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Forwards 931108 Application for Renewal of NPDES Permit IL0048151,per Section 3.2 of App B of Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/1993
From: Benes G
To: Martin J
NUDOCS 9312140467
Download: ML20058K194 (104)


. _ _


. C:mm:nwrith Edisin 1400 Opus Placs Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 i i

t t

l December 3,1993 '

l i

t Mr. J. B. Martin l

Regional Administrator, Region lil I

i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 '

1 l


LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 f Renewal of NPDES Permit i

NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 ',

Dear Mr. Martin:

3 t

Commonwealth Edison Company is the holder of National Pollutant Discharge -  !

Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. ILOO48151 for LaSalle County Station. Section 3.2 of Appendix B (Environmental Protection Plan) of Facility Operating Licenses NPF-11 and NPF-18 requires that a copy of the application for renewal of the NPDES permit be provided to the NRC. Enclosed is LaSalle County Station's November 8,1993 application for renewal of NPDES Permit ILOO48151. i Please direct any questions regarding this matter to this office. I' i

t Respectfully, ,

i Su-9 Gary G. Benes EBw  !!

Nuclear Licensing Administrator Enclosure cc: NRC Document Control. Desk 7 i I

A. T. Gody, Jr., Project Manager - NRR l D. Hills, LaSalle Senior Resident inspector - NRC i

aJNPDES.LTR 9312140467 931203 PDR 35 ADDCK 05000373 9 1


f li I

L -

Commonwealth Ed!aon One First Natonal Plaza. Cheago, Illinoes i Adcress Reply to: Post Offee Box 767 Chcago, lihnois 60690 0767 November 8, 1993 CERTIFIED MAII:

Mr. Thomas G. McSwiggin, P. E.

Manager, Permit.Section Division of Water Pollution Control Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 2200 Churchill Road Springfield, Illinois 62706


Renewal of NPDES Permit No. ILOO48151 LaSalle County Generating Station

Dear Mr. McSwiggin:

Commonwealth Edison Company hereby submits two copies of Consolidated Permit Application Forms 1 and 2C for the renewal of the subject permit.

April 22, 1993, As confirmed by your letter dated the only Form 2C--Part V-A pollutants reported are those required by the station's existing NPDES permit, and no '

analytical data is presented for outfalls 001(d)--Cooling Water Intake Screen Backwash (Cooling Pond), 001(f)--Auxiliary Reactor Equipment Cooling and Flushing Water and 002--I111nois River ,

Make-Up Water Intake Screen Backwash.

Pollutant levels for all permit-required parameters were derived from station data reported from August, 1992 thrcugh July, 1993. In most cases, all other pollutant data. only one analysis was conducted for "true" (i. e. All color analyses were performed as i the samples were centrifuged prior to analysis) .

Mass load values were calculated using average flows.

No recent Radwaste Treatment analytical System. data is available for outfall 001(a)--

occurred in June, 1992. The last discharge'from this outfall provided from this single occurrence. Form 2C, Part V-A information is While discharge from this outfall is expected to remain a very infrequent event, we do wish to retain Therefore, the ability to use thin outfall point in the future.

the last permit renewal round have been included. analytical results from While this data is too old to be considered " valid", we believe that the parameter values are still representative of the discharge.

Should this discharge resume on an intermittent barsis in the future, we will provide new Form 2C data for the Agency's review.

1 i


8 l


. .j Form 2C--Part IIB requires descriptions of wastewater .

treatment processes. While outfall.001--Cooling Pond Blowdown, j.

receives no treatment as wastewater, the circulating water is ,

treated with carbon dioxide for scaling control prior to entry  ;

i into the station's main condensers. House service water, which is a subwaste stream of outfall 001, is. treated with sodium  ;

hypochlorite, control.

sodium bromide and polyacrylate for macrofouling >

No chemical treatment is applied to outfall 001(d)--Cooling Water Intake Screen Backwash, 001(f)--Auxiliary Reactor Equipment 3

Cooling and Flushing Water or outfall 002--Illinois-River Make-Up Water Intake Screen Backwash. I

-i Domineralizer Regenerant Wastes (outfall 001(a)) consist of  !

excess sulfuric acid, excess caustic and rinse water used to  ;

regenerate the ion exchange resin beds which supply ultra-pure water required for the generating process. In addition, hydrogen i peroxide is applied for iron removal, as needed, at a rate of ,

i 0.2 gallons per minute. However, due to hydrogen peroxide's I reactivity, it is not expected to be present in the discharge.  !

4 As noted in the permit application, chlorine is applied as a  !

disinfectant to outf all 001(b)--Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent.  !

Anionic and cationic polymers are applied as treatment chemicals  !

I to outf all 001(c)--Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent. In '

addition, a small amount of sulfuric acid or caustic may be used if pH adjustment is required. I i

There also exists the slight possibility that m'small amount I of nitrites may be discharged from outfall 001(c) when the i station's closed cycle bearing cooling water system is drained-for service. This system is treated with 400'ag/L nitrites occurrences of release are expected to be very rare. . In the--

' past, the' system's 5000 gallon holding tank has discharged, at most, once per year. Due to the fact that the system discharges into outfall 001(c) and that nitrites degrade rapidly under aerobic conditions, we believe that the-environmental impact of this discharge is minimal.

1 A dilute organic cleaning solution may be discharged through outfall 001(e)--Radwaste Treatment System Effluent. Due to the small amount used (approx. 5 gallons per month), ane*_ the fact

' that it combines with an average discharge flow hem this cutfall of 0.005 MGD, it is not expected that large amounts of this solution will be present.

" (copies of all pertinent Material Safety Data Sheets .(MSDSs) have been included in this submittal).

- _ -- . - - - - . . - , , , , - r - - #4,-v--a= +

9 l

l I

I We have voluntarily elected to perform polychlorinated {

biphenyl (PCB) aroclor screenings of all wastewater discharge points as part of our NPDES permit renewal' sampling program.

(Analytical data is presented under Part V-C--Pesticides). While  ;

we do not expect any PCBs to be present in any of these outfalls, we felt that this screening would provide definitive information I to justify our belief and provide evidence that we are in full i compliance with all NPDES regulations in this regard. '

If there are any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Ms. Julia Wozniak of my staff at (312) 394-4468.

Sincerely, f ,? i v/

Jeffrey P. Smith Supervisor of Water Quality ,

Attachments (2 copies) 1scaper.ltr -

jpw/jps/dc i

i l


I 1

We have voluntarily elected to perform'polychlorinated f biphenyl (PCB) aroclor screenings of all wastewater discharge points as part of our NPDES permit renewal sampling program. j (Analytical data is presented under Part V-C--Pesticides). While [

we do not expect any PCBs to be present in any of these outfalls, i we felt that this screening would provide definitive information i to justify our belief and provide evidence that we are in full compliance with all NPDES regulations in this regard.

If there are any questions regarding this submittal, please  !

contact Ms. Julia Wozniak of my staff at (312) 394-4468.  ;

lincerely, l

[/1 l r .

off P. Smith Supervisor of Water Quality Attachments (2 copies) j i

bec: J. V. Schmeltz P. T. Nottingham  ;

R. H. Varju J. P. Wozniak (2 copies) .:

Director of Nuclear Licensing  ;

Files W-01-PER-H2 l

i 1sesper.ltr l jpw/jps/dc - 1



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- If a proprenend ambel has hans emmedstad, eNim 4 a 3, ,,,, gg,,,,ggg ,,,,, % gg, m sJil'. FACILITY'N AMg \ etsen carefully;if any of M is inserumus, mese i N N ' N N ' t throush st aese enter the carrest aisle as the 4  !

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Comp 6ete A through J to determine sehether you need to euhmit any pefmn opptitetion feriesesy to the EP 1 quettens, you must submrt this form and the supplemental form listed in the paresenhesis fousanns the tusenesi. Markeen "X"Ist the j if the supplemental form is etteched. If you ansmer no" to each question, you need not submit arry ofettythese f j is escluded from permet rooveements see Section C of the instructions. See sien, Section D of the instruc'nons for def

C OutsTsons _ ...


, ,,, g ,, g opgesyse eggsysosee

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A. Is tne facskey a pushsey oumed treensnent werem

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S. Does er well this amonesty fama enasseur er pressemag waeen JORM resvers 2Al an a damaharse to waters of the UA7 I inseues e annemesend ambud % emmenen or assade ensand produtsen fasetsy wh6en resures h e I samshares no numamse of Wie U.S.? IFORM 25) j C. is tnis a tecmtv wnsen currentiv resuits en o"--- ,, ,,

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in A or # eDosw/ svhiset enil result in a sAmminergs to '

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tesnine, evithin one guerter meio of the esset tuore, i,.. c.,o you or w... ,,

vou ene.ct et th.s eny ora-- undurround m s of drinkins issuer? (FORM 4) ,, , ,

weier or other fluids wnsen are brouent to the surface H. Do you er will yees iniset et this facielty fluids ter spo.

.n connection with conventeonet oil or nature 4 ses pro.

duction ensect fausde used for enhanced recovery of ad geroemas suh as W of sueur try the Fnmen 1 , , . pressus, so6ution mining of menerets, in estu comense, ost or natural gas, or mPact fluses for storees of liciusd g hydrocarbons? (FORM dl tien of M M or recovery of geomermed energy?


Is this f acent, a proc __-_-j 1_ _7 , , , , , ,, (NMM

_ es one of the 28 enoustries estegories fested in the m- J. is this % Z, e pronomes sugusgary seusse r. ". as ,, ,, ,

structions and wheen weas potentesley emrt 100 tona NOT one of the 28 industrial essagersus itsend in the per veer of any air pollutant roeutetod under the 1 inserusatons and awhich will poesntan6ty emot 250 tems Cleon Aer Act and mov effect or be located in en per year of any ear poHusent reevested unster the Clean K rets6nrient erse7 (FORM 5) Air Act asesi may effect or tue toested in en egentement

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  • 8 5 - ST ATE O = OTHER ispectry; l l A 312' 394* 44'35' e PRiv ATE i .. .. .. .. ..

1 E. sTasst on e o. som i i i i . . i i i i i i i i 6 i i i i i i i i a e i i e i P. O. BOX 767 - ENV. SERVICES DEPT.

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9 lNI t ILOO48151 IgipI l l .i..n.t .. ,. . i .. i . . i . . .

a. usc it:nderground inacnon of flusdst l E. OTns n ispecufyl  ;

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i Attrcn to this appucation a topographic map of the area extending to at least one male beyond property boundenes. The map must shour l the outhne of the fachty, the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge structures, each of its hazardous weete {

treatment, storage, or disoosal incalities, and each well where it injects fluids unoerground include all springs, revers and other surfeos j water bodies m the map aros. See instructions for preose requirements. , l 4


1 4

I I certsty unorr peneMy of low that I how personauy examoned and am familier wrth the informenon submitted in this a0ptication and all strachments and that, based as my inquiry of thour persons smmediately reaponenbde for obamming the informenon contained in the applocation, I beliew that the informenon is true, accurr's and compsete. I am senere that there are significant penatoen for submrttmr false information, including the possrbility of fine arv. nonsonment.


a. Manas a or e sc s A L T sT LE trype or prints tD. NATung C. D A St NED Robert J. Manning Senior Vice President V f

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I EPA Forrn 36101 (Rev.10 aCl Reseres j l

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Joars n,< as #7 31-85 FORM u 5 s.N vanoMM a m t no emot acTsom asanc y , q A APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEW, @

       &p M        g                           EXISTING MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL, MINING AND SILVICUs. URAL OPERATIONS HPoEs                                                                              Consolidateo Permits Procram                                                                   l I

For esen outtaH. hst the natitvoe and lonostuce of its socation to the nearest 15 seconos ano tr*e narne of the receivmo water. a o,ugggyu i s. ca r,vuor i c. comoirvoc { ar, ... .. , , ,,,,,

                                                 . . . .       ...          ..          ..e 001                 41                           '


                       ,                  18       30                          40       00       Illinois River 001 (a)             41            18       30        88                40       00       Illinois River 001 (b)             41            18       30        88                40       00    . Illinois River i

I 001 (C) 41 18 30 88 40 00 I Illinois River 001 (d) 41 18 i 30 88 40 00 - Illinois River 001 (e) 41 18 30 88 40 00 Illinois River MN N N M' h M $l fb"h N A. Attaen a une craw,ng snowing tne water tiow throuan the tecnhty. Incicate sourtzs of entake water, operateons contrtDuting weetsweter to the effluent ano treatment units sapeise to correspono to tne rnore oetaiseo cescriptions m item 6. Construct a water baiance on tne sme crevang by showmg sworegr tiows cerwoon antaass, operations, treatment units, and outfans. If a water basans cannot be ootermmed, for certain mmarse acarr/ pas /, proinde a pictorial oescription of the nature ano amount of any sources of water and any collectson or treatment rnessures. B. F or eacn outteil. provios a oescription of: (1) AH operations contributmq wesewer to the ettfuent, mctuomg process _ _ , sonstarv A._

oonnq werer, ano storm water runotf; (2) The average flow contributeo by esen operetson; ano (3) The treatment recorvec by the on socitionai sneets if necessary. _ -. . Conteren 1 Cuv. l . ope n a TsoNISI CoNTateUTING Flow 3 TataTMENT
  .Ir M                     e one = aTsom ours                          ^"","^6,",,',7,*
                                                                                  ,,                          ..orsenmTion                                                              '

001 Cooling Pond 810wdown (Condenser 36,83 MGD f *r'aEU* .$ "* Evaporative Heat Dissipation, I-I l Cooling hter House Service hter l Discharge to Surface Water 4-A l Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent, I Radweste Treatment System Effluent. l Desineralizer Regenerant Wastes, l l hstewater Treatment System Effluent! l l Auxiliary Reactor Equipment Cooling l l l Water, Cooling Pond Intake Screen l l l Backwash, North Site Uncontaminated l l l

               ; Stors Runoff, South Site Uncontaminated l

l Stors Runoff). l ) l 001(a)l Desineralizer Regenerant hstes 0.1018 NGD Equalization, Buffering with Cir- II II

              ) (Make-up Desineralizer Regenerant                                                 culating    Water or Neutralization,                                          2K Waste, Off-Specification Desineralizfd                                          Treatment in Wastewater                          II Water, Demineralized Maintenance l Wastewater, Unit I Waterbox
              ! Vacuus Pump C-seensate (Lake Water) l lRadwesteTreatmentAcid/ Caustic                     l l

j Syst in Drains) l l I i I i l ore scsac usa oncy settbant enaaeunas emo-caseroness

  "ONTifuuF D F AOM THF F AONT C. Escs>ot for sucrm runott, seems, or souls.ers any of the cisenaryes ossenora in stems si-A cr S intsimstrent or seasonal?
,                  } vts ocomosene ths toucavene sesses                                                                     :No too to Sectson lill

! j

3. FR EQU ENCY l 4. FLOW 8

1.CUTFALL .a. F Lo uir R A T E u. T OT A L v 0 LUM E 8

2. OPER ATIONIE/ a.DAvs D. na o w TM s -

tspecsfy austfi aansta A NUMCER CONTRIBUTING F3 OW Pan wa rst PrnvsAn

                                                                                                                                      #en wied A                                                              c. Du n-      '

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           "3'l                                  (list /                             !   deperary                                                                                      "****"                ATiOm -

i I acerone, i a'8 pre,st', vena e i

                                                                                                                             "==*==               *****


                                                                                                                                                                    ."m (see as*as 001(e)                   Unit I and 2 Radwaste Treatment                            1*              1*                  0.0075             0.0075* 8 7500 gal
  • 7500 gal
  • 1 System Effluent I
                            *(data from last discharge. in June 1992) i i

i , I i r i i

                                                                                                    !                l                                        l                    I A Does an etttuent ca neime umstanon promuigateo bv EPA unoer Section 304 of the Clean Water Act appey to your facsuty/

1 v Es scomowre item Ill as nO too en sectson AVs B. Are tne vomstations in the appucaolo ettluent guioenme empressoa in terms of proouction for oger measure of coersoons? um es ome.ese term til-C8 .,_ NO rso no bretsen IVD C it vou answerec 'ves ' to item fil.B list the cuantsty which represents an actual measurement of your level of production. expressed an the terms enc uruts f asa en the appHcaDee ettluent gusceline. and moscate the affectec outtails 1 AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION J 2.AFFECTED im........... . ......, ... .. c............... .......... ., . OuTFA Los

                                                                     !                                         *spres fy t                                                              'iset Oustati num berup N/A                                    N/A                                       N/A                                                                                           N/A i

e A. Are vou now reovered by any Federet, State or tocal authonty to meet any smolementation schedule for tne construction, upgredmg or operateen of weste.

  • ster t<catment coueoment or practices or any other environmental programs wnsen may affect,me e,senerges oesenbod m emis appucesson? TNs metunes.

Out is not

        >r saan      hmited to. C.ermit concitsons. 40mmestrative or enforcement croers. enforcement comphance Schedude letters. stipuistoons, court ortlers, and great conostoons.                                 , g , g,,, pi,,, ys, g,u,,,,, ,,,,, ,


e. .iex. ... =.....j g ga _ ,

i i N/A N/A N/A i l i I B, CPTION A L, "eu may ettaen ockset.onas sneers oescriomq any socitional water poteutson contros programs for other enreronmenaf serefec1r suest*nneF affect

      ,our piannec o,senarpass scheoutes you    now nave unoorwey or emien you oten. snoicate wnether escri program es now unoorney of pionned, ano enoecote your aesuel or for constructsorb


nen u. n u.cosa. con > orom mm , e, a om a. s ~~ *.n,* =a sassa or evo. .n en. on naa o .reas on.v ILD000803643

f. onas l

u.a. e a v. . am ea6e=erseview a.ame, . C g/,,, a appucarpoorpour assors g _EXISTINEMANUPALTURNNI;CENAGEfttAL.MINNNFAND EBLVICUL6-stasrankfunt Consunddersef Perwer.",.-....

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001(b) l Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent I 0.0228 MGD l Equalization.ActivatedSludge. l x-I l 3-A l l Sedimentation. l l l lI-U l Sedissentation Disinfection. l 1-U l2-F j l l l Sludge to Aerobic Digestion.. l 5-A l l Drying Beds. On-Site Storage 5-H l I-I { I l l l I i l I I I l 001(c) ; Wastewater Treatment System Effluent l 0.018 MGD l Gil/hter Separation, g I-T g

                       > (Turbine Building Fire and Miscellaneous                                             l Oil /hter Separation.                                                l I-I         l Nonradioactive Waste Sime.                    '

l Equalization. Coagulation l I-I l 2-) Demineralfier Make-up Water Filter i l Flocculation. Sedimentation. l 1-G ll-U l Backwash. Diesel Fuel Stoarge l l Multimedia Filtration. l l-Q l l and Service Water Building Susso. l l Sludge to Drying Beds, l 5-H 1 l Auxiliary Boiler Blowdown. l On-Site Storage l I-I Demineralizer Rm.; rant Waste. I l l Water Sof tener Regenerant Waste). l l l l l I I I I l l l 001(d)l Cooling Water Intate Screen l l Screening g 1-1 g

                   ! Backwash (Cooling Pond)                        j g

g g i I l l l i I 001(e] Unit I and 2 Radwaste Treatament l l0.0050MGD** Fabric Filtration or tvaporation, g.g gp lSystemEffluent

                                                             # # l(Yalue froe                             l Equalization or Evaporation,                                          g A-A               4-t l (Equipment drains in the Turbine               l previous permit                      llonExchange.lonExchange                                                g z-d               z-J l Building. Auxiliary Building and               j application)                                Equalization. Recycle Reuse of                                          A-A          4-L l Reactor Building. Floor Drains in [                                                          Treated Effluent g              g
                  } the Turbine Building. Raowaste Building l                                                                      g l Auxiliary Building and Reactor                l l


                 ! Building. EMnsate Polisher Wastes l                                                                       g l from the Turbine Building; Decontamination

l and Laundry Maste l g l l { l i i i i l i I

   ..  ............,,......                       .........-...                                                                                                                 J              l          .

sea so- m o. v esi

1* .,n ..u. a. = can.c.,ynr.m e m ,o, ,. - , * -= a.or asssas e eat or evos sa me uawumma erums on,, paans ILD000803643 O_7u

  • sp p . 'arr ^ u.a. e =via r . _ . , a m - _ . -. . - .asse, apruoavsourpour pumarrTaasuusenses naarannvan i
                    @                  ,              , EXIST 1NSMMRAFACTURgggg twinanammes a e nasasssamaasn gLyggggg, Conmemensa permars hoorer, j       ..our I                        2 * * * " ' " * "  ' C O "'" '
  • U "" * ' L o w I a. vosa vsee ne .
      '*II,N                       .. oes =aeso esass                                 l*^",,*"**",',,',*"
                                                                                                    , , ,                           .. os c .,,,..                f T ,**,98j"*"    .

001(f) e Auxiliary Reactor Equipment _ l Evaporative Heat Dissipation l K-I l l Cooling and Flushing Water l l l l

I i i I 1

l l 4 002 Illinois River Make-Up Water l Screening. Discharge to Surface l 1-T l 4-A Intake Screen Backwesh l Water l l i l l l

I I l 1

I ., l l l i l l l , l l l l , 1 l l 1 l  ! l I I , l

                !                                                                 I                                                                               I            l l                                                                 l
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              !                                                                 l                             l                                                  l            l 1

l l

              '                                                                i o ... .. ... o           . ..,,.... . .              . . ~ . . . , . . .

l l EPA Form 3510-2C (Rev. 2 86) e a e c- .a- .r .._ ^*'" " ----

                                                                                                                                          ----]            __
 , .                                                                                                                                                   .>rm ,,coroveo g.pA e.o. nuustn ocopy trom stem a ur f orm t o s                      ;MB tio 20404086 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 A. B. & C: Les enstructions oefore proceeoing - Comoiete one set of taoles for eacn outtatt - Annotare the outtall numoer m the soace proveceo.

NOTE: Tabies V.A. V B. ano V-C are mcruaro on seoarate snects numoerea V.1 througn V-9. i D Use tne soace Deiow to sist any of tne posiutants testeo m Table 2c 3 of the instructions, wnicn you know or nove reason to beneve as ursenaroeo or may De J a.scnargeo from any outtail. For every poHutant you sist. Driefly cescrioe tne reasons you beierve st to be present ano report any analytical cata en yout 4 Dossession. I 2 ' PO LL UT a N T - sOURct i poLLufANT I . SOURCE d ? i H/A N/A 4 i 1 l l l .I i l l

                                                                                                               .                                                                                     1 l

d i l is any ponutant sisteo in stem V-C a suostance or a component of a substance wnsen you currentry use or manuracture as an intermooiste or final proouct or byproduct? T vgo that en suen coautants attown T mo tso no item VI-Bb 4 4 6 1 I


, N/A




i I i f l J i l i t i i i t a  ;




EPA Form 3510-2C (Rev. 2 85) P AGE 3 Cr a CONTINUE ON REVERSE


           . . . . _ . _ . _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . .                                                                                     .M i

1 , 00 vou neve any etnomneogo or receon to boicwe tiet sny osonogicas t%st for acute or cntonic scascaty nas poen moos on env of your cancharges or on s ] eceeving wat*r in reistoon to your Erscharge witnen the Rs13 veers? j

vts ennenrefv ihr restens ana descesbe these cuenoses briows (No tea to Seetson VT!!b
  • i j

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) 4 J e i l l l l

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i l 2 q l ' l

                 ..ere any of tne aneivses reoortec'en 6 tem V oertorrnea Oy a contract saporatory or consusting term?

l' v s s elast the name. audress. anu retronone numser or. .and poolutan ts . No eso 80 becewn LXI a anamra kv. sacn nuen naoororoev ne rurws ortown a %AME g AQOgggg 6. T E LE P H O N E U. FR bbW T AN T E AN A Lv Z ED ,

                                                                                                                                             'orre root at .o rs #                         ersf e EP:S Heritage Laboratories. Inc.                                            1319 Harquette Drive                              (815) 378-1600              All Outfalls:

Romeoville. Illinois 60441-4054 Radioactivity { .l i a j i l l l l i ) 1 i i 1 i, 4 IX. CE RTIFICA TION i a i cecrity unoer pensolv re ow ahet this cocument ena sit attachments were prevered unoer my arreCroon or supervossen on ectorcance worn a system oesignec to ! assure ther custofordpersonneraroverty gather sna rvatuste the ontormation submarred. Besoc on mv eneurry of the nerson er persons who manage une s ystem or inose persons offeCilv responsible for gatherong Ene informstron. tne entormstron submittedIs. to Ene best of my knowoedge gnobeforf. True. OCCurate. and Comotete. i om eware snat there are sognitocent pensstres for submityg terse mtormaroon. oncrucong the possobrirty of tone enc omprisonment for snowar>g vuototrons.

                  . . . c . o r e , c . r i r u . , w.. . ., . . ,

q' - g o. . o e o .a r ,,o, . .. . . . Robert J.14anning y , , Senior Vice President (18 '

                                                                                                        !     74 -           ,        // /Gk ! (312) 39h-2901
                                                                                                   'a f e s ec, = a v u a r                                                                                       I           /              o oave sinuto                                                   j
                                                                                                   ,                                                                                                                  l
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4 l EPA Form 3510 2C (Flev. 2 851 *actsora ii ^

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lasalle Station . Cooling Pond Blowdown

                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~ i o nuM us u ,,   ..o., tr.;m ri.:,. s or vorm i l'lE ASE PitINI Ofi I yl'l If a iHL hrOH ALJL O AHL A5 OfJt Y Y u.e ni.n H poe I wme                                                             ..e .sH id pp,,,,4,,,,,,,,,

thes infoemat.on on seper.He sl. eels fuse the serp.< forntar1 ensteJef ni cumptermg th se pa pes St t INS 19tt tC1 trMJS Ill1000803643 rw8

  • 1mo ms9 Amve' * *swe s 9 2 J I 8 5 uu s e AL t. No V. lNJAKE AND E FF L UENT CH AR ACTE RISilCS kontmued from page .7 of Fr><.n 2 C1 001 l

l PART A You must provide the results of at least one analysts for every pullutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfaff. See instructions for additional details. 2 E F Ft_ tj E N T 3. If NITS 4 IN T A M E (optremalt I. Q' t. UTANT e mea n0MteM onet y vatus b iiani {sgv vaLui TWWyMdg'VAEUE _. terwr, er bsmH g ,, _ , u._me ..!-...

                                                                                                  . . . . . eL . . ..                ul -. ..           - . eL . ,.-                  o f - ...        ~""-             V- a"=                " ~ ~ ~      . . . . r, '. . . ...               ul - ..            ~ " " '
e. 6cet
       &              Uemend l       (.       C*'                           .                                     _                                             .-

n Demend

c. Tant Orsen6c coresen (70C3
8. Tstet ev.pende.8 - - .


s. Ammero (es us v an ut v m s' u t vatut vatut
f. RW. 61.68 51.45 36.83 365 ItGD v^'"'-

g.T.,a, . e,,,, u vre 5.90 3.50 2.75 365 *C V a t tit V altiL VaLuL 7;,T N '"

           ,                                              33.05                                                  30.69                                    27.66                                          365                            'C vaLUL
b. MSNtMifM Ma ntMuM MONtMuM M a M 0 mum e pH, 77 8.7 7.7 8.7 52 ST AND ARD UNITS
p. which le limited either ditoctfy. or indirectly txe agressly. in en oNIuent limitotions Guideline.You must 5


i. columia 2e, you must provide quantitative dote or en e9 enetion of their presence in your discherge. Complete one table for each outfell. See the snetructione for addit 6onal dete e

g a. n;mseet 'a

3. EFFt.U E'N T a. UNITS 5. TNT AKE (opshmai)

C O. ,e,y b,yy e. Maxemeuhe pasLv vaLuz b. M a n tegegogyvaLut c.LONG Tygg. Y ALL,E 4 go o,. 4Long T4sv

                                   , , , , ,         ,,,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                g ,,,

(fr ese; n .. . . . . ,,,,,l',8,,,,,,, pl -e.. , ,,,, , t,l. ,,,,, bl.... ,,,,,,l',,,,,,,,, vi-... a n n L. veea . " a , 'o " b Mass a se m a .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 , ,,,, , !,'J. . ,,,,,             of ...                   yeae a premhse fassee<,7 e,                    I                         0.5                       153.58                                                                                                                     I og/l              Ib/ day               0.5                                                           1
b. Chlorine, __

totes gei I 0.14 43.00 4 og/1 lb/ day 0.21 4 a.cygt I 18 I Pt-Co 25 1 ej

  • f.f, ...


                                ..                . . +        *-               .     - . - . -          - - . . - , - . .                        , .         . -  .

fi e I 0.50 153.58 1 ag/l Ib/ day 0.32 1

f. N8erece--

tioque ppe N) I 0.45 138.22 I ag/l Ib/ day 3.76 1 EPA Form 3510 2C (Rev. 2 85) P AG E V CONTINUE ON REVERSE

g . . . . ITEM V tl CONilNtif D $ imM f HON T

3. POLg.Uy. 8 MAKM 'A' 3. EF FLUENT 4. U NIT 3 5. INT AME (oprimerff CTDNET yIg 4.,Q,, o e. unatuuM D Alt.T V ALut D " A"'%,$%,Y V 3'LU'l N EEUI~ .g e p
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,                                                                        , @% Q'y                                            u             y tv =*w                            --        -*   . .. . . f,i. . . ..                    i.i ...                . . . . DJ. . , ..       i....                 . . . , t!,, ,,.                i,i ...           yuo            ==a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . . . . E! . ...                          ..i        ...               yeeo ew ore ng                 I                   1.6                            491.46                                                                                                                         I          ag/l                     Ib/ day                                    1.1                                                             1 le NI
a. n w.e

("yh [f'ay I 0.08 24.57 I ag/l Ib/ day 0.41 1 l.nesseeetwey I11 Alpbe. Yew I <3 I pCl/l Ib/ day <3 I (21 Sete. Tow I 5.5 pCl/l Ib/ day 1 <4 I O meetum, T** I (1.0 1 pCi/l Ib/ day <l.0 I p radium ate. Totes I (1.0 1 pCi/I ib/ day ( 1.0 I si. 9= ween d

                                        "enes ti                      '7e el        I               98                              30.101.9                                                                                                                          I          ag/l                     Ib/ day                                        55                                                          1 L Sulfide fee #1                                         I

. I stenose al _ _ . - - . . . _ - . - . . - . - . . . _ .-- - .- . . . - . - . e.eurfectente I <0.01 <21.50 I ag/l Ib/ day <0.G7 I a Ahasselnum. [,*,*,,',,,, I 0.4 122.86 1 mg/l Ib/ day 1.9 1

                                       ,T,**     , 3,                       I                 <0.1                            (30.71 .                                                                                                                         I           ag/l                     Ib/ day                                       0.2                                                         1 t,ogedm,                             I                 0.11                           52.22                                                                                                                             1           mg/l                     Ib/ day                                       0.11                                                        1
f. GeheIL 7,'W I <0.05 (15.36 I mg/l Ib/ day <0.05 1
  • teen. Totet

[yessee e3 I 0.33 101.36 I mg/l Ib/ day 2.08 I s --- . T*W I 35.4 10,873.5 I ag/l Ib/ day 22.4 I (743s 98 4) __ --_ _ . . . - - - __ -. . - - - - u_ _. , _ _- _ . _ . - Teene I <0.2 (61.43 I ag/l Ib/ day <0.2 1 tress se il__ g , ,,' i I <0.03 <9.21 I ag/l Ib/ day 0.07 1

e. Ten. Teest (74 etat-si I <0.8 (245.73 1 mg/l Ib/ day (0.8 1
s. Yleenham, f***' I <0.8 (245.73 I ag/l Ib/ day <0.8 1 (7440 334)
j. EPA Form 3510-2C (Mov. 2 85) """'I " * " # #" Y'3 i

Cooling I'ond . . Blowdown trA e o auust n chiitr'om frem J of Form #; ouir ALT riuuu't u o.e m Appro.ed CONitNtflD F 7 TOM P AGE 3 OF F 084M 2 C 11D000803643 001 U"3 *o N W5 9 dPP'" or e peres 72 3 r s$ l' ART C - if you ere a primary indusery and this ouiteticontems process westeaeter. :efer to f abis 2c-2 in the instructions to determine which of the GC/Ms frecieons you must test for Mark X"in 2 e for all such GC /MS fractions that opply to your industry and for ALL tousc metals, cyonidos. and totalphenots if you are not required to mark column 2 e(secondary industries, nonpsoce westoweter ourforts. end nonregterred GC/MS frectronsl, mark **Xin column 2 b f or each pollutent you know or have reeson to behave is present Mark X"in column 2 e for each postutent y believe is absent if you merk column 2e for any pollutent. you must provede the to suits of et least one snelysis for that pollutant if you merk column 2b for any pollut ent, you must provide the of et least one enetysis for that pollutant if you know or have reesen to beheve et wot be descharged m concenuations of 10 ppb or greater. If you mark column 2b for acrotem, scryto t dinitrophenol, or 2-methyt 4,6 dinitrophenol. you must provide the results of et least one snelysis for each of these pollutants whech you know or have ressort to believe that you disch ccficentrations of 100 ppb or greeier Otherwise. for pollutents for wtnch you mark column must either submit et toast one enetysis or bristly describe the reasons the pollutantis espected to be discharged Note that there are 7 pages to this part, please review each carefully Complete one tobte(ett 7 peges) for each outteil See instructions for additional details and requirements I. LLtJTANT a.uann*x* 3. ErrtutHT 4. UNITS 5. INT AM E foprioereif E *!JJ' I. * *d.01. *"""'"""**'"""" """NI N N * * " NEI "

                                       .g W                                                                                                                                                                                                            4 "u , .' ecoacan filmessiew                                              **
                                                                  . . J. w ,,, , j,'),, , , ,,,,,             so ....                       , ,,, , , j, ), , , ,,,
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vses RAWMLS, CYANIDE, AND TOTAL PHENOLS h.fg",$"$o, a <0.5 (153.58 I ag/l Ib/ day <0,5 1 f,

                  'a"s"h' **'            X                                       0.003                  0.921                                                                                                                                                   I   sig/l                  Ib/ day                         0.002                                                       1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~_                     . . _ _ _ _

Iir) Wo. X <0. <3.01 1 og/l Ib/ day <0.01 1

     '",,,((,%3 ,,                     I                                        <0.0002                <0.0614                                                                                                                                                 1 mg/l                  Ib/ day                        0.0006                                                       3 47 3)        X                                       0.003                   0.921                                                                                                                                                  I     ag/l                  Ib/ day                        0.004                                                       3
                     .if               x                                       <0.002                  (0.614                                                                                                                                                 1 ag/l                    Ib/ day                        0.009                                                       I
          %                            x                                       <0.003                  (1.536                                                                                                                                                 1 og/l                    Ib/ day                        <0.005

__ 1 _ . _ . ~ _ __ . _ . h*8 ',y. Totei I <0.00005 <0.on'$e I 0.00039 ag/l Ib/ day 1 y, **' . _ . 1.2286 f 0.004 _X _ 1 mg/l Ib/ day 0.010 1 2 S2p I <0.001 (0.301 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 7 I ag/l Ib/ day <0.001 1 mee f,%s 0.2150 0.0001 X I ag/l Ib/ day (0.0006 1 t 2u. Theemm. <0.301 Tew 0940 as os I <0.001 I sig/l Ib/ day <0.001 1 l,%zg,me' X <0.02 <6.14 I agh Ib/ day 0.05 1 i ees. cyenso.. .1 I <0.006 <2.457 toeot {pa st 4 ,,jrI lb/ day <0.006 4 i

                                                                                                    <l.536 f***.

I <0.005 4 (0.005 agi/1 lb/ day 4 . 2,3,7,B.7,ers osecnesanasutis . shlorossemento P- g ' Dieuln f17940t el i f EPA Forwt 3510 2C (Rev. 2-96l PAGEV.3 CONTINUE ON REVERSE

g . . . . cONTINtlE D F HOM THE F HONT 1.POLLUTCMT a. mann n- ~

3. EF FLUENT 4. UNITS 5. INT AM E poprioneff Ef4 MSS  :.:r ". :: .J.m a =a =ua na v a'um " ""i0 510'/# ""' . conc ~ , , , , , , _aM&'inVa" dug g?

ore ..w, 3  ::n .=, , ,,,, , e) , ,,,,,, i.i.... , ,,,, , t),, , , ,,,, .. ... ** "".AWX5Mrf"..".

                                                                                                                                     ,,,,,f,,,,_ i,.         v . '7's. mav'oa o'                     i.g,, n--              i,i ...       v.e.

GCJteS FR ACTION -VOLATELE COMPOUNDS . x <100 <30.716 1 og/l Ib/ day (100 1

,',V ,^y*,"
                                                - . ~ .                                                                                                     -         . _ . . . .           . - _ . . _ .              - . . . _ - . _ _

3v. Acrytonftrete X <100 00.726 ug/l Ib/ day (100 I (ty121) 1 sv. mennene (71-48 1' I <5 (1.536 I ug/l Ib/ day <5 1 ev. (.ie tonsoro. m eenyr; seer g is434811 Sv. eremotorm (7s se si I (5 <1.536 I ug/l Ib/ day <5 1 ev. Corben 7 "',*7,'"

,                        I                   (5                 <l.536                                                                                        I       ug/l                    Ib/ day              <5                                 1 Fv. cheer.nennene (tos ee 71               X                   (5                 <l.536                                                                                        I       ug/l                    Ib/ day              45                                 1 ev. Chlorods-X                   <5                  <l.536                                                                                        1       og/l                    Ib/ day              <5                                 1 ov, chaereethene (7s4641                 I                   <10                 <3.072                                                                                        I       ug/l                    Ib/ day           (10                                   I tov. s nos o-og/l                   Ib/ day
$          8 '**'

3 I <10 <3.072 1 <10 1 11v. cheeretorm L7404) X ($ <l.536 1 og/l Ib/ day <5 1 tav. otshooro-N I <5 <l.536 1 og/l Ib/ day <5 1 III-II4 - _ __ . ___ _ tav. Olsbloro-

  • effhseremechene 3 (75 71 49 14V.1.1-Olchloro-eihene ps-344ts I (5 <1.536 1 og/l Ib/ day <5 1 tev, t.ssolchsore.

g lje74e4) X (5 <l.536 1 ug/l Ib/ day <5 1 t#V.1.IDechloro; eevieng (7s se 41 X <5 <l.536 1 og/l Ib/ day <5 1 17V.1 Diehlero- Ib/ day <5 (?p47 el I (5 <1.536 1 og/l 1 ter.11aesseme-psyves9 pes M48 I (5 (1.536 I seg/l Ib/ day <5 1 tev. E mysbeneene gloseg4: '- X <5 <l.536 1 og/l Ib/ day (5 I sov,ase m ys

  • e q l740sel I (10 <3.012 1 og/l Ib/ day (10 I siv'. hvi Ib/ day (10 Cheeries g74 a7 3) I (10 <3.072 1 ug/l 1 epa Form 3610 2C (Mev. 2 est PAogv.a CONTINUE ON PAGE V


                                                                                                                                                                              ..................,                                       ,,.                ...,,....a,       u t. . i - . i       e. o e i .. .                                                '- '                                                                          6                 .

CON IINt16 Ie & 640M PAGE V .4 I1D0008030643 00I ""^'d- *'"-' Anne.W e.".ruo g rJ H w I. POLLUTANT a m a n.i a - AND C AS a t. t f L e s L N T 4 UNITS b 5 IN T A M E (.,pra.=wl; N U M ZE ft

  • l,1 l' ','. M , h *','. f MAm!uug past, yatut u n n eu t)u,,, s,$M,y s a t
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e,s ... vsas OCAAS FC ACTION ~ VOL ATILE COMPOUNOS ag,.iro. ._.o , 22v. u2thvien. - - - - -- - - - -- -- - chio,ide 17s ce 2: I (5 <1.536 1 ug/l Ib/ day -<5 1 23V.1.1,2.2 Tetra - - lEQ'"* I <5 <l.536 1 ug/l Ib/ day <5 1 2tV. Tttrechloro __ _ ethvten star.1e 4: I <5 <l.536 I ug/l Ib/ day <5 1 26V. Tohsene - (tosas si I <5 <1.536 1 ug/l Ib/ day <5 1 20V.1.2 - T r ens ~ ~ ~

             ,D,'d*, ,jjhY'*"*                                        I                                            <5                                        <1.536                                                                                                                                                               I        ug/l                   Ib/ day                                       <5                                     1 2 7 V.1.1.1 - T r 4 jy,'*g')f**                                                    I                                            (5                                        <1.536                                                                                                                                                               I        ug/l                    Ib/ day                                      <5                                     1 28V 1.1.2 Tst jyyy'"'                                                        I                                            <5                                        <l.536                                                                                                                                                               1        ug/l                   Ib/ day                                       (5                                    I 29V. Talch8ero-
thvien. gip os e I <5 <l.536 1 ug/l Ib/ day <5 I 3oV. Trichtoeo-theorometitane g (76-est) __

31V. vin I chiorio.[rs os ai X (10 <3.072 1 ug/l Ib/ day <10 1 GCAS FftACTION - ACID COMPOUNDS ~ ~ - ~ 1 A. 2-Chloropheno i sesaFce X <10 <3.072 1 ug/l Ib/ day <10 1 2 A. 2.4 Dichloro __ ch.noe t t20 s3 2 I <10 <3.012 it / day 1 ug/l <10 1 __ . e_.._

34. 2.4 D6 methyl- _

ph.not (10s 87 96 <10 <3.012 X

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .I          ug/l                    Ib/ day                                   (10                                       1-(A 4.8 Olrutto O.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     "

Cresos asse s2 sp I <50 ,

                                                                                                                                                               <l5.358                                                                                                                                                               I        ug/l                   Ib/ day                                   (g                                        I
                                                                 ~                                                    - . _ .                              .          - . . _ .

s4. 2.6 Dinitro. ph.nos is3 2s s X <50 <l5.358 1 og/l Ib/ day <g i ISA. 2 Nittwhenot j gee is si I <10 <3.012 1 og/l Ib/ day (10 I

' F A 4 Nitrwhenot
80002 : I (50 <15.358 1 og/l Ib/ day <50 I

' C A P Chloes M ' ' ~

creenetoo sa 7: I (IO <3.072 1- og/l Ib/ day (10 1
                                                                                                                             ~                                    "

CA Pensechemo ph.*tol C786 5: I <50 <l5.358 1 og/l Ib/ day <b0 1 124. Phenol _ _ _ _ . _ , _ _ , _ ce es al X (10 <3.072 I og/l Ib/ day (10 1 j ca8******ao8 I (10 <3.072 I ree oe-2 og/l Ib/ day (10 'l

 - . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _                 . _ . . , _ _                       . _ _ . _ _ _ , _ . _ . .            _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ,           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _                          . . . , . .            . _ . _ . - , * - ,                      _c,                         - .,                   . ,                        ,              s,.,,._,                         ,n,     , , ,     ,     y ,                     , , , ,

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n:. =- ...... ocJasS FRACTION BASE /NEUT R A L. COMPOUNDS _ - . _ _ _ . . _ .. _ _ - _ 1s. Aeeasonmeae (33 2241 I (10 <3.077 I og/l _ Ibiday <10 I 2s. Ae.aeontyw (20sesel I <10 < 3.072 1 ug/l Ib/ day (10 1

33. Aathreceae It2S12 75 X <10 <3.072 I ug/l Ib/ day <10 1 4a.saaeknae gesq741 2 <50 <l5.358 1 og/l Ib/ day <50 I so, sease vos Aa*reem I <10 <3.072 Ib/ day (5695-31 _ _ ._ _ _ - _

1 og/l <10 1 SS. esato fel ryceae tso.32 e p I (10 <3.072 , I ug/l Ib/ day (10 1

                                 ~                                                    -- -                 t 7s. 3.4 searo-                                                                                          '

7,,*," I (1.0 <3.072 1 ug/l Ib/ day (10 I se. saare (sho Pwyemae <10 <3.072 I I og/I Ib/ day <10 (1s124-2) 1

93. Seate f 6)

F 8varea*=a* (10 <3.072 (707-08-87 I I vg/l Ib/ day <10 1 too. sie esosom e(1 q11

  • 3'" I (10
                                                                                     <3.072 1

og/l Ib/ day (10 1 s1a see g$gch8a= I <10 <3.072 1 og/l Ib/ day <10 I laut emph pip,ggemenosasti I <10 <3.072 1 ug/l Ib/ day <10 1 tae. 9s rs.sen,s. g,8r{f I <10 '<3.072 I ug/l Ib/ day <10 I s as. 4erorao. powap eneay' I <10 <3.072 Eteier i10146-36 I ug/l Ib/ day (10 1 100. sut vs seaeve re.e,sen l I <10 <3.072 1 ug/l Ib/ day (10 1

                           . _ _         l                     l ..                          --_

see. s o aero- } I <10 <3.072 I ug/l Ib/ day (10 i f914Es-?). - - - - -

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__ __ .. . . . . . . ~ - _- --- - -- - - (Q I <10 <3.072 1 og/l Ib/ day (10 1 2ee.1.2-oscheere-beareastes-eS11 I <10 <3.d72 1 og/l Ib/ day <10 1 atc. 1.3 caensero-toesprene(set-73 fl I (10 <3.072 1 ug/l Ib/d y (10 1 EPA Form 3510-2C (Rev. 2 85) pegg v.s CONTINt!E ON PAGE V ;

a en i o numen u .. ..n irom s,. m a of aorm is ou r e a t i. nuMat " Looling Pond ~ .

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f. POLLUTANT a m a ss et m' 3 L f f LleLie T c.No c as - - - -- - - - - - - -

4 titel T S S IN T A 94 E (oppmfff NUMBEM *' ,.* * * //,1 '.*,*,

  • M a n su ou o m is., v a t.u s.

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1.. s. .. .o . -- GCDAS FR ACTION - BASE /NEUTH AL COMPOUNDS tcunement' 223.1.4 okh'oeo- - bensene (106 46 7. X (10 <3.072 I Ib/ day ug/l (10 1 238. 3,3' tjechiaro beas wa* X (20 <6.143 f 1NI I ug/l Ib/ day (20 i 248. Diethyi._ _. , Ph* *** <10 to See 21 X <3.072 Ib/ day 1 og/l (10 I zow own.ihvi-- .. Ph **** (111 11 36 X <10 <3.012 I ug/l Ib/ day <10 I M I'fIeutvt~ Ph * *'* 804 74 2) X <10 <3.012

                                                        ' ~

1 og/l Ib/ day <10 1 273. 2 4 D6nstro. .. iosues. Itzt 3 4 2i X <10 <3.072 I ug/l th/ day < f oi I 283. 2,0 umitro . noiv.noteo6 20 2, I (10 <3.012 I ug/l Ib/ day <10 I 283. Di N 06tyl . Phtheseti I (10 < 3.012 tit 7CoC! _ 1 ug/l Ib/ day <10 1 30s.1,2-Diphenyk . hymesine (as Aso- X (20 (6.143 bessene) 122 66-7, 1 ug/l Ib/ day (20 I


X <10 <. o I Ib/ day ug/l (10 1 321 P hnoesn>

                                                                                                       <10 gee.7s r                                                     I                                                            <3.b.'                                                                                                                              ;         ug/l                              Ib/ day               <10 l                                                                                                                        - - .

I _$7"__" see. He.s-X (10

                                                                                                                                  <3.012                                                                                                                             I          ug/l                              Ib/ day               <10                                              I ehe edue o.a*                                                                                  (10 X                                                            <3.012                                                                                                                              I
        # 7 es.31_ _                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            og/l                              Ib/ day               <10                                             1 352 Howe <.heore-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,_

tve8cp*atadien* I <10 <3.072 ( 77- 47-Q - . - - - - - - - - 1 ug/l Ib/ day (10 1 3ee. He..chiaro- .__

        .mene ter.72 il                                            I                                  (10                        <3.072 1         ug/l                              Ib/ day                <10                                            1 37% Indeno                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              --_                                  ....                                                               ,

(8.8.3 ed) Pveen* X <10 <3.012 (173 38 54 1 ug/l Ib/ day <10 _ 1 38 3. Isophorone .-- (7s 63 11 I (10 <3.012 I ug/l Ib/ day <10 1 f , $ ""*"* I <10 <3.012 I ug/l .Ib/ day (10 i

      @ $""*"' " . _X                                                      _


                                                                                                                                 <3.072                                                                                                                            1         og/l                              Ib/ day                <10                                             I Cia N Nitto.

soasenethve <nen. I*I'I* L I I (10 <3.012 1 og/l ~ Ib/ day (10 1 423. N 80ttoosodl- - - - --- ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ - - N etopylernene X (10 <3.072 (621-64 7) I ug/l Ib/ day (10 'l

trpo Fn, is e n sf eep. *am

_ ___m__m_ ._ . -

s 001- LOOling FOnQ Blowdoist CONTINUED FCOM THE FHONT 3.POLLUTENT e m a ase

  • a* 3. Ep 7 Lut H T 4 UNITS 5 IN T A M E (.epenwff
b. A m pgPi d MU ER " .'
  • J ' //. * * .J.* L e unmawu onau vaws c h s g oYshjf. I * '

ecoNcaN g, g ggg ._ $ ( b. L (M L N

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ' u=~

me W.= = y ..t.'...... [ i.i - - .....t,'......- ...-- .....r,.....- ' i.- vs - '"a " ii- - ><= m PRACTION - BASE /NEUTR AL COhrOUNDS (continised) - - . . - - - - - - - - - _.-- 438. ;3 Nitro-n- -,Ismine X <10 <3.012 og/l Ib/ day <10 esass) 1 I 44s. Phonenthreae ses.ot t) X (10 < 3.012 I Ib/ day <10 ug/l I g%*"* I <10 <3.012 I ug/l ib/ day <10 I est.1,3.4 - Tr0

     - - - eae             1                                   (10                 <3.012 (13s43 1)                                                                                                                                                                                      1       ug/l          lj/ day        (10                                                 1 GCM FRACTION - PESilCIDES                                                                                            , __      __            _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                   _ _ _                                            _

IP. AkerM g i30048;) 2P. SC HC (319444) I 39.f9HC (31y 45 7) g g ee. seek-oHC en se. 8.sHC g 131945p) . . _ . .-. .- SP. Chloedene g

,C7 7%; i FP d.                                             g (e+3.4* 9-DDT er. 4ff. ope                                       I
!77 9G9)                                                              _                 __                                                                                                                                                                _
'T 4//.000                                        g (73544) ior. Deseda                                     I (99571) t 1P. C E ndomitfen                               g

($15-30-7) 13P.$ Endosutten I (195 19-7) t 3P. E ndoeuif en g suffese (1981-07 0 . . . . . . 4 ter. maa in 3 (73394) toe. swin g Aldehyde (742 t-93/l _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ _ _ . , _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ., teP. Heptochlot I t 17s 44 4 EP3 Form 3610 2C (Mew 2-951 P AGE V-8 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-3

i t.u.,iing runo s ea s' u m uu u .. .. ..p rn.m n,..m s of P oem s , o .. , n i t ,* " u u t a l Blowdown "'"d'""*' l CONIING at D I 640M PAtil V 8 IL0 000803643 00I "depr.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                * *'* e*' ^pere-s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * ' "fl "8 8 8S
t. POLLUTANT a manos a-r.Nt3 C AS I L e f I ts L ta i 4 UNITS NUMECM * ' ' ' '
                                                        , ,l.1 {. ',1,  e mamsuism Omsty vmLut in IN T A M E g..t' u ret se. s.6fr #
                                               .,".I . O.'.i .. **                                               g, u a n sM                            cCon6v,s,,[nuj po}i u, e8'oN'3n " ~ v V ii.Isi                     %gI valut i
                                                                                                                                                                                                'N      38 e CONCEN                                             a e nur. i s nu i                       .         40                 g g ...                                                                                                                             g,                       _ g M (Bi% ( V3(M L _,,g"g ,

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .a.=.<..* = g,s ...

l e. t .e. vsts 7 GCJhet F H ACTION - PESTICIDES trontuimeds ! 17P, Heptact.for . .- .. l E poalde X (1023 87 Ji , _ 1!P.PC3 1242 (;34ee 2s 9: X <0.2 <0.061 I ug/l Ib/ day <0.2 1 19P. PCS 8764 (stoerew ti X (0.2 (0.061

,                         . _ _ _ . _ _                                                                                                                                                             I               ug/l             Ib/ day                   <0.2                                1 20P. PCS 1221 It t 504 2e al                                         X    (0.2                   <0.061                                                                                                I              ug/l             Ib/ day                    (0.2                                1 2 tP. PCS 1232 (11:41 16 s8                                           X    <0.2                   <0.061                                                                                                                                                                                                    I

_ . . . - . I ug/l Ib/ day <0. 2 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,l 22P PCS 4248                (
          "  '"  _ _ lf 23P. PC31260 X
                                                                       <0.2                    (0.061 I               ug/l             Ib/ day                   <D.2 F4 1

(l109602 Si g

                                                                       <0.2                   <0.061 24P.PCS 1016 1               ug/l             Ib/ day                   50.2                                1 I267 4 tj2:                                             g (0.2                  <0.061 I              seg/l            Ib/ day 26P. Tsesptione fe00s.3s 2)                                             X (0.2                               .l.

EPA Form 3510-2C (Rev 4 84l PAGE V 9

  ' EPA Form 3510 2C tRev 2 85)
                                                    .                            _                      _ .                            _ _ _ _ . .                                      .. _ ~ . _ ._                                _ _ . __                             _ . . _ . . _ . . . - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ . _ .

145alle Stetton


tva i 82 te u M ts t se to . m fr<a*e it. ree i s.f Veersen i n

  • S PLE Ast riitr4: on t vi t sie uit inAi, tit is Atti AN or48 Y ) ou u m u p -ei . 44 a ..i s..,,,,4,y.,,,,,, Weste thes information utt sesser.H. stedes tuse she same forrrtar) inste.sti of co,siples.r>J tie. se pa p;s
            $EE INSTfblCllONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I D OMM3                                                                                   8 "" #U' *' '">* "

ApWwaf eepnes r2dr SS ouf&Ett.NO V. INT AKE AND EF F t ULNi CllAFt ACTEHISitCS (conrunned tront page 3 of F onn 2 Cl 001(a) PART A You must provule the results of at least one analysis for every pullutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details.

2. CFYt.tsE N T ' 4. IN T A K E fopas.neet; I. POL $.0 T A N T e ua asuum oaeLv UAAi%g~Qgg,v val'uiTLWWYgMQg wujg- g . ,, , ,,,,
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o ,, u m ,,  ;, y 7 ,.. =g, (90 i ' ' ts. Chomscal - - Ouysen Doniend tcops

c. Tstil Ore.aic _ . . _ _ . _ _.

c.rean (To cs d Tnei co.g.n.s NI8d' fT:s3 15 12.73 6.92 4.99 2.81 2.38 sig/l 52 Ib/ day

e. Ammons. (.e Ne vaa tre v a' t u t v a n. u t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~'                                                       -
             **'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   vas ut O.17                                                    0.14                                                          0.1018                                                   365                                                     MGD
                                                                                                      ~                                           -     -~~'                                                                      - - ~'
o. Temperature V " L "I vntut - - - - - -

vatut g;g g .. (urbiter) - ec

                                                                                                 ~                        ~ ' -
                                                                              ~~ene a                                                          vmiua- ~~ ~ - '

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ ~ " ~~'

N ~~ '-~~~1~~

8. IrH -

m # ST AND A RD UNITS PART $ . Mark "X"in column 2.s for each pollutent you know or have rn to believe le present. Mark X"in column 2-b for each pollutant you believe to be obeent. lf you merk column which le timitad elther dir ectly. or indtractly btA egroseh. in en effluent timitations must provide the result s of ei leest one enetysis for that potiutant f or othor poltuten column 2s, you must provide quantitative date or en emplenetton of their presence in your deschergo Complete one table for each outf all. See the instructions for additional details and r g, pog,g,gy. d. to a n et x - 3 EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. IN T A M E (cretioteell

                                                                                                                                                                       ^ '                                     ^                         "                                      ^

C NO *'EI* **=*<

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e. e,omade (240SX7 el I

_ ~ . - . ts. Ch8erInc. Total Meefdoel I

c. coo' cl X 1 Pt-Co
d. Pecol . _

coetterm X

e. Fluoride possuses X 0.46 0.390 I ing/l Ib/ day
f. Nitroto-Nitrite (es NJ X 0.16 0.136 1 ag/l Ib/ day EPA Form 3610-2C (Rev. 2 86) PAGE V*8 i CONTINUE ON REVER$E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           . _                                                                                                                                                   ww.t.,                       w.....              ..+...m litu v ts CONilNtf ED f REIM F HONI
a. M a se et *m - 3. EF FLUENT a. UNITS S. INT AME (oprirnes) f . POLLU T.

[ o a.CL, P *j, s. Maxeuum omsty vatut " 8'"'$f",, [1Mpvvatut c LoHG TjgggVHUi , no o, g,eg gg ,, g o o , (ff en'edte68$3 M *

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y,0*" I <0.4 <0.340 I ag/l Ib/ day IL Ottand oresse 1 I 0.849 I ag/l Ib/ day ree rs. Toin' 0.03 0.025 I ag/l Ib/ day I (7723 140) _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ._ _ ._ _ _ _ . _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ l.cediometwev _,, (1) A4tte. Total I <3 I pCl/l (2) sets. Tetel I 5.0 1 PCi/I m neesum. Totel X 2.2 I PCl/I qo coowm 22s. Toisi X 2.6 I PCI/1 ree soa ; I 680 577.33 I og/1 1b/ day Itges 7e el _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _._ ___ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ___ _ ,, _. _ _ _ L Suffkle

  • tee 8s x (es ) g 11 38
                         "'                         *""                 I
                                                                                            <0.07                                     <0                                                                                                                                                                          I              ag/l                      Ib/ day

___ _ .___ .__.059 _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . __ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ Teest peso cost I

                                                                                           .<0 _ .3_ . _ . _                          <0.255            _ _ _ _ _           ____            _.

1 ag/l Ib/ day 1reiss I mg/l Ib/ day peess-31

                                                                                            <0.1                     . _ _ _
                                                                                                                                      <0.085                                                                  _             . _ _  .___.____ _                       _ . _ .

1 [,*e*s*' t aa el I 0.31 0.263 I ag/l Ib/ day m.___ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ .. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ___ ._ __ ____ __ [y*4ea, as I

                                                                                            <0.05                                     <0.042                                                                                                                                                                       1              ag/l                     Ib/ day a pen. Tessa passee-s3                                        X 0.82                                      0.6%                                                                                                                                                                         1              ag/l                     Ib/ day 7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . _ _ . _ _ _ . _

[,'M ,, a, I 15.4 11.075 1 ag/l Ib/ day

n. =. : . - -

[,*,*,*,',,,, I

                                                                                            <0.2                                      <0.170                                                                                                                                                                      1              ag/1,                     Ib/ day peso se si I
                                                                                            <0.003                                    <0.025                                                                                                                                                                      1           . Q                          n/ day er. Tin, Tetel (7444314                                         I                 <0.8                                      <0.679                                                                                                                                                                      1               eB/1                     lb/ day
e. Yleenlum.

To e I <0.679 1 mg/l Ib/ day peas' sa-el <0.8 i WPA Foem 3510 2C (Rev. 2 86l r Aorv.2 CO*MINUE ON PAGE V. 3

ira's o htN4 et H re ,s.[ fes.m h.m I Nf MErviE ou t e AL L NuMut u N' Reg. Waste ,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,, ILD000803643 00la 040 % mu mS9 CONilNtlE D F HOM PAGE 3 OF F OHM 2 C Approvsf ereeres f 2Jf #$ PART C . If you are a primary industry and shis outf all eontains process westewater. ref ec to Table 2c-2 in theinstructions to determme which of the GC/MS fractions you must lest for Merk '"X"in column 2.s for all such GC/MS fractions that apply to your industry and for At L tonec metals. cyonedes, and totof phenols if you ere not required to mark column 2 a(secondary mdustriet. nonprocess avesrewster outfaffs. endnonrequired GC/MS fractions), merk "X" m column 2 b for each pollutant you know or havis reeson to beheve is present Mark **X"in column 2 e for each potiutant you believe is et .ent if you mark column 2a for any pollutant. you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant if you merk column 2b for any poHietant. you must provide the results of et least one analysis for that pollutant of you know or have reason to believe et wdl be descharged m concentrations of 10 ppb or greater if you merk column 2b for acroteirt acrytomteste. 2.4 dinitrophenol, or 2 methyl 4. 6 dmitrophenol. you must provide the eesults of at least one analysis for each of these pollutants wfuch you know ur have reason to beheve that you discharge m concentrations of 100 ppb or greater Otherwise. for pollutents los which you mark column 2b. you must either submit a t least one analys < or brsefly desce ebe the reasons the pollutant as expected to be discharged Note that there are 7 pages to this part, please review ech carefully Comotete one tablelatt 7pages) for each outfall See instructions for additionaldetails and requirements I. POLLUTANT a Mann x'

3. EFFLUENT 4. UNITS 5. IN T A M E (optioneff UMBE ".'.*,." I.*si. *. E *^ ,,,,,u ,on,g,y,gug b. Ma negggY V ALUE C. LONr. T VALUE ,g , O G ER b O F III *3**# * * '

c ... . bI. . . ... I*I***** c oa t . b - . . . ... I*I***** c o-c e I,'= . e.o* '"' teETALS, CYANIDE, AND TOTAL PHENOLS _ I'3"*** aE E "*** ****

    }";j,"y'$"fgo,                          I                                                                                                 <0.5                   O.424 1         ag/l                   Ib/ day
                                                                                                                                                                      - - - - ~

2,M4e ny '2 I <0 00I (0.0008 1 og/1 lb/ day

   *"fj,*E'7'"i 4 4 t, I                                                                                                 <0.01                   <0.0084 1         ag/l                   Ib/ day
   $jN"aj e, X                                                                                                 <0.0002                <0.0002 1         ag/l                  Ib/ day
   $$$o"'731                4              1                                                                                                 0.022                   0.0181 1         og/l                  Ib/ day h T;-""                               -

X 0.004

                                                                                                                                                                     <0.0034 1          mg/l                  Ib/ day N"                                      X                                                                                                 <0.005
                                                                                                                                                                     <0.0042 1          mg/l                  Ib/ day

_. ~. .--- -

  $3 Tg[. Tow I                                                                                               0.00009                   <0.00008 i         ag/l                  1b/ day hy, T *'*'

x 0.029 0.024f. X - - " I ag/l Ib/ day

   @[y*g"2h I                                                                                               <0.001                    <0.0008 1          og/l                  Ib/ day g@y*y '*'*'

I <0.0006 <0.0005


1 mg/l Ib/ day 12M. Theittom- <0.001 <0.0008 Tates (7640 28 Oi X 3 "Ify yb/ day


13M. Zinc, Totes y g,36 ~0 ".30% (1440 ee ci 1 ag/l 1b/ day t 4M. cvanio.. 1eies te ra2 si I .<0.006 (0.0068 , 1 ag/l ib/ day

                                    . - _        ..                                                        ..                           .                ~                                 - . . . .                  ...       -_                   -.                                        -                                                         - -                                       -.     -
  }*g*8 Ph*"**                             I                                                                                             <0.005                     <0.0042 1          ag/l                   Ib/ day peonIN 2,3.7,94stre-                                                                                                                 omscassa maeuLYs shaoredesenso P.                                                                            g DionIn (1784 01 el EPA Feene 3810-2C (Rev. 2 SSI                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PAGEv.3                                                                                                                                                                                                           CONTINUE ON REVERSE
                                                                                                                                                                       ~___                                  . . - . _ _ .              ,                                                                                                                                                              _                                      _                                                             __                 __.

00ln - Dennin. Itegen. Wasta CONiiNut D FROM THE FHONT

  • M. ,'.'.**.'2d. *. . MameMuM oniL a valut D' " A"'%y"djMy wat uE M , C4 89 O

r.t a.we g :m .*.".:.

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3 osas x <100 <0.065 lrg,^,';-l;"""'- x <iOO <0.085
             '"*                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ib/ day f[t N2t                      I                     <5                  <0.004                                                                                                    I       ug/l                                                                                                        j av. C: (Chtoro.

swenyss etbar X isasse il _ _ . . _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . , _ _ _ . f[s X <5 <0.004 I ug/l Ib/ day ev. coeven Toerschoseks. g <5 (0.004 I ug/l Ib/ day (se23el l[cie e*N ^ X <5 <0.004 1 ug/l Ib/ day ev, on c.he coat meen.n. <5 <0.004 I og/l Ib/ day g (82*-48 11- , . . . . ,_, i ((, M **'"*"* g (10 (0.008 I ug/l Ib/ day 10V. tv-chiore-I __ .. . _- _. _ __

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w memesi.a. I <5 <0.004 I og/l Ib/ day (79-37 4) 3 2v. pasm., I

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            "                                                            (0.008                                                                                                                                 Ib/ day
   $",,,, g"j,'    , , 3,    I                        (10                                                                                                                           1     lug/l i

! EPA Form 3610 2C lMov. 2 85) PAGEV.a ' CONTINUE ON PAGE V-6 i L

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f. POLLUTANT s m a n ni s- 3 t p rt.ts E N T AND C AS 4 UNITS S IN T A M E (<epte.+nefs te NUMBER ,,.. , ' ., *,,*
  • J. *, * , .e, M a a sM uu O A tt.V UL w a__ m paQg u, ,s,f.,h,in,v ff vaLua c. L on t. v g ,p e,u,,,,,a g. ,l Q v a t 't , 8,h L
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                   $M*i2'                                            ai           I                                              <5                 <0.004                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I                  ug/l                       Ib/ day                                                                                             !

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                 **','o'*o*e'"s                              *"*                 I                                           <5                    <0.004                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I (Fr-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ug/l                      Ib/ day 29V. Trichsono.

en,yi n are os si I (5 <0.004 I ug/l Ib/ day 30V. Trechio o.

               #=*'*'aseh* *

(7s-se et x 3 v. vin a chseeks.[ts os en I (IO <0.008 1 og/l Ib/ day GCAS F. ACTION - ACIO COMPOUNOS 1 A. 2 Chloropheno l too sici X gle $0.008 1 og/8 lb/ day 2 A. 2.4 Cichloro phenol (120 83 2: I <10 <0.008

                                                                                                                                                  ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I                  og/1                       lb/ day MgYos"*eU,                                                         g                                         <10                    <0.008                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           og 1 1                                              ib/ day 4 A. 4,0 Dinetto O                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     _                      _ _

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4s1 (10 <0.006 I og/l Ib/ day (tas Py'o*"* co- n I 468. l.2,4 - Tel-2 ^- - - - - s eae X (10 <0.008 1 ug/l Ib/ day , _ _ _ _ _ OCJMB FR ACTION - PESTICIDES . .. _ _ ._ - - - . .. . .- -- - - 1P. Asdrea 3 (309 00 2) 2P. C CHC g (31s C4 61 3P. $ EHC 3 (3:e es 7 4P. 7 CHC I (see>on 5P. 6 -C HC I (als es si GP. g (57 7f,-ol 7P. 4.000T X (50 29 al eP. C.4'-D DE I . (72859) 9P. 4.4'-DDD X (72 s&s) 10P. Oleidein X (60071) t P. El Endoeuffen X (183-29-7) 12P. $ Endoeultan X (f t$ 29 7)


13P. E ndoeuif en g Suffete (10elC7 el _. 14P. E nterin X (72-29 Sl ISP.Endem g 2.Issootyde (742143 4p ___ _ _ _. . _ _ , . _ _ _, tee. Heptschter X Fe 44 u I EP.3 Form 3510 2C (Rev. 2 es) PAGE V 8 CONT 8NUE'ON PAGE V-9 l

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E poside I t 192 *e 87 3) SSP.PC3 1242 te34ee an el X <0.2 <0.0002 1 ug/l Ib/ day t DP. PC31264 (s I I <0.2 <0.0002 I og/l Ib/ day 20P. PC31221 ( t11042e-21 X <0.2 <0.0002 I ug/l Ib/ day 21P. PCO 1232 f t stes le-si X <0.2 <0.0002 1 ug/l Ib/ day 22P.PC1 42e8 (12e si X <0.2 <0.0002 1 ug/l Ib/ day 23P.PC's12eo _. a1toose2 el I <0.2 <0.0002 1 ug/l Ib/ day see.PCO 1 ole (1247'+18 28 X <fl. 2 <0.0002 I ug/l Ib/ day 29P. Ton eestsene seco t-as-2) X EPA Form 3510-2C (Rev. 4 84) "A G E V t 4 a 1 l ' PeDC Pete e 1E 10 SP 809 = 9 #PS

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1. POL {UTANT e M AmsMoM onsty vmLua E""*'1y",[bydivvnLut e L6H{.7 VAEdE- (etws/, if tpfenb)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,                 p i                                                                                                                                                                      d NO OD
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NM5'e'ad 31 5.89 14.7 2.79 12.9 2.45

LEODI 12 mg/l Ib/ day W. Chemical _

Oxygen Osmond (CCD1

e. Tstal Oreenic

. Cernon (TOCl d Tat:18uspendait _ - sandstrail 35 6.65 14.0 2.66 11.9 2.26 12 auj/1 lb/ day

e. ammente (e. Ni .

v'a' i u t vaint~

 ' M**'                                                                                                                                            v ni ut vatut O.0886 0.0522                                                                                0.0228                             365                              MGD
3. Tempt'sture V A t.t# E VA4ut VALUt (e.hoterp VAoUk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .,g 7g          -

v a ttst v nList vmLut vmLut

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           . which ie limitod elther dir ectly. or instractly btg enpressly,ln en offluent limitations must p column 28 you must provide quantitative dote or en emplenetson of their presence in your discharge Complete one table for each outf all See the metructions
a. Manet n- 3, E FFLUENT I. POLpUT.

h pg *

                      .. *!. 11.*. e "* M'"uM omety v aLuz             "^ 8"7$" 1LV4,Y V"'"E **'*" M M                                                                             @'V^'"' go
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rates fteeduce g 0.6 I.635 1.67 1.46 4 sig/1 Ib/ day

 . cas*'                                                        6.465 g                    34                                                                                                                                                                             I         Pt-Co IdU Mg g                    9                                                3                                              '                                 3                                            12
. Faueride sess usC)               I                   0.53               0.101                                                                                                                                                        1        og/l              Ib/ day

- Nltrete- --- - - - twlte feo NJ x 1.89 0.359 I M U Pa Form 3510-2C (Rev. 2-86l PAGEv.s CONTINUE ON REVERSE

                                                                                                                                                                                             *-+=-e       -*

liLM V tf CONisNLst o e nog 4 nony

3. P O Lg.U T. a. *m- 3. EFFLUENT 4. UNIT 3 5.1HT A v(E (optionef) ne N N)v v.Lua c.LoH U g gg ATU f g

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(1) t tphe, Tweet I (3 I ag/l Ib/ day sat o te. T Tetel ' ' I 15 I ag/l Ib/ day C medlwn. Tesel - I (1.0 I ag/l Ib/ day ('0 nedsen i 22e. Totes I <l.0 I ag/l Ib/ day 80a8 I 210 39.932 N' esse 7e el it I ag/l Ib/ day L suertoe ' (se(J I

m. evenne ten sos t y 1142es46 3B n eerfect*""

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  • I sy/i i ibid.1
w. tin. Tetsi I? M iles I <0.8 (0.152 1 og/l Ib/ day

[,*gp I <0.8 <0.152 1 og/l Ib/ day EPA Foren 3810 2C (Rev. 2 85) P A G E'V-2 i CONTINUE ON PAGE V,.3

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iv. Accelein  ! (187434) X <100 (0.019 1 og/l Ib/ day 3V. Acrylongtelle (107 134) X (100 <0.019 I ug/l yb/ day sv. eenseae , (7tesi I <5 <0.0009 3 ug/l Ib/d8Y _ . - - - _. _ __ _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . ___ a sways; emer g jee te il .

v. eremoverm (75 2s.z X (5 <0.0009 I ug/l Ib/ day ev. certion veersem e h'* I Ib/ day fee-33 el I (5 (0.0009 ug/l Fv.c uorebe"'*"* lb/ day I

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                                            *=*8 "a*             I                             <5                    <0.0009                                                                                                    1 og/1                         Ib/ day
                                   #"s.37-es (7

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s * - CONilNt8E D Fl4OM Tite F FtONT 001(b) 9.POLLUTAMT a. m a nos m-3 E. F f' t U C H T Nht * !af' . . Ef. E * " ^ " ' " " " " ' " ' ' " ' " " """"Nik"NIh_Y k [

a. UNITS S s N T A t< E (.*presen4##
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13. Aconesihthone ges aatl I (10 <0.0019 I "9/I Ib/ day 2a. Aceaophtviene (20s ser,p I (10 <0.0019 I ugfy Ib/ day 3,*20 27l X <5 (0.0009 I ug/l Ib/ day h*7c,"""* I <50 <0.0095 1 "9/1 lb/ day
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73. 3.4 Bento.

nuorenrh*a* (10 (205'99-2) X <0.0019 I ug/l Ib/ day CO I rer. viene Sents (shil__ I (10 (0.0019 I ug/1-(l's-212) Ib/ day CO. eenr2 f t) ,__ Fluorontemeno I <10 (0.0019 I ug/l' lb/ day (207.eee t -- - - - - - - - - - - - - , emesys Mothene lit t# t ,tL X <10 < 0.0019 I ug/l Ib/ day t 2 piees calore

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  • lasalla tras u e.uuus... , , , , , . , . s e. ... s . .t e ... m , , ou..ati r. n e .. . ..
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2av. M*thv a* (10 (0.0019 cheartse 17s'*-oe as X I ug/l Ib/ day I gi g,.2, rme- X <5 <0.0009 I Ib'/ day -- 178-34c1 og/g aav. Teir=hiero- (5 X <0.0009 I ug/y Ib/ day othesnet}a7isai sov. Tosuone (18e 48-81 X <5 (0.0009 I ug/l Ib/ day - 2ev. s.2 Treae-. _ _ . _

    ,D,ggY"'                           I                       <5                               <0.000g                                                                                                            i  89/I                        ib/ day i

27v.1.1.1 Tri-chiocoethen. 1 (5 <0.0009 (7:4e-e) I ug/l Ib/ day 3ev.1.1.2 Tri- ~~ e m e*' hone <5 (0.0009


X pe4 set I ug/l Ib/ day 2ev. Trichs . .

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X (10 <0.0019 1 ug/l Ib/ day 3 A. 2.0 Olehtoro. _ phones (14.s43 2, I <10 <0.0019 1 ug/l Ib/ day M3*, U ',', I (10 <0.0019 I ug/l Ib/ day


e I <50 <0.0095 I

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stooea.73 X <50 (0.0095 I og/l It'/ day

 'A. r chier. M.                                                                                                                                                                                                   .           - . . . _   . _ - _ . .                _. _ _ .        .        __ _

ca aese'so-7, X <10 <0.0019 I og/l 'Ib/ day e A. Pen,=Mo<e. . ... _ _ _ _ . - phones terme op _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._._ . _ _. _ _ _ . . _ _ X <50 <0.0095 I og/l Ib/ day 10 A. rhenol X stesse-a) (10 <0.0019 1 #97y lb/ day 11 A. 3.a.e-Trt.

                 !                                            <10                             <0.0019 Ce                               X

_ Il69/I lb/ day

m. _. .


3. POLLUTANT a w a ee n
  • n

! - - ' - - - - - - -~ ' ' L t t t s it te l 4 UNIT S $ IN T A M l'

C H 3.

Num ncaCAS  : :. '/.n,.a.n. .=ua uantvvatu't p] ummiugu,sJ.M.ywatast c L ont..ue 7 3,/.eu 4#'t v ai e nt, ;;p,;" 4 eone,etseu

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439.N dtph Citto-l goe zoe) nvl meae X <10 (0.0019 1 "9/I lb/ day 44e. Ph.nanihe.n. . (es.cies I (10 <0.0019 1 ug/l Ib/ day eso. Pyr n. (san ceFog I (10 <0.0019 I og/l Ib/ day


est.1,2,4 Tel- '-

    ****'e'*3-(13e        9)              I                      (10                        <0.00l9                                                                                               I      ug/l                 Ib/ day GCAS FRACTION - PESTICIDES _..                    -

tP. Aldeln 1300402) I 2P. S-G HC (31* e4GI X


3P. $ CHC (399 85 7) X SP T9HC (se eect 1 sP. S . enc . (39384$1 I SP. Chloedene E7 74t,) X FP C.4* DD T _ (50 $9-3) I SP. O.4*-DDE e (73 es e) X OP. f 4*-DDD ^ 173 844) I 10P. Oleadeln (90 ~.,7 t) I t IP. C E ndosulf en ~ (l95-29 7) I 12P $ E ndoeulfen ~ (118 29 7) I 13P. E ndosutien -- s.w.e* I (103147 CI . 14P. E ndrIn ~~ (72 204l I Aldehyde X (74217 3 48.. _ . - - . _ .. _.... . . . ~ . - - __ . ler. Heptochlot , _ (7s 44 .) I FP.3 Fnem 3510 2C fRev 7 RMI PAGE V 8 CONTINUE ON FAGE V 9

eva e o n u us,s u s...e>sr.. .os.m s .1ro m, o

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l l i ONTINut O FTOM PAGE Va 110000003643 ouseatbnuuusn 001( ) SIP 04G4 amunw d#t"o'G' e*res f 2 3 7 85 ! 8. POLLUTANT s maman n- 3 te e a us N1 4 UH6TS 5 S N T A M E (,*ternmef; 5"UN  :.:r ?.::..t.:: .. e a a =ua oa>< - uus

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812.* ::.:.- ii-** ms GCAS F.*. ACTION - e ASE/NE UT R AL COMPOUNDS ecentmved' dy,",'*,;I o (10 <0.0019 I ug/l Ib/ day 238. 3.3'-OlchlovO- ~~ teasidow I (20 <0.0038 I og/l Ib/ day 0.14411 Pametese <10 (0.0019 estes.23 I 1 ug/l Ib/ day

                                                         ~~                           ~

30s. Demethya - ~~ Phthesene <10 (0.0019 (9 .t.11-31 I I og/l Ib/ day 5 M W ivtyt Pbeslote (10 (0.0019 fe4 7Jr.2) I I ug/l Ib/ day 271 2 e iu.n 4s Dinsero. t 21 14 2, I (10 <0.0019 I ug/l Ib/ day see. a.C.Dineiro. see e geos 2a2 I <10 <0.0019 1 og/l Ib/ day 2ee. De nocry P*sheaste I (10 <0.0019 1 ug/l Ib/ day 18874+#1 __ 300.1.34tpheny6__ ' ' - hvierseene re. Aso- I (20 (0.003s I og/l Ib/ day beassaelt122 se 71 _ _

  • M Q *"' I (10 (0.0019 1 og/l Ib/ day N$Y" I <10 <0.0019 I og/l Ib/ day 7.hi. - --

I <10 (0.0019 I ug/l Ib/ day

                               , _ _                                                                e eswereenre                                                            (10                        <0.0019 I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I    ug/l                   Ib/ day 3.L#"                                        .

Sse. Nee.cnsero. - - -

      .                          - . :eae I                  (10                         (0.0019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1     ug/l                   Ib/ day ff74-4)                                         .

emone (e7 7211 X <10 (0.0019 I ag/l 1b/ day tr.s sed; Pv'*a* I (10 (0.0019 1 og/l Ib/ day ites-3s-s)

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4 I <10 (0.0019 1 og/l Ib/ day

      -- - r . L..ane       -

I (10 <0.0019 1 og/l Ib/ day iss-7een ' Mr.- ,1. ~ X (10 (0.0019 1 ug'/1 lb/ day te2144 7) , _ EP.'1 Form 3610 2C (Maw 2 m8u -*

waTo noust a e.on troo. suen i or sow si ouvr att nuun a '. ~ 4 rr. at CONilNUED FCOM PAGE V B ILD00(M10 % 43 001(b) 5yP mes 4.,,icoo 4,,,,,,, , , , , m,sv,,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             , , , . ,3 5.POLLUTENT                                                               e mann m*

3 L F F t. SAL N T

4. UNITS $ IN T A M E (esprumilj NUMLE
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i..... a.. ... .a$$ ,,, ..._" ,"gvs., f. I 179'. Heptschler ._ __ _ _ _ _ _ e E perkee _ I ._ (192 % 7 31 g','d' y,t((2 X <0.2 (0.00004 -. I ug/l Ib/ day g'ff,",$M,2,s4 X <0.2 <0.00004 1 ug/l Ib/ day 2 gge:2,21 I <0.2 (0.00004 1 ug/l Ib/ day a g,tj {,qg,32 X (0.2 <0.00004 1 og/l Ib/ day 2, , i fe X <0.2 (0.00004 I ug/l Ib/ day 3,Nh',2,88 I <0.2 <0.00004 1 ug/l Ib/ day a g, pg ,sp,sa X <0.2 <0.00004 ~ 1 ug/l Ib/ day 2SP. T!*aphone g (9001 35-3) SPA Form 3610-2C (Rev. 4 84) PAGE V 9 e l 'A Form 3310 2C fR** 7 RM

I.aSalle Station . Pt E ASE Pit lNI OH ivPt th f elt 18hbil AIJLis AHl. AS ONL Y Y ou me etpo t u.m. t a .au of o no u nt .r...... tr.. tr,, .y r.,rm si this informsteon on sverdte sl.eets suse the same forrn,st) eristead int comptetmg flh se gea pin p ,,, ,,, ap, ., ,.,, ,.,j SH INSTWC1 TONS II.D00080364 3 W8 % m) e doorever s r2 Ji 8$ MI, V. INTA8(E AND EFF LULNT CHAR ACTERISTICS kont,nuect page J of forrn 2 CJ outaXL4.No 001(c) PART A . You must erovnie the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table, Complete one table gr each outfall. See instructions for edditional 2 E f"Ft.U E N T 3. UNITS 4. IN T a M E (<> pre,maff 1.POQUTANT e un nettuu past.v vaLua I* " * '"*$ ",$M,Y V " " \MMf " 8 til g,g ... 4+1 g.3 . .. t.) g,p aNatvtrs

  • AO,","j"g
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Dg,,o-e-d ____.

c. Totel Oreenic _ . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _

ceraron (TOCS d Totalfuspendest -

   **"d*' " #

13 52 mg/I.

1. 9_5
                                                               ._                            _3_ . _5_

__0_ _. _5_ 2_ _.75 1 0.26 Ib/ day

e. Ammonta (es N7 V a L is t WAttft

. t. F eo.s nr a t is t. V et tat 0.082 _ __ _ _0.056 0.018 365 HGD T *"*- ""'"" r ,s.e, rer chte

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .C Twee                                                                                                                                    *""'                                                                                                                                                                                     -.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         'C MineMuu                   um a suum                   u ste s u um                 um meMuu                     w                                                           -

'4. PH ~p 4 7.6 8.2 7.6 8.2 52 STAND ARD UNITS PA _ g y Mort ~~X"* in column 2 e for each pollutent you know or have rxx-, to believe le present. Mort **X"in column 2 b for each pollutant you be Column 20. you must provide quentitative dete or en oitplanetton eltheir presence in your discherge equirem9nte Co

s. u a n st n 3 E FFL.U EN T A

c ,T a..::; 3. :.. a. =a a'aua pav v a'un "^ * 1 Wit.W " ^ " I "" MA" WF"' 4. UNITS S. IN T A K E (opriemsif or emeue>  :: t.t. , ,,, . rA . ,,,,, io -em . . . . ! L . ... i.i -~ ...P,'..... i.i-~ 4,",a,3' ey'o ~ c a - a=~ , , , , , , a'rk " M *A L %gr vne

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Z 4 0.600 t l't -Co I. Facel tollform y

  . Fluoride                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -

teessaecs 0 0.083

                         .I_        _             _ _ ._5 5.. _.

1 mg/I. Ib/ day

Nitress-cnrie (** "#

I 0.70 0.105 1 mg/1. Ib/ day IP.S Form 3610-2C (Rev. 2-95) PAGEVs CONTINUE ON REVERSE

                                                                                                                                                                      .-                       .                                            - -                                                                                                     ~
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1. POLLUT. 2.MRam n 3 F F F L tJ E N T 4. tJNIT3 5. IN T A K E (oprirmaff T * """ ** """"g b se a a eg n,e,y, ,vveLui'FE6H7Yg g p KL tit', o , ggg yg, C

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Togos Orsoner t= wn I 1.0 0.150 I ag/L _ lb[ day _ _ __ .____ _ _ . . _ _

h. Off end
                                     . I.__ .           ._

8.3 . _ _

                                                                                           ._ ] , 2 4 6 _                 __ L 6_4                         0.696                    2.I                    _0.315                     52           mg/L                lb/ day.

L Phoekwe_ fes PJ, Teint 17723140) I 0.02 0.003 I ag/I. Ib/ day __. _

i. nweseetwey til Aspbe.

X .. _i3 I PC![I-


Tetel ' X 11 1 pCi/L (7 noctum. M I 3.9 i PCi/L (:s neek,m aze. Totes X 3.9 1 pCi/L k.Suffets tee 0041 tiepos te e X 1200 180.14 I . eg /I. Ib/ day

t. SwlMee ten 9I . _ .g tee l'

_ti es , -si . __x _ _. _ _ . -.__.. _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . .. . _ . _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ .

                                 . _X_        . _ _ _          _ <Q. Ql_                     <0.010                                                                                                                                       1     .ng/L                 lb/ day e,., r,,,6   .

II* ' 3 I_ .<0.3 _ M 3_04_5 _ _. _ 1 mg/l. Ib/ day P. seri-a. , ___ , _ Total treessoal _I_ _ _ , _ ,

                                                                  . <3_0 1 , _. __0:0l$     <                        . , _ _ .                                             _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _            _           _

1 _"6_I: / _ lb/ day _ _ _. __

*. use*P.

Total (74eo4a si _X__ -- _ .0_ 3_9_ _ -.._0 . 058 .- . . - .. _. I ag/I. Ib/ day Total 174 esse as I <0.05 <0.0d7 1 mg/I. Ib/ day M esa. Tete I'*8' ** '8 Ib/ day _I . _ _ . 0. 0_9_ . _ _.0013 _.. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .. .. 1 mg/I. Teest' (7ess os 4: I 58 8.707 1 mg/I. Ib/ day li. . _ __ _ - - - [Ose1: I <0.2 (0.030 I ag/L lb/ day g_- , trese se st X 0.08 _ 0.012 , _ 1 mg/L lb/ day

a. Ten. Total II*** * ' ' <0.120 mg/L lb/ day I __ . ._<0 _.8 . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _

1 [7eessa s I <0.8 (0.120 1 mg/L lb/ day EPA Form 3510 2C (Rev. 2 361 PAGE*v2 CONTINUE ON PAGE V*.3

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                                              .I                                f100            <0.Q15                                                                                                                  I   ug/I..      Ib/ day _        . _ . _ _ _                                _ , _ _

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     *'*!                                   I                               (5              <0.0007                                                 . . .

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. 4V. Tetrachlore-I us/I. Ib/ day

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. t aihaeropheno 4

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InUalle Station luntwas'te Trea tmen t. System t r a e n n uu m s u es ..g. , trom Item I ut Form t o

4. PLE ASE PHINI OH I YFE IN THL UNSH AOLD aHE AS ONL Y You .ney eepo,e son.e ue a:s of so,.n mm.,.,

j thes enfoernation on negerete theets fuse the smwe forater) enfeed of Covepithhg these pe Jet Mt INSTRtJCitONS jg g g g g j,j 04f84e / tan 00$y 4 Appre.ver e.p,pg pp ,g g g5 g ouveXLLwu o V. INT AKE AND E FF t UENT CHAR ACTE RISTICS frontmued from page 3 of Fonn 2 c' 001(e)

      ,.      PART A You inust peovstle the results of at least une analysis for e_vesy 3,ollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for edditional details.    .

2 EFFluttst 3. UNITS 4 IN T A M E (opreenaf;

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Era e o. Museetn icopy from Nem i of Form ## ouv e mLL nuweta ~

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                              #88**' 8'r.8 8 2 J ' 85 PART C . If you ere s primaryindustry end thes outfeticantains process westoweter. refer to f obte 2c 2 in the metructions to determme wfuch of the GC/MS trections you must eest for. Mark "*X" M c 2-e for all such wesrewerer             GC/MS ourfe#s.      end fractions thatGC/MS rionreguired   opply hecraons),

to your industry mort and for Att tonec metals. cyanuses and totet phenots if you ere not required to merk columri 2.e (secondary andustries. nonprocess X"* in column 2 b for each pollutant you know or heve reeson to beheve is ps esent Meik "X~ in column 2 e for each pottutent you beheve to obsent if you merk column 2 e for any poffusent, you must provide the results of et leest one enetrees for that pollutant il pu merk column 2b for any pollutant, you must provide the resulte et et leest one enetyees for that poitutent 6f you knowv or heve season to believe it will be discharged m concentrations of 10 ppb or Dreeles if you merk cc' nn 2b for ecrolem. scrytonetrine. 2.4 annitrophenol, or 2-methyl 4. 6 dmitrophenoa, you must provide the teeutte of et least one snelyste for oech of these pollutants which you know <= tsove n *wn to betteve that you <*secharge in conconer etsons of 100 poe or erseter Otherwies.for pollutante for which you mee k column must either submit es least one snelyste or turnettw > reasone the polluterve se supected to be ahectierged. Note thet there are 7 pages to thre part; passes review each carefutty Composto one notile (s# 7 popes / for each outfett See enetruchsh br edditional deteile and requeremente. I. POLLUTANT e. me aan n' 3. EFFt UENT 4. UNITS

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Ca6 slum hypoen6erlie and PR'IIUCTt M 1. bromo.S.chlere 5.S<smothytnydentnin Dlowrfecting agent for weaseweser NIOSH* RATINGS .__ 3 HGH PEALTH HAZAfC o N13dnfmant seTR.E 1 2 MODERATE.YPEACTIVE l

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Proper Shipping Name j Calcium Hypeonteres Whnre. Dry RQ Hasens Clase - Ouldtser ~ __. _ i -

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City. Stase. 21p -.

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                                                                       =iesenerer The B R EN C O Corporation
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                                                    '"er 9m911ber '9' DNenned.mentet i                                                                                                                          . . . _ .

l THS ECTION DESMS THE NATUI4E OF T>EE M4EAPOQUE EPPECT MER.LTNG FROM EEPOSURE 70  ! ! Tw o an O o u er. 1 RtMTES On EMPORJE. 1 ) NGEgTION: ) , 1 HigMy telde by Ingesten. May cause severe 3rdlemmation and ermeen to the knirig ' of me esconopse ene storr. ash. Prompey ineusee vomiting. ' EYE COP (TACT: uts to meeerses espesure to auet eeuses irritenen of the eyes. Severe espesure i f can ceues permanent Grreversible) captage.


j WSd to meeerste esseeure a cuet may Wreme the enda. Greater espeauro een asues i ( severe irrit Gen. IPeiALATION: l $ une = mes., ie aunt cou i,,eissen e in. ,m.ou. possegee (namei erie throst). ren.e se m. ...p.,eary ' ] I SENelTIZWG AGENTT __ NO i A830fMDTPMOUGHT4 SWd? HO SYSTEMICPoaOsa __ NO


{ . ingestion may remun in eromaan et me essenegue ene esornseh. Vensent. 9esets bleeeng end posse 6e creusseery codepee. i Exposure may eeuse temporary or permeent seeue camage to sadet. eyes. and reoperatory passages.  ! ' CW40MC. ( Psionged ens intoneswe esposure mer reeuw in seeue cameos to body surveses un6ese q premogy tresses. , iDWWNCYAPCFWWTADMIOCEDURES: { tyee: IMMEDIATELY ilush eyse weh large amouse et weser for et least 15 i renutes, heiding Tate apart to ensure flushing of etere eye surface. SEEK MEDICAL AT'TENTIONI

We&h win pionry of soap and weear. Remove eensaminated elashing one leetweer. Wash meshing before reuse. Feesapeer should be demontaminated i

1 belere reuse. Seek moment efteralen if symptome passeet. 4 Irinaletten: Ost pereen out et centermnease eroa to trash air. 6f bremseing hem esassped j reeusertete and eendnister asypen if reedly ovellehte. l SEEKMEDICALATTUmONI b. 4 J tr.gestion: NEVER oive any1Nng by enousi to en urioenne6eue pereen. Feed breed =~ 1 in reek, fellowed try oevo er seeeeg etL DO MT immane veertap. Cet a phyenelen immedletelyl i l , , i 042490/dd ' j l i

i 1 261 fn :LuAul MATION ~10-29-93 0:MPM i COWOWEALTH EDIS0W C0WOMULTH EDIS@:: 7 ! i t l* EE8 CDFGHTDi 4AS4URE. til I I MATERIAL SAFETY (MTA SMET , PAGE3 - i 1 6. les -

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t M ' " " ""*!'"lReGeEB4 k Conoinone contnbuen6 to instabutty: ' Canartenalen watrt flernmeWee, Organico ener cause fire er emplessen. W l well ro6eese dniertne and trerverie gas. incompettblety (Materiefs to eved): f 6 } Aside, flammetdee, ergenic anatoriale, reeady cueelaeWe matortete and strong  ! rosademg agente j Hazardous decorupeestion er bypreewate: {, ' Chiertne gas, hyeregon bremmes, brenthe ene G4^.. ordenes Hezerdous polymenaasen: J .._Ihis nroduct is ret knowrt to morrmartte. . . i I Neuvenains Chemmese. Seeum suefile, sosiinam biedtne er somum restabiouNfts. i  ; stepe in to Taken a wesenes no Renessed enwer sesee i  ! i Wear sopropness protocewe gear: rueber gaewee ens heets. Chemies aplash gegpee and L J er.emin, se, n nees...y. 4.eid es,sem m.m ca g-a,e may re.un. } i ,d , n Dilute seHI area witt twge quenuties of seter, et least 100 geene of water per pound of metenet. Awees contees weert reeussng assumen. Neuereltre WIlh sedhon oudlie, sedum bleurfke er eseum rnatabeleua#te. i Collessed neueregese oosuelen shoutel be W et through newege wommerit pient. Prior soprowel trem plant pereennet se wed as Lesel. steen one j Federal entarenmental agenones oneuid be oMainest Rio ortwironmental spie nashcesions if neesseery.  ! Weste 06eeseel Weineste I. I 00 NOT a,s ur. espose of meterial in cry term in weets eerstelper.. tire may resuet. Proceed wah spiu ovoin.d see .. > 1 Additional Preceuunne: , 3 i Do not asempt to recover need metenet. De not etapene of menertal in weses conseiner. I Do not rouse empty container bwt psano en trasen esteesen. '. Q{'T'.][ - ' [ ^~-~ T ,7 7 ; ', - - ' '

                                                                                                .f,     9--~,  g // g3g.,% yy i

Ventlemen Requiremente: Werk in wet vonessed etees. Storage eres ehened be well venslated. ' Specific Personal Presseeve Etudpenent: j Reapsesary prosessen is not resumed unser nennel use, howower when

                                             ' - rp. use NIOSWW94A anyoved roepireest tallowing manuteaturer's resemmeneesene.

oesur. NIOSH esproved east mean is eeeensief wn o aseeng may Eye Pressamen. Chenseel sehMy glasses eheidd be worn. Preasseve Gloves:Gioves sheed he usern. Ruhter er emer enemloety feelstant mater 6 ele are tenommerHeme as nestadste motorted. Other Clothing and Etadomasit-Pfuesellae elettirig shewhi he sem se as to m6niedse ehen corsteet. Aveld centest wetri eleth mg Pire may roeuel from eerstems of ey menenal weth clean er femmettes. 0488DB/ del I

t !. :ENT BY:LbAllE STATION J 10-29-33 2:59PM . COWO9EETH EDl5# COWONEETH E. DISON : 8 !. EESCCHIG MTEN } SANURIL 115 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA etEET { PAGE 4 [ 9. [S ilf er r U . 7CT 6tfMf.hcW;shee-e'. e

                                                                      . : -- ri ; --- It - s= w- m ..----5.e   _e -- e i

DAMER: get in eyes hegrey corressee. Causes shan and eye esmoge. May be heel N esenswee. DO NOT l j or on cesshhg. to nose and mroet. Wear gogg6es one CLEAN presseeve giewee when handing. Irruaung hane6ng. DO NOT breesne sust ene Gustwo. Wenn thoroughty we toep ens water ener ) Remove ene ween contanteneses meeting before roues. i 4 j This seesuet le sonic to teh. . i M aceeroonas we an NPDER pernet.Do not doenerge tene lahee. eseems, pense er pWise water i d Strong anastalny agent. Mia this product enty weth weser. Une maan dry.asseesta. Coen contener eewise onfytorneene eenimewag whereofoossueno veneNeden te evaBeble. Do not add mio any other proeust. pseuct e any j ,eems eenwiner. h case of cornenenmMovessempeemen. so not is poemmis. re... concen.r in op.n e., ano moea we ierg. vem. o, .amr. ' sTamaE: j Keep preeaet dry stia in a nghey aseos eenasmer when not in use. Store en cost cry, wel \ 4 verrstated area. keeperig it away from heet seuroes ansMur o j cars-00 NOT drop, rol or skie. M case se escomposeen, pen Bemes. Herode conteher with

flood we large amounes of enter to stesehe au masomet. namese contener (tf posesse) me 3 se eusined h season 7 of mie Ceta sheet.

Fenou 'Spel ans Laan hee" i 4 Kees in eraginal container. i etthout the approval /aushenzstion of EEE Coepereden.DO NOT storenransfertrop I, Ol8POSAL- 1 l Follow *Soll one Leak Procomaree* an ouemme in Gespen 7 of 1his Ossa sheet empty cornener. 00 NOT reuse ' Wash maroughly we meter ano sketerd seen centainer in a safe peace . i DO NCT CCNTAM5nTE POCO CR RiED BY STORAGE. N OR Q2Ahpe3 Oft Ecuresedr 1 i


AN irtformanen on thee Corrv'sc m sta=2 ggra 3e10.1200 firm 6e f.arreshes seisy ter me puppees of comptanee ars unm 00HAD i ene shen not he -- for erw ~ z - . i i I ' i 5 1 i l 1 1 4 4 0 1 d 042690/ed i J i

! r.u of :LeAu.i sIMlv% 1u-23-33 ': MPN i - COWNBLTH EDIS& COWohTEALTH EDISON:: S

                                                                                                                                                            $7 7202C/

i l MATERIAL SAFETY EASF Corporation Chemicals Division = ) DATA SHEET

                                                                ... n , .... ~ . .                .      . - . . ..., ,,..

BASF i i PRODUCT NUMEEA: 491392 sea ham Ni tr e te. W O!q:* m s--, g l p ._ . ;3w  ::::an----. .g%;mm.y,;_--.

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  • r- - .- E -[
                  ! TRADE NAME- soet = hitrtto. sne j CHEM 4 CAL NAME.               soaium httrite l SYNONYMS:                a FORMLA.A-          hasso, j                 i CHEMICAL FAMILY: tnervanics j                                                                                                                            l MOL. WGT.:es.o
                  - '" ** i 7 * ** ' * - 313*- M ? * $ '*e.q :nw 7-
                                                                                                     .      t ho -
                                                                                                                                                       - 3.*_ _ ~                    :2rj
.1 ~ , -; -- . .:: . EhneI,p r.:.z : - ._ m . 4- --- a RiW ~
I Cowomen s j cAs No. i PEL/TLV - SOURCE Socium Mitra te, Pw 7432-00 0 se ein. 2 a'5/e3 SA5F Corp. ecc.

l I All caugnaremrrts are tre T5CA t . . . .bE y , ,; SAAA Title 111 Sect. 313: Dept listed. i i f f "'

                                                                                                                                                  ?        .

SCILIN8/8ELT2188 PCIIfT #790 sua regt w/A / 280 C pett -0.0 (Ass. sol.I f WAPOR Pett$3uile em peg cyc C: N/A l Desemp. tems.. 330 C

            'saectric anAvm on suuc newstrY:                                                    na isoo-tsoeng/ .

SOLUSILITY 190teATER: 5dlumit # 30C 818g/C ' ~ l AMlAAAfdC8: Yelleg Cryytels MIM ;geogus t 19ff13SITY * . i

           ' =tidWaa Milkm

, } FLA5et POI 8tf (T127 IKTM101: et/A MITales1713e Tsite: N/A f PLAan6482LITY L! art?S 1N AIR (1 SY )CL) LOIER: N/A ' N: N/A i exrzmaurs,a j aEDIUM I u.e w. = ,og . ,1in ,,1enin,e . . s.r. , we w wint ,tr. l te eti11 emusIl. If 1arge seelant8 are irweIweid. rittritm eey SPtC1AL ) FIas P1ertIMS fuse or seuIt. t n writ era canet t f ort. weter amey name erterutIwe Amanes scattering 09 asI ten anytaI . Ft PefIWBteGro emet tus godisques i m pggg with self _ ;s trung L _tpttete emmergtess arW M. Jt meer'. A strong canelatng aguret ta captiedrt wi th erTente matter. Abe OtPLcS!tDi 48111 tgnt te try f etction or rtest. . N ( _ _- _m - 5""7 5:.5 t x =t. C oo .rc.teoo 20t-sw-sooo - - i wint u o

                                    ~>s - . rs . .r .au o.,s.                                   w s. . m c        s.             m uo.,s DAGEE 1 OF 4 i


1 4 , sENI BY:Lua.tif sIM10N :19-23-93 3:u0PM ,1 CO.WOWEALTH EDISON- COMdONWEALDi EDISOM*10 d l PRODUCT NUMBER- 491392 sootue wetette. sti ". NU W-[- !E*-E M M . t TOXICOLOGICAL. TEST DATA: M M M E M Y [' 5 M.: q f Seef tsu N e tri te, Ptf RESULT: 4 i Ast. Oral LDL50 -}- . atamen, orel LDLo 85 mg/kg. 'very tental 3 3 og/kg. 4 k l EFFECTS OP OVEREXPOSURE: .__ i eeutes et 5 enhelstion.enosaure to tnte estersal inclues eye one amen contact er

;                             Seetus Mttrite one eseammas soluttene of eastue nitrite stay les severely 3

derstating to the eyes. Tne pouser'esy else act se a esenenecal Irettent et

the suln erus reestratory tract. Ingeett e of targe essete se tnte maternet
any cause nemmes, preewettent, eenwulesene venttine, cyaneses les a result of ameneaeglehen one emes.

l i nesseense, vtausI preeIese one mooressee Mese pressure.Ceoente easpeare to neerttes say seues Nitritem asy react j wt tre memonsory ane tertiery sesnos te fera nitreesetruse, wetten are enemel l a carctnoenne. Seetue nitette vos not enretnagente taten fee to rete in the l 1 etet et 0.2 er e.5% f or km to t te weeke. i Eatetirug eseicol cone tione omrevetae try eesseure to enie meteetei k fee informatten feures por tftte etarture. FIRST A10 PROCEDURES: j 4 1, tree-Iseeststely wenn eyes with rwettne water for te menutes. Get temastete emelcel ettenttert. j 'l 3RIn-wenn affoctee ereos w6tti weter. temove one Iawneer* eenteeietstes clo ththq hef eet eguse. If trrt totten seweseon GeneWlt e perys acien. j 4 trigestsen If swallowse. Wilute with water one temestetely Iraeuse . vestting. Desver give ()utes se tasase vetttfg tf the victes 4 1e uneenseteue er Peevine comwIelen. eet iessetato meelesI ettanttan. } Inreistien-seve yet senestate to meetsel

                                                             #reen ate.       ate tn erwetetirg, if namessary, one ettentsen.

4 l 1 f (

              --'   a - -- m - _ s             :. n. :r: e..,.
                                                                         , '= = r~~

r 14_; 42 M .=~ ' ' 4 ~ 1 STA88UTY: . . ; . :: . = ? ,T- ,, v=m r.+t~r-y stmete. ) Cotem0NS TO AVOID, ostetaes estertete, a f tre se eieplesten ser ensur.avete strong estetsers. In ee CN BdCOhrATISLATY: eensatas, tectets., eyensene, ergente j , , , , NAZARDOUR DeConrosmON PROOUCTS: seu *uesa. se euttttoe. estemtausfatee. l HAZARDOUS POLMERIZATIOft g n., ,,,,,, , CCDeffl005 TO AVOer redusse er preennes of anierseas one malestes, , CORROSNE 70 NETAt: sie j om yee 4 AESPIRATORY PROTECT 10ft t thast assu. I f earte t t lene werv"ont. I t If tne remessenese P.E.L. se emeenene. weer en appewves esos roeptreter. I h EYE PROTBCTIOft stes-entese safety gleeses or eneeseen geeses. 1 PROTECTNE CLOTHING: Cl***e. == ene, apron, timets as namessary to prevent sain contact. VENT 1LATIO82 use secos sem to cente I seaste. ' OTHER. ufa . f PAOfr *A mer 4

     , 5ENT BY:LMALLE STATION                          :10 ^9-90      3:n!PV COWOw3*LTS EDIS0W CCERALTd Edison: ell                ,
                   ..                                                                                                                       I a

PRODUCT MJMER: 491392 see1us Nttetto. 84W 4 ig s f2 ; M a m i d # m m e! m ii C ~ 2 P _ f S F J s W 5 s i n ni t M ;; ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICITY DATA:



                                             ,_ isit- se,,t.t ,n.e  .,,. e.i 1,nees 1itty.        . . se itr,  su, er.l     t.m.i. eent.,n.c. ..e e.
                                                                                            . l t.

e - -e to I t. es., 4

                                      - 1.e..


                                     !nertnerate er ensey se e seile artly in a a(RA I f our,see fooMt ty.

De not elecherye Into tasterwys er esaser ey.tems witneut propee autnertty, i HAZARDOUS WASTE 40CFR261: Yes HAZARDOUS WASTE NURASER:e 001 CONTAINER DISPOSAL: tapty containers with less then t snan et restaus eey me lanettites at a 1eeenees factItty, meeenseed erwentny er other aumens to prevertt unauteter1seg reme. i Other eentasnees ause me etseemme of a n a acmA i e amanes f mee a e ty. t Sedlue Nt tre te _R _A _ ves--sestaan attrete REPORTABLE QUANFffY (RQ) m D.O.T. HAZARD CLASSFICATION (CPR172.101-102) PRIIRARY ontaeser SECCISARY , D.O.T. LAmpt_3 ps'OUIRED 449CFR172.101- t o2) 0.0.7. PLACARDS i R 'POtSON CONSTITimtT j Ossesser (CFR172.504) M9CPR172.20390) ser I (1906) - l SILL OF t.ADehG DESCRIPTION t Sectnas Mitrete--Outstaer --t.Di 1900 he CC NO. tse

                                                                                            ' UN/NA CODE 8800                               i DATE PREPARED:               2/ 13 / se                                     gpDAs uzr;                                  '

5/ ts / so l l

                                 *t!LE BASF CCRPC#ATioN etLIEvts TM CATA SET FORTH HERE!te SSE ACCUBATE a5 0F Tat Qatt *(et0P. BA SP CDePORATIO81


  • P AGE 3 OF 4

! I

RM BY:LtS.EE STAT 10N  : m-?*-9? Tc:PM : Ofs3MDdId EDl.%9 umWNCEALTH EDf50N;*12 PRODUCT NLMBER 491392 senius Mitette. EW

                                                                                         -   b 4                                                                                        Soolum filtrite, ow DaNGte: OXIDIZCR.

. H&eldet)b CR FATAL IF StiaLLDetc. P!At AND/04 EXPLC110N mat DCCue 2F P90 DUCT coasts IN CONT{ CXIC12ED EAftRfALS. Y CNTACT CF ffES, titTH SOD!Uas ntTEITE aNO ITS 50LUT!045 neaY RESULT C08f7ACT MAY IeRITATE THE 3stIN AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. itpf DeIONIC f tp0SURE 70 ad!Te!TES haV CAUSE M'Nr".INatstit># WIS43aL peacettes- ANs

t. stav RES j 4881888510 f84TE: F0sel NIT 8h05AftINES, set!CM ARE ANI8tAL CastctacesseG .

setTHgunas nagsegatIA. 3PaE9dAfff W0 teen MAY tt ESPECIALLT StadSITIVE TO NETRITE-SENE use wsen iemal emnswet.avete contact with eyes, skin er cteeming. Avees enreatning tseste . necessary to prevent contact.peggles, trear a art 0 set /sesMa-asescoves glares. coverat ts,mast moren, reemerater. emets anos cnemical etner protec I 3 Fle57 AIO:  ! tyee-!amestately wash eyes with rurvisng watee fee 15 etnutes < Get sammeeste susescal attentsen. , skin-Ween ef fectee areas with wtee. i l cletnerig snevece eewse. If Remove one launoer contassinates I pays ieiart, scritetten movetese eensult a l f } Ingeotten-If veesting. swallouse. estute with water one teametately sneuce , I is uneenectaus ce neweng convutsioneasever gewe e tutsss er ensases weetting si the viette  ! j tretalatten-teeve to f resa air. . Get temas1ete emelesI if nemeenaer, aneattentiet. get temmelste meccal attentlen.Als en armatning, IN CASE OF $# ILLS 04 Ltaats: estereat ts a eaub-regulateel prec.act. settis eneute age sentaines, eoctIity,assereas ans planes in sof tsele mentenners for etspos l in a eCRA.4iconses a ' i

                                   !N CASE OF Flet: Use water fog.

saattering Preshet we ll et smelten esspleos wnen eatertal neates townen 538 ClarTe iluentitles oc uppen montact are trastree . in f tresasolleetten m( witn cyantees. i Fireflytters turnmut gear. shoule see seweppes with self*eentaines areething ap paratees one l i F9PTY CWNTAINERS; all staring ane traneserting easty containere asse to preekset restamassIatseles p , cause this container urtiers et is profeestenelly cleanne one recen. De not , otsp0$AL si t t ories. ' casesses of seeItest estertat. unuseus centente.ans empty centaenere mast sue to mar statertal te menoreerse wete temet. Safety Data Sheet far seesteto stonemalssete anse femoret reyetstsene. aeter , Instrisettene. i III CASE OF OGet! CAL meneflCT: q enferestien concernany sealleo seeseeaI. Call CNE8ff90C doy or night fee aeststense aree asstaante. 600-434=5300 fIce, essseeure ans other annotceI ( aTTElfr!as: Thie> preekset is sets solely fee use my oneustesal ina t t tut t ores, I Refer tousage, safety, amar asuplicat Teormical nullettn ene testortal Safety Dat i I Caneult youe supervenes tene, hasares, prgeseArea arte disspetal ofa Sheet rugstging

                                                                           *er asettienel-tr m tles.                               tnis preshact.

I NJ/PA/ eta /ca. RTM stevtow: 7632 00-0 SeetuneIdttrite 4 woon en tseet eereony Preser Shisetvg Messe: See1um ititrite-= tad 1500 Ib0 Iritereeseate Cneuntc4Ie C990 i

                  *Pe0% 4 6 8 f

PAGE 4 OF 4 7M db i i /hhf - i

i i' - ST BY:LISALLE STATION ' 0-29-83 a:0?PM CMTMECU I:Dlh C'Mun.ALTH 2Di$0N: 13

e,fu no mummmmuse 1 ' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET


n==gency Teleenone Namser neesleet(708) 93o 151O(34 heurup SECTION 1 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION
               '"RADE NAME: NALCD 9249 LIQUID

{ OESCRIPTICK: An aqueous solution of a polyacrylate s j WFPA 70sMAD(IS RATING C=Insignificaat, l= Slight1/1 HZALTH 1/1 FLA306ARILITY 0/0 REACTIVITY 0 orHER 2=Moderata 3=Migh awEstreme ~ j SECTION 2 NAIARDOUS INGREDIENTS l i cur hazard evaluation cf the ingredient (s) under 0$RA's Easard Communication Rule, 29 CFR 1910.1200 has found none of the ingredient (s) hasardous. ( SECTION 3 PRECAUTIONARY LABEL INFORMATION ' J CAUTION: ) May cause irritatico to skin and eyes. Avoid contact with sxin, eyes and clothing. Do not take internally. nupty containers unless may contain residual product. Do not reuse contatner properly reconditioned. i SECTION 4 FIRST A!D INFORMATION .- rYts: SKIN: Plush with water for 15 minutes. Call a physician.  % INGESTION: Plush with watar for 15 minutes. INHALATION: Do not induce vaalting. Give water. Call a physician. , Remove to fresh air. Trent symptcas. Call a pnysician. NOTE TO FMYSICIAN: Based on the individual reacticas of the patient, the physician's judgment should be used to control symptans and clinical condition. j CAUTICN If ur. conscious, induce vomiting having trouble breathing or in convulsions, do not or give. water. SECTION 5 NEALTE EFFECTS INFORMATION FRIMERT ROUTE (S) 0F EXPOSURE: Eye, Skin EYE CONTACT: SKIN CONTAC:t May cause irritation with prolonged contact. May cause irritation with krolonged contact. SYMPTOMS OF EEPOSURI: i symptoms free exposure not previously mentioned.A review of available data does not s AGGRAVATION OF EXISTING CONDIT! Cats: not identify any worsening of amisting con:11tions.A review of available data does PAGE 1 OF 7 GMemelGA&, CosWWAfeY ONE NALCO CENTER e NAPE 8WE LEL ILLINOIS B05831198. - AREA 7D5-305-1 CXX3 l

5ENT BY:LASALLF ST4T!OY  :;G <3-33 eoasi ! COWoWEALDI EDISON- Coh0doMEALTH EI)! SON:21 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET i i, IPRODUCT NALCO 9249 LIQUID I . NALCO i { Emerreur Telegeene Number na. eases poop 330 tst o (24 hourup $ SECTION i 4 6 TOK!COLOGY INFORMATION 1 ACUTI TCXICITY STUDIES: } prcduct. l The results are shown below. Acute toxicity studies have been conducted on this 5 i ACUTE ORAL 10XICITY (ALBINO RATS):* D. , I a Greater then 5,000 mg/kg , i i ACUTE DERNAL TCXICITY (ALBINO RABsITS): LD., = Greater than 2,000 se/kg k PRIMARY SKIN IRRITATICN TEST (ALBINO RABBITS): I SKIN IRhiITATION INDEX DRAIZE RATING: 0.0/C.0 Non-Lfritating i }  ! } FRIMARY EYE IRRITATION TEST (ALBINO RABRITS): _ETE IRRITATICM INDEX DRAIZE RATINGS { 2.7/110.0 MirN11y irritating j SECTION 7 PEYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES COLOR: Clear water-white F0EM: Liquid

ENSITY: ODOR: Organic  !
10.2 lbs/ gal. '



pH (NEAT) * .2L - 1.23 8 60 Degrees P VISCCSITY: 3.6 - 4.0 ASTN 0-1298 , 51 eps S 60 Degrees F ASTM E-70 , FREE 22 POINT:

20 Degrees F ASTN D-2983 FLASE POINT: ASTM D-Ll77

! Wone (PleCC) i j A52N D-93 morE 3 These physical properties are typical values for this product . SECTION { 8 FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFONOLTION i FLASE POINTr None (PMCC) ASTN 3-93 i EXTINGUISHING MsDIA: , water is boiled away. 'The remaining organics'aey ool containers exposed to fire. e. be ignitablThis produ i Use water to s j UNUSUAL FIRE AND EKPLOSION HAZARD: I i A containers pressure buildupesposed leading to in a fire a rupture. should be cooled with water to prevent va 4 i j SECTION S REACTIVITY INFORMATION i INCOMPATIBILITY: Avoid contact with strong oxidizers (eg. chlorine percaldes, I l j ' ) which con generate heat. fires, emplosionsumes. THERMAL DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: and the releas In the event of combustion CD, CDs, Nor mer i PACE 2 OF 7 , NALOG CMWestCAA COhedR4818Y QNE NALCO OFNTEM e . 484EA 7ceNsos-s occ NAPE 8tMLLE. ILLINOS SOSes.119e

                 - - - - . - ' ~ " -
    . ET EY:LiSALII simon                             q0-23 33    3:g3pg g,.)W.MEALE EDIS0W COWONWEALE EI)isoy;45 i

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET j PRODUCT i NALCO 9249 L QUID l NALCO i , Emergency Teleahone Number I Meetset(70s) esd>1s10(s4 hevfel ! SECTION i 9 REACTIVITY INFORMATION i ( CONTINUED ) i ! be formed. Do not creathe smoke or fuses. Near suitable protective equipment. j i i SECTION 10 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQU!FMENT i RESPIRATORT PROTECTION i the volatility and tericity are icw. Respiratory protection is not normally needed since j If significant vapors, mists cr aerosols i are generated, wear a NIC5H approved or equivalent respirater, i For large spills, entry into large tanks, vessels or enclosed small spaces with inadequate ventilation, a pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus is reconnended. . r

LAT:oE General ventilation is recommended.

PROTICTIVE EQUIFMENT: j when attehing f eeding equipment or doing metatanmee.Use impermeable gicves The availability of an 4 eye wash fountai.n and safety shower is recommended. If clothing aff ected area. is contaminated, remove clothing and thoroughly wash the Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. i SECTION 11 SPILI. AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION i IN CASE OF TRANSPORTATICK ACCIDENTS, CALL THE FOLLOWING 24-HOUR - i 4 HLEPtElWE NUMEEE (7C8-920-1510) l SPILL CONTROL AND RECOVERY: i Small liquid spills: any cosearcially available Contain with absorbent material, such as clay, soil or abscrbent. into recovery or salvage drums for disposal. Shovel reclaimed liquid and absorDent Refer to CERCLA in Section 14 Large 11guld spills Dike to prevent further movusent and reclaim into recovery in Section it. or salvage drums or tank truca for disposal. P'afer to CERCLA 015POSAL: If this product becomes a weste, it does not meet the criteria of a(HCRA) hazardous waste as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act nor is it40 CFRunder 251, since it does D. not have the characteristics cf Subpart C, listed Subpart 1 i As a non-hasardous liquid isaste, it should be solidified with stabilizing agents (such as sand, fly ash, or cement) so that no free liquid reemins 1 PAGE 3 OF 7 ma ten esementoAL ceasesuseY CNE NALCO CENvEA e NAMERVILLE. ILLINCIS 80583-119Q uneA 7os-aos-s coa


et ei v M .if afATivi w-23-93 3
n z....e., ru a.- . ,

aseeno 1(70s)0301ato(s4 noem i SECTION 11 SPILL AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION ( CONTINUED ) before disposal to an industrial waste landfill. A non-nasardous liquid eraste r can also egulations. be incinerated in accordance with local, state and federal SECTION 12 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION AQUATIC 3LTA: i 96 hour static acute LC,, to B1 cog 111 Sunfish = Greater t.m 1,000 ppe i 96 hour no abnormal observed effect concentration is 1,000 pga based on no mortality or effocts. l l 96 hour static acuta LC,, to Rair.bew Trout = Greater than 1,000 ppa i 96 hour offocts. abnormal no observed effect concentration is 1,000 ppe based on no nortality or 9

48. hour static acute LC . to Daphnia Magna = Greater than 1,000 pps 48 hour no abnormal observed eff ect concentration is 560 ppe based en ro mortalit effocts. .

y or l 4 T3XICITY RATING: Essentially non-tesic 96 herir static ecuta LC,. to Mystd Shrimp = 464 mg/L TOXICITT RATING: Slightly toxic 96 hourthan Greater static acute 1,000 mg/Ltc,', to silversides (Menidia beryllina) =

         %IICITT RATING:       tssentially non-toalc
1 released into the environment, see CIRCLA in Section 14.


5DT BY:L4SALLE STATION 10-03-93 3:0FM COWONNE.u.TH EDISON- C0!al0NNEALTH EDISON::17 l i MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET i PRODUCT ) i NALCO 9249 LIQUID i NALCO Emereeney Teleehone Nunrher ~ t meneest troel e301510(s4 hevrug i a SECTION 14 REGULATORY INFORMATION 1 a "he following regulations apply to this products FEDERAL REGULATIONS: 05KA's MAZAND COMMUNICATION RULE, 29 CFR 1910.12003 Based on out are hasardous.hazard evaluation, none of the ingreetients in this product i i I i CERCLA, 40 CPR 117, 302 t Wotification of spills of this ;:roduct is not required. SARA /5UFERFUN11 AMENDNENTS AND REAUTICRIEATICK ACT OF 1986 (TITLE III) - SECTIONS 302, 311, 312 AND 313: I 1  ; SECTION 302 - ECTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (40 CFR 355): This product Ratremely does not Hazarcous contain ingredients listed in Appendia A and a as an Substance. j SECTIONS Our 311 and hazard evaluation 312 -that has found MATERIAL this product isSAFETY not FazardousDATA SEEET REQUIRE under 29 CFR 1910.1200. SECTION 313 - LI57 or TOXIC CEEMICALS (40 CFR 372): This product does not contain ingreaients on the List of Toxic Chemicals . TOKIC SUBSTANCES CDerTROL ACT (TSCA): The enemical (40 CFR 710). ingredients in this product are on the 8(b) Inventory List RESOURCE CDNSERVATION AMD RECOVERr ACT (RCRA), 60 CFR 261 SURPART C t. Dr consult Section 11 for RCRA classtfication. FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, CLEAN WATER ACT, 40 CFR 401 15 j (formerly Sec. 307), 40 CFR 116 (formerly Sec. 311): . Mone of the infredients are specifically listed. Clean Air Act. Sec. 111 (40 CFR 60), l Sec. 112 (40 CFR 61, 1990 Assendments): itis product does not contain ingredients covered try the Clean Air Act.  !


PAGE 5 OF 7 1 NALasas OMS 8ustsBAb CashesmasWY AREA 705 305-1000 ONE NALCQ CENTER esNaimERVIL 1


                                                                            ,,o      er r.,.e.e,.. m,,,,.e, lese 6ost(708193o 1s10(34 heerst i                     SECTION 14 REGULATORY INFORMATION                                                                (

{ This product California does not contain Proposition 65. any caemicals which require warning under j i MICHIG&N CRITICAL MATERIALS: l "his product Materials does not contain ingredients listed on the Michigan Critical-Register. i STATE aIGtT TO KN0sf LAWS: } The following Know Laws: ingredient (s) are disclosed for compliance with State Right To i Acrylate polymer Trade secret Inorganic salts j Trade secrets Water 7732-18-5 INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS: I j This sill not a Wit (IS controlled product under The Mouse of Commons of Canada i 1 SECTION 15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION _ 5 isone SECTION 16 USER'S RESP (1NSIBILITY j j This intornation.product material safety data sheet provides bes1th and safety j our product literature.The product is to be used in applications consistent with

Individuals handling this product should be informed of to this information. the recossmanded safety precautions and should have access i For any other uses, esposures should be evaluated j so that appropriate handling practices and training programs can be i

established to ensura safe workplace operations. l local sales representative for any further information.Please consult your SECTION 17 EIELIOGRAPRY j ANNUAL REPORT ON CARCINOGENS, i P.2blic Health Service, PB 33-135855, U.S. Department 1983. of Health and Human Services, a


l CAEAR2TT AND DOULL'S D., and TOKICOLOGT, THE BABIC SCIENCE OF POIS0sS, Adnaar, M. O., , J., Doull 1 2nd N. Y., edition, 1960.Klaassen, C. eds., Macmillian Publishing Company, Inc ., I J i PAGE 6 0F 7 i NALCes 084See# CAL OG8u8pA8WY CNE NALCO CENTER e NAPERVILLE ILLINCH 4 _ _ ooo E 80583-19 98


N A LC Q .

Emereeney Teleehone Numeer leesteel(708) S301s10(34 hourse SECTION 17 BIBLIOGRAPRY ( CONTINUED ) CHEMICAL MAZARDS OF THE WORKPLACE, Proctor, W. H., and Hugnes, J. P. :ipincott Company, N.Y., .7. P., eds., 1981. i OANGDtCUS PROFERT!ES OF INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS, Sax, N. Irving, ed., Van Nostrand Rainhold Company, X.Y., 6th edition, 1984. 1 IARC To MAN,MONOGRAPHS Geneva ON THE EVALUATION OF THE CARCINOGENIC RISK CF Research on Cancer,World Health Organization, International Agency for 1972-1977 FATTY'S eds., JohnIIIrJSTRIAL HYGIENE Wiley add Sons, AND TOIICOLOGT, Clayton, G. D. , Clayton,E., N. Y., F. 3rd edition, Vol. 2 A <., 1981. REGISTRY CF *:OKIC EFFECTS ON CEDCICAL SUBSTANCES, U.S. Depart:nent of Health and Human Services Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute ter occupational Safety and Health- 1983 supplement of 19tf1-1982 a11 tion, Vol.1-3, OR,1964. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910, subpart 2, Toxic and i Mazardous Substances, Occupational Safety and Hes1th WM stration (OSHA) . THRESBOLD LIMIT VALUES POR CREMICAL SUBSTANCES AND PHYSIC WORKROCDI ENVIROIOGNT WI"'8 INTEMDED CHANGES, American Conf erence of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, OH. PREPARED BY Ricky A. Startrhause PhD., Tealcologist DATE CHANGED: 07/22/92 IRTE PRINTED 11/14/92

i. ,

1 d 'l 4 received i 1/2 /2. /92. I PAGE 7 cr 7 NALGE3 CHEhelcAL CC3eem4NY ONE NALCO CENTEM e NAPEF%nLLE, ILLNOsa BOSS 3-11Ege wasA ros.aos.1000

2 1 x.u cr:LbAtiti siAimN 10-23-93 3:05PM l'

                                                               ?"gg COWO.WEA1.TH EDISON- COWOMEEALTH EDISON;do MATERIAL                                            Sr DrySJ l

m. N.. Network SAFETY DATA E"' "GENCY PHONE 1800 OLIN 911 4


i s SECTICM I - IDENTIFICATION 8505 FILE **0 I @ffMICAL NAME 4 ?YNDWYMS , 1 I 50e t tet 7 ,;p _ . ,_,, ] , [ ,,I ' i l CHEMICAL FAss!' 1 lPORealLA falkal? PROERACT Naos. Rayon Crece-Lawnt:c Sees 50% DESaft!PTION Cl ear ee t er * **- a s t u t ic" CAR NO. 1310-73-2 i 4


j  ! PRECAUTION 5 ~* TION !! - NORMAL HANDLING PROCEDURES 6-" 'i r IAKEN , 90LII*E AMD 5!DItAGE May to fatal gwellow*"

,' i o
                                                                                ., contact      wit % eyes. eben or clotnta0 upon             contset weth settn oc
                    .ve.. ...n . -      ..t--,.t.t. sto,e ,n a .e.i-..ntti.t  !

  • Je-eas, me t a l. aan esotoa- e t$e a . .ee. s.eeret..t -
               ,=mter to tha *
               ; .ye..en ... .- .
                                               . i t eat ee -                           ot'uttne tae solution, asways ace it to tme mater. d er.91ng e                                                                               ncesst%e neat anct may cause selettering. Mave safety showC* me

! l  ; I , occTtCTtvt r ew"cutarr t t vtMTILATION 80gWIREDItpf73 j tvE5 tt ee i e - googles .___ I 4 '*esnieto , GLOVE 5 *iene** 1* *Vf a s roow metow TLv. tree to homo * *coorrw concentrattens crHet :ever--

  • ano ee--

i SECTION !!! - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS BASD MattatAL soo u.e nyoea- - 05HA PEL LD50 LC90 e h agr'i3 isso sets P*o cata StenrFICANT EFFECT$ I i Coerpetwo to all tissues contacteo. l l t FLASM POIMf '

  • finame"'


                                                                     }03MAClA35IFICATION8801 werwoD                                                                                             **,wastoe I"*on-$onunate                                                       F'**""*"Lf E8'Lostv.

Lowtm uPPet

                                                                                                                                                      ,s . o .     ,s . .

i EXTINGUIENIN'1 "!DIA P8cn ettble, out may i L! sert geratset. 5 4 r~' . .-2HL3Aff ' . *innt *t=e ana raeltgntannaamm te comeustunne mater ials or organic sat ter on l SStef AL FIRr f"7 Aste a r ar

  • cantainmen_ s
        , ,s e r -cont s te"

ersa tn t er '"aff2NG Pa0Crimmas use #10&M/MSMA espeeves posittwo eresswee

                                                                   'ratus enere ints astects)                   to involves in a etre, miter 10LD LI!"                VALIJE SECTION V - HEALTE RA1ARD DATA See suso a      v een* me         -

2 so . *

  • 5Vk,susg5 0FIi'IR EKPD5Uf 'reeitae) r 19sg.g? )

Coeecstwe ' e, * * ' **wount qactee -- LMERGENCY FIN 31- AID P-5-"""3 - - - t,gtw p1usn w w a t er' '

      !                                                             ruutes. esit a cnvesetan lrygg fmanegin                  y     fluen >              -
                                                               .ater for 18 minutes = t tn eyes no tcr open. call e omveteten l
        $Norgttty Or "
  • 1 eros cru ti_s e o' meter.

b--J____. So - _ C411 a pnveteten. L imgro . m- - a t r. casi a env.ician --

                                                                                                                               -]                                               i

_l _-i

dEM M:LuiALLE STATION ! 10-29-93 . 3:05P.M . COWOMEALTH EDlSob Coholoh1EALTH EDISOM;;21 i n e r.= 1 C DC 1 _ c>stm2 CAL NAM Caust te Soes 50E teven Crees } 4 j "ECTION VI TOXICOLOGY (PRODUCT) '. ACUTE CRae Lg So we . asev ce fatsi le swallow ,*i cAaCINDetattCITY Not known to me carcinogensc anJTAetNICITT Met known to se .eutogente i ACUTE Ctf"**t LD 50 !Yf IRRIT ATION Corroe lve i i no eats painsaaY SacIN IRRITATION l j A3JTE :Po***ATION L "" Correstwe 1 no cats I l PRINCIPAL

  • COTES CP "o7204 *
n,s i e t , ,.. oor..i



1 a trFtCTs er acutt Exon" e a svene ee a<eesee tee-

  • eeowe+:t t v resul t ene in coeo ulcere t ten.

! gFr! CTS M C11RONIC F. 'lat

were ..r.rt t s r e- sea to tissue comoge.

4 4 SECTION VI1 SPILL AND LEAKAGE PROCEDURES (CONTROL PROCEDURES) i i l AcTI:s t ri r ma tf RI AL r*sse ca SPtLL 4 cauttew " t u Y 10w I * - l* Fellow ** 6 regulat SL1ppgav aNo cannot!vt. eene NICSM/P5MA appeevee cust/ mist reaperator. r,ecoroae Meyvtert 'or resovretoe use fece 29 CFB '990.134). mese goggles. toweral)s one

                                                             -**ce gloves        one coots. Aos non-coacttwo cry asserDent sucn es a

m otosse*- st earth et er sweep u0 an6 rysoce in an approveo 00T cersteiner ano ses) . l'woutrer.--esieve

              . .no...... m orem.

m iute scio sacn es ecet te t vinepor t one fiwen wetn water. se not veen

                                                              .,o .e.or, or j        e      ve. - av . tam--                        *
                                                                                    .. , .. .e .. . .. .n . i , con t .. . .,. , e. . e t s e, .e. .es ,o.e. . ,,,

ceii tne e.orgency seisonone nummer enM,n en ene croot ., ents sneet. I

        , TRANSP0r?TATION ' ~RGENCT. CONTACT CHENTREC 800-424-9300 I

4 . WA5TE DI"*'5AL NETit } l Dispose -r coritemiaa a seems em 3 genmer ce" omouct. o.oty contatssere end meteetale uses in eteening up emella op

       .                                                      as     f v ** e mater el           Consult approortate seoeral. State one locat
,.. ..t .. ......., ..e ...,procer ....o..t .ro _ e...

J i I l I SECTION V!!I - SHIPPING DATA jD.0 T Caus t 'e - t t ou ta Correstve Meterial tm ta24

                                                               .                                                                                                               1 SECTION II - REACTIVITY DATA STABLt           .

M1 Afd AT C F MAZAmpWE i MAY ON _ POLY 3IE RIEATION  :*WILL NOT n :.- CONDifff9't TO AVDIO r 93ne aon-n IteCCp8P Af f a tLITYIIIAfrf ' TO AYDIC) perostoe- atumirssa aetne. .seny nitro-comeouries, entertnotes tverocaroons. HarAA00Ut CfCORIPOE!Y ' ' N8tODUCTS centset witn er***** *alA'.3, r e le ase a t -a t ewatn eerochvoretee evernema nas aey resaase carbon monomtoe. Centset SECTION I - PHYSICAL DATA aet t r ING ' .i TWT S S ' r t t . t VArt3 rurgg=="

  • See pe low .

SQ , LING (UINT 295 t ' .* !VULATELg5 w a yi cIFIC s?.AVITT(N2(a en e, 59U=ILITY 188 UATEm toIunie eor PM > ICY.-v mTsuss mATsN *


[ a) s, ."._3 a i:0 ci t.oe i SC ' r e VL - begmKTT I AER* t I an a. t INFORMATION: T"t"'! SHED TO m ano FURNISRED BY DATE "' ' ' ' * ' ' at* Ot PT t,AN#* oes one.= .e e eaiet ter,iene rese.e.e,r 1 at&t L S AF E f t DATA SMttTS re>V*tt DJFFE1N * (18317ee test t Et

                     '. t "a* ti 5     C1, Op RA           CORPORATION 120 Long Meepe meest Stasneers. Connecticut 069C4
                                                                           ~7 ? 9 2P ... _                OCEADe* Waturerk
                                                                                                 n.e t..             . ,teto..t1

l INT BY:LbALLE STATION 10-29-93 3:06PM COWONnEALDi EDISON- C0hoiOMEALTH EDISON: 22 i i dNs.stpky $bemicct{ Ynspecilon 00. P. o. sox 43. LEMONT. ILUNOIS 9043D4o43 * (7081257 6775 i togR g oael * * " ' " * * " # P. O. Box 1355 ## #"#" #' i Staarord CT. 069tli-1355 i

                             --        REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS l

DATE: - May 21, 1992 REGARDING: Ex-Berge OMCC 11 caustic Soda The Powell Duffryn Terminal in Lemont. IL. Barge Composite Before Olscharge Shore Tank 219 After Ofscherge NAZO _ 38.971 39.085 NA0H 50.231 50.385 NA 00 2 3 .03565 .03945 NACL 00205 ,

                                                                                         .00165 Iron Content 0.73 PPM 0.78 PPM Arsenic Content
                                                                                        <1 PPM Lead Content            .

2.12 PPM Hercury Content , Heavy Metals 0.016 PPM

                                                                                       <30 PPM lbs/ Gal P 608F:


  - -.                                                                 b w        a       &



   . w
        ~sT BY:LASAll.E STATION.
      ;                                             . *0-29-93 3:06P>i . C0WONME.413H SISON- C0!ciONWEALTH GiWd

3Z 11% A W Maten. a lSafe; y DataSheet i _ SGCtlOn i Product identification T4ADE NAME un- or a m _.m m .


im mt.,TYPt r....- CDOt IDENT.

                                                             ,.                                                                           t
Section 2 .. -....

m-4an_. _ i'

                                                             . redients                                               -

I cAs NUMata  % 1 unaer 29CFR 1910.1200 0(33&(4)-DoesfrPoscarcarrtatA not contata he , i i i , 3 l a awes . . _ , 1' Section 3 Physicat Dato .. .s l ?O UNG j fittitN INT.760 m Me IN T 3 pts F .. 3 a YPfGtlCGAVITY IM20. h 37 F utt?tNG POINT _. } _ VAPOR DINSfTY (At4 o 4 t i ei VAPOR PRE 15UAE u l . a VOLATILf5BYWOLUMF ado SatutttiTY IN M20 M ma um ] i APFtARANCE & ODOR _ een eVAPORAflCN R ATE _ rao ac. r==1stm In , mM ( ~ ! close liquid with no specielo esoc i c - 4. 7 ; t Section 4 Fate & Explosion Huzard Doto { flash PolNTi& mE TMoo u5f D1 + , MA,uster-based produ.t FLAMMAntt LOWER LIMIT 51N AIR % 5Y VOLUMt l HA UP'fR . AUTO 'GNITION ihNGutiHINO wf D#A- NA  ! TEMPERATUtf NA IFt CiAt f ett flGHTING PROCf DURES. rnan efW 1 DeYrurmem - i Firefighters should weer full protective [ i clotaitig, i UNU5UAL Flat AND f EPtOS60N HAZARD: none known 1 i . _ , Section

                  ~ ~       5 Reactivity Dato

. _STAtitITYEORMAL ctmain CONOfflONS) CONDIT#CN810 wa+ MO!D 4NcCuPATitit:TY (MAff ttALS AvolDl10 danmes,and_ I Streng oxidizing agents __ x AZARDOU$ DiCOMPO$iTION PEODUCT5 vict deteratted

           ,m AIA 20005 POLYMlatZAT60N ut11 u , n~w CONDITroNs we+         TO WOiD 2a 1e malm GRACE Dearborn t_-. OMalen W R. Grecs & Co. ene.                            . Conn                  . 330 Gen
                                                                            %mes. Lake Zunch, i 60047 (708) 438 1800


            . _ . ~

qu By :Lu.A..L.L.E .ST.A.T. I.O..N.. 93 w , . .w: 10.w-29. wormmo' 07PX 3 COWOMALT11 EDISON- Co.WOMEALTli EDl50N;*24 SQ s h Hezeralin{prmation _, .s u 7


l~ see Seou s. 2 EFFICT3 0F OVEREXPOS URE: INHALATION: INGESTION: Inhalatica of vapors or sist say irritate sasal passages-Harmful if'suallowed SXIN OR EYE CONTACT: Prolonged or frequent skis cent.act may cause arratati ca. 1 1 EMERGENCY AND FIRST AfD PROCEDURES


k NGESTION: Remove affected persons to fresa air asa treat sveptoms . ' IP tagested assinsster eestic or crisk lar ater to neutralize and contact physician. ge amounts of allk or i SWIN CONTACT: unsh with soap and water. j EYE CONTACT: 3 Flush eyes utLh w4ter and seek medical attention. j i ' Section 7 special Protection information "' dENTILATCM EtOUtREMENTS . f

                        *1menanteal wantilattaa
RESPIRAtoaf Jens ===~imiPROTECTION (SPECLPY TYPf)sha .la ha_a p aa=*ta t YE PROTECTION d

finmalm_a gr dans shield GLOVES oi " asp CTHEI PAOTECTIVE CLCTH.NG AND tGUlPME NT or slantin 11

                     $TE r5 TO TAK E iP MATE Rt AL 15LLIO                             RtLE ASED OR 5P:
.                        Wear protective clothing.

5 spillsdisposal. for should be soaked up on atSmall spills may De flushed to the drain. Flush area of spill uith water.1 sert absorbent and placed in a contalperLarge } 1 AASTI Da5POSALMtTHOD local regulations. Dispose of absorbed eaterial in accordasoe with applicatie F d i flag te DuPtos or landfilled, e eral, state ans t This product is met an EPA hazardous wasta. J . 1 I Section 9 Specsol Procautions PRECA'lTION5 TO BE TAKE N IN M AND(It4G AND STollAGE Protect from freeting. k i \ Store crues closed when not in use. i OfME R PRECAUTIONS o 4 r r sneustrial use osiv. Keep out of reson of children. j pat Pant D av- 5. Mores A. g, v 6, M** **s" *."U*.*I.*-."..' DATt; B/03/88 yy=y-.g.. .' d ~E~/.S..Ur 7. Y.,.J.'" r. . a T.. w.-- 7 7w"7 i GRAG Dearborn Desehern Divisten w il Grace & Co. . Com. , ur c . 300 a7 908)Genenes 438.7800 Seese tala Z

i DENT BY:LISALLE STATION 00-29-93 . 3:07PM l COMEMEALTil EDIS0W C0hWOMIEALTH EDISON::25 \ UE V&p- . i !' rao'o uer.uurn i 18314

            - , _ , ,,                                                                    Wd5:e anC OTOCESS i                        -                 . mci . co.
W6:Cr ': red 3 ten':

i AQUAFLOC' 408 i industrial and Municipal Waste Treatment k _  ; , AQUAFLOC' 408 is a liquid anionic fiossoient und esegulant aid.: AQUAFLOC 4e will inemses the ! efficiency of cierifiers. filters, thickeners, esperstars and softeners. AQUAFLO j in the clarification of row water intended for potable use. AQUAFLOC 408 prom i faster settling floc which means a reduodon in floc carryover snel intressed filter runs . ADVANTAGES: 4

i Convenievt liouad form of a high moissaior a weteht potymer lasreamus offisseney of troussent synesses I
                         *                                                                                                                        ...j....

Promotes faner settling fios * (

  • Sele-EPA soproval for use in posuble weenr Does* not add solids to sludge ' hI,  !


Use 25 to 300 ppm based upon affluent quattty requered.
Cossoas of 5 to 100 ppm are recommended.

exosed 60 ppm. Cptimum doseges are best determined by ist tesu or use in th . FEEDING: '. For best results. feed diluted solutions of the required amount of .AQUAFLO t solutions of 1 part AQUAFLOC 408 to 5 or 10 paru of water should be prepared Feed  : I ! When used as a crtmary coagulant,408 should be fed to a thoroughly ent agn j { setts or otner pnmery coagulant, whors floc formation has beg , , . st , i l Pump feed solution continuously or proportionally to flour with a positive disp . 5 PMODUCT DATA: Color: Coleriens; oteer  ;

)                                                                                           Frees 6ng point: 32* P (0*C)

Forut: Liquisi - pH: 4 Densey: 8.5 bis /ss6lon (1.01 ko/L1 HANDLING: SIIghtly acid. eyes, immediately flush with uter anc get medleet ettention. Avoid contact with sk Keep container classo when not in use. PACKAGING: 55 Galton drums - Approximately 460 lbs. not 1208.68 kg) 30 Gallon crums - Approximswiy 250 lbs. riet U 13.4 kol , 5 Gallon pans - Approximately 42 lbs. not (18.65 kg) , i i

m. w en.m e i.
                                                                                                                    ,,=-.ussa     a aa em um ..

g wy we====s assens==am e. enum m.

    ?OP4 310 GENESEE sinEET . (Aers rJascM su.ueo's soodF . sta/ w

_, _ . . - . . . - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~~'~~ " * ~ ~

SI tr.LuAtif MATioN :10-23-93 3:D FM i.


         . . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _MlTERIAL

_ - S AFhTT'" DATA _-.-_--

                                                                                                  ----------      -S KEET             >
         $ h CO i

CAS e 007722-84-1 __: W_____________________^ FORMULA: H(2)O(2) CHEMICAL FAMILT: :norganic Peroxide CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONTMS: Peroxide 104, Hydrogen Dioxide SUPPLIERS NAME: Th pson-Maywa d Chemical Company ' i' 52 5 ter R K nsa Ks 66106 SUPPLI EM TRANSPROTAgHONE NUMEE : 1 1-3131



                              . ION EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: 1-800-424-9300 SECTICH _________________gre___dients I       Hasardous In 133E'9I'"3                               $'EC'31                  Ib3 HYDROGEN PEROZIDE                                   10%

P TWA 8 HR 1 OSHA 7 NA 8 MR 1 A H

            --_____..____alth__ Hazards._______________________..._.---___

i Threshold Limit value: As indicated in section I. { Potential Effects of Exposure: Eyes: . Ma y terstant.cause eye burns, effects may be delayed, an extreme Skin: l Short term ex sure causen skin irritatio exposure causes tr E. tation, blasters or burns.n, longer l $ Inhalation: ) nose and throat. Inhalation of vapor or mist may cause irritation of i

ngestions ox en whic:#. swallowed an a se in it mar au a sudden volution of y

se ch, an oca neern 1 6d ngatention may resu o t.the esophagus or First aid: Ey  : Immedia flush e es i tes e of v in an r at least med at ntion.g ta t enses w a per a t worxing vit this chealca . not be war . wh a Skin Thorouchl fivsh skin v th water, rem contaminat physzczan.edc!ot ing cramp e and wash Note AI b41cv.t y and thoroug y. 411 a Inb lation: Remove utient to fresh air. throat or nose is hpparent ref er person to Ifairritation physician.of Incestion: dontents. DO NOT induce vomitino. Give wate If vomsting occurs skntaneously,r to dilute head stomach maintain CONTINUED ON PAGE 02 J

j ._ _ . ___ _ .__ . _ _ _ . _ __ _ INT BY:LASAl.lE STATION }. 10-23-93 . '3:06FN : COWONIEALTH EDISOW ColWOMEAl.TH

                                                                                                                   ""' "dHII^RTf"'Lctisc "^"'                                                                                                      >

l i


XATERIAZ. SAFETY DATA 5HEET l giij5 55i[~56iiihiiEiH~IBi ETEF~~~~~E~riT~BUiUiilHTE~ I  ! S'c " "seeL Note er"itlsh t to Physic ni'Kf's an, ( to cin o ntion. C.ff T U ici.n.

                                                                                                                                               , bekow.a.1.                                                                                        !

f Cther Informations i l

                                                                                                     )                                                                                                                                            j I

h( drogen peroxide and should notProtective offer protection skin creams fromdo no l p otective measures given in Sect on III.-a worn also see other 1 ! (B) Ph .! ! concentracionps ksiciant H r roxide at this 1ssuffiegent., g,stronoox5ka!enb$ {foesus gernesg rec contact g gscially sith the eve it i e0a15$!I$n! ommen$ e

                                                                                                                                      '                        ssg                          -loca$#                                                !

imitmrp$**rms:mn m=e norue=or;:me n rue m:e - i- ene i i j 2:*:a "it'tpttermg. u!anetiWaf*!Mi".*5t:Entfs!*iI togas [armat;3n. tmd"m'tK4! a I i g chronic exIocureg teItitt.g*TII rtedob cgegdf inogenic to agu miP2 fill!g"': mf .is ner.E5"It:0 I Pa?:r*P .e. *h in'ti t b ove

4 a.aterfsl."'lvidencetsn.tu:J*'"a2nese;nce it ese acut,

                                                                                                       'h.:=' !!!e9a sn.**Alfe " hat a2os. igd,!

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  • rense 56se
                                                                                                                                                                             'N'5 '$5Ag%'"
                                                                                                                                                                                         'l 1"g               f                                i

! " togeg,o1sinA h cone.nuatta=R.t)h soI  :"B n tof Wa8ue g .s t:j.J  : i i 5.H.5 nI!* v fog,tt. 1ons to.di?*:".IsT s en.oin 1cy.5"1!t lincen B2* t is lose oPl :_.?iliW!! ' se

                                                                                          !$r a!cikN oral         exposu!re to   i$$$        khek$             "k                                                                                             :

(Generally Secogn!$2isun$!51vl.f$4 $[DN$$' !"c[$,sg[eetgd 4  !; r6 ) I6r H sanor6vekas! pter141 is as not sat Yseist as a'hhBan food ad ive ' i 8tftP?R'IBpidues.ased B W 9irt ilt F1 38!!c'2.*** g ag" "a2 " *' 5Y ~ l l Sacne"_111_ _5 Pre!!L EEa t tshee_!e 8 aE=es!ee__ _ __ t ! ""Si'*if61n!!jj!"?!8"4 *" 5*" PE"t.gff* i

                                                                                   $ootuseanos$         n!Ri" xI$1A*lthsable  'tjeP f!"ijtil*"iioPo!                  sor$ent.       salAmitn* autb:;

! ~ ventilation to asep Required;de peroxi conc 6ntratsons below exposure limitsGood oene . Protective Clothings j Eyest Cu i recosaa pe chemical goggies and/or full face mask are j Skin l When a possibility of contact exists, wea'r a hard hat with CONTINUED ON PAGE 03 4 4 i.

          . _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _                                      -         -        .            _      _ _ . . . _        m..       , . , . . . . . , . , . , , , , , .
                   , pEM BY:LuAllE 5TATlo\               10-23-93 3:ObPM : COWONIEALE EDISON- COWOMEALE EDISON::2 THOMPSON-HAYWARD KANSAS CI MCHEMICM.
                                                                               , KANSAS COMPANY                                  I

1 _ __ __ __ __ _ __ ____ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _MATF.RI AL S _________________,_______ _________________ ___ AFETT DA_T_A SH_E_ET i PR O - SECTIONbria, I!! Sp Iu .hal Protecticn In ormattu '

                                                  . length     taca shi    Id                        CONTINU4D boo                                          neoprene, butyl _or    viny rubber watgsgoc       een acrylic or po yes:ter outer clotning, chem:, cal      e ault        '

Additiona; Protective Me gures Where ez M eu mesible wea i aS.EesteroracryIcoYter E1 material.on oth ng o coa ts. kration or e mov cause f prous shoes.e these synthetics ar less su!armeSustib sceptible. rein n$ votR cracKe , su..e e or ' v-S!cI29N {y,,,(({3,3,Esg}osion Hagagd ggta t Flash Point (Method): Will not burn Flammable Limits (% Volume in Air): wh Will not hur but dec .cz t appe[c:b burning ratein aofconfinek,swee fla m mle vapors. wi$$ in position crease will explosive releas$1m1Eken,d an f Lower UNK Extinguishing Media: Flush away with water.  !

                                   *a s or cont Procedures SpecialF1eFightinginers                            F ood with water u in sh gogo es and ictA sn eme{r aneles it hvorogen                              cool prox   2We in inc                  en     roxide   v4                        ang-incluinIn-e arritafIng Mdrokaofsandski.

ot rs and mistk are extremely j Unusual. isFire and En lo ion a.strone tro Hazards: may intensif x!re.r,oncecompositionreleasesoxygenwhichPeroxide is non-combu r i S_ E_ CT_ _I O_N_ ____ _ _V _ _ __ _ _P h y s i c__a _l Da ta_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! Boiling Points 226 dag. F Specific Gravity (H(2)C=1): 1.133 i vapor Pressure (MM HG. ): 23 0 30 deg. C Vapor Density (AIR =1): UNK i Evaporation Rate (autyl Acetate =1): >l Solubility in Waters Complete ' Percent Volatile by Volumes 1004 pH Apparent 2.0-3.0, 14 solution 5-6 i Appearance end odors i colorless liquid, slightly pungent odor. i CONTINCED ON PAGE 04 i

4 -

       - S T BY:LtiAl.if STATION           ;10-29-93 : 0:09PM : COWONnEALTH EDISOF COMOMIEALTH EDISON:r29 t
  ,                                                                                                                     1 THOMPSONg g g                  gCCBIPANT                                        l l


       ---_--------------------------- AL        SAFETY DATA SHEET                                                     l PRODUCf NAME:         m        U PEROZIDE 10% BLK DLT--------------------------------


                                                                                                 ------....          o l

PRODUCT CODE: 26- 14-01 03/09/88 PAGE 04  ! s5grigN y1___agge31313r_ggsa Stabilit[y: nstable when ex sed to, ces t or contaminates of

,                        a     kfna such as the [$compata$Ies           Skve  he$elow.

ated l Incompatibility: With c anides, hexavalent chromium connounds, nitric' cid, potassium - l gavy metals, go vantze tre organics c rmano note, tron reduczng noents, 2l oys.nd

                                                                           ,6mra          5n a other rust, r

other, combustib.s .bs,articu arly and mattrial iny unoa9ttJ wo ith pH s above 4. paper or . Hazardous Decomposition Products: None. HazardousPol[merization: cataly e polymerization Will not occur boyever.. mroxide will ancompatibality as indicated above. SECTICN VII Spill and Leak Procedures Steps to be taken if material is released or. spilled: Dilute vi h a lar area unti *he elow.hy e volume scapedecTseswater andofhold in a and o oxi  ; outlined bo M en N [oytgon Disobse as ' watercourses be ore ecompos to sewers br natural i Waste Disposal Method: After.d comDosition, consult with local officta s hnd subject stata sultahl 6reatment their approval disch,rge- into aand. federal  ; zN sw [n kCk N hasarcuavas! te Notea!". N1blN Na g" 9$IkghE$yfb![ckS*Ea!hea$MSnnbvYSI#ER$bT50): '22-35 mg/1) i SECTION VIII D.O.T.

    -----------------------     ppShi ing I n f o rma t i on Proper Shipping Names E ,ROg g LUTION Hazard Class:                                OKIDI2ER ID Number:                                   UN2 Ole j

Label Requirements: 01IDIZER Reportable Quantity: NONE Other Information: CONTINUED ON PAGE 05

. test.BY
                                * *" Ei!*II^CErY s            M u% sC **'*"'

MA _____________________________TERIAL gg g ______________ _______ ggg_gROZIDE :.0% BLK DLT SAFETY DA_TA DATE: SHEET __________________ 03/09/88 PAGE 05 sECricN g___Aad!31gn 1_infggma31gn This information may be of importance to you: No smoking where material is used or stored. ' Minimize skin contact.. drinting, smoting or usingWash-to%th-soso -ands weter-before eating,

                                                        ~1. .e t fac111 ties .

Safety show available. er, eye bath and washing facilities should be . S'ItRAGE C*NDITIONS: Store roperly vented container r in ao roved Eulk storace f acil:r,nties. Q.

                 .. so. Keg,contagetout not e af any et 'tersun      andDoaway   notfrom. blockheat,        ventspar in s,gand un eroduct to con aner. 9 pot store withreducinoa!ents heavy  metal Sal s.          com.sustible or flamma                                    teri         or Nevet    return    Mused   liave   vatarto peroxide       source.

container avail- ,auhn . [ut.or w14 p of water and qlscar , a water before tiscar ing. Rinse empty drums thorouch v with c.e tv l sh Protect drums from vedt &c. Never vesse use pressure to empty drums, container is not a pressure gontaigers anotv contain of.this material ma be hazardous when emptf.ed pret:ahtions out!is 1nedretaan in thisprod et residues. Observe a..1 hazard s set. Utensilgusedfor ggg a :natoria{.gngg gdrogen ss, stagoride g oss shguld stee , albe of num or Consumer Use Distribution industrial sir, sales drocen ngth or use of concente s 62 h roce or consumer Also use,l s NOT recomene ou shou roxide due t the kards savo or neroxi 104 (de)o her be aware that ed. to re ulation v the U.S Dent. recen nerosi e ma su I Cons er Produ t Saf ety doamission, and the FDA. Trankoortation,y E , !%s act REFERENCES I (1) G g e to Chemical Hazards DHEW (NIOSH) NIO Pub gc/OSEA ation No.Pockeg5 { NPCAMMIS 301 I l

r \t at LuALLt siAito.\

                                     .ie-;u-e3 . 3:10P.M . COEWOMEALTH EDISON. COWOMEALTH ED150N;;:31 a .-              > . . r-
                                        "' x"3II^!M""dStM"*%yyf                        ~~1...,--

i 4 , ~~ gogg g.....g......

      ... .... ....            ..M. ATERI AL SAF. E. TT D. AT. A..S H.EET..........

g g_ gROXIDE 10% BLK DLY DATE: 03/09/88 PAGE 06

                               *********            END 0F            REPQRT              ****eneee                                     ,


hk/l h h
           * -    ""     ^"                                                         UNK
  • UNKNQuN SE:s8Tiirlisii$'D been obtaIned f rom sotarces bel;,eveThe information orevided L,n t is Materia; bleSa The to be rel;a o -Hapard Chemical Co. croy or of 1 ed and assumes no resp 6nst es 41tv no warrantie.s either sa oseed for the accu,rac or co ta Conta10ed hete&n.

mation, consideration ana investlostion. This inf6rm tion offer lateness foryo tselknlor-Tou 5 ur vou nave all cu rent Trompson-Havvar Chemical comdata relevenf to you part d sat er use fy that taan those as hote .on aggravate v knewt this mate i safety ata a wet , o ho a al condition, other recognized oeing y exposGro to t 11s product.which are generally F 'l J I l

dM BY:LDALLE MAilm :10-2343
                                                      -               a:)uPM : COWOMEALTH EDISOV- C060f0WcALTH EDISO.N:332
           '0-13-92 32:23?I FICM                          .-                                                                                   T pg Sr G83 9y7 SynTech Products Corporados -

320E.woedrudtAvenue CLASS Toises,onto 43624 2 (419)241-1215 24 Hour- CallINF0 TRAC 1400 535 5053 MatrialSadeqrDeas Shoes SecdonI-ProductIdendSendon preensin Tandrat4maa - cm w r ar manne seem 8/92 renamn.: Propriesary Minnan Seedon II- Material or Contponent CheadcalName CA38 WT%

3ammy temet 111 76 2 PEL TLVesmo STIL CARCEO 1% e 50 30Ghisemaug No soeumMausmans 6834424 1% + No Osernphmmet7 9m.nglse 9002 93.L 1% +

TdsmehnFesgesm No 7601-54 9 1% 4 No i Secdon IR-PhysicalData nomsgReses(aF )et N.D. ve ,y, vapormanury: w mc e. as N.D.  ; s.t.taar as waneraf e- _. spasmonwanspoavs' rec sm C*"7'" 1.o3 w,voimmeervehmeen dans ss Flaaseemset Name e IS0*FTag Opus Cup Appaummes ofSpran Wkteiban,padhasoder i Seedon IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data i n enarasercracrimmes=.m 7mm ammeshie nummelaLimes: WA UIL: WA mem rosa,my enemies sem esside, s,.ms nm e==ama. x pasmeness ,L areweians'=gdsed 8 g8penament sedna tupamas,ervendas Unmustna As elevased unspermanus (above 120"F) eenadaan may vem, rupera, or Secdon V-Rm;Miy Data Cimmsalassabr: Stable ca.easea Anett Do not expees a tempetansec above 130'F. Y m amr auben N Mammeams pelrumhsess Wil1NOTossar

_ . - . - _ . ~ {. 2ENT St:LbALLE STAil0N . M-29-93 a:11PN COWOYiEALTH EDl50% C0hol0 STEALTH EDISON:233 } :r- B-92 :::3 ?M ?i G ' !.e -

                                                              ,.                                                            rH l

Secdon VI- Health Ravard Data i' osas p. a=* Lgesaa unic N.D. wilmavaks (See Soodon n) Eska eroveruapesure Eyes: Minorirritanoa sWs: No evidesca of advares efhet kom swallable lakuutades ! Iasamos Can cause passnian===a=1 irritanos, voandag j 'shamanne Pnxtuct ensu as fossa. Imbalesien of the seuld ibus,amuss and diarshan. asphpondon. l l Emergesty and First Aid Frstedares , Eree Flush with waar fbr at least 15 nuouses 5kan Wash er.pased eres wre water and soap, tagesnee Do notladuce vomida6. Getmedical assessan. t- Trentthrasphymanan. I j Section VII - Spiti or Leak Procedures seps = a miss ia -a m ar. =a w m.m d. Clean eres Oy maneing or with ab serbest nameriale god placa la closed commisars tr j cl . Canadt fWerst, nase, or local disposal audsanmas fiiiFapproved mapeant precedures. wasm o med properly sament products do not generuss hasardous wuses. Empty %suriand canalaars not be taused and abauld be wrapped as put in trash colleoman. Cass which are pruss coctsin h, quid mum be en of a a permitted wasse management . 1 Consult man, and local disposal autherties ihr procedures. I i Seedon VIII - Special Protection Information

!                                                      SpeciSc Pmeani Processive Iqalpensat i:         % p.m                                Under normai sendida.a             r=,ussary prosesdan te quired.

venssass: Normal vomitission a mam ! pse Naas mieired, be wom. l are trs=====: Naas ratand, cal Ma mar bewas. )

- Section IX -SpecialPrecautions i

j .! Fiesmadsas e heesore De met ehemia humainsa and smang* bove 120*F. stiespersanos i SamantWsusuuss: ' Plenas red ana follow the direetiens on the proshact label. They are you bem misdas i i this productin the som ofBecive way, sad give the necessary safsy a presset yourhentet. 1

  '         ne anewInsmanansa pennens a ens p rod.e: as eurvemarenrummhand,and h bm.d es she i=a==amme areasMs a th thas, Adedes of retsaus eremar adettes as als predser may sekssandsay abermessayesteen. We mais as warvaudes,empres
            .,tapass,and          .s u.amir si                n.s ,esa y     .t she isenemas ,                                 !

i e Prop red by J. Esse i nasag. Tmah 1r1% Bulle



j 2EM Bi;LuAL1_E STATION :10-29-93 0:11P.M . COWONAEALili EDISON- COWOMEAl.Til EDIS0N;*34 i

                 '3 ~:C-52 2 C.3 R.E

n..,, ,,a w.

                       .              e       -,~m-4            an FAX N -nF-S l

1 7 7ese Ys enx'e E E """ b2

  • A.A4sem-4 b .urdd " ann == --

81T 2n.m , 316441 6 -  ! Wr. David Moore _ " ,,7 1 j SPQA Coorthastor syntech Prodness corporuton M = w .- l l 520 E. Woodruff Avenue l i l Telsda. Ohio 4362+ , I l {


r%===1 Analysis of One Sample el Touch It.Up., Latsserapia. Estait a l 10201, toesteed on synnch patchaus order No. 9964 - Ta wt -e -- ---

                                                                                              - we cie* -s

i } The resuha of the chemical saalysts ese as fellows: 1 i Eammat landta Eament Imanha Arsenic <1 5tiver calemm <1

                                                      <1                              Cadaluun                    <1 i

i cabak <1 Chrenhan i Copper <1 l

                                                     <1                               fren                        < 10ppea

, Mareury < 1oppen uma < 10ppaa i Mangement <10ppset j land c 10ppra

                                                     < 10 ppm                         Scientuna Tin                                                                              < 10ppem
< 10ppun Zlas

) i Cblerida < 100 ppa Fluoride } Sulfur < 100ppus

                                                    < 100ppen 1
  • TOC 18.500ppaa l


  • pK: 12.1 j


  • seahes i hsed in sceerdsome wkh sandard 1^ -- _7 methods All werk was pariennad in ancordanes with the Tenkatcal and Engineering Sesvlees 1 Quaik7 menmes N.m. .QA Develar No. 2001.

Wrtuna krr M'M Approved try- - e-

!t                                      m. r. x is t*                                             3 1. cros.
 ;                                                                                                      Supervisor                                                        <

j 1

 !                                                                     Appre,ed /VW(Cd                     Assurenes Is i

r/ft ar4ausdNey(Kent adhus i i

                                                                                                 ;:-no-si        . ::Pu              tot

i i

   ~ENT BY:LtSALLE STATION                          10-29-93           3:11Bf . C0WOVEALTH EDIS0W COWOMF.ALTH EDISON;45

! sr e st Bu'A Maten. a lSafetyDataSheet -- 70s-43s-isoo nira8TEK 2425 TN 4 DOT SHIPhNG NAmt Wa $_ N a rsa * -- .i

                                                                                                                                           -id)      ..             7 1

CA5 NuM6ta  % Hydroentario acid t.xPCsuet CA:tras4 7447-01-0 C5 , TWA: 5 ppa (seiling) l i  : v I 1 3

                                        ,su t $ .%6 e                                                                                                                                 ;
                      ,, i N                 dbudhai BO(LINO PotNT. 760 -m Ho S A FE2f NG eotNT
                                                                             } 212        F MELTING POINT

} - 42 F 4Apon pastaute NA i $PtOf tC GAAvtTY fM20 0 go } VAPOR cf N117Y (Art . H 1_ 21 $fW 8 *F_TY IN Ms0  ! I

                    % VOLATILf 5 BY WLumE                                            te                                                                   deareciable--

l MD f VA PORAFION R. ATE _ fim Ac e 41 ( 1 _,_. a## APPtAAANCE & 0004 1 1_ U - L 3 ? yellow-ttown liquid , l Section4 Fire & Explosion Hozord Data I h FLASH POINT (& Mt THOD USEDI j f LAMMA4LE

                                                                            ;OWER           UMIT5 IN AIR % SY VCXUMt MA, ua ter-based product                                                             UPPER                                    AUlO IGNITION NA                         NA                                              TEMPERATURE k                                                                                                                                                                M4 f yTINGUISHING MED(A:

FDAM f'ft2 DRY C)EFMIC.AL SPECI AL FlRE HGHTING PROCE DU AES: i l I Firefiehtets breathing should usar Full protective gese isoluding self containes apparatus. k j i UNU5UAL fitt AND EXPLOilON HAIAAD: j 1 Hydroges ontoride an'd chlorine gas say ge liberated . Section 5 Reactivity Dato i stAltuTY e**mt.INORMAL CONDmONS) CONDmON, E TO AmtD ret -- haat INComMTIDruTY(MAff atALs TO AvotD) Avents direct costaat with strong alkali. s H A2 ARDOU$ DE COMPOSITION PROCUCTS 1 i HC1, C12, CD CO2. exides of nLtregen j HA2ARDOUS POLYM E RIZATION uilt met -- - CONDITIONS TO Aml0 amt --ifa**1m GRACE Dearborn $ Deewtperve BMalen W. R. Grecs & Co. . Corm. 300 Genesee $Nas*, Lake Zunch, IL 60047 - 3

                                                                                                                          .._.....~,.e_r..       ._ ,, . . - . . . _ _ . . , .

2r_u cI : Lu..Au._.t

                                 ~.   ~s i.A.~il.o%.e
                                              .         ~~ .10.m-;'.3-33    .3 :
                                                                     .cormrwea 1;i41. Om0.VEALTH        EDISON- CWWEALTH ED150M2 T      +

i Sectio ~. .~2

            .                'CIICITY INPolWAAllON:

azard intermatiec , Not establishee, see section 2 for component inforeation. EFFECTS Of Ov!REXPC5URE: IMHALATIWf: INGESTION: Inhalatics of vapors or sist say arritate nasal passages and lungs Prodwet util irritate or iaJure gastreistostinal tract. SKIN C3HTACT: Prolonged or frequet.t skin centact say cause irritation or burns. k EMt AGENCY AND FIRST AfD PROCEDURES IMHALATION: 1 Recove affected person to fresh air and treat sweptees. ', IM3ESTIDH: If conscious, give water to dalute ano contact phystolan immediately. Do not :stuoe voetting. SKIN CONTACT: Wash with scap 1 w uash before reuse.ater. Reeeve contestnated clothing and ETE CONTACT: Flush uith water for 15 atnutes ano seek mestcal attention. Section 7 ML MML vf NTILATION REQUta EMENT5

                            'Jse ameauate mechanical ventilation.

Et$riRATORY Mais nascial PPOTtCTION (5PECIFY TV PE) . EYE PetOTECTLON Gomales or face shield T- Glovt3 rrvious

                             .MER PROTECTlYE CLCTHING AND EQU;PMENT SoCil
                                                                                   'e5 STEP 5 TO TAKE JF MATERIAL 15 RELEA520 CR 5PILLE D                                                     ,

i Wear protective clothing. proper disposal. Collect using absortente place la container for Flush area of saill unth sator. 3 j

  • Adit DISPOSAL Mt IMOD Dispese cf is accordamee with federal state and local regulattens.

Contains ( 52 of hydrochloric acid. CAS NO. 7447-01 0

requzre reporting under section 313 of SARA Title III and 40 CFR.Uhtoh say Section 9 5pecsol Precoutions

Open with care. Keep container closed when not in use. Store containers closed away from entreme toeperatures. OTNtR PIECAuTIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL USE 04.Y. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREM. PREPARf D B Y: FNM i J".c: DATE: 5/@/Y1 3

                      = s..y,t;::.r---':':::WJ.*2:.'"'~'
                                    , . , ., . , . =                .
                                                                                ..- .~.3-de'         :t:. --;.ac.~.2.:.0.1.;;!.
                                                                                           - .~.
                                                                                                                            ~ - :::!::::
                                                                                                                                     .. _ r. ~

GRAG Dearborn amerhawn IBMelon W R. G.cee & Co. - Core. 300 Genesee $trem. 160047 (708) a381800 Lahn Zurich.

   ~ ^ ' ' ~ ~                                                                -                                                       - , , , , . . .

u n sa n e au-23-ee ms.v . ceu.m sisow ceux.m sisow

       '                                                                                                                               hi~ /c721/A.


                                                                ,,fy g,, .no sawy trenas** *"" " ""

98.0.6 m.----.--_---- PRODUCT IDENTITICATION i *RADE NAME: 50 DICE BROKIDE 38 Sodium Bromida, Water Soaution~ CHEMICAL NAME: CAS No.: Not applicable-sixture CNENICAL TCRMUIA: NaBr/H2O CHEMICAL FAMILY: Metal Bromide  ; THIS MATERIAL IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE T0XIC SUSETANCES CONTROL ACT (15 l Usc 2601 - 2629) .



OF HAZARDS I Eye irritant. , HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS CAS NO. NOTE + EXPOSURE LIMIT CHINICAL NAME sodium Bromide 7647-15-4 NL Not astablished by OSHA /ACGIM. d

                  + NOTE:       Carcinogenicity listing of components at concentrations greater than or. equal to 0.1% indicated by t=WTPt #=IARC:
                  &=0SHAf *=0TNER NL=Not Listed u-i                  CHEKICAL AND PKYSICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE /0 DOR:

Clear liquid /little or no odor. SOILING POINT: 110-112C/212-234F. 08/02/89 Ethyl Corporation - Chemicals Group l F.styt Tower est mortes shnL, Beton Rouen, LA 79001

                                                              -- --- . .uss cowenanom ean szoont suas

i ,


sc.Ni of :LuAuf. slATio.N ;1u-;:S-93 ' d:13PX . COMMO. WEALTH EDISoh- COMh0MEALTH EDISON:* }I i

                                                 ,                                                                Page     2 of 5 EMERGENCY PMONE NUMBER                                "RADE NAME:                      800238 BRONIDE 38 i

(504) 344-1147 { es o.s i CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (Con't) i VAPOR PRESSURE: 17.5 mm Ng 8 20C/6EF for aqueous portion of solution. SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Miscible. -- - i SPECITIC GRAVITY: 1.47.G 21C/70F.- PERCENT VOIATILE 62% water (by weight). TIRE AND EXPIASION MAEARDS FLASH POINT (METHOD): Non-flammable. i FIAMMABLE LIMITS: Het applicable. EXTINGUISMING MEDIA: None required. KAIARDOUS THERNAL DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS , Includes bromine. ' SPECIAL TIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE 5s Avoid breathing tunes.  ! UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPIASION MAIARDE: None known. I REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: . Stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extrasely high heat. MATERIALE TO AVOID: Strong acids and strong oxid1Eing agents corrosive to aluminum. I l HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. , a , gggg 08/02/89 i , l

 . 3r\1 cs :tasALLE si.4Tlus                 10-23-33 3:1SPM . COWOMEALTri G150b Conol0MEALTH GISON: 33 i

l \ . \ Paga 3 of 5 ENERGENCY FNONE NUMBER TRADE NAME: SODIUM BROKIDE 38 (504) 344-7147 98.0.6 REALTM MAEARDS INKA1ATION: Not expected to be a primary route of exposure. EYE CONTACT: Expected to be an eye irritant. SKIN CONTACT: Repeated or prolonged skin contact may cause irritation and superficial burns. INGESTION: Not expected to be a primary route of exposure, i CNRONIC EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE:  ! None known. _. j ENERGENCY FIRST AID PROCEDURES - EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of  ! water for at least 15 minutes. Get  ; medical attention. Wash contaminated at eas with ' soap and l SKIN CONTACT water. INGESTION: Give two glasses of water. Do not induce vaniting. est medical  ! attention. . EXPOSURE CONTROL INPORMATION EXPOSURE LIMITS: Not established by CSMA/ACGIM. l EYE PROTECTIDW Chenical goggles. PROTECTIVE G14YES: Resistant to chemical penetration. ! RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: None under normal conditions, ! UX:AI. EXEAUST VErrIIATION: Not required. NECNAMICAL VENTIIATION: Recommended. 08/02/89 1

2ENT BY:LuAl.LE ST.4 Tion ) l :10-28-33 i 3:13PM : COWONWEALT!i EDISO.N- COBONRALT11 EDISON: 4 i . I I 1 - Page 4 of 5 DG3tGENCY PHONE NUMBER TRADE NAME: SODILDt 3R00(108 38 (504) 344-7147 98.0.4 b l EXPOSURE CONTROL INFORMATION (Con't) i 2 OTNER: If repeated or prolonged skin contact or contamination of clothing is likely, protective clothing should be worn.- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIolt 1 SPILLS OR LEAKS: contain any spilla with dikes or abserDents to prevent migration and l entry into eewers or straeas. Take up small spills.with dry chemical absorbent. Large spills any be taken up with pump or vacuum and , finished off with dry chemical  ! absorment. May require excavation of contaminated soil.  ! DISPOSAL METHODS: Under the CERCIA/ RCRA regulations

currently in effect, this product is ,

not regulated as e hasardous waste or  : a material. Therefore, it disposed of as an industrial waste in a manner acceptante to good waste management practica and in compliance with applicable local, stata and l j federal reptiations. If used as a-  ! j i postioide, contest your Regional office of EPA for guidanem in disposal of this produet. ] STORAGE REQUIREMENTS: Store in dry, well-ventilated area. 1 i 08/02/so l i


r- ci:LbAui sf.4rius 10-23-33 . a:13FM . LOWOMFJLLTH EDISOW COWWOMEALili EDISON;;41 1 1 i I . l Page 5 of 5 ! IMERGENCY PitONE NUN 3ER TRADE NAME: SCDIUM RROMIDE 34 (504) 344-7147 l 98.0.6 I issue DATE: os/02/st j supersedes: 10/os/a7 l a MSDS prepared by: Health & Ep ironment Department Ethyl corporation FOR ADDITIONAL NONEMEllCENCY MSDS INFORMATION, CONTACT:  ! 1 MEALTN AND ENVIRONIEllT DEPARTMENT ETNYL CORPORATION i 481 FLORIDA ST. I ' BAT 00f ROUGE, LA. 70d01 l (504) 388-7717 - TNIS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SMEET 00ertAING AT LEAST THE INFORMATION REQUIRED BY THE FEDERAL OSNA RAEARD COMMUNICATICII RU12, 29 CFR 1910.1200(g) (2). j l W l i I I

i , 2ENT BY:LuAllE 3DTl0% :10-28-93 3:14Py. . C0kNONWEALTH EDISON- C0!cKMEG ED150N;*42 { . l , 57 goo 7G: i' PAGE 1 of 5 A.STEELCHEMICALS INC. i WARENESS

                                                                                 .M OA for                                                                        ,



SEC 1 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION t PRODUCT NAME: i SODIUM HYPOCHLCRITE SOLUT!ON ) I EFFE CIVZ DATE: j March 1, 1990 ' CAS NUMBER: } 7681-52-9 I 1 CHEMICAL FORMULA: l i Na0CL (SOLUTION) l HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS: , SODIUM HYPOCHLCRITE i i 13.07 - 14.51 % i r EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITY COORDINATORS: r menWT. T r navy. TM RRugrrr.are.wy (708) 257-3909 (219) 882-5778 (518) 432-4173 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Schiller Park Office 1-708-671-5070 i 24 Hour Security 1-708-257-3918 LOUTHGATE C'HAAE OFFCC PLAI.A SUITE 250 4333 TfuM56LD ACAD+ SCHILLCA PAAK.I11:NOl5601M x. - G a 700 671-5070

i  :

10-28-SS . 3:14PM : COWOWEALTH EDISON- COBOWEALIN EDISON HYP000. QTS t PAGE 2 of 5 03/01/90 l




                                                                                                   .i 1

h 1 l

i 5ENT BY:LLSAllE STATION i !' :10-23-93 . 2:14PM : C0WONE.A1.TH EDISON- COWOMIEA!.TH EDIS ! HrPoeo. QTS l PAGE 3 of S' 03/01/90 SEC 4 REACTIVITY DATA:

                                                                                                 ~l I             STABILITY:


                                                                                                ,t SOLID WASTE MUST BE                                          I i






ENT BY: USA 1.LE STATION :10-23-93 3:15PM : COWONWEALTH EDISON- COW 0hTEALTH EDlWM i HYP090. QTS PAGE 4 of 5 CHRONIC EXPOSUEE: 03/01/90 1 i NO DATk FOUND i "VXICITY DATA: i M(7IAGENITY DATA:(RTECS 1983-4 SUPPLEMENT TO 81-82; NH , cyt-han:1yn 100 pps/24M ihuman) cyt-ham:ing 100 mg/L i (hamster) } i CHEMICALNTP -No ; IARC LISTED

                                         -No ; OSHAAS-NOCARCINOGEN
                                                           ; ACGIH -N0                       : OR POTENTIAL                                        !








                                                                                                                             ,y,e-.,w--    ,,,w--9


i. HYP090. QTS






0. higher sikalinity Health R - 1. - 3 ;

l - Flamatability - 0 ; Anactivity - 1  : SARA TITLE III- SEC. 302, 304, 311. 312. i j i REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ) (CWA / CERCLA): 4 100 LSE. . l i



d i I. . Matarini Scfaty Dato Shoct " sdI$FURIC ACID, Genium Publishing Corporauon 1145 Catalyn Street CONCENTRATED e Sch.a+My,NY 12303-1836 USA Reymon C "( i (518) 377-8855 Issued: Oceah-e 1980 casum - - com. Revised: R,.mmy 1986 i i SECTION 1 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION 19 2 MA1TRf AL NAME SULEURIC ACID, CONCENTRATED OTMFR DEXfCNAT10NS: Oil of Vitnol, Hydrogen Sulfate; H SO ; CAS #7664-93-9 O 2 4 3 2 MANUFAC7URF_R/SUPPT YFR? Avadable imm many suppliers, including: HMIS ' Allied Corporanon, PO Box 2064R. Mornstown, NJ 07960; Telephone: 800 631-8050 F: 0 R1 , R: 2 - I 3 PPE:

  • S4 See sect. 8 K0 SECE4@tbGr.4NG4HMMGP$TScANDt'A*J"E-5 --- .
                                                                                                            ~C         +- H AZARD DATA                          '

Hy m. Sulfate (H2SO 4) i 93-98 8-tr TWA: 1 myum3 Water Balace* HmWIh. >

  • Maxenalis obtained by the react.on of 50 3 and wear. Can canten TCla: 3 myer .324 wtr,.

low impunry levels, such as 0.02% maa of iros as Fe. Properuss vary @me h h) I with H2SO4cantant. Rat. Oral,  ; LD50: 2140 mg/kg Carmnt OSHA standard and ACCIH (1985-86)TLV. NIOSH has a 10-fr , TWA,40 hr. work weet, of 1 mg/m3. SECTION 3. PHYSICAL DATA

                                                                                               ~"o Boiling Point, I aan.                    93.19% H2SO4                 98.33% H2SO4 C               ca 28s                    ca 338 100% H2SO4                                 ;

Specific Gravity (60/60 1.8354 1.84 ca 330 (de) 1.84 Volatdes. % @ 340*C ca 100 ca 100 ca 100 i Melting Point, deg C ca .34 ca 3 10A Water Solubdity Conglese Miscible Vapor Premme, non Hg @ 100*F <1 (93.19% H404 ); 4 reponed in degress Baume Be). Formala is Bo=145 (145/sp gr for liquads heavser 2 than 4 wanw[Deg! i Appearance and ador Clear, 3 colorises, hygroscopec, ody liquid widt no oder. Mises passer seseedy that I airm3 recosmzable. Those at 5 matar are distancelv oW l SECTION 4. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATAt- w -~~e - ' LOWER UPPER Flash Patrit and Method Aur c = Ta'a=_ { Finnmahaintyllaues in Air i ' None - Nonfiammabis NA NA NA NA w%c acad is

                                             ~      m; no                                                                                                       !

ar,26 is a soong osaamag agnet aus may cases igensa ey coment wun somensues  ; mansnals. Sman Deus may be senemed wdh musshis dry chamacaL Cool emannerof seneses tasks of H SO wdh wasar ti , 2 4 4 avod nipase if esposed a rne. tw nor a === er %a am ihn -ai no end, asymmany when niissed wth wear, em  ;

  • react wie mamm = liberans flammammis byeogue gas. '

Sulfune acid ama and vapors ime a rue ama me canouve (sms sess. 5). Fire fighaars ausst wear asif -w breastang supupaust and feuy passceive clodung. SECTION 5.-REACTIVITY DATA ~~we - ' Sulfunc acid is simbis mader nonaal ra-dma== of use and storses. It does est undergo hasantous polysannasame it is a strong maeral acid reacnag wish bases and metals. The concensused acid is also a dehydrustg agust, packing up numans readily fmm the er or other maasnals. Hydrogas gas may be generend 2 walds a H SO4 causmeer. Vent drums cas This mansnal rescas emothenmcaDy with water. (Acid should always he added slowly a waar. Weser added to acid ca boding and uncoenound splashag of the med.) Sulfur osadas can result from ' sulfurac acad.

                                                                                                            ,       and ime osadinag ressmans of EE"afmImmm*m*e Eu"ss Nammme      PumEAmtpummme e amatud,

4 No.9 2/86 SULFURIC Acrn, CONCENTRATED (Rev. C) i ' SECTION 6. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION lTLV j Concennstad sulfunc acid is a strong mmeral acad, an o**=: agent, and a dehydraung agent tha i human ussue with which it comes m contact. Ingescon may cause severe mjury or death. Eye contact j permanent injury. f*'W of mists can damage both the upper respiratory tract and the lungs. Sulfunc acid is no a caremogen by the f(fP, IARC, or OSHA. ' FTDST AfD: EVE CONTACT: Immediatelv flush eyes (including under cychds) wuh plenty of runmng water for 15 at lew

               = mutes. Speed in dilutmg and nasing out ac:d with water is estremely important if permanent eye damag Obtam medical help as soon as possible.* ELN CONTACT:

contammated clothmg y.tilg under the safety shower. Cocuoue washag with water and ge IWALATION: Remove to fresh att. Restore bresuung. Call a physacian immediately, INCESTION: Ddute acid i-meme'v wah large amounts of tmlk or waser, then give mdk of magame so neverahae. Never give anytfu ! an unconscious person. Do not toduce vonnung; if it occurs spontaneously, cocunne to ademisier fluid. Obtam m.d eal a::enuon as soon as possible.* t Mamtam observauan of pauent for possible delayed onset of pulmonary edema.

  • GET MEDICAL HELP In plant, paramedic, e-"My. _

_SECrlON 7. SPILL. LEAK. AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Hardle ma.ior spdla by a p 5 m -4 plan. Contact supplaer for ==an rance a this plannang, m meeung local regulanons, ud for Sap ieacdisposmg if you can doofso large withoutamounts. rut. Notify safety personnel Provide optanmas vestalanon; vapars are en Cleanup personnel need protecoon agamst mhalanon or contact. Keep upwed. Contam spdl. Mmor leaks dduted uries, or gravelwun much caucously and neutrahze water wuh and neutrahzed soda ash or lime. with soda ash or tune. If water is not avadable , DISPOS AU Follow Federal, state, and local regulacons. Runoff to sewer may crease hydrogen gas, which is a fire exoiosion rizzard. EPA (CWA) RQ 1000 los. (40 CFR 117). SECTION 8. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION - Provide general ventdataos a meet current TLV requarements in the -.ay1 efficicocy paruculase resperator with full f Where nusts are up to 50 mgtm3 , a high-pressurewsemand mode is used to 100 rog/m .nece ts warranted; a typc4 supplier-aar resperssor with full facepsece o Avoid eye contact by use of chemical safety goggles or face shield where sp! ashing may occur. Acid-resistant pro clopung, such as rubber glovea, aprons, boots, and suits, as recommended to avoid body contact. Eyewash foumam and safety showers with deluge type of heads should be maddg avadable where this masena stored. Contact lenses pose a special hazard; soft lenses may abaarb and all lensus casousens armanas. Co., .: we prTn=r===# and ammaal medacal exammannes wuh emphmus se demaal womaa. C,'

                                                                                                                      --i systna,   and mucous memhrane urganon and cough are indacated.

SECTION 9. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS-Sulfunc acid in carooys or drums should be aioned in clean, venidased aurige ames havmg ead-remnant floors wah dramage. Keep out of diress senhght, do not anon above 89EF (32*C). Stories facahmes as to be separnas froni o masenala, meta!!ic powders, skeomains, chloranes, aurains, carbides, candasables, etc. Soda ash, sand, or time sh m general storage or work areas for emergency use. Prosset contaaners agamst physsal damage. Glass botues need extra prosecuon. Sulfunc acid is highly corrosive to most metals, especially 2 below 4 775 H SO . Avoed breathing anst or vapora. Avoid contact wuh slan or eyes. Do not ingest. Do not add water to concentrased acad. Drums may contam hydrogen g so open cauuously. Use nonapartmg tools free of oil, dat, and gra and vapar-pmof electncal fiamres DOT Clasuficataate Corrosive Malenal. ID No.: UNig30 Label: Corrosive Data Source (s) Code: 1-12,19,20,24,26,31,37-39,42,82. CK u.s . mu u.un, n t,p.m rs, ,=. Approvals %fMumccv, 0-/ffa, u..= ru, pen re mma.rn=w ssim-sn-5. io I."*.".'.".".

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                                                          . . "-.M7..          Indust. HygTe'ne/ Safety % /d(,-

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                                                         .,,,em.               copyrtsbc c February 1,l9W

