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Structural Steel Analysis for Limerick Generating Station, Unit 1 Reactor Bldg Elevation 177-Ft RHR HX & Pump Room - Room 103,Fire Area 31
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/1983
Shared Package
ML20083H823 List:
NUDOCS 8401090658
Download: ML20083J058 (7)


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(([ Professional Loss Control, Inc.

STRUCTURAL STEEL ANALYSIS for LIMERICK GENERATING STATION Unit 1 Reactor Building El. 177' RHR Heat Exchanger and Pump Room - Room 103 Fire Area 31 December 20, 1983 8401090658 840104 PDR ADOCK 05000352 E PDR P. O. Box 446 e Oak Ridge, Tennessee 3"830 * (615) 482-3541

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1. AREA DESCRIPTION The area under consideration is the RHR Heat Exchanger and Pump Room, Room 103, on the 177' elevation of the Unit 1 Reactor Building (Fire Area 31)

(see Attachment A for sketch of area). The bounding walls of the area are of reinforced concrete construction with an average thickness of 3 ft.

The total surface area for heat transfer is 9068 ft2 (see Attachment A for calculation of areas).

2. COMBUSTIBLE LOADING Combustible loading in the area consists of 72 gallons of lubricating oil contained in the RHR pump motors. For the analysis this quantity was doubled to account for possible maintenace activities in the area. There are two cable trays in the room - one located along the east wall, the other along the west wall. The total surface area of the cable trays is 58 ft2 with an average comoustible loading of 1.5 los/ft2 of cable tray surface. .
3. VENTILATION PARAMETERS There are four doors which enter the area. Two watertight doors measuring 3' wide by 5'10" high enter the area on the 177' elevation and two steam-tight doors measuring 3' wide by 7' nign enter the area on the 201' eleva-tion.
4. CASES EXAMINED Two cases were examined, each assuming a lube oil fire involving 144 gal-lens of lubricating oil. Case number one assumed the lube oil fire with one steamtight door open and case number two assumed both steamtight doors open.
5. RESULTS Case number one considered only one 3' x 7' door open which corresponds to a ventilation controlled her* output of 4504 kW. At this heat output the fire would consume the 144 alons of lube oil in 85 minutes. The gas temperature at this time would be 584*F, which is below the critical temperature of the structural steel (see Attachment B).


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a The ventilation controlled burning rate of 4504 kW is equivalent to the heat Output from a pool fire .with an area of 14 ft2 (pool diameter of approximately 4 ft). In order to assess the effect of the plume of heated gases above the pool fire on the structural steel supporting the intermedi-ate grating at the 201' elevation, Hesketad's relations will be us'ed:

Virtual point source determination:

Zo = -1.020 + .083 0 4 = 1.09 m Plume temperature at bottom of-structural steel supporting intermediate-grating.

ATo = 9.1[T /(gcpf 2 ,2)].333 Oc.667(Z-Zo)-1.67 ATo = 348*K temperature rise -

T = 695'F temperature of fire plume The plume temperature is below the critical temperature of the structural steel.

Case number two considered both 3' x 7' doors open which corresponds to a ventilation controlled burning rate of 9008 kW. At this heat output the fire would consume the 144 gallons of lube oil in 44 minutes. The' gas temperature at this time would be 809 F which is below the Critical temperature of the structural cteel (see Attachment B).

The ventilation controlled burning rate of 9008 kW is equivalent to the heat output from a pool fire with an area of 28 ft2 (pool diameter of approximately 6 ft). In order to assess the effect of the plume of heated gases above the pool fire on the structural steel supporting the intermedi-ate grating at the 201' elevation, Hesketad's relations will De used:

{ Virtual point source determination:

Zo = -1.020 + .083 Q 4 = 1.32 m Plume temperature at bottom of structural steel supporting intermediate grating.


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ATo 2 9.1[Tg/(gcp 2fg 2)].333 Oc'667 (Z - Zo) 1.67 asTo = 597*K temperature rise T = 1194*F temperature of fire plume The plume temperature 15 below the critical temperature of the structural steel.

The plume below the critical temperature of the structural steel for both cases, it is concluded that there is no problem due to localized heating of the structural steel as a result of the maximum pool fire tnat can be supported by the available airflow into the room through two open doors.

The cable trays in this area were positioned such that they did not present a localized heating exposure to the structural 3 teel.




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t T Unit 1 Reactor Building El.177' RHR Heat Exchanger and Pump Room 103 Surface Area Calculation Wall s North wall (52' x 40') 2080 ft2 South wall (52' x 40')

2080 ft2 East wall (56' x 40') 2240 ft2 West wall (29' x 40') 1160fg 7660 ft2 .

Ceiling for area is at elevation 217' Ceiling (29' x 52') 1508 ft2 Total' Surface Area for Heat Transfer 9068 ft2 ATTACHMENT A y_ ,y.m, -wy y w- - - . = - - _, - ----e we y--~% -- - , m.,.wg-r y.--- , -

.- L CASE NUMBER: 1 BUILDING: UNIT 1 REACTOR BUILDING ELEVATION AND AREA DESCRIPTION: 177' RHR HX & PUMP ROOM 103 CASE DESCRIPTION: ONE 3'x7'D00R OPEN LUBE OT.L FIRE oc****************ww****************************************************


' THICKNESS MATERIAL (ft) (ft2) (ft) (ft2) .kW)




(min) (deg.F) 5 197 10 248 15 287 20 321 25 350 30 376 35 401-40 423 45 445 50 465-55 484 60 502 '

65 520 70 537 75 553 80 569 85 584 ATTACHMENT 8

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CASE NUMBER: 2 BUILDING: UNIT 1 REACTOR BUILDING ELEVATION AND AREA DESCRIPTION: 177' RHR HX & PUMP ROOM 103 CASE DESCRIPTION: TWO 3'x7' DOORS OPEN LUBE DIL FIRE n***********************************************************************

CEILING / WALL CE7. LING / WALL Ao Ho Aw Q THICKNESS MATERI AL (ft) (ft2) (ft) (ft2) (kW) u***********************************************************************

3.0 CONCRETE 42.0 7.0 9060 9008 FIRE IS VENTILATION CONTROLLED FIRE DURATION GAS ~ TEMPER ATURE (min) (dea.F) 4 295 8 387 12 457 16 517 20 569 24 616 28 . 660 32 701 36 739 40 775 -


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