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Informs That Util Will Finalize Plans for ATWS Mitigating Scram Actuation Circuitry Implementation & Develop Detailed Schedule within 90 Days of Tentatively Scheduled Nov 1985 Issuance of SER
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/04/1985
From: Mcdonald R
To: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GL-85-06, GL-85-6, NUDOCS 8510150285
Download: ML20138B228 (2)


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. .i - 2, R$eWng Addrese ' 7 'f '

_ Alabima Power Company .

600 North 18th Street

- Post Office Box 2641

. Birmingham. Alabama 35291 l Telephone 205 783-6090 )

R. P. Mcdonald Senior Vice President Flintndge Building g3hgg3 ggg -

rne sostw ewtac nwm

0ctober 4,1985

-: Docket Nos. 50-348:


. Director,' Nuclear Reactor Regulation U..S.1 Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. Washington,-D.C. 20555 .

Attention: Mr.-S. A. Varga-

Joseph -M.

Farley. Nuclear Plant - Units 1. and 2

~ATWS Implementation Schedule-i

Dear Mr. Varga:


-Section 50.62(d) of the ATWS' Rule requires:that each licensee develop and submit to the Director'of the Office.of Nuclear Reactor Regulation a

' proposed schedule for meeting the requirements of the . Rule within 180 days-after issuance of _the Quality Assurance' guidance. -The Quality Assurance

, guidance;was issued as Generic Letter 85-06. on April 16,1985.

Alabama-Power Company, as a member..of Lthe= Westinghouse 0wners . Group (WOG), has. participated in the WOG ATWS Mitigating Scram Actuation' Circuitry

, =(AMSAC) generic design program and intends to implement:an AMSAC based on

the WOG generic design.- By
1etter dated July 25,1985,- theAMSAC Generic 4

Design Package,;WCAP-10858, was: transmitted to the NRC for review and.  !

approval . . NRC review is currently in progress. :It;is Alabama Power Company's understanding that a Safety Evaluation ~ Report (SER) is tentatively scheduled for issuance in November 1985. , Subsequent to review of this SER,

. Alabama Power Company.will finalize plans-for AMSACsimplementation and -


, 7 evelop a detailed schedule. Alabama Power Company therefore proposes to

submit a. schedule for meeting the. requirements of-the ATWS Rule within 90

- days of SER . issuance.- ,

l ?If there are any questions, please1 advise. - * .

YoursL yery Lt ly, n

, 8510150G95 851004- .

. '/

.PDR ADOCK 05000349 -

-- - ' n'

P. PDR '

cR. P. Mcdonald- - 3 i, p

f. ..

- RPM /JLO:ddb-D30  ;

~ ,

cc: _-See Page-2 .


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- Mr. S. A. Varga . , ._

. 0ctober 4,1985

. U. -S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2

cc: Mr. LE B. Lon'g


. Dr. .J. N. Grace 2 :, -M;'. E.'A. Reeves.

Mr. W.'H. Bradford Mr.-Dan Turner.

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