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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-264,consisting of Water Formation in Control Air Supply Typical Conditions (Early Apr 1990)
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1995
OLA-3-I-MOS-264, NUDOCS 9601220312
Download: ML20100B747 (2)


[- /((0582 - 26 f d!U ~Y Wotor Formation in Control Air Supply Typical Conditions (earlyrApril 1990)

'95 GT 20 P 4 :51 To

'y Control

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a g.-

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Pressure' gauge

i n

305 cu. ft..

g, N (one on each line) 86 F @

s 240 psig 3:.

, _ g,;

1;L,2 % -

2 Assume Trench area 60 F g.c;;,:aa Q??p?"@

3/8 inch lines @ 240 psig 305 cu. ft.*

86 F @

240 psig

- b a:C.,.iy Water condensed cooling 240 psig air from 86 F to 60 F =.017 oz. / cu. ft.

8 oz.

Volume of 240 psig air required to condense 8 oz of water =

.017 ozJ cu. ft.

470 cu. ft. @ 17.3 atm


(240 psig) & 86 F 1594 cu. ft. @ 5.1 atm


( 60 psig) & 86 F 7326 scf.


Time to condense 8 oz. Water = 7326 scf / 2784 scfd = 2.6 days Time available before 3-20-90 = 7 days (last run of DG1 A before 3-20-90 was 3-13-90)


  • 1 Docket No. 50-424/425-OLA-3 9601220312 950919 in the rnatta of Georata Poww co et at-, voatt. Unas 1 & 2 PDR ADOCK 05000424 G

PDR O staff O Applicant Ofntervonor O Othw

  • l *d O Rejected Reporter SD O ld**ff Date 67 / f6 W Witness M i6 L e.d WACD

P ~

Wotor Fermotion in Centrol Air Supply Adverse Conditions To Control



  1. Ugifjhh.![

g Pressure gauge I "* " ***" ""*)

305 cu. ft.'

95 F @

s 240 psig


Assume Trench area 50 F

& 'X W D DUdb 3/8 inch lines @ 240 psig 305 cu. ft.*

95 F @

240 psig GB Water condensed cooling 240 psig air from 95 F to 50 F =.03 oz. / cu. ft.

8 oz.

Volume of 240 psig air required to condense 8 oz of water =

.03 ozJ cu. ft.

267 cu. ft. @ 17.3 atm


(240 psig) & 95 F 905 cu. ft. @ 5.1 atm


(60 psig) & 95 F 4093 scf.


Time to condense 8 oz. Water = 4093 scf I 2784 scfd = 1.5 days Time available before 3-20-90 = 7 days (last run of DG1 A before 3-20-90 was 3-13-90)

. -