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Ack Receipt of Re Radiation Control in Primary Loop of PWR Plants. Proposed Alternative Agreement Re Conduct of Subj Study Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/1977
From: Jackie Jones
To: Arnold R
TASK-10, TASK-GB B&W-0221, B&W-221, NUDOCS 8307070306
Download: ML20090F809 (8)



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! Babc.ack&Wilcox , . . . . _ ._

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1J// P.O. Box 1260, Lyncheurg, Va. 245C5 l

,e ( ** 4 Telephone:(804) 384-5111 euuswusww  ;

February .25, 1977

., j Mr. R. C. Arnold, Vice President Metropolitan Edison'Ccmpany Post Office Box 542 . '

Reading, Pennsylvania 19603 ,


EPRI Contract No. RP825-1 .

' Radiation. Control in Pri-y Loop of. PWR Plants" -

Dear Sir:

Receipt of your letter of January 6, 1977 relat'ive to the subject Study is acknowledged. -

. We have studied carefully the terms in your letter under mA have attached whichtheproposedStudyw@ouldJ,egenpm*A#

for your consideration a I e2& d S W @ W M-M J discussion of specific it^ ems of your letter and the alternative


Agreement follows: - -

Met'Ed . '

Letter Alternative 1/6/77 Acreement Discussion

. yq It is our understanding that there will be no readily identifiable cost to Met Ed. However, if it beccmas apparent that Mt.t_Ed _wi

. incur costs, inEeve ra -.'

l- r y gpx;p=MGn?!..

proviIed that such request is. --

received b h 2---ges.sGairA87 ~



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Yib.cle'c ering S&W work at the B0 4 0@G  ;

% ge90Mpc. . Met Ed site.

l'j 2 Describes the services to be performed.

. 1 1/n L c-4 < Ls+~ u. .,( 1~,~mJS 8307070306 770225 PDR ADOCK 05000289 P The asee:ca & w!ic:x campany / Established 1867 HOL e

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e Babcock &Wilcox February 25, 197 Met Ed Letter Alternative ,

1/6/77 Acreement Discussion

, 1 3 -


2 4 Same. .

3 5 Same. - -

C't a .

5 6 The Agency involved is correci:ed. __T1 .

g ' g1 _-;-9 7_=Aw.swm.-


. @ A Copy of .g t g g w E 5 7 e

tne " Data" c.l.ause proposed by B&W for inclu51on in the EPRI-B&W contrac is attached for your information-. .

'6 7 ' Same. -

7 8 Reirised to include both parties.


I.ho=e Our 3E!f.TW.that. 6Td the g attached er I will be A'greementpleased to willanswer meet with anypour approva:


I regret the delay in responding to your letter, which resultec in part frem our ongoing negotiations with EPRI. We are now under considerable pressure from EPRI to reach a signed agreement with Met Ed and would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.

'Yours very'truly,



J$ des P. Jones, Manacier

. Contracts-Legal, NPGD ,

.Y.J:bgr * ,

st:tschments: .


Proposed Agreement, Met Ed-B&W .'

Proposed Data Clause, EPRI-B&W .

j cc: J. R. Lewis - B&W O .

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. l This Agreement, entered into as of March 1, 1977, by and between Metropolitan Edison Company (Met Ed) and The Babccck & Wilcox Company (B&W) ; ,

Whereas, Met Ed and B&W desire to participate in a Study of

" Radiation Control in the Primary Coolant Loop of PWR Plants" to be performed by B&W under a separate contract with Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),

Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual premises herein contained, Met Ed and B&W agree that:

1. The Scope of Services shall be as set forth in Exhibit A, hereto. In conjunction ^

therewith, Met Ed shall orovide, without cost T g .

S I 2.

a n5~w.m The Terms and conditions, as modified or suocleme ted herein, of the J W 6 @ 4 Sctugen Met Ed and $4W (Met Ed y P.O 3 A ~Lawsrrh~%w,_6::rt. hag:.J_WW- XC#YM --

3. The Study shall be conducted in such a manner ,

' so as not to interfere with or impede Met Ed's ,'

use, operation or maintenance of the Station and other electric installations. .

4. The Study shall be performed in a good and work-manlike manner and in conformity with all laws and all orders, rules, regulations and specifications of any public body having jurisdiction over the Station and its operations.
5. B&W personnel shall ccmply with Met Ed safety and security regulations as may be in force at the

,_S tatiem -

. g.ym.. . .

,#-.: --- --H.1 4. % - - - - ?,r y g k The results of the Study shall be available to.v...g'b \~

f' Met Ed at all times and a copy of B&W's final report to EPRI shall be provided to Met Ed ..

, j r/ ' .

hu simultaneouslywithitssubmissiontoEPRIorany Y1N- b-N555 MS M msi$h

7. The Study shall be completed, and all B&W personnel

! and equipment removed from the- Station on or before l

July 1, 1980.

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8. This consent and the obligations and liabilities herein shall extend to Babcock & Wilcox Company and Metropolitan Edison Company, their officers, employees, agents and contractors, as the case may be.


By: ,

By: J.f deva y




j Mandeer, Contracts-Nuclear Power Gen.

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Description of Work - Task V .


Task V - TMI 1 Plant Monitoring will be carried out by 3&W Lynchburg Rasearch Center personnel. . .

The Work Scopa vill involve the following ite=s: -

Co=plete refueling radiation surzeys at three (3) antidipated reactor

1. a refuelings - these will include Ce(Li) spectra as well as gross radiation field data. '

s . .

2. Study of all nreoperational testing g.aca and parameters in an attempt to

- relata these to ran.toactive corrosien product plant inventories. -

' 3. Colleet and eyaluata all reactor coolant themistry and radiochemistrr data along with operating modes and other partinent parameters from initial system fill through the end of the contract. .


4. Collect and_eyal,,uata all radiation subev data taken by bfI staff during

' maintenance or unplancad outages to observa general trends between .

refueling outages.

5. Cather and an.aly=a corrosion product sampics once/ month during operation and on a more frequent basis (perhaps 2/ hour) during and i=madiately after shutdowns for refueling to follow shutdown spikes. These samples will be analy=ed by B&W for isotopics, magnetic content, chemical composition, par- '

ticia si=a distribution, etc. .

6. Camp _syi.sans, of all. data. gathered at TMI with Oconee data along with input to 3.&W crud codes to help alucidata the corrosion mechanisms and to help
  • explain differences among the various plants. ,

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Deft. Exh. For ID .

- m m : m _ 7 .~1/- W Robert Capuzelo RPR Doyle. Reporting, Inc.

Babcock & Wilcox Company .

Post Office Box 1260 f Lynchburg, VA. 24505 w .

W .' Attention: J. T. Janis Power Generating Croup Gentlemen: '

D Subjects EPRI Contract - RPS25-1 m In response <to Mr. Janis' letter of Decenber 1, 1976, this will serve as o formal authorization for you to enter upon Metropolitan Edison Company's Middletown, Pennsylvania, property with your personnel and equipment for the purpose of performing the Task V portion of your PWR Radiation Control

- Study on Unit il of our Three Mile Island !Tuclear Station, as more fully described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understood that the Study will be perforned without cost or expense to Metropolitan Edison Company. " Met-Ed." This authorization, however, is

, contingent upon your compliance with the following conditionat

1. The Study shall be conducted in such a manner so as not to interfere j with or impede Met-Ed's use, operation or maintenance of the Station uj., 5 and other electric installations.

"" 2. The Study shall be performed in a good and worw aHka manner and in h conformity with all laws and all orders, rules, regulations and Og 4 specifications of any publis body having jurisdiction over the Statica and its operations. .


Tour personnel shall comply with Met-Ed safety and security regu-lations as may be la force at the Station.

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. , Babcock & Wilcox Cofpany -

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You hereby relenco and waive any right to ask for, or demand, damages for. or on account of, any less or injury (including death) eri.ning

  • g from the condition of Met-Ed's premises or the conduct of any acci-vities or operations thereon by any person and further ag ce to indernify Met-Ed and savn it harmicas fron and against any and all liability, loss, cost and expense (including all expense. legal or ochrrwise, incurred by Met-Ed in the investigation and defense of any claims t' or suit) for injury,(including death) to any person or damano o any property and from and against all claims for sny such injury or damane, however caused, arising out of, or connected with, your presence,' performance of the Study or failure to comply in whole or in part with any or all of the terms, conditions and provisions

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hereof, unless such injury or damage is due to Met-Ed's sola negli-



5. 1 The results of the Study shall be available to Met-Ed at all times and a copy of your final report to the U. S. Environmental Prctection gcl. A5ency shall be provided' to Met-Ed prior to its submission to such i Agency or any other third party.  !
  1. d .

h 6.


.L.JF u p- removed from the Station on or before July 1,1980.The Study D This consent and the obligations and liabilicias herein sha11 extend to Babcock & Wilcox Company, its officers, employees, agents and contractors, as tho' case may be.


's - If you are in streement with the foregoing, kindly so indicate by signing the enclosed carbon copy of this letter at the place provided and re-turning the same to the undersigned.

Very truly yours, R. C. ARNOLD map Vice President Date Metropolitan Edison Companyt

- We, for ourselves and our successors and assigns, intending to be legally bouad, foregoing hereby conditions.accept your authorization and agree to comply with the Attests -

nAncoct a vil.cox ccMprit 87 soeretary President l

l .

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Description of Work - Task V .

EPRI RP825-1 - .


Task V - TMI 1 Plant Monitoring will be carried out'by B&W Lynchburg Research Center personnel. '

The Work Scope will involve the following ite:cs: .

1. Con:plete refueling radiation surveys at three (3) anticipated reactor -

refuelings - these will include Ce(Li) spectra as well as gross radiation field data.. *

.- 2. ., study, of all greoperational testing data attd parameters in an atten:pt to relate these to rad 2.cactives corrosion product plant inventories.

3. Collecc ._and eval a _uate all reactor coolant chemistry and radiochecim-J_siata along with operating modes and other pertinent parameters from initial system fill through the and of the contract. -
4. Co11eet__and evalua.te all radiation survev data taken by IMI staff during maintenance or unplanned outages to observe general trends between refueling outages.

l 3. Cather Ancl. Analyze corrosion product samples once/ month during operation and on a more frequent basis (perhaps 2/ hour) during and innadiately after

' shutdowns for refueling to follow shutdown spikes. These san:ples will be analyzed by B&W for isotopics, magnetic content, chemical composition, par-ticle size distribution, etc.


Qmp_ay$ pons, of all. data. gathered at IMI with Oconee data along with input to B&W erud codes to help elucidate the corrosion mechanisms and to help explain ditferencea snong the various plants. *

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