ML20078Q485 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | South Texas |
Issue date: | 08/24/1992 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML18065B259 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9502210269 | |
Download: ML20078Q485 (30) | |
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3 .. x. -~ + ..e C .DEPAR'IMENT PROCEDURE ~ i a w.,.?. . v. ?. >. , m.,-. .,:,4 z. '.m v . O ca _. ', -
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~, $7[,k.ll'..3 e g..;6.l : OPHP02-ZG-0003 i. Inspection and Maintenance'for Cranes. t Rev. 8 Holsts. Honorail Systems ,y .r.,.. : f -e Page 1.of 23.'T '-< l'i,, g and Lifting Devices s W / .I f .( 4 l7 'APPRO t MAIL IIIANCE MANAGER DATE'APlROVED DATE'EFFfCTIVE n
1.0 Purpose and Scope
1.1 This procedure describes requirements to be observed in the inspection of top -unning overhead, and gantry cranes, semi gantry, cantilever gantry, wall cranes and others having the same fundamental characteristics. (Refer to Addendum 1 for Types of Cranes). 1.2 This procedure provides instructions for the inspection and storage of rigging ~and lifting devices. { 1.2.1 All Non permanent plant hoists and lifting devices issued through the maintenance toolrooms will be inspected and documented in accordance with the Tool and Measuring & Test Equipment Control procedure (OPGP03-ZM-0007) to the criteria stated herein. 1.3 This procedure is not applicable to fork lift trucks, hydraulic trucks, bucket trucks, man lifts, locomotive and truck cranes, derricks, Jacks, or operation of any equipment except for maintenance. 1.4 This procedure satisfies Significant Event Report (SER) 85-002 commitment regarding varm-up time prior to use and 3.reservb:e checks saved on anticipated operating modes. 2.0 Responsibilities .e 2.1 Operator or person performing inspection shall_ contact the System Engineer or Designee for (Cranes and Holsts) for evaluation of any deficiencies found. 9502210269 950216 y l PDR ADOCK 05000498 sVfP P PDR ~.. .n c ;, ....a + ',.. -; : ; :
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r. - and 0PHP02-ZG-0003f 4:-il-i tp.g,h Hoists,- Honora11 Systems
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'.u '!T Y 'O.and Lifting Devices ' Page 2 of 23 -i EY[ M ~.'f N,I .,3 ,'._ ~4' f ,..,c, j , ':'e.g -V.;;#s> n. f <cy .,;.{, R,...',,. 2.2,. A Service' Request,(SR) ~shall be ' initiated to correct deficiencies " - '~ &4 # '._ ' r. - Identified during' inspec. tion.*;%.WJ.e Tt; d r i:'r.g.:MW4 -e <re c -o c. 9l.5...'.9 ;;fy1Qyi}d;Q;W.*:-ti "* y.+yk.2,[. a j h?.iM.e s c
- f. : 1.. A"' 'q a; 2.3,[ All':daficlencles; found; shall be. carefully. examined,by
'u ;, '. ~* 1 AQ* Q;c.47 4 r ,'.;. - s,. $$ ',i gg';lf;SN#'" b yy. operatiobo'f the% crane'.}4 g . Engineeror'. Des,ig' ePand determination' made; as'to'.thefsafeM D, ? J n tpf' ')l s'y I @.'jf6&f '""?v 6't/ P$yj 14 ' ? 1$'A M s 5 M W l 'i M E # fi H ,k'j:pp.ff.J W.b" ' ', '2.4~ Operator or person porforming ECW Gantry Crane; inspections, ). C,. Ph. ' r '. $ maintenasce'shall_'in 'ure that tie-down mechanisms'are; utilized in' ~ ' P-3 'e s accordance with 0FHF04-IV-0005d (ECW Ovarhead Crane Tle-Down/k' yYw ~. ', 2h l 7 " ~.*"' {Cg$ '. ',k, ~'. Lh'- Removal and Installation). 7 +$r'%'y:W *d.?. a. basis *cf judging thel' proper., Q Q.V 'l, ' In order to'Qltablish, data such'. r. ...t:.. l'tg'((.?>]. '/
- 2. 5..
es br 'i: J/1 3 'timeL'for replacement'jj a' continuing inspeetion' record shall-be. -c s. Ji ' maintained.r:This record shall cover points' of deterioration ,r,- , ' " ~ ', ' listed. V W f #- .,5 : ..x.., 2.5 Maintenance shall kitep' preventive maintenance inspection data A sheets indicating conditions of wire ropes associated with the specific crane / hoist applications. 3.0 Definitions 3.1 None 4 ?- 4.0 Prerequisites 4.1 None 5.0 Precautions si 5.1 Personnel shall follow radiological precautions outlined on RVP, when working in Radiologically Restricted Area (RRA). 6.0 Procedure 6.1 Inspections - Cranes /Holsts/and Honorail Systems C NOTE (1) Any deficiencies found shall be carefully examined by the System Engineer or Designes for 6 t h,,;',' Cranes and Holsts and determination made as to' w the safe operation of the crane. f, I,
.. y .1 m:. - w j .n ' {' e (,., -l;.? \\:y :},'ffij$NQT'r'&. I's. ;I'.0;' '.:;,' kh..* f;, Q ff ~ ,ij. W 70 h IInspection and Maintenance for Cranes, 0FMP02-ZG-0003 p/.i;.b; C.. ".M5 % 'l % N N[IN& $y[f27'%(%..,g.f $. hs .M" T' Rev. S < gg. y Holsts.' Monorail Systems,+sgr. p'. ~ Page 3 of'23 ~. &f6/ and Lif ting Devices ~q '.. .',l l.*,; '.
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9 -i /.c,g%+jM EU:i' %Ip):d'* G W J idNd y ' 'Iheceplet.ed Form 1(-1),injthi., appropriate; Form.(-1)G(fr 6 M.i.T'.p i f11e" fo:Ethe' crane 2 hoist or*11fting'davice$g%: 'c f .A '1 ..,.Yt!NN,I M.EN ;;.c .finspe'ctedd These flies Tare' located'.inithe] ,'t W I ~ Q,//'ed M4Jk e.:}'j.Hechanical' Haintenance' Supervisor office' a 3.
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.~ .? 4 4 .s. s ... ~ ^' W 6.1'1.2 Enter location;s.efi ' - q ?%-
- k Enter date of, inspection. Enter frequency of inspection. '. Rscord 6.1.2 Daily inspection N Daily inspection is required prior to crane use k '. only if the requirements have not been met i within the previous 24 hour period. , Daily inspection shall be performed using the Crane /Holst/ Monorail Inspection Checklist Data 1 Sheet Form (-1).' Rscord 6.1.3 Monthly inspection The monthly inspection requirements identified in this procedure shall be performed prior to crane operation only if the requirements have not been met within the previous four week period. Monthly inspection, shall be performed using the Crane /Holst/ Monorail Inspection Checklist Data She'et Form (-1) in conjunction with the requirements identified below. k ' +
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'/ i _and Liftina Devices . Page 4'of 23
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t l@. g, i, a L.$1L'.L~'.,. As applicable,"the following shall be inspected I for unsatisf actory conditions and damaga, with -a..Y C 5,f. - .'f " .. c. inspection results recorded in the ' Comments
- u' 4...
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~ t - t k5y -a, a ....v -W. m.w@ wg. wFloist; chains,. If app . q .u..>... .- s. m - fL If. 3' y 7 k. i ";"/bv.c.c ;. i,fpd g. ,- a) .9w .99 r.. ([g,h,g[%.y- $ g/<,f. 71 p,J' < connections,4 for wear,.. twist distorted.' links ~.h $ . interfering.with yroper function, or stretch -, n.., y, s c. r .w o 9.':. 4.n d, y ' .1-beyond acceptance criteria as specified in' d Subsection 6.5.'. <~ f; b) Lubrication levels n f. s, u, +yi ,a.. l'
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a.s ' Q,, ,y ~ e.'.. '),1.. <. t,M : ^ D '1, 4 1, c) Rope reeving for noncompliance 'with crane N 4- ~ manufacturer's re ommendations. an. j i Rscord 6.1.4 Yearly or outage frequency inspection r ~ RC3 located standby cranes preventive maintenance shall be performed prior to entering HODE 4 (plant heat up) at the completion of outage. Yearly inspections or outage frequency inspections performed in accordance with this procedure and the p'reventive maintenance program as deemed necessary by the designated inspector. As applicable, the.following shall be inspected for unsatisfactory ' conditions and damage, with inspection results recorded in the " Comments" section of Form (-1). a) All functional operating mechanisms for misadjustment interfering with proper operation. b) All limit switches. Each motion shall be inched into it's limit switch, or run in at slow speeds. (Polar crane hook lower limit switches need not be checked) c) Leakage in lines, tanks, valves, pumps and other parts of air, oil or hydraulic systems. f G 4 4 e ew.'e
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t,'. .e h,. d ". b'th, h y.r@.. Inspietion and MatAtenance for Cranes, .i. CFMP02 ZG-0003 N_ ~ ^ 1 . A;. '0 - \\. 7 gw 3 . i Q gj,g. c.,n,e.* & -/?. e. 3 Hoists. Honorail Systems RevJ 8 .h ',*'J 37 .4 e.5.,( .and Lifting Devices Page 5 of 23 -y);. M' ; .'f V .. t ;.v " /; - ~ \\ :
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k;.. a.w .p. ... hf . +, r ., - >. p>1 : .y -. ~,. .u, e .+.e' HOTE r. .>;.jp 6.;.J.d. $,'},'4 i s j,% 3 5. M ($,,J.y,*8 i,y..: ~ f I.'f/IG R; * ^ [M[".'Jp,f,-[ f; t g' jf.. 'D 'd'
- Hooks 'with' cracks or having more than 15% in
- fl.ey.,r4,9 's.
F #M"(;y..QF.y:f,['5, ' ' excess of normalj throat ; opening'or more. than' 10 f. ~ u.p,,* ' ' 4 fl,/y'It,'MSj;7,./. 94fcy,l-/ f,2.lj: ' degree' twist" frma the plane ~ of the unbent hookPi .U, Y y'". removed from service.Y ' M "'M.? I f.# 7' , '. L. n. -v.m*.m. 15 W. : f -., ' A
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\\. + 3.'.;, ,: :,.'i d) Deformed or cracked hooks. (Q.C. shall . perform NDT examination of each hook). . 1' st <:e. @y- -.- W ei, 3 : .4 .^ '. 'e) Hook latches,- for damage or, malfunctioning. g,.,, 3 '.y;. 4.V .h
- y a.
4 .,. v - <t'p :. tw - + W 1, (- f) Holst' ropes, including tightness of end y clamps and rope clips, refer to subsection 6.2. 6. g) Hoist chains, including end connections, for wear, twist, distorted links interfering with proper functions or stretch beyond acceptance criteria, as specified in Subsection 6.5. s h) Rope reeving for noncompliance with crane manufacturer's recommendations.
- 1) Deformed, cracked or corroded members.
., r .1) 1.oose bolts or rivets. k) Cracked or worn sheaves and drums.
- 1) Vorn, cracked or distorted parts, such as pins, bearings, shafts, gears, wheels, rollers, locking, clacping devices, bumpers, switch baffles, interlock bolts and stops, as applicable.
m) Brake system parts, linings, pawls and ratchets for wear. n) Drive sprockets for wear and stretch of chain.
- 4',
o) Electrical apparatus such as controllers, master switches, contacts, limit switches and pushbutton stations, for signs of any deterioration. e i . r. 6
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f.' ';1., .,s r 'f 4 in*.. .,. n,. / .o [Q bp,y-h ',* > t * [ h~ J.- O p.r.y o.'s. p, Inspection and Maintenance for Cranes. - OPMF02-ZG-0,003 :, p.[ .,-[ I,,,,'j, Rev. 8 e Holsts. Honorail Systems p. Qf. r"j T '., " and Lifting Devices. - Page 6 of 23.- 3 ? +'.. 9.. i'.f.'f I, ' p) Wire rope (refer to subsection 6.2).. g -. f., M.... 1 %...O.. U,. #: t, 7 3 n. Wear of drive tires, for monorails and '. p;..fg j., . '., ' q).. underhung cranes.' t: 2 c., a.. s 4 a 3 v.e rj..,...:..' d. h.1. '.. +;i..., -;-g y*, .4 ' u.. :n x? ? -- eh:2;t:,' :Y f.g.' + :p' ~ 9, z.m.. - ~0 r..
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.. ?.g.Q? t/Wi..e :K - -. - flange of all track sections in.the system,e ..c [Q '^,f" j.&.-. r),,.,Vear,or deformation of y. ? .w. e .,pe,~ s;-. ;4. e,: n . g. R m.,e,,. - 9 . r,.p c - p x .r,..... ', 'U both straight and curved, for monorail and $y.,*['.,('. j,%/ e' 's 'underbung cranes. . g 7,,: y. ., ? m 1 f. 6.1.5 Cranes.not in regular use w 4, m ' Preventive maintenance requirements shall be ^G: ' R ' $. determined by the designated inspector. \\ R, a t~ v. ~ Standby cranes shall be inspected, prior to being placed into service, in accordance with this procedure. RCB located standby cranes preventive maintenance shall be performed prior to entering HODE 4 (plant heat up) at the completion of outage. 6.2 Vire Rope (ether than slings) inspection and replacement i 6.2.1 . Inspection NOTE Sections of rope which are normally not visible i.e., sections that pass over sheaves should be examined carefully. All wire rope which has been idle for a month or more due to shutdown or storage of a crane on which it is installed, shall be inspected for proper lubrication and deterioration by a gus11fied inspector, prior to crane being placed into service. This inspection shall be performed on all of the wire ropet$at is visible and accessible to the inspector. t.' ,, y. ~- :.. .? 8. I.,( a. 4.
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'r. je ~ .. p 3 ^.,, - s .u 4 3 g e c' t.. .O CPMP02-ZG-0003. ; P cLjp U'.. a* - ... ;i.; Inspection and Maintenance for Cranes, Holsts. Honora11 Systems jp,)s,.;_- .L.i, ,g Rev.:;M e -? g.} .s . [.Y.h~.. k /U., Y.h 's/.. $,cd$ ',,g,r .j p,.c and Lif tinst Devices p w Page 7 of 23 ~ ' 4 . J..., The qualified inspector,for wire rope . r ti. 4. 71. .,!. W ;;j,:.fyt, r inaccessible for lubrication or inspection, shall y,,., ' 9, 4
- Y
.g ,j - deteralna,' based on factors such as expected wire g:,. ., 'f.. " * / ' .. &. #yy n,j.C,ag.pq. . <:..o.e..:. 7>::, *,. . rope life on.s m la.r--installations: severity of..c- .w *,, i i ct I i - t) tage of capacity lifts: .n r. ,k T.b,y ;y[k.Dr[ ht";0%-,.q m- @q, s-//. ../,~, : q... [g.,., W.,. ;. env ronmen s
- 6. '
Kp f3,b,'. $.[y.p . frequency rates >of,.oper.ation and previous .,7 <c. w.t.ey;;.. f. s
- n. v
~., a.a v.m. 2.- A maintenance'inspoction reports,' determine whother7 .v '.. 'eg,;m,,,y;..y ,,C.g.{',' further.use*of wire rope would constitute a..,. 7 g :, c'D .AP ..( P n > ttN L, :? hazard or. require wire' rope to'be replaced. J M'. 1
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- .,.
'O ' m,. - .:( .% &.: 5 4 A l' l. y :*' Any deterioration resulting in appreciable loss j .d. 3 ' of original strength, such as described below, 4 shall be'noted and determination made as to ~.-
- 1 whether further.use _ of the rope would constitute ' ~-
% / ...t...
- c, ".
f.W e, r G . p..,
- n a hazard.
-p', .q ' > j .g .m. 1 r: ~ Reduction of rope diameter below nominal a) diameter due to loss of core support, internal or external corrosion or waar of outside wires. I b) Individual wires broken, twelve random in one rope lay or four broken in one strand in one rope lay. c) Vorn outside wires.. d') Corroded or broken wires at end connections. O s e) Corroded, cracked, bent, worn or improperly applied end connections. f) Kinking, crushing, cutting or unstranding. Rope should be maintained in a well-lubricated condition. Approved lubricant applied as part of a maintenance program shall be compatible with the original lubricant and the rope manufacturer should be consulted. Approved lubricant applied shall be of the type which does not hinder visual inspection. Those sections of rope which are located over sheaves' or otherwise hidden during inspection and maintenance procedures require special attention when lubricating rope. The object of rope lubrication is to reduce internal 'y.; friction and to prev'ent corrosion, s \\. 9 1 I, ,p [ g 'q
y,,.,,s.p ' ~.,. s.y, s ~ %. 4. r. q ".p .rq 6 ^ 3 u.-g.,, C *. 'M c ' .r .J ..t e
- 5. -
t.- wc ; '. t. p:.;. .+;y. t. e w: :' r*. y.-. 1,. . a,,:. Inspection' and Maintenance for Cranes. OPHP02-ZG-0003',' d. ~. .y
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?e g ' > fi.,i M;.;'ie. d.fN'fij Y g.17 oists. Monorail Systems-Page 8 of 23 '. L J h:r. aii' $b H Rev.'8 " y'; - ..;;/., *,.>. ) .i, and Lifting Devices ~h ~ i,,... ;., e.,?... N 3, 6.'2.2 Wire Rope replacement' guidelines E - .u..... .. r e .. +.. s v m i No precise' rules can be given for determination cp*,'. 6TM,... e '.,.. '9 ^.- hoff the,'.jaxact time for replacement' of 2 tope since '- l:Tj !$ M/ 1.' ,J'.many'variab.le f actors are involved. Continued e '.. + .f.,v n. '.1 %j(blp.e,.. @g.-!.h$pl.$g;,p..e,9., .s v x.. yg' ly,.guay,' depends, largely.upon, the 'use of good judgment... ;.$ . g
- f..
f, , evaluating remaining strength in a used ropet ,Sg.'
- .s ; g ',
a - e (.. K. ,J.;.
- l g ; $,
- C S. %j ~ p.,;f y, p.t,,'
this remaining strength. ' 'after' allowance for deterioration disclosed by" '.Y ,-7 ',) }. .'d Inspeetion.'c{ Continued operation depends upon.I y "4f. ~4 '. p. 6 - - -;i ?. . Q. 3'b:.;. L.c; r. Conditions'i ' <X;;~ ~ @?. ,.i S'- such as the following should be 64, ,,/.- aufficient ' reason for questioning continued use ~
- {
..g..g ) 6., i,.2 of the, rope or increasing the frequency of , inspection. - .c v:. .~ a s: a) In running ropes, twelve randomly distributed ' broken wires in one strand in one rope lay or . four broken wires in one strand of one rope lay. b) Wear of one-third the original diameter of outside individual wires. c) Kinking, crushing, birdcaging, or any other damage resulting in distortion of the rope structure. d) Evidendeof.heatdamage. .e e) Reductions from nominal diameter of more thans 1/64 inch for diameters to and including o 5/16 inch. l o 1/32 inch for diameters 3/8 inch to and including 1/2 inch. o 3/64 inch for diameters 9/16 inch to and i including 3/4 inch. o 1/16 inch for diameters 7/8 inch to and including 1 1/8 inch. ~ I o 3/32 inch for diameters 1 1/4 inch to and including 1 1/2 inch.
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,!n.,' .,g'. ? ' **,:., ,a s.. c ..,. '.. :g : m: ). ' Inspection *,nd Maintenanen for crat g ". 2 0PHP02-ZG-0003 ' %,+ :;g$. y a . i,p.4, 4.e.. s: pi d'J'; </d ' Holstsc Honorail Systems i ' '* Rev. ' 8 T ' ? %,7 < g,. ,V.. o a ...7 ,. ' ev ,.;.e,,,. and Lifting Devices Page 9 of 23 '6.d Sto oge'of rigging k..s kq ;..i-3' <n.'.- 4' ', Q[ 7f 4..f 5, t V ' " ;n '., p6 pf ,0, ?E.,. / 3 (IJ,- " 6.3.1', ' Slings of all~ grades and type should be stored in an' area .;V M.DO,.. t, . i. -s-#li;:1- @cW '(j,where,,they4will' damaged by: Y Y ,l' (..f, __. ',' M,L ? J.. *c r ^Y %:iWQWQSQ$$&.R,; ,'C .6.3.1l,15 Moisturege h M.%[. %._,
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y. .s,- .; y.. . ~. f, *jO '_l &,l * ;Y ' % C,,h[d{fff"M.,E%?llNQQ.. b,l-($'W{ a . w ,-.. o.. ' 'W*W * 'k.' b %.<**" .T 3 j j. Extreme.' heat : :-g 4 ',j l, , "i + .. s_ . t,hp; *; ?.;7.i.V. 2 %,,, '3 Corrosion l, ' Yrn; 1%w : ' W..; 'Being run over o l'.. ....,MN..' h '{,., . ,Being kinked ?.7 y, .) .n .+: ,y.y ;. 9 6.4 Inspection of rigging 6.4.1 All new rigging shall be inspected prior to initial use. 6.4.2 All rigging shall be visually inspected each day they are being used by the individual responsible for performing the rigging. 6.4.3 Slines which do not have toolroom code numbers shall not be used, and will be turned into the toolroom for evaluation. 6.4.4 A periodic safety inspection (Performed through the Tool Control Program) done by a designated person on all slings stored in the toolrooms. Slings and hoists which are removed from service and put into storage will not need a periodic inspection. They will need an inspection prior to being placed into service again. 6.4.5 Conditions such as the following should be sufficient reason for questioning continued use of the sling. Any sling found in a questionable condition shall be turned into the toolroom attendant. Toolroom attendant only, shall dispose of defective ~ rigging. Vire Rope slings a).Vear or sciaping of one-in rd the erfatan diameter of outside, individual wirsh b) Kinking,' crushing, birdcaging or any other damage resulting in distortion of the rope structure. 4 c) Evidence of heat da age. < r: !. .% g i i
b' f.' ) z';...i'.'. ' 4 ut ;g?'y; y 'w; 'n;e y, ;Q). [. " '.j.;.. y ' ;,tInspection' and Maintenance for Cranes,' OPMP02-ZG-0003 mQ ,?. -
- c. _,, r;;c f-g <...Hoists Monorail Systems
-Rev.i8 ? a. ^ * ,J' [, ,f ?! I,' V'? ' and Lifting Devices Page,10 of 23
- i....
r, e.. .1 ' h I d) E attachments that are cracked. deformed, ~ 8..,.,., i u or worn.. W.*. ,. ' 'k 'p'(Mf,g.7,. ~ .*....?^' j,'Jh. - ',' ' ' 'y.. e) Hooks that have been opened mo're than 151 of Wic 7.'c.,3 4 4. g.g,:_ j
- j' f.44 8:
,the normal throat opening measured at the .e . g+:f *p.:,0' f. 'y " -c narrowest point or twisted more than 10 ..;;,. : 1,'c. ~';? - degrees from the of the unbent hooki .4 .;.c 1,
- 6 Cp.'.]... -
(, W'Mr W . Co'rosion of tha rope.or and attachments. v.'O f >' ,,. ;.'l. ~ -f) t c.d. g) Six randomly distributed broken wires in one . rope' lay or three broken wires in one strand ~ M In one rope lay. g-; +. M 6.4.5.'2 iSynthetic webbing slings a) Acid or caustic burns. b) Helting or charring of any part of the surface. c) foaps, punctures, taars, or cuts. d) Broken or vorn stitching. e) Vear or elongation exceeding the amount recommended by meaufacturer. .~ NOTE Some slings contain a colored yarn cord to identify when the sling has been weakened by cutting or abrasion. If colored yarn appears, sling integrity should be questioned, f) Discoloration of fittings. g) Other apparent defects which cause doubt as to the strength of the sling should be referred to the manufacturer for determination.
- s '. Polyester round slings a) Acid or Caustic Burns b) Helting or charring of any part of the sling c) Snag, cuts or tears that are through both i canvas covers and expose the polyester core. 3; 4. ; f I
N W h f Y! h fYbh? $Y$O [dNh%$$wms.,?f80MfYf, M,bd4DWND N f:,- ~-t. m g.pu.:,1.
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f. .<r ,,.6%e m n.r/ btu: C.A 4k;^H' 7,' -. 4 ' .C. -f1.'. :' .t W- .',r,>,. i,J 4? ,4 m.M.:s W. < wr.W ? n' -.i ,. ;,r, s.),I 3 -T c s. s. ? > < m L :. : p... s ,;pM G~ 's. %.** 6 e.' .. ' -.... W ' + i 1 4 9 ?; Ff 7.,)d d'h,,k+f;.o; X:yh i. Inspection and Maintenance for Cranes le. t;; ; OPHP02-ZG-0003' 'r'J[ 4: M.:. a 4 ;c.i., ,., N..[p<. 'k..-I5[i. N. t.'I#,8-5,Holsts, Honora11 Systems m W 'Rev. 8 -h j,,.and Lifting Devices Page 11 of 23 7. T.y un.f A....r:,,,x ^ ,r?'i-a ,9 n; ?. M..r., -. y.., c ,...,o . ~ ?,
- f..p,.; y. 1,e
,' ' J ' 5' .w . m. : p;,:,- h xi.*,N. ?'),d$i '?*.b;. 6.h.,2 Chain Link' Stretch Criteria; ;7.'.,*.IF7 ?,'"c R. E.4NS.*! ih e 4 a
- m; c,.
h.., 6 u )C. ;;g..;[. $$7h..ih,,,w ?'.'_w_.5.1 ) Chain 11nk stretch shall not exceed the maximum allowable ' y :- N 5b.,0i;. :).'?e$/le:h p. m,Y';;7 ~, limits identifle O* k D' 1W' p,' %.,...h. 4lif g &,','h%(wl,Q?::' ;j. g n, ,.g $d @#fhU'D M STRETCHE M d, w.,.. - c chi w
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As . ? r.'s Mk.y 4l,;* ehI@8.@ l # 'N.. t.$,' k, W N".,'V if. . p p+,p y T !.' 5'/ M. Inspectio @n and Maintenance'for Cranes. D1F Nk! ? OPMP02-ZG-0003 ' (.<re ' . C. _ g Hoists. Monorail Systems Rev. 8 9,(- g ?,w-{ f + %' and Lifting Devices Page 12 of.23 N. ,,G.u 'h, (le. Ve~'MJ s., ' r.. ..e a ', ' ; 1s.- .'.'3."' 'W . nf. 2. W &.6.6.:..ct.'.n. .T Hooks and latches' for deformation, chemit al - c. .s. f .,Q ?,, ?+n. Y ($-} [. g ty.,.* W " c,f n W..g',Q s?.... Q:.'. if;. a damage,'! cracks, and wears r.. .A 'a 4. ,i. ~ ~ '
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c.. Hook latches'for proper attachment and operation,' 6 .. ;, d d3*} "";' *i$$1f used(,'W's * ' x ipp.qhe %q &;% WWi,=, > 7.' . "E. J 2 y.'. . MWtvm: load.P. !.c.'de: 3- -i m, s.,j j. ghg:yc 'py.-) '. '. ..M F chain'for 8-lencies'as follovsg i .si?..g; % R +u , ~,. e, v. .' v :.0 ;. i .. O g::,: } %u a sy 'z. y. z -,y., y. hoist under lomo in l'fting and - .4, s..",.....,. 2. ;. >
- a... Test the. directions and observe the operation ~..
4; f, ' ?.. . lowering Tc. d ~ of the chain and sprockets. The chain should.. .;,. 4 n 'A,. 7 - v.;- Q - ,p: feed smoothly into and away from the P. .V ?<+ i j ; b '; W; 4.j g
- h:.',gsprocketsj,f.f,'
g,i,f',b. -licds bc' 1 i, ', b. If the chain binds, jumps, or is noisy, first L- 'see that it is clean and properly lubricated. .g If the trouble persists, inspect the chain and mating parts for wear, distortion or other damege. c. Examine. visually for gouges, nicks, weld 4 p. splatter, corrosion and distorted links. j* Slacken the chain and move the adjacent links to one side to inspect for wear at the conta'et points. If wear is observed or if . stretching is suspected, the chrin should be measured according to the -a" 1 manufacturer's, instructions. i' d. If manufacturer's instructions are not available, refer to ANSI B30.21 - 1989 21-1.5.1c for alternate instructions. Wire Rope for deficiencies as follows: a. Distortion of the rope such as kinking, crushing, unstranding, main strand displacement, birdcaging, or core protrusion b. General corrosion c. Broken or cu*. strands ~< * >'..i d. Visible broken wire such as 12 randomly distributed broken wires in one strand in 1 lay or 1 outer wire broken at the contact point with the core of the rope which has worked its va'y out of the rope structure and protrudes or loops out from the rope structure. 2: '
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4 d.;,,. ..n < 'd,{.,g,y w-. ui +M *p.. :.* Inspection'and"Haintenance,for Cranes. .y*OPMP02-ZG-0003:}c. W. ' 4," i f' ,c Cf V Hoists, Monorail Systems Rev. 8: ... g. 'V - . j.. 1 J and Lifting Devices Page 13 of 23 W:g'g( n e vy* 2.- 't. V J,M.I,. 'p - 4 W. < f;- Veb strap for deficiencies as fo11oss: h,3),Qi_" ? _ :.,[._
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- v. --:0. &c. r v?? ' ',.
~ .-.v 7. e e '.' m..+.'... .,.S't w.y3:b,.e.r-s ~ -. - c. Veld spatter - u 'c.. hg [s.yf- * ).[ ,y.. '3 ',( ' -, d, . 7 ..h,. li- ? u se 4 o
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.i e Cuts or tears '4 s... c,...,. .a , A . G.> " E,,'a.
- 4
'f. ' Damaged eyes or fittings , dj f.'e i -? ?.i Q, 'l. h'd.: 'd b' }.' {}. ' ' b' a'- ~ ; ': .? g. Abrasive wear h. Knots t Load chain / wire rope / web strap reeving for complicnce with hoist manuf acturer's recour.endations; Holst lever for bends, cracks, or other damages 4 Damage to the support for the hoist. ~ ~ 6.6.4 Periodic Inspections are complete inspections of the hoist 6 that are performed annually, as deemed necessary by ' 'l designated inspector. Covers and ot.her items normally supplied to allow inspection of the components should be opened or removed for these inspections. ' Any deficiencies, such as those listed below, shall be examined and determination made as to whether they constitute a hazard. These inspections shall include the requirements of para. 6.6.3 and, in addition, items such as evidenced by the following: Loose bolts, nuts or rivets Worn, corroded, cracked, er distorted parts such as load blocks, suspension housing, levers, chain attachments, devices, yokes, suspension bolts, shaf ts, gears, bearings, pins rollers, and locking and clamping devices; Damage to hook retaining nuts or collars, and pins and welds or rivets used to secure the j retaining devices; j i 6'.6.4.4 Damage or excessive wear of load sprockets or idler sproctets:-
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- r. 5 Inspection and Ha! tenance for CraneIs, N E 0PMP02-ZG-0003
),,, - .p. ;.
- 9... Hoists, Honora11 Systems Rev. 8
' I', ' ~ * - [' .and Lifting Devices Page 14 of 23 8 $p ' '.,' 's .,1, ' Worn, glazed, cr oil contaminai;ed friction disks;
- ..' c 2
0 ...s'.. worn pawls, came, or ratchets: corroded, h/3.;gf-).,$/p.NOp[h M.,et Sn . stretched,'cr broken pawls springs in the brake q'.c.y. c' Q,17 7.Qfy'4".5. $ '~,f mechanism;.; . f,- ..q..q 1m4 <s; .v, i, t L s 3*g-a g.,. 7/L' 7 ;fspl'3- ].''.Deteriorat!'on 'f'warnin label"on the devicei
- ~
o g .a y'.G Yzy^ 8< f. .p' 9, .*a-
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_'pz, '.2 - t.p J ', 9;-{ p C Deterioration cf end connections of load chains J.y ' y p *. , : ~f ; c.- wire' ropes or web straps including overtravel 'I restraints., ., - cgg-g s s.. 4> 6.6.5 A hoist that has been idle for a period of one (1) month j, . or more,' but less than one'(1) year, shall be given Tdh /N ) ., ,~ ' z [k~.w J. inspection conforming with the requirements of paragraph v:.: ~ y 6.6.'3 before it is placed into service.~ 6.5.6 A hoist that has been idle for a period of one (1) year shall be given an inspection conforming with the s requirements of paragraph 6.6.4 before it is placed in service. 6.../: The inspections referenced in 6.6.5 and 6.6.6 shall be 4 p'erformed by the Tool Room Technicians. s 6.'6. 8' All altered or repaired hoist, or hoists that have not been used within the preceding twelve (12) months, shall be tested before being placed in service, or under the direction of, a designated person to ensure compliance with industry standards,. including the follosing., All functions of the boist'shall be checked with the hoist suspended in the unloaded state. (Some hoists may require a nominal load or pull on the load book to test the lowering motion). After testing in the unload state, a load of at least 100 lb. times the number of load supporting parts of chain shall be applied to the hoist in order to check proper load control. 6.6.9 All hoists in which load sustnining parts have been altered, replaced, or repaired shall be tested statically or dynamically by, or under the direction of, an appointed person, and a record of the test should be made. The j y, applied test load shall be at least equal to the rated Ioad or greater, as approved by the manuf acturer. I I i
'i ~V h.V ..g., .y. -;c .k:s.i;; - 3 ' %F.:?, c..f'. ' # '2 ' ~ ' - , -3..: I c e ..u ,y ~. ?.,> Inspection and Maintenance for Cranes, OPHP02-ZG-0003 ~ Holsts, Monorail Systems Rev. 8 and Lifting Devices Page 15 of 23 6.7 Hand Chain Operated Hoists (Chainfalls) .,Y 6.7.1 All new Chain Operated Holsts SHALL te visually inspected prior to initial use by the Tool Technicians. 6.7.2 All chain operated hoists SHALL'be visually inspected periodically. The frequency of inspections will be as noted in paragraphs and ~ 6.7.3 Frequent inspections shall be the same as for Lever Operated Hoists and 'in accordance with paragraph 6.6.3. 6.7.4 Periodic inspections shall be the same as for Lever Operated Holsts and in accordance with paragraph 6.6.4. 6.7.5 Chain operated hoists that have been idle for a given period will be inspected before being placed in service in accordance with paragraphs 6.6.5 thru 6.6.7. 6.7.6 All chain operated hoists that have been repaired, altered or idle for the proceeding twelve (12) months shall be tested in accordance with paragraph 6,6.8 with the exception that the test load will be 50 lbs. times the number of the load supporting parts of chain. 6.7.7 All chain operated hoists in which load sustaining parts have been altered, replaced or repaired shall be tested in accordance with paragraph 6.6.9 7.0 Acceptance Criteria 7.1 Functions and limit switches are within acceptable criteria, as specified within this procedure. 7.2 Deficiencies noted have been evaluated and dispositioned by the System Engineer or Designee. 8.0 References 8.1 ANSI B30.2.0, Overhead and Gantry Cranes 8.2 ANSI B30.9, Slings 8.3 ANSI B30.11, Honorail and Underhung Cranes 8.4 OSHA 2206, OSHA Safety and Health Standards (29CFR1910), General Industry, Revis ed, June,1981 8.5 Significant Event Report, (SER) 85-002 (ST-HS-ES-3207) v o
k.c. Y'h,.'. $ $.E.I.2'k k.."h I5h'h. h k V$h;r,h.k),k. M,.,[..i5 3h * ' NhN'k'Y. N.Y$N,3 . g. .r < ,c. {,s.~.Y 'lT v. @!?.hkh,' 's;,: T. 'y ,4: f a.. 'l?.* ?.t l.. r. ' i. ' - ~ ' V. qc.
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..r: . a. ..?., ';.. .,,8.e c 'S'b. hh;.' Inspection and Maintenance for Cranes.,. .'f, 0PMP02-ZG-0003 ".p*;f.: -*'a' .. o v. -T. s'. M.,..s..<, e,V.o ~. f. 5'.'0. ' f. 3 :.. ?, ! :9(O' - [.,',' c; (,., c,. " Holsts. Honore11 Systems,- - K Rev. 8, /. t,..
- i...
M[ .,f and Lifting Devices-Page'16 of 23 .,,...;;..y~,,,,:.- :,, ;,.. s. . -.O.u. u.; '. r. + u,. 8. 6,.. ANSI 330.16 Overhe a.d, Hol,.sts %,G. %.,. .t... ,.. y...,. v.:: v., x...,. 8.7,. ANSI 330.10 Hooki'.g:,).,;elq;:t,..; ;.9. '.x,m,.,f.p: i;.
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3' a )'sl:P.. ; ',4@::,. ;~ q,y.i e n:,8, n) L y, '.. Support' Documeat s '.itj,V.g:.u ':
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- /. -
~ J. f;'&'k.?,. f. ; J.V. s (.., '.. ,9. 4.g r... .t 6;1r ..r .lg'xa,7Jy y:y 19s.i 9'2 ~ Crane /Holst/Hocorail Inspection Checklist (-1) f.i f,..:. '.a ' 2 o., 'A ,..,.J. : ~*. t ..d5
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, f... ) . Q*:, ' ;. p<s:V - &..; t... *t:lJ.: ...10.0 Documentation
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- y 1.=i...;:ys. mc4 s.M,::.;. u..
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- c.10.1.s'The following documentation:Is required to be retained in the ' n r,.4,,..
.j.'. .9 -em .,,,.... m ? r yty f,f, .e ( ./ ' 'sppropriate crane,' hoist or lif ting device Form (-1) file: ~ 10.1.1^ Data Sheet, OPMP02-ZG-0003-1
- 1.
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.'e./_, s x,. f,,... < '. ',.j y. ,1 ip U "; T 4.' y,...,,n:6/ Inspection and Maintenance for Cranes,- OPR02-ZG-0003 Hoists. Honore11 Systems Rev. 8 /Ne 1-and Lifting Devices Page 17 of 23 [j j.'.. $...o n r. ADDENDUM 1 . i... ~ TYPES OF CRANES o,-o (Page 1 of 1) i.>.
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Inspection and Maintenance for Cranes. OPHP02-ZG-0003 Hoists, Honorail Systems Rev. 8 Page 18 of 23 and Lif tinit Devices.- 3 CRANE / HOIST / MONORAIL INSPECTION' CHECKLIST DATA SHEET OPMP02-ZG-0003-1 (Page 1 of 6) 6.1.1 Tag /TPNS Number: SR/FM Number Date: 1.ocation: Frequency of Inspection: Daily Monthly Yearly If inspection is performed on the ECW Gantry Crane, ensure that tie-down mechanisms have been removed and installed in accordance with 0FFF04-EW-0005 (ECW Overhead Crane Tle-Down Removal and Installation). ? Tie-Down mechanisms removed in accordance with OPHPO4-EW-0005. 1 Signature Dato Tie-Down mechanisms installed in accordance with OPMPO4-EW-0005. Signature Date The following shall be inspected for defects and damage, including observations during l I operation, which might appear between periodic inspections. A Service Request (SR) shall be initiated to correct any deficiencies identified during inspection. Any deficiencies found shall be carefully examined by the System Engineer or Designee for (Cranes and Holsts) and determination made as to the safe operation of the crane. Inspection Criteria Yes Deficiencies 1. All directional Operate correctly 1. operations 2. All speed controls Function properly 2. 3. Hook drift No drift 3. (both directions) This FORM, when completed, shall be retained for one year.
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CRANE / HOIST / MONORAIL INSPECTION CHECKLIST . J's. ' '. $ ..i ). 6 t,..g,%, 5.' DATA SHEET h/ .. n.,,,,. - ', ~ '0PMP02-ZG-0003-1 ^ (Fage 2 of 6) ..P ,r s .s
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Tecp etirn end H,inten nen fer Cren,'t, + ' OPMP02-ZG-0003 Hoists, Monorail Systems Rev. 8 and Lifting Devices Page 20 of 23 e-CRANE / HOIST / MONORAIL INSPECTION CHECKLIST DATA SHEET OPMP02-7.G-0003-1 (Pags 3 of 6) Inspection Criteria Yes g Deficiencies i C. Return springs Function properly C. v. functions t D. Functional name Clearly visible D.' plates or control stations visibility 6. Check hoisting cable for Inspection Criteria Yes M Defielenefes A. Xinks, broken Absence of kinks, A. strands or evidence broken strands or of having been evidence of having crushed been crushed 3. Following drum Follows drums grooves B. grooves correctly C. End clamps and rope Tight C. clips 7. Check load blocks and hooks for Inspection Criteria Yes Deficieneles A. Load block and General condition A. sheaves acceptable j 3. Hook for deformation No deformation or B. i or cracks cracks 1
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. ",.1/,, *, " In pictim end Katetterres far Crrnv. OPHP02-ZG-0003 ' !F Hsinto, M*n r711 Synt~ a Rev. 8 and Liftina Devices Page 21 of 23 3 CRANE / HOIST / MONORAIL INSPECTION CHECKLIST 6 94 : d ' ' DATA SHEET .i e. 0?HP02-ZG-0003-1 (Page 4 of 6) Inspection Criteria Yes Deficionefes C. Hook latche's for s;, No damage or C. damage or 'y malfunctions
- malfunctions +
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+ N 8. Check for oil, air or hydraulic leakage: i., ? ~ -y - +- Inspection Criteria Yes g, Deficiencies j. A. Lines No leaks A. 3. Tanks No leaks B. 9 C. Valves No leaks C. D. Pur:ps No leaks D. E. Other parts of oil, No leaks E. air or hydraulic systems e 4
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-. <;u ;* :. s ,;r r* if a i f Taspection and Maintenance for Cranes. OPHP02-EG-0003 Holsts. Monorail Systems Rev. 8 l and Liftina Devices Page 22 of 23 ~ CRANE / HOIST /MobiORAIL INSFECTION CHECKLIST DATA SHEET OPHP02-EG-0003-1 (Page 5 of 6) C000GNTS: I i 6, 1 T l i ? e i i t i l f t t, V I t t l l t INSPECTION PERFORMED BY: SIGNATURE DATE t
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W ~ ~ r f; . h * ' i, ^ d - V ?I,.- - l[li - ~ Inspection and Maintenance for Cranes. OPHP02-2G-0003 Hofsts. Monorail Systems Rev. 8 and Liftina Devices Page 23 of 23 !!. s6 l '. t z. ' CRANE / HOIST / MONORAIL' INSPECTION CHECKLIST DATA SHEET i i OPMP02-ZG-0003-1 l :.""(, (Page,6 of 6) i NOTE z, Deficiencies previously addressed as satisfactory do not require re-evaluation. s. DEFICIENCIES EVALUATED: l w; .s 1. RESULTS OF EVALUATION: DEFICIENCIES EVALUATED: 2. RESULTS OF EVALUATION: SR NUMBER: SR NUMBER: EVALUATION PERFORMED BT l System Engineer / Designee DATE
4 I RECEIVED Plant Procedures OPGP03-ZA-0002 g Rev. 22 HMS/PHoctudKt-Page 59 of 6S \\ CONTROI FIFLD CHANGE FORM s OPGP03-ZA-0002-4 (Page 1 of 1) L . N/A / FIELDS NOT NEEDED FC No. 92- 05Gt.' [ No [ ] TES One-Time-Only FC7 [ ] NO [ W TES Typed prior to the Section B approval? SECTION A - DESCRIPTION
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Procedure No. O P Mpo 2 f r. "10 0 8 Rev No. A Procedure Title 1....Jr. a .L f.,e,m...u r.l. .. 11 L.L. ,..m.. . 1 L C1.*< ' w QUALkTYCLASSIFICATION: (( QUALITY-RELATED [] QUALITY-RELATED APPROVAL CLASSIFICATI6Ns [] STATION DEPARTHENT Description of Chanre(s): Allo 1 al.. s 1 . o r,,...e..ns. A d l sl,. c.t.t.3 .l.11, 1 am4l.," Ad.J 41-m's. t. t_ t hl w. i q. i .**= d t.= 1 4 1 <l.= a.t Y 1 4 - u.A. f... t4 2..' s u.41. ~i Reason for Change (s)'s P., M. 4 %.".,,a. a,u.e_al. 1. m e. v. .l. L l u w e M e ht c e a i a. e.f-l., Le u k. 4 m
- l This is the 1g} FC against this current revision, other than one-time-only.
AFFECTED/ ADDITIONAL PAGES 2. A n n el 4 P{[ Prepared by (Signature) &mo C.*ts.'.. Date 10/02/92 Prepared by.(Print) L. e e. 5M/FC *n I SECTIO!I B - APPROVAL Recommend' f-hs-- '~4b. gh. m Date m\\::dh I Approval jec cal Reviewer f Recommend 1A. mm Date IO f 2. /9 7. Approval Autnorized'InifiVid$ ee Addendum 3) i Approved /M Date //s./9 2.- ~Dn Duty Shift Supervisor [ NO [ ] TES Is this FC a minor change to correct an obvious f typographical, editorial or draf ting error? If g TES, provide explanation /. justification in the j ' Reason for Change' above and the LCR Form and q Technical and Surveillance Procedure Review Checklists are not required. g 1 SECTION C - FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF TYPED COPY NOTE: Cognizant DH Review SMAL1; be completed within 21 calendar days of effective date. Satisfactory [] NO [ S Station Problem Report No. M/n y Revision Required [ NO [ ] TES NATS ITEM NO: c /34 g Is a change required to the other fIlt's and/or trains' h procedures? []NO TES N/A Tracking No.(s) rd/ M 4 4 Training required [ NO [] ES f
- Reviewed by J /s, Date O//1 IUhk Approved by Date Plant ier'or Cog DM g
.t This signature not required for Department Procedures. { Plant Manager signature required for Station Pro:edures, f Cognizant DH signature required for Department hocedurcs. This FORM, when completed, SilALL be retained for tl.c lifeo[*Ihe plant. \\
Plant Precedenres OPGP03-ZA-0002 Rev. 22 Page 60 of 65 TECIDf! CAL REVIDT CHECILIST OPGPO3-It-0002-5 (Page 1 of 3) Icctamer. Nunaber O P m P O2. Ya - 0 0 0*.5 Rev. 8 FC _92. O e;g g Ltd, h,'lLabe IL.*th..n. w, Title L., d.*.. ml h!.k. m.t.,r.m.,- w w Doctamer:
(CR FUT *N/A" IF NOT APPLICLILE) DILETIOf3 1. The intent of this procedure is, clear to the expec,ted users. I l ""Ch u 2. This procedure, revisios, ce change is technically and sdministratively correct. %+"h 3. This procedure, revisfor, or change is capable of being l performed in the order specifici. h d_ 4 This procedure, revisior, chance or deletion is compatible with other plant procedures. 6/ t4 5. This prceedure, revisio:, or chznge references and adequately implements (or in the casa of a deletion, adequately compensates for) ccanitments made 1: the UTIAR, SER, and other licensing doc ume n+.s. Pb,"3 6. This procedure, revisio, or chtsge is correctly numbered. l formatted end prepared in accorunce with approved procedures. 0/u 7. This procedure, revisio:, cfbangs or deletion adequately addresses and/or referetces Tec2nical Specifications and other i natters that may affect nuchear safety. %d 8. Ibe questions on the License Coupliance Review Form are properly answered. A>/r+ 9. This procedure, revisiot or cha2ge adequately addresses l configuration control requiremests as described in OPGP03-ZH-0021, Control of Coni:guration During Haintenance, including independent verification. (SPR 900317) _,c/h 10. Temporary modifications require: by this procedure are g documented and controlled izo ac:ordance with OPGP03-ZA-0039, 1 Addendum 17. 16/n 11. This procedure, revisios, or change specifies the ccrrect plant l uodes and/or plant conditio ns required for procedure performance. (SER 91-011) g/p? 12. If this procedure is used to ss-isfy Technical Specification Surveillance requirement s, r.het the Surveillance Procedure Keview Checklist (-7) has been :ompleted (not require " "r I superseded procedures). l F ev Eeve : by _D d Date ic> g ~his l' DIN, when completed, SHA1.L be re t a f_med f o r the life of*fhe' plant. O. i
N b License Compliance Review OPGF03-ZA-0003 Rev. 10 Page 23 of 24 License Camp 11ance Review Forn OPG203-ZA-0003-1 (!eg e 1 of 2) STP ma (Oa/9c3 50ures Itsas Meoict nicrshc CosCRAfDsG SIADCN LICENSE COMPLIANCE REVIEW UCENSE COMPT. LANCE REYlEW FORM 8 ord PACE UNITI @ t. 2 0850 a?WC DOCUWDif 8C _ EU ~ N
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@SA$ts 2. Tw$ CHaME IS A55C::AftD ustM A peoCDURC to.eCM s NOT CONTAsNED OR oCSCstig:D m Det SAR OsAss 3 n s C=ANu rs AssocartD s N A n=0 Count on.Cw a LrsitD = T< 5a4 sur NO: curuncD.
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O ctwr4 (sPCCnCAtte ADosiCss OUCsv>0NS -. c.Cw) Bass lATIACH ADonIa0NAL SNCLIS. sr NECES5AAT) er Att AN5gRS to tutsT*0*ts t h*ROLCH 4 ARC N(CAflVE, THEN NO UNRCMCMD SArrt, OUC5inON EVALUAhom ts RECURED twf5 roa.4 sao ccm.mittro treau et avtage ron i t pri <p t.q pu yi
l License Comp 11a-ce Review EPGPC3-7 5;$33 hev. 3E hge 24 cf 24 Compliance Review Torn OPGP03-Z.A-0003-1 (Page 2 of 2) su isis to.nos sourw staas PaoJLc utctus ctwaarw; s:Anow LICENSE COMPLIANCE REVIEW LICENSE COMPLIANCE REVIEW FORM p, E 2 Ord AN ORQNA.TNG DOCUutsT NO. U~ N" 05dC aEv. S. DOES THE SUBCT Or THr5 REMEW 8IOuiRE A CHANCE 10 M sEs _ NO M TEOceCAL SPECr1CA7045? - sr *TE5* REFER '1D P-1.tPO. AN UwtEwCwCD SarETY OuCSDON E6ALUAT3ON 6 NOT RE2MRED. DOCUMENTS REMEwCD TED4NTCAL SPECFICA10N SECTICNS RCut<D: 05< s* S SAs SECnONS RCwEc. I 3. 5.1. 2 16.5.l.3 l OT-CR DCCUutNTS 8Cs'CwC) (E OPCP03-ZA-0002. ADDEND.%8 9)- sPR 92-oart 6. DOES TwE Sue.CT Or THis REwEw sEPRESENT OR CREATE A POTEsTIAL 5"3RE aAZAAtD. ar4CT n8tE PROTECMON TRaswNG OR ADuMILTRATON. Eu[nCENCY LICHMNC OR COuutNCANONS OR 8' ROT:ECT1*N or JNE uETHCrig FOR ACHEVING AND M AWTAWWC SATE SHVfDDA IN T>< EC4T G" A
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( Li NO. ( ) in - ATTACH AN EuCEGENCY PLAN /EutRCENCY PRETAREIp4ES$ PROGRA.W EVAtJUAU"N PRETARED Dv.- tb u t' O^4 10lf2/fE Ch,1 (W 6 am j u m D e,c w7_ O., s\\
Inspection and Haintenance for Cranes. OPMP02-ZG-0003 l Hoists, Monorail Systems Rev. 8 and Lifting Devices Page 2 of 23 2.2 A Service Request (SR) shall be initiated to correct deficiencies identified during inspection. 2.3 All deficiencies found shall be carefully examined by the System Engineer or Designee and determination made as to the safe operation of the crane. 2.4 Operator or person performing ECV Gantry Crane inspections or ma'atenance shall ensure that tie-down mechanisms are utilized in l accuciance with OPHPO4-EW-0005, (ECW Overhead Crane Tie-Down Removal end Installation). 2.5 in order to establish data such as a basis of judging the proper the for replacement, a continuing inspection record shall be maintained. This record shall cover points of deteriorat' ion listed. 2.6 Haiatenance shall keep preventive maintenance inspection data sheets indicating conditions of wire ropes associated with the crane / hoist applications. 3.0 Definitions 3.1 None 4.0 Prerequisites 4.1 None 5.0 Precautions 5.1 Personnel shall follow radid ogical precautions outlined on RWP, when working in Radiological 2y Restricted Area (RRA). ( 5.2 Personnel utilizing the Essent. Sal Cooling Vater (ECW) Gantry Crane shall ensure that a load tell or dynamometer is attached Q to the load hook prior to any li.!t. Load cell or dynamometer shall be attached to ensure that the cranes rated load capicity N is not exceeded during lif ting ace.ivities. y 6.0 Procedure 6.1 Inspections - Cranes / Hoists /and Honorail Systems NOTE (1) Any deficiencies found shall te carefully examined by the System Engineer or Designee for Cranes and Holsts and determination av. to the safe operation of the crcane. /)
y (. i t Inspection and Hafntenance for Cranes, OEMP02-ZG-0003 Holsts, Honora11 Systems Rev. 8 f, and Lifting Devices Page 3 of 23 NOTE (2) The responsible Supervisor shall file the completed Form (-1) in the appropriate Form (-1) file for the crane, hoist or lifting device inspected. These files are located in the Mechanical Haintenance Supervisor office area. 6.1.1 Enter Tag /IPNS number. Enter SE/PH number or N/A. Enter location. Enter date of inspection. Enter frequency of inspection. Record 6.1.2 Daily inspection Daily inspection is required prior to crane use only if the requirements have not been met within the previous 24 hour period. Daily inspection shall be performed using the Crane /Holst/Honorail Inspection Checklist Data Sheet Form (-1). Personnel utilizing the Essential Cooling Water at (ECW) Gantry Crane shall ensure that a load cell dB or dynamometer is attached to the load hook prior to any lift. Load cell or dynamometer shall be 4 attached to ensure that the cranes rated load m capicity is not exceeded during lifting activities. g Record 6.1.3 Honthly inspection Personnel utilizing the Esscatial Cooling Water 4 (ECW) Cantry Crane shall ensure that a load cell E O or dynamometer is attached to the load hook prior to any lift. Load cell or dynamometer shall be et attached to ensure that the cranes rated load capicity is not exceeded during lif ting activities. E The monthly inspection requirements identified in this procedure shall be performed prior to crane operation only if the requirements have not been met within the previous four week period. Honthly inspection, shall be performed using the Crane /Holst/Honorail Inspection Checklist Data Sheet Form (-1) in conjunction with the [, requirements identified below. W
4 l Inspection and Hafntenance for Cranes, OPMP02-ZG-0003 i Hoists, Honorail Systems Rev. 0 and Lifting Dev1ces Page 4 of 23' l As applicable, the following shall be inspected ) for unsatisfactory conditions and damage, with inspection results reconded in the " Comments" section of Form (-1). a) Holst chains, if applicable, including end connections, for wear, twist, distorted links interfering with proper function, or stretch beyond acceptance criteria as specified in Subsection 6.5. b) Lubrication levels c) Rope reeving for noncompliarce with. crane manufacturer's recommendations. Rzcord 6.1.4 Yearly or outage frequency inspection RCB located standby cranes preventive maintenance shall be performed prior to entering HODE 4 (plant heat up) at the completion of outage. Yearly inspections or outage frequency inspections shall be performed in accordance with this procedure and the preventive maintenance program as deemed necessary by the designated inspector. Personnel utilizing the Essential Cooling Water y (ECW) Gantry Crane shall ensure that a load cell n or dynamometer is attached to the load hook prior ? to any lift. Load cell or dynamometer shall be 7 attached to ensure that the cranes rated load O" capicity is not exceeded during lifting activities. 6.1. f. 4 As applicable, the following shall be inspected for unsatisf actory conditions and damage, with inspection results recorded fu the "Cormnents" section of Form (-1). a) All functional operating mechanisms for misadjustment interfering with proper operation. b) A11'11mit switches. Each motion shall be inched into it's limit switch, or run in at slow speeds. (Polar crane hook lower limit switches need not be checked) c) Leakage in lines, tanks, valves, pumps and other parts of air, oil or hydraulic systems. i}}