2CAN099004, Forwards Response to 900809 Telcon Questions on CEN-386-P Re Extended Burnup,Including Criteria,Methods & Analysis

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Forwards Response to 900809 Telcon Questions on CEN-386-P Re Extended Burnup,Including Criteria,Methods & Analysis
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/1990
From: James Fisicaro
2CAN099004, 2CAN99004, NUDOCS 9009130067
Download: ML20059G690 (9)


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t September-7,s1990L 2CAN099004-U,-S.iNuclear Regulatory Commission

. Document Control Desk Mail Station PI-137 Washington,-DC -20555L



Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 2 Docket No. 50-368

- License.No. NPF Follow-up.to Questions on

- ANO-2 Extended Burnup. Topical Gentlemeni 1

_ AsLa follow-up to-a'teleconference held August 9,1990 between Mr. Carl Beyer.(NRC-Staff' Consultant), the ANO-1 NRR Project Manager, and members?of

.Entergy Operations and ABB Combustion Engineering staffs, attached are applicable references to criteria, methods, and ANO-2 analysis of record

, for the subject ~ areas identified by Mr.L Beyer from the 1985 SER on the original C-E extendedufuel burnup report,- CENPD-269-P, Rev.1-P.

Should you have any further questions, please do not het.itate to contact

, -my office.

. VeryLtruly yours,

,, .h J.?J. Fisicato

-Manager, Licensing 1" ,


-Attachments 1.- cc: Mr. Robert Martin

, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1 Region IV

"-' 611 Ryan. Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011 0 0\


' 9009130067 900907 x i


i PDR ADOCK 05000368 '"

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Page 2 3 < September 7, 1990c "

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'Nt 10 9 .NRC Senior Resident: Inspector li! Arkansas-Nuclear One ANO-1 & 2 Number li Nuclear' Plant Road-y, on" Russellv111e, AR:72801


.Mr'. Thomas W.< Alexion NRR-Project' Manager, Region 11V/ANO-1 LU. S. NuclearLRegulatory Commission NRR Mail Stop 11-B-19 ,

One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville,-Maryland 20852'

Mr. Chester-Poslusny NRR Project Manager,
Region IV/AN0-2

- V. S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission

.NRR Mail Stop 11 B-19 One White Flint North ~

11555 Rockville Pike

. Rockville, Maryland 20852 1

l Ms. Greta Dicus Director DivisionofRadIationControl o

and Emergency Management W04- Arkansas Department of, Health

~m 4815 West Markham Street Little Rock, AR; 72201-s.

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-Overheatina of Claddina (SER. Ptae 14) og

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" ', Criteria: As is indicated in Section 3.3.8 of CENPD-269 P, Rev.1-P, the . ..  !

criterion for prevention of fuel failure due Ao cladding overheating' l is that the' limiting fuel rod in the core- not1 experience DNB with  !

- 95% probability at a 95% confidence level.4 Normal operation and moderate frequency events, or anticipated operational occurrences, i

__ are required to meet this criterion.E For limiting faults, or

(' accidents, this criterion may be' exceeded.. In this-event, dose ,

calculations assume as input that fuel pinsL that experience DNB'also


1 i experience cladding failure. .1 Methods: Current methods, for calculating-the potential for DNB use TORC open-channel thermal-hydraulic analysis;(Reference 1), the CE-1 ,

critical heat: flux correlation (References 2- and 3), and simplified

i. TORC and CETOP modeling methods-(References'4 and 5). C-E' methods

- for addressing fuel rod bow, which is dependent on fuel-burnup .

(Reference 6) are_ described >in Section 4.I'.10 of CENPD-269-P, Rev.

P. Fuel rods having burng .1n excess of a threshold burnup are- ,

not: limiting _with regard to potential for DNB. Consequently, only I

- rod bow up to the threshold burnup is included in the DNB

-l assessment. Currently, this threshold burnup is 30 MWD /KgU. '

Analysis: The ANO-2 Cycle.2 reload analysis-(Reference 7) incorporated the i methods-of References l' through_6. Rod bow was updated for.ANO during. Cycle 5:(Reference 8).



j 4 1. CENPD-161-P, " TORC Code, A Computer Code for Detemining the Thermal Margin of a Reactor Core," July,1975.

[ J

'2. CENPD-162-P-A, " Critical Heat' Flux Correlation for C-E Assemblies- )

with Standard Spacer Grids - Part 1, . Uniform Axial Power .  ;

Distribution," April, 1975.

I 3. CENPD-207-P-A, " Critical Heat Flux Correlation for C-E Assemblies l - with Standard Spacer Grids 'Part 2, Nonuniform Axial Power Distribution," December, 1984.

4. -CENPD-206-P, '" TORC Code, Verification and Simplifiel Modeling Methods," January, 1977.

-5. CEN-214(A)-P, "CETOP-D Code. Structure and Modeling Methods for

., AN0-2,: July, 1982.

-6. CENPD-225-P-A, " Fuel and Poison Rod Bowing," June, 1979.

7. D. Trimble (AP&L) to R.C. Clark (NRC), " Cycle 2 Reload Report," Part 1, February'20, 1981 and Part 2, March 5, 1981.
8. CEN-289(A)-P, " Revised Rod Oow Penalties for Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2," December, 1984.

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  • t Criteria /Nethods: Mechanical loading of the' fuel: assembly 41s -addressed in i? -Section 3.3.2 of CCNPD-269-P, Rev.1-P,'which identifies Reference 1: ,

", _ . as'containing specific criteria and methods that-C-E uses for-  ;

a5 evaluating the' seismic /LOCA loading conditions.' .Section 3.3.2 also ,

P, states:that extended burnup; operation does-not affect these analyses A since the criteria are. conservatively based on unirradiated <

L 'T ' "

properties. This information. is still: appropriate. for the. extension- :l g 'of the burnup-limit from 52 to 60 MWD /KgU.- i l!

Analysis: The 'AN0'-2 evaluation of seismic /LOCA loading.is discussed:in Section:

' ~ of the ANO-2 FSAR. The FSAR discussion refers.to results i presented in Reference'1. I y -


- 1. - CENPD-178-P, Rev.11-P, " Structural Analysis of Fuel Assemblies for?

r ~ Seismic and Loss' of Coolant Accident Loading," August; :1981.  ;

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iC1ad[inaRuoture iSER. Paae- 15) and C1addina Balloonina and' t (f, low Blockaae (SES. Paae 17)

L Criteria: There are no, specific design limits associated with cladding-

4 l

- rupture,' or cladding strain and flow blockag4 other than the 10CFR50 Appendix K requirement that the deree cf swelling and incidence of

. rupture not be underestimated. l t-Methods: AsdescribedinCENPD-269,Rev.1-P~(Section4.1.3),theproposed changes to.the C-E ECCS evaluation model implement NUREG-0630 models-

'which explicitly accounts for cladding deformation and rupture,_and-are not restricted by burnup level. These proposed changes have 1

' been incorporated into C-E's approved methodology (Reference 1).

, .St'eady-state fuel: operational' data are burnup dependent, and are provided to the LOCA analysis from the FATES fuel performance code.

L. ,

Analysist. In 1980. plants with operating licenses based on C-E's LOCA methods were evaluated to demonstrate conformance to 10CFR50.46 criteria -i when considering the effect of the NUREG-0630 cladding models.- (For ANO 2, see-FSAR Section Since-its approval, all.

L licensing- submittals requiring LOCA analysis to demonstrate l compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix K have applied the methodology of-E Reference 1. ,


1. CENPD-132, Supplement 3-P-A, " Calculative Methods forl the C-E Large t Break LOCA Evaluation Model for thel Analysis of C-E and W Designed NSSS,". June, 1985.. u i

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Fraonentation of Embrittled Claddina '(SER. Paae'16) -l i.

' Criteria: The most severe occurrence of cladding oxidatiori and possible . l fragmentation due to a design basis accident-is a result of cladding '

oxidation during a LOCA. The acceptance critpria of 10CFR50.46 (peak cladding temperature' less than 2200*F, and peak local j

oxidation.less than 17%)'are applied in the LOCA~ analyses.

Methods: The cladding oxidation model of STRIKIN (Reference 1) is used to determine that the above. criteria are met. It is not affected:by-  ;

extended burnup operation. '

b q. Steady-state fuel operational data are burnup' dependent,-and are . l 4, erovided to the LOCA. analysis from the FATES fuel performance code, j Analysis: For. ANO-2. LOCA analyses demonstrating compliance with these ,

acceptance. criteria are presented:in FSAR Section 6.3.3. )

i J



1. CENPD-135-P, "STRIKIN-II, A Cylindrical Geometry Fuel Rod Heat-Transfer Program," August,1974, and Supplement 2, February,1975.



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Violent Expulsion of Fuel Material ^ ISER Paae 17)'

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% Criteria CEA Ejection Analyses are performed;to cemonstrate compliance with -

m the Reg. Guide 1.77 criterion that averaga enthalpy of the hottest.-

e/ fuel pelletishould not exceed 280 calories /grpm.- Prior to Reg.:

. Guide 1.77, the CEA Ejection Analyses did not' refer to the 280

' calories / gram criterion, but addressed criteria related to-centerline fuel melt described in the Accident Analysis section of.

A the FSAR.

& Methods: Current CEA Ejection Analysis metho6 are described in CENPD-190-A

~ '.j+ (Reference 1). Prior to CENPD-190-A,' the CEA Ejection Analysis!

i methods were described in the Accident Analysis section of the_ FSAR.:

o 6 -

Steady-state fuel operational data are burnup dependent, and are-provided to the CEA Ejection' Analysis from the FATES fuel-performance code.

and CENPD-190-A. Ho - tr, the ANO-2 analysis (FSAR Section 15.1.20)'

did-demonstrate t u -

. rage enthalpy of the hottest fuel- pellet was less thaa ' ' * ' .or, jgram.

The ANO-2. Cycle 2 reload analysis (Reference 2) incorporated CENP-190-A methodology and demonstrated again that the-average enthalpy of'the hottest fuel pellet was less than 280 calories / gram.

Extended burnup fuel is less limit'.ng than low burnup fuel with

. regard to power level. Consequently,' extended burnup fuel is expected to remain well below 280 calories / gram in the CEA Ejection Analysis.


1. CENPD-190-A, "C-E Method for Control Ele..e t Assembly- Ejection Analysis," January, 1976.

2.- D. Trimble (AP&L) to R.C. Clark (NRC), " Cycle 2 Reload Report," Part 1, February 20, 1981 anti Part 2, March 5, 1981.


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'"- 0verheatino of Fuel Pellets- (SERF Paoe 14) .

4 Criteria: Ast indicated in' Section 3.3.8 of' CENPD-269-P,1 Rev.1-P, the .

"", . criterion for prevention of' fuel failure due to overheating of fuel-pellets = is that peak temperature of the fuel phall be less than' that required for melting.1 - Normal operation and m6derate frequency..

events, or anticipated operational occurrences, ~ are _ required-to meet;

this criterion. For limiting faults, or accidents, this criterion t

may be exceeded. -In.this event,. dose calculations- assume that fuel' pins that experience melting also experience cladding-failure. .

Methodst.JAs indicated in Section 4.1.8.a of:CEN-386-P,- the C-E methods for

, calculating the fuel melting temperaturv are_ described in Section 4.1.8 of CENPD-269-P, Rev. 1-P.

Analysis: The ANO-2 Cycle 2 reload analysis (Reference 1)l incorporated the -

above methods.


1. D. Trimble'(AP&L) to R.C. Clark (NRC), " Cycle 2 Reload Report," Part 1, February 20, 1981, and Part 2, March 5, 1981.


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