desk Instructions.

For VSAMJ, the "Vegtle Unit 2 Desk Instructions Manual" has teen issued to engineering personnel to previde a sinMe, controlled docts::ent of all applicable Desk Instructicns and Guidelines.

For the Beentel scope lines, the " Procedure for Final Desi n Verification of BWPC Secps Piping System Unit 2,

file 5

X71080-FP7" (FEF S), applies and is reviewed for consistency with FP-7 rquirments by the FP-7 manager.

Al't Unit 1 readiness r eview findings have teen incorporated in these procecures.

The Vogtle Unit 2 Final Design FP. 7 therval and seimic seperation guidelines issued by engineering $s used for the limited clenrance walkdcwn and disposition.

7.0 Reconciliation Process The GPC's Hechanical installation contractor, Pullman Power Products (PPP) perferes a> buil t inspections and provides a> buil t within tolerances drwings of all piping analyticals and hangers scoped into the FP-7 ;regras.

These form the design basis input for the engireering Final Design Verification (FDV).

Upon receipt of the a> built within tolerance mylar drwinEs, VSAH3 reviews the mylars Mr (PP.M). Appendix 2 Secticns 7 and 8.

VSAW packages the analytical for respective Bechtel and festinghouse reconciliaticn groups, and includes the varicus speelfications, equipment drwin&s (Westinghouse only), and supp1 mental infccmation required fer indepencent r econciliation by the responsible crganizatien.

The pipe stress and support engineers compare the astuilt data to the current design basis calculations or justification.

If there are a significant numtwr of changes, or the a> built data cannot otherwise be reconciled to the applicable criteria, the analyst may perform Any resulting desi n changes are iscued to GPC as Design reanalysis.

E Change Notices (DCN's) against, the appropriate drwings.

l VSAN coordinates the process of notifying GPC construction that recoaciliation is complete and all required DCN's are is. sued witn the reconciliation Punchlist.

This coctnent provides the cceplete status I

of every hanger and analy tical in the final desi;;n verification progr am.

GPC Construction uses the Final Design Verification punchlist to monitor design

changes, ard to track senedule cct:mitments.

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Page 5 Upon 100% ccepletten of the FIN engineering reconciliation and installation of rework for esen analyt. cal package, VSAFU issues Stress Reconciliation Notices (SRN's) f or each f6 System.

The SRN provides the f inal drwing rWisions Incorporated into the calculation packages, and serves as the Engineering input to the IS Data Report.

In addition. Westir.phouse issues stress reports for all Class 1 piping and supports and for Reactor Coolant Loop and Primary Equipment Supports within t, heir f6 scope of restensibility.

The rattle pint walkdowns and evaluations are initiated as late in the construction cycle as f easible to ensure that construction is assentially ecaplete in each building and

roce, and that the insulation contractor has installed tne piping insulation.

VSAFU/BECHTEL engineers will perform walkdowns to identify and disposition limited clearar e conditions tnrougn the use of Rattle Point Identification Sheets (RF1's).

The disposition of the RPI's oay rquire the modification or rework of piping and/or supports to provide adequate clearances.

Engineering coordinates the issuance of rework due to RPI's dispositions with GPC Constructico, and obtains tpproval frca the appropriate Becntel discipline when necessary for such itms as insulation cuts.

Be completed rattle point evaluations are stored as a separate calculation frce the stress calculation since they are not an integral part cf the ASPE Code N-Stamp progrm.

V-SAFU is responsible for issuing a final report to GPC upon completion of the limited clearance walkdowns, dispositions and ccepletien of all reworks.

8.0 Configuration Control Configuration contrcl of Design Criteria and system infcrmation is controlled througn regular As. Buil t Reconciliation Configuratien Control Meetings, These meetings control all changes to generic design criteria and specific systees.

All changes to Design Criteria and systees are reviewed by the cognizant engineering discipline (s) to determine impact to future or ccepleted analyticals.

All enanges which affect completed analyticals will cause revisions to be made to these ccepleted calculations.

Eis revision will incorporate orly the new criteria.

If the new criteria or systems changes do not affect a> built the existing calculation will rmuire no enangt Westinghouse calculations for Class 1 pipe will be retained in Pittsburgn under the appropriate records retention procedures, and any revisions must be a:ade by authorized Westinghouse engineers.


Page 6 The spec 13.1 rattle point calculation will organi:e the incivicual rattle point evaluations by analy tical package numbe r, iscreetric ntrober and rattle point numNr.

A table of contents will provide a leg cl eccpleted evalua tiens to simplify later retrieval.

This special calculation will be sutznitted to CDC for microf Geing and pemanent storage.

Any design changes made to FP-7 scope piping er supports er plant modifications to non FP-7 cceponents or structures i

must be concider for the effects on prev icus rattle point evaluations.

If modifications are such that lieited clearance evaluations could be impacted (1.e. addition of anchor that changes pipe thereal grcu th ),

the rattle peint calcul ation snall be appropriately revised.

An FP-7 close out letter will be trans:itted to Chaiman under project file no. r/BD80-FP7, wnich will result in retentf on in the Recorcs Management systems.(BMS), to doct. cent ecxtpletion of the program.

This close out letter serves as the final report for FP-7.

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0-Page 7 Refererces Documents:



Final Design Verification Scoping Bible VFDV-SSC-1224, 4/8/87.

(see Attach. ment 1) 2.

Vogtle Unit 2 Desk Instructions Manual.

3 Vogtle Project Reference ManuEl Appendix 2 Section 17 4

Pullman Power "As-Boilt Piping Systees and Related Lceponents (X-2 4) Walkdown Procedure.


Procedure for final design verification of BWPC scope piping system unit 2 file X7BD80-FP7.


4* 1,.6 dNb 1

VFDV-SSC. :f3,yg FRCH:


-1404) 554-3526 DATE:

October 7.1987 SUBJ:


-Mr. W. C.-Ramsey, Jr.

Project Engineering Manager Southern Company Services Vogtle Electric Generating Plant P. 0. Box 2 8! -

Waynestoro, Ga. 30830 cc: Distribution

Dear Mr. Ramsey,

Please find attached - Revision 4 cf the Vegtle Finalization Program FN7. This revision dated 10/ 7/ 87, replaces revision 3 ' which was issued via VFDV-SSC-2018.

Revision 4 updates. this docment to incorporate-the Configuration Control methods 'which have been established.for the Unit 2 - AS Built Reconciliation Program regarding Design _ Criteria and system changes.,. Final Design Verification Scoping Bible is. not being rev ised, and is not being reissued.

Please contact ce or E._ Acua if there are any questions, i

b G

-M. E. Mary Manager

- V-S AMJ A>.

It Reconciliation Group -



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F. Lacert C. Markam R. Braddy J. Bailey S. Owens W. Uhouse M. W. Baricu E. A. Aboa D. Sewell R. B. Quick, NUC. OPS DDC Originial NOEMS
