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Forwards Description of Scope of Annual Emergency Plan Exercise Schedule for 830209,in Response to NRC 820129 Request.Detailed Description of Exercise Scenario & Anticipated Licensee Actions Will Be Submitted by 821226
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/27/1982
From: Clayton F
To: Stohr J
NUDOCS 8303110102
Download: ML20071F329 (5)


. - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ,

( I i Mailing Addr:ss I

  • Alabsma Power Comp:ny 600 North 18th Street Post Offica Box 2641 Birmingham. Alabama 35291
  • g Telephone 205 783-6081 F. L. Clayton, Jr. b ROCagy"' ~ Nabama Power Ite souttw.:rn c4rtrc system August 27, 1982 Docket No. 50-348 Docket No. 50-364 Regional Administrator U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Region II 101 Marietta Street, N.W.

Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Attention: Mr. J. Philip Stohr

Dear Mr. Stohr:

As requ ted7n,your letter of January 29, 1982, a description of the scope of arley-Nuclear Plant's annual emergency plan exercise and the objectives be fulfilled is enclosed. , The exercise has been scheduled with FEMA for February 9,1983. - A detailed description of the exercise scenario and anticipated licensee " actions will be submitted no later than December 26, 1982. _

Yours very truly, h YNu F. L. Claytod, Jr. I, FLCJr/KWM:nac Enclosure xc: !Mr. Brian K. Grimes-(w/ Attachment) 8303110102 820827 DR ADOCK 05000 {

1983 FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY EXERCISE I. Participating Organizations State of Alabama and Houston County, Alabama State of Georgia and Early County, Georgia State of Florida (Connunications level participation only)

Alabama Power Company II. Purpose

a. To meet the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix C, 44CFR 350.9 and NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1.
b. To conduct a full-scale exercise that will include the mobiliza-tion of Alabama Power Company, state and local personnel and resources adequate to verify the capability of participating organizations to respond to an accident scenario requiring response.

III. Objectives A. On-site Objectives (Alabama Power Company)

1. Demonstrate that control room staff can assess the event, classify the event, take corrective measures to control the event and activate emergency response procedures.
2. Demonstrate that plant staff can activate and staff the Technical Support Center (TSC) and perform accident response activities including:
a. Dose Assessment
b. Off-site notification and protective action recommendations,
c. Reclassification of emergency status
d. Personnel Accountability for all personnel on-site
e. Radiation Monitoring Team (RMT) Dispatch and Control
f. Site assess control and admittance of essential personnel
g. De escalation of emergency class
3. Demonstrate the capability to turnover Emergency Operations Facility (E0F) functions to the EOF staff when EOF is activated and staffed.

FNP Emergency Exercise Page Two

4. Demonstrate the capability to augment EOF st.lff with non-essential plant personnel.
5. Off-Site Objectives ( Alabama Power Company)
1. Demonstrate that corporate staff can be activated in a timely fashion and dispatched to FNP.
2. Demonstrate that Flintridge Emergency Operations Center (E0C) staff can provide initial support for:
a. EOF activation
b. Logistics
c. Support Organization Notification
d. Briefing of company management
e. Monitoring news media activities
3. Demonstrate that E0F staff can:
a. Assume Dose Assessment function & RMT direction and comunication function from TSC staff
b. Assume Logistics, Manpower and Engineering function from Flintridge E0C
c. Prepare and coordinate news releases and simulate emergency news center activation
d. Shift to Recovery Phase Organization C. Off-site Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ Objectives (States of Alabama and Georgia" and Counties of Houston and Early) l
1. Demonstrate that response organizations can alert, notify and l

mobilize emergency response personnel.


2. Demonstrate that the emergency operations centers can be staffed in a timely fashion.
3. Demonstrate that the states can activate emergency worker l

assembly points, dispatch radiation monitoring teams in a timely manner, provide assessment of a simulated airborne release and

! communicate their assessment to the E0C.


  • State of Georgia plans to full-scale exercise with Plant Hatch and therefore will limit activation of the GA state E0C to that level required for realistic interplay with the other fully activated organizations.

FNP Emergency Exercise Page Three

4. Demonstrate that the states' Radiation Control staffs can assess the accident and make appropriate recommendations to the states' decision makers.
5. Demonstrate that decisions can be made with regard to protective mea.ures for the plume exposure pathway EPZ.
6. Demonstrate that the counties can dispatch personnel to all appropriate access points that the simulated evacuation would call for and take other measures involved in the simulated evacuation.
7. Demonstrate that adequate communications can be maintained between county E0C and field units.
8. Demonstrate the Houston County mass care facility can be activated and staffed in a timely fashion to support a simulated evaluation.
d. Off-site Ingestion Pathway EPZ objectives **(States of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida)
1. Demonstrate that decisions can be made with regard to protective measures for the ingestion pathway EPZ.
2. Demonstrate that collection and analysis of ingestion pathway EPZ dairy products can be initiated.**
e. Joint objectives (Alabama Power Company, States of Alabama, Georgia and Florida, Counties of Houston and Early)
1. Demonstrate that the parties can coordinate all releases of information to the media.
2. Demonstrate that the parties can coordinate the protective measures to the public (recommendations for protective action, activation of the Prompt Notification System).
3. Demonstrate that the parties can carry out free piay in decision making with regard to protective measures for the plume and ingestion pathway EPZs.

IV. General Exercise Scenario The simulated accident condition will begin as an Alert Emergency and progress over a 2 to 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> period to a General Emergency.

Simulated radioactivity releases will be selected to require simulated evacuation of portions of the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone and ingestion pathway EPZ sampling.

    • Ingestion pathway protective measure actions will be simulated to a com-munications level only.



. FNP Emergency Exercise Page Four Wind direction will be from the north-northeast toward the south-southwest, One year old meteorological data will be utilized to determine frequency, magnitude and timing of changes in meteorological parameters.

V. Drill limits The drill will begin near the start of day shift and last a maximum of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

The State of Alabama, Houston County, Alabama and Early County, Georgia will participate at a full scale level including activation and staffing of E0Cs and will perform functions identified in their emergency plans.

The State of Alabama will simulate activation of its mass care facilities in Houston County. The State of Georgia will participate as necessary to simulate interfacing and decision-making with the other organizations and will dispatch at least one Radiation Monitoring Team to Early County and a representative to the Houston County CE0C. The states of Alabama and Georgia will simulate ingestion pathway sampling at a communications level but will not obtain or simulate analysis of samples. The Stste of Florida will exercise at a communications level only and does not plan to dispatch .

a representative to the Houston County CE0C.

Following proper coordination, the prompt notification system will be activated by Alabama and Georgia.

Alabama Power Company will activate its Technical Support Center, Flint-ridge (corporate) Emergency Operations Center and its on-site Emergency Operations Facility. Activation of the Emergency News Center will be simulated but not performed.
