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Forwards Response to follow-up Request for Addl Info Re GL 92-08
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/1995
From: Broughton T
C311-95-2119, GL-92-08, GL-92-8, NUDOCS 9504040199
Download: ML20087G397 (20)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .-

t e p-GPU Nuclear Corporation Nuclear arentr*

Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-0480 (717) 944-7621 Writer's Direct Dial Number:

l (717) 948-8005 March 29,1995 C311-95-2119 1

i U. S. Nuclear Reculatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Sir:



Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit I (TMI-1)

Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Response to the Follow-up to the Request for Additional Information Regarding Generic Letter 92-08 Issued Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) dated December 29, 1994.

The purpose of this letter is to provide, as Attachment 1, the GPU Nuclear response to the Request for Additional Information (RAI) Regarding Generic Letter 92-08 "Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers," Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) for TMI-1.

GPU Nuclear will be participating in the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) coordinated effort to assess the chemical composition of Thermo-Lag. Through a comparison of the THI-1 Thermo-Lag material samples with those provided by l the other participating utilities, it is expected that a consistency of

-material chemical composition will be demonstrated.

Because of issues arising from the March 14,-1995 meeting with the staff regarding the referenced RAI, a response to sections 1.a.(1), (5),(6),(7) and i (9) cannot be provided without agreement between NEI and the NRC staff and subsequent guidance. A response addressing these sections will be submitted within 30 days of notification that agreement was reached.

I 040134 1 9504040199 950329 PDR ADOCK 05000289 P PDR GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of General Public Utilities Corporation

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7. ,.

C311-95-2119 Page 2'of 2

-Also as requested verbally by the TMI-Senior NRC Project Manager on March 21, 1995 a copy of the ampacity derating test results are.being included with this j


submittal as ~ Attachment 2.

l Sincerely, [

dd A  !

T; G. Bro hton .

Vice President and Director, TMI  !

. WGH Attachments cc: Administrator, Region I TMI Senior Resident Inspector TMI Senior NRC Project Manager NEI - Alex Marion-File 94032

- i 3

8 f


- .. - -v - --, , e. w , . ,

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Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Response to " Follow-up to the Request for Additional Information Regarding Generic Letter 92-08 Issued Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) on February 10, 1994 - Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1" COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA )

) SS:


This letter is submitted in response to the follow-up to the request for additional information regarding Generic Letter 92-08 issued pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) on February 10, 1994 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Stai. ion, Unit 1. All statements contained in this have been reviewed, and all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

F T. G. Broughtq1 Vice President and Director, TMI Signed-and sworn before me this 29th day of March , 1995.

ws#A & wkt.

Notiiry Public /~

1 uswsw '

i MY 997

.. - - - . . . . . - ~ ,-.

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.t - .I Attachment IJ  !

C311-93-2119 l Page 1 of 6 l i

1. -Thermo-Lag Materials i


a. Describe the specific tests and analyses ~ that will be performed to . i verify that the Thermo-Lag fire barrier materials that are currently )

installed at TMI-1, or that will be installed in the future, are- J representative _of the materials that were used to address the  ;

technical issues associated with Thermo-Lag barriers and to construct l the fire endurance and ampacity derating test specimens.. The tests . .

and analyses shall address .the material properties and attributes. that .;

A were determined or controlled by TSI during the manufacturing process and the quality assurance program. .The tests and analyses shall also address'the material properties and attributes that contribute to conclusions that the Thermo-Lag materials and barriers conform to NRC ,

regulations. .These include: j

. l Response' .

l GPU Nuclear intends to continue to use the Therno-Lag installed at TMI-1. The Therno-Lag materials initially installed at TMI-1 were- '!

' purchased during the period between May 1986 and April 1987. l Purchases made after that period were for materials used to repair '

barriers opened for maintenance or nodifications where the original .

g material could not be reused and to replenish warehouse stock i
l' quantitles.

1 (1) chemical composition -

As stated in the cover letter, GPU Nuclear will be participating in the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) coontinated effort to assess the chemical composition of Therno-Lag and demonstrate the equivalency of the materials tested by the NEI fire barrier test program with those installed at TMI-1 as documented in NEI's letters of January 17, 1995 and February 21, 1995 to the NRC. GPUN will provide samples from TMI-1 for pyrolysis gas chronatographic analysis consistent with NEI's coontinated approach.

(2) material thickness Therno-Lag one and three hour barrier material contained in the initial shipments to TMI-1 was found deficient during receipt inspection activities. Thickness was verified by GPU Nuclear Receipt Inspectors, who took numerous readings on each board. They were concerned with naterial that was excessively thick because of its adverse effect on hanger loading and cable derating and material falling to meet mininun thickness requirements because of Its inpact on the rating of the barrier. If any piece had more than a few deviations that could not be economically repaired, it was returned to TSI. Thorough receiving inspection check documentation was naintained.

i j

t.' >


, Attachment 1 ,

C311-93-2119  !

Page 2 of 6 In one instance, an entire shipment was returned because inadequately cured material was stood or, edge causing it to slunp: leaving the' I

^ upper edge too thin and the lower: edge too thick. Following that  ;

naterial return, to insure receipt of consistent quality material,- .i GPU Nuclear assigned a Manufacturing Assurance representative to the i TSI factory. The individual was connitted to perform physical and  :

dimensional QC checks of material designated for GPU~ Nuclear prior to  ;

its' release for shipment. No additional consideration need be given i to naterial thickness.

(3) material weight and' density Prior to and after assignment of the Manufacturing' Assurance (MA) ,

representative to the TSI factory, on-site QC receipt inspection was.

relied upon to verify that material weight and density specifications  !

were net. No additional consideration need be given to material 1 weight and density. l (4) the presence of voids, cracks, and delaminations l 1

Sensitivity to material voids ensued from difficulties experienced at 1 GPU Nuclear *s Oyster Creek plant during Therno-Lag installatfon. As a i result, thickness and weight criteria were applied to verify material density. Since the material was subject to considerable field work.

(cut and fit) small voids were filled with TSI trowel grade material ,

when exposed during installation. Material which was cracked or had 1 severe porosity was returned. Little' problem with delanination was identified. The effort nade to assure weight and thickness assured material density and its quality where volds were concerned. No additional consideration need be given to the presence of volds, cracks or delaninstions.

(5) fire endurance capabilities, (6) combustibility and (7) flame spread rating GPU Nuclear is evaluating the results of the NEI fire barrier testing progran and is utfilzing the information in the NEI Application Guide to establish fire endurance ratings for Therno-Lag cable raceway systems. This is considered adequate for establishing fire endurance capabilities (pending evaluation of chemical testing results). These


properties have been established for naterials involved in the NEI  ;

fire barrier test program. The NEI progran is considered adequate for  !

establishing combustibility and flame spread ratings (pending evaluation of additional chemical testing results). The issue will be addressed later in greater detail consistent with the time frame identified in the response to 1.c.

s i


_ - . _ _ . _. _ . _ , _ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ . . . - _ . . ~ _ . _ _ . -

7 1

Attachment 1

,C311-93-2119 Page 3 of 6 (8)~ ampacity derating~

As provided in response to the Follow-up to the Request for Additional Information Reganting Generic Letter 92-08 Issued Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) dated Septenber 19, 1994 (GPUN Letter C311-94-2307) it was

  • stated that in 1986 GPUN engineers became concerned with the heat retentive characteristics'of Therno-Lag barriers and the resultant effect-on cable life and aging during normal plant operation. The low anpacity derating values used by TSI for small diameter conduit protection schenes were questioned. -A field test was initiated which nonitored the internal temperatures of Therno-Lag envelopes protecting power circuits. The data obtained by this effort showed that anpacity.

derating applied only to cable raceways containing energized power cables and is not a concern for instrument and control circuits or for power circuits which were only intermittently energized.

GPUN found that ffeld measured internal envelope tenperatures for TNI-1 barrier configurations would not result in long tern cable degradation. From the results obtained , GPUN was able to determine that the effects of the actual ampacity derating_ values for the cabling were acceptable. Therefore, GPUN need not take further action with regard to anpacity derating for the existing Therno-Lag barrier configurations at TNI-1.

(9) mechanical properties such as tensile strength, compressive strength, shear strength, and flexural strength.

The issue will be addressed later in greater detail consistent with

. the time frame identified in the response to 1.c.

b. Describe the methodology that will be used to determine the sample size and demonstrate that the sample size will'be large enough to ensure that the information and data obtained will be sufficient to assess the total population of the in-plant Thermo-Lag barriers and the materials that will be installed in the future. In determining the sample size, consider the time of' installation and manufacture of the various in-plant materials and barrier installations. Give the number and types (e.g., panels, conduit preshapes, trowel-grade material, stress skin) of samples that will be tested and analyzed.

ResDonse .

As stated above, GPU Nuclear is currently planning to participate in.

the NEI sponsored chemical test progran intended to establish the sinflarity between the naterials previously tested as part of the NEI' fire barrier test progran and the materials installed at operating plants and those specifically in use at TNI-1. Because of the open issues arising from the Narch 14 neeting which require resolution between NEI and the NRC, with respect to increasing the industry sample population to support a meaningful conclusion as to the material consistency, we will not attempt to provide a plant specific progran to address the question. By participating in the NEI progran,

p. 3  !

Attachment 1~

C311-93-2119 Page 4 of 6 i GPUN expects that the material chemical consistency issue can and will be resolved by the industry action with its sizeable sample population. }

c. Submit the schedule for verifying the Thermo-L'ag' materials. -l Response ,

The NRC discussion during the March 14, 1995 neeting with the four NEI pliot plants, indicates to GPUN that a generic approach to the resolution of this issue is reasonable. However, as stated in the March 14 neeting by the staff, several issues remain to be resolved.

between the staff and NEI. These are: determination of an adequate  ;

sample size, laboratory qualifications, establishment'cf a technical basis for important chemical constituents and the nethodology for i analyzing'the test results. Because GPU Nuclear supports and intends +

to participate in the NEI coordinated industry chenical analysis progran and because the aforementioned issues must be resolved before GPUN can proceed with plans and schedules; our actions will be limited  !

to submitting the currently requested samples.

We will provide further information within 30 days of notification of an agreement between the NEI and the NRC on this issue to address the '

$ progress made toward development of plans and a schedule to resolve ,

the chemical composition, fire endurance capability, combustibility and flane spread issues as they relate to TMI-1.  ;

2. Important Barrier Parameters t Describe the examinations and inspections that will be performed to a.

obtain the important barrier parameters given in Section II of the RAI of December 1993 for the Thermo-Lag barrier configurations installed i at TMI-1.


The submittal C311-94-2012 dated February 10, 1994 in response to  !

Generic Letter 92-08 "Therno-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers," Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f), provided a description of the activities to be  :

undertaken to obtain information on the "Important Barrier Parameters" '

addressed by Section II. Those actions have been performed and .

continue in accordance with the plan described. As of this date, of the 900 elements to inspect, only six remain. All. fire zones have-  ;

been walked down but Auxiliary Building Fire Zone 3 which is '

inaccessible during plant operation. Walkdown of this Fire Zone will be completed during an opportune outage period, no later than the '

completion date of the 11R outage (Fall 1995). ,

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Attachment 1 1 C311-93-2119  :

Page 5 of 6 i

. b. Describe the methodology that will be applied to determine the number and type of representative in-plantifire barrier configurations that i examined in detail and demonstrate that the sample size is '

adequate to assure that the information and the data that will be obtained are adequate' to assess the total population of in-plant Thermo-Lag barriers. A large enough sample of the total population of configurations.should be examined to provide reasonable assurance that' )

the materials and important barrier parameters used to construct the <

in-plant barriers and any future barrier installations or

. modifications, are representative of the parameters used to construct the fire endurance test specimens.

ResDonse .

The nethodology applied to assess the total population of in-plant: 1 Therno-Lag barriers has also been previously provided in Section II of C311-94-2012 dated February 10, 1994 in response to Generic Letter 92-08 "Therno-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers," Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f). In short,'as stated, walkdowns of 100% of the Therno-Lag installations _

are being performed and the information obtained is being documented '

using digital photography and walkdown data sheets. The data  !

collected during the walkdowns will be made available for NRC review. l 4

Barrier parameters that are being verified by the walkdowns include J

' the following:

- Orientation

- Dimensions

- Raceway type and size  :

- Junction boxes )

- Banding material, type, size and spacing

- Internal banding details

- Stress skin location

- Edge guards

- Exposed joints, stress skin over joints, stress skin ties and rib  ;

locations, staples I

- Support protactton Other parameters are being verified by the review of barrier installation documents, electrical raceway details, cable pull slips, etc. These include:

- Conduit and tray material '

- Tray type

- Cable fi11  :

- Joint details (grooved and scored, butt, af tered, pre-buttered, \

etc. 1

- Cable details (size, type, Jacket type, insulation type, cable. j operating temperature and cable maxinun operating temperature).

These parameters are being input to a database to permit systematic l comparison with the NEI Application

  • Guide. The cable detail information from each fire area / zone is included. GPU Nuclear does not plan,to perforn destructive examination of installed barriers.

Attachment 1-C311-93-2119-Page 6 of 6  ;

No' barriers are being eliminated or abandoned in place from which.

naterial could be salvaged for test samples. GPU Nuclear considers ,

the quality controls applied to the original installation adequate assurance to pennit review of installation documentation to verify relevant parameters not visible during the walkdowns.

c. Submit the schedule for obtaining and verifying all of the'important barrier parameters. ,

Resoonse The important barrier parameters will be obtained, verified and '

complied no later than the completion date of the 11R outage (Fall .


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, , - -a -

f*P .11-193ti '10:35 FROM ' GPUN Ep FfRSIPmNY TO TMI t.iCENSING P.00 M 12 i


/ .

Attachment 2 C311-95-2119

. Page 1 of 11 Gilbert / Commonwealth engineersandconsultants


' ' oitswcomanomwtAttw.mec..P.o. son tass.peading.PA teso3/Tel.at5-ns.2soo/c d .nsociteisms36 5eptember 15,1988 O/C/TMI-1CS/16503 Mr. J. W. Langenbach TMI Director of Projects .

OPU Nuclear Morris Corporate Center l One Upper Pond Road

-l Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 .

Attent!otu Mr. J. Mateyehick l Re: Three Mlle Island Nuclear Station Unit #1

- TSI Derating Cheek O/C W.O. 904-5390-035 ,

i GPUN P.O. 6PC-047764 1

GPUN B/A #412384 i

Dear Mr. Langenbeeha i This letter documents the results of the TSI Derating Check whleh was funded by the above listed purchase order. The results are presented in a tabular form attached and a discussion of the results follows each section.

If you should have any questions, please contact me.

Very truly yours,



bnP W Palaferro E14 e Projeg Engineer Q.

J. H. Brendien, Jr.

Project Manager, Continuing Services DAP/JHB/1df ec: ED&CC w/originalletter

  • J. W. bach J. Mat lek J. H. Beendien D. A. Palaterro PRA (2) 525 Lenemter Avenue.Reedeog. PAf Morgentown Reed GreenktNs.Reedrag.PA 215 775-2600

'l-t M 10:.43 201 316 7E03 P.rq

5 .

f, Attachment to Letter-to G/C/TMI-1CS/16593 -

Page l of 7

{ .. h- -



-e TRAY 732 A.


, 5 .


DESCRIPTION: g 4 EV Cable Tray #732 is located in the screen house and is wrapped with 1 IYour TSI wrap. This tray contains cirealt number MD11.

I DATA Max. Load Cable Ampaelty Cable Ampacity Current /Dkr. Cable Cable Ampacity (.7) with 13% (.7) with 28.04%

rg Circuit deratine (amns) derattnr (amosi _ m@

- No. EcclDment _ Rattar BettInc - Size, _ (,7) f amos) -

u 185 amps 356 MCM 288 251 2D7 5 MD11 1R Transformer 1000/1333 .


u 4


Cable ampacity for MD11 is acceptable at current breaker setting when applying 28.04% derating in addition to the .7 derating factor (7-24 cables and 44*C ambient temperature) utnir,ed in Cycle 6 Cable Sising Criteria. g

.m 8

,o> m an

- . - o, 5





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. Attachment to Letter.

i G/C/TMI-1CS/I6503: g '.

[2 .

Page 2 of 7 . m 4

g .

4 TRAYS 751/756 .f:-

9 I E DESCRIPTION: h-4 KV Cable Trays #751 and 756 are located in FH-FZ-1 and wrapped with 1 Hour TSI wrap. Tesy #751 contains circuits MA9, MB9, MB11, MB13, MC12, ME6, ME7, ME9, ME10, and MEll. Tray #756 contains circuits MA9, MB9, MBis, ME10, and MEll. _


a e

n Lead Load l

u 5 Circuit No. Ecujipment . Ratine Current Jemos)

Current x 1.25 famos)


,J13g, Cable Ar:ipacity

(.7) faH Cable

(.7) withAmpacity 13% '(Cable

.7) with Ampacity deratine lamns) deratina (amos) __

28.04% l 400 HP 52 65 4/6 210 183 151 MA9 S R-P-3 A 400 HP 52 85 4/0 210 183 161 MB9 SR-P-3B 350HP 44 55 4/0 218 153 151 ME6 DH-P-1B 210 183 151 5 MR7 MU-P-1C 700 HP 85 104 4/5 259 HP 41 51 4/0 219 183 151 MES BS-P-1B MB10 RR-P-1B 400 HP 52 65 4/6 210 183 .151 MB11 1H 1005/1333 185 185* 360 MCM 288 251 297 '

Transforraer KVA g 8

  • Breaker Setting ygg @

$CC O f$? m y

-eaj cgm _

N i

.s -

g 7 Attachment to Letter. =

N G/C/TMI-1CS/16503-


Page 3 of 7 .

1 A-g TRAYS 751/756 (Cont'd.) 1

$ DATA (Contiaued):

i s Load Load Cable Ampacity Cable Ampacity Q-Circuit Current Current x Cable Cable Ampacity (.7) with 13% (.7) with 28.04%

No. Eaulsment Rstint . {a mos) 1.25 (amos) Size (.7) (amns) derating lamps) derating (ampL m MB13 IU 1000/1333 185 185*. 350 M CM 288 251 207 Transformer KVA MC12 IM 1000/1333 185 185* 350 MCM 288 251 207

' Transformer KVA m g m ME11 IT 1003/1333 185 185* 360 MCM 288 251 207 u

g Transformer KVA

  • Breaker Setting


Cable ampacity for the 4/6 AWG cables is aceeptable for motor loads when applying 18,94% dorating in additlon to the .7 derating factor (7-24 cables and 40*C ambient temperature) utilized in Cycle 6 Cable Sislag Criteria.

Cable ampacity for the 350 MCM cables is acceptable at current breaker settings when ' applying 28.04% derating in addition to the .7 derating factor (7-24 eables and 40*C ambient temperattire) utilized in Cycle 8 Cable Sizing Criteria.

em .

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'8 0 ;!

  • bi  ?-

., L 3 8 O $

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y, 8

g Attachment to Letter -

4 i

N . G/C/TMI-1CS/lG503' .z 1 Page 4 of 7 , . i'

.h '

h TRAYS 551/553 'A-E $


480V Cable Trays #551 and 553 are located in CB-FA-1. These trays contain circuits LPGA, LPSB, and LSs. J DATA:

Cable Cable ampacity ampeelty ICHA-Cable (.01 with (.8) with ICEA P54-440 g Load. ampacity 13 % 28.04% P54-440 with 25.04% p Load Current x Cable (.85) derating dera* log dorating derating o

- Clreult -(amnal famos)

No. 2cuinment Rating Current 1.25 (arnos) J13a. (amoa) (ames) famos! .

540* 2-350 652 567 469 588 423 LP5A/ ICESVMMC - -

LP5B Peeder MCM _-

u h '*

140 175 4/O 236 205 170 185 133 LS6 NS-P-1B 125 lip

  • Breaker Betticg


Cable ampacity for LPSA, LP5B cables (2-350 MCM) applying (.80) derating factor and 28.04% decating for TSI material results in

an ampacity value less than the breaker setting.

l y

l Cable empeelty for L56 cable applying (n.86) derating factor and 28.04% derating for TSI material results in an ampa -


less than the load current x 1.25 (overio d) factor.

I C l ICEA P-54-440 ampaolty values were calculated and the results are shown in the above table. These ampaalty values are lesa than the former values because the calculated depth of fill for Tray 551 (8" wide tray) is 2.6 inches. Using the 2.5 inch loading depth P-54-440 ampeeltles, from Table 3 results la reduced ampeelties as shown. _-


!  %== ,

f k $.

-~g n l 3 -,. u+

>~* to N e


Attachment to Letter' G/C/TM1-1CS/16503'

[2 Page 5 of 7 ,. l

,1, g


483 V Cable Tray 590 is located in All-FZ-7 and is wrapped with a 1 hr T8I wrap. Trey 590 contaics circuits CGil, CG83. CQ43, LP2, @

and LP6. .4 DATA:

Cable Cable ampacity ampacity ICEA 3-(.8) with ICEA P54-440 E-Load Cable - (.8) with Current ampeelty 13 % 28.04 % P54-440 with 28.04% m g Load derating derating. G Rating Current x 1.25 Cable (.88) derating derating

- Circuit _(amnal (smos) famos) (amos) (amost Eeulonent _(hp) (aman) (amos) . Size _

y No. __

27 24 IS 32 23 -

CGil AH-E-16 A 3 4.8 6 #10 150 131 108 199 143 CG 83 IC-P-1A 75 87 109 1/0 _

24 19 32 -23 CQ43 NS-V-4 .33 1 1.25 (M 27 151 125 224 161 LP2 DC-P-1 A 100 120 ISO 2/0 174 205 170 204 205 d LP6 NS-P-1A' 125 .340 175 4/4 236 r

- q 314ho.-an


i Cable ampeelty for elroults CC11, CQ43 is acceptable when applying 28.04% derating in addition to the .8 derating factor (4-6 embles N -

and 40*C ambient temperature) utilized in Cycle 6R cable stair.g eriteria. Ampaelty of elroults CG83, LP2, LP6 with the same

! derating is not high enough to maintain 1.25 overload feetor. ,

An additional ampacity calculation was perforrned using ICEA P54-440 methodology. The current depth of fill was calculated to be 1.


-m Inch. TMI-1 cables and the P-54-440 rubber jacketed cable tray fill may not be sufrielently similar to provide an engineering basis for j

-using this standard. Adjusting for the larger Interlocked armor cable diameters in the calculation yields cable ampselties in a one In fill.deptb whleh een exceed the Kerite free air ampacity.




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8 .


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. _ _ - _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . - _ _ _ _ - - . , . - . . _ - - . _ , , .., ~. , ~ . . . , . . - . . - . . . ,.

Attachment to Letter .

Mi G/C/TML-1CS/185031 * '

y 1l age 6off r:

h TRAY 81til/1020 --


480 V Cable Tray 1919 is located la CB-FA-1 and is wrapped with a 1 hr. TSI wrap. ' fray 1819 eontains circuits ED5033, ED5033A, .5 CH61, ED6034, ED5054 A, LS5, and LS7. Due to physleal configuration, etreults ED5033 and ED5033 A are treated as a single elecult. y.

. Likewlee, circuits ED5034 and ED5034A see treated as e single circuit.

- 1 DATA Cable Cable ampaelty . ampacity ICEA -

Load Cable (.8) with with ICEA P54-440 28.54 % P54-440 with 28.04% w

@ Load Current 13 %

8 Rating Current x1.25 Cable amp8)(.eelty derating derating decating derating

" Circuit (amos) 8-nd _ (smos) (arnos) T No. __ Eautoment _Qu [a ===1 (amos) _ .3 33, (amns) ED5033/ DC Feed 254 182 ED5033A to IT Swgr. -- 60** - 2-#2 222 193 180 ji _q' ED5934/ DC Feed ED5034A to IT Swgr. 87 109 2/0 174 151 125 224 161 CHel ICeP-1B 75 1 125 144 175 4/0 238 205 170 284 204' g 1,86 N8-P-1C 310* - SOS MCM 498 355 294 443 .333 L87 IBESYMCC ' - i

  • Breaker Setting - 3
                                                      ** Breaker Sise C'



Cable ampacity for EDSS33/ED5033A, BD5034/ED5034A, and CH61 is acceptable aftee deratlog 28.04% la addition to .7 decating factor utilized in Cycle SR esble sizing criteria. 5 l

                                                     . An addhlonel ampacity esiculation was performed using ICEA P54-440 methodology. the current depth of fill was calculated to be one                                                                                                                                             y

[ ineh. TMI-1 cables and the P-54-440 rubber jacketed cable tray fill may not be suffielently similar to provide an engineering basis for using this standard. Utilizing the Inter!ceked armor esble diametee in the calculations yellds cable empeelties in a one inch fill depthy 3 $ u which approaches the Herite free air ampaelty. gg g

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *YE                    N 8                                                                                                                                                                     .                                                                                         ~85
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,, lA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               - e ro

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _m._ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , - ~ - . . _ . _ . . . . - . _ . . _ . , _ - . . _ . _ , . , _ _ . . . _ _ . . . . _ . _ . _ _ , - - , _ _ _ - . , . . _ ~ _ _ , _ . , . , _ _ . .



fi Attachment to Letted - G/C/TMI-1C8/185D3'



    ,1 Page ( of 7
    @                                                                   TRAY 1020                                                                                                                                                                      1
    ~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  [

9 , g DESCRIPTION: m 480 V Cable Tray 1020 is located in CB-PA-1 and is wrapped with a 1 hr. TSI wrap. Trey 1020 contains circuits ED5633 A, ED5034A, Q-CH61, L57.145, and ED307 A. The data and summary for Circuits ED5033 A, ED5034 A, CH61, L57 LS5, is identical for Tray 1019. DATA: Cable Cable ampaelty astpacity ICEA Load Cable (.8) with - (.8) with ICEA P54-440  : Breaker Current ampeelty 13 % 38.04 % P54-440 with 28.94% g Rating Size x 1,25 Cable (.8) derating derating derating dersting ~

     -     Cfreult                                                                                                                           (sanal          ._ (amoal -.                                                (amon)

N o. . Eaultment .@p) famad _(amosl. Size. (anos) Jamos).. g

  • 40 -
                                                                       #8                 46                   40                                33                         44                                                31                       1 ED307A         DC Feed           -

to 1R Swgr.


Circuit ED387A ampacity la not equivalent to breaker size when app @g 28.04% deentlng in addition to the .8 dorating factor (4-6 cables and 46*C ambient temperature) utilized in Cycle SR cable alzing criteria and when applying 28.04% derating to ICEA P54-440 g values. C 8

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1 % 199512*46. FTD1 .CPLN E&D FYNSIpFW/ TO -1MI L1CElEING Attachment.2

g. A. .

g-l5-2p;, A w le % _ Per the attached Derating Study performed by Gilberts Associates, it was determined for tray iill, was that a darating factor of 28.044, in addition to the require l l derating factor of 18% was initially recommended by TsI and to consLder the difference of 4.94% inconsequential. The resulting aspacities are acceptable for all but a few loads, when for motor leads (which is not continuous). factoring Those in a 25% overload allowance exceptions ares nepacity with 28.044 ') Circuit No. Load current Derating (125%) 133 A LS6 175 A J 141 A 0043 109 A l 125 A LP2 150 A 170 A LPG 175 A 31 A ID307A 40 A i IP6, was determineda taugerature to be thestudy worst case. for that Under location underthe dire

                                           @ and    Test performed                                                                  l start--^1e    loading ewm=Mtions             during normal  operating     conditions. The   seeu    ts indioeted an ambient temperature of 21 degrees Celsius, whereas hthe cable is r -

rated at 90 degrees Celsius. It was ceaeLesed that undas' these conditions, t e cable is in no danger of beier overloaded. t Resultisely, we believe that all cables have been adequately dorated. At presen , l that the Nac the unc ecosiders the loses of ampesity dorattag indeterm] for further develoymmets is this matter. l l l l


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