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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-261,consisting of Estimate of DG Daily Air Leakage
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1995
OLA-3-I-MOS-261, NUDOCS 9601220291
Download: ML20100B742 (1)


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Estimate of DG Daily Air Leakaaem US W Potential Leakage Locationa5 00 20 P 4.50 f.E Leakage thru.006 orifices to seppor lines 4

Il( M EIING., U..WiCl Leakage to sensor lines w/o.606 orifices ji j 305 cu. ft.*

Leakage from vented elements in the control logic 4

Air Receiver i

m Leakage to vented solenoid valves Leakage in rrttings in the 60 psig supply 4 Leakage in fittings in the 250 psig supply 4

Air Comp.

Ne '

Assume 90 F (549.6R) 7 f

Supply lines to Control Air l

305 cu. ft.'

Air Receiver l

NY..,ST. 5.,~ STAG

-g Air Com p.

Start 225 psig St:p 250 psig Estimated Air Leakage i

1 atm = 14.7 psia 225 psig = 239.7 psia = 16.3 atm., 250 psig = 264.7 psia = 18.0 atm.

ccf = standard cubic feet (at STP) ccf per tank @ 225 psig = (16.3 atm) x 305cu. ft.* x 491.6 R / 549.6 R = 4447 scf.

ccf per tank @ 250 psig = (18.0 atm) x 305cu. ft.* x 491.6R / 549.6 R = 4911 scf.

Volume added per cycle = 464 scf Compressor capacity = 76 scfm' Running time per cycle = 464 scf / 76 scfm = 6.1 minutes Assume each compressor cycles on 1 time per 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shift to make up for leakage:

This is 6 additions of 464 scf of air per day = 2784 scfI day

= 116 scf / hour


9601220291 950919

= 1.93 scf / minute PDR ADOCK 05000424 C


=.032 scf / second 1

' NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIESION ooctoiwo. so.424/425 Ow, EXHl83lTNO. T ' 3 I

  • Data from FSAR Table 9.5.6-1 (Board Exh. #3)

In the matter of Georoia Kwmr Co. et al Voatie Units 1 & 2 l

O Staff O Applicant ETTIEenanor O oe=r O Identified @elved O Regte,d Reporkr fD o.a. 9 / M /W witnoc.

14 (L L mJ LJAGD