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Responds to NRC 790716 Request for Info Re Status of Each Safety Relief Valve.Lists Mods to Improve Reliability,Maint & Testing,& Mod Schedule
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/1979
From: Moody D
To: Grimes B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
WVY-79-96, NUDOCS 7909110590
Download: ML19207C407 (3)


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VER310NT Y AN KEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION SEVENTY SEVEN GROVE STREET B.3.2.1 RUTLAND, YERS10NT 057O1 WVY 79-96 REPLY TO ENGINEERING OFFICE September 6,1979 TURNPIKE RO AD WESTBORO, M ASS ACHUSETTS 01581 TELEPHONE 617-36 6-9 0 f t United States Nuclear Regulatory Cct=ission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Brian K. Grimes Acting Assistant Director fcr Systems Engineering Division of Operating Directors


(a) License No. DPR-28 (Docket No. 50-271)

(b) USNRC Letter to VYNPC dated July 16, 1979

Dear Sir:


Request for Information - Target Rock Safety Relief Valves The following information is provided in response to questions contained in Reference (b).

Item 1. What is the status of each of the Target Rock Safety / Relief Valves at your plant (s);

a. Are they in their original design configuraticn?

No. See Item "C" below.

b. What is the existing sitzer targin?

Based on a steady state reactor pressure of 10C5 psig at 100% power the following are the present sitter targins of the four Target Rock Safety /Relier Valves installed at Vermont Yankee: Steam Line A - 73 psi, Steam Line B - 67 psi, Steam Line C - 85 psi, Steam Line D.- 73 psi.

c. What modifications have you icplemented to icprove reliability?

Based on G.E. FDI-160 the following modificaticns have been made to the Target Rock S/P Valves at Vermont Yankee.

(1) Air operator gland has been changed frcr stainless steel to bronze to avoid possible stainless en stainless wear in the air operator, (2) Pilot stem has been changed from stainless steel to "enel to reduce the thermal expansion of this part, '3) The main pisten diameter was turned down to avoid poscible binding between the pisten and the cylinder, (4) Chanced piston rings en bcth stages as a result of change (3) and normal overhaul.

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United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Septe=ber 6, 1979 Page 2 Attention: Brian K. Grimes s

I Based on G.E. FDI-164 the following modifications were made. f (1) Two drain grooves werc.cdt-d tr.ellow water which j condenses above the main piston ts crain to the bottom of _

the cylinder. (2) A drain hole was added to allow the condensed steam (as a result of (1)) in the main cylinder to drain back to the inlet side of the valve.

The changes as a result of FDI-164 were designed to improve the response time of the relief valve.

As a result of a Directorate of Regulatory Operation Bulletin 74-4A, May 6, 1974, new designed second stage disc stets were installed with modified locking devices. This modification improved en the second stage locking mechanism design by providirg n tore techanically sound " nut on nut" locking device instead of a bent wire locking device.

d. On what date were these modificaticns cade?

The r.odifications based on FDI-160 and FDI-164 were perforced in October,1973 The locknut todification was performed on fcur valves in November, 1974 and on the fifth in January, 1975.

Item 2. What maintenance and testing do you routinely perform on these valves and how often 13 it performed?

Two of the four installed valves are bench-checked or replaced with a bench-checked valve each refueling outage, the two valves tested each refueling are alternated so that all fcur valves are checked er replaced every two refuelir,g cutages.

The actual testing and raintenance consists of an as-found set point verification and valve leak test. Based on the results of the leak test, components may be replaced or refurbished in an effont to maintain zero leakage en all seating portions of the valve. The valve is then adjusted to a specified setpoint and tested prior to installation.

In additicn, the air actuators are recoved from all four valves each cutage and functionally tested. Following the test, diapPrz:ss are replaced in the actuatcrs pricr to reinstallaticn en the valves.

Iter 3 What additicnal tcdifienticns and/cr raintenance do you plan to icplement in the future? .

Iten 4 On what date will the ::difica; ion (s) and/cr maintenance in Item 3 be irclemented?


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4 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission September 6, 1979 ,

Attention: Brian K. Grimes Page 3 i

l Present plans are to continue with the detailed maintenance program described in Item 2. In addition, Vermont Yankee will continue to monitor the status and effectiveness of design improvecents related to g these valves. All changes will be evaluated and modifications will be made as appropriate. i Hopefully the information provided above adequately appraises you of the current situation at Vermont Yankee, as well as our plans for future action. However, should you require any additional information, do not hesitate to call Very truly yours, i VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION 1

D. E. Moody .

Manager of Operations R3d/dep t



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