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Forwards Phipps Bend Nuclear Plant,Const Effects Monitoring Rept,791019-801018, Per Part Iii,Section I,Of NPDES Permit TN0029301
Person / Time
Site: Phipps Bend  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/1980
From: Elashry M
To: Harvey S
Shared Package
ML20062K589 List:
NUDOCS 8012230355
Download: ML20062K579 (1)



TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY NommeS. TENNESSEE 37628 215 Natural Resources Building DW ITtggly


Mr. Sanford W. Harvey, Jr., Director Enforcement Division, Region IV U.S. Environmental Protection Agency a

345 Courtland Street, NE

-3 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 j


Dear Mr. Harvey:

PHIPPS BEND NUCLEAR POWER PLANT - NPDES PERMIT NO. TN0029301 - CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS MONITORING PROGRAM - ANNUAL REPORT Enclosed is a copy of the annual report of the Construction Effects Monitoring Program (1979-1980) implemented at the Phipps Bend Nuclear Power Plant in accordance with Part III,Section I of the NPDES Permit No. TN0029301.

Copies of the report are also being distributed to other interested agencies in accordance with the requirements of Part III, Section R of the permit.

Sincerely, Oci,1 f.,iel I, John P. Crowder Mohamed T. El-Ashry, Ph.D.

Director of Environmentel - "

Qufl 93CUMEMI CONTAINS P00a QUAUTY PAGES Enclosure cc (Enclosure):

Mr. Kenneth E. Black Mr. Elmo Lunn, Director Regional Director Division of Water Quality Control U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Department of Public Health 17 Executive Park Drive, NE 521 Cordell Hull Building Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Nashville, Tennessee 37219 Mr. Charles Kaplan, Coordinator (6) DirectorofNuclearReactorRegulation(3)[

Thermal Analysis Unit Attn:

Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Enforcement Division Division of Licensing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 345 Courtland Street, NE Washington, DC 20555 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Mr. Lee Tebo, Chief Mr. Earl Leming, Chief Pollution Survei~1ance Knoxville Regional Office U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Health Services College Station Road 1522 Cherokee Trail Athens, Georgia 30601 Knoxville, Tennessee 37920

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8 012230 g An Equal Opportunity Employer