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Lists Alleged Deficiencies Which Could Jeopardize Health & Safety of Public as Reported by Govt Accountability Project. Expresses Concern Over Manner in Which Second NRC Investigation Will Be Performed
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 02/11/1981
From: Meyer C
To: Ahearne J
NUDOCS 8103050850
Download: ML19341D569 (2)



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\ Ys  %{},s m e l February 11, 1931 4, Y T5 'O d n s ess N . LID 35 7 Mr. John Ahearne 27 2> ." uY' Director, 3- 0:m J 7 M te .

fluclear Regulatory Comission j9/, C. .;< ; W A(j b

Dear Mr. Ahearne:

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l iG Physicians for Social Responsibility is a,n organization of physicians, medical students and allied health workers interes'ted in the medical consequences of nuclear energy and nuclear war. The Cincinnati Chapter of PSR is particularly concerned about the Zimer Nuclear Power Station located in Moscow, Ohio, 26 miles from Cincinnati.

A great deal of concern has developed in our comunity as a result of alleged serious safety problems at Zimner uncovered by a private investigator, Mr. Tem Applegate. According to the report presented to the Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board from the Government Accountability Project of the Institute for Policy Studies, the flRC investication of the Zimter ,'!uclear Power Station was conducted and reported in a " wrongful and capricious nanner". The GAP report states that the flRC report of the investigation performed by Mr. Phillips fails to provide an accurate record of the allegations. Because of the shallow level of the first investigation and numerous documentation of potential problens, many of which are listed here, we feel there is a substantial potential danger to public health and safety.

Many of the following allegations involve portions of the olant that could,1f they failed, jeopardize the health and safety of thousands of residents in our area. A partial list of the allegations include:

1. A radioactive waste drain is clogged with concrete which was carelessly poured into the drain.
2. A residue heat valve broke when a pipefitter bumped into it, raising new questions about the quality of metal used for valves.
3. Argon gas valves for flushina oxygen from pipes routinely are left cpen by the day crew, causing the night crew to be overcome by gas, a problem about which CG&E Safety Director Cumings expressed disinterest.
4. Prefabricated piping received in 1977 has defective welds, but construction supervisors told crews not to repair them because the welds were made off-site.
5. At least tr. ee sources contacted by Applegate confirmed that an estimated 20",

of the plants prefabricated welds are defective.

6. Engineering " designs" routinely are drawn after the fact to conform with piping that already had been installed.
7. Shock absorbing electrical tray hangers previously found unsatisfactory are still unsafe due to faulty welds, and electrical cable trays remain dangerously full.
8. Sand and mud choke the feed-water pumps and intake flues carrying makeup water to the cooling tower, because of a flaw in the plant's design. Pumps used to rectify the flaw quickly burn out.

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, . . l Mr. John Ahearne


Page 2 ',

February 11,198hl " ,'

9. A design the.' heat exchanger control panel permitted an operator mistakenly to force ,1200 pounds of pressure through pipes taly meant t.o handle 300 pounds, . ripping the pipe and soaking electricians with a hard spray .of water that would have been radioactive had the plant been in operation {p
10. There have been periods when there were no security surveillance cameras during nuclear fuel deliveries to the site,and perimeter security consisted for an extended period of only a four foot chicken wire fence. -

fiuclear technology has the potential for causing disastrous consequences to huran health, fluclear power plants should be designed and btilt to eliminate structural and mechanical failures and to minimize the possibility of error causing a disastrous situation. In light of the evidence available (in this letter and from other sources) I feel there are numerous issues that need to be addressed regarding the safety of this plant which will operate in our community. I personally, as well as the other members of the local chapter of Physicians for Social Resporsibility, believe that the second fluclear Regulatory Comr.;ssier investigation of these problems, needs to be conducted in a thorouch and scientific and conscientious nanner and not the apparent superficial way in wilich the initial investigation was performed.



- l ' Lt3 Channing R. t' yer,M. ,

Physicians fo Social Responsibility

% Deans Office College of l'edicine 231 Bethesda Ave.

Cincinnati, OH 45267
