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Forwards Listing of References Which Will Be Referred to by Intervenor Miami Valley Power Project in Discussing Contention 17 at Licensing Hearings
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 11/07/1979
From: Gillman D
To: Bechhoefer C
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML19210D967 List:
NUDOCS 7911290102
Download: ML19210D966 (3)



  • D0CKET NU:.'OR ,-

Ilov. 7, 1979 PP,0D. & UT:1<c~3 Charles 3echhoefer, Esq.

Chairnan, Aton'.c Safety and Licensing Boarb20 pgLIC U .5. :: .R . C . D

iashington, D.C. 20555 IEPr20cy

Dear Sir:

Inclosed is a list of references which will be referred to by 3:ic i Valley Power Project in discussing its cententied7at the hearings.


% A:Rw Doug Gi1L,an 772 Red Sud Ave.

Cincinnati, Chio 45229 4 I t\



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Docunents :.iani Valley ?cwer Project is Using D, to Support Contentien 17

1. Franch Technical Position (Auxiliar/ Systens 3 ranch) 9 5-1, :T"IG-75/087, Ma: 1,197/, (Fire Protection Progran) .
2. 2.egulatory Guide 1 120, For Connent, .evision 1, tiovenber,1977 (Fire Protectica.1 Guidelines for :uclear Power Plants).

ecen:.endaticns r elated


. to 3rewns Ferry Fire, IT'Z:-CC50, U . . :e,ct. Of Ocr.nerce, 4e.-,


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! . 'abr :a. : 15,196E letter fren 'etert coe, souther .alifernia ~;ciison 20 to

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Y $ .[e ".e"CT, entitled 3a*. ~nc[re I.Clea leneratin; 2 & tier 9 } ~ r*.

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, e_. 4 u. ,, ... ip .4._. a . . e. .. .4 .,. , 2. . . ..- . . ...

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"renerating Statien, Feb. 16, 1968, 2 pages.

Available en nicrofice entitled Decket S5c206-01, San ncfre, Units 1,2,r.;,

Scuther- California Idisen Co., Categcry S: '.eportable Cccurrences, celated Conespondence, Feb. 15, 1968 - :ay 30, 1972, fron 7 .5.:'.r .C. , Public Docunent

'cen,ashington, D.C., 2055 .

5 ~a -ch 21, 1068 cor espondence fren S. Cce S.C.E.Co. , to ?. A. I:ctris , AIC a? 1 pa e cover letter b) 2 page recort c 2 attachnents, (I 2-I:)

.vailable en sa .e nicrofice as iten 44. (These are also available as full-sice cacer recceductions).

4 June it, 1965, Correspondence fren Coe to 'cris, a) 2 page cover letter b Z, 'edcrt cf Ther .al Leading Test en Sirulated Tra,- 39';3, .;an ^nefre "uclear Generating 3tation, .:ay 17, 196E by J.l. 'chen, 5 pages with 6 additional pages (1 chart,1 diagran,1 g-aphs;.


. ,. . . .. . . ,,, ...u. .e ...a. , . C =- ; 4 ., g ,. . s +, .... ,, 4 . . .c..

. . , . . . ,e. . .,.,.. .. . . . . .,. ,,, a.

, . , c, ,.., .e.c. c.. .. ., .c. ..

.~ _ . a, . ,ene . o "w _..=r .4, ta-_e',,i n , . ~.a"sY, , 1 .0 0,.~ , h a. ,r= ~.-+.4'+..".,' at..'-..=._'

cages (1 chart,1 diagran, 3 graphs) .

O 1. electrical drawings .

Available as in iten J5 1434 ill

. San (nofre "uclea- Generating Station, i.' nit 1, ".eporti en Cable Failures,1965 (3cuthe n Califernia Edisen Co., Canp Fendleten, Calif., San Diego Gas and

.lectric Co., Calif.). 'ay 22,1968, 325 pp. (3ceket 502C6-3, ! nclassified) .

Available en nicrofic e or paper fren ' S:r" Public Occunent 2.cen, lash., CC 20555, or tel:202-6"4-3273

'd. 322-I?'EA(ICEA ?crer Cable Arracities, Ocpper and Alu.inu. Ocnductors, I-~I S-135 (I?CEA ? he h26) . Available fren 2. . .. Service Center, Fiscataway, : .J.

9. I~TA 'T."A Standards Publication, Anpacities in Cpen-top Cable Trays, ICIA ?-54 440, 2nd ed. , D.ev.1 & 2; : .'./.A - C 51-1975 Available fren "ational Electrical :'a:rdacturere Association, f as h . , D . C .
10. i e Prctection Of Jables in Central Generating Staticas, b7 2cy !a.gne and leu Ashbaugh, _ :: A 77 5c7-3, (Transactions, ?cwer Apparatus and Systens) .
11. Fire Endurance Tests of Cable Penetratien Firesteps in :asenry 'lalls and Floors, by A.J. Lacey, EEE Transactions en Pcwer Apparatus and Systens, Vol PSA-98,:b. E, Julv/Aug, 1979, p. 1321.-
12. A Themal Analysis of Cables through Fire-stops, by C.E. I.uhlenan, EIE TPA3 A 79 814-5
13. Anpacities for Cables in andenly r Filled Trays, by J. Stolpe, Paper 70 TP 557-P'-'.

it. Anpacities of :ulticenductor Cables in Trays, by 'alpn n. ee, w ,, raper 71 TP C 1-P 1'. E::1 iti L-li??, IZ_L Jtandard Cable Fenetratien Fire Jtc; salificatien Test l ' . EI Std 3 3-197h, E 2 Standard for Type Test of Class li Electric Cables, Field pli:es, and Ocnnecticns for Nuclear Pewer Ger.erating 5tations.

FE3 Tranaaction Fapers and TPAS reprints available from the Ingineering Societies Libra:-r, 3E5 5. E?th St., N.Y. 10017 (212-6U--76c6) .

EI? Standards available fren IIII Service Center, Piscataway, .i.J.

ia .i 'falley Fewer Project will aake any of these naterials available te 20#.# cr the ' O at the hearings if necessary.

Sincerely, T

i Deu Oillnan P00RuRIBINAL 1434 112