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APR1400 Final Safety Evaluation Report, Appendix C - Acronyms
Person / Time
Site: 05200046
Issue date: 09/28/2018
From: Cayetano Santos
Santos C / NRO / 415-7270
Shared Package
ML18087A364 List:
Download: ML18269A242 (35)


Appendix C. ACRONYMS A/D analog to digital A/E architect engineering AAC alternate alternating current AB auxiliary building ABCAEES auxiliary building controlled area emergency exhaust system ABD abnormal blowdown ABWR Advanced Boiling Water Reactor AC acceptance criteria ac alternating current AC alternating current ACI American Concrete Institute ACP auxiliary charging pump ACP auxiliary control panel ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ACU air cleaning unit ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System ADV atmospheric dump valve AEA Atomic Energy Act AFAS auxiliary feedwater actuation signal AFAS auxiliary feedwater actuation system AFW auxiliary feedwater AFWS auxiliary feedwater system AFWST auxiliary feedwater storage tank AH ampere hour AHU air handling unit AI analog input AIA aircraft impact assessment C-1

AICC adiabatic isochoric complete combustion AISC American Institute of Steel Construction ALARA as low as is reasonably achievable ALI annual limits on intake ALMS acoustic leak monitoring system ALWR advanced light water reactors AMI accident monitoring instrumentation AMP aging management plan ANS American Nuclear Society ANSI American National Standards Institute ANSI/ANS American National Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society AOA area of applicability AOO anticipated operational occurrence AOV air operated valve AP1000 Advanced Passive 1000 APC auxiliary process cabinet APC-S auxiliary process cabinet - safety APR1400 Advanced Power Reactor 1400 APWR Advanced Pressurized-Water Reactor AQ augmented quality assurance ARM annunciator response model ARO all rods out ARTIST Aerosol Trapping in a Steam Generator Test AS accident sequence ASA Applicable Safety Analyses ASCE/SEI American Society of Civil Engineers / Structural Engineering Institute ASEP Accident Sequence Evaluation Program ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineer's, Inc.

ASI axial shape index C-2

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME BPV American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Code ASME OM American Society of Mechanical Engineers Operation and Maintenance of Code Nuclear Power Plants Code AST alternative source term ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATS Automatic Turbine Shutdown ATWS anticipated transient without scram AWP automatic withdrawal prohibit AWS American Welding Society B&PV Boiler and Pressure Vessel BABT boric acid batching tank BAC boric acid corrosion BAMP boric acid makeup pump BARS behaviorally anchored rating scale BAST boric acid storage tank BDAS boron dilution alarm system BDBE beyond-design-basis event BDBEE beyond-design-basis external events BDS blowdown subsystem BE best estimate BFTHHLAS blowdown flash tank high-high level actuation signal BISI bypassed and inoperable status indication BL bistable logic BMI bottom-mounted instrumentation BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory BOC beginning of cycle BOL beginning of life BOP balance of plant C-3

BP bistable processor BPPCC boundary point power correlation coefficients BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code BRL Ballistic Research Laboratory BTA basic task analysis BTP branch technical position BWR boiling-water reactor CAD computer aided design CAREM Code-Accuracy-based Realistic Evaluation Methodology CAS central alarm station CAS compressed air system CAV cumulative absolute velocity CB compound building CBA cost benefit analysis CBD continuous blowdown CBDTM cause-based decision tree methodology CBO controlled bleedoff CBP computer-based procedure CC closed confirmed CCAS containment cooling actuation signal CCF common-cause failure CCFL countercurrent flow limitation CCFP conditional containment failure probability CCG control channel gateway CCP centrifugal charging pump CCS component control system CCW component cooling water CCWHX component cooling water heat Exchanger CCWHXB component cooling water heat exchanger building C-4

CCWS component cooling water system CDF core damage frequency CDFM conservative deterministic failure margin CDI conceptual design information CDP cask decontamination pit CDS condensate system CE Combustion Engineering CEA control element assembly CE-ABB Combustion Engineering - Asea Brown Boveri CEAC control element assembly calculator CEACP control element assembly change program CEAE control element assembly ejection CEAE control element assembly elevator CEDM control element drive mechanism CEDMCS control element drive mechanism control system CESSAR Combustion Engineering Standard Safety Analysis Report CET containment event tree CET core-exit thermocouple CEUS Central and Eastern United States CF containment failure CFD computational fluid dynamics CFR Code of Federal Regulations CFS cavity flooding system CFS condensate and feedwater system CHCS containment hydrogen control system CHF critical heat flux CHMS containment hydrogen monitoring system CHRS containment heat removal system CIAS containment isolation actuation signal C-5

CILRT containment integrated leakage testing CIM component interface module CIS containment internal structure CIS containment isolation system CIV containment isolation valve CL cold leg CLI cold leg injection CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor CMS containment monitoring system COD crack opening displacement COF cause of failure COF coefficient of friction COL combined license COLR Core Operating Limits Report COLSS core operating limit supervisory system Common Q Common Qualified COMS communications system COTS commercial off-the-shelf CP Cathodic Protection CPB compound building CPC core protection calculator CPCS core protection calculator system CPG containment performance goal CPI containment purge isolation CPIAS containment purge isolation actuation signal CPIS containment purge isolation signal CPLR conditional probability of large release CPM control panel multiplexer CPP control element assembly position processor C-6

CPS condensate polishing system CPU central processing unit CQ clarifying question CR closed resolved CRC cyclic redundancy check CRDM control rod drive mechanism CRE control room envelope CREACS control room emergency makeup air cleaning system CREVAS control room emergency ventilation actuation signal CRF carryout rate fraction CRHS control room heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system CRIS control room isolation signal CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CRSRS control room supply and return system CS containment spray CS core support CSAS containment spray actuation signal CSB core support barrel CSDRS certified seismic design response spectra CSE containment systems experiment CSF condensate storage facility CSF critical safety function CSFP conditional seal failure probabilities CSP containment spray pump CSS containment spray system CST condensate storage tank CT compact tension CT Completion Time CT cooling tower C-7

CU closed unresolved CV control valve CVAP comprehensive vibration assessment program CVCS chemical and volume control system CVS cavity flooding system CW circulating water CWP control element assembly withdrawal prohibit CWS circulating water system D3 diversity and defense-in-depth D3CA diversity and defense-in depth coping analysis DAC derived air concentration DAC design acceptance criteria DAs diagnostic actions DAS diverse actuation system DAW dry active waste DBA design basis accident DBE design basis event DBH design-basis hurricane DBT design-basis threat DBT design-basis tornado DC design certification dc Direct Current DC direct current DCA design certification application DCD design control document DCH direct containment heating DCN-I data communications network-information DCS distributed control system DDT deflagration to detonation transition C-8

DE dose equivalent DE double-ended DEDLSB double-ended discharge leg slot break DEGB double-ended guillotine break DEHLGB double-ended hot leg guillotine break DEHLSB double-ended hot leg slot break DEMA Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association DESB double-ended slot break DESLSB double-ended suction leg slot break DET decomposition event tree DF decontamination factor DFOST diesel fuel oil storage tank DFOT diesel fuel oil tank DG-LOVS diesel generator - loss of voltage start DHR decay heat removal DI design implementation DIF dynamic impact factor DIHA deterministically important human action DIS diverse indication system DLF dynamic loading factor DMA diverse manual actuation DNB departure from nucleate boiling DNBR departure from nucleate boiling ratio DOT Department of Transportation DPS diverse protection system DR deviation report D-RAP design reliability assurance program DRCS digital rod control system DSRS design specific review standard C-9

DTSP draft trip setpoint DVI direct vessel injection DVR degraded voltage relay DWST demineralized water storage tank EAB exclusion area boundary EAC emergency alternating current EAF environmentally assisted fatigue EBD emergency blowdown EBOP emergency lube oil pump ECC emergency core cooling ECCS emergency core cooling system ECL effluent concentration limits ECSBS emergency containment spray backup system ECW essential chilled water ECWS essential chilled water system EDD embedded digital device EDECAIES emergency diesel engine combustion air intake and exhaust system EDECWS emergency diesel engine cooling water system EDEFOS emergency diesel engine fuel oil system EDELS emergency diesel engine lubricating oil system EDESS emergency diesel engine starting system EDG emergency diesel generator EDGB emergency diesel generator building EDG-LOVS emergency diesel generator - loss of voltage start EDGS emergency diesel generator system EDSFI electrical distribution system functional inspection EDT equipment drain tank EFDS equipment and floor drainage system EG&G Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc.


ELAP extended loss of alternating current power EM evaluation model EMC electromagnetic compatibility EMI electromagnetic interference ENFMS excore neutron flux monitoring system ENS emergency notification system EOB end of blowdown EOC end of cycle EOF emergency operation facility EOG emergency operating guideline EOL emergency overflow line EOL end of life EOP emergency operating procedure EOPR end-of the post re-flood EOPs emergency operating procedures EP emergency planning EPA electrical penetration assembly EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPDM ethylene propylene diene monomer EPM engineering procedures manual EPR Evolutionary Power Reactor EPRI Electric Power Research Institute EQ environmental qualification EQ equipment qualification ER environmental report ERDS emergency response data system ERF emergency response facility ERR electronic reading room ERVC external reactor vessel cooling C-11

ESA extension shaft assembly ESCM engineered safety features-component control system soft control module ESD electric static discharge ESF engineered safety feature ESFAS engineered safety features actuation signal ESFAS engineered safety features actuation system ESF-CCS engineered safety features-component control system ESF-CSS engineered safety feature - component control system ESP early site permit ESW essential service water ESWB essential service water building ESWS essential service water system ET event tree ETAP electrical transient analyzer program ETS emergency trip system EVSE ex-vessel steam explosion F&Os findings and observations FA fuel assembly FA function allocation FAC flow-accelerated corrosion FAT factory acceptance testing FATT fracture appearance transition temperature FBACS fuel building air cleanup system FCI fuel-coolant interaction FD fluidic device FDA final design approval FEA finite element analysis FEM finite element model FFD fitness-for-duty C-12

FHA fuel handling accident FHA fuel handling area FHAEES fuel handling area emergency exhaust system FHEVAS fuel handling area emergency ventilation actuation signal FHIS fuel handling isolation signal FIDAS fixed in-core detector amplifier system FIRS foundation input response spectra FIV flow-induced vibration FLB feedwater line break FLC factored load category FLC field programmable gate array (FPGA) logic controllers FLECHT full-length emergency cooling heat transfer FLEX Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies FME foreign material exclusion FMEA failure modes and effects analysis FOAK first-of-a-kind FOS factors of safety FOT fiber optic transmitter FPC front panel control FPCS fission product control system FPD flat panel display FPGA field programmable gate array FPP fire protection program FPRA fire probabilistic risk assessment FPS fire protection system FPSFR full-power main steam flow rate FR Federal Register FRA functional requirements analysis FRGs functional recovery guidelines C-13

FRV feedwater regulating valve FSAR final safety analysis report FSCEA full-strength control element assembly FSER final safety evaluation report FSSA fire safe shutdown analysis FTC fuel temperature coefficient FTS fuel transfer system FV Fussell-Vesely FW feedwater FWCS feedwater control system FWLB feedwater line break GALE gaseous and liquid effluent GALL Generic Aging Lessons Learned GC group controller GCB generator circuit breaker GDC general design criteria GL Generic letter GMRS ground motion response spectrum GRMS ground motion response spectra GRS gaseous radwaste system GSI generic safety issue GTAW gas tungsten arc welding GTG gas turbine generator GTGs generic technical guidelines GTS generic technical specifications GWMS gaseous waste management system HA human action HCBD high-capacity blowdown HCLPF high confidence of low probability of failures C-14

HCR/ORE human cognitive reliability/operator reliability experiment HDL hardware description language HED human engineering discrepancy HEI Heat Exchanger Institute HELB high energy line break HEPA high efficiency particulate air HEPs human error probabilities HFE human factors engineering HFP hot full power HFT hot functional testing HI hydrogen igniter HIC high-integrity container HJTC heated junction thermocouple HL hot leg HLI hot leg injection HLPT high logarithmic power trip HMS hydrogen mixing system HOD higher order difference HP high pressure HPME high-pressure melt injection HPPT high pressurizer pressure trip HPS Health Physics Society HPSI high pressure safety injection HPZ hot power zone HRA human reliability analysis HRAS high radiation signal HRHF hard rock high frequency HSGL high steam generator level HSI human system interface C-15

HT heat transfer HT high-temperature HTC heat transfer coefficient HUT holdup tank HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HVT holdup volume tank HX heat exchanger HZP hot zero power I&C instrumentation and controls IAS instrument air system IASCC irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking IBR incorporated by reference ICC inadequate core cooling ICI incore instrumentation ICR information and control requirement ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection ICS iodine cleanup system ICSBEP International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments IDE in-vessel downstream effect IE initiating event IE Inspection and Enforcement IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IESNA Illumination Engineering Society of North America IFPD information flat panel display IHA important human action IHA integrated head assembly ILRT integrated leak rate test IN Information Notice IOE industry operating experience C-16

IOSGADV inadvertent opening of a steam generator atmospheric dump valve IOZ inorganic zinc IP implementation plan IP instrumentation and control power IPB isolated phase bus IPS information processing system IRSF interim radwaste storage facility IRWST in-containment refueling water storage tank ISG interim staff guidance ISI inservice inspection ISLOCA interfacing system loss of coolant accident ISM independent support motion ISRS in-structure response spectrum IST inservice testing ISV integrated system validation ISV intermediate stop valve ITA important-to-availability ITA inspection, tests, and analyses ITAAC inspections, tests, analyses and acceptance criteria ITC isothermal temperature coefficient ITP initial test program ITP interface and test panel ITP interface and test processor ITS important-to-safety ITS issue tracking system IV intercept valve IVMS internal vibration monitoring system IVR-ERVC in-vessel retention and external reactor vessel cooling IVSE in-vessel steam explosion C-17

IWSS in-containment water storage system K/A knowledge and ability KAERI Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute KDL Kreisinger Development Laboratory KEPCO Korea Electric Power Corporation KHNP Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

LACL last access control location LAN Local Area Network LB lower bound LBB leak-before-break LBLOCA large break loss-of-coolant accident LC loop controller LCF late containment failure LCL local coincidence logic LCO limiting conditions for operation LCS local control station LDLB letdown line break LDP large display panel LED light-emitting diode LEL lower electrical limit LFW loss of feedwater LGS lower group stop LHGR linear heat generator rate LHR linear heat rate LHS Latin Hypercube Sampling LLEAs local law enforcement agencies LLHS light load handling system LLRW low level radioactive waste LLVR low voltage relay C-18

LO locked open LOAC loss of nonemergency alternating current LOCA loss-of-coolant accident LOCCW loss of component cooling water LOCV loss of condenser vacuum LODC loss of dc LOEL loss of external load LOF loss of flow LOFW loss of feedwater LOLA loss of large area LONF loss of normal feedwater LOOP loss of off-site power LOV loss-of-voltage LOVS loss of voltage start LP low pressure LPD local power density LPMS loose parts monitoring system LPSD low power and shutdown LPSI low pressure safety injection LPZ low-population zone L-R latch-reset LRA locked rotor accident LRF large release frequency LRS liquid radwaste system LRWLIS local refueling water level indication system LSS lower support structure LSSS limiting safety system setting LT low-temperature LTC long term cooling C-19

LTOP low temperature overpressure protection LTSP limiting trip setpoint LUHS loss of normal access to ultimate heat sink LWA limited work authorization LWMS liquid waste management system LWR light water reactor M&E mass and energy MAAP modular accident analysis program MACB main access control building MC main condenser MC metal containment MCC motor control center MCCB molded case circuit breaker MCCI molten core and concrete interaction MCNP Monte Carlo N-Particle MCR main control room MDNBR minimum departure from nucleate boiling ratio MFHX mini-flow heat exchanger MFIV main feedwater isolation valve MFLB main feedwater line break MFWS main feedwater system MG main generator MLOCA medium loss of coolant accident MOTS mechanical overspeed trip system MOUs Memoranda of Understanding MOV motor-operated valve MR maintenance rule MRP Materials Reliability Program MRRS minimum required response spectrum C-20

MSADV main steam atmospheric dump valve MSGTR Multiple Steam Generator Tube Rupture MSIS main steam isolation signal MSIV main steam isolation valve MSIVBV main steam isolation valve bypass valve MSLB main steam line break MSP manual standard practice MSR moisture separator reheater MSS main steam system MSSD minimum stand-off distance MSSV main steam safety valve MSV main steam valve MSVH main steam valve house MT main transformer MTC moderator temperature coefficient MTCs moderator temperature coefficients MTP maintenance and test panel MUX multiplexer MV medium voltage NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers NAM near area minimum NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NBD normal blowdown NCC natural circulation cooling NDE nondestructive examination NEC National Electrical Code NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NEM nodal expansion method NFE new fuel elevator C-21

NFPA National Fire Protection Association NFSP new fuel storage pit NFSR new fuel storage rack NI nuclear island NIMS nuclear steam supply system integrity monitoring system NIMS nuclear instrument monitoring system NNS non-nuclear safety NO normal operating NOV notice of violation NPCS nuclear steam supply system process control system NPGS nuclear power generating station NPP nuclear power plant NPSH net positive suction head NPSS normal primary sampling system NQA nuclear quality assurance NR narrow range NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRV non-return check valve NSAL nuclear safety advisory letter NSR Non-Safety Related NSSS nuclear steam supply system NTSP nominal trip setpoint NTTF Near-Term Task Force NWS National Weather Service OBE operating-basis earthquake OC operator console ODCM offsite dose calculation manual OE operating experience OER operating experience review C-22

OHLHS overhead heavy load handling system OLTC on-load tap changer Op Ex operating experience OPC open phase condition OPDP open phase detection and protection OPR optimized power reactor ORE occupational radiation exposure ORGs optimal recovery guidelines ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory OSC operational support center P&ID piping and instrumentation diagram P/F particle to fiber PA postulated accidents PA protected area PABX plant private automatic branch telephone exchange PACU package air conditioning unit PAM post-accident monitoring PAR passive autocatalytic recombiner PASS post-accident sampling system PBX plant telephone exchange P-CCS process-component control system PCCV prestressed concrete containment vessel PCIC post-core instrument correlation PCMI pellet clad mechanical interaction PCP process control program PCS power control system PCT peak cladding temperature PCW plant chilled water PCWS plant chilled water system C-23

PD procedure development PD pump discharge PDIL power dependent insertion limit PDS plant damage state PdTm process delay time PE program element PED piping evaluation diagram PERMS process and effluent radiological monitoring system PERMSS process effluent radiation monitoring and sampling system PF Penalty Factor PGA peak ground acceleration PICEP pipe crack evaluation program PIV pressure isolation valve PLC programmable logic controller PLCS pressurizer level control system PLHGR peak linear heat generation rate PMF probable maximum flood PMP probably maximum precipitation PMS plant monitoring system PMWP probable maximum winter precipitation PNL Pacific Northwest Laboratory PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory PNS permanent non-safety POLF partial loss of flow POS plant operating state POSRV pilot operated safety relief valve POSRV power operated safety relief valve POV power-operated valve PPASS process and post-accident sampling system C-24

PPCS pressurizer pressure control system PPM project procedure manual PPS physical protection system PPS plant protection system PPS Preferred Power Supply PRA probabilistic risk assessment PRHA pipe rupture hazards analysis PRT pressurizer relief tank PRWLIS permanent refueling water level indication system PSAI plant specific action item PSCEA part-strength control element assembly PSD power spectral density PSHA probabilistic seismic hazard analysis PSI preservice inspection PSRV pressurizer safety relief valve PSS physical security system P-STGs plant-specific technical guidelines PSW primary shield wall P-T pressure-temperature PTLR pressure and temperature limits report PTS pressurized thermal shock PVNGS Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station PWR Pressurized-water reactor PWROG Pressurized-Water Reactor Owners Group PWSCC primary water stress-corrosion cracking PZR pressurizer Q common qualified QA quality assurance QAM quality assurance manual C-25

QAP quality assurance program QAPD quality assurance program description QIAS-N qualified indication and alarm system-non-safety QIAS-P qualified indication and alarm system-safety R/O reverse osmosis RADTRAD RADionuclide, Transport, Removal and Dose Estimation RAI request for additional information RAMP Radiological Protection Computer Code Analysis and Maintenance Program RAP reliability assurance program RAW risk achievement worth RB reactor building RC resolved confirmatory RCB reactor containment building RCC remote control center RCFC reactor containment fan cooler RCFCS Reactor Containment Building Cooling Subsystem RCGVS reactor coolant gas vent system RCL reactor coolant loop RCP reactor coolant pump RCPB reactor coolant pressure boundary RCS reactor coolant system RDT reactor drain tank REMP radiological effluent monitoring program ReSR results summary report RETS radiological effluent technical specification RFI radio frequency interference RFI request for information RG Regulatory Guide RH relative humidity C-26

RHR residual heat removal RIA reactivity-initiated accident RIHA risk-important human action RIS Regulatory Information Summary RLE review level earthquake RM refueling machine RMI reflective metallic insulation RMS radiation monitoring system RMWT reactor makeup water tank RO reactor operator ROPM required overpower margin RPAC Radiation Protection and Accident Consequences Branch RPCS reactor power cutback system RPS reactor protection system RPV reactor pressure vessel RRS reactor regulating system RSA response spectrum analysis RSC remote shutdown console RSF remote shutdown facility RSF rod shadow factor RSG replacement steam generator RSPT reed switch position transmitter RSR remote shutdown room RSS remote shutdown system RSV reheat stop valve RT reactor trip RT reference temperature RTCB reactor trip circuit breaker RTD resistance temperature detector C-27

RTM requirements traceability matrix RTNSS regulatory treatment of nonsafety systems RTO reactor trip override RTP rated thermal power RTP return to power RTS reactor trip system RTSG reactor trip switchgear RTSS reactor trip switchgear system RV reactor vessel RVCH reactor vessel closure head RVI reactor vessel internals RVLMS reactor vessel level monitoring system RWMSs radioactive waste management systems RWST refueling water storage tank RWT refueling water tank RX receive S&Q staffing and qualifications SAE severe accident evaluation SAF Shape Annealing Function SAFDL specified acceptable fuel design limit SAGAT situational awareness global assessment technique SAM shape annealing matrix SAM startup administrative manual SAMDA severe accident mitigation design alternatives SAMG severe accident mitigation guideline SAR safety analysis report SAS secondary alarm station SAS service air system SAT standby auxiliary transformer C-28

SBCS steam bypass control system SBLOCA small break loss of coolant accident SBO station blackout SC safety console SC short circuit SC shutdown cooling SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus SCC stress corrosion cracking SCMP software configuration management plan SCP setpoint control program SCP shutdown cooling pump SCS shutdown cooling system SDC shutdown cooling SDCV spatially dedicated continuously visible SDD software design description SDL serial data link SDM shutdown margin SDN system data network SDOE secure development and operational environment SDP software development plan SE safety evaluation SEL seismic equipment list SER safety evaluation report SFDP safety function determination program SFG structural fill granular SFHM spent fuel handling machine SFP spent fuel pool SFPCCS spent fuel pool cooling and cleanup system SFPWL spent fuel pool water level C-29

SFSR spent fuel storage rack SG steam generator SGBDS steam generator blowdown system SGI safeguards information SGTR steam generator tube rupture SI safety injection SIAS safety injection actuation signal SIFT safety injection filling tank SInstP software installation plan SIP safety injection pump SIRCP startup of an inactive reactor coolant pump SIS safety injection system SIT safety injection tank SIT structural integrity test SKN Shin-Kori Nuclear Power Plant SL safety limit SL service level SL surge line SLB steam line break SLBFPDLOOP Sequence of Events for a Large Steam Line Break During Full-Power Operation with a Loss of Offsite Power Concurrent with the Initiation of Event SLBZPLOOPD Sequence of Events for a Large Steam Line Break During Zero Power Operation with a Loss of Offsite Power Concurrent with the Initiation of Event SM shutdown margin SMA seismic margin analysis SME subject matter expert SMP software management plan SMS seismic monitoring system SNM special nuclear material C-30

SOARCA state-of-the-art reactor consequence analyses SOC sampling of operational conditions SODP shutdown overview display panel SOMP software operation and maintenance plan SOV solenoid operated valves SP standard practice SPADES+ safety parameter display and evaluation system+

SPDS safety parameter display system SPND self-powered neutron detectors SPTAs standard post-trip actions SQAP software quality assurance plan SR supporting requirements SR surveillance requirement S-R set-reset SRDC safety-related divisionalized cabinet SREC standard radiological effluent controls SRM source range monitoring SRM staff requirements memorandum SRO senior reactor operator SRP Standard Review Plan SRS software requirements specifications SRSTs spent resin storage tanks SRV safety relief valve SS sampling system SS shift supervisor SSCs structures, systems and components SSE safe shutdown earthquake SSI soil structure interaction SSIEs supporting system initiating events C-31

SSP software safety plan SSS secondary sampling system SSSI structure-soil-structure interaction SSW secondary shield wall STA senior technical advisor STC source term category STE special test exception STP software test plan STP standard penetration test STrngP software training plan STS Standard Technical Specifications SV stop valve SVVP software verification and validation plan SWMS solid waste management system T/G turbine generator T/H thermal/hydraulic TA task analysis TAA transient and accident analysis TAM thermal anchor movements TBS Turbine Bypass System TBV turbine bypass valve TCB trip circuit breakers TCD thermal conductivity degradation TCS turbine control system TDAFWP turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump TDH total dynamic head TEDE total effective dose equivalent TeR Technical Report TG Turbine Generator C-32

TGB turbine generator building TGBCCWS Turbine Generator Building Closed Cooling Water System TGBOCWS Turbine Generator Building Open Cooling Water System TGCS turbine generator control system TGSS turbine gland seal steam THD total harmonic distortion THERP Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction TID total integrated dose TIHA treatment of important human actions TLU total channel uncertainty TLX task load index TmAv time available TmEn time engaged TMI Three Mile Island TmRq time required TO turbine operator TR Technical Report TR topical report TRSE topical report safety evaluation TS technical specifications TSC technical support center TSO Transmission System Operator TSP Transmission System Provider TSP trip setpoint TSP trisodium phosphate TSSS turbine steam seal system TSTF Technical Specification Task Force TTL transistor-transistor logic TU termination unit C-33

TX Transmit UAE United Arab Emirates UAT unit auxiliary transformer UB upper bound UEL upper electrical limit UGS upper group stop UGS upper guide structure UHS ultimate heat sink UL Underwriter Laboratories ULMS ultrasonic level measurement system UPS uninterruptible power supply URD utility requirements document US United States USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USE upper-shelf energy USI unresolved safety issue USM uniform support motion UT ultrasonic testing V&V verification and validation VAPER valve performance evaluation rig VB vessel breach VBS vehicle barrier system VCT volume control tank VDC voltage direct current VDU visual display unit VFTP ventilation filter testing program VHRA very high radiation areas VOPT variable overpower reactor trip VPN Virtual Private Network C-34

VSLOCA very small loss of coolant accident WDS workstation disable switch WDT watchdog timer WLS wet layup subsystem WRC Welding Research Council WWTF waste water treatment facility ZOI zone of influence ZPA zero period acceleration C-35