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Provides Summary of Discussion & Staff Actions Re 950921 Plant Performance Review.List of Participants,Changes to Mip & Matrix Trend Charts Encl
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Surry, North Anna, Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/10/1995
From: Landis K
To: Merschoff E
Shared Package
ML17229A261 List: ... further results
FOIA-96-485 NUDOCS 9703120193
Download: ML20136C820 (25)


l l




t neosoN N 5 o 101 MARIETTA STREET, N.W., SUITE 2I00 l ATLANTA. GEORGIA 3032H100 N ,,,,, October 10, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: Ellis W. Merschoff, Director Division of Reactor Safety FROM: Kerry D. Landis, Acting Chief . A Wu Reactor Projects Branch 2 Division of Reactor Projects-


PLANT PERFORMANCE REVIEW (PPR) - REACTOR PROJECTS BRANCH 2 A PPR was conducted for DRP Branch 2 on September 21, 1995. The participants i

are identified in Attachment 1. The PPR panel's recommended changes to the MIP for each site is included in Attachment 2. The power history curves and trend charts developed from the Site Integration Matrix are provided in Attachment 3. The following paragraphs contain a summary of the discussion and the agreed upon staff actions.

North Anna During the past six months, there has been no significant decline in performance in any Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) functional area. The licensee's oversight organization has been reduced by one third due to reorganization. The line organization has been given additional responsibilities some as a result of the organizational changes.

An increase in the number of personnel and human performance errors has been identified by the Resident staff. The licensee has acknowledged the trend, and corrective actions are being implemented. The Resident staff will continue to follow issues related to personnel and human performance errors as part of the core inspection program. The PPR panel noted several items on the Site Integration Matrix (SIM) relating to refueling and the spent fuel pool.

Consequently, the Resident staff will perform enhanced inspection of the refueling activities for the Unit I refueling outage in February 1996. DRS will review the Unit 1 core upflow modification and determine if a one week inspection is warranted. This modification will be installed during the February 1996 outage. DRS will perform a one week security inspection before the next PPR and one week of inspection support for the core fire protection program at a time to be determined (probably in the spring).

Surry During the past six months, there has been no significant decline in performance in any SALP functional area. A slight increase in the number of inattention to detail issues has been noted. There were four reactor trips and two power reductions due to balance of plant (BOP) equipment problems.

CONTACT: Kerry D. Landis, DRP, Branch 2 (404) 331-5509 9703120193 970306 PDR FOIA BINDER 96-485 PDR .

3 E. Merschoff 2 Plant : gains continues to be a problem. P1'nt operators are challenged by equipment failures. The PPR panel agreed that additional Resident regional initiative inspections are warranted and will be conducted in maintenance observations, onsite engineering, refueling activities, plant procedures, and balance of plant. These inspections will be performed throughout the SALP cycle. The PPR panel agreed that DRS will provide a one week inspection to perform the inservice inspection program during the Unit 1 outage. DRS will close out Generic Letter 89-10 on motor operated valves by either a two week site inspection effort or an in office procedure review. In the plant support area, the core inspection program is planned with special attention devoted to any effects caused by plant ageing. An IPAP is scheduled at Surry during the first quarter of 1996. The three and one half weeks of inspection effort remaining in the engineering core program will be planned for the next six month period after the next PPR with a focus on any effects caused by the management organizational changes and how the licensee is addressing the 80P ageing issue.

Turkey Point Turkey Point continued the superior performance in all functional areas over {

the last six months, with no major indications of change in performance. A l reduction in Resident Inspector (RI) staffing to the "N" level has been approved for Turkey Point. A slight increase was noticed in personnel error rate across multiple disciplines. The RIs will focus attention on personnel )

error during the core inspections. DRS has committed to providing three one  !

week inspections on alternating months to do the core maintenance and i surveillance inspections at this "N" staffed plant. Recently, any maintenance  ;

issues have been trending more in the area of I&C. The residents along with 3 l one-week core inspections by DRS will focus more attention on 110. DRS plans  !

to close out GL 89-10 on motor operated valves with 2 weeks of inspection l using Tl 2515/109 (candidate for close out by an in office procedure review). )

During the current Unit 3 outage, an EDG sequencer modification was made as  !

corrective action for a design flaw that resulted in escalated enforcement and i a CCW design issue was identified by the licensee which required over 100 procedure revisions to implement short term corrective actions. DRS will provide one week of regional initiative inspection on the sequencer and CCW issues. The remaining engineering core inspection will be scheduled in the next 6 month period after the spring Unit 4 refueling outage. DRS plans a two week inspection in November, 1995, to address procurement issues. In the plant support area, the core inspection program is planned along with a one week inspection to complete the access authorization TI 2515/127.

St. Lucie The recent six months has shown an increase in personnel errors involving the l failure to follow procedures, inattention to detail, failure to maintain awareness of equipment status, and inadequate procedures. Operations performance overall has declined. Operators respond well to events but do not always have a questioning attitude, appear to have lapses in procedural use and compliance, and are not identifying concerns and holding plant support organizations accountable to correct plant deficiencies. The PPR panel agreed that all disciplines should review procedure adequacy and management oversight

E. Merschoff 3 as part of each inspection. NRC performed an Organizational and Programmatic ,

Diagnostic assessment of St. Lucie and presented it to the licensee on August 29, 1995, _ identifying lack of detail and scope in procedures as the primary root cause with contribution from lack of management commitment to program implementation. The licensee performed an internal and independent external assessment and is implementing a corrective action program. The PPR panel agreed that the resident staff should continue to focus on the licensee's corrective action program (CAP). To assist the resident staff while Mark-Miller is in training for the Senior Resident Inspector Development Program, Steve Sandin, who recently qualified as a RI, has been temporarily assigned to St. Lucie for three months while Leigh Trocine's (from Turkey Point) rotation to AEOD is extended for the same period. Since most of the licensee's CAP is planned to be completed by the end of 1995, DRS will conduct two weeks of regional initiative inspection effort to review the CAP in December, 1995, or i January, 1996. DRS plans to close out GL 89-10 on motor operated valves with 2 weeks of inspection using TI 2515/109 (candidate for close out by an in office procedure review). DRS plans a one week inspection in December,1995, to address procurement issues. In the plant support area, the core inspection >

program 'is planned. The security inspection planned for October has been canceled due to completing the core inspection program with no indication of a declining trend.

Crystal River On March 1, 1995, FPC and NRC meet to discuss the results of our independent

root cause assessments. The root cause assessments essentially agreed that the primary contributors to the declining performance was management oversight (inattention to detail) and procedure detail anc scope. NRC concurred with the FPC planned Corrective Action Program and have conducted ongoing followup inspections by the resident inspectors and three region based inspections.

The results of the most recent integrated performance based inspection of the corrective actions indicated noticeable improvements in operations, l maintenance and engineering with only slight improvement in operability  ;

determinations'and management oversight. The PPR panel recognized that the SALP Board was to meet on October 5, 1995, and agreed that the following planned inspections of the CAP should continue: setpoint and service water followup inspection in December, 1995. The following additional comments were i made by the PPR panel. The core engineering inspection should focus on a j stronger look at engineering management oversight and self assessment during l the second or third quarter of 1996. The category 3 and 4 setpoint list will I be provided to the region for assessment of the licensee's prioritization.

Two weeks of inspection will be conducted during the spring refueling outage on ISI/IST/ welding (March 1996). One week of inspection is planned on the RCP fire protection oil collection system. One week of core inspection on the new security system in April 1996.

Attachments: 1. List of Participants

2. Changes to the MIP ,
3. Matrix Trend Charts i i

cc w/atts: See page 2 1

7 . _ _

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E. Herschoff 4  !

. cc w/atta: S. Ebneter i E. Merschoff ,

A. Gibson '

B. Mallett J. Johnson K. Landis G. Belisle S. Vias DRS BC's DRSS BC's NRR PM's SRI's PE's i

I i l l

I l

l l

1 l

1 l

t l

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___m _.___ _ _ _ _.__________

4 Attachment 1 PLANT PERFORMANCE REVIEW DRP BRANCH 2 September 21,.1995 Attendees E. Merschoff A. Gibson K. Landis

- A. Belisle

, C. Casto K.-Barr R. Prevatte

- R. Butcher R.'McWhorter R. Schin-E. Lea L. Garner 8ttendees By Telephone T. Cooper B. Desai M. Branch B. Buckley, NRR L. Engle, NRR L. Raghavan, NRR R. Croteau NRR 4

9 L

7 ._ _ _ . . - - ~ . _ . - - _ .

NORTH AfOl4 INSPECTI0ll PLAll IP - Inspection Plan TI - Temporary Instruction - ,

Core Inspection - Minimum NRC Inspection Program (mandatory all plants).

INSPECTION TITLE / 1RNBER OF PLAlelED TYPE OF INSPECTION PROGRAM AREA INSPECTORS INSPECTION C0f51ENTS DATES Licensing Examination 2 01/15-19/96 Preparation IP 81700 Physical Security 1 01/22-01/26/96 Core Inspection Inspections for Power Reactors Initial Licensing 3 01/29-02/02/96 Examination IP 84750 Radioactive Waste 1 02/05-09/96 Core Inspection Systems, and Effluents and Environmental Monitoring IP 86750 Solid Radioactive Waste Management and ,

Transportation of i Radioactive Materials IP 82701 Operational Status of the 1 02/26-03/01/96 Core Inspection Emergency Preparedness ,

Program IP 83750 Occupational Exposure, 1 02/26-03/01/96 Core Inspection Shipping, and Transportation Page 1 of 2 EhCLOSURE

INSPECTI0ll TITLE / IM BER OF PUUgfED PROGRAN AREA TYPE OF INSPECTION IllSPECTORS IllSPECTION' COMENTS DATES IP 64704. Fire Protection / TBD Prevention Program TBD Core Inspection IP 37550 Engineering TBD TBD Core Inspection -

Review core upflow modification Page 2 of 2 ENCLOSLME I

_ _. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - ^^ ^^



  • TI - Temporary Instruction Core Inspection - Minimus NRC Inspection Program (mandatory all plants)


  • Exposure IP 71001 Licensed Operator 2 10/30-11/03/95 Core Inspection Requalification Program Evaluation IP 81700 Physical Security Program I 10/30-11/03/95 Core Inspection for Power Reactors IP 34750 Radioactive Waste Systems, I 12/11-15/95 Core Inspection Water Chemistry Confirmatory Measurements and Radiological Environmental Monitoring.

IP 86750 Solid Radioactive Waste ,

Management and Transportation of Radioactive Materials IP 82701 Operational Status of the 1 01/08-12/96 Core Inspection Emergency Preparedness Program IP 81700 Physical Security Program 1 02/26/-03/01/96 Core Inspection ,

for Power Reactors Page 1 of 2 ENCLOSURE

INSPECTION TITLE / IMWER OF PLA300ED TYPE OF INSPECTION PROGRAM AREA INSPECTORS INSPECTION CC M S DATES IP 84750 Radioactive Waste Systems, 1 03/18-22/96 Core Inspection Water Chemistry Confirmatory Measurements and Radiological Environmental Monitoring.

IP[ 86750 Solid Radioactive Waste Management and Transportation of Radioactive Materials TI 2515/109 Inspection Requirements TBD TBD Area of Emphasis -

for Generic Letter 89-10, Inspection to close Safety-Related Motor- out Generic Letter Operated Valve Testing and 89-10 Surveillance m,e t


Page 2 of 2 ENCLOSURE

TINIKEY POINT INSPECTION PLAN IP - Inspection Procedure TI - Temporary Instruction Core Inspection - Minimum NRC Inspection Program (mandatory all plants)

INSPECTION TITLE / NUM8ER OF PLANNED TYPE OF INSPECTION - COMMENTS PROCEDURE PROGRAM AREA INSPECTORS INSPECT 10N DATES IP 37700 Design Changes and 1 10/10-13/95 Regional Initiative - Emphasis Modifications on EDG sequencer modification and CCW safety analysis and corrective actions involving numerous procedure changes IP 61726 Surveillance Observation I 11/95 1-week, Core Inspection IP 62703 Mrintenance Observation 01/96 1-week, 03/96 1-week IP 84750 Radioactive Waste Systems, i 11/13-17/95 Core Inspection Water Chemistry Confimatory Measurements and Radiological Environmental Monitoring IP 81700 Physical Security Program 1 12/11-15/95 Core Inspection for Power Reactors IP 82701 Operational Status of the 1 12/18-22/95 Core Inspection Emergency Preparedness Program IP 81700 Physical Security Program 1 02/26-03/01/96 Core Inspection for Power Reactors

INSPECTION TITLE / NUMBER OF PLAletED TYPE OF INSPECTION - C0f9 TENTS PROGRAN AREA INSPECTORS INSPECTION DATES IP 86750 Radioactive Waste Systems, 1 04/01-04/96 Core inspection Water Chemistry

. Confirisatory Measures and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Ti 2515/109 Inspection Requirements I or 2 TBD Area of Emphasis - Inspection to for Generic Letter 89-10, close out Generic Letter 89-10 Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and-Surveillance e


ST LUCIE INSPECTION PLAN IP - Inspection Procedure TI - Temporary Instruction Core Inspection - Minimum NRC Inspection Program (aandatory all plants)

INSPECTION TITLE / NUMBER OF PLANNED TYPE OF INSPECTION - COMMENTS PROCEDURE PROGRAM AREA INSPECTORS INSPECTION DATES IP 84750 Radioactive Waste Systemt, 1 10/16-20/95 Core Inspection Water Chemistry Confirmatory Measurements and Radiological Environmental Monitoring IP 86750 Solid Radioactive Waste Management and '

Transportation of Radioactive Materials IP 38701 Procurement Program; 1 12/04-15/95 Regional Initiative -

to address recent concerns in

  • IP 38702 Receipt, Storage, and the procurement area.

Handling of Equipment and Materials Program IP 38703 Commercial Grade Procurement Inspection IP 40500 Safety Assessment 3 12/95 or 01/96 Regional Initiative Inspection IP 92720 Corrective Action Program 1-week to review the adequacy and status c: the ongoing Safety Assessment and Corrective Action Program at St Lucie.


INSPECTION TITLE / NUMBER OF PLANNED TYPE OF INSPECTION - COMENTS PROGRAM AREA INSPECTORS INSPECTION DATES IP 61726 Surveillance Observation 1 11/95 1-week, Core Inspection IP 62703 Maintenance Observation 01/96 1-week, 03/96 1-week IP 82701 Operational Status of the 2 02/05-09/96 Core Inspection - EP Exercise f.e.gency Preparedness rrogram IP 82301 Evaluation of Exercises for Power Reactors IP 82302 Review of Exercise Objectives and Scenarios for Power Reactors IP 83750 Occupational Radiation 2 02/26-03/01/96 Core Inspection Exposure IP 84750 Radioactive Waste Systems, Water Chemistry Confirmatory Measurements and Radiological Environmental Monitoring IP 86750 Solid Radioagtive Waste Management and Transportation of Radioactive Materials TI 2515/109 Inspection Requirements I or 2 TBD 03/96 Area of Emphasis - Inspection to for Generic letter 89-10, close out Generic Letter 89-10 Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and Surveillance Licensing Examination 3 03/11-15/96 Operator Exam Preparation Preparation Initial Licensing 3 03/25-29/96 Scheduled Operator Exam Examination

. _ _ __ _ _ _~ _ . _ _


IP - Inspection Procedure -

TI - Temporary Instruction Core Inspection - Minimum NRC Inspection Program (mandatory all plants)

INSPECTION TITLE / NUMBER OF PLANNED TYPE OF INSPECTION - COMMENTS PROCEDURE PROGRAN AREA INSPECTORS INSPECTION DATES IP 71001 Licensed Operator 2 11/13-17/95 Core Inspection - Also to Requalification Program inspect corrective actions to Evaluation improve E0Ps IP 84750 Radioactive Waste Systems, 1 11/27.-12/01/95 Core Inspection Water Chemistry Confirmatory Measurements and Radiological Environmental Monitoring IP 86750 Solid Radioactive Waste Management and Transportation of Radioactive Materials IP 92702 Corrective Actions for 3 12/04-08/95 Special Inspection on setpoint Violations and Deviations corrective actions and actions IP 40501 Self Assessment - Service taken to improve the service Water System Operational water system.

Performance Assessment IP 40500 Safety Assessment 3 01/08-12/96 Regional Initiative Inspection IP 92720 Corrective Action Program to review the adequacy and status of the ongoing Safety Assessment and Corrective Action Program at Crystal River.


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Crystal River 2 J ~


TYPE OF INSPECTION - ColWIENTS-PROGRAM AREA INSPECTORS INSPECTION DATES IP 82701 Operational Status of the 1 02/26-03/01/96 Core Inspection Emergency Preparedness Program IP 64704 Fire Protection Program 1 03/11-15/96 Core inspection - ,

also to inspect the RCP fire i protection oil colletion system Licensing Examination 3 03/11-15/96 Operator Exam Preparation Preparation IP 73753 Inservice Inspection 2 03/18-22/96 Core Inspection and .

Regional laitiative to look at-surface flaw in the presurrizer surge line nozzle initial Licensing 3 03/25-29/96 Operator Exam Examination i IP 83750 Occupational Radiation 2 03/25-29/96 Core Inspection Exposure IP 84750 Radioactive Waste Systems, t Water Chemistry Confirmatory Measurements j and Radiological l Environmental Monitoring  ;

IP 86750 Solid Radioactive Waste  !

Management and '

Transportation of Radioactive Materials ,

IP 81700 Physical Security Program 1 04/08-12/96 Core Inspection .

for Power Reactors  !

I m . .. . .- . . . ~ ~ ~_. - _ _ m m _


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'E o 101 MAAIETTA STREET, N.W., SUITE 2300 i' D j ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30550100 C December 4,1995


a .


@_' . $ LE 1 i so!!!!gEas?Luissanowinessum J'

it Pgi g St Lucie } 95-21 .

Inspe.dt6ffs)IEttadi William P. Kleinsorce l

i  !


. \

SafetyfCbjectilWI (Provide a brief statement of the safety obidctfie Ef~tisis insoection) l This routine, announced inspection was conducted to evaluate the

-l areas of inconel alloy 600 nozzle and RTD reolacement and eskg

I current (EC) of steam cenerator (S/G) tubina at the reauest of the s

Senior Resident Inscector. Two surveillances were also evaluated.

Reisultssi (Violations. Deviations. Unresolved Items. IFI's.

SEYhn^qt}is & Weaknesses. Others) i

} The nozzles and RTDs were reolaced by oronerly cualified and certified welders. OC insoectors. and NDE examiners in accordance ,

I with crocerly cualified Weldino Procedure Soecifications. usinc )

< procerly certified weldina filler materials and NDE consummhles.

No evidence of the non-comoliant activities of the tvoe identified

', durina the 1993 and 1994 nozzle reolacamant outaces. were

! identified durina this review. However a weakness related to the l Authorized Sionature Identification List was noted as well as some minor documentation errors.

The Unit 2 S/G tube EC examinations were conservatively conducted by oronerly cualified examiners in accordance with a well written crocedure.

The coerators conductina the Emercency Diesel Generator surveillance observed were knowledoeable. Procedure adherence was acod. The coordination of this activity between the control room  !

and the EDG buildina was ocod desoite the remote location and the j hiah noise level.  ;

l I

& i i

1 3


t In the areas inscected, no violations or deviations were identified. ,

f agach;tchippomeg DipQibutLida]

i InspectioWsIDiWilli5iiiiDirsctioEi A. F. Gibson Pro:jectiBranchsChief 3;'K. Landis RegLonal}DWSministratoE[ S. D. Ebneter 4



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Dec. 19. 19951 7 agg / j l

3 MS A'c .- .: . .iDL i M @ M -St. Lucie @ % M 50-335.389/95-}7 Dec. 4-15. 199b f

'$. s liifMiifs]

R. Moore. R. Gibbs  !

s i i

Sint91@iE4$i4} .

') Follow un on alleaations RII-95-A-0065. 0154. and 0191. related to l orocurement enaineerina performance. The allecations indicated that  ;

}: unaualified eautoment was installed in the olant due to un-lif< ed '

1 orocurement enaineers or intdecuate procurement evaluations. "he 1 inspection reviewed commercia' arade dedication and item eouimlency evaluations to determine if unaualified eautoment had been insta' ed in

! )

the olant.


Resultsj J

l' "

One violation was identified, Failure -to follow procedure for material i Controls. There were three examples. One example resulted in ' the installation of an unqualified diode in a safety related RCS vent system

,, solenoid valve. The diode was installed during the current outage and the

! item was qualified, after identification by the inspectors, while the unit was still in the outage. The cause of the installed unqualified diode was 4 a failure to perform a field dedication task by maintenance. All examples

  • were identified by the NRC inspectors.

The sample of commercial grade dedications and item equivalencies reviewed 4 identified no example in which unqualified equipment was installed in the

, plant in safety related applications, other than the example previously referenced.

'i  !

l The allegation of unqualified material installed in the plant due to '

inadequate procurement engineering was not substantiated. The procurement  ;

engineering staff was adequately qualified.  !

Q{stributjg 9g{

IQ@Etbrffgf@hithnf C. Casto i Bhat:hXhiefgData I

lispsstdrTDfi15%iiDINitoFi Gibson ' ~~ ~~

. Pr6 ject ~ Sectf6s" Chief:~Thdis i Regional Administrator

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