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Advises That J Hornor Will Become Campus Radiation Safety Officer Effective 810311 But Will Continue as Member of Radiation Use Committee for Reactor Facility
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 03/18/1981
From: Ostrander N
To: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8103240428
Download: ML19343C520 (1)



UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. LOS ANGELES , UCLA ne nx atu o4us . inms . Los ncates . nivusioc s4s oicco . s4s nascisco i sasa nnun son cacz 2567 Boelter Hall SCHOOLOF ENCINEERINC AND APPLIED SCIENCE Robert L. Tedesco, Assistant Director for LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 9xP.4 Division of Licensing, NRR U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Camission 18 March 1981 Washington, D.C. 20555 Docket No. 50-142 License R-71

Dear Mr. Tedesco:

Persuant to our Technical Specification VIII.M.2.a this will advise you of a change in our facility organizaticn. Effective March 11, 1981, Mr. Jack Hormr will become UCLA's campus Radiation Safety Officer, and cease to be the resident health physicist at our facility. A search has been initiated for a suitable replacement.

In the interim, a technologist has been assigned to the routine survey work and Mr. Hornor will remain available for advice and consultation. Mr. Hornor will continue as a member of the _ Radiation Use _Camtittee (RUC) for the reactor facility.

For your information we are pursuing an investigation of using the UCIA Internal Audit Office to perform a cmpliance-type audit of our operational records and

-procedures. 'Ihis investigation was remmmded by the RUC on June 17, 1980 but postponed to coincide with the annual review following the close of the calendar year. We note that our Technical Specification VIII.H.3 demands an in-depth audit but is nan-directive in regard to the review procedure. As presently conceived, the Internal Audit report to the RUC would provide that group with bases for evaluating compliance with Technical Specification requirements.

In our opinion, the use of professional auditors to perform the required

. amual review will yield a completely objective audit that will be at least as thorough es those done in the past by an NEL staff member.

Sincerely, Ydi!dE.b b Reviewed and Approved: Neill C. Ostrander, Manager Nuclear Energy Laboratory o) h.

Dr. Walter F. Wegst, Director Office of Research & Occupational Safety


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T"Ji23.N p p cc: R. L. Engleken, Region V, USNRC Q pm f t 5 A. Zane, Secretary, Radiation Use Cocmittee c6 v.S g unaa / UO


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NL' CLEAR ENERCY IABORATORY IVAN cATTON, DIRECTOR 810sg4O Wb8 A . . . - - .. . . _ _ . . . .