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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-51,consisting of Transcript of Audiotape 7,transcribed by KA Wilkerson
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/1995
OLA-3-I-MOSBA51, NUDOCS 9507030276
Download: ML20086A540 (8)


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f, f-y1 ADS 6R-5/



('s k Exhibitb,page I of _I 2  % D -6 P3 :29 2


5 6

7 8

9 10 Transcript of audiotape No. 7, I

11 transcribed by Keith A. Wilkerson, Certified Court f

12 Reporter and Notary Public.

' 12 p

N 14 15 16 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 17 So.qa9 eta-3 7I Docket N050- Official Exh. No. T4 "

In the mat:er of tS f( o+ =1.


Ap;;hcant RECEIVED 20 Intavenor V REJECTED Conto Offr Contractor DATE O f-i7' N Other Witness  % #-I=4 nl 22 Reporter C. M he 23 BROWN REPORTING, INC.

24 1100 SPRING STREET, SUITE 750 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30309 25 (404) 876-8979 92 PRCLIECT 056x ?

O iW Mit888ask PDR

Exhibit 3,pageb o 20 0 1 Okay.

2 In the control room they had, 3 before the diesel tripped, you've got a lot better j 4 conditions to see what's going on. They had one 5 annunciator in, and they're writing up a statement 6 on that.

7 MOSBAUGH: In the control room or.--

8 CASH: In the control room., yeah.

9 MOSBAUGH: It's a trouble.

10 CASH: It was a --


11 I think the trip actually came in



)bh 12 before it tripped. There's like a little delay.

N{ 13 MOSBAUGH: Yeah.

km 14 CASH: I know that on the la, when we got 15 the A high Iube oil temperature trip, it was about 16 five to ten seconds before the trip actually 17 occurred, even though we had these annunciators.


19 CASH: So there was some time lag. Bruce 20 and them are writing it up, but that how they 21 determined. They were looking at the annunciator 22 And they had people out there and they asked them 23 what the pressure was, and the pressure was fine, 24 you know. People were watching the pressure. They 25 were watching general local parameters.

V fh '

e2MWECT 050021

Exhibit O ,page 3 of I 21 f^% .

U 1 CASH: I feel comfortable that it's that, 2 but I don't think --

it's too early to say for sure 3

that we have a common mode failure between la and 4 1B. And but I think that everything prellaanarily 5 indicates that we have some type of problem either 6 with the air logic or with the pressure swiches and 7 the calibration and the holding calibration.

8 Because it looks like to me we've had two trips due 9 to -, two spurious trips that were not related, the 10 two trips that we know and that we feel that can 11 identify.

12 CASH: 19, we know why it tripped.

13 MOSBAUGH: Two trips on A and now a trip

() 14 on B.

15 CASH: The first trip on A, we don't know 16 why it tripped. To be honest, we seren't there.

17 MOSBAUGH: We weren't there.

18 CASH: The second trip, we feel 19 confident, though we can't say it's not near as 20 clear on this trip on B was, because there was a lot 21 more activity and a lot more --


22 MOSBAUGH: That's what I thought it was.

23 CASH: You know, we did find out the 24 story on the sequencer.

25 MOSBAUGH: Ya, 92 PROJECT 056022


l 29 O

e Exhibit _ b ,page of

(_) 1 plant?

2 SHIPMAN: All right.

3 MOSBAUGH: Okay. U2 is at 52 percent 4 power, still carrying the three LCOs from 5 this morning. No change there and no other 6 significant problems that I'm aware of on i

7 Unit 2. I just got done talking to Jim Paul l 8 Cash who called the controller. ,

i 9 SHIPMAN: And what did we find out 10 about the PLU?


12 SHIPMAN: PLU, yeah.

13' MOSBAUGH: I didn't get a chance to get l 14 l

(} an update on that, but obviously we're 52 j 15 percent power. But I do not --

I don't know 16 if Montgomery was working with operations on 17 that, and I don't have an update on that.  !

I 18 can run off and get that if you want, but I 19 don't have that.

20 SHIPMAN: Okay. Just --

tomcrrow 21 morning, would you --

i y-,f

,. 22 MOSBAUGH: I should be able to give you

g. 23 the postmortem on that tomorrow morning.

24 SHIPMAN: Okay. That would be great.

25 MOSBAUGH: Okay? Unit 1 we just {



( 92 PROECT 056030

.x 4

a i


' l l .

f i

Exhibit 'T I ,page I of 30 l

r~N k_s I i finished up the six o' clock meeting. We ran  !

2 the B diesel, as I told you a little earlier, 3 and it tripped on low --

I'm sorry --

on high 4 lube oil temperature. This was the Unit 1B l 5 diesel. And it tripped around noon or so, 6 and I & C was in there doing a cal on that 7 switch, and we think it's a bad switch or set l

8 at a bad point or something. I've asked that l

J 9

we check the Unit i switch as well if we ,

10 think there's any commonality, like bad  !

l 11 calibration procedure or anything like that l

12 that could have the unit -- if it turns out 13 to be that, an out of cal problem, I think we 1 i

() 14 15 need to check the"A" diesel for any similar


problem. But that's definitely what tripped 16 it, and we're going to have to check the cal 17 on it. And there's a reasonable probability I 18 that that's the kind of problem it is. We l 19 have a failed switch. That's a possiblity, 20 too.

1 21 SHIPMAN: Do we have a visual 22 indication of --

23 MOSBAUGH: The actual temperature was 24 never high. We checked that.

25 SHIPMAN: Okay.

4 92 PRC1 LECT 056031



l i


s 31 Exhibit 6I,page k of T 1 MOSBAUGH: It's a misreading or or 2 misaccuration of the switch. The temperature 3 was never threatening, was never high.

4 SHIPMAN: Was going to be my next 5 question. Was a maintenance run when 6 somebody must have been watching it if we 7 have visual indication, how did it happen.

8 Okay.

9 MOSBAUGH: Let's see. We're of course 10 still sitting here at midloop. Midloop I l

11 worked that needs to be finished up.

12 Probably the two biggest pieces was probably 13 completing the cono seal reassembly, and


) 14 that's being estimated by about midnight.

15 And the other one that probably made it 16 stretch out longer than that, depending on 17 how it turns out, is this 007 valve. That's 18 the RTD bypass valve that they were working 19 on and trying to do a seal weld on to 20 eliminate the leakage and then they 21 attempted to thread out the bonnet. They 22 were having a lot of problem. There was 23 boric acid getting in the weld and 24 everything, and there was leakage. And so 25 when they attempted --

this was a diaphragm

  • 2 PRC11ECT c:q



ExhibitSI ,page 1 of T 32

1. p j

Q 1 --

this is not a diaphragm valve, but this 1

2 has a-diaphragm in it. It's a wide pattern

3 globe type --

4 SHIPMAN: Kerotest.

5 MOSBAUGH: Maybe a kerotest test. It's i

6 a wide pattern globe but it has the diaphragm

, 7 in there. You know what I'm talking about, 0 the flexible diaphragm between the stem and 9 the actuator's shaft.

10 SHIPMAN: I know what you're talking i

i 11 about.

12 MOSBAlfGH: And so they went to thread i

13 the bonnet out, and they got the bonnet out

. (_ \_- 14 about seven turns or so, and it stalled And 15 so then we got with the vendor, and we've 16 been working with the vendor all afternoon.

17 And the recommendation was to attempt to 4

18 thread it back in. And we cleaned up all the 19 threads as best we could, what was exposed, s 20 and attempted to thread it back in. And we i

21 were able to thread it back in, and it took a

22 considerable torque to thread it back in, J

23 much higher than the assembly torque. I 24 think like 5,00 inch / pounds. I think 25 assembly torque is 3,000. But we got it i



F~* .

Exhibit 6l ,page__1 of.3_ 33


1 through a thread back in, and the diaphragm 2 is reseated. And talking to the vendor, I 3

think the vendor's real nervous about his --

i 4 (inaudible) --

engagement --

and had i

5 recommended a full penetration weld as 6 opposed to any seal weld. And I assume you 7 guys are involved with that, but we've been l B escalating the --

or I know the Southern '

9 engineers have been involved with this 10 already, and they're talking to people on '

11 this vendor shop, and we potentially ask that 12 to be escalated and get the highest level and 13 best recommendation out of this vendor, 14 because if we have to make a full pen weld 1 15 here, that's going to take a little time. 4 16 Are you into that already? i 17 SHIPMAN: Paul indicates 18 acknowledgement that yes, he's aware of it.

19 I was not aware of it, but Paul was.

20 MOSBAUGH: Okay. I know our people 21 have been, working with your design people on 22 it. That's probable the critical item we got 23 to wrap up the midloop work. l Other than the j 24 loop work --

(inaudible) --

small t

j 25 pressurizer -- (inaudible) --

they want to 92 PRC1MCT cssass O .

--. --- ..-.. ...,, - - - - - -, - - , , - -- - . . . . - . . . . , . ,. ,, ,. -