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Forwards Addl Environ Qualification Info Requested in NRC .Only Nonproprietary Info Should Be Submitted to Franklin Research Ctr.Proprietary Info Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/1982
From: Clayton F
To: Varga S
IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1B, NUDOCS 8203080496
Download: ML20071H679 (4)


Malling Adfr:ss

600 North 18th Street "

Post Office Box 2641 -

8 -

Birmingham, Alabama 35291 Telephone 205 783-6081 f RECEngo '

i  % -

F. L. Clayton, Jr.

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g'cgd*"' "'tresourierneurocsystem AlabamaPower en February 19, 1982 o9 M Docket No. 50-348

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Director, Nuclear Reactor Regulation @ 'h , 4 O U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 9A% '*fM g'h f Attention: Mr. S. A. Varga o kg Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 '

Environmental Qualification 'q , .


Alabama Power Company has carefully reviewed your letter dated January 19, 1982 requesting additional qualification information and has contacted the vendors that have provided the information identified in your Item 1. Certain vendors have stated that their qualification information is proprietary and expressed concern as to possible unfair trade advantage and i

conflict of interest regarding the review by Franklin Research Center. Specifically, Westinghouse has requested ( Attachment) that Alabama Power Company not submit their proprietary information to Franklin Research Center. Pursuant to an agreement reached between Westinghouse and Mr. E. C. Shomaker of the NRC Office of the Executive Legal Director, who has discussed this matter with Mr. Z. Roztoczy of the Equipment Qualification Branch, Westinghouse will ensure that the requested information is, or has been, submitted to the NRC on a timely basis. Therefore, the information other than proprietary Westinghouse qualification documents has been retrieved from our auditible central file and is forwarded directly to your office to ensure the proprietary understandings between Alabama Power Company and the vendors have not been disregarded or neglected.

Alabama Power Company requests that the entire submittal be reviewed by your office and only information which is not proprietary, as designated below, be submitted to Franklin

.M Research Center. Additionally, no part of this submittal should be released for public disclosure or reproduced, and the entire submittal must be returned to Alabama Power Company upon ( -

the completion of the review. Alabama Power Company has -

reconciled this matter with Mr. E. C. Shomaker of the NRC 0 Office of the Executive Legal Director. If affidavits are ,

\ h required for withholding the proprietary information from public disclosure in accordance with 10 CFR Section 2.790 of Yg the Commission's rulemaking, Alabama Power Company is requested b to be notified before such disclosure. h,e \b Ls b F203080496 820219 N\

PDR P ADOCK 05000348 PDR e s

Directar, Nuclear Reactor Regulation Februa ry 19, 1982 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis'sion Page 2 Attention: Mr. S. A. Varga The following is a listing of the enclosed qualification information designated as proprietary (P) or non-proprietary (N):

1. Qualification Documents a) Westinghouse letter APW-A-5141, (N)

February 14, 1980 b) Wyle Laboratories NEQ, (N)

Test Report 44354-1, March 8, 1979 (Identified as Report 44353-1 in NRC letter) c) Boston Insulated Wire and Cable (P)

Company, Test Report 73E062, September 7, 1973 d) Westinghouse letter NS-TMA-1950; (To be provided Westinghouse letter NS-TMA-2120, by Westinghouse) e) ACME-Cleveland Development Company (N)

Qualification Report, September 5, 1978; NAMC0 letter dated February 2,1981; NAMC0 Report No. QTR/105, August 28, 1980; NAMC0 letter dated December 16, 1981 f) WCAP-7820, Supplements 1 through 7; (To be provided Westinghouse letter (0, Batum) dated by Westinghouse)

February 14, 1980 g) Westinghouse letter, APW-A-5141, (N)

February 14, 1980, h) Boston Insulated Wire and Cable Company, (P)

Test Report 74A023, January 24, 1974 i) Okonite Engineering Report No. 143, (P)

March 20, 1972

2. Further identification of installed cable (N) described in Alabama Power Company letter dated August 25, 1981 In order to provide for a proper review, Alabama Power Company has enclosed the most complete and latest qualification information which, for certain items, amends or enhances your l

. request. For Item 1.e, ACME - Cleveland Development Company


I. ,

Director, Nuclear Reactor, Regulation February 19, 1982 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 Attention: Mr. S. A. Varga Qualification Report dated November 21, 1977 has been superceded by a revision dated September 5, 1978. The 1978 revision is enclosed in lieu of the 1977 report. NAMC0 letter dated December 16, 1981 is enclosed with Item 1.e to provide the evised pages to NAMCO Report No. QTR/105.

As a note of clarification, Items 1.a, f, and g of your letter each requested the identical Westinghouse letter, APW-A-5141, (0. Batum) dated February 14, 1980. This letter was referenced in our responses to I.E. Bulletin 79-01C to provide administrative traceability to the supplier of certain qualification information and to establish their proprietary nature. Although this non-proprietary letter is enclosed, it is a Westinghouse transmittal letter which provided the Westinghouse qualification documents (Items 1.d and f) and, of itself, does not include any useful qualification information.

The letter provides the complete response to your request. If you have any questions, please advise.

Yours very tur ,

l%  % [

F. L. Clayton, J r.

FLCJ r/ MAL :jc Attachment Enclosure cc: Mr. R. A. Thomas Mr. G. F. Trowbridge Mr. J. P. O'Reilly Mr. E. A. Reeves Mr. W. H. Bradford Mr. E. C. Shomaker i

-- - . .-m.. e,-

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  • APW.A-5894 Attachment

.$ r '

Water Reactor

  • W= *l Westinghouse " " * *
  • Electric Corporation Divisions Ikn X6 sut:tu et,instyivata PJJO Pchruary 19, 1982 Mr. O. D. ):ingsley

, Manager of Nuclear Engineering l and Technical Support


Alabam Power Cocpany 600 North Eighteenth Street Birmingham, AL 35202 t

Dear Mr. Kingsley:


  • Equipnent Environental Otblification i

i Recently the l#tC has issued 1 citers to sone utilities tegarding the results

' of the staff review of the utility response to the Safety Evaluation on Equit stent Qtnlification. The letters (samles attached) request certain EQ information from the utility central file be forwarded to Franklin Pesearch Center to facilitate the NRC contrictor revicv.

Where the requested informtion is not proprietary to Westinghouse, it is appropriate for utilities to submit such infornation directly to Franklin.

Pursuant to an agrement reached between Westinghouse and Mr. E. Shonuker of the NRC Office of the Decutive Legal Director, who has discussed this notter with Mr. 2. Rosztoczy of the Equiyment Qtnlification Branch, we ask that you not sulmit Westinghouse proprietaty infonintion to Franklin.

Westinghouse will ensure that any such requested unterial is, or has been, sulaitted directly to the NRC on a tinely basis. (Westinghouse has verified that this is acceptable with Mr. Rosztoczy via telecon between him and Mr.

G. Butterworth, 2/19/82.)

Should you have any questions concerning the above infornation, please contsct  ;

myself or Mr. George Buttenerth of our Noclear Safety Department (412) 373-5761. 1 Sir of 4

dk er q

l L.E.Conwy/je J. L. Vota, Mar [P Jccts i Attac1 rent Southem Conan


s 1 cc: O. D. Kingsley IL,1A  ;

i A. A. Vizzi IL, 1A l L. B. Long 1L, 1A li. O. Arash it,1A 0

R. P. }kIbnald IL, IA W. G. Ibi2ston 2L, 2A


F. E. Ehrensperger IL, 1A V. C. Valekis IL,1A i

J. R. Crane IL,1A J

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