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Supplemental Deficiency Rept CP-89-21 Re Limitorque Actuator Spring Packs.Initially Reported on 890720.As Part of Generic Ltr 89-10 motor-operated Valve Program,Each Spring Pack Will Be Tested to Verify Performance Trait
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 10/10/1990
From: William Cahill, Walker R
CP-89-21, GL-89-10, TXX-90346, NUDOCS 9010240044
Download: ML20062B103 (2)



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=M Log # TXX-90346 L J File # 10110




907.6 Ref. # 10CFR50.55(e) illELECTRIC October 10, 1990

+ ENul $ U s U. S; Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk

-Washington, D.C. 20555



DOCKET NO.-50-446 LIMITORQUE ACTUATOR' SPRING PACKS SDAR: CP-89-21 (SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT) l REF: TU Electric letter TXX-89649 from William J. Cahill, Jr. to NRC dated September 5, 1989

- Gentlemen:

On July 20, 1989, TV Electric notified the NRC staff of a deficiency involving

Limitorque actuator spring packs which may adversely affect both the torque switch setpoint and MOVs' operability. The Final Report provided by the above .

referenced letter stated that: (1) all safety-related MOVs using the old model 60-600-0022-1 spring pack would be inspected to establish the extent of this deficiency; (2) at least one of each type of spring pack in use at CPSES in

- safety-related MOVs would be inspected to determine the baseline configuration; and (3) correct spring pack configuration data would be verified by Limitorque and incorporated into appropriate maintenance procedures so-that the correct configuration could be maintained.

The above referenced letter further stated that these inspections, in addition to spring pack testing performed to comply with NRC Bulletin 85-03 requirements, would encompass approximately 1/3 of the safety-related Limitorque actuators used at CPSES and would establish the basis for Engineering to determine whether additional spring pack inspections were p warranted.

This letter reports the status of each of the above action items and relates the actions to Unit 2.

p (1) Inspection of the Unit I safety-related MOV model 60 600-0022-1 spring L packs found eleven Belleville washers instead of the required twelve washers in'each of the spring packs. Limitorque advised TV Electric that model 60-600-0022-1 was used when these actuators were ordered Following L placement of the purchase order, and for a one-year. period when these l actuators were constructed by Limitorque, model 60-600-0044-1 was being L

used as a replacement for model 60-600-0022-1. The two models have very L similar performance characteristics, but model 60-600-0044-1 has eleven washers instead of twelve as in model 60 600-0022-1. TV Electric



R confirmed the interchangeability of the tm models and restamped the

+ ,a" affected MOV nameplates to correctly indicate that model 60-600-0044-1 L

  • d '"s spring packs were installed. .rC2.7 0 0 46 j S #; PDC (go o


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O TXX-90346 f Page 2: of 2 (2)'An inspection program for..the Unit 1 Limitorque spring packs was developed-in August 1989. The program was designed to verify the correct spring pack configuration for each spring pack model used in safety related M0V's at CPSES. A total of 22 spring packs were removed, inspected, tested, and reinstalled. The inspection program was completed in December 1989 and no unacceptable configurations were found.

(3) Spring pack configuration data have been provided by Limitorque for each type of. spring pack in use at CPSES. The Unit 1 M0V setpoint control document (M1-2401) now requires that the verified configuration data be used to ensure that spring packs are correctly configured prior to ";

installation into a safety-related MOV actuator. Maintenance procedures '

have been use M1-2401 for setpoint control. The maintenance procedures will be further revised to require washer configuration y L confirmation as established by TXX-89649. j At_this time there is no. reason to believe that any Unit 2 spring packs are unacceptably' configured. Nevertheless, as part of. the NRC Generic Letter (GL) 89-10 MOV Program, each spring pack in Unit 2 will be tested to verify its performance characteristics (preload and stiffness). The Belleville ,

washer configuration will not be disassembled for ins)ection unless the test' '

indicates that there is a problem with the spring pac (. The GL 89-10 program will also verify that MOV nameplates correctly indicate the installed spring

1 L pack model. A Unit 2 MOV setpoint control document similar to M1-2401 will be

. developed and used in conjunction with the appropriate maintenance procedures.

TU Electric has provided-its response-for completing activities associated with GL 89-10 by TXX-89817 dated December 21, 1989.  !

Sincerely 1 I

Y riff William J. Cahill, Jr.

By: M Roger-0. Walker


l Manager of Nuclear Licensing ,

l HAM /cid ,

i c - Mr. R. D. Martin, Region IV  :

Resident Inspectors, CPSES (3) J I

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