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Requests That NRC Decision to Charge Interest & Fees for Bill for Period of 880327-0618 Be Reversed Due to Util Never Receiving Original Bill & Second Notice Being Processed When Final Notice Received
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 10/19/1989
From: Tremblay L
To: Johnson G
BVY-89-96, NUDOCS 8910270204
Download: ML19325D941 (5)


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  • YERMONT . .


<% Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 053017002 ,y ,


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t.bD MAIN $%fIf IiOSTON. V A 01740 l

l (t,0th 7794711 October 19,1989 BVY 89-96 i United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission  !

Document Control Desk i Washington, DC 20555 ATrN: Mr. Graham D. Johnson l Director, Division of Accounting and Finance  ;



a. License No. DPR 28 (Docket No. 50-271) ,
b. Facility Fee Bill (10CFR170.21(A)), Invoice Number 0809C, }'

Bill Date 08/07/89.


Vermont Yankee Facility Fee Bill for Period OV27/88 06/18/88 s

Dear Sir:

The pur mse of this letter is to bring to your attention a matter which lavolves the assessment i ofinterest anc administrative fees regardmg the facility fee bill of Reference (b). Vermont Yankee  ;

believes these fees have been unfairly assessed. ,

A review of records in both our Corporate Office in Brattleboro, Vermont, and our  ;

Engineering (Licensing) Offices in Bolton, Massachusetts reveals that an original bill for the '

subject time period was never received by us, i A copy of the invoice stamped "Second Notice, Sep 21 1989" was received by Vermont [

Yankee Lice nsing on September 29,1989. The invoice consisted of one page bill and did not have  ;

the usual supporting documentati n attached. The second notice was promptly forwarded to the Brattleboro Corporate Offices fcr payment.

As the second notice was bein processed for payment by the Corporate Office, another copy i of the same invoice was received b Vermont Yankee Licensing, by means of Certified Mail, on t

October 11, 1989. This copy of the invoice was stampec, " Final Notice, Oct 41989",

representing a total of only nine (9) business days between issuance of the second notice and ,

issuance of the final notice by NRC. The final notice also had none of the usual supporting >

documentation attached. The invoice was immediately telecopied to the Corporate Office, the situation was discussed over the telephone between the Licensing Engineer ar.d the Manager of Accounting, and a call was placed to NRC that same day. The ca I was received at NRC by Lisa Shea (301492 8747), who stated that the required sup rting documentation would be telecopied to us as requested. However, Ms. Shea also inform us that, since the invoice had reached the

" Final Notice" stage, a new invoice would also be telecopied with the supporting documentation which would include interest and administrative fees. Both Vermont Yankee Licensing and Corporate Offices attempted to reverse the decision to charge the interest and fees, but both were informed that the fees were automatic once an invoice reached the " Final Notice" stage. t goo i 8910270204 891019 DR ADOCK0".OOg{1 1 i g

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A revised invoice was telecopied to Vermont Yankee Licensing with an added $858.00 in interest and fees on October 12,1989. Vermont Yankte Cor wrate immediately made an expedited payment for the full amount by wire transfer, to avoid any ac ditional problems.

Vermont Yankee respectfully requests that the decision to charge interest and fees in this matter be reversed and that our account be credited in the amount of $858.00. Should you have any funher questions or require additional information in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this omce.


Leonani A.Tremblay,Jr.

Senior Licensing Engineer Enclosures oc: USNRC Region I Administrator (w/o Enclosures)

USNRC Resident Inspector - VYNPS (w/o Enclosures)

USNRC Project Manager VYNPS (w/ Enclosures)

Mr. Graham D. Johnson Director, Division of Accounting and Finance United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7735 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda,MD 20014 l

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g. INVOICE 08090 mm o,ecue mnea n m e.s scarn nea.uws c:aw.wm. avmes *.e mas ~uwssn ou semus. ~ me,c4 we l

= u.a. Nuotr An neoutAT0nv coumissioN orrica op AouiNISTMATION AND A860VACES MANAGEMENT 08/07/89 DIV4610N OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCri

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l ATTN: LicensingEngineerI 580 Main Street A/ e Sutesw s+A tynde S. venson l Bolton, MA 01740 **"*** '

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  • gi 492-7049 i oleCA#PTioN AMoWNT 1

FACILITY FEE MILL FOR FERIOD 03/27/88 - 06/18/88 $62,555.00 l Subtota1 $}7,1!! $14{12 Contract Costs f...,9

$2h18; Total By Type $gl,g }},219 j Billable Portion }gl,33g  !!,219 l Fee Code AA903 AA 903 j INS-R INS 4R , e i

 <              Total This Bill                                                   $62,555                                                                                       l Interest (69 days 9$12.00/ day)                                                                                                    828.00                      i Administrative Charge (3 months 8 $10.00/ month)                                                                                     30.00                      :

l l l i 1 t I  : 1 L Amount ous $63,413.00 l rea ro u \ l TEAMS. Interest will soorve from the involos dote et the annuet rete of 7  % Peyrnent is due immodate'y, However, interest will be wolved if reymont la received within 30 days from the invoice dele. Pehotty and administretNe cherpes will be ennessed on e delingve'it invoice. Additionalterms and con. ditione em etteohed,it applicable. l NOTE. If there are any questions about tM exletonoe or amount of the debt. contact the lodwidwel named above. For NR0 cobt colection procedures, in-l ciudene Interest and penalty provisions, ese 31 U.s.C. 3717,4 CFA 101 10s, and 10 Cf R 16. haic posw eis IHe ' d E T 4.T E N H o ht N W n

  • Mvoo: SO SG '31 'O I ~


l- t1 < OCT - 4 1989 , !d ni C se o SS T NUCLEAR REGUIATORY CF.'. MISSION bNb[Mh[M NINWg Wg y

                          $5EP%      f#$"j' FACILITY TEE BILL                                                                                                        ,

1 (10 CFR 170.21(A)) l Bill Date INVOICE NUMBER 08/07/89 0809C  ! y , Licensee: License No.: DPR-28 l VERMONT' YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER Docket No.: 50-271 ' ATTN: LICENSING ENGINEER - l Facility VERMONT YANKEE I 580 MAIN ST * , BOLTON, MA 01740 Period: 03/27/88 - 06/18/88 ' I I Inspection Review Costs i R: port Number Routine Reactive ] I 1 See attached i Subtotal: $ 37,'153 $ 1,219 C;ntraet Costs: $ 24g183

                                                                                                                                                                $                                    0'       !

Total'By Typer $ 61,336 $ 1,219 i

                                                                                                                    ...........                                 ............                                  F Billable Portion                                                                                       $            61,336                           $              1,219 Fee Code:                                                                                                AA903-INS-R -                             AA903-INS-NR                                    ,
  • e , i
                                                                                                                                            .                                                                 6
                                                                                                                          #      ~: $  ? #'D62',#I55NT'D5Y' "
$tTotalf ThisVA111P&.Yh "'* C E  !

pRECEVED TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE ATTACHED RESPONSIBibTY K.Tewe.ll g - e w n -e,,,-- - -- - - , - ,, ,en------ -an-.- . , . , - , ,e--, , - - - - - . - , -

v' t , i(i'. #" j ,.

  • g g i )989 RESPONSIBILITY ikpaPM e,M M NUCLEAR REGUIATORY COMMISSION f' b"@W f'b' FACILITY FEE BILL i U dONkN (10 CFR 170.21(A)) j Bill'Date RECEIVED INVOICE NuxBER i 08/07/89 0809C l

SEP 2 985 l Licensee - License No.: DPR-28 VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEA ( PO 8 Docket No. 50-271 ATTNt LICENSING ENGIN3ER ,

                                                          ' Facility VERMONT YANKEE                                       l 580 MAIN ST    '                                                                                   l BOLTON, MA 01740                   Period: 03/27/88 - 06/18/88                                    !

l Inspection Review costs R port Number Routine RJactive see attached  ; f 5 i Subtotal: $ 37,153 $ 1,219

  • C:ntract Costs: $ 24,183 $ 0  ;
        . tot 01 By Type:
                                                              $           61,336                  -

1,219 Billable Portion $ 61,336 $ 1,219 FOc Code AA?O3-INS-R AA903-INS-NR

                                                                                                                      . l Total This Bill:                                                   $            62,555                        i
                            -     'o             ,