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Discusses Arrangement Made for Evaluation of Requalification Program & Licensed Personnel at Plant.Evaluation Visit Scheduled for Wk of 930531
Person / Time
Site: McGuire Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1993
From: Peebles T
To: Mcmeekin T
NUDOCS 9301260067
Download: ML20127K194 (12)


I JAN I 21993 Duke Power Company ATIN: Mr. T. C. McMeekin Vice President McGuire Site 12700 Hagers ferry Road Huntersville, NC 28078-8985 Gentlemen:


REQUAllflCATION PROGRAM EVALUATION - MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION EXAMINATION REPORT NO. 50-369/93-300 Arrangements have been made between Mr. Dave McGinnis, Director of Operations Training, and Mr. Garry Harris, License Examiner, for an evaluation of the requalification program and licensed personnel at your McGuire Nuclear Station. The evaluation visit is scheduled for the week of May 31, 1993. The requalification examinations and the subsequent evaluation of the facility requalification program will be performed in accordance with Sections 601 through 604 of NUREG 1021, Operator Licensing Examiner Standards, Revision 6.

You are encouraged to ensure that your training staff and proposed examinees are familiar with these standards.

Please note that Revision 7 of the Examiner Standards may be available for use by the time of the examinations. We will coordinate with your staff to determine whether you would prefer to be evaluated under the new or old standards.

For the examiners to adequately prepare for this visit, it will be necessary for the facility to furnish the approved iteins listed in Enclosure 1, >

" Reference Material Requirements." Failure to supply the reference material as required by Enclosure 1 may result in postponement of the examination. The Chief Examiner may request that the facility submit a proposed examination for use during the examination week in addition to the material requirements of-Enclosure 1. Submission of a proposed examination, even if requested, is optional. However, if a proposed examination is submitted,-those personnel participating in its development may become subject to the security restrictions described below. Mr. McGinnis has been advised of our reference material requirements, whether a proposed examination is requested, and where these items are to be sent.

Your attention is directed to the guidance promulgated in Revision 6 to NUREG-1021 pertaining to the content and scope of simulator examination scenarios. The scenario examination bank should cover the entire spectrum of Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs), including alternate decision paths within E0Ps, and incorporate a range of failures with varying degrees of severity for the same type event. Each scenario'should contain simultaneous l events that require prioritization of actions and allocation of-resources, and should exercise E0Ps in-depth, i.e., scenarios require transitions and/or decisions to be made on actions to take within the E0Ps.  ; <

9301260067 930112 PDR V

ADOCK 05000369 PDR [h. h k g:

of .


Duke Power Company 3 JAN I 21993 This request is covered by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Clearance Number 3150-0101, which expires October 31, 1995. This estimated average i burden is 7.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> per response, including gathering, xeroxing, and mailing the required material. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Information and Records Management Branch, MNBB-7714, Division of information Support Services, Office of Information Resources Management, U. S. 11uclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C.

20555, and to the Paperwork Reduction Project (3150-0101), Office of Information and Regulatory Affaire,, NL08-3019, Office of Management and Budget Washington, D. C. 20503.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions on the evaluation process, please contact Mr. Michael L. Ernstes, Chief, Operator Licensing Section 2, at (404) 331-5594, or myself at (404) 331-5541.

Sincerely, SRIGillAL SIGNED BY T. A. PEEBLES Thomas A. Peebles, Chief Operations Branch .

Division of Reactor Safety


1. Reference Material Requirements 2, Administration of Requalification Examinations
3. fiRC Rules and Guidance for Examinees cc w/encls:

F E. M. Geddie, Station Manager Duke Power Company McGuire Nuclear Station 12700 Hagers ferry Road Huntersville -NC 28078-8985 Dave M. McGinnis, Director McGuire Operations Training Duke Power Company Training and Technology Center 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC 28078-8985 R. O. Sharpe Compliance Duke Power Company 12700 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC_ 28078-8985 (cc w/encls cont'd - see page 4) wua-te--g-ws+-am>= rte--+f "mi as- +* w' w a r w- ur-wV--- w- ("w we--,pw--d iee er w were a+ +--w-'- > -ri-- "P--+--as m -er- ri- + - - ' - -

  • j Duke Power Company 4 JAN I 21993 cc w/encls cont'd:

R. L. Gill Nuclear Generation Department Mail Stop EC050 Duke Power Company P. O. Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 A. V. Carr, Esq.

Duke Power Company 422 South Chiirch Street _

Charlotte, NC 28242-0001 J. Michael McGarry, Ill, Esq.

Winston and Strawn 1400 L Street, NW Washington, D. C. 20005 Dayne N. Brown, Director Division of Radiation Protection N. C. Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 County Manager of Mecklenburg County 720 East Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202 T. Richard Purycar Nuclear Technical Services Manager Carolinas District Westinghouse Electric Corporation P. O. Box 32817 Charlotte, NC 28232 Dr. John M. Barry, Director Mecklenburg County Department of Environmental Protection 700 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28203 Karen E. Long Assistant Attorney General N. C. Department of Justice #

P. O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602 (bcc w/o encls - see page 5)

Duke Power Company- 5 bec w/o encls:

i S. Ebneter, RA A. Gibson, DRS

1. Reed, NRR  !

A. Herdt, DRP G. Belisle, DRP W. Miller, DRP M. Ernstes, DRS .I G. Harris, DRS --

i K. VanDoorn, McGuire 1

Senior Resident inspector l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

12700 Hagers ferry Road Huntersvilla, NC 28078-8985 bcc w/encls:

Document Control Desk 1

f FOR LIST OF CONCURRENCES, SEE ATTACHED FAGE Ril:DRS' - RII:DRS RII:DRS GHarris:GAH/far MErnstes TPeebles 1/- /93 1/ ./93 1/ /93 Document name: g\ia\mcguire\r30090da.geh-

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Duke Power Company 5 JAN I 2 E [

bec w/o encls:-_ .

T. Reed, NRR-A. Gibson, DRS A. lierdt, DRP G. Belisle, DRP W. Miller, DRP M. Ernstes, DRS '

G. liarris, DRS

- K VanDoorn, McGuire Senior Resident Inspector U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 12700 llagers ferry Road lluniersville, NC -28078-8985 bcc w/entls:

Document Control Desk


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}er Gliarris: Gall /far

%C MErnstes


TP6e' dles 1/it /93 1/it /93 1//A/93 Document name: g\la\_mcguire\r30090da.gah i.

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! [NCl05URL1 Rf f ERf NC f IMTf R1 Al RIQUIRf!!$1S lest items to support all aspects of the requalification examination must be provided to the NRC 60 days prior to the examination date.

All test items should be developed in accordance with the guidelines provided in Sections 602 through 604 of NUREG 1021, Operator Licensing Examiner Standards, and their respective attachments.

lor the first requalification evaluation at the f acility, the submittal must contain at least-700 test items for use in the written examination. They should be equally divided between the two sections of the examination, and there must be at least 350 test items for use in each section.

75 Job Perf ormance Measures (JHis) f or use on the walk-through portion of the operating examination. To the extent possible, approximately 40 percent of the JPMs should evaluate "in plant" tasks (system / component operation outside the control room).

15 simulator scenarios of approximately 50 minutes each in length for use on the simulator port ion of the operating examination for examinations administered in one week, for subsequent requalificalion examinations facilitles are expected to make submittals reflecting progress toward the following targets over the next five years after the initial evaluation visit:

A minimum of 700 test items for use in the written examination equally divided between the two sections of the written examination and which cover all safety-related elements of the f acility Job Task Analysis (J1A). The bank shall be dynamic in nature, in that at least 150 questions a year shall be reviewed, revised, or generated. New questions that are developed should cover equipment and system modifications, recent industry, and licensee events and procedural changes.

JPMs to evaluate each operator aed senior operator safety-related task identified in the facility JTA, which meet the criteria in ES-603, The JPM bank should expand at a rate of at least ten JPMs per year until this goal is reached. It is estimated at 125 - 150 JPMs will be the final result. Development of the questions associated with the JPMs shall also continue, such that there is a representative sample of qu^stions given the knowledges associated with the task listed in the J1A.

1 Enclosure 1 2 1

A bank of at least 30 simulator scenarios which reflect all plausible or expected abnormal and emergency situations to which control room i

operators are expected to respond or control. At least five scenarios

, per year should be generated until all aspects of the emergency operating procedures are covered with sufficient variation in the type and scope of initiating events and level of degradation, for all requalification examination and evaluation visits, the facility shall:

Submit an Examination Test Outline / Sample Plan which meets the i

requirements of ES-601, Attachment 1.

Provide the associated examination banks (written, simulator, and JPM) and associated reference material to the region and contractor. . At a l- minimum, this shall include Technical Specifications, -applicable plant operating, surveillance and administrative procedures, abnormal and emergency operating procedures, emergency plan procedures, and training material utilized in the requalification training (including student handouts and lesson plans). Additional reference material may be requested by the Chief Examiner.

-If a proposed examination is submitted to the region, also submit a copy j of the simulator scenario portion to the Chief, Regional Support and l Oversight Section, Operator Licensing Branch, Division of Licensee l Performance and Quality, Washington, DC 20555, 45 days in advance of the first day of the examinations. The reason for the increased per/od of days is-to allow a reasonable amount of time for feedback, discussion and l

\ time to make any necessary changes.

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ff4Cl0SURE 2 ADMl!11STRAT10tl Of REQUAllflCAT10ft EXAMit4AT lolls

1. An evaluation of at least 12 facility licensed operators is required for a program evaluation. llormally the crew scheduled for requalification training during the period selected for the program evaluation should be selected. The sample will include other licensed operators who are not routinely performing shift duties or ara not maintaining an active license per 10 CFR 55 53(3). The restrictions on crew composition in the simulator are described in ES-601 C.I.b. and ES-604.
2. The simulator and simulator operator (s) shall be provided for examination development. The date(s) and duration of time needed to develop the _

examinations will be aoreed upon by the Chief Examiner and the facility.

3. 1he ref erence material used in the simulator will be reviewed by the Chief Examiner. fio material will be used that is solely used for training.
4. A single room shall be provided for completing Section B of the written examination. The location of this room and supporting rest room facilities shall be such as to prevent contact with all other facility and/or contractor personnel for the duration of the examination.
5. Minimum spacing is required to ensure examination integrity and will be evaluated by the Chief Examiner. Minimum spacing consists of one examinee per table and a 3-foot space between tables, llo wall charts, models, and/or other training materials shall be present in the examination room.
6. Copies of reference material for Section B of the written examination shall be provided for each examinee. The reference material will be reviewed by the Chief Examiner and will consist of Technical Specifications, operating / abnormal procedures, administrative procedures, and Emergency Plans as available to the plant operatorc.
7. Video taping capabilities may be utilized. The facility should contact the Chief Examiner for restrictions related to its usage.
8. An attempt will be made to distinguish between R0 and SRO knowledge and abilities to the extent that such a distinction is supported by the f acility training materials.
9. prudent scheduling of exam week activities is important to help alleviate undue stress on the operators. Your training staff and the Chief Examiner should work very closely in formulating a schedule which does not result in excessive delays in crews or individuals being administered their examination. The following are some suggestions for structuring the exam activities to achieve this purpose:

__ 2 Don't bring in crews or individuals well bef ore their scheduled exam iimes.

When examining operators in groups, it is better to hold the group just completing their exam vice the groups that are taking their exam later.

Following simulator scenarios, the facility evaluators and NRC examiners should quickly determine whether follow-up questioning is required, so that the crew may be released to talk among themselves about the scenario. _

Ensure that time validation of JPMs, particularly those performed in the simulator, is conducted accurately. A reasonable schedule should be established to prevent operators from waiting for simulator availability to complete their JPMs.

--...___-_-___.m_m..______________ m





1. Use black ink or dark pencil DNLY to facilitate legible reproduction.  ;
2. Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the i examination.
3. fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination, if necessary.
4. Answer each question on the examination, if add!tional paper is required, use only the lined paper provided by the examiner.
5. Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility literature. -
6. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question and can be used as a guide for the depth of answer required.
7. Show-all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer to a short answer test item, whether asked for in the question or not.
8. Unless solicited, the location of references need not be stated.
9. Proportional grading will be applied. Any additional wrong information-that is provided may count against you. for example, if a question is worth one point and asks for four responses, each of which-is worth 0.25 points, and you give five responses, each response will be worth 0.20 points. If one of your five responses is incorrect. 0.20 will be .

deducted, and your total credit for that question will be 0.80, even '

though you may have listed the four correct responses in the answer key.

' 10. Partial credit may be given, except on multiple choice questions.


11. If parts-of the examination are not clear with respect to their intent, t ask questions of the examiner only.
12. You must sign the statement on the cover sheet that indicates the work on the examination is your own and that you have not received or been given any assistance in completing the examination. This must be signed AFTER the examination has been completed.
13. Rest room trips are to be limited, and only one examinee'at a time may leave. You must avoid all contact with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of examination compromise, J


Enclosure 3 2

14. Cheating on the examination would result in a revocation of your license and could result in more severe penalties.
15. Each section of the examination is designed to take approximately 90 minutes to complete. You will be given two hours to complete each section to allow for thirty minutes of review.
16. The examination has been time validated by knowledgeable persons. -You should be aware that-not every answer needs to be verified by consulting l a reference, and excessive. usage of reference material may cause you to ,

not complete the exam in the allotted time. I

17. Due to the existence of questions that will require all examinees to refer to the same indications or controls, particular care must be taken i to maintain individual examination security and avoid any possibility of l

, compromise or appearance of cheating. l l

18. When you are finished and have turned in.your completed _ examination, _

l leave the examination area. -!

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i Duke Power Company 2 JAN I 21993 You are requested to desir,nate at least one employee to be a member of a joint NRC-facility examination team. The employee shall be an active SR0 (per the requirements of 10 CFR 5! .53(e) or (f) from the McGuire Nuclear Station Operations Department. You are encouraged to designate a second employee from the training staff to be a member of the examination team. This employee should be an active SRO (per the requirements of 10 CFR 55.53(e) or (f)), but may be a facility or INPO certified instructor. If desired and agreed to by  ;

the Chief Examiner, you may designate one additional employee from the i training staff with appropriate qualifications to be a member of the examination team, in addition to these individuals, a simulator operator must ,

be made available for scenario preview and validation during the on-site examination preparation week. In some cases, it may be necessary te designate a simulator operator during the test item review period. This individual will also be subject to the examination security agreement.

Any facility representatives under the security agreement shall be restricted from knowingly communicati'a by any means the content or scope of the examination to unauthorizeo persons and from participating in any facility programs such as instruction, examination, or tutoring N which an identified l requalification examinee (s) will be present. These rest. ctions shall apply from the day that the facility representative signs the examination security 4 agreement indicating that the representative understands that he or she has specialized knowledge of the examination. The Chief Examiner will determine when facility representatives have received specialized knowledge concerning the examination and require execution of an examination security agreement.

l In most cases, the examination team members will not be required to enter into an examination security agreement more than 60 days prior to the examination week. The simulator operator will normally become subject to the requirements during the examination preparation and validation week, but in some cases, this may occur as much as 30 days prior to the examination week to support operating test item review and revision.

l Sixty days prior to the examination administration date, the facility training staff shall identify and provide directly to the NRC's Chief Examiner a list of the proposed operators, including crew composition, for the ext.mination.

Also, to ensure privacy, the only copy of the current mailing address and Part 55 docket number of each proposed operator should be mailed in an l envelope labeled "To Be Opened By Addressee Only" to the attention of Mr.

l Thomas A. Peebles, Chief, Operations Branch, Division of Reactor Safety, Region 11.

The facility management is responsible for providing adequate space and accommodations to properly develop and conduct the examinations. Enclosure 2,

" Administration of Requalification Examinations," describes our requirements for developing and conducting the examinations. Mr. McGinnis has-also been informed of these requirements. Also, a facility operations management representative (as a minimum, first level above shift supervisor) should observe the simulation facility examination process at the site.

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