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Forwards Insp Rept 50-264/67-02 on 670630.All Required Prestartup Items Satisfactorily Resolved.License Signed on 670703,per Inspector Recommendation
Person / Time
Site: Dow Chemical Company, 05000000
Issue date: 07/19/1967
From: Fiorelli G
To: Thornburg H
Shared Package
ML20136D183 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-256, FOIA-85-258, FOIA-85-259, FOIA-85-261 67719, NUDOCS 8508270304
Download: ML20137G460 (1)



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H. D. Thornburg, Senior Reactor Inspector July 19, 1967 Region III G. Fiore111, Reactor Inspection Region III DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY DOCKET No. 50-264 CO:III:GF I have not discussed the contents of this report with anyone in DRL.

The inspection of June 30, 1967 was made to determine that the followup items carried over from the previous preoperational visit had been re-solved. We found that all required pre-startup items listed in Appendix B of CO Report No. 264/67-1 had been completed satisfactorily and con-firmed our original evaluation that the licensee was competent to startup and operate the reactor safety and in accordance with his written appli-cation.

Prior to leaving the area, a night letter substantiating our finding of completion was sent to Mr. B. H. Grier, Division of Compliance, Bethesda, Maryland. In it was also included a reco:maendation for the issuance of an operating license. Receipt of the wire at Headquarters was confirmed at approximately 8:30 a.m. on July 3,1967 and the licenses was signed that afternoon.

I observed the cask unloading and fuel loading operations on July 5 and 6, 1967, and was favorably impressed with the overall operation. All phases of the startup were well organized and supervised. I saw no signs of confusion and feel that the proble.a free performance was a direct result of the applicant's preplanning and responsible safety attitude.

I infor: sed the licensee that I would be interested in the comparison of final reactor test results with the requirements of the Technical Speci-fications and would contact him in the very near future on this matter.


B. H. Grier, CO:BQ (2) 8508270304 850712 PDR FOIA KOHN85-256 PDR orr:ct >

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