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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures EP-209,App a Re Immediate Notification Call List & EP-209,App D-1 Re Onsite Emergency Team Leaders
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/13/1983
Shared Package
ML20081B798 List:
PROC-830413-02, NUDOCS 8310280271
Download: ML20081B831 (62)


, ,


' Review Rev. Revision I

yf Number Title @ nate No. Date APR 131983 EP-101 Classification of Emercengeg gg 06/11/02 6 06/11/82 EP-102 Unusual Event Response 06/10/R2 6 06/10/R2 EP-103 Alert Resoonse 01/12/83 7 01/12/83 EP-104 Site Emergency Pesponse 01/12/83 7 01/12/83


EP-105 General Emergency Resnonse 01/12/83 7 01/12/83 EP-110 Personnel Assembly and Accountability 04/14/82 0 04/14/92 EP-201 Technical Support Center (TSC) -

Activation 09/07/82 4 09/07/82 .

EP-202 Operaticnal Support Center (OSC) Activation - 09/07/82 3 09/07/82

'EP-203 Emergency Operations Facility (FDF) Activation 09/07/82 4 09/07/82 EP-205 Radiation Protection Team Activation 04/08/82 3 04/08/82 EP-205A Chemistry Sampling arid Analysis Group 05/25/82 4 05/25/82 EP-205A Operation of post Accident

.1 Sampling Station 09/07/82 1 09/07/82 EP-205A Obtaining Drywell Gas Samples

.2 from Contairnent Atmosphere Dilution Cabinets 05/26/82 0 05/26/82 EP-205A Retrieving and Changing Sample

.3 Filters and Cartridges from the Drywell Radiation Monitor During Emergencies 05/25/82 0 05/25/82 EP-205A Obtaining Drywell Gas Samples

.4 from the Drywell Radiation Monitor Sampling Station 05/25/82 0 05/25/82 EP-205A Obtaining Reactor Water Samples

.5 from Sample Sinks Following Accident Conditicns 05/25/82 0 05/?5/87 EP-205A Obtaining Canal Discharge Water

.6 Samnles Followino Radioactive Liquid Releases After Accident Conditions 05/25/82 0 05/25/82 EP-205A Obtaining the Iodine and 8310280271 831025 PDR ADOCK 0b000277 p PDR 1

<- EP Index


  • PFACH BOTICM UNI'IS 2 AND 3 4/11/83
  • Review Rev. Revision Number Title Date No. Date

.7 Particulate Samoles from the Main Stack and Roof Vents Following Accident Conditions 06/04/82 0 06/04/82 EP-205A Obtaining Liquid Radwaste Samoles

.8 from Radwa'ste SamDle Sink Following Accident Conditions 05/25/82 0 05/25/82 EP-205A Obtaining Ramoles from Condensate

.9 Sample Sink Following Accident Conditions -

05/25/82 0 05/25/82 EP-205A Obtaining Off-Gas Samples from -

.10 the Off-Gas Hydrogen Analyzer Following Accident Conditions 05/25/82 , 0 05/25/82 EP-205A Sample Preparation and Chemical

.11 Analysis of Highly Radioactive


Liquid Samples 05/25/02 0 05/25/82 EP-205A Sample Preparation and Analysis

.12 of Highly Radioactive Particulate Filters and Iodine Cartridges 05/25/82 0 05/25/82 EP-205A Sample Preparation and Analysis of

.13 Highly Radioactive Gas Samples 05/25/82 0 05/25/82 EP-205R Radiation Survey Groups 10/20/82 3 10/20/82 EP-205C Personnel Dosimetry Bioassay and Resniratory Protection Group 04/08/82 2 04/08/82 EP-206 Fire and Damage %am Activation 06/04/82 5 06/04/82 EP-206A Fire Fighting Group 06/04/82 3 06/04/82 EP-206B Emergency Repair Group 05/23/82 2 05/23/82 EP-207 Personnel Safety Team Activation 05/11/82 4 05/11/82 EP-207A Search and Rescue 04/14/82 2 04/14/82' EP-207B Personnel Accountability 05/11/82 3 05/11/82 EP-207C First Aid -

04/14/82 2 04/14/82 EP-2070 Evacuation Assembly Grouc 04/08/82 2 04/08/82

  • EP-207E Vehicle and Evacuee Control Procedure 04/08/82 0 04/08/82 l'


  • PEACII BOTIOM UNI'rs 2 AND 3 4/11/83
  • Review Rev. Revision Number Title . Date No. Date 0 04/14/82 EP-207F Vehicle Decontamination Procedure 04/14/82 EP-208 Security Team 04/01/81 0 04/01/R1 EP-209 Telephone List For Emergency Use- 12/23/82 6 12/23/82 EP-209 Imrediate Notification Call List Appendix A . 04/11/83 7 04/11/83
  • Appendix B -

EP-209 Peach Bottom Station Supervision -

Appendix C 04/11/83 8 04/11/83 *


EP-209 On Site Emergency Team Leaders Appendix D-1 04/11/83 5 04/11/83 *

  • EP-209 Radiation Protection Team Appendix D-2 04/11/83 8 04/11/83
  • EP-209 Fire and Damage Team s Appendix D-3 04/11/83 7 04/11/83
  • EP-209 Personnel Safety Team Appendix D-4 04/11/83 8 04/ u/83
  • EP-209 Security Team Acpendix D-5 04/11/83 4 04/11/83
  • EP-209 Re-Entry and Recovery Team Appendix D-6 04/11/83 3 04/11/83
  • EP-209 Corporate Emergency 'naam Leaders and Appendix E Suoport Personnel 04/11/83 8 04/11/83
  • EP-209 U. S. Government Agencies Appendix F 04/11/83 4 04/11/83
  • EP-209 nrergency Management Agencies Apoendix G 04/11/83 3 04/11/83
  • EP-209 Company Consultants Appendix H 04/11/83 5 04/11/83
  • EP-209 Field Support Personnel Appendix I-l 04/11/83 10 04/11/83
  • i 1


  • PFICI P N I UNITS 2 AND 3 4/11/83
  • Review Rev. Revision Number Title Date No. Date EP-209 Chemistry & Health Physics Contractor Appendix I-2 Call List 04/11/83 7 04/11/83
  • EP-209 Nearby Public and Industrial Users Arpendix J Of Downstr,eam Waters 04/11/83 4 04/11/83
  • l EP-209 Miscellaneous Appendix K 04/11/83 5 04/11/83
  • EP-209 Local PECo Phones Appendix L -

04/11/83 2 04/11/83

  • EP-209 DELETED DELETED Appendix M EP-209 Medical Support Groups Appendix N 04/11/83' 5 04/11/83 *

'EP-209 Staffing Augmentation - 60 Minute Appendix D Call Procedure 04/11/83 5 04/11/83

  • EP-301 Operating the Evacuation Alarm and Pond Page System 12/23/82 1 12/23/82 EP-303 Partial Plant Evacuation 12/22/81 1 12/22/81 EP-304 DELETED


EP-305 Site Evacuation 09/07/82 4 09/07/82 EP-306 Evacuation of the Information Center 05/25/82 2 05/25/82 EP-307 Reception and Orientation of Supoort Personnel 04/12/82 0 04/12/82 EP-311 Handling Personnel with Serious Injuries, Radioactive Contamination Exposure, or Excessive Radiation Exposure Emergency Director Functions 04/08/82 3 04/08/82 EP-312 Radioactive Liquid Release (Emergency Director Functions) 04/01/81 0 04/01/81 EP-313 Control of Thyroid Blocking (KI)

Tablets 04/08/82 0 04/08/82 EP-316 Cumulative Population Dose Calculations 05/06/82 2 05/06/82 EP-317 Direct Recomnendations to County Emergency Management and l'

, , '(.-


  • PFACH BOTIOM UNI'IS 2 AND 3 4/11/83
  • Review Rev, Revision


Mumber Title Date No. Date Civil Defense Agencies 04/14/82 0 04/14/82 EP-318 Liquid Release Do'se Calculation 0 05/06/82


Method for Drinking Water 05/06/82 EP-319 Liquid Rel' ease nose Calculation Method for Fish 05/06/82 0 05/06/82 EP-320 Procedure for Leaking Chlorine 03/12/82 1 03/12/82 EP-325 Use of the Containment -

Radiation Monitor to Estimate Release Source Term 06/09/82 0 06/09/82 EP-401 Entry for Emergency Repair, .

Operations, and and Rescue 04/08/82 3 04/08/82

'EP-500 Review and Revision of Emergency Plan (FSAR Appendix 0) 04/01/81 0 04/01/81 s

e O

I 0


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  • - ~ t;Ur;TROLLD APPROVD C0l'Y ~ EP-204

'vj tu yi'.9.Ou:i 130U3 APPENDIX A Page 1 of 5, Rev. 7 ,


g2 - c. . .dik&ff.

,x/ -,

Contrri Ra- . _ . . .

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- o . .. : . , .

EP-209 APPENTEX' ..--


Unusual Event Immediate Notification Call List Emergency Director Centrex

a. ,

R. S. Fleischmann .

Alternate: D. C. Smith

b. Load Dispatcher
c. Pennsylvania Emergency 24 hrs.

Management Agency per day

d. Ycrk County Emergency 24 hrs.

Management Agency per day

e. NRC Opc ations Center Bethesda, MD i

l t


f. Penna. Bureau of Rad. Protection Harrisburg, PA
g. Manager - Public Info.

Rcnald Harper k


e .- .



  • APPENDIX A Page 2 of 5, Rev. 7 Alert Ccndition Itur.ediate Notification Call List Centrex
a. Emergency Director R. S. Fleischmann Alternate: D. C. Smith
b. Load Dispatcher (initiates call list "C") i
c. Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency ,
d. Maryland Civil Defense Agency
e. County Er.ergency Management Agencies (1) York County 24 hrs.

- per day (2) Lancaster County s

(3) Chester County (4) Harford County 8-5 E4 524-8X4 (5) Cecil County

f. NRC Ooeratione Center Bethesda, MD l


g. Penna Bureau of Rad. Protection Harrisburg, PA

7 . ..._

ee- m


  • APPENDIX A Page 3 of 5, Rev. 7 Site Area Emergency Imnediate Motification Call List Centrex
a. Emergency Director

~ ~ ~ ~

R. S. Fleischmann Alternate: D. C. Smith i

b. Imd Dispatcher (Initiates call list "C")
c. Pennsylvania Unergency Management Agency
d. Maryland Civil Defense Agency
e. County Emergency Management Agencies (1) York County 24 hrs.

per day (2) Lancaster County


(3) Chester County (4) Harford County 8-SPM 5R4-2A:4 (5) Cecil County

f. NRC Operatione Center Bethesda, MD
g. Depart.T ent of Energy REP (Optional
h. Penna. Bureau of Rad. Protection Harrisburg, PA
i. Penna. State Police York Barracks I


APPENDIX A Page 4 of 5, Rev. 7 General Emergency Innediate Notification Call List Centrex

a. Emecqcncy Director R. S. Fleischmann Alternate: D. C. Smith l


b. Load Dispatcher (initiates call list "C")
c. Pennsylvania Emergency .

Management Agency

d. Maryland Civil Defense Agency
e. County Emergency Management Agencies .


(1) York County 24 hrs.

per day (2) Lancaster County d .

(3) Chester County (4) Harford County 8-5D1 Sai-8Di (5) Cecil County

f. NRC Operaticas Center Bethesda, MD
g. Department of Energy REP (Cptional:
h. Delaware Div. Emergency Planning Business Hours:

(Optional) Emergency Planning -

i. Delaware State Police 24 Hours per day:

Ccmnunicatica Center

j. New Jersey State Police


F.P-209 _

APP 9.T)IX A Page 5 of 5, Rev. 7 bttnager..cnt (Optional) _

k. Penna. Bureau of Rad. Protection i'

~ Harrisburg, PA

l. Penna. State Police ~ ~_ ( _ . ___

York Barracks _

9 m

9 e

e e

e I

i 9


. 6 *.l #** 4 J

App!NnIX C P>'CC!lTR011T.0

= v.c c. w. m api?,OVCD

u. m .c Ccry- ' Paga l of 4, rtcy, (3


  • c.T h.d.'-


T~~,, gv '. . . . ' ,. '

aa a 1 .lG[S/Y- ~~ Y y

Cont..1 In2.



Home Phone Centrex Station Sticerintendent R. S. Fleischmann Assistant Station Superintendent D. C. Smith i

Engineer - Outage Planning D. C. Smith -

%gineer - 34.aintenance l

J. K. Davenacrt l

! Engineer - Technical t

! J. E. WinzenticA l

l l


"Y t .

,. EP-209 APPENT)IX F Page 2 of 4, Rev. 8 Engineer - Operations S. R. Rcherts i i

Engineer - HP & C.  :

A. E. Hilsmeier  !

Encineer - Achinistration S. J. Kovacs ,

Results Engineer J. F. Mitman i

Security Sumrvisor S. Q. Tharre I

1 +

l Engineer - I&C G. F. Dawsca i

i t

Tngineer - Chemistry


i H. L. Watson _ _ _ .



O i


EP-209 APPfm IX C Page 3'of 4, Rev. R Enginear-Mealth Physics - -

N. F. Gazda ..

Quality Encineer ,

S. A. Spitko Assistant Maintenance Engineer A. A. Fulvio .

Engineer - Reactor F. W. Polaski

-- ._4 -

Chemist G. Barley ,


Individuals below are not required to be notified during an Alert, Site Emergency, or General Emergency.

Shif t Sunerintendent H. L. Metz

-. .__n n.

W. O. Pieoer

. = -

f .

EP-209 APPENDIX C Page 4 of 4, Rev. 8

__ l_

T. J. Donaghy

- ~ ~ ~ ~ . - - - _ _ . .

if. B. Widener. ,_

i i


D. R. Filson f

Shif t Supervisor F. Pfender r

L. M. Silvey R. R. Betz A. R. Wargo T. H. Jcnec R. A. Blasy J. S. h'ebst9r J. K. Mucha 4

^ " ' " ~ ~

D. S. iknarow 1

- -- .. ~ . ..

wp-.7M9; e .

f* CCliT10LL'iD AM'.10, .O 'f ai Y. ApFENnIX O-1

! VOID P:tSV100$ If,CU:J page 1 of 2 Rev. 5 DISTRII?UTIO:.': SP:tth i g ,

3 b- .r.41k&f/M /,,pf,,, .a,- , ,,(j' USV *



Con t.r >1 'tys. . _ _ ,i,.y. $ ~3 r:P-209 Appistx re-ita'D3 STWF.MF.RGT0JCY TFMt LFADP.i?S u' ~ ...

j ricxne Phone Centrex mergency Director - ---_ __


R. S. Fleischmann t Alternate merciency Direc_ tor D. C. Smith .

Interim Emergency Directors H. L. Metz W. J. Pieper T. J. Donaghy N. 8. Widener


l i


D. R. Filson t

Alternate Iterim Emergency Directors /

Interim Fire and Darage Team Leaders L. M. Silvev


.w I

~ ~ - . - . .. . . _. ._ _



  • APPENDIX D-1 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 5 SP:tth EP-209 APPENDIX P 1 GN SI7E FAtR3GDKN TENT TEADF.RS R. R. Retz ,

- - 7~'

9 P. 7. Pfender l

A. R. Wargo T. H. Jones ,

R. A Blasy J. S. Webster ,

e i

D. S. Woodrow l

l l


l l

l e

... . + - . - - .

P-W I .. ..: T.-:.fa 1:

u m .. ~t..-....\.T:!Ta LD CGl'Y-

!1W.i ./.? APPENDIX D-2

! 'COl: sui 9 r; -:i'QJ3 I;i3Uj; Page 1 of 4, Rev. 8 GHG:tth Uf GT:(RUTIO!!: ,

,y / ., . i, ' t Yf. *-*'. ..

. t:a.n u . . I .N. // //' >< </

CP--209 ARP.RiDIX p-7, ' FADf 5'TIG1 PICECTION TEK4 Off1eo ._. .. .

9adiation Protection Centrex Team Leader Home Phone . - . .

N. Gazda Alternate Radiation Protection Team Leader S. Nelsen l

'those xct.bers with (*) have, emergenc[. pir.n training and

ray be directed by shif t supervision to serve as leader.

- Personnel wir are trained in HP practices but not in the emergency serve as augr.entation forces, wcrking under the.

direction of trained team leaders.

Field Survey Grouc Leader J. Valinski

- Alternate Field Survey Grouc Leade M. Dedrich Interim Field Survey Grouc Leaders (*) & Members l

  • M. Dedrich
  • J. Moyer
  • E. Preston S. ? talin L. Hewell .

T. Stone R. Mcore C. Smith

~ m


- APPENDIX C 7 Page 2 of 4, Rev. 8


W. Hoooes G. Smith l

D. White Sucplemental Forces are available from lartlett Nuclear Appendix.

  • cx, ,

' - M "

?$ f.. L ;k._:

N f.s 1 e S


~Y o

,4 e

S e


< . rp-2nq

= ,

A m ratar x p_7 Page 1 of 4, 9ev. 8 PADIATION CRO'IECTION TEAM - ChTMISTRV SAMPLING GRCliP 5fome Phone Centrex En {neer - Chemistry _

Harry Watson _

Alternate G. Rarley ,

Group Mexhers ,

E. Traverso B. Margo .

C. Hoffmaster

. i D. Chase ,

R. Ullrich D. Musselman M. Fry J. Gruber Supplemental Fccces are available from Rad Services Inc. Appendix I-2.

EP DATA PERSONNTu Hm.e Phone Centrex Y

Page B. Shertes \


i Page l S. Schymanski ,

Page J. Creedon Page N. Weissenrieder Page R. Biondi Page J. Poteet B. Cosnay ;Page l i T. Taylor lPage l

1 I



  • RPOENDIX D-2 Page 4 of 4, Rev. 9 DOSDEfRY, RIOAS9AY, RESPIRATORY GEfB Home Phone Centrex Leaders (*) and Meders . . _ .
  • F. Crosse
  • D. Barron I

[ ,

  • G. McCarty \ .

I A. Kahler

~l C. Tarbert -


J. Schnetzka j


L. Mculett l, P. Snodden DOSE ASSFSSTCTP TEN 4 Traders (*) and Meters Hcme Phone Centrex

  • A. Hilsmeier


  • F. Crosse j i

I R. Smith T. King k 1

~J. Effinger k

I D. acckwen j 9


--- - --- ,,,u.



EP-209 APPENDIX D-1 CCl;7st01.IJD AITiiO.'i s COPY- Page 1 of 2, Rev. 7 ,

hr.3 : :..?.' .00:., .:. 20 0 SP:tth ,


/[ N .


?>.> < 7.k(L[D/N

//. // * $,>,

EP-2f"1 APPL!NI)IK,Q-3 :. ;..~..FIRP. AND DWAGF. TENT 'Jup5 e. . . . . . _

OffIca . .

Fire and Damaqe Team Leader

- - . . - ~ . ,

J. K. Davenoort. "t i .


\ [

A. A. Fulvio Fire and Interim Damage Team Merrbers

~ ~~~'

L. Rhodes j R. Proctor W. Rradley R. Saxman

- P. Cromwell W. Gleaves J. Rarbour R. Rogers

- W. Eagles G. Tharpe ,

T. Megashko i L. MacEntee,III D. Falcone W. Johnson, Jr.

W. Watson, Jr. R. Truax .

-* . R. Hart S. Johnson J. Gribble R. Ruff S. Nazian R. Maldonado J. Baldwin D. Howard l

l G. Swayne S. Volz ~*

A. Winters W. Roe M. Davis J. Weir

' E. Dillon T(, McCleary S. Sullivan J. McClintock J. Lutsky D. Stevenson, ,

S. Cohn R. Kirk'.cff D. Kauffman M. Smyth J. Weaver M. Sheridan -~

J. Deni O


, . EP-209 APPF21 DIX D-3 Page 2 of 2, Rev. 7 Maintenance Personnel. - Damage Augmentation Forces Ke.Trer _.\ 9hortes  ;

' Hiller Mellor , i' Farrington ,

Cibroski Pesarchik Sentman '

Stull Macatee

- Speakman Rath, T. i

. Dennett Fritz Brainerd ) Heverly Schlegel, f tirian, n.-

May ' Staddard

- ~ ~

Lingo i Stewart l' McCarron Malloy Cann Achilles McNeill

f Galliera Glidden ,

l Fenimore  : ,

Brewer McFadden l j Harahan  ;

. IJrian, W. l Fletcher '

l Mass 4 Callahan Stinger J. Webster l Young Reiss '

Dalson Whicker S. Martin 91ake 3

R. Scott Raybold Curry Graney Tierney 'Ibrturici

. Brown Coyle Ficchi Paulson l Kelley Nacrelli Stoddard f Sarau11o Fritz  ! Kracher Sullivan  ! Urian, B. ,

1 Altrogge { Paine Dalgaard Watson, D. , {;

Leavesley. .

Saurez Wilson Moore Hoch

_l Devery Nichols Jones Douglas ~

McDade S. Webster l

Pfender Ha:'recnd Snm den Minnich Martin, M. Macauley Scott, N. L. Force t Atlee i Taylor, D.

Shanbarger  ! Washington  ;

l Hamilton Hwarth Williams Kembring )

Emanuel l Warcole e

e I

EP-204 RPPFJ.T)IX n-4


SP:tth '


. he - hZiR L ,, ,y..' $'*)

SS- S3V~ ,

Control Ra.

Station Super. -



Perscnnel Safety Team Leader Home Phone Centrex 1

l R. W. MacAllester

' i i

Alternate Persennel Safety Team Leaders .

T. 7. Mscisz - . - . ..

Interim Perscnnel Safety Team Leaders and Team Meders


S. I. Cohn


L. R. Rhodes W. A. Bradley W. T. Gleaves P. B. Croirall D. E. Kauffman J. A. Barbcur J. M. Weaver J. W. Ballantyne J. S. Deni

'Ihe following pecole are team members but no" Interim Team Leaders W. M. Eagles, III ,

R. C. Proctor l

L. D. Givler B. B. Saman T. A. Megarhko A w


  • yaw F.P-209 APPENDIX D-4

'r Page 2 of 4, Rev. 8 D. G. Falcone h W. C. Watson R. E. Rogers s

G. W. Tharpe L. E. MacEntee, III l

W. E. Johnson, Jr.

R. F. Truax Search and Rescue /First Aid Grouc Leader Dick Sware Alternate Search and Rescue Grouc Leader Carl Kccoenhaver Search and Rescue Grouc Me:ters l

George Menard

- Jerry Adam; Phil Turturici James atrgan Arnold David Grove ,

I l Patrick Welch Robert Bickhart John Sarsfield l James Herrick ,

w Mcme Phone Centrex Plant Survey Group Leader Arthur Beward _


7 .. . . - -

  • EP-209 APPENDIX D-4 Page 3 of 4, Rev. 8 Alternate Plant Survey Group Leader ._ - _ . _

Steve Grosh Plant Survey Group Members ,

' Ibm Albright .

Joe Volz Itd Hoopes Steve King Steve Taylor f

Glen Faden Tbdd Fleischmann Keith Gordon Ccrge Glessner John Scone Mome Phone Centrex Asse:rbly Area Grouc Leader

. ~A^

e Dennis McClellan Alternate Asse:rbly Area Group Leader Bill Downey Assembly Area Group Mer ers l l

Stan Baker Alex Parducci Don Fay Jack Purcell Dan Hines Rob McCoy

..a -

Derscnnel Safety Tcan/TSC Data Takers l

( .

  • EP-209 APPD' DIX D-d Page 4 of 4, Rev. 8 Debbie Perrine Robert Arters .

Frank Kovacs Dan Droddy ,

j I

Personnel Safety Team / FOP Data Takers

- - Gary Fay .

John Nelson .

'Ibrry Reisinger


Tim Kirkpatrick j

. J-s u _

r '

- - - - __' EP-209 c . APPENDIX D 'i COUTTICLLD APPaavED COPY .

V0l0 Pitr/fOUS ISSUU Page 1 of 6, Rev. 4 '






Control Rm.

Station Super.

!P-209,i m E NT h $[ M 9FC RI'TY.7N  ;

Security Team Leader 'I'elechone No.


S. O. Tharpe (Security Superviscr) '\

! Alternates C. W. Myers (Capt of the Guards) i J. N. Raymcod (Training Lt.)

Security Team - Sergeants L. C. Kissinger K. L. Krouse J. C. Lewis L. D. Smith H. J. Made Assist. Tb Security .9ucervisor j

Lt. B. J. Riggs i

Clerk D. S. Watkins O



  • rm-20c)

APPENDIX D-9 Page 2 of 6, Rev. 4 security Team >%r&ers - Guards Telechone No.

l. Ashby, D. D. ,
2. Biggs, J. 2.
3. Buckingham, C." L.
4. Clay, K. M.

- 5. Dennisen, R. L.

6. Edwards, P. T.
7. Frazier, G. H.'
8. Hess, M. R.
9. Hudler, N. W.
10. Hulshart, G. R.
11. Hutten, N.-R.
12. Merryman, J. B.
13. Morningstar, R. L. ,
14. d'ctr is, L. A.
15. O'Shell, D. R.
16. Sala::c, J.
17. Shaw, L. L.
18. Sizemore, P. A.
19. S:nith, S. M.
20. Scencer, S. A.
21. Stewart, R. E.
22. Strawser, W. F.
23. Taylce, Rocer L.
24. Warner, B. E.
25. Williams, U. C.
26. Wyatt, A. R.

. , Rp-?')<1 APDENDIX D-5 Page 3 of 6, Rev. 4 Security Team Members - Watchmen 'ne lechone No.


1. Alban, R. L. ,


2. Brooks, K. A. ,


3. Buckingham, W, C. .
4. Comer, D. L.
5. Fox,52 L.


Knight, B. A.

7. Roberts, L. M.'
8. Sipe, S. P. .
9. Smith, C. A.
10. Testertran, T. L.
11. Vaughan, L. D.
12. h~nisner, B. L.
13. hhisner , J. P.
14. Wilson Jr., J. P.
15. Wcniford, A. C.

l I

l i

l l



r- --. ~ . . . . . . __

  • RP-209

~ ~

AonFNDIX D-5 Page 4 of 6, Rev. 4 Part Time Aecurity Team Members - Guards Telephone No.

1. Cantler, R. A. -
2. Green, R. A.
3. McTain, L. S.,
4. Robinson, J. H.

Part Time Security Team Members Watchmen _


1. Bristol, K. M.


2. Recun, H. M.
3. Cosgrove, D. L.
4. Dennison, G. L.
5. Dressler, M. C.
6. Greenwell, D. M.
7. Gross, D. E.

. 8. Heacs, W. A. .


9. Johnson, D. P.
10. Ledford, J. C. ,


11. Louthian, R. D. l
12. Morningstar, H. K.

4 l 13. Searle Jr., R. E. i

14. Seguin, C. C.

i 15. Seguin, R. C.

16. Shaffer, 8. R. .
17. Watkins, S. D. i
18. Williams, T. R.

l L  ;

l i

- . ~


' ~

APPE'4 DIX D--5 Page 5 of 6, Rev. 4 Secondary Alarm St. & Control Alarm St.

Telechone No.

Attendants , v

1. Armentrout, T. C.
2. Raker, P. N.
3. Beal, N. J. ,

- 4. Casey, W. L.

5. Duh, A. F.
6. Guilbault, D. A.
7. Haga Jr . , C. L. i
8. Haga, L.
9. McLaughlin, C. A.


10. Runkle, B. K.
11. Williams, T. C.

- 12. Yarnell, S. A. i O

e O

e I

  • r02-209 APDFNDIX D-i Page 6 of 6, Rev. 4 Mid-Atlantic rJtility District Telechone No.

842 Hamilton Mall, Suite 8 Allentown, Pa. 18101


Burns Regicnal Mariagerloe ,


Larry Bean  ;


Burns District Manager k

~.  !

k Phil Hyde  :

Burns Area Sucervisor George Sissum -.

S e



, - = + . _ _ _ _ _



' * .VO!D P :Ev'cys ggggg Page 1' DISTR!hDTION:

Rev. 3 Sp:t

-c . %....t.,....

/f va - SUV ,.,

Cua trul Ei.~ . . . . . . . '7'# ~' 9 EP-209 APPENnIXMEf','" If3.b((n~ g may wp . _ . . .

Re-Entry and Recovery Tea:n Leader i 3

D. C. Smith i

Alternate Re-Entry and Recoverv Team Leader


- l J. E. Winzenried ,


,..s-e ao 4

I t

l l



  • APPSDIX r>-7 -




//-llW Utstion Super. _

O r t.c o Home Centrex Phrcerr/ DLrector _ _ _


R. S. Pleiscfra-n ~~'~]

l Alternate -

D. C. Staith l

MJtical Engin=er-J. E. Wi.mied  !

Alterna w D. C. Shtith S. R. Pbberts 1 S. A. Soitko A. A. Pulvio G. F. O m Streervisira Enqimers & Alternates l Ctitage Plar.rii:q Engi.Tet .

I O. C. Smith '

.sd:inistraticn nnirrer S. J. Kcmz:s Fesults Dgimer l

J. P. Mi N t .

I Alternate: A. J. Wascng i

I & C Dgircer G. F. Dawscn

. i Alterr.3te: J. L. Clupp l

- ,I _ _ - . _ . _ . _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _

. - . . __.__ _ _.- . ~ , . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . _ . . _ _ .

e. . - - ~ - _ _.

". I ..


  • go-209 APPENDIX D-7

'- - Page 2 of 3, Rev. 7 Reactor Engineer .

~ ' ' ' ^ + - - - - . , . . _ , , , , , ,

t F. W. Polaski Alternate: J. T. Budzynski- l


l 8

Plant Chemist

  • 3


H. L. Watson i Alternate: G. Barley

,l -

Quality Assurance Engineer ,

S. A. Spitko Alternate: R. M. Sware .

Maintenance Engineer ***

J. K. Davenport Alternate: A. A. Fulvio l

Senior Health Physicist ***

i A. E. Hilsmeier 1 Alternate: N. F. Gazda 1

l Applied Health Physicist *** l l

. . . . .N. F. Gazda I Alternate: C. S. Nelson

- '. ..u-Record Keeoer and Conmunicator-

l' See EF 209 Acpendix I-l for perscnnel to fill this position.

Data Disolay Coerators - 2 required Notify one of the five perscos in the order listed below. The eerson notified will contact two Data Disclay Operators.


-1. R. O. Carr .

2. K. T. Voight ,
3. C. E. Andersen
4. D. A. Davridce )
5. D. D. Burguned __ _ _ _ J ._ _ _ .__ ,
      • Required to report to the EOF when activated.


. . EP-209 APPENDIX D-7 Page 3 of 3, Rev, 7 Secretaries Centrex ,

2 required Home


L. McCleary L. Henry 'g L. Davis \

W. Felts .


. T. Hutton O

G e

9 e

e W

e e

t l

l I

l t

I l


. J.: r CM.*MO A:Tn0'!bd GU:"l- RP-200

  • *  :..:!; !'.::L e i;US IG:Jub' APPFMDIX C Page 1 of 9, Rev. 8 ,

P..hb'JT(03: SP: lim ./

W Y pf7h-r f; c.>:n . , L >

,,if/ "U ' *.),


-...__._a '

Home Phone Centrex Site Emergency Coordinator

- - ~ ~ _ _ _ . __

- M. J. Cconey Supt. Generation /ticclear ,


Site Emergency Coordinator Alternate

\i G. M. Leitch I Supt. Limerick .

Site Emergency Coordinator Alternate  ;

I .

l J. F. Franz '

'\' - Asst. Stat. Supt. Limerick l s l I Itosc coordinator f i

3 W. J. Knaco

) Director, Rad. Prot. Sect.

N' HPSC Coordinator Alternate

. s


  • s "l J. G. Fengheiser

! - Physicist, Rad. Prot. Sec' I

I f 'Fnvironrncn,tal Samaling Coordinator G. 7. eIbler

, ~supi.'Eng,,EnvironmentalBranch

w , ,


i II- Environmental Samplina Coordinator Alternate


-R. H. Logue .

Eng, in Charge, Nuclear & Env. Sec. :'&R Plann'ing & Scheduling.Ccordinator D. C.- Smith Outage Planning Coordinator _

T t


. t 5

2._ . - . . - - . -- _

7- _



Page 2 of 9, Rev. 8


Procedure Sucport Coordinator . . _ .

s W. C. Birely '

Senior Engineer, Licensing Procedure Sucport Coordinator Alternate j

9 J. B. Cotton '

Maintenance Engineer, Limerick Emergency Supcort Officer / Recover'v Office S. L. Daltroff p V.P. Electric Production Emergency Supcort Officer / Recovery Officer Alt.



J. W. Gallagher' i Mgr. Electric ProdUctiom j f

I Medical Diretor W. F. Hushica ,

l Medical Directcr i

Medical Director Alternate ,

,l A. J. Cincotta '

Med. Disp. Physician ,



' Emergency Security Officer ,

I l

i J. D. McGoldridk '

Manager, Claims-Security

!. Emergency security Officer Alternate l

R. J Deneen Director, Security l

i Insurance Ccordinator W. G. Holberg ~~

Manager Insurance Division 1



(- f' .. .

EP-209 APPD3HX R Page 3 of 9, Rev. 8 Insurance Coordinator Alternate 3-- .- _

I A. L. Saltiel


Insurance Administrator y Core Physics Coordinator l

L. F. Rubino Supv. Eng. Fuel Mgmt. 3  ;

1 ,

i 8

Ccre Physics Coordinator Alternate i I


H. J. Diamcod l 89-271 4 Eng. Fuel Mgmt. l i

Administrative and Locristics Manacer  !

J. M. Friderichs Director, Corporate Analysis ,

. I Administrative and Logistics Manager Alt.

R. C. Williams 4 Manager, Rate Divisica ,

A Administrative .and Locistics Manager Alt. <

J. V. Mannion l Manager, T&D Services 4 Sur;oort Perscnnel Precurement Cccedinator ,

W. M. Alden Eng in Charge, Nuclear Section Gen. Utv.

Suptr;rt Perscnnel Procure:nent Coordinator Alt. l R. C. Brcwn -

Engineer, Nuclear Section Gen. Div. .



. . FP-209 APPa.T)IX E Page 4 of 9, Rev. 8 Sunocet personnel Accarinodations Coordinator ~


_ _ _ _ _ ~

J. C. O'Brien ~

~~~ -


Mgr. Area Developnent -

Suppcet Personnel Acconinodations Coord. Alt . -

J. J. Bevan

  • Supt , Sales Analysis Support Personnel Acconinodations Coord. Alt. l f

G. C. Linthicum t Staff Asst. Business Services l

  • Western Division - Acconsodations ,  !

i A. W. Horrocks Supv., Business Services l Western Division - Acconnodations Alt. - f i

i S. F. Mar'r; ley  !

Bus. Services Rep.

Purchasing Coordinator .,

H. B. Winits'<y Mgr., Purchasing l

l Purchasing Cmrdinator Alternate .

R. A. Nones l Supervising Buyer Transoortation Ccordinator

. E. L. Dold

! Gen. Suot. Trans,. Div.

Transmrtation Coordinator Alternate -

l j _. . -

R. T. Melvin Supt. Operations I

= :: :,=- r - - ,


. APPDIDIX C Page 5 of 9, Rev. 8 Comnunication Equictent Cmedinator 3

B. C. Czarkoaski Gen. Supt. Office Systems and Communication Comnunication Equianent Coordinator Alt.

C. W. Aldred Supt. Office Systems and Communication Stores Division C medinator T. C. Stapelford Gen. Suct. Stores Division

- Stores Division Coordinator Alternate H. A. Connor Supt. Stores Division T & D Sucport Cmedinator .

A. G. Mikalauskaus Mgr. T&D Operations T & D Suptcrt Cmedinator Alt.

H. J. h~ny Asst. 'o V.P. T&D -

Design and Construction Sucocrt Officer 9

E. C. Kistner Chief Mech. Eng.

Design and Construction Supcort Officer Alt.

G. N. DeCoasky .

Chief Elec. Eng.

CA/CC Coordinator R.H.Mmre  :

Supt. Electric Productien/CA

EP-209 APPENDIX E Page 6 of 9, Rev. 8 QA/QC Coordinator Alternate ..

P. K. Pavlides Eng, in Charge E&R/OA Radwaste Cmedinator S. J. Koaalski Eng. in Charge Pcwer Plant Service.

Radwaste Cmedinator Alternate A. C. C'aprara ,

Suav. Eng. Pcwer Plant Services Engineering Design Coordinator ,

J. W. Siefert

~ Chief Design Engineer Engineering Design Coordinator Alt. -

A. R. Lewis Asst. Chief Design Engineer I&C Coordinator R. T. Jones Supv. Eng. Pcwer Plant Control Systeras Mranen I&C Coordinator Alt. .

W. W. Bowers .

Dig. Power Plant Control Systems Branca l

i Licensing Cmrdinator j R. H. Logae Eng, in Charge Nuclear & Env. Section Licensing Coordinator Alternate 6

I L. R. Pyrih .


- Supv. Engineer Nuclear Branch j - ..




r e_

. o

- gp_7,gn

-~7' APPENDIX R Page 7 of 9, Rev. 8 Systems Engineering - Mechanical Cmrdinator

~~ ~

J. Moskowitz f __}

Eng. in Charge, Power Plant Design- 7 Systems Engineerin'q - Mechanical Coorinator alt. _ w.

T. E. Shannon.

Sr. Eng. Power Plant Design ~ _ .{ -. -

Systems Engineering - Electrical Coordinator.-

a J. T. Ferencstk .

Eng. -in Charge, Nuc.-Gen. Branch .

Systems Engineering - Electrical Coord. Alt. ,_

1 J. Lees

  • Supv. Eng., Nuc.-Gen. Branch l I


- i Ccnstruction Coordinator G. White Gen. Sept. Construction Division Construction Cmedinator Alternate J. G. Weisheit

  • Asst. Gen. Supt. Construction Division -

1 Maintenance Cmedinator W. C. Whitfield Gen. Supt. Maintenance' Division Maintenance Coordinator Alternate E. J. Onley ,

Supt. Electrical Maintenance Federal and State Government Liaison V. S. Boyer ' ' ~~' i Sr. V.P. Nuclear _



r- _ - - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



  • rco-200 APPENDIX E Page 8 of 9, Rev. 8 Federal and State Government Liaison Alt. ._ _ _ . . ,

I C. Brenner  !

V.P. Corporate Communications


Comoany Spokesman J. Kemper  ;

V.P. Eng. Research 4 f

Public Inferraation Officer i

C. Brenner '

f tg .

V.P. Corporate Ccmmunications Public Infccmation Officer Alt.

f S. J. Boyle Asst. to V.P. Corporate C Muddy Run News Media Coordinator .

R. L. Harper Mgr. Public Information .

Muddy Run News Media Coordinator Alt.

C. J. McDermott Public Information Rep.


EOF Liaison W. R. Taylce Mgr. Corporate Ccmnunications EOF Liaison Alt.

M. D. McCormick Asst. Mgr. Energy Info.

Corocrate News Media Coordinator ,

P. G. Byrne Mgr. Editorial Services  :


EP-204 APPENDIX R Page 9 of 9, Rev. 8

~ ~~

Corporate News Media Coordinator Alt. -

t L. H. Perri '

Dir. Employee Info. -


- Technical Advisor -(to Muddy Run News Center)

--- ~' ' ' ' I B. L. Clark Sr. Eng. Nuc. Sect. Gen. Div. l

'Ibchnical Advisor (to Muddy Run N'ews Center) Alt.

J. Doering . '

,, s-Operations Engineer, Limerick . _

1 9

,e t

( .

e 4


~ . . - - - -

-.- . ~ -. . . . . . .



"V010 l'RM!CUS 130U5 p ,



g-- WfblY- D Cnn trol Rai. //-/

RP-200 Apar;V, gx ?,.- ..tC"M~~COIRRN177t' N ITH Offico Mdress Phone

1. ii.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

A. Office of Insoection .

and Enforcement -- - - - -

Regicn 1 , 631 Park Avenue g King of Prussia, PA 19406  ;

B. Office of Nuclear Washington, ~

Reactor Regulation DC 20555 Harold Denton (Director)

2. Geot. of Energy RadioloqTcal Brockhaven Nat. Lab Program Upton, NY I 11973 i Curtis Building
3. Environmental Protection Sqency 6th & Walnut Sts

- Philadelphia, PA 19106 I

4. Decartment of Transacrtation Governors Island 3rd U.S. Coast Guard District New York, NY 10004
5. Decartment of Agriculture Deat'of Agricu'lture Chief, Division of Milk Bureau of Food &

Chemistry Sanitation 2301 N. Cameron St W. Fouse Harrisburg, P4 17110

6. Cecart: rent of Energy Rec.
y. ...-.--c - - - - -.

EP-209 I". .


. C0!!TROLLF.D APPROVP.D COPY-Veld P;GVIOUS gssus Page 1 Rev. 3 DISYRIliUTION: GAF:l'm S3 - SCV 2kAff - /I'fj71/

NI Control Rc.

Station Supor.__

//-//'If .

OCtice .

'.*w EP-203 APPENDTX C - "W'EY rF1GII' AGENCIES Address Phone .


l. State Emergency Management Agencies . .

N s

. - a. Pennsylvania Emergency Room B-151 Management Agency Transportation & ~~~~~~

Safety Bldg.

P.O. Box 3321 -

Harrisburg, PA t 17120 .

b. Delaware Civil Defense State Police & Bnergency Planning:



' Agency Civil Defense . i_d' ~

Ccnnunications Center:

Emergency Mgmt.

Section i



c. New Jersey Office of P.O. Box 7068 Bnergency Management West Trenton, NJ N.J. State Police 08625 Division Headquarters
d. Maryland Emergency Management and Cevil .

Defense Agency

2. County Emergency Management

' Agencies

a. Lancaster County County Court House Business:


l 50 North Duke St. . 4 hrs)

I Paul Leese Lancaster, PA 17602 i

b. York County York County Court ,

l House -

Randy Curry 28 East Market St.

- York, PA 17401 i

,I I


i P




y- .

- - . . - - . . - . . ~ . - . .

o .

EP-209 APPENDIX G' Page 2 Rev. 3 GAF:ljm


m.= . . . _

c. Chester County County Emergency h 1 He A w ters 14 East BicMle St.  :

. West Chester, PA i

. 19380 j

d. Harford County Harfo'r d County l Civil Defense  !


2205 Cor.wingo Rd.

Bel Air, MD 21014 ,

e. Cecil County Ccunty Court House Elktcn, MD 21921 o


s e

of e

e f



e e

I i

i L


6.._ _ _.

EP-2'N f . t:02:730fign f,psd3 g;;py 7 ~ ~


VCf 3 P.%710:13 is:;tjg .

- - - . Page 1.of 1, Rev. 5 UI ~272 f UUTIO:i: g p ,1 j n , ,,

'l2rLf f Cwn L n ,1 (( '


g.f/ D *) .

P-2092AP25tIDIKnb. COMPANY INstKir'A57D3



- - .w Address Phone w


General Electric Comcany Nuclear Energy -. *


General Electric Emergency Rusiness Operations (24 nour' emergency Sumort Program Services Division number) 175 Curtner Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 1

Working Ecurs:

Manager of BWR Product Service Off Hours: Answering service for imediate call back from GE



. 2. Southwest Research Institute P. O.' neawer 28510 San Antonio, TX

- 78284

3. Underwater Technics, Inc. 2735 Buran Avenue

' . Camden,'tT 08105 Mr. D. R. Stith 6

- Mr. R. T. Rannon ,

i i

4. Radiation Management Corp 3308 Market Street Suite 400 Philadelphia, PA Science Center Bldg 2 19104 .

(Dr. Roger E. Linneman)

5. Burns Detective Agency 4th Floor {

i 1518 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA i 19102 Burns Detective Agency 3557 N. Prog'ress l Harrisburg, PA 17110 6.- Institute for Nuclear 1100 Circle Power Operations (INPO) 75 Parkway i Suit 1500 Atlanta, GA 30339 l


t . ,j cc::,TacLi,7.D APPROVED Cd5[- m ?no 3pomIxi'_1


Page 1 of 2, Re'I. F /


1A[. ./

JMe .

3 S - SSV........

/V.- jjW,4 ' ' "' ' I ,

. g,'5 )

Control R:u. . . . .

ED-20 1 f NICLD"MlIDPf 'lT P W YINEL Phone D. B. Warfel - .

J. T. Budzvnski T. J. Niessen

n. P. IIclker l

C. E. Kocoenhaver .

J. J. Yacyshyn R. H. Wright l M. L. Bloss J. G. Hufnagel f

P. L. Rushek

  • 1. S. Meckley


C. N. Swenson G. A. John l

R. G. Firth K. J. Goetz {

M. J. Lingenfelter l

K. May l r G. P. t/erba

'<. R. ainser L . 'd , Jackson  ;

T. J. Lahneman i

L. F. Vernaccio _



' ' APPFlIDIX I-l Page 2 of 2, Rev. 10 7

K. J. Runch 5

.T. P. Mozilski ,

I K. A. Schoenknecht j i

9. L. Keene ,


.' S. M. Hess L. Cobosc6 G. A. Giduck

'T. Coleman D. Wheeler J. Rogen:nuser D. Foss l

i R. Garnbane R. McCall l~

r J. Cacnerella R. 9tott J. Jordan (Weekends)

(Weekdays) l

! J. Clurn M. Zarroli i

K. Valenta l

l P. Medeiros

  • l C. Schell P. Callahan S. Rex

.T. McCor nick '.

l _.



+ - VOID l'Ir.'1003 1:R.Ud APPRDIX I 2 Page 1 of 1, R 7 DI'J7E EUUTIGII: '

M. gtp , _ ,

N 03 - SSV Contr d IM. . . . . , _ _

jp//- 6'-j EP-209 AP PENDIkf.IhNbME4* PRY #TOH%UDI PHYSICS CONTRACm0R CALL Chemistry (Rad 9ervices, Inc.)

Casey, J.

Chase, D. .

Gasper,.7. -

'N ,

.- .Lecce, B. -

Miller, T.

Pittsbur9h, PA Office 500 Penn Blvd.

Rad Services Pittsburgh, PA 15235 Rad Services, Inc. Whiskey Rettom Rd. l Instrument Calibration Laurel, MD 20707  !

l and Recair 9ervices Health Physics (Bartlett Nuclear, Inc.)_ f



Ipoletta, D.

Kiman, B.

Smidga, R. /


Troja,M. j Plymcuth MA Office Plyttcuth Industrial Park Plyrccuth, MA 02360 )

~~~~ '


, . CO:lidOLfJ.D APP.9 0V.:0 C01:Y- MP-209

' 10 t J . ...V!CU3 ISSUN APPFlIDIX J I;iUTDIBUTIC:f: Page 1 of 1, Rev. 4

,SP: lid /

M3 / .

Lt.L/L S3 - SSV Coa t rol It.n. fhl/ // '


Stat.ica Cupar.


-~.OI % % 2TRPN4 WATRRS Address Phone

1. David Hines City of Havre de Grace (Bus.)

Maryland. . (Home)

2. Jerry Foster City of Havre de Grace (Rus.)

-l Maryland - (Home)

3. James Buchanan Perry Point Veteran's Phillip Hatsis Hospital
4. Howard Jarman Conowingo Power Plant ('ome H s Centrex


5. Mr. Koterwas Water Supply Bureau (Bus.)

City of Baltimore, 30

6. A. Rodrigues Susquehanna Chesaceake T. Nash Job Corps _

_a Chester Water Authority (Rusiness,

7. Bill Braner
8. Plant ?.'.anager Water Sucoly Bureau Montebello Filtration Plant City of Baltirrore, SD 8:30-4:30,
9. nomonick Susquehanna Water Filtratica Plant ('Ibwnshio Operator)


  • After 4:30, Perryville, MD S

e 4

e 1 -. . _ .

^ , _ . __, ,

.. .. _.. 3 . _


- COUTROLLED APPROVED COPY. Page 1 of 2, Rev. 5 V0tv Fr.dytcus issug e


' I n M Nk1%.ff]d , /;

,yg/ % *)

53-SCV _ f .


ai;ar.ica super.

-Offico _ ,

Address Phone York, PA

1. Western Unior Telegrarh



Harrisburg, PA Philadelphia, PA

2. Cattrol Centers .

A. Lancaster CtLTity

- Fulton Ele nitary School 225 W. Orange Lancaster, PA B. York County Delta-Peach -cttatt Elementary Main Street -

School R. D. 1, P. O. Box 4L ~ _ ,

Delta, PA 17314 ._


3. Maryland Depart =ent of Health Divisicn of F.wmtiat Ccntrol Business: Hone:

Emergency Roster Bcbert Corccra:t l

Richard Brissen I Charles Flyra

4. ' Departm2nt of brketal __
  • Resources A. Office of Silic Infccnatica .

Roan B--102 Business:

Ellen Sprinkle, Director '

Transnartation &

Safety Building Harristurg, PA 17120 1

,. - ~ - - - , - - . _ _ . .

y , . . - - . - . . , , . . ...,.._v - . . , - . . , . . , ,.,,,.,,%... . ,_.

N s .

~' . APPENDIX K Page 2 of 2, Rev. 5 B. Harrisburg 4egicnal Office 407 S. Cameron.St Business:

James Fles9.r, Ch Otos Harristorg, PA Sec - 17101 Business Atter Hrs: ~

Mcnan P.O. Box 2063

5. Bureau of Radiaticn Protecticn 'Harrisburg, PA Dept of Enviruwntal 17120 Resources _

After 4:00 PM:

3:00 AM - 4:001H Office Hours: .

Perscnnel & h ohcnes: .

T. Geruskf W. Dornsife l ,

M. Reilly D. Mcdonald 21 South Brown St.

6. Pennsylvania State Realth Center Leaistcwn, PA ~

' 17044 i Harrisburg South Central District Office l 1195 Rcosevelt Ave.

7. State Police Ycek Barracks York, PA 17404 2099 Lincoln Hwy East
8. State Police T2ncaster Barracks.

Lancaster, PA 17602 l

i .

State Dolice - Maryland Pikesville

9. Bensen -



Mcrth Fast

' .I

, e f

W i ,


.,TU2-209, 4 . . .

.CO:TRGLI.ED A M G'i,'p copf. APPENDIX G l

' - UID i t : ::V.003 1350:; Page 1 of li Rev. 2 .,

' SP ljm U (JT31 bt;YIWT:


b.LGl*l fj 0

u . .' ' - h )

EP-209 Apoe 5iYtN'.C lhT/T.AL P.'IO Pli$NES 4 -... ... ,,.y r. ~

] OClico ,,

4 Peach Bottom y~.

i Switchboard: through .,

, rotating i

. Catalytic  !

~ _

Construction: l(Bechtel Ruilding)

  • 'j(Administration Building)

Control Rcom: f(L.D. Emergency) -

Information Center:

ISI Trailer: .

' - - Maintenance Planning: -- x_

NRC Office: Ext..


\ s had Services:


s Susquehanna Test:

220 KU House:  !(Ernergency)

Utility Building: l Guard House

, Others i Delta Office:

Delta Service-Building: (Day)

(Claude Yale)


4 4

Y e

  • f I

5 4e i


., _ _ - -._..-_.~.-..~_, _ ..__~.- -. .--.-_,--- _-_-. _ _,_..-__, --..._ ,......-. _ ... ._.--- - _ .- _

s * .


L.- .a. . _ , _ ,

'- ,- CONTROLLD APPROVD C0ph ApPTOiDIX 'T VOID Pif.'!!OUS ISSUU Page 1 of 2, Rev 9 9P: lim '

f' D I!.:T!iI:tUTION:

'O l] ,;;

... . . . :. &&ff"d.. n!./shi Co n t.cul "Eia .


'g. // 0 F'n-20h ' cronus


.. .a _

Office Phone Home Phone Iccal Physicians & Addresses

. lst choice:

Dr. Randell C. Cronin,.Tr.


. . 2nd choice: .

nr. '4. Dudlev Phillips Harford Memrial Mosoital .

501. 9euth Union Avenue ,Switchhcard NA Havre de Grace, MD 21078


Preferred No. Alternate Ambulance Harford Civil Defense Agency l /


- nelta-Cardif f Fire Cctreany Business No.

Marford Co. Fire Centrol Headquarters l Ycrk County Control /

I ._ .._ .._


~ - ~ '

Home Phone Medical Director I

Dr. W. P. Hushicn i

Director - Radiation Protactica Rection i

Walter .T. Krvlop

  • l l


r s * .


  • '
  • APPPEDIX N Page 2 of 2, Pev. 5 Padiation Manacement Cornoration Preferred Alternate Week days:

Dr. Rb ler R. Linneman - ,

'Other :

(Becner -

l. _ _._._ _ _ - .
  • If no one is at R.M.C. (Radiation Management Corocration) or if this number is called af ter 5:00 PM, a taped message will be

- heard. This message will instruct the caller to laave his message or to call the "af ter 5:00 PM" number.

    • Wis number is located in the PFro load discatcher office.

Ask L.D. supervisor to contact R.M.C. and have them contact you at your number.


l l

l l .

I i

r .. ,

  • ' ' 00t!TR0!4.ED APPROVED COPY- gp_799

- vul0 PEVluuS ISSUE APPENDIX P Page 1 of 4, Rev. 5 DISTRIBUTION:


fire;,Y,ttt.pp/j g,  :


SS - SG1 .

Control En.


f I]


~ ~




'Ihis arrendix provides the methbl of contacting key staf E personnel who will, in-turn, notify sufficient support personnel to ' meet the one-hour staffing requirement. It is used if an Emergency Plan Alert, Site Faergency, or General Emergency is declared.

1. The following steps shall be performed, in sequence, by the Shift Clerk or other assigned personnel.
2. Inform each person contacted of the event classification and that 60 minute staffing is required.
3. Call pager number if the phone is busy, if there is no answer, or if you know that the individual is "on-the-pager". Individuals may, of course, stipoly temporary numbers which should be called first.

l 4. Centact two staff senior engineers. R. S. Fleis tmann is contacted by the Ccanunicator and counts as one contact. Do not call R. S. Flei'chmann if the Comunicator has successfully l reached him. Attempt to contact the " Duty" and " Interim Site Ccord." engineers first. If you are unsuccessful, continue to call or page personnel on the list until you contact two individuals who can be at the site in less than 60 minutes.

Time Disoosition Called Name Phone Called _ No Ans.-Busy-Contacted g I Dick Fleischmann -

Drew Smith Jack Winzenried Steve Roberts Allen Hilsmeier John Davenport Steve Kovacs .


o o ,


~ ~ Page 2 of 4, Rev. 5

5. Contact one of the representatives from the Personnel Safety Team listed below and request the call-in of required Personnel Safety Team members. Make the calls in the listed order unless individuals are known not to be available. Disposition Called Time Name , Phene Called No. Ans.-Busy-Centacted By

. y ~

Bill MacCallister .

Tom Mscisz

- Art Beward Steve Grosh Dennis %f.lellan Bill Downey ,

6. Contact one of the representative from the Radiation Protection team listed below and recuest the call-in of recuired HP and Chemistry, TAs and Technicians. Make the' calls in the listed order unless individuals are known not to be available. This steo may be emitted if A. E. Hilsmeier was contacted in step 4.

Time Disocsition ralled Name Phene Called No Ans.-Busy-Contacted g Allen Hilsmeier -

Norb Gazda Harry Watsca Stewart Nelsen Jim Valinski Dave Barron >

7. Contact the on-shif t Maintenance Sub rcreman via phone (at Ext. 317/319) or plant page system and request a call-in of two maintenance mechanics (preferrably one electrician and one fitter or machinist) frcm their own su port personnel call list.

Maintenance Sub-Foreman Time Contacted by

8. Contact the on-shif t I&C technician via plant-phone (at ext.

l 4328) or plant paging system and recuest a call-in of tw additional I&C technicians frca their can sucpoct perscnnel call list.

I&C Technician contacted Time Ccatacted By l

"' EP-209 e'- =


_ Page 3 of 4, rtev, 5

9. Contact. one of the representative of the Engineering Support ,

Group below and request the call-in of required Engineers and TAs Call in the listed order unless individuals are known not to be -

available. - This step may be onitted if J. E. Winzenried was .

contacted in step 4.

Time Disposition Called

  • Phone Called No Ans.-Rusy-Contacted By


Name Jack Winzenried , _

Fred Polaski Geoff Dawson Jim Mitman Tony Wascng ,

_ Joe Clucp  !

Don Warfel Tom Niessen . . . . -

10. Contact one PO or APO on list provided by SS/SSV and call-in for work as Radwaste Operator. (If the person is contacted, he is required to cme to plant) . 'this step may be waived by Shif t Supervision if an extra PO or AIO for Radwaste is already on shif t.

EU or-APO Contacted Est Arrival Tim Time Contacted by

11. At the discretion of the Shif t Superintendent, call in a shif t Supervisor to act as Osc coordinator.


Use EP-209 APP C for phone nmbers.

--- Supervisor Contacted Estimated Arrival Titre Contacted By Time Contacted

12. Contact the Radwaste Supervisor or the Electrical Supervisor, as required, at the discretion of the Shif t Superintendent for help in resocndino to

' the plant condition. ,

Time Disposition Called Name Phone Called No. Ans.-Busv-Contacted By Pete Pauly ,

4 Ray Betz

13. Attempt to contact all other senior engineers listed in Steo 4. Document in step 4.


  • s' t ,e- ,, .-

. EP-200 APPFNDIX P Page 4 of 4, Rev. 5

14. Notify Interim Emergency Director (Shift Supterintendent) when notifications are complete and inform him of any discrepancies.

Notified at Discrepancies-


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