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Notice of Violation from Insp on 780905-08
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/26/1978
Shared Package
ML20062C020 List:
50-382-78-11, NUDOCS 7811060101
Download: ML20062C023 (2)


50-382/78-11 App:ndix A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Based on results of NRC inspection conducted September 5-8, 1978, it appears that certain of your activities were not conducted in full com-pliance with Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 as indicated below:


Failure to Follow Contract Soecification Provisions Related to Fire Prevention Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 requires that activities affecting quality shall be accomplished in accordance with pre-scribed instructions, procedures and drawings.

Section D-7 of contract W3-NY-16, " Erection of Main and Miscella-neous Structural Steel and Performance of Related Work," applicable to American Bridge and similar restrictions in other contracts applicable to other construction contractors preclude the use of 4

wood and other flannable materials within the reactor containment unless the wood has been treated with a flame retardant.

Contrary to the above:


On September 7,1978, it was observed: that temporary covers installed on two fan / cooler units stored within the contain-ment structure, were fabricated from plywood and plastic sheeting not identified as flame retardant.

Subsequent dis-cussions with LP&L and Ebasco personnel could not confirm that the temporary covers were flame retardant.


It was also observed on September 7,1978, that wooden plank-ing, being utilized as temporary scaffolding by American Bridge within the containment, was not identified as flame retardant wood.

Licensee and contractor investigation confirmed that


the planking was not treated for fire retardancy.

This is an infraction.


Performing Weld Repair of Base Metal Without a Procedure Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 requires that activities affecting quality be prescribed by documented procedures and accomplished in accordance with these procedures.

Contrary to the above:

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On September 6,1978, three welders were observed performing weld repair of base metal for safety related supports in the Waldinger site HVAC fabrication shop.

It was determined by the IE inspector that these activities were being being performed without a procedure.

The Waldinger Site QA Supervisor issued a "Stop-W rk Order" following o

notification of the concern.

Before the end of the inspection on September 8,1978, Waldinger and the Architect Engineer approved Procedure FWP 2.2-6, which controls the weld repair of base metal.

This is an infraction.


Regarding this item of noncompliance, Item B was corrected by the licensee prior to the IE inspector departing the site.

The corrective action was verified by the IE inspector.




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