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Opposes Issuance of OL
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 05/30/1979
External Citizen/Individual/Media (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 7907100720
Download: ML19268B884 (7)


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to the Nuclear Regulatory Co==icsion

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__ Whereas we menbers of. the University of Cincinnati College of !!edicine Class of 1980 niintain c connittcer.t to the integrity of human life, and intend a lifetine of resolute watch m iness over the forces of disease, we strongly urge that the Zimner liuolear Power Generating Facili c,/ loc"ted at IJoscow, Ohio, not be grested E.n operating liscense until major progrosa has been achieved in resolving the controversies surrounding nuclear technology pertaining to radioactive waste. dispccal, transportation of nuclear materials, plutonium availability safeguards, radio-active reactor roleases, reactor security, and reactor deco =missioning.


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. An Open letter to the Unclear Regulatory Co=nission 95003346 Whoreas,we nembers of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Class of 1980 naintain a. co==ittment to the intogrity of human life, and intend a lifetime of resolute watchfalness over the forces of disease, we stron61y urge that the I

Zimmer Nuclear Power Generatin6 Facility located ct Moscow, Ch.'.o,


not be granted an operating liscense until =ador progrees has been I achieved in resolving the controversies surrcunding nuclear <

technology pertaining to radioactive wasl:e.v disposcl, transportation of nuclear naterials, plutonium availability safeguards, radio-active reactor releases, reactor security, and raactor dcoc=miscicning.

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a open letter to the Huclear Regulatory Commission 95003M7 Whereas we members of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Class of 1980 maintain a oc=nitt=ent to the integrity of human life, and intend a lifetime of resolute watchiulness ever the forces of disease, we strongly urge that the .

Zi==er Nuclear Power Generating Facility located at Moscow, Ohio, not be granted an operating liscense until major progress has been achieved in resolving the controversies surrounding nuclear technology pertaining to radioactive waster disposal, transportation of nuclear materials, plutonium availability safeguards, radio-active reactor releases, reactor security, and reactor dcoccmissioning.

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An Open Ictter to the Nuclear Regulatory Co-ission 95003348 Whereas we nenbors of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine of 1980 naintain a cennittnent to the integrity of hunan life, and intend a lifetine of resolute watchfulness over the forces of disease, we strcngly urge snat the Zi=ner Nuclear Power Generating Facility located at Moscov, Ohio, not be granted an operating liscense until najor progress has been achieved in the centroversies surrcunding nuclear technology pertaining to radioactive waster disposal, transportation of nuclear naterials, plutoniun availability safeguards, radio-active reactor releases, reactor security, and reactor decennissioning.

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An Open I.ctter i

to the Nuclear Regulatory Oc= mission 95003349 l

Whereas we menbers of the University of Cincinnati

! College of Medicine Class of 1980 maintain a co=mittment to the l

l in%grity of huma- life, and intend a lifetine of resolute i

watchfubless over the forces of disease, we strongly urge that the Zd er Nuclear Power Generating Facility located at Moscow, Ohio, l rot be granted an opercting liscense until major progress has been e

I achieved in resolving the controversies surrounding nuclear I

technology pertaining to radioactive waste.v disposal, transportation of nuclear materials, plutonium availability safe 6uards, radio-active reactor releases, reactor security, and reactor deco =rissioning.

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An Open Letter 9500M%

to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

ihereas i we members of the University of Cinc4*nati i

College of Medicine Class of 1980 maintain a committment to the i

integrity of human life, and intend a lifetire of resolute

we.tchfulness over the forces of disease, we strongly urge that the i

Zd-er Nuclear Power Generating Facility located at Moscow, Ohio, i

not be granted an operatins'11scensptil major progress has been l achieved in resolving the controversies surrounding nuclear ,

technology pertaining to radioactive waster disposal, transportation of nuclear materials, plutonium availability safeguards, radio-l active reactor releases, reactor security, and reactor decocaissioninc.


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.; e An Open Ietter

,  : 95003351 to the Nuclear Regulatory con =issien i

i Whereas we members of the University of Cincinnati


l Colle6e of Medicine Class of 1980 =aintain a co=mittment to the i

integrity of human life, and intend a lifetime of resolute watchfulness over the forces of disease, we strongly urge that the Zi==er Nuclear Power Generating Facility located at Mcsco'v Ohio, I

i not be granted an operating liscense v.ntil najor progress has been i

achieved in resolving the centroversies surrounding nuclea.:?

I technology pertaining to radioactive waste.r disposal, tran- ertation of nuclear materials, plutonium availability safeguards, rcdio-active reactor releases, reactor security, and ree.ctor doce=missioning, NAME ADDRESS 1 9;%.t,/ M 24 a b .<is S+ . Gu k ,

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