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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-94A,consisting of Transcript Re Intervenor Exhibit 94A Tape 32,dtd 900404,TR 46-49
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/06/1995
OLA-3-I-MOS-94A, NUDOCS 9512280224
Download: ML20099L397 (9)


T~ NDSBA C)ft) y' 1 INT. EI. 94A DOCKETED 2 TAPE 32 IJSNRC 3 Date 4-4-90

'4 Location: John Aufdenkampe's office.

5 Staff Version '95 DCT 20 PS:10 6

7 SEGMENT #2 8 TR. 46-49 0FFICE CF 2ECriETARY 9 00CK O WG,,s-R dCE a

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10 11 MOSBAUGH: What did you say about this stuff here?

12 AUFDENKAMPE: What stuff? The 006 number's a combined 13 Unit 1 and Unit 2 number. What, but what I don't understand.

14 WILLIAMS: 1990.

15 AUFDENKAMPE: Yeah, but --

16 WILLIAMS: (INAUDIBLE) 17 AUFDENKAMPE: Oh, silly me. Why didn't we put 1990 on 18 here?

19 WILLIAMS: Because it looks really shitty.

20 AUFDENKAMPE: Really, really shitty.

21 WILLIAMS: I mean like - .

22 AUFDENKAMPE: Does George know?

23 WILLIAMS: -- 08. Yes he does, I told him.

24 AUFDENKAMPE: Oh, you didn't give him '87 data. Where 25 did he get this shit from? i 26 WILLIAMS: From me. I gave it to him. That's what l

27 I gave him.  ;

1 28 AUFDENKAMPE: Ooohh. Yeah I see now. Oooohh.

29 MOSBAUGH: Do we have, I mean do we have good '87 30 data?


32 WILLIAMS: Yeah, but its' only for a half year.

NUCLEAR REGULATORY OMMISSloN Docket No. 50 424/425-otA-3 EXHIBITNo._ T" N k in the matter of Georoin Power Co. et al Voatie Units 16 2 9512200224 951006 O Staff O Applicant QTntervenor O Oher PDR ADOCK 05000424 O id*ntified Qneceived O Rejected Reporter iD PDR Date is /6 /$ Witness

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1 MOSBAUGH: Post commercial, we didn't tabulate it-- l 2 INPO didn't require it, right, till commercial.

F 3 WILLIAMS: Not till commercial. Actually it doesn't, f

I 4 they don't require it until a year after commercial declaration. j 5 AUFDENKAMPE: George sees-- [ INAUDIBLE). f i

6 WILLIAMS: Yeah. He's not seeing the forest for the  ;

. 7 trees. He needs the overtime sheet (or shit) --


. I j 9 WILLIAMS: -- instead of calling me and directing me i

10 to do work, which is why I did that yesterday to begin with.

, 4 11 AUFDENKAMPE: Well, I went over there and dropped it on ,

4 12 his desk and left.

l 13 MOSBAUGH: So what's the '90 numbers?

14 AUFDENKAMPE: Oh, they're terrible

, i 15 Ilaughter]

l 16 MOSBAUGH: So why are they so terrible and these are 17 all so good?

18 AUFDENKAMPE: Because we had three failures in '90, not  ;

i 19 counting what occurred since that, during the event. There were l

20 ,. four failures in '90.

21' MOSBAUGH: These are--these aren't, these aren't the 22 unavailability numbers?

l 23 AUFDENKAMPE: Yes. Those are the unavailability 24 numbers.

25 MOSBAUGH: Well, how',s that related to the failures?

26 AUFDENKAMPE: The failures, the failures are used in 2 3 t


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1 calculating the unavailability.

2 MOSBAUGH: I mean, but doesn't the unavailability 3 include LCO time?

4 AUFDENKAMPE: It includes out of service time.

5 MOSBAUGH: Right.

6 AUFDENKAMPE: I don't know how --

when we do the 7 unavailability number, we do failures as well as, uh, as out of 8 service time, right?


t 10 MOSBAUGH: How do you --

11 AUFDENKAMPE: Is there a weighing factor? ,

I 12 WILLIAMS: No. '

13 MOSBAUGH: How do you compute it? l t

14 WILLIAMS: Its the time it wasn't in service 15 (inaudible). i 16 MOSBAUGH: Well, hold it. If it failed, how do you 17 know what that time is? l I

18 WILLIAMS: Which? That it would not have served its 1 1

19 function?

20 ,. MOSBAUGH: Yeah.

21' WILLIAMS: You take the time to the last successful 22 start and divide it by two.

23 MOSBAUGH: Yeah, okay. So what about -- -

24 AUFDENKAMPE: So when you get a failure, you 25 automatically get two weeks. ,

26 MOSBAUGH: Yeah. Well, if you're on a monthly cycle, 3 4 ,



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i 1 you get two weeks of out of service time.

2 WILLIAMS: Yes, and that's true.

3 MOSBAUGH: When did we have failures?

4 WILLIAMS: When did we have failures?

5 AUFDENKAMPE: '89, we didn't have any.

6 WILLIAMS: In '89 --

7 MOSBAUGH: No failures in '89?  ;

8 WILLIAMS: That's true. In '88, we had --

9 MOSBAUGH: On both units?


i 11 MOSBAUGHz It was on both units here? ,


12 AUFDENKAMPE: Oh, I'm sorry. We did have one load run 13 failure in '89.

, 14 WILLIAMS: But we knew when it happened --

15 AUFDENKAMPE: In July -- l 16 WILLIAMS: --

we get very little extra estimated

17 l time.


18 AUFDENKAMPE: So we've had one, two, three, four )

I 19 problems in '907 (pause) -- Where's the NRC report? Did she finish J

20 .. it last night?

21' WILLIAMS: (Inaudible.) It was a load run failure, 22 not a start failure. Load run failures are when it fails to take 23 - -- (inaudible). -


24 AUFDENKAMPE: Oh, I meant to tell you too --

i l

25 (inaudible). ,

l l


4 3 l l


. ,t 1 AUFDENKAMPE: Ms. Minyard was smoking in your office 2 last night. I didn't say anything to her. Although I guess really 3 the appropriateness that I'll refuse to take immediate corrective 4 action. I just won't get involved in this. That was on the way 5 out. (Inaudible.)

f 5 ,



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',- l 1 SEGMENT #3 2

3 4 WILLIAMS: True (INAUDIBLE). So that's why I didn't i 5 give him 1990 numbers, and I told him that, and we discussed, we 6 discussed this Sunday how bad it looked, for 1990, for both units.

7 MOSBAUGH: So what's the number for 1990.

8 AUFDENKAMPE: .08 9 WILLIAMS: .08 10 MOSBAUGH: .08 11 AUFDENKAMPE: We are probably in --

12 , MOSBAUGH: Is that pro rata or how did --

13 WILLIAMS: That's for January and February.

14 MOSBAUGH: So eight percent of the time? Is that the 15 meaning?

16 WILLIAhS: That. No.

17 MOSBAUGH: Yeah, no, that's prorated for the year 18 then. ,

19 WILLIAMS: No, that's just January and February.

20 MOSBAUGH: No, hold it. If we had -- No, no that has 21 to be almost pro-rated for the year, isn't it.

22, AUFDENKAMPE: You have to know what's involved in the 23 calculation.

24 MOSBAUGH: I'm just saying, since you had these start 25 failures you end up with these two week chunks -- right.

26 WILLIAMS: You got, you got one -- that's a plant 27 number. You got one diesel that is, uh --

28 AUFDENKAMPE: What's the formula?

6 g M

v .; , :dI 1 WILLIAMS: You got one diesel that's 28.28.


3 WILLIAMS: The SSPI is strictly an arithmetical 4 average of the four, of the four, diesel SSPI's.

5 AUFDENKAMPE: Yeah, but I, is it is the diesel SSPI uh 6 hours, hours (inaudible-talkover).

7 WILLIAMS: Hours out of service divided by hours 8 recorded. And the plant SSPI is SSPI diesel 1 plus SSPI diesel 2 9 divided by four. And, and you get one bad player, which that one's 10 a bad player, diesel 2A, which is point 28 and it drags the other 11 one'down, because diesel 2B is point 002 very low. Point 0018 , l 12 point (inaudible) I 13 MOSBAUGH: OK, but that's, that's before we even took 14 into account the event.

15 WILLIAMS: That's true, that's February, we haven't  :

l 16 even hit March.

17 MOSBAUGH: Right.

18 WILLIAMS: March is going to be worse.

19 MOSBAUGH: Oh yeah.

2 0 ,. WILLIAMS: There is only probably one saving grace in 21' March, is that we may be able to not count the hours out of service 22 for the other diesel that was not required to be operable at the 23 time.

24 MOSBAUGH: If the formula was set up that way --

25 WILLIAMS: It is. ,

l 26 MOSBAUGHz -- and I think it is, however, divided by I 7 3 l



it required hours.

2 (long pause) (apparently reviewing procedure) i 3 < Telephone call to Alton Rogers to setting up PRB f 4 meeting > l l

5 (long pause) (apparently continuing to review procedure) j 6 WILLIAMS: (inaudible) (apparently quoting from 7 procedure) H Component unavailable hours are not counted when


8 certain components are electively removed from service for planned '

9 activities or are out of service for unplanned activities and the '

10 reactor is in a mode that allows components to be removed from i 11 service for an unlimited time with out incurring a limiting j 12 condition for operation."

13 MOSBAUGHz Um hum, OK. ,

4 14 AUFDENKAMPE: How about if we use the word surmised 15 instead of believes.

16 MOSBAUGH: I don't like the word intermittent and I 17 don't like the word believed. In regulatory con...--

ir 18 communications.

  • 19 WILLIAMS: You can use spurious.

20 MOSBAUGH: I don't like that one either.

21 WILLIAMS: Then they didn't use that one.

22 MOSBAUGHz Intermittent, ah, intermittent to me means 23 you have not done enough investigation to find out what the real 24 cause was (laughing),

i 25 AUFDENKAMPE: (inaudible) 26 MOSBAUGH: Or you don't, or you don't have, or you 8

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. 1- don't have the management commitment to go far enough, especially l j

~2 when-you're willing to-accept an intermittent for the answer. j i - 3' '(Break in tape). l l  !

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