MONTHYEARIR 05000070/19993011999-07-0101 July 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-070/99-301,50-073/99-201 & 50-183/99-201 on 990607-10.No Safety Concern or Noncompliance to NRC Requirements Was Identified ML20206P6541999-01-0707 January 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-070/98-01 on 981116-19.No Violations Noted.Major Activities Reviewed as Part of Insp Focused on Program to Maintain Safstor Condition of General Electric Test Reactor IR 05000070/19982011998-05-0404 May 1998 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-070/98-201, 50-073/98-201 & 50-183/98-201.First Example of Violation 2 Has Been Withdrawn.Actions Examined During Future Insp ML20217B7081998-04-14014 April 1998 Submits Errata to Annual Rept 29 for ESADA - Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor ML20217C1171998-03-18018 March 1998 Forwards Insp Repts 50-070/98-201,50-073/98-201 & 50-183/98-201 on 980209-13 & Notice of Violation ML20198K2711998-01-0909 January 1998 Forwards Insp Repts 50-018/97-01,50-070-97-01 & 50-183/97-01 on 971204.No Violations Noted.One Unresolved Item Identified & Discussed in Section 1.2 of Encl Rept ML20059E3841993-12-21021 December 1993 Accepts Cost Estimate Related to Licenses DPR-1,R-33,TR-1 & DPR-10,per Review of Documents Provided Via 931013,1202 & 17 Ltrs in Support of 930831 Request for Decrease in Chemical Bank Ltr of Credit Amend & Trust Agreement Amount ML20059E4141993-12-0202 December 1993 Explains 1993 Cost Estimate for Regulatory Assurance Reduction,W/Respect to GE Ltr of Credit IR 05000183/19930041993-11-24024 November 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-183/93-04 on 931101-05.No Violations Noted ML20059E4021993-10-13013 October 1993 Explains 1993 Cost Estimate for Regulatory Assurance Reduction,W/Respect to GE Ltr of Credit ML20127D7751992-09-0404 September 1992 Forwards USGS Study of Seismic Potential of Northern Calaveras Fault,For Actions Required to Ensure That Safety Analysis Remain Valid ML20059F6501990-08-27027 August 1990 Advises That 900820 Request for Petition for Reconsideration of Denial of Specific Exemption from Financial Assurance Instrument Requirements of 10CFR50 & 70 Under Review.Request for Temporary Extension of 900831 Filing Deadline Granted ML20033H0511990-04-0606 April 1990 Forwards Amend 5 to License DR-10 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Changes License Condition 3.E.2 to Delete Requirement That Annual Rept Be Submitted 60 Days After Each Annual Insp Completed ML20011F5111990-02-0808 February 1990 Confirms Telecon Request Re 900223 Visit Re Decommissioning Funding Requirements & Estimated Decommissioning Cost Methodology ML20245B4531989-06-0808 June 1989 Forwards Encl Listed Info on Decommissioned & Shutdown Reactors Requested During Discussions at Saxton on 890511 ML20150D8641988-03-18018 March 1988 Informs of Relocation of NRR to Rockville,Md.Official Mailing Address Still Remains Same & Project Managers Have New Locations & Phone Numbers.Ts Michaels Still Lead Project Manager for Facility & a Adams Will Serve as Backup ML20148C3851988-01-14014 January 1988 Forwards Amend 4 to License DR-10 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Changes Tech Specs to Permit General Radiation Survey Annually Instead of Twice Annually,Per 870816 Request ML20235T2431987-09-24024 September 1987 Forwards Insp Repts 50-018/87-01,50-070/87-01,50-073/87-01 & 50-183/87-01 on 870901-03 & Notice of Violation ML20236N0511987-08-0303 August 1987 Forwards Amend 15 to License TR-1 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Changes Tech Specs by Deleting Cooling Tower from Definition of Reactor Facility ML20215C8891987-06-11011 June 1987 Informs of Recent Reorganization of Nrr.T Michaels Assigned as Project Manager for Facilities ML20214M6631987-05-22022 May 1987 Forwards Revised NRC Form 398.Rev Reflects Changes to 10CFR55 Effective on 870526.Revised Form Requires New Applications to Complete Each Category Including Educ, Training & Experience.Changes Detailed in Encl 2 ML20210S4131986-09-26026 September 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for 16 Categories of Records Re Facilities.Forwards App D & E Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR ML20206M4181986-06-25025 June 1986 Forwards Insp Repts 50-018/86-01 & 50-183/86-01 on 860617.No Violation Noted ML20140G7211986-03-27027 March 1986 Lists Change in Telephone Number for H Bernard,Facility Project Manager,Due to NRR Reorganization.D Tondi New Nonpower Reactors & Safeguards Licensing Section Leader. Correspondence Should Be Sent to Listed Address ML20210H8751986-03-27027 March 1986 Lists Change in Telephone Number for H Bernard,Facility Project Manager,Due to NRR Reorganization.D Tondi New Nonpower Reactors & Safeguards Licensing Section Leader. Correspondence Should Be Sent to Listed Address ML20195C7181986-03-21021 March 1986 Responds to FOIA Request for Nine Categories of Records Re Damages Occurring to Nuclear Power Plants Following Earthquakes & 860131 Earthquake Near Perry Site.Forwards Apps a & B Documents.App B Documents Also Available in PDR ML20137R6811986-02-0505 February 1986 Forwards Amend 14 to License TR-1,safety Evaluation & Fr Notice.Amend Renews License for Possession Only Until 921001 ML20239A1971985-12-17017 December 1985 Further Response to 850927 & 1106 FOIA Requests for Documents Re Pressure Suppression Containment,Including Humboldt Bay & Bodega Bay Docket Files.Bodega Bay File Being Placed in Pdr.Review of Addl Documents Continuing ML20138B5131985-10-0808 October 1985 Forwards Corrected Page 2 to Insp Repts 50-070/85-01 & 50-073/85-02 Per 851007 Telcon Re Presence of Second Individual at Facility Whenever Licensed Operator W/Medical Restrictions Is Performing Licensed Activities ML20133H4331985-10-0101 October 1985 Forwards Insp Repts 50-070/85-01 & 50-073/85-02 on 850812-15 & Notice of Violation ML20133C2121985-09-30030 September 1985 Forwards Modified Tech Specs Re Storage & Disposal of Liquid Effluents & Elimination of Area Radiation Monitors for Shutdown of Test Reactor Facility.Info Suppls 850626 Submittal of License Renewal Info ML20128M2811985-07-15015 July 1985 Forwards Self-Evaluation of NSHC, Supplementing 850625 Application for Amend to License TR-1,changing Tech Specs to Permit Maint of Reactor in Possession/Nonoperating Status ML20128L6091985-06-26026 June 1985 Forwards Request to Revise 751021 Application to Renew License TR-1,authorizing Possession/Nonoperating Status for Getr,Per Revised Tech Specs ML20024E0661983-08-0505 August 1983 Clarifies Ambiguity Re Controlling Date for Filing Response. GE Will File Response on 830822.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20024D2031983-07-29029 July 1983 Advises That Time for Commission to Review ALAB-720 Expired. Commission Declined Review.Decision Became Final Agency Action on 830725 ML20058D2491982-07-20020 July 1982 Requests Extension Until 821103 for Submitting Revised Emergency Plan,Based on Classification as Minor Facility ML20055B4601982-07-14014 July 1982 Forwards Revised Security Plan for Protection of Reactor Facilities.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20042A8361982-03-22022 March 1982 Forwards Info to Demonstrate Current Status of Plate Type Fuel Which No Longer Has Potential of Releasing Radioactive Matl If Loss of Storage Canal Water Were to Occur, Supplementing 820204 Request for Tech Spec Changes ML20049J8781982-03-22022 March 1982 Forwards Annual Financial Rept 1981 ML20049J9511982-02-18018 February 1982 Forwards Annual Rept 14 of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments,1981 ML20049J9431982-02-18018 February 1982 Forwards Annual Rept 23 of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments,1981 ML20041B8171982-02-17017 February 1982 Forwards IE Info Notice 80-32,Revision 1, Clarification of Certain Requirements for Exclusive Use Shipments of Radioactive Matls. W/O Encl ML20049J0611982-01-13013 January 1982 Advises That Full Implementation w/10CFR73.21 Requirements May Be Deferred Provided That Matl Shipment Schedule Adhered to & Safeguards Info Locked & Under Control of Authorized Individuals Only ML20052A7331981-12-0909 December 1981 Responds to FOIA Request for Six Categories of Documents Re Test & Research Reactors.Forwards Partial Listing of Documents & Occupational Radiation Exposure Data for Test & Research Reactors for 1978-79 ML20038A6241981-10-30030 October 1981 Forwards Public Version of Radiological Emergency Plan.Plan Addresses Both Reactor & Fuels Facilities,Per Alternative 3 in Modified Order to Modify License SNM-960 ML20032C7391981-10-13013 October 1981 Forwards Fr Notice & Press Release Re Proposed Addl Safeguards for Research Reactors ML20031C7401981-09-28028 September 1981 Responds to 800710 Request for Info Re Spent Fuel at Facility.Measurements,Calibr & Analytical Techniques for Controlling Spent Nuclear Matl Described in Procedures Are Inspected by IE to Determine Accuracy & Precision ML20010J5071981-08-17017 August 1981 Forwards Endorsement 27 to Maelu Policy MF-95 ML20010D0001981-08-12012 August 1981 Package of 35 Ltrs Supporting Facility Restart ML20030C6801981-08-12012 August 1981 Package of 21 Ltrs Supporting Relicensing of Facility 1999-07-01
MONTHYEARML20062J0091980-07-11011 July 1980 Submits Comments on 800616-17 Meeting on Getr.Requests Copy of Edac 117-253-01,Revision 1.Probabilistic Effects of Presentation of Combining Vibratory Motion W/Uplift Were Unclear ML19330C1791980-07-11011 July 1980 Comments on Proposed Summary for 800616 & 18 Meeting on Getr:Ref Should Be Made to Discussion of Method to Free Foundation Offset ML19330C5131980-06-29029 June 1980 Comments on Faulting & Landsliding as Discussed in ACRS Subcommittee on Getr 800616-17 Meeting.Topographic Elevation Behind Getr Is Probably Produced by Faulting.Evidence Supports Tectonic Model for Livermore Valley ML19330C5191980-06-29029 June 1980 Comments on Seismic Design Parameters & Potential Damage to Getr Reactor Structure by Faulting as Discussed at ACRS Subcommittee on Getr 800616-17 Meeting.Greatest Seismic Danger Results from Proximity to Calaveras Fault ML19320D1261980-06-0707 June 1980 Comments on Getr Data:Nrc & USGS Have Prepared Studies Which Favor Shutting Down Facility.Most Dangerous Condition Is Assumed as Being in Existence,But No Steps Have Been Taken to Correct Condition ML19323H2711980-05-0202 May 1980 Discusses Recommendation for Addl Subsurface Investigations at & Beneath Getr.Purpose Was to Establish Feasibility of Isolating Getr from Foundation Disturbance in Event of Earthquake ML19254D6721979-08-0808 August 1979 Summarizes Conclusions Re Potential for Surface Faulting at Getr Site 1980-07-11
MONTHYEARML20217B7081998-04-14014 April 1998 Submits Errata to Annual Rept 29 for ESADA - Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor ML20059E4141993-12-0202 December 1993 Explains 1993 Cost Estimate for Regulatory Assurance Reduction,W/Respect to GE Ltr of Credit ML20059E4021993-10-13013 October 1993 Explains 1993 Cost Estimate for Regulatory Assurance Reduction,W/Respect to GE Ltr of Credit ML20011F5111990-02-0808 February 1990 Confirms Telecon Request Re 900223 Visit Re Decommissioning Funding Requirements & Estimated Decommissioning Cost Methodology ML20133C2121985-09-30030 September 1985 Forwards Modified Tech Specs Re Storage & Disposal of Liquid Effluents & Elimination of Area Radiation Monitors for Shutdown of Test Reactor Facility.Info Suppls 850626 Submittal of License Renewal Info ML20128M2811985-07-15015 July 1985 Forwards Self-Evaluation of NSHC, Supplementing 850625 Application for Amend to License TR-1,changing Tech Specs to Permit Maint of Reactor in Possession/Nonoperating Status ML20128L6091985-06-26026 June 1985 Forwards Request to Revise 751021 Application to Renew License TR-1,authorizing Possession/Nonoperating Status for Getr,Per Revised Tech Specs ML20024E0661983-08-0505 August 1983 Clarifies Ambiguity Re Controlling Date for Filing Response. GE Will File Response on 830822.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20058D2491982-07-20020 July 1982 Requests Extension Until 821103 for Submitting Revised Emergency Plan,Based on Classification as Minor Facility ML20055B4601982-07-14014 July 1982 Forwards Revised Security Plan for Protection of Reactor Facilities.Plan Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20049J8781982-03-22022 March 1982 Forwards Annual Financial Rept 1981 ML20042A8361982-03-22022 March 1982 Forwards Info to Demonstrate Current Status of Plate Type Fuel Which No Longer Has Potential of Releasing Radioactive Matl If Loss of Storage Canal Water Were to Occur, Supplementing 820204 Request for Tech Spec Changes ML20049J9431982-02-18018 February 1982 Forwards Annual Rept 23 of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments,1981 ML20049J9511982-02-18018 February 1982 Forwards Annual Rept 14 of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments,1981 ML20038A6241981-10-30030 October 1981 Forwards Public Version of Radiological Emergency Plan.Plan Addresses Both Reactor & Fuels Facilities,Per Alternative 3 in Modified Order to Modify License SNM-960 ML20010J5071981-08-17017 August 1981 Forwards Endorsement 27 to Maelu Policy MF-95 ML20010D0001981-08-12012 August 1981 Package of 35 Ltrs Supporting Facility Restart ML20030C6801981-08-12012 August 1981 Package of 21 Ltrs Supporting Relicensing of Facility ML20009H4831981-08-0606 August 1981 Forwards Reply to NRC & Intervenors Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law ML20031A7891981-08-0505 August 1981 Supports Reactor Restart ML20010A7521981-07-27027 July 1981 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp of Licenses DPR-1,TR-1,R-33 & DR-10.Corrective Actions: Procedures Modified to Assure That Employees Are Trained for Use of Respiratory Protection Equipment Specified for Job ML20031A7521981-07-20020 July 1981 Supports Reactor Restart ML19250J1661981-07-10010 July 1981 Requests Info Re Public Safety Concerns for Use in Possible Upcoming Facility Relicensing Hearings ML20005A5951981-06-26026 June 1981 Forwards Transcript Corrections Per Stipulation Approved by ASLB 810514 Order ML19352B2901981-06-22022 June 1981 Forwards Substitutions of Intervenor in Pro Per for Atty of Record for Nc Lyon,Ef Laub,J Turk,J Kamaoroff, J Buhowksy & J Skomer.Proof of Svc Encl ML19351A0321981-06-16016 June 1981 Supports Facility Restart.Expresses Concern Re Unavailability of Domestic Test Reactor to Perform Irradiations of Advanced Commercial Power Reactor Fuel ML19350E1001981-06-12012 June 1981 Notifies That Atlameda County Planning Commission Recommends That EIS for Getr License Renewal Discuss Constraints on Land Use Options for Adjoining Properties.County Plans Re Livermore-Amador Valley Encl ML20030C6651981-06-0808 June 1981 Discusses Getr Site.Reactor Operation Would Result in Negligible Hazard to Area,Considering Const & Design. Incomplete Earthquake Hazard Rept Encl ML20004D8821981-06-0404 June 1981 Recommends That EIS for Facility Include & Evaluate County General Plan Policies Re Seismic Safety,Constraints on Land Use Options for Adjoining Properties,Potential for Contaminated Runoff & Transportation Hazards ML20030C6881981-05-29029 May 1981 Expresses Concern Re Suspension of Matls Supplied from Getr Which Has Caused Economic Dislocations ML20030C6641981-05-26026 May 1981 Resolution Supporting Reopening of Test Facility ML20030C5751981-05-22022 May 1981 Supports Licensing of Facilities ML19346A2551981-05-21021 May 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement ML19346A1311981-05-20020 May 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Show Cause Proceeding ML19346A1331981-05-18018 May 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Show Cause Proceeding ML19345H4241981-05-14014 May 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810527 Public Hearing in Livermore,Ca ML19347F6251981-05-14014 May 1981 Comments on EIS Re License Renewal for Getr.Requests Identification,Evaluation & Proposed Mitigation of Potential Significant Effects of Radioactivity on Surface & Groundwater Quality Resulting from Operation of Getr ML19346A1321981-05-13013 May 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Show Cause Proceeding ML19346A1571981-05-12012 May 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Show Cause Proceeding ML19345H4231981-05-0808 May 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement on Resumption of Getr Operation ML20037D1961981-05-0808 May 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810601 Public Hearing in San Francisco,Ca Re Resumption of Getr Operation ML20004F4871981-05-0404 May 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at ASLB 810601 Hearing Re Facility ML20003F6131981-04-21021 April 1981 Forwards Detailed Procedures, Fuel Flooding Sys Acceptance Test Procedures, & Getr Seismic Trip Replacement Installation & Checkout Procedure, Per 810311 Commitment ML19347E3061981-04-13013 April 1981 Requests Nuclear Action Group Be Placed on Mailing List for Notices Re Hearing ML20126H0771981-03-26026 March 1981 Forwards Annual Financial Rept 1980 ML19345G5481981-03-23023 March 1981 Informs That J Rutherford,Witness for Intervenor,Will Appear at Hearings for Direct Testimony & cross-examination.Mailing List Encl.Related Correspondence ML19350C6511981-03-18018 March 1981 Forwards Endorsements 85 & 86 to ANI Policy NF-2 ML20003F6561981-03-16016 March 1981 Requests Info Re Shutdown Facilities in State of CA ML19350B7561981-03-11011 March 1981 Advises of Request to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Startup Hearing on 810527.Requests Placement on Mailing List for Related Notices & Info ML20008F4261981-03-11011 March 1981 Forwards Summaries of Fuel Flooding Sys Acceptance Test Procedure & Triaxial Seismic Switches Acceptance Test & Proposed Tech Specs for Seismic Mods 1998-04-14
[Table view] |
tev-w 1.
D E O L D T3IST 5322 WESTERN HILLE DRIVE AUSTSN. TEXA5 75731 813 = 4 5 4-19 3:
June 29, 1980 Dr. Williar Kerr Advisory Coarittee on Reactor Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission H Street Washington, D.C. 20555
F.csting of ACRS Sub-Committee on GETR Sunol, California, June 16-17, 1980
Dear Dr. Kerr,
Since the November 14th meeting of the GETR sub-committee, the positions of the NRC staff and of GETR and their consul-tants with respect to seismic design parameters and danger of damage to the GETR reactor structure by faulting have closely approached each other.
The agreed upon design cri-teria, if I understand correctly, is a 0 75 6 effective horizontal acceleration related to a possible earthquake on the Calaveras fault, and a 0.6 g seismic event plus a one meter offset occurring simultaneously on an as yet undis-covered or undeveloped shear, related to a somewhat illusive Verona fault.
It seems to me to be generally accepted that the greatest seismic danger arises from the proximity of the reactor to-the Calaveras fault, approximately 3 5 kilometers to the west.
At the November 14th meeting Dr. Charles Richter testified that the largest vertical acceleration which would be ex-pected at the site is about 0 5 g from an earthquake in the magnitude 6-7 range on the Calaveras fault.
At the Sunol meeting Dr. lillian Hall, consultant for the staff recommend-ed using an acceleration of 0.6 to 0.75 g for use in anchor-ing to REG. guide 1.60 spectra or NUREG-CR 0098 spectra, with 0.6 g being the most reasonable and 0 75 g suggested for conservatism.
It seems to be generally agreed that no fault motion would be transmitted to the site from movement on the Calaveras fault.
Much of the discussion related to seismic design center-ed on the characteristics of the B1-33. B2 and H shears which are presumed to be components of h Verona Fault zone.
For this zone Dr. Hall favors a value of 0 35 to 0.40 g I-l horizontal acceleration as being most reasonable, but select-l ed a value of 0.6 g for conservatism, coupled simultaneously with a fault motion of one meter in any arbitrary direction.
Fr. John Reed of Jack R. Benjamin and Associates presented a
,8 0#808U/J3 ty
Dr. Willian Kerr June 29, 3980 detailed probability analysis of the effects of a postulated Verona fault earthquake and offset.
His model was based on the-interpretation of data from trenches in the reactor site The trenches show no shears cutting Holocene deposits area.
between the B1-B3 shear to the north 9g_s y f4 h,q r actor and the B2 shear to the southwest.
Dating"or th Y. s beneath the reactor further suggests no shearing has occurred there in the last 120,000 toperhgps 300,000 years, or somewhere in the range of 10-5 to 10-years.
Assuming the probability of an offset developing between existing shears B1 and B2 72-foot diameter reactor to be about 6x10 y of hitting the to be about ten percent and the probabilit
, the probability ofanewgydevelopgdshearhittingthereactorisintherange of 3x10-to 6x10-per year.
Another probability model was developed by L. 1. L. -- Terra Corp., consultants to the staff, and comments on the assumptions made in calculat-ing probabilities were given by Dr. D. B. Slemmons, con-sultant to tne U. S. Geolocical Survey.
Although there seered to be some disagree?.ent about the best probability model to be used, it was agreed that all models gave approxi-mately the same results.
Hence, the probability analysis would indicate that the assumed seismic and fault displacement requirements related to the Verona' system are conservative to highly conservative.
The U. S. Geological Survey adopts a more extreme posi-tion, succesting that a sudden offset as great as 3 meters might occur beneath the reactor, based on their interpretation of-the largest observable displacements on the B1-B3, B2, and H shears and on a re-interpretation of the limiting ages between displacements imposed by interpretation of the ages of various soil horizons.
An extensive presentation by Dr.
R. J. Shlemon, a recognized soils expert, convinced me, at least, that the. bounding aSes for displacement events and the one meter maximum displacement in a single event determined by his work were more reasonable than the assumptions present-ed by the U.S.G.S.
Ky views with respect to the inappropriateness of using the San Fernando earthquake as a model for expected events on the Verona shear system were set forth in my letter after the November 14, 1979 meeting of the GETR sub-committee.
In ~
this respect I am in agreement with Drs. Page and Thompson, and nothing presented at the June,1980 meeting in any way weakened this opinion.
To review briefly, the GETh site and the Verona shear system lie at the southwest margin of the l
rhomboid-shaped Livermore basin, filled with Miocene and youn5er sedinents.-
Deep alluvium near the center of the I
k Dr. William Kerr June 29, 1980 basin suggests that subsidence may still be continuing there.
The south and southwest mar 6 ins seem to show recent and per-haps continuing uplift relative to the basin center, about ten kilometers to the northeast of GETR.
The length, width, and nature at depth of the Verona shear system are all un-I known at present.
However, an origin of the observed shears by faulting is compatible with the regional stress anticipated for this part of the basin.
The major fault systems bounding the Livermore basin, i.e. the Calaveras on the west and the Greenville system on the east, exert a clockwise rotational strain and en effective north-south compression on the sedi-ments within the Livermore basin.
The Verona system of shears at the southwest edge of the basin dip into the sedi-ments toward the basin center.
Whether these conbine at depth into one master thrust fault, or represent widely dis-persed motions on small shears in response to the north-south compression, is not yet known.
Similar deep sediment-filled basins in southern Cali-fornia also reflect north-south compression.
These basins are petroliferous and have been extensively drilled.
Numer-ous thrusts have been identified related to uplifts of f
faulted segsgpp*s b9th within and at basin margins.
Some of thethrustsyareENowntobeactiveandarecharacterizedbyslow, aseismic creep, in some cases shearing off well casings inter-sected by the faults in a period of a few tens of years.
These occurrences have been well publicized, but I am unaware of any record of sudden surficial displacement related to move-ment on the shears.
These observations would favor a slow creep type of motion during the generation of the Verona shears which likewise are related to the deep sediments of the Livermore trough.
This model seems much more realistic than that of the San Fernando earthquake,related to upthrust-ing of crystalline rocks alon5 a major fault in a great bend of the San Andreas fault, a region characterized by high rates of tectonic movement and seismic activity.
For these reasons I believe the occurrence of a magnitude 6 earthquake on a Verona fault is improbable and therefore highly con-servative.
The stress field giving rise to faulting is such that, for a given depth the compressive stress perpendicular to the fault surface is greatest for thrust faults, least for i
" normal" or gravity faults, and intermediate for strike-slip faults.
Faults with large displacement develop a well defined shear surface or zone, very thin compared to the active length of the fault.
Because of the relatively hiEh com-pressive stress across the fault, and the work involved in forming discrete shears, this relationship is particularly characteristic of thrust faults.
Dr. William Kerr 4-June 29, 1980 The setlof shears identified as the Verona fault zone appears to have a maximum strike length of about eleven kilometers.
If it is assumed that the fault zone is bound-ed by the B1-B3 and H shears, the zone is one kilometer wide at the surface.
Using the dip of the shears found the shear zone is about 400 to 500 meters in the trenches, dip steepens to 45, the thickness of the 0
If the fault zone could be larger, up to about 600 meters.
The lencth to-width rati: is thus far out cf line with what one socc in well exrosed examples of thrust faults such as thc Coact. Range and Iog Springs faults of the northern California coact rangen, the Champlain and Pine Mountain thrusts of the Appalachians, and many others.
If the Verona shear system is a well organized thrust fault at depth, it has had only small displacement since deposition of the exposed portion of the Livermore gravels, so small that the movenent has not been concentrated in a principal disruption plane, but is distributed along widely spaced shears.
This is not the normal behavior of an historically active seismic fault, nor does it suggest that large sudden surface displacements are to be expected at the GETR site.
At the Sunol meeting W. L. Ellsworth made an important presentatien on the seismicity of the livermore valley, California region, 19ey-1979 Fault-plane analyses of the 3
small eartnquakes observed give results compatible with the regionci strain field characterized by north-south compres-sion, confirming the inference that the Verona shear system could be.related to a thrust fault at depth.
For that decade, virtually all the significant seismic activity lay outside the Livermore basin, being concentrated on the Cala-verac and Greenville faults to the north of the basin, and to the south of the basin on the Calaveras and a broad seisnically active zone south of the Las Fositas fault.
Fault plane solutions of small events within the basin in-dicate do"inantly strike-slip movements compatible with movement on-the boundinr Calaveras, Greenville and possibly Las Positas faults, but four of the displayed events were characteristic of thrust faulting, reflecting north-south to -
northeast-southwest conrression.
Two thrust type movements at depths of four and six kilometers could have originated on a single "Verona" fault dipping 45 to the northeast.
The seismic activity for the past decade in the vicinity of the "Verona" fault has a northeast-southwest alignment, l
Dr. William Kerr June 29, 1980 parallel to the Las Positas fault, and if I interpret the data correctly, includes both strike slip and thrust faults.
One thrust fault determination is northwest of GETR and be-tween the presumed trace of the Verona fault and Calaveras fault.
Whether this is properly a part of an already wide "Verona system" is a matter for speculation.
In any case, at the present information level the data represent both thrust and strike-slip fault motions on apparently local-ized shears within and near the base of the sediments in the Livermore ba sin and do not necessarily correspond with extensive dincrete thrust faults and strike slip faults.
It is quite r.ossible, however, that another two dats noints l-could define a discrete Verona thru st fault at depth.
In any case, the U.S.
Geological Survey is to be commended for carrying out this study.
It is extremely important that this and cimilar procrams be continued for areas surrounding nuclear plant sites in seismically active regions.
With ret;ard to the landslide investigation required by the staff, it is my understanding that the plan submitted by GETR for accomplishing the investigation has been approved by the staff.
The investigation has two objectives:
- 1) to analyze the probability of major landslides occurring along the existing shears found by trenching and 2) the possibility of large local landslides developing on the hills above the reactor.
.iini respect to the danger fron local landsliding one can observe that the hills above the reactor show the typical rounded slopes and local " cattle track" microterraces char-acteristic of hills developed on sedimentary rocks in this part of California and related to slow, intermittent soil creep.
No_ landslide scars of significant size were noted.
Tests directed toward the determination of movement of the toe of larger shears should, of course, make allowance for surficial creep.
A determination of the engineering char-acteristics of the materials in the hill, and of materials i
from the shear-zones, if they can be obtained, should S ve definitive answers to the probability of landslide hazard.
Respectfully submitted.
i V
, John C. Maxwell