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Transmits Current CEOG Generic Accident Mgt Guidelines Rev O Documents
Person / Time
Site: 07001100
Issue date: 03/19/1993
From: Holman J
To: Palla R
CEOG-93-159, NUDOCS 9309100222
Download: ML20056H626 (7)



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a March 19,1993 CEOG-93-159 Mr. Robert Palla Jr.

U.S. NRC 1 White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Mail Stop 10E4 Rockville, MD 20852


Transmittal of Current Status CEOG Generic Accident Management Guidelines Attachments:


CEOG Generic Accident Management Guidelines Philosophy 2)

CEOG Requested Ground Rules for NRC and Battelle PNL Review 3)

List of Documents

Dear Mr. Palla:

At the most recent CEOG Accident Management Guidelines (AMG) workshop, the participants agreed to provide current CEOG AMG generic documents to the NRC for early review.

Although the documents are not yet complete, the overall layout, format and much of the content of the AMG's is essentially complete. The CEOG feels that an early and informal examination of the overall AMG process can benefit both ourselves and the NRC.

Subsequently, the purpose of this correspondence is to transmit the current CEOG Genede Accident Management Guidelines Revision 0" documents to both your office and to Jim Jamison at Battelle PNL.

Please notec that included as part of this correspondence are three attachments that briefly outline the following topics respectively: : CEOG Generic Accident Management Guidelines Philosophy : CEOG Requested Ground Rules for NRC and Battelle PNL Review : List of Documents 9309100222 930319 gaa noocao7oogo q3 p


Mr. R. Palla March 19,1993 3

Page 2 CEOG-93-159 If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself at (504) 739-6265 or Mark Greene, Asst. Project Manager of the Generic AMG Development Project at (203) 285-2694, or Dr. William Dove, Project Manager of the Generic AMG Development Project at (203) 285-3445.

Sincerely, f


Jerry Holman

Chairman, CEOG Severe Accident Working Group Attachments cc:

R. Burski, Entergy Operations (Killona)

G. C. Bischoff, ABB i

P. J. Hijeck, ABB CEOG Representatives j

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ABB Generic Accident Management Guidelines Philosophy Generic Accident Management Guidelines (AMG) are currently being developed at ABB as Owners Group Task. The AMG development supports a NUMARC initiative to pgo' d

organized information to the plants Technical Support Center (TSC) during the various sta of a severe accident. The CEOG Generic AMG's are structured as guidance material to b utilized by personnel in the TSC. For additional information regarding this topic, please refer to the Executive Summary of the " Minimum Control Room Capability Report".

The Generic AMG's utilize a multistep process that is depicted illustratively on the front of each AMG document. The process includes the following steps and support documentation:


This step is the initial diagnosis step whereby Dowcharts are solved that can

" place" the severe accident onto what is referred to as the " plant condition matrix" This matrix approach has been outlined in the EPRI Technical Basis Report and expanded upon by ABB as part of the deve!opment of generic AMG's.

Briefly, the matrix utilizes a 2 X 4 array composed of two RCS damage states and four containment states. The two RCS designates are called "BD" for badly damaged and "EX" for ex-vessel. For definitions of these two terms, please see the glossary located in the front section of the " Generic AMG Revision 0" document. The four containment designates are called "CC" for closed and


cooled, "CH" for challenged, "I" for impaired, and "B" for bypassed. Again, for definitions of these terms, please see the aforementioned glossary. Step 1 utilizes available plant data collected on the Data Table to solve one Cowchart that may place the accident into an RCS damage state and another flowchart that may place the accident into a containment damage state. The Step 1 process is considered to be a first order solution that can process available plant data and make an initial diagnosis.


If Step 1 of the AMG process can be referred to as the first order quantitative diagnosis, then Step 2 of the process is best described as the detailed, qualitative verification of the diagnosis.

Step 2

addresses the types of information that may not lend well to a flowchart (such as time dependant trending information) but are helpful to properly assess the plant condition.

Although the overall AMG diagnostics do apply more emphasis to Step 2, the Step 1 process is still considered to be an important, and autonomous part of the diagnostic scheme.


Once the p! ant condition has been diagnosed with certainty on the plant condition matrix, the next step in the process is to consider and implement a set of prioritized candidate high level actions (called CHLA's) that address the symptoms of the particular matrix location.

e For each CHLA considered in Step 3, additional information must be considered (such as cautions, pros, cons, etc.) before that CHLA is recommended to the 7

control room for implementation. Please see the Step 3 Basis Document for a full i

discussion of the Step 3 CHLA selection process). Step 3 is structured to accommodate the availability of equipment to perform CHLA's. This also makes the process flexible enough to allow the plant staff to prioritize the recovery of any damaged or previously unavailable equipment.


Step 4 of the AMG's is the assessment phase of the process where the expected l

plant response to the CHLA is compared to the actual response of the plant.

When completed, Step 4 will determine the next appropriate step to take within the AMG process by assessing the response of the plant condition following ilupiementation of a CHLA (or concurrent set of CHLA's).


If, at any time during the AMG process, insufficient information exists to confidently diagnose the location of the accident on the plant condition matrix, then the TSC may choose to exit that part of the AMG's and rely instead on the section imown as " Restorative AMG's". When completed, Restorative AMG's will provide general guidance based on available information to protect remaining fission product boundaries. Restorative AMG's will be structured in the overall i

process to be both entered and exited with relative ease depending on the condition of the plant and the information that is available as input for the Step 1 diagnosis.

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ABB Requested Ground Rules for NRC and Battelle PNL Review 1.

Place priority on the overall process and structure of the " Generic AMG Revision 0" document.

Does the overall process flow smoothly from the Data Table through Restorative AMG'S? Are instructions clear and easy to follow?


Does the concept of diagnosis (Step 1) followed by verification of diagnosis (Step 2) result in sufficient overall diagnostic confidence?


Examine Step 3 more for its information presentation than its technical content.


Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 Basis Documents The basis documents are provided for your information and review.


Calculational Aids Please comment on the format and use of the " Preliminary Combustible Gas Control Calculational Aid".


Minimum Control Room Capability Paper Please briefly review the Executive Summary.


It is agreed that there will be no fee incurred to ABB or the CEOG for this review by the NRC.


The completion time for this review will be approximately May 1,1993.


The NRC agrees not to provide this set of documents to any party other than NRC staff, Battelle PNL and other subcontractors as agreed upon between the NRC and ABB.


The development of Generic Accident Management Guidelines will be essentially complete by June 1993.

Therefore, no major revisions to the document can be accommodated within the current seinedule and budget. Based upon this completion schedule the comments provided by the NRC will not be considered binding or mandatory by ABT1 or the CEOG.

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i List of Documents The following list of documents will be completed and delivered to the NRC in June 1993. For i

each document, a notation is made reflecting the current status along with the scope of what material is included in this preliminary delivery.

f Document 1: " Generic Accident Management Guidelines Revision 0" Current Status:


Introductory Material - Completed and Included 2.

Data Table - Completed and Included 3.

Step 1 - Completed and Included 4.

Step 2 "Not in Severe Accident", "BD/CC" are Completed and


Included 5.

Step 3 "BB/CC", "EX/CC", "EX/CH", "EX/I", "EX/B" are Completed and Included 6.

Step 4 - Effort Recently Begun, Nothing Included 7.

Restorative AMG - Effort Recently Begun, Nothing Included i

i Document 2: " Generic Accident Management Guidelines Step 1 Basis" Current Status:

Completed and Included l

s Document 3: " Generic Accident Management Guidelines Step 2 Basis" Current Status:

Sections Completed as noted above and Included 7

Document 4: " Generic Accident Management Guidelines Step 3 Basis" i

Current Status:

Sections Completed as noted above and Included 1

l Document 5: " Generic Accident Management Guidelines Step 4 Basis" j

4 Current Status:

Recently Started, Only Cover Sheet Included I

Document 6: " Generic Accident Management Guidelines Restorative AMG" l

Current Status:

Recently Started, Only Cover Sheet Included j

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