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Forwards Draft of Dept of Army Permit to Perform Work in or Affecting Navigable Waters by Constructing Transmission Tower Over Ebenezer Creek.Fee & Signature Required to Validate Permit
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/1985
From: Osvald S
To: Harry Freeman
NUDOCS 8503140054
Download: ML20099E628 (10)



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=L,, 19 FEB1985 Regulatory branch 074 OYN 005712 Georgia ~ Power Company ATTN: . Mr. tiarold D. Freeman, Land Rights Coordinator Fost of fice . Box 4545 Atlanta, Georgia 30302


Dear Sirs t' .

PLEASE READ TilIS LETTER CAREFULLY AND ' COMPLY WITil ITS PROVISIONS I am enclosing a dratt. of your Department of the Army permit in duplicate. If you agree with the terias ano conditions, please sign and date both copies of the craft' permit on page 4 and return them to this office. Upon receipt, the District Engineer will validate your permit anc return the original to you for your records. We will also send a tJotice ct Authorization,- which. you should display . at. the project site. Your permit is not valid until signed by the District Engineer. ,

We require a $100 ree for issuance.of a . pe rmi t ror a commercial facility. Please ' make your check payable to the. Finance and Accounting Ofticer, Savannah ' District anc return it in the enclosed envelope.

IT 'SHALL NOT BE LAUFUL TO DEVIAT8 FROM' THE PLANS EITdER BEFORE OK AFTER Col 1PLET10N 0F THE WORK, unless a plan retlecting the mooitication has previously been submitted to , and approved by this office.

In - addition, pleasc~ note that the permit not only authorizes the work but also its intended use. .

No use other thon' that specified can be made of permitted work or' structures.

Please direct your attention specifically to General Conditions' h and o regarding maintenance and the completion date for the project. Should you find that you cannot complete the project within the specified time trame, you ; are responsible to request '

-an extension ~of time 90 cays prior to expiration .of your . permit. Special Conditions relating to the ODI project are listea on p_ age _ f or tne permit. al-W' i 8503140054 850219 4 PDR ADOCK 0500 ,

g* 6}oW l SFp, s

v p

Transmittal Letter 074 OYN 005712 This ofrice must be notified 10 days in advance of beginning the project. You must also provide the.

cate you complotu the project.

Sincerely, Original Signed By St'even Osvald steven usvald Chief, Royulatory uranch Copics Furnished hational Oceanic and Atmospneric Administration U.b. Department of Commerce' Atlantic Marino Center, Cidi-04 439 hos t York Street Norfolk , Virginia 23510 5 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

/ hTTH: Ms. Elinor G. - Adonsah, .

Chief, Licensing branch $ 4 Division of Licensing -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20S55 l

I l


4 ,Appesetloa No.

074 OYN 005712 1

Nesse of AppNeast Caneg I a Pnwar f'n.nanv 1 l

l s,,ecteeo oete 2 8 FEB $85 l Empirstlen Date Wappsee61e)


PERMIT Referring to writtom resteest dated 6 Santa.hae 1984 fora penaitto:

( )d Perform work la or affecting navigable waters of the United States, upon the m==adation of the Chief of Engineers, peromaat to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbore Act of March 3.1800 las U.S.C. ef);

i ) Discharge dredged or fill materiallate waters of U b ' nited States upon the leonaaes of a permit from b Secretary of b Army acting,throughig Chief,qagiance pure apt to Sects,,404 pf alw.cleenymr Act(as u.S.c. me;

( ) Transport dredged material for the purpose of damplag it into ocean waters upon b leeuance of a permit from b Secretary S of the Artsy seting through the Chief of Engireers pursuant to Section los of the Marine Protectica. Research and 2ars= Act of lyt,las sme. Jast g se-sash , . ,,

Geo,ui a ao.or Company .- ..~ . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . ~ . .

Post Of fIce Box 4545 Atlanta, Georgle

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.s' , s-1 leIInerdyaut3Girised5 ~

i to construct a 50b'tineile'c kV transelss staryeI n A$yI ne over Ebenezer Creek. The steel tower construction would

( utillze three 1113 MCM ACSR conductors per phase. Three steel towers 195 fest tall will be used l which provide 165 foot clearances to the conductor

  • attachment. "These towers (Numbers 277-279) will be sited.on the bluf f. on the southern edge of. the susepe at the. northern edge of the large cypress and tupelo gua stands (Station 124.00), and in the cleared area north of the Old Augusta Ibad (Station 135.00). A 175 foot tower providing 14 0 foot clearances to the conductor attacha6ntr vl41. be
  • sited In"the cleared area Wr the north side of the flational Natural- Landmark.

The' ilse of the . towers wlll result in conductor clearances.suf ficiently high that no triaalng or ggutting of treen will be performed except for the area for the tower at Station 124.00 Ebenzer Cr'eele -

et a . location . approscleately 0.6. al t a upstr,ees,.f rea .where..the creelt Int,er. sects..the Savannah River in Ef f1.ngham County neer Rincon,. Georgia. . . . . ~ . ...... . ., . . . . .. .

la acc9rdasse writh b plane med. drawings a**=ehad herete ablek are incorporated la' sed made a part of this per

%. sive flie member er orker dMinase Menntleetion neerks.1. . . . . , n 4 inci . ,

1. Location Map
2. Proposed Overhood Wire Crossing - 1 of 3 '


3. Proposed Overhead Wire Q ossing - 2 of 3
4. Proposed Overhead Wire Crossing - 3 of 3 subject to the following conditions-t
f. Generalr. manam m.
a. That all activities identified and authorised herela shall be consistent with the terme and conditions of this p that any activitiae not specif6cally identified and authertsed hereia shall eemetitute a violation of the terms and thle pensit wkleh may result la the modificellen, suspension or revocation of thle pensit. la whole or la part se s l specifteelly la General Conditlene j er k herste. and in the lastitaties of seek legal F-n "-- as b United States Govera- !

i ** may esasider appropriate, whether er set this permit has been ,...c'J modified, suspended or revoked la whole uneet ENG FORM 1721,Sep 82 tomon omutmsoseotete ,se une ,



, _. g,p 47 l b. ht all activittee authertaed hweia shall, if they involve, during their construction or operation, any pouataste into watere of b United States or ocean waters, be at all times consistent with appliceW effleestlianitatione and standards of performance, prohibitions protrestment standards and management


edStar.1052, 88 pursuant to b Clean or pursuant to applicableWater Act State and (as U.S.C. 2344), the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries locallaw. '~ a

c. ht when the activity subdsed hwein involves a discharge during its construction or opwation, or any poustaa lia.duddas dredred or ful meteriso, into waters of the United States, the authorised activity shall. If applicaW darde are nvised or modified during b term of thle pumit, be modified. lf necesary, to conform with such revised water quality standards withia a months of the effectJve date of any revision or modification of water quality standa C{

y/g directed by as impleeneatation plan contained in such revised or modified standards, or within such longw pulod po Diettlet Englaeor,la consultation with b Regional Adminletrator of b Environmental Protection Agency, may determ be rossonaW under b circumstances. N h'


d. nat the discharge wul'aot destroy a thnatened or endangered species se identified undw the Endangered S or endanger b critical habitat of such species.


.e. not the permittee agrees to make every reasonable effort to prosecute the construction or opwation of b work l b

authorised hwein in a maanw so as to al=I=I=a say advwee impact on fleh, wildlife, and natural environmental values. i

) -

L ht b pwmittee agrees that he will prosecute b construction or work authorized hwein in a mannu so as to mint =t=ey any degradation of wstar quality, ft s

. g. ht the permittee l shallallept.theDistric$

t Engineer 5r kla autbodsed representat(ve(s) or deelsnee(s) to snake pe

'P*ctions atpay,tispodggagei,- J glaoryiget 9 9 accordance with b tasas and e==di*ha prescri , , that

" Meti,ytty b 1ag

perfgmed un,dg,a,uperity of tys permit,

- t i r

k. ht the permittee shall malatain the structan or work authodsed herein in good condition and la reasonable Iac.

eerdanee with the plans and drawinge =**a,La hereto. . 9 iss . . ... ,

. . . .n..

L het h permit doh not convey say. property rights, either la real estate or matdrial, or any esclusive - . . ,

that it does not. authorise any injury to)coperty or invaelon 'of rights or any infringement of Federal, Sta'tdor:'g loia

. , . s

.,y @9 h

. .). hat h punit does not obvate the requiresnest to obtain state or local assent requind by law for the edhweia.. , ,

[ '

g , ,m . .t li.'%at83this perinit Y 325.7. "ma"y be! ' either modified, suspended'or' revoked la irhole or in'part ' pursuan #

eedareciof CFR ' " "FI L" 8 I "' ~ ?" ' ' ~

L ht la teenlag h permit, b Goverannat has rolled on b laformation and data which the pumittee has provid '

co===e*6 with his permit appileetloa. If, sabeequent to b lessames of & permit, such information and data prove p to materially false, materially lacomplete or taaecorate, this permit may be r 'we. auspended or nvoked, la whole k and/or b, , Government may, la addition, institute appropriate legal praeandinne. _



m. N aany =adtfie=* w '

the United States. sospenaloa, or revocation of thle permit shall not be b basis for any claim for damages agalast '

m. has the permittee shall notify the District Engineer at what tiene the activity authorised henin wHl be -===e=d as far la advraee of the time of comaiescannent as b District Engineer may specify, and of any sospension of t

of more than one week. ree unption of work and its completloa.

i h

a . 4

.o. Hatif $he.acti,vity sathodsed herela,,is r*ot completed on or befon

, , day , , of 19 .(threeyeere ki Avne she deer et Asemanee e(eMe perunde maises otherwise speseted) thle permit, if not previously revoked { o i shah a@tically gapin_ , ,,,,p,,,,,,,,,,,

? I



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3  :

p. Na this perenit dose met eetherla9 er approsjs the seestreetles of particular struetans, b authoriaation o .

which may regaire the Congrees er other asunelse of b Federal Governannt.

. . j 3

q. Het if end when b perumletes deelree to ah==d== the activity eatherised henin, unless such aband transfer precedan by which b perunittee le ;. "

.L. his intereste hemia to a third party pursuant to General Condities t S benet, he meet' resten b ana to a ===diah ametafastery to b District Engineer.

r. het if the reeerding of'this perunit le possible mader appucable State or local law, b permittee shall take s unay be v _ ry to record this pernait with the Regleter of Desde or other appropriate official charged w for malatalaims records of title to and latereste la real property.

2 het there Cfdqh

n I

s. nat there shall be no unroesenable laterference with navigation by the existence or use of the activity authorised l herola.
t. Het this perunit aisy not be transferred to a third party without prior writtaa notice to the District Engineer, either by the transferee's written agreement to couaply with all tornas and conditions of thle permit or by the transferres subscriblag to thle perunit la b spaes provided below and broby agreeing to comply with all terias and conditions of this perunit. la addi-tien,if the, '"

trenedere the latereste authorised herein by esaveyanee of realty, the deed shall reference thle permit and the gand eenditions oracinad herela and thle perunit shall be recorded along with the deed with the Itegister of Desde or other appropriate official

.s s. . . ..e c. .. n rv ,n,,

s. nat.if the permittee daring prosecution of the work een t .

~.:; M.herein, egatqre a .previously unidentified ar-7 - ': 's! or other cultural resource within b area subject to Department of b Aremy jurisdiction that might be oilstble for listing gthe NatWegister of Historic Places,he shall 8==adiately actify the district engineer.

i v. .

.. . s . c .

II. Special Condtione:17 fare Net esplistene redesha c " "j m #As peepeesd strostare er wert entAodsed by eMe perndsk

a. That construction of the transmission towers within the Ebenezer Creek National Natural Landesrir sres' be accomplistred by the use of helicopter and manual methods where practicable to alnimize the aree of vegetion clearing.
b. That. clear,Ing for the, construction of the tower. base at Station 124.00 will be limited to an area,not to exceeduthe dimensions of 100 f.eet X 100 feet.

'c. Ihat an access corridor to the tower construction site ba selectively cleared not to exceed 20 feet in width along the right-of-way from the Old Augtsta Road. In clearing this corridor, woody vegetation larger than four inches in diameter at creast helght should be lef t standing where practicable. This clearing restriction also applies to clearing on the Old Augusta Road within' the boundarles of the National Natural Landmark.

d. That any wooden roadways or platforms constructed for tower construction within the National Natural Landmark. be" removed . once construction --Is- completed. No earthen roadway or platform tills are authorized.
e. That bcpi-type or 'other' larg's culverts for crossin'g' an'y"pe6sanent water slough or'defin'ed channel during construction of the access road in the ' adjacent forested wetlands be used only If and' where necessary. -These
  • structures will be removed to a high ground location once constru'ct' foil s iompleted.
f. That the permittee shall (comply'* promptly with any f uture regulations or Instructions i af facting the work: authorized" herein ff and when issued in accordance with the law by any l Department of the Federal Government for the aid or protection of aerial navigation. ,
g. That the permittee shall submit certlfled as-built drawings to the District Engineer rithin 60 days of completion. These certlflod drawings must be signed under the seal of a land surveyor or professional engineer registered in the State of Georgia.

1 l

l l

N following Special Conditions Sill be applicable when appropriate:


a. ht this persait does not methorise the interferosos with any esisting or proposed Federal project and that b perndttee shall not be entitled to compensation for deanage or injury to b streeteres er west authorised herela which may be caused by or result frosa existing or future operations madertaken by b United States la b public laterest.

b.kht no setempt shall be made by the persalttee to prevent the fall and free use by b public of all navigable wstars at or adjacent to the activity authorised by this permit.

c. ht if b display of lights and signals on any structure or work authorised hereis is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and elsnals as unay be preeeribed by b United States Coast Guard shall be installed and malatained by and at b expense of the permittee.
d. '1%at the permittee, upon recolpt of a notice of revocation of this pennit or upon its expiration before coenpletion of the authorised structure or work, shall, without expense to b United States and la such time an<1 manner as b Secretary of b Army or his authorised representative snay disset, restore b waterway to its former conditions. If the permittee falls to cosa, ply with b direction of b Secretary of b Army or his sett ortsed f representative, b Seerotary or his deelgaes may restore 1 the wsterwey to its forsner condittoa, by contract or otherwise, and recover b eoet thereof from b permittee.

e Structures for 8saall Boats: ht permittee hereby recognises b poselbility that the structure persmitted hereia may be subject to damage by wave wash frosa panelag vueels. h leemance of thle perndt does not relieve b persalttee from taking all proper see:w to insure the lategrity of the streetere permitted herein and b safety of boats moored thereto from damage by wave wask and the i r 'M shall not hold b United States liable for any seek damage. " - * * '" s-AtAmtTenApoca DesDeseos p .a. 7 hah, hem.the weshathpr$eed % inejedes periodie ===8=*====ea dredging,it may be po'aformed under this persait 88'. . .J,arefromthegatq oflaatuamee,ef this persait(em pengmalgos sh,fediteesdh.,pg,; . g ,

b. ht b permittee will advise b District Engineer la writing at least two weeks before he latends to undertake any

. mala *====e=' dredging. '

r s eem s. w .' r. c e . n. - >: s t i n u . * - .. vc .

  • F ' " " l*


a' ht b discharge will be carried out la boaformity wlth thh'goials and'6bjoetthe of b EPA Goldelines detablistied'gier-enant to Sectica 404(b) of b Clean Water Act and published la 40 CFR 230;

..._u.. ie- , . . , t . . t r.

. , b.Jhatthef=^= sowijl,9easietof,safablematerialfreefrom89x}ep9 11 staats);ntoxicammate., we .

. en r ht the fill drostedby th4 dC;.L., will be lir4perly malatala6d io jirovent erosloa and otherVoa pstat sources of poDu-ties.

5 Je x # u o xnow.s v m . :.s ..i. - . m . , t. ; ou- -


  • 's.%et the disposal win be carried out la conformity with b goals, objectives, and requirements of the EPA criteria erstabIlebed paremaat to Section 103 of the Marine Pr=*aa*ia= Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, published la'40 CFR 230-228'* . 19 *' ' "' ' ' '

n).,,J)sgthe pers4ttee shall place a copy of this permit la a conspicuous place la b veseel to be used for the transportation and/or disposal of the, dredged material as .a.uth.o.r.ised hereia.

This .permit

, c.


.. become .yeff,ective ..

ce b date o..f b District Engineer's signature.

y and aeroes to couaply with' the ' ' terme and conditions of this perinit.


- m am t w e su m.m e . v- s . m e- + i.5 + .w i* - '

BY: o [bb RONALFC. KESTER DATE avs Vice 0,THsseCasTAavOrTusAanty President - Land



For: AMill W. 64RISTMN '


' ~*

mm. i DATE

h. . esussuuss _i ,

'~ l U.S. AattY 005'E Of gegetessgas i  ;

,i h hereby agrees to cosaply with the ternas and aa=d8+aa== of thle persalt.



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