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in Response to IE Bulletin 79-01,provides Details of Certain Limit Switches Not Meeting Class IE Environ Qualification Criteria.Justifies Continued Plant Operation
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 02/14/1979
From: Moody D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
WVY-79-16, NUDOCS 7903140660
Download: ML19276E566 (2)




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.d sE va;NTY SEVCet (. MOVE 2rMCKr NU TL.tNo. Ytztet O N T U *:.703 I24.5 3. 3 .2 . 1 teaphW 14J ENGINEERING OFF ICE T u se 340* in L e4 G A O wtSTuono. Masm ACHuat r is a . :

v a n.s e su e.a a s a s e e s ,, s February 14 1979 WY 79-16 Dif actor, Divloton of Operating !teaccoce Orrice of Nuclear he.s tsar Regulacica Nuc Redul.tary Ct.-21 vo lan Washington. EC JO555 hierence: (1) License No. Di'R-28 (Dochtet No. '0-271)

(2) L55NHC ist.ter tu V'iN1'C dat ed Fatbr uary 11, 1979 (au11eriu 79-01)

Dear Sir:

Subjwet: Environa.ntal Qualification of Clame IE Equip .ent hference (2) requires chac Vecmasar. Yankee detec.zine if certain types of a t.a :2 ;;.u un t ed 1 inir. owit.chen are used and locar.ed A naside the c ont .i nc:.e nt .

LL 41mo requirem t h.a t Vetzunt Yaniase Euport, within 1.4 tLours, auf ite.:s n.hich ac4 ide.4st i tled am not .u.s e r J u g L t:w q ual i f ica t. lan requitecente f o r t he sesvice inLeuded.

The res ul t as of our resieu it:d i c s t e rhar we inova c e t t a ir. limit mu i rc r.c m t h.e t do not r s .s o the en v i reen:.winta l qua l i f i cat ion c rite r ia . Thee. Linit switchen are lue.ted an Lin St eaa Line faulation h ives in ns id e the pri-c.s r y cuni sa lu c t.t a ui .Ase uithur L;;ca " d e l .i bl.- Kli- / L ur SI.-J C- 11 L .

s Of s i..: ..csen unqualtried ideurified, tha ec provide en 1441.u t t a) LTc N c t a r l' r .> t e c t t ..a S j a t e.2 .a s. d t o u c- s. u ud for on .a 12.d it. .a t is.n s.u l f . It Jho u t il Le not ed that the e .uit.-hee uere aat identttiad .a . Leind **uvi'un-

a a t .s I l y tanqualir teal 2n out review or :.HC tiul let 2n 7n-04.

Cent inued pleast o p e r .A t l a.t. 1. ja Lified t o a- L t.e folle-tug re .c24m:

a. Ihe He.a. tor Prot.stton f.f o tc = input in required c.nly to 4.u 1 -

cfrate c l.e p r e:#a u r e .s u d flua r a uich uuid eccur 2 t t h .: . Lin S t c . .A I.ol t1+u Wise. = h u .. l d claue d u a- i n g en o r.c r -

. 1.w.a i u . . .t , ihna r i.u .. i <. a 1. uvt e .,i.1 a c .1 to cope ulch lahm ..f i l o 1 a tat Aa Ident. L j .a ra t a; ca. 1; Ccnt.211/ Q taa 1 i f 16. d m c u s .s 6 .'. ,> a ., , s .t e t tae e 1 a p ut:a t. o t i.c  % . ' t .4. r 2 s t u . I' 1., n .s f .a t r .a .

} In d L4.e.... as so I ( ) . .a ies d4 4.d Aij[ I:st.$ = t.1.Jat J .4 k 's et e .s . a 4 .a * .I af L f. d c a4 4 4 .411. ' .r a i t prw ide L I..:

. i.l la L 1s .a 1 a.1 L~ i t it y as i g t. a } A t. o thr H e.s e t .,1 a d y = c u. .

790314OC, loo

b Nuclear kguletory Ccz91ssion Feb rua ry 14, 1979 Page two

b. The four muit.ches that are used to provide Lin Stear. Isolation valve pos tt.Lcu indicacion only wuld not prevent the subject vaivas troa achieving thwie t aal.stion f unet ton during a Loss of Coolant Accident. The redundant isolation valves outside the prie.ary contain:ent, including the memociated insst r u=entat ioat would be available to 411cu the Control Hecu operators tu as-certain that contain=snt imo14 tion has been achieved. In addi-tion, utner Control Boon indicat.iun 1:s ava ilab le to provide independent verificaciun of n in stems line imulac'on.

A detailed f ollev-up report u111 he provided within the required 14 days.


. z. .wodr u off 4%J/


yhuager of Operations -

Dell /th
