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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-22B-1,consisting of Transcript Re Intervenor Exhibit 22B Tape 89 Side A,50%,dtd 900502
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1995
OLA-3-I-M-22B-1, NUDOCS 9512280212
Download: ML20099L386 (2)


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Intervenor's Eahibit 2 page 1 of 2 USNRC NRC Version TAPE # 89 SIDE A,50%

95 - DCT 20 P5 :19 Date: 5-2-90 1~h George Frederick's Office l

OFFICEgCREg Mosbaugh: You know, uh, I've lan61 at George's markups N' oitag ginow, on, on the draft and j

uh, and, having sat in on the critique and read the critique items, you know, what I see is that j

we're striking stuff out you know we're taking the bad and incrinunatmg out you know.

i If that's the product that they want to put out, you know, to the NRC fine, that's going to be l

their choice, but uh somebody is going to catch on to that.


Well I really believe and I was on the team, I really believe that the product that the critique l

team right now is generating is really inadequate for the situation.

Moshaugh: Yes t


I was on the team.

i 1

' Mosbaugh: I that that's true.

l i


But I remember when we got usurped from the job.

Mosbaugh: Right.


And it was when the priority became to solve - to return the l A diesel generator to operability. All of our attention (inaudible) was directed toward solving the testing program to get us out of the outage.

Mosbaugh: More so than that, it was not just to - uh, the priority shifted to get us out of the outage, okay, notjust the diesel part of the get us out, everything to get us out of the outage you lost-Frederick:

And when we did that, the critique team stopped pursuing the site ares emergency as the event and that's when we lost direction and after that we, we haven't met for.

Mosbaugh: You haven't met and then George came in and said well all other managers are on the critique team.


Yeah right.

Mosbaugh: And I, nobody knows what that means. Shoot, Swartzwelder was asking what that meant.

I don't know what that means.


So well, I mean - I agree you know if somebody if the NRC looked at me and said you know from the stand point of doing a review team "This is very weak. I don't see how this could be effective in correcting your problems in the future." I would have to say, 'I agree with you.* It's an unfinished product. We never did a goodjob. And my name's on the list, but I don't think we were ever given the opportunity to finish it.

Mosbaugh: But you know, yeah, I don't know who's in charge. At this point who's in charge. Ok, you know George goes to Ken Holms and says Ken you're the critique leader okay and uh, and NUCLEAR REGUI.ATORY COMMISSION Docket No. 50-424/425 OLA-3 EXHIBITNO.,,7

  • 12 8' I 9512280212 950928 in the rnatter of Georola Power Co et al Ve age Units 13 2 PDR ADOCK 05000424

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then we go off and do a critique and then George comes in and says well okay now all the managers are on the critique team and then he anys okay John Aufdenkampe uh, write the May 15 letter okay now, Who's in charge? I think the only one that can be in charge at that point is George.


'Itat's right.

Mosbaugh: Okay.


'Ihat's what I meant about when you reach the point when you don't get your product, management goes behind the door and and finishes it, writes w hat they want, that's their solution, then you (PAGE) get them go back to their jobs because their product is not what you're looking for anyway. I would agree ifI was, I tell you where I would take this if I was the NRC, I don't know if these guys are really involved in this (inaudible) may be Region 2.

i But if you go back and you look at the violations that we have on, it was really a drawing control issue but really they wrote us up for inadequate corrective action programs.

Mosbaugh: Correct.

Frederick: This is a pad of that proposal.


l Moshaugh: Correct.


That's the analogy I would draw to it, if I was the region guy. If I was Rogge I would be the l

guy reading it to provide the input.


[ Walking]

i Mosbaugh: Oh well.

Frederick: I don't know if the event review team is looking at it. The region, Ebnetter might when he gets the letter.



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