ML20084J292 | |
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Site: | Vogtle ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/19/1984 |
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ML20084J278 | List: |
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ISI-P-010, ISI-P-10, NUDOCS 8405090066 | |
Download: ML20084J292 (118) | |
DISTRIBUTION LIST MANUAL HOLDER NUMBER F. Tehranchi 1 J. M. Hire 2 3 R. L. Beck 4 W. Stock 11 5 J. A. Caudill 6 G. Bockhold, Jr. 7 W. F. Kitchens 8 H. E. Varnadoe 9 K. Seil 10 R. T. Oedamer 11 J. A. Bailey 12 J. A. Edwards 13 C. S. Schinasi 14 W. F. Sanders 15 i E. D. Groover 16 R. C. Case 17 B. R. Quick / Document Control 18 W. P. Wagner / Quality Control 19 A. J. Caudill/ Hartford Steam Boiler 20
- O I
L e 1 O - 010 REV O 1 I ,,n-e-,,,,'- <-w - 4 e w w-m e -,er-w w e - e-w -w v-w~---- 'L-m J =' ' ~-ew-r-' +
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i f PRESERVICE INSPECTION PROGRAM VOGTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT 1 UNIT 2 Table of Contents Section Page Introduction.......................................... 1-1 Class 1 System and Components......................... 2-1 Class 2 System and Components......................... 3-1 Class 3 System and Components......................... 4-1 i Component Supports.................................... 5-1 ISI Piping Classification Drawings.................... 6-1 OV 4 d J 4 l l i i ~ 010 REV O f ...a.
'l ()
1.1 General l This document details the scope of preservice inspections for the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) - Unit 2 and includes the following points of interest: e Schedule of inspections. e Piping classification drawings. e Identification of all areas to be examined. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) soiler and 3 Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Division 1, 1980 Edition through Winter 1980 Addenda is used voluntarily for preservice inspection (PSI). The actual edition applicable to preservice inspection is the 1971 Edition through the Winter 1972 Addenda. It is intended that the same code edition and addenda be applicable both to preservice and the first interval of inservice inspections. Therefore, the contents of this document are subject to change (with approval) during preservice j inspection. Additionally, inspection. program-B will be used as' defined by IWA-2400, ASME Code, Section XI. 1.2 Scope This document is a description of the preservice inspection program for Class 1, 2, and 3 components. l l 1.3 Component Upgrading l Plant components have been reviewed to determine the appropriate-classification for examination. The inservice inspection (ISI) piping classification drawings are shown in section 6.0. It i must be noted, however, that the classification of components as l ISI Class 1, 2, or 3 for inservice inspection does not imply that the components were designed or constructed in accordance with the same classification requirements. The component design codes remain as stated in the VEGP Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). i { 1.4 Responsibility j Georgia Power Company (GPC) bears the overall responsibility'for j the performance of the preservice inspections. Certain i nondestructive examinations may be performed by a qualified inspection agency. The results of such examinations.will be reported to GPC for' final evaluatior. and disposition. I 1-1 010 REV O t
() 1.5 Records Records and documentation of all information and inspection results, which provide the basis for evaluation and which facilitate comparison with results from subsequent inspections, will be available for the active life of the plant. 1.6 Methods of Examination The method of examination planned for each area is delineated in subsequent sections. Personnel performing nondestructive e.caminations will be qualified in accordance with the ASME Code. 1.6.1 Eddy Current Eddy current (ET) examinations may be performed on the steam generator tubing as applicable. 4 1 1 1.6.2 Liquid Penetrant Dye penetrant (PT) examinations may be performed whenever a surface examination is required on nonmagnetic components. 1.6.3 Magnetic Particle i Magnetic particle (MT) examinations usually may be used when j surface examination of carbon steel components is required. i i 1.6.4 Radiographic j Radiographic (RT) techniques may be used as an alternative method to ultrasonic examinations. l 1.6.5 Ultrasonic Ultrasonic (UT) examinations shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Appendix III of Section XI, ASME Code, for carbon steel and stainless steel piping and Section V, ASME Code, for other UT examinations to the extent practical. The reactor vessel will be examined to the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.150, Rev. I to the extent practical. i 1.6.6 Visual Tests l A visual -(VI) examination will be employed to provide evidence l- _ of leakage or to provide a report of the general condition of the component. i i i. 1-2 010 REV O _. - - - - - - _. _,, -, ~ - - -
(~) A. The VT-1 examination shall be performed to determine \\_/ corrosion, erosion, wear, cracks, or physical damage of the part, component, or surface being inspected. B. The VT-2 examination shall be performed to determine and locate leakages from pressure retaining components or excessive leakage.from components without leakage collection systems. C. The VT-3 examination shall be performed to determine the structural, general, and physical conditions of components or their supports. D. The VT-4 examination shall be performed to determine the operability of support components and their mechanical or hydraulic devices. 1.7 Evaluation of Examination Results Examination results are evaluated per IWA-3000, IWB-3000, and IWF-3000 of the ASME Code, Section XI. Articles IWC-3000 and IWD-3000 entitled " Evaluation of Examination Results" are in the course of preparation and, as yet, are not available for use. Therefore, the rules of IWB-3000 may be utilized for ISI Class 2 and 3 components. (~V) l 1.8 Repair Procedures Repair procedures will be developed as required. 1.9 Augmented Inspections The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) bas required certain augmented inspections as added assurance of structural reliability. The areas of interest and the examinations to be performed are as follows: 1.9.1 The reactor coolant pump flywheel shall be examined in accordance with plant Technical Specification 4.4.10 and FSAR paragraph (See item.45 under Class 1 components.) l 1.9.2 The steam generator tubing shall be examined in l accordance with plant Technical Specification 4.4.5 and FSAR paragraph (See item 61 under Class 1 components.) 1.9.3 Certain portions of the ISI Class 2 piping, which penetrate containment, are designated as high energy lines. An augmented inspection program is provided for those lines in accordance with FSAR, subsection 6.6.8. Areas designated for 73 augmented examinations are noted on the ISI classification ) drawings in section 6.0 of this manual. 1-3 010 REV O
$ () 1.10 Limitations of Examinations The preservice inspection program outlined in the following tabulations has been developed as a result of a design review. Any limitations to examinations found during the conduct of the preservice inspection will be documented in the final report. The tabulations address ASME Code, Section XI requirements, some of which are not applicable to VEGP. Those code items which address welds or components which do not exist at VEGP are not given a program item number and under the comments column the following designation appears: N/A to VEGP. .l O I i e !O l l-4 010 REV O
s ( 2.0 CLASS 1 SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this section is to define a baseline inspection program for Class 1 systems and components to meet the intent of Section XI.of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1980 Edition through Winter 1980 Addenda. 2.2 Inspection Schedule As much as practicable, Class 1 systems and components, other than the steam generator tubes, shall be examined prior to the cold hydro. All items still outstanding, including the steam generator tubes, shall be examined following the cold hydro but prior to commercial operation. 2.3 Inspection Scope Areas subject to preservice inspection are shown in the following tables by examination category. The preservice examination will include essentially 100 percent of the nonexempt pressure retaining welds in Class 1 components, to the extent practicable, per IWB-2000. J O 'd 2-1 010 REV O
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preser~ ice inspection v Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-A, PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN REACTOR VESSEL 1 Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Examination Require. Examination Method Section XI Code Relief Comments it rm item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request N/A Bl.10 Shell Welds 1 Bl.11 Circumferential IWB-2500-1 UT 2 Bl.12 Longitudinal IWB-2500-2 UT N/A Bl.20 Head Welds 3 Bl.21 Circumferential IWB-2500-3 UT 4 Bl.22 Meridional IWB--2 500-3 UT 5 Bl.30 Shell-to-Flange IWB-2500-4 UT Weld 6 Bl.40 Head-to-Flange IWB-2500-5 UT PT/MT Weld Y N/A Bl.50 Repair Welds N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N N/A Bl.51 Beltline Region IWB-2500-1,2 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. l i I 4 A i o i 3m o j 'J50 f(D16) 4
O O O ~ Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preser;ilc,e inspection 4 Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-B, PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN VESSELS OTHER THAN REACTOR VESSELS i Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Examinaten Require. Examination Method Secten XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetre Surface Visuat Request j Pressurizer N/A B2.lO Shell-to-Head N/A N/A N/A Welds 7 B2.ll Circumferential IUB-2500-1 UT 8 B2.12 Longitudinal IWB-2500-2 UT N/A B2.20 Head Welds N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B2.21 Circumferential IWB-2500-3 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B2.22 Meridional IWB-2500-3 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Y Steam Generators W (Primary Side) N/A B2.30 Head Welds N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B2.31 Circumferential IWB-2500-3 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B2.32 Meridional IWB-2500-3 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. 9 B2.40 Tubesheet-to-IWB-2500-6 UT Head Weld Heat Exchangers (Primary Side) N/A B2.50 Shell (or Head) N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. I Welds N/A B2.51 Circumferential IWB-2500-1,3 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B2.52 Longitudinal IWB-2500-2,3 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP, (or Meridional) N/A B2.60 Tubesheet-to-IWB-2500-6 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. o Shell (or Head) o Welds !<o 5850 1(018)
1 O O O l Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-D, FULL PENETRATION WELDS OF NOZZLES IN VESSELS - INSPECTION PROGRAM B Program IWB-25001 Component Parts Examinaton Require. Examination Method Sectum XI Code Flefief Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Recuest Reactor Vessel 10 B3.90 Nozzle-to-Vessel IWB-2500-72 UT Welds 11 B3.100 Nozzle Inside IWB-2500-72 UT Radins Section Pressurizer 12 B3.110 Nozzle-to-Vessel IWB-2500-72 UT Y Welds 13 B3.120 Nozzle Inside IWB-2500-72 UT Radius Section Steam Generators (Primary Side) N/A B3.130 Nozzle-to-Vessel IWB-2500-7 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Welds 14 B3.140 Nozzle Inside IWB-2500-7 UT Radius Section Heat Exchangers (Primary Side) N/A B3.150 Nozzle-to-Vessel IWB-2500-7 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Welds N/A B3.160 Nozzle Inside IWB-2500-7 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Radius Section I i 3a 33 O 'J501(D18)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-E, PRESSURE RETAINING PARTIAL PENETRATION WELDS IN VESSELS Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Examinaten Requere-Examination Method Secten XI Code Rehef Comments item item Examined ments Fye Number volumetre Surface Vesual Request 15 B4.lO Partial Penetra-tion Welds N/A B4.ll Vessel Nozzles External N/A N/A N/A 16 B4.12 Control Rod Surfaces N/A N/A to PSI 3, Drive Nozzles 17 B4.13 Instrumentation External N/A N/A to PSI 3, Nozzles Surfaces u s Pressurizer 18 B4.20 Heater Penetra-External N/A N/A to PSI 3, tion Welds Surfaces a 3m<o seso igaisi
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-F, PRESSURE RETAINING DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Enamenaten Require. Exammasson Metful Section XI Code Relef Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Reactor Vessel 19 B5.lO Nominal Pipe Size ?. 4 in. Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2SOO-8 UT PT/MT Butt Welds N/A B5.ll Nominal Pipe Size < 4 in. Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. g 4 Butt Welds N/A B5.12 Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Socket Welds i Pressurizer 20 B5.20 Nominal Pipe Size > 4 in. Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2500-8 UT PT/MT Butt Welds N/A B5.21 Nominal Pipe Size < 4 in. Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Butt Welds N/A B5.22 Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2SOO-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Socket Welds o O m ITI< a 'A*A 1sD18)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preser' ice inspection v Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-F, CONTINUED Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Exammation Require-Exammation Method Section XI Code Rehef Comments item item Exammed ments Fgure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Steam Generator 21 B5.30 Nominal Pipe Size > 4 in. Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2500-8 UT PT/MT Butt Welds L f N/A B5.31 Nominal Pipe Size < 4 in, w Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. 1 Butt Welds N/A B5.32' Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Socket Welds Heat Exchangers N/A B5.40 Nominal Pipe Size > 4 in. Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Butt Welds N/A B5.41 Nominal Pipe Size < 4 in. l Nozzle-to-Safe-End IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Butt Welds N/A B5.42 Nozzle-to-Safe End IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Socket Welds 3o 33 C $8501(D18)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories i B-F, CONTINUED Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Examination Require. Examination Method Section XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Piping N/A B5.50 Nominal Pipe Size > 4 in. Dissimilar Metal IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Butt Welds N/A B5.51 Nominal Pipe Size < 4 in, Dissim'ilar Metal IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. w i Socket Welds j N/A B5.52 Dissimilar Metal IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Socket Welds 2 i e 2 rm< c A 585011D18)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-G-1, PRESSURE-RETAINING BOLTING, GREATER THAN 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Examination Require. Examinaten Mettux! Section XI Code Relief Comments it;m item Examined mer.ts Figure Number Volu aetric Surface %sua Request i Reactor Vessel 22 B6.10 Closure Head Nuts Later MT/PT 23 B6.20 Closure Studs IWB-2500-12 UT Perform 23 (in place) or 24, 24 B6.30 Closure Studs IWB-2500-12 UT MT/PT Perform 23 (removed) or 24. 25 B6.40 Threads in Flange IWB-2500-12 UT eo 26 B6.50 closure Washers, Surfaces VT-1 i Bushings Pressurizer N/A B6.60 Bolts and Studs IWB-2500-12 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B6.70 Flange Surface Surfaces N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. (when connection disassembled) N/A B6.80 Nuts, Bushings, Surfaces N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. and Washers Steam Generators N/A B6.90 Bolts and Studs IWB-2500-12 N/A-N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B6. LOO Flange Surface Surfaces N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. (when connection ' disassembled) N/A B6.110 Nuts, Bushings, Surface.s N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. and Washers O O
- n O
5850 1(O18)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-G-1, CONTINUED Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Examinate Require. Examinaten Method Section XI Code Relief Comments 1:em item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Heat Exchangers N/A B6.120 Bolts and Studs IWB-2500-12 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B6.130 Flange Surface Surfaces N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. (when connection disassembled) N/A B6.140 Nuts, Bushings, Surfaces N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. and Washers Y Piping r N/A B6.150 Bolts and Studs IWB-2500-12 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B6.160 Flange Surface Surfaces N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. (when connection disassembled) N/A B6.170 Nuts, Bushings, Surfaces N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. and Washers Pumps 27 B6.180 Bolts and Studs IWB-2500-12 UT 28 B6.190 Flange Surface Surfaces VT-1 (when connection disassembled) 29 B6.200 Nuts, Bushings, Surfaces VT-1 and Washers 3 2 E3 5850 1(018)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-?500-1 Examination Categories B-G-1, CONTINUED IW42500-1 Component Parts Examination Require. Exammation Method Sectum XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Valves N/A B6.210 Bolts and Studs IWB-2SOO-12 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. N/A B6.220 Flange Surface Surfaces N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. (when connection disassembled) N/A B6.230 Nuts, Bushings, Surfaces N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. and Washers Y 4 1 t 0 f o 3 m<o i a '4601(D18)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-G-2, PRESSURE RETAINING BOLTING, 2 INCHES AND LESS IN DIAMETER Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Examination Require-Exammation Method Section XI Code Reisef Comments item item Examined ments Fgure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Reactor Vessel N/A B7.10 Bolts, Studs, Surface N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. and Nuts Pressurizer 30 B7.20 Bolts, Studs, Surface VT-1 and Nuts w Steam Generators 31 B7.30 Bolts, Studs, Surface VT-1 M and Nuts Heat Exchangers N/A B7.40 Bolts, Studs, Surface N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. and Nuts Piping 32 B7.50 Bolts, Studs, Surface VT-1 and Nuts Pumps 33 B7.60 Bolts, Studs, Surface VT-1 and Nuts Valves 34 B7.70 Bolts, Studs, Surface VT-1 and Nuts CRD Housings 35 B7.80 Bolts, Studs, Surface VT-1 m and Nuts seso eei
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-H, INTEGRAL ATTACHMENTS FOR VESSELS Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Esarranation Requre. Exammaton Method Secten XI Code Rehef Comments stem hem Enammed ments Fogure Number volumetre Surface Visual Request Reactor Vessel N/A B8.lO Integrally Welded IWB-2500-13, N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Attachments 14, and 15 Pressurizer Figure IWB-36 B8.20 Integrally Welded IWB-2500-13 PT/MT 2500-14 N/A Attachments and 15 to VEGP. Y Steam Generator N/A to VEGP. C N/A B8.30 Integrally Welded IWB-2500-13, N/A N/A N/A Attachments 14, and 15 Heat Exchangers N/A B8.40 Integrally Welded IWB-2500-13, N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Attachments 14, and 15 l o O A< o seso sea
c ,8 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Tame IWS-2500-1 Examination Categei-ies B-J, PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN PIPING Program IWB-25001 Componens Parts Exarmnaten Requere. Enarmnaten Method Secten XI Code Rehef Comments IIem tiem Examined ments Fgse Number yogumetre Surface Visual Request N/A B9.lO Nominal Pipe Size 2 4 in. 37 B9.11 Circumferential IWB-2500-8 UT PT/MT Welds N/A B9.12 Longitudinal IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Welds N/A B9.20 Nominal Pipe Size < 4 in. 38 B9.21 Circumferential IWB-2500-8 PT/MT u 8 Welds 5 N/A B9.22 Longitudinal IWB-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Welds N/A B9.30 Branch Pipe Connection Welds 39 B9.31 Nominal Pipe IWB-2500-9, UT PT/MT Size 2 4 in. 10 and 11 40 B9.32 Nominal Pipe IWB-2500-9, PT/MT Size < 4 in. 10, and 11 41 B9.40 Socket Welds IWB-2500-8 PT/MT oh R< o "Aso stonen
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWS-2500-1 Examination Categories B-K-1, INTEGRAL ATTACHMENTS FOR PIPING, PUMPS, AND VALVES Program IWB-25001 Component Parts Exammuta Requero. Exammation Method Section XI Code Reisef Comments tsem item Examined ments Fogure Number Volumetre Surface Visuas Request Piping 42 B10.lO Integrally Wolded IWB-2500-15 PT/MT Figures IWB-Attachments 2500-13 and 14 N/A to VEGP4 Pumps N/A B10.20 Integrally Welded IWB-2500-13, N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP4 Attachments 14, and 15 u \\ ui Valves N/A BIO.30 Integrally Welded IWB-2500-13, N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. 4 Attachments 14, and 15 l 7 r ea 2 ~ m< 1 o l ',sso notes
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categones B-L-1, B-M-1, PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN PUMP CASINGS AND VALVE BODIES B-L-2, B-M-2, PUMP CASINGS AND VALVE BODIES Program IWB-2W1 Component Parts Examsnaton Requwe. Examenaten Method Secton XI Code Relief Comments nem tsem Enamined ments Fegure Number Volumetnc Surface Visual Request Pumps N/A B12.lO Pump Casing Welds IWB-2500-16 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. 43 B12.20 Pump Casing Internal VT-3 Surfaces C/A B12.30 Valves, Nominal Pipe Size < 4 in, Valve Body Welds IWB-2500-17 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. w 1 C/A B12.31 Valves, Nominal Pipe Size 24 in. Valve Body Welds IWB-2500-17 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. 44 B12.40 Valve Body Internal VT-3 > 4 in. Surfaces Nominal Pipe Size 45 N/A Reactor Coolant Volume AUT N/A N/A See subsection 1.9.1 in Pump Flywheel Keyways N/A APT N/A introduction 5, 3o 25 l o .~
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant ifnit No. 2 Preservice inspection Tatde IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-N-1, INTERIOR OF REACTOR VESSEL B-N-2, INTEGRALLY WELDED CORE SUPPORT STRUCTURES AND INTERIOR ATTACHMENTS TO REACTOR VESSELS B-N-3, REMOVEABLE CORE SUPPORT STRUCTURES Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Examenaten Requre. Examination Method Secten XI Code Retef Comments stem em Exammed ments Figure Numbet Volumetre Surface Visual Request Reactor Vessel 46 B13.lO Vessel Interior Accessible VT-3 Areas Reactor Vessel (BWR) N/A B13.20 Interior Attach-Accessible N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. u I ments Welds C N/A B13.21 Core Support Accessible N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Structure Surfaces Reactor Vessel (PWR) 47 B13.30 Core Support Accessible VT-3 Structure Welds Accessible VT-3 Surfaces i i a 2 in O ' SO NDies J
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories i B-G, PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN CONTROL ROD HOUSING Progra.s ' fWB-2500-a Coevigoneng Par *s Exammaten Requre. Exasmnaten Method Sectmo XI Code Rehef Comments
- tem t*e Examened ments Fpe Number Volumetrc Surface Visual Request i
Reactor Vessel 49 814.10 Welds in CRD IWB-2SOO-18 UT or PT/MT See figure Housing IWB-1500-18 for appro-priate examination methods. w I e-* CC I a o 3m<o sesc itotas
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Tatde !WB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-P, ALL PRESSURE RETAINING COMPONENTS Program IWB-25001 Componers Parts Exammuten Requere. Examuution Method Secton XI Code Rehef Comments Isem hem Examaned ments Fegure Number Volumetrac Surface Visual Request Reactor Vessel 49 B15.lO Pressure Retain-System Leak-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary age Test IWB-5221 50 B15.11 Pressure Retain-System Hydro-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary test IWB-5222 Pressurizer 51 B15.20 Pressure Retain-System Leak-N/A N/A to PSI 6, Y ing Boundary age Test IWB-5221 52 B15.21 Pressure Retain-System Hydro-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary test IWB-5222 Steam Generators 53 B15.30 Pressure Retain-System Leak-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary age Test IWB-5221 54 B15.31 Pressure Retain-System Hydro-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary test IWB-5222 Heat Exchangers N/A B15.40 Pressure Retain-System Leak-N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. ing Boundary age Test IWB-5221 C/A B15.41 Pressure Retain-System Hydro-N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Boundary test IWB-5222 3o o wo nois)
O O O. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-P, CONTINUED Program IWB 2500-1 Component Parts Examination Require. Examination MetM Section XI Code Rehef Comments It;m item Examined ments Figure Number votumetric Surface Visual Request Piping i 55 B15.50 Pressure Retain-System Leak-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary age Test IWB-5221 56 B15.51 Pressure Retain-System Hydro-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary test IWB-5222 Pumps w 57 B15.60 Pressure Retain-System Leak-N/A N/A to PSI 6, [ ing Boundary age Test o IWB-5221 58 B15.61 Pressure Retain-System Hydro-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary test IWB-5222 Valves 59 B15.70 Pressure Retain-System Leak-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary age Test IWB-5221 60 B15.71 Pressure Retain-System Hydro-N/A N/A to PSI 6, ing Boundary test IWB-5222 i I o 2 O 58501(D18)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Categories B-Q, STEAM GENERATOR TUBING Program IWB-2500-1 Component Parts Examinaten Require. Examination Method Section XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request N/A B16.lO Steam Generator Entire length N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Tubing in of tubing Straight Tube Design 61 B16.20 Steam Generator Tubing - hot ET See subsection Tubing in U-Tube leg side, U-1.9.2 in Design bend portion Introduction. N and option-w ally cold leg side 4 O O xm O 5850 f(D18) I
l (\\' NOTES - IWB TABLE v'- 1. See FSAR paragraph 2. The examination volumes sha'll apply to the applicable figure shown in figures IWB-2500-7(a) through (d). 3. See IWA-5215: A preservice system hydrostatic test is not required for ASME Code, Section XI. 4. Includes those attachments whose base material design thickness is 5/8 inches and greater. 5. The augmented ultrasonic examination and the augment dye penetrant examination are abbreviated AUT and APT, respectively. 6. ASME Code, Section III hydro is performed in lieu of Section XI system leakage test IWB-5221 and system hydrostatic test IWB-5222. i l l CE) s 2-22 010 REV O
() 3.0 CLASS 2 SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS 3.1 Purpose The purpose of this section is to define a baseline inspection program for Class 2 systems and components to meet the intent of Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1980 Edition through the Winter 1980 Addenda. 3.2 Inspection Schedule As much as practicable, Class 2 systems and components shall be 2 examined prior to the cold hydro. All items still outstanding shall be examined following the cold hydro but prior to commercial operation. I 3.3 Inspection Scope Areas subject to preservice inspection are shown in the following tables by examination category. Welds initially selected for examination will be reexamined over the service lifetime of the piping component. O 1 l () 3-1 010 REV O .~.
nb Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWC-2500-1 Examination Categories C-A, PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN PRESSURE VESSELS Program IWC-2500-1 Component Parts Examinaten Require. Examination Method Secten XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments F9Jre Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request 1 C1.10 Shell Circumfer-IWC-2500-1 UT ential Welds N/A C1.20 Head Circumfer-IWC-2500-1 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. ential Welds 2 C1.30 Tubesheet-to-IWC-2500-2 UT Shell Weld Yw a "Il kl o fAh0 ICIR)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWC-2500-1 Examination Categories C-B, PRESSURE RETAINING NOZZLE WELDS IN VESSELS Program IWC-2500-1 Component Parts Examinaten Require. Examination Method Section XI Code Relief Comments item Item Exammed ments Figure Number Volumetre Surface Visual Request 3 C2.10 Nozzles in Vessels IWC-2500-3 PT/MT $ 1/2 in, nominal thickness I N/A C2.20 Nozzles in Vessels N/A N/A N/A > 1/2 in. nominal thickness 4 C2.21 Nozzle-to-Shell IWC-2500-4 UT PT/MT (or Head) Weld 5 C2.22 Nozzle Inside IWC-2500-4 UT Radius Section O O x C 58% 1(C18)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice Inspection Table IWC-2500-1 Examination Categories C-C, INTEGRAL ATTACHMENTS FOR VESSELS, PIPING, AND VALVES Program IWC-2500-1 Component Parts Examination Require. Examinaten Method Section XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Fgure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Pressure Vessels 6 C3.10 Integrally Welded IWC-2500-5 PT/MT Attachmental Piping 7 C3.40 Integrally Welded IWC-2500-5 PT/MT 1 Attachments ta 1 Pumps 8 C3.70 Integrally Welded IWC-2500-5 PT/MT Attachmental Valves N/A C3.100 Integrally Welded IWC-2500-5 N/A ti/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Attachmentsl 3o 33 O uw ucia)
3 (~ Os b V) Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWC-2500-1 Examination Categories C-D, PRESSURE RETAINING BOLTING, GREATER THAN 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER Program IWC-2500-1 Component Parts Examination Require. Examination Method Section XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Pressure Vessels N/A C4.10 Bolts and Studs IWC-2500-6 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Piping N/A C4.20 Bolts and Studs IWC-2500-6 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Pumps N/A C4.30 Bolts and Studs IWC-2500-6 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. 1* Valves N/A C4.40 Bolts and Studs IWC-2500-6 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. 1 o JI C re spc}
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWC-2500-1 Examination Categories C-F, PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN PIPING Program IWC-2500-1 Component Parts Examination Require. Examination Method Section XI Code Relief Comments Item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request N/A C5.10 Piping Welds - $ 1/2 in, nominal wall thickness 9 C5.11 Circumferen-IWC-2500-7 PT/MT tial Weld 2 N/A C5.12 Longitudinal IWC-2500-7 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. w Weld m N/A C5.20 Piping Welds - > 1/2 in. nominal wall thickness 4 10 C5.21 Circumferen-IWC-2500-7 UT PT/MT i tial Weld 2 N/A C5.22 Longitudinal IWC-2500-7 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Weld N/A C5.30 Pipe Branch Con-nections 11 C5.31 Circumferen-IWC-2500-9 PT/MT tial Weld 2 N/A C5.32 Longitudinal IWC-2500-7 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Weld 12 N/A Augmented AUT N/A N/A See subsection g 1.9.3 in Introduction 3, m k O MM OG@
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWC-2500-1 Examination Categories C-G, PRESSURE RETAINING WELDS IN PUMPS AND VALVES Program IWC-2500-1 Component Parts Examination Require. Examination Method Cection XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Pumps 13 C6.lO Pump Casing Welds IWC-2500-8 PT/MT Valves N/A C6.20 Valve Body Welds IWC-2500-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A to VEGP. Y< i
- ao 23 m<
o wo 1ste)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWC-25001 Examination Categories C-H, ALL PRESSURE RETAINING COMPONENTS Program IWC-2500-1 Component Parts Examinaten Require. Examination Method Secten XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Fgure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request Pressure Vessels 14 C7.10 Pressure Retain-IWC-5221 N/A N/A to PSI S, ing Components Test 15 C7.11 Pressure Retain-IWC-5222 N/A N/A to PSI 4,5, ing Components Test Piping w 16 C7.20 Pressure Retain-IWC-5221 N/A N/A to PSI 5, 5 ing Components Test 17 C7.21 Pressure Retain-IWC-5222 N/A N/A to PSI 4,5, ing Components Test Pumps 18 C7.30 Pressure Retain-IWC-5221 N/A N/A to PSI 5, ing Components Test 19 C7.31 Pressure Retain-IWC-5222 N/A N/A to PSI 4,5, ing Components Test. Valves 20 C7.40 Pressure Retain-IWC-5221 N/A N/A to PSI 5, ing Components Test 21 C7.41 Pressure Retain-IWC-5222 N/A N/A to PSI 4,5, ing Components Test 3o "Ilm< o saw 1018)
-~. Q NOTES - IWC TABLE _U ~ 1. Limited to integrally welded attachments whose base material design thickness 1.s 3/4 in, or greater. 2. The welds selected for examination shall include: a. All welds at locations where the stresses under the loadings resulting from normal and upset plant conditions as calculated by the sum of equations 9 and 10 in NC-3652 exceed 0.8 (1.2 Sh*8A)* b. All welds at terminal ends (see e below) of piping or branch runs. c. All dissimilar metal welds. d. Additional welds, at structural discontinuities (see f below), such that the total number of welds selected for examination includes the following percentages of circumferential piping welds: For pressurized water reactors: 1. none of the welds exempted by IWC-1220; O 2. none of the welds in residual heat removal and emergency core cooling systems (see g below); 3. 10 percent of the main steam system welcs 8 in. nominal pipe size and smaller; 4. 25 percent of the welds in all other systems. Terminal ends are the extremities of piping runs that e. connect to structures, components (such as vessels, pumps, valves), or pipe anchors, each of which act as rigid restraints or provide at least 2* of restraint to piping thermal expansion. f. Structural discontinuities include pipe weld joints to vessel nozzles, valve bodies, pump casings, pipe fittings (such as elbows, tees, reducers, flanges, etc. conforming to ANSI B16.9), and pipe branch connections and fittings. g.. Examination requirements are under development by the ASME code. The extent of examination for these systems shall be determined by the requirements of paragraph IWC-1220, Table IWC-2520 categories C-F and C-G, and paragraph'IWC-2411 in-the ASME Code, Section XI, 1974 Edition through Winter 1975 Addenda. Alternatively, 3-9 010 REV O
I i l t l when the examination requirements are developed by the ASME Code and approved to be used by the NRC, the extent of examination may be determined from such newly I developed requirements. { 1 3. The augmented ultrasonic examination is abbreviated AUT. j 4. See IWA-5215: A preservice system hydrostatic test is not { required for Section XI. i 5. ASME Code, Section III hydro is performed in lieu of 5 Section XI system leakage test IWC-5221 and system } hydrostatic test IWC-5222. [ 4 1 i' r 6 i i \\ 'i I i f t i I t i i I 4 P j 3-10 010 REV O \\ .,m.,.._.,_
t I i O 4.0 CLASS 3 SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS ' V 4.1 Purpose The purpose of this section is to define a baseline inspection program for Class 3 systems and components to meet the intent of Section XI,of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1980 Edition through Winter 1980 Addenda. 4.2 Inspection Schedule As much as practicable, Class 3 systems and components shall be i examined prior to the cold hydro; items still outstanding shall ] be examined following the cold hydro but prior to commercial operation. 1 1 4.3 Inspection Scope j Areas subject to preservice inspection are shown in the following tables by examination category. a l I ( } I 1 I 1 1 4-1 010 REV O
p (m ] vogale Sectric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Tatde IWD-2500-1 Examination Categories D-A, SYSTEMS IN SUPPORT OF REACTOR SHUTDOWN FUNCTION Powyarn IMA25001 Corryonent Parts Exarmnaten Requae. Exmunaten W Secten XI Code Rehof Comments nern hem Exammed monts Fgure Number Volumetqc Surface Vaual Request 1 D1.10 Pressure IWA-5000/ Retaining IWD-5221 N/A N/A to PSI 2, Componental IWA-5000/ IWD-5223 N/A N/A to PSI 2,3, 2 D1.20 Integral Attachment Component Supports and y Restraints 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 n 3 Dl.30 Integral Attachment Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 4 D1.40 Integral Attachment Spring Type Supports 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 5 DI.50 Integral Attachment Constant Load Type Supports 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 3o "Il O sen uo't4
s Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWD-2500-1 Examination Categories D-A, CONTINUED Program IWD-2500-1 Component Parts Examinaten Requwe. Exammation Method Secten XI Code Relief Comments item hem Exammed ments Fogure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request 6 Dl.60 Integral Attachment Shock Absorbers 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 l .n. Iw e 3m< o fd5W HO'0D.
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWD-2500-1 Examination Categories D-B, SYSTEM IN SUPPORT OF EMERGENCY CORE COOLING, CONTAINMENT HEAT REMOVAL, ATMOSPHERE CLEANUP, AND REACTOR RHR Program IWD-2500-1 Component Parts Examinaten Require. Examination Method Section XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request 7 D2.10 Pressure IWA-5000/ Retaining IWD-5221 N/A N/A to PSI 2, Componental IWA-5000/ N/A IWD-5223 N/A N/A to PSI 2,3, 8 D2.20 Integral j Attachment Component Supports and Restraints 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 s 1 9 D2.30 Integral Attachment Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 l 10 D2.40 Integral Attachment Spring Type l Supports 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 l 11 D2.50 Integral j Attachment Constant Load Type Supports 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 .3 O 31 O tMn suusm
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWD-2500-1 Examination Categories D-B, CONTINUED Program IWD-2500-1 Component Parts Examinatai Require. Examination Method Section XI Code Relief Comments item item Examine.3 ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request 12 D2.60' . Integral Attachment Shock Absorbers 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 b 4 (JI .l 4 } 4 I O O
- n rTI<c Sas'h IrOtC)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWD-2500-1 Examination Categories D-C, SYSTEM IN SUPPORT OF RHR FROM SPENT FUEL STORAGE POOL Program IWD-2500-1 Component Parts Examinate Requwe. Examination Method Section XI Code Relief Comments item item Examined ments Figure Number Volumetric Surface Visual. Request 13 D3.lO Pressure IWA-5000/ Retaining IWD-5221 N/A N/A to PSI 2, l Componenta IWA-5000/ IWD-5223 N/A N/A to PSI 2,3, 14 D3.20 Integral Attachment Component Supports and Resticints4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 n 6 15 D3.30 Integral Attachment Mechanical and Hydraulic Snubbers 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 16 D3.40 Integral Attachment Spring pe Support]s IWD-2500-1 VT-3 17 D3.50 Integral Attachment Constant Load Type Supports 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 3o "U C Snw noic)
O O O Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Table IWD-2500-1 Examination Categories D-C, CONTINUED Program IWD-221 Component Parts Examination Require. Examinatum Method Section XI Code Rehef Comments item item Examined ments Fegure Number Volumetric Surface Visual Request 18 D3.60 Integral Attachment Shock Absorbers 4 IWD-2500-1 VT-3 .o. I N s i 4 o 3 ITI< o i SHW 88010)
NOTES - IWD TABLE 1. The system boundary extends up to and includes the first normally closed valve or valve capable of automatic closure as required to perform the safety-related system function. 2. ASME Code, Section III hydro is performed in lieu of Section XI system leakage test IWD-5221 and system hydrostatic test IWD-5223. 3. See IWA-5215: A preservice system hydrostatic test is not required for ASME Code, Section XI. 4. In the' case of multiple components within a system of similar design, function, and service, the integral attachment of only one of the multiple components shall be examined. The integral attachments selected for examination shall correspond to those component supports selected by IWF-2510(b). O . O 4-8 010 REV 0
O< > 5.0 CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 COMPONENT SUPPORTS i 5.1 Purpose The purpose of this section is to define a baseline inspection program for Class 1, 2, and 3 component supports to meet the intent of Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel i Code, 1980 Edition through Winter 1980 Addenda. 5.2 Inspection Schedule As much as practicable, Class 1, 2, and 3 component supports shall be examined following the initiation of the hot functional tests. The examination of snubbers may require earlier schedule as specified by the NRC or the plant Technical Specifications. 5.3 Inspection Scope Areas subject to preservice inspection are shown in the following tables by examination category. j t I 5-1 010 REV O t u. ~ ~
r O ( ( V Voggle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice Inspection Tame IWF-2500 Emandnesion C ^:;:-As F-A, PLATE AND SHELL TYPE SUPPORTS N am mT-2500 ccenpaners Parts E--- ~ %, Ewanason heeshod W XICode Rotet Comments tem hem Emanened monts Fgse Nurrest Votusneanc Surface Vauas Regaest 1 F1.lO Mechanical IWF-1300-1 VT-3 Connections to Pressure Retain-ing Components and Building Structure 2 F1.20 Weld Connections IWF-1300-1 VT-3 w [ to Building Structure 3 F1.30 Weld and IWF-1300-1 VT-3 Mechanical Connections at Intermediate Joints in Multi-connected Integral and Nonintegral Supports 4 F1.40 Component Dis-IWF-1300-1 VT-3 placement Set-tings and Stops, Misalignment of
- Supports, Assembly of Support Items 3o 2
an<o wo m.% __
p ~3 l 'J 0 %] Voglie Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice inspection Talide IWF-2500 Esasnination Categories l F-B, LINEAR TYPE SUPPORTS l Program WW-2500 Camponers Parts Emammaeon Regare. Emanneman Meens W XICode Resef Commeras been horn Enamned mercs Fgse Wmber voewneer Surface Vesual ReS8est 5 F2.10 Mechanical IWF-13OO-1 VT-3 Connections to Pressure Re-taining Con-ponents and Building Structure un 8 6 F2.20 Weld Connections IWF-13OO-1 VT-3 to Building Structure 7 F2.30 Weld and IWF-13OO-1 VT-3 Mechanical Connections at Intermediate Joints in Multiconnected Integral and Nonintegral Supports 8 F2.40 Component Dis-IWF-13OO-1 VT-3 placement Settings of Guides and Stops, Mis-alignment i of Supports,
- (
Assembly of "sual . Support Itens
p p ( b WogIIe Electric C:r. _ ^~ 4 Plant Unit No. 2 m inspection l Table IWF-2SGS Esamuneeson Categories F-C, COMPONENT STANDARD SUPPORTS 1 Puoyam NvF-2500 Comparers Parts Esarananon Reg, Esammaman usehod W XI Code Retet Comments hone nem F===ned snents Fqpre museer vrbsneere Surtace Vssuas ReSaest l 9 F3.10 Mechanical IWF-1300-1 VT-3 l Connections to Pressure Re-taining Com-ponents and Building Structure T 10 F3.20 Weld Connections IWF-13OO-1 VT-3 l to Building Structure 11 F3.30 Weld and IWF-13OO-1 VT-3 Mechanical Connections at Intermediate Joints in Multiconnected Integral and Nonintegral Supports 12 F3.40 Component Dis-IWF-13OO-1 VT-3 placement l Settings of Guides and Stops, Mis-alignment 3 of Supports, l ) Assembly of l sur Support Items 9o. . fvawQri
f'h i( 0 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit No. 2 Preservice W Tatste IWF-2500 F=musinetson Categories F-C, CONTINUED Psograra ' RAF-2500 Component Paru Emananamon % E-:- - -, teemod W M Code W h tem teens Emanened snents Faspae Number vanumeere Surface Visual W i 13 F3.50 Spring Type IWF-1300-1 VT-4 Supports, Con-stant Load Type Supports, Shock Absorbers, Hydraulic and Mechanical u Type Snubbers Ut I az sueN a weMme
i t t
l 6.1 Purpose The purpose of this section is to define the scope of preservice examinations at VEOP-Unit 2. The following drawings define the j appropriate piping and component cla.ssifications for examination. 6.2 Inspection Schedule l The schedule of inspections are as stated in sections 1.0 through 5.0 of this document. 6.3 Inspection Scope The scope of examination is shewn on the ISI classification drawings with the corrnsponding classification legend. These drawings referenco the piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&!D's) for each system as follows: ISI. Piping and "lassification Instrumentation O. Drawings Diagrams System IS!-D-2X4DB-Reactor Coolant 066 111 067 111, 112, 113, 140 Chemical and 068 112, 114 Volume Control 069 115, 117, 140 C70 116-1 071 116-2 072 118 073 115, 116-1, 148 Nuclear Service 074 133-1 Cooling Water 075 133-2 076 134 077 135-1, 170 078 135-2 l Safety-Related 079 233 l (EST) Chillers 000 234 081 221 Component Cooling 082 136 Water 083 137 6-1 010 REV 0 a--- c v-
i t I i i ISI Piping and i classification Instrumentation i Draw! ~s Diagrams System ISI-D-2X4DB-f Safety Injection 084 119 085 120 i 086 121 i 1 Residual Heat Removal 087 122 i l Containment Spray 088 131 } Spent Fuel dooling and 089 130 j Purification Main Steam 093 159-1 i 094 159-2 i 095 159-3 i Auxiliary Feedwater 096 161-1 and Condensate 097 161-2 } Storage 098 159-2, 161-3 i j condensate and 099 168-3 ) Feedwater Penetrations 100 See note 1. ) i l 1 I i } l l t i l 1 i 1 l r i I 1 i l( ) 1. This drawing combines various P&!D's to detail all penetrations not otherwise shown, i 6-2 010 REV 0 1 r e
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