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Submits Addl Design Info Described in Section 22.5 of SER Suppl 5.Addl Info Re Final Sys Design Not Available Due to Reactor Vessel Water Level Sys Still Under Development & Testing
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/1981
From: Clayton F
To: Youngblood B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8107070336
Download: ML20008G342 (3)


E Malling Address

. Altbama Power Company 600 North 18th Street Post Office Box 2641 Birmingham, Alabama 35291 Telephone 205 783-6081 F. L Clayton, Jr. b

%gC;7l"' Alabama Power tre soorten sectoc system June 29, 1981

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Docket No. 50-364 [i Director, Nuclear Reactor Regulation aJL0GG81* i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission w..mcumu Washington, D. C. 20555 ****w o8 lf

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Attention: Mr. B. J. Ycungblood 4fs - ,


In accordance with the requirements of the Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Operating License [NPF-8, Section 2.C.(21)(p)(1) and (3)],

Alabama Power Company submits the following additional design infor-mation described in Section 22.5 of SER Supplement 5.

As stated in our previous response to NUREG-0737, Item II.F.2, and in our letters dated January 14 and February 9,1981, the reactor vessel water level system installed on Farley Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 is still under development and testing; therefore, additional infor-mation regarding the final system design is not available. The system installed at the present time on Unit 2 is identical to the description provided in previous correspondence and consists of four (4) detectors placed around the top of the vessel, each consisting of two (2) 10BF3 neutron counters, and one (1) large detector, consisting of eight (8) 10BF3 neutron counters, located below the reactor vessel. These detectors are used when the reactor is shut down and the top detectors have a combined sensitivity of approximately 500 counts per NV. For operation with the reactor at power, another set of detectors is installed above and below the reactor vessel. These detectors are less sensitive B-10 neutron detectors due to the high flux level present during power operation. The power operation system consists of one (1) detector above the vessel and one (1) below the vessel in the same location as the shutdown system and operates on the same principle as the shutdown detector system.

8107070336 810629 n L PDR ADOCK 05000364? l P pag; i.3

r-Mr. B. J. Youngblood -June 29, 1981 In order to complete development of the reactor vessel water level system, additional test data will be collected on a continuing basis from the " operating" system and during forced outages of sufficient duration from the " shutdown" system. Data from a reactor drain-down of Unit 2, similar to the test performed on Unit 1 in November 1980, will be collected when possible during an outage of sufficient length after at least three or four months of full power operation (to ensure sufficient neutron flux) but no later than the first refueling outage of Unit 2 scheduled for late 1982.

Upon completion of the system development, the system design will be tinalized and a program developed to qualify the components of the system. ,

This qualification program will also be under EPRI management as is the system development. The final design and qualification program will be developed so that the final system will be consistent with the reouire-ments of Regulatory Guide 1.97 and NUREG-0588 for a reactor vessei water level system.

Following development of the final system design and approval by the NRC for its use, guidelines for operation of the reactor vessel water level system and key operator action instructions will be developed and implemented in FNP Emergency Operations Procedures.

Table 1 provides a list of remaining activities associated with testing, qualification and completion of reactor vessel level system development, which indicates additional information to be submitted to the NRC for review.

If you have any questions, please advise.

Yours very truly, b[caf[< (

. Clayton, yr.

FLCjr/ JAR:rt


Table 1 cc: Mr. R. A. Thomas Mr. G. F. Trowbridge Mr. J. P. O'Reilly (w/ attachment)

Mr. J. O. Thoma (w/ attachment)

Mr. W. H. Bradford (w/ attachment) m

. . . . ~

TABLE 1 SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FNP-2 REACTOR VESSEL LEVEL SYSTEM Schedule Date Activity First-Operating Cycle Collection of data from operating

& Forced Outages and shutdown systems Outage _of. Sufficient Collection of data with variable vessel-Duration (no later water levels (drain-down condition) than 1982 Refueling Outage) 1982 Refueling Outage Final prototype testing and completion of development of permanent system-90 days after end of Provide complete description of final test 1st Refueling Outage data and request NRC approval to utilize this system 90 days after NRC Provide for NRC concurrence a program to

"'~ approval for use of qualify the applicable components of the prototype system ~ reactor vessel level system to R.G.1.97 including qualification requirements of NUREG-0737, Appendix B and Human Factors consideration.

90 days after NRC Develop and modify, as applicable, emergency approval for use of operations procedures (E0P) for use of the


prototype system vessel level system in emergency conditions.