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LER 89-018-00:on 891216,plant 250-volt Battery & RCIC Sys Declared Inoperable Due to Low Battery Electrolyte Temps. Caused by Failure of Div I Switchgear Heat Removal Sys Damper Actuators.Air Intake Dampers closed.W/900115 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/15/1990
From: Diederich G, Vinyard H
LER-89-018-05, LER-89-18-5, NUDOCS 9001220244
Download: ML19354D836 (4)



Y ~

Commemppelth Edison LaSalle County Nuclear Station Rural Route #1, Box 220

j Telephone 815/357-6761


I January 15, 1990 f

Director of Nuclear' Reactor Regulation }

U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Conunission  ;

Mail Station Pl-137

1.icensee Event Repott 809-018-00, Docket N050-374' is being ,

submitted to your office in accordance with . e,.

10CFR50.73(a)(2)(v).  !

s O


[(G.J.Diederich Station Manager ['

LaSalle county Station GJD/IITV/kg  ;


  • I xc: Nuclear 1.icensing Administrator NRC r.esident inspector l

t NRC Region 111 Administrator '

INPO - Records Center .,

b h

i g . ,h

  • n,s S

[ t f , .


LICLN$ll LYLW1 RLPORI (LtR) t m Rev.2.__.0 icrDity Wane (1) Docket Cunber (2) , Ilge 13) ,_ _._,

LaSalle County Station Unit 2 11t13 (4) Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System inoperable Due to 250 V 01 51 01 01 01 31 71 4 1lof!O 3_,

Battery Low tenceratures Caused by Failed Dancer and low Outside Air Tenmeratures Event Date (5) LER Wr (6? Rooort Date (7)

Month Day Year Other Facillcles involved (B)

Year /// Sequential ///, Revision Month Day Year Facility Nanes fff ff Docket Neber(s)

/// Weber /// Neber 01 51 01 01 Ol 1 l_.

J12 il6 el9 _ el 9 0l1ie ~~

01 0 O_1 i 91 0

11. 5 OLkLOLOL9LLL Orm11m Ints Ru' R1 l$ $UBM111LD PUR$UAN1101HL RLQUIRLMLNis Of 10CIR (Check one or nore of the followino) (11) 1 . , , , 20.402(b) ,__ 20.405(c) ,_,,, 50.73(a)(2)(lv) ,,,_ 73.71(b)

POWLR 20.405(a)(1)(1)

,,,,,, ,,,,, 50.36(c)(1) , X_, 50.73(a)(2)(v) ,,,_, 73.71(c)

LEVEL 20.405(a)(1)(ll)

_,,,, 50.36(c)(2) 50.73(a)(2)(vil) ,,,,,other (Specify (10) 0l9!9 ,,,,,, 20./.05(a)(1)(lil)

,,,,,, 50.73(a)(2)(l)

,,,,, 50.73(a)(2)(vill)(A) in Ahstract

/,/, /,/,/,/,/,/ /,/,/ /,/,/ /,/,/,/ / / / /,/,/,/,/ _ 20.405(a)(1)(lv) ,,_ 50.73(a)(2)(ll) 50.73(a)(2)(vill)(B) below and in


fffff ff jf fff ffff _,,,,, 20.405(a)(1)(v) ._,, 50.73(a)(2)(lll) ,,,,,,, 50.73(a)(2)(x) 1 ext)


Nane _

tilLPHON! NUMHfR ARLA COOL liarold 1. Vinyard. Technical Staff (noineer, extension 2499 8 l 1 15 31 51 71 -l 61 71 61 1 COMPLLIE ONE LINE TOR LACil COMPONENT FAILURE OLSCRlur0_ IN THl$ RU,'OR1_ (13) ,,


N l l l l .l l_L I l l l l l 1 SUPPLEMENTAL RfPORT EXPECTED (14) Expected Month I Day l Year Sulxnission lyes (If yes, canolete EXPECit0 $UBMISSION.DATE) X l NO #

l ll _ l ABS 1RAC1 (Limit to 1400 spaces, i.e approximately fifteen sin 0le-space typewritten lines) (16)

On Decenter 16, 1989, at 0615 hours0.00712 days <br />0.171 hours <br />0.00102 weeks <br />2.340075e-4 months <br />, with Unit 2 in Operat u al Condition 1 (RUN) at 99% power, the Unit 2 250V battery was declared inoperable due to low battery electrolyte tenperatures. Since this battery serves as a power supply to the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling system (RCIC), the RCIC system was also declared inoperable. Previous calculations on this battery indicated it would not nect its loading requirment as defined in the LaSalle Updated final Safety Analysis Report at electrolyte tenperatures below 65 degrees fahrenheit. Upon inspection, the 250V battery pilot cell electrolyte tenveratures were found to be 50 and 60 digrees fahrenheit.

The cause of this event was the failure of two Division i Switchgear llcat Removal System danper actuators coupled with sub-zero outside air tenperatures. The two danpers involved failed to fully close, resulting in sub-zero outside air adnission to the switchgear ventilation system. The consequences of this event were mininal . 1he ll)Dh Pressure Core Spray System was fully operabic throughout this event, as was the Olvision 1 cnd Division 11 low pressure Emergency Core Cooling Systems. .

Short tern corrective actions were to nunually close the outside air intake danpers and place the ventilation system in the recirculation node by openin0 the recirculation danper. Satisfactory 250V battery electrolyte.

tenperatures (greater than 65 degrees f ahrenheit) were verifled at 1440 hours0.0167 days <br />0.4 hours <br />0.00238 weeks <br />5.4792e-4 months <br /> on Deconber 17, 1909. The 250V battery and the RCIC system were then subsequently declared operable at that tine.

Long term corrective actions are to replace the danper actuators under Work Request L94160.

1his event is reportable pursuant to 10CIR50.73(a)(2)(v) due to a condition that could have prevented the fulfillnent of a safety function of RCIC needed to renovo residual heat.


q I

LLCLWSit EVENT R[ PORT (1.tR) 1LXT CONTINUA 110N forn Rev P.0 j FACIL11Y NAML (1) 00CKL1 NUMBER (2)- ttR NUMBfR (6) Page_(3) e

, Year /// Sequential /// Revision  !

fff fff

/// Weer /,g/ Neber tasalle county station unit 2 oIsIo1oIoI31714 e19 -

011Ie - 01 0 of 2 or 01 3 3 1LX1 Energy industry Identification Systen (Lits) codes are identified in the text as (XX) j l


1 General Electric - Bolling Water Reactor-Energy industry Identification Systen (0115) codes are identifled in the tcat as [XX).

k A. COND1110N PRIOR 10 EYLN1 a i

Unit (s): 2 Event Date: 12/16/89 Event lime: ___0615Ilours l Reactor Mode (s): 1 Mode (s) Name: Run Power Level (s): 99E _


8. DLSCRIPil0N OF IYLNi on Decenber 16, 1989, at 0615 hours0.00712 days <br />0.171 hours <br />0.00102 weeks <br />2.340075e-4 months <br />, the Unit 2 250V battery was declared inoperable due to low battery electrolyte tenveratures. Since this battery serves as a power supply to the Reactor Core isolation l Coolingsystem(RCIC,RI)[BN),theRCICsystemwasalsodeclaredinoperable. Although Technical l Specification 3.7.3 does not specifically address battery electrolyte tenperature, previous calculations  ;

on this battery Indicate it would not meet its loeding requirenent as defined in the LaSalle Updated l Final Safety Analysis Report (Uf SAR) at electrolyte tenveratures below 65 degrees f ahrenhelt. . Upon  ;

Inspection, the 250V battery pilot cell electrolyte tenperatures were found to be 58 and 60 degrees '

fahrenheit. At the time of this event, Unit 2 was in Condition 1 (Run) at 99% thennal power. l



The cause of this event was the failure of two Divlslon 1 Swltchgear lleet Removal System (VX) (VF) danper actuators coupled with sub-Zero outside air tenperatures. The two danpers involved failed to i fully close, resulting in sub-zero outside air adnission to the switchgear ventilation system. This ,

condition effectively lowered the anblent switchgear room tenverature, and in turn.' resulted in the 250V '

battery electrolyte low tenperatures, i D. SATL1Y ANALYSIS OF EVLN1 '

l l- 1he consequences of this event were minimal. The High Pressure Core Spray System (IIPCS, llP) [UG) was ,

, fully operable throughout this event, as was the Division I and Division 11 low pressure Energency Core '

Cooling Systems (LCCS).

L The Unit 2 Division 1 12SVDC battery, which shares the sane ventilation system as the 250V battery, was j

verified to meet its tenperature specifications during the event. In addition, the Unit 2 Division 1 switchgear room anblent tenperature was always above the minimum lechnical Specificatitan requirenent of 50 degrees fahrenheit.

r 1

. .*b ttCEWSit [VtWT REPORT (llR) 1 EXT COWilWOAil0N fonn Rev 2.0_

I ACIL11Y NfmL (1) DOCKL1 WUMBER (2) ._l[R W M Rj 6) Page_(3)

  • , Year // tequential / /,/j ltevision j//j/j

/ Wunber j/// Wunber

[Malle county Stajlon iLnhJ Ll_5_ l_0_ l 0 11}J1 71. 4 _8,j_L, _.,_0j_jjl _ _

,_0 1 0 OjJ Of 0),3 i 1LK1 Energy Industry Identification System (Lili) codes are identified in the text as (XX)

L. CORRLC11VL AC110N5 Short tenn corrective ections were to manually close the outside air intake danpers and place the ventilation system in the recirculation node by opening the recirculation dancer. In addition, a portable heater was installed in the switchgear room to increase the tonverature of the recirculating air. These actions resulted in an increase in switchgvar room anblent tenverature and, consequently.

250V battery electrolyte taperature. $atisfactory 250V battery electrolyte tenperatures (greater than 65 degrees Fahrenheit) were verlfled at 1440 hours0.0167 days <br />0.4 hours <br />0.00238 weeks <br />5.4792e-4 months <br /> on Deceber 17, 1989. The 250V battery and the RCIC system were then subsequently declared operable at that time.

Long tenn corrective actions are to replace the danper actuators under Work Request L94100. - Action item Record (AIR) 374-200-09-0720) will tract the completion of this work.

Calculations on the 250V battery Indicate that the battery could still perfonn its design function below 65 degrees Fahrenheit if the linergency Bearing 011 Pop (LBOP) is removed from service. t.aSalle procedure revisions have been inlilated to reflect this calculation, however, the option to remove the LBOPfromservicewouldonlybeconsideredshouldthealternatehighpressureinjectionsystem(HPCS) becone unavailabic coincident with low 250V battery tenperatures.


F. PRLYl005 LVLN15 1here are no previous events of this type reported at LaSalle County Nuclear Station.

G. COMPONENT IAlLURE DA1A Manufacturer Nomenclature Model Nunber mfg Part Nunber lit-Gon Cont Actuator All91 Reverse A1191020020617 l

