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APR1400 Final Safety Evaluation Report, Table of Contents
Person / Time
Site: 05200046
Issue date: 09/28/2018
From: Cayetano Santos
Santos C / NRO/ 415-7270
Shared Package
ML18087A364 List:
Download: ML18270A072 (35)


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Introduction 1-1 1.1.1 Metrication 1-2 1.1.2 Proprietary Information 1-3 1.1.3 Combined License Applicants Referencing the APR1400 Design 1-3 1.1.4 Additional Information 1-3 1.2 General Design Description 1-4 1.2.1 Scope of the APR1400 Design 1-4 1.2.2 Summary of the APR1400 Design 1-4 1.2.3 Nuclear Steam Supply System Summary 1-9 1.2.4 Engineered Safety Features 1-11 1.2.5 Instrumentation and Control 1-15 1.2.6 Human-System Interface System 1-18 1.2.7 Electrical System 1-19 1.2.8 Steam and Power Conversion System 1-20 1.2.9 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System 1-22 1.2.10 Fuel Handling and Storage 1-22 1.2.11 Cooling Water Systems 1-23 1.2.12 Auxiliary Systems 1-25 1.2.13 Radioactive Waste Management Systems 1-30 1.3 Comparison with Similar Facility Designs 1-32 1.4 Identification of Agents and Contractors 1-33 i

1.5 Performance of New Safety Features 1-34 1.6 Material Referenced 1-36 1.7 Drawings and Other Detailed Information 1-36 1.8 Interfaces with Standard Designs 1-36 1.9 Conformance with Regulatory Guidance 1-37 1.10 Index of Exemptions 1-39 1.11 Index of Tier 2* Information 1-39 1.12 COL Information Items 1-39 1.13 Requests for Additional Information 1-40 1.14 Conclusion 1-40 2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS 2-1 2.0 Site Characteristics 2-2 2.0.1 Introduction 2-2 2.0.2 Summary of Application 2-2 2.0.3 Regulatory Basis 2-3 2.0.4 Technical Evaluation 2-3 2.0.5 Combined License Information Items 2-4 2.0.6 Conclusion 2-4 2.1 Geography and Demography 2-4 2.1.1 Site Location and Description 2-4 2.1.2 Exclusion Area Authority and Control 2-6 2.1.3 Population Distribution 2-8 ii

2.2 Nearby Industrial, Transportation, and Military Facilities 2-11 2.2.1 Location and Routes 2-11 2.2.2 Descriptions 2-11 2.2.3 Evaluation of Potential Accidents 2-13 2.4 Hydrologic Engineering 2-54 2.4.1 Hydrologic Description 2-54 2.4.2 Floods 2-56 2.4.3 Probable Maximum Flood on Streams and Rivers 2-57 2.4.4 Potential Dam Failures 2-59 2.4.5 Probable Maximum Surge and Seiche Flooding 2-60 2.4.6 Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding 2-62 2.4.7 Ice Effects 2-63 2.4.8 Cooling Water Channels and Reservoirs 2-65 2.4.9 Channel Diversion 2-66 2.4.10 Flooding Protection Requirements 2-68 2.4.11 Low Water Considerations 2-70 2.4.12 Ground Water 2-71 2.4.13 Accidental Releases of Liquid Effluent in Ground and Surface Water 2-73 2.4.14 Technical Specification and Emergency Operation Requirements 2-74 2.5 Geology, Seismology, and Geotechnical Engineering 2-76 2.5.1 Introduction 2-76 2.5.2 Summary of Application 2-77 iii

2.5.3 Regulatory Basis 2-81 2.5.4 Technical Evaluation 2-82 2.5.5 Combined License Information Items 2-92 2.5.6 Conclusion 2-94 3 DESIGN OF STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS, AND 3-1 EQUIPMENT 3.1 Conformance with the NRC General Design Criteria 3-1 3.2 Classification of Structures, Systems, and Components 3-2 3.2.1 Seismic Classification 3-2 3.2.2 System Quality Group Classification 3-11 3.3 Wind and Tornado Loading 3-18 3.3.1 Wind Loadings 3-18 3.3.2 Tornado Loadings 3-23 3.4 Water Level (Flood) Design 3-29 3.4.1 Internal Flood Protection for Onsite Equipment Failures 3-29 3.4.2 Analysis Procedures 3-48 3.5 Missile Protection 3-55 3.5.1 Missile Selection and Description 3-55 3.5.2 Structures, Systems, and Components to be Protected from 3-79 Externally-Generated Missiles 3.5.3 Barrier Design Procedures 3-85 3.6 Protection Against Dynamic Effects Associated with Postulated 3-91 Rupture of Piping 3.6.1 Plant Design for Protection Against Postulated Piping Failures in Fluid 3-91 Systems Outside of Containment 3.6.2 Determination of Pipe Break Locations and Dynamic Effects 3-97 Associated with the Postulated Rupture of Piping iv

3.6.3 Leak-Before-Break Evaluation Procedures 3-123 3.7 Seismic Design 3-140 3.7.1 Seismic Design Parameters 3-140 3.7.2 Seismic System Analysis 3-160 3.7.3 Seismic Subsystem Analysis 3-192 3.7.4 Seismic Instrumentation 3-203 3.8 Seismic Category I Structures 3-207 3.8.1 Concrete Containment 3-207 3.8.2 Steel Containment 3-229 3.8.3 Concrete and Steel Internal Structures of Steel or Concrete 3-240 Containments 3.8.4 Other Seismic Category I Structures 3-255 3.8.5 Foundations 3-284 3.9 Mechanical Systems and Components 3-324 3.9.1 Special Topics for Mechanical Components 3-324 3.9.2 Dynamic Testing and Analysis of Systems, Components, and 3-333 Equipment 3.9.3 ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 Components, Component Supports, 3-355 and Core Support Structures 3.9.4 Control Rod Drive System 3-367 3.9.5 Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals 3-374 3.9.6 Functional Design, Qualification, and Inservice Testing Programs for 3-410 Pumps, Valves, and Dynamic Restraints 3.10 Seismic and Dynamic Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical 3-427 Equipment 3.10.1 Introduction 3-427 3.10.2 Summary of Application 3-428 v

3.10.3 Regulatory Basis 3-429 3.10.4 Technical Evaluation 3-429 3.10.5 Combined License Information Items 3-443 3.10.6 Conclusion 3-443 3.11 Environmental Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment 3-444 3.11.1 Introduction 3-444 3.11.2 Summary of Application 3-444 3.11.3 Regulatory Basis 3-446 3.11.4 Technical Evaluation 3-449 3.11.5 Combined License Information Items 3-483 3.11.6 Conclusion 3-484 3.12 ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 Piping Systems, Piping Components 3-485 and their Associated Supports 3.12.1 Introduction 3-485 3.12.2 Summary of Application 3-485 3.12.3 Regulatory Basis 3-486 3.12.4 Technical Evaluation 3-487 3.12.5 Combined License Information Items 3-519 3.12.6 Conclusion 3-520 3.13 Threaded Fasteners for ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 Components 3-520 3.13.1 Introduction 3-520 3.13.2 Summary of Application 3-520 3.13.3 Regulatory Basis 3-521 vi

3.13.4 Technical Evaluation 3-522 3.13.5 Combined License Information Items 3-523 3.13.6 Conclusion 3-523 4 REACTOR 4-1 4.1 Summary Description 4-1 4.2 Fuel System Design 4-1 4.2.1 Introduction 4-1 4.2.2 Summary of Application 4-1 4.2.3 Regulatory Basis 4-3 4.2.4 Technical Evaluation 4-4 4.2.5 Combined License Information Items 4-10 4.2.6 Conclusions 4-10 4.3 Nuclear Design 4-10 4.3.1 Introduction 4-10 4.3.2 Summary of Application 4-11 4.3.3 Regulatory Basis 4-12 4.3.4 Technical Evaluation 4-14 4.3.5 Combined License Information Items 4-34 4.3.6 Conclusions 4-34 4.4 Thermal and Hydraulic Design 4-35 4.4.1 Introduction 4-35 4.4.2 Summary of Application 4-35 vii

4.4.3 Regulatory Basis 4-39 4.4.4 Technical Evaluation 4-40 4.4.5 Combined License Information Items 4-50 4.4.6 Conclusions 4-50 4.5 Reactor Materials 4-50 4.5.1 Control Rod Drive System Structural Materials 4-50 4.5.2 Reactor Internals and Core Support Materials 4-63 4.6 Functional Design of Reactivity Control Systems 4-68 4.6.1 Introduction 4-68 4.6.2 Summary of Application 4-69 4.6.3 Regulatory Basis 4-70 4.6.4 Technical Evaluation 4-71 4.6.5 Combined License Information Items 4-75 4.6.6 Conclusions 4-75 5 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM AND RELATED SYSTEMS 5-1 5.0 Reactor Coolant System and Related Systems 5-1 5.1 Summary Description 5-1 5.1.1 Introduction 5-1 5.1.2 Summary of Application 5-1 5.1.3 Technical Evaluation 5-2 5.2 Integrity of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary 5-2 5.2.1 Compliance with Codes and Code Cases 5-2 viii

5.2.2 Overpressure Protection 5-13 5.2.3 Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Materials 5-29 5.2.4 Inservice Inspection and Testing of the RCPB 5-39 5.2.5 Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary (RCPB) Leakage Detection 5-47 5.3 Reactor Vessel 5-56 5.3.1 Reactor Vessel Materials 5-57 5.3.2 Pressure-Temperature Limits, Pressurized Thermal Shock, and 5-65 Charpy Upper-Shelf Energy (USE) Data and Analyses 5.3.3 Reactor Vessel Integrity 5-70 5.4 Component and Subsystem Design 5-73 5.4.1 Reactor Coolant Pumps 5-74 5.4.2 Steam Generators 5-94 5.4.3 Reactor Coolant Piping 5-110 5.4.7 Shutdown Cooling System 5-111 5.4.10 Pressurizer 5-119 5.4.11 Pressurizer Relief Tank 5-120 5.4.12 Reactor Coolant System High Point Vents 5-120 5.4.13 Main Steam Flow Restrictor 5-132 5.4.14 Safety and Relief Valves 5-132 5.4.15 Component Supports 5-133 5.A Evaluation Of The APR400 Design and Intersystem Loss-Of-Coolant 5-135 Accident Challenges 6 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES 6-1 6.1 Engineered Safety Features Materials 6-1 ix

6.1.1 Engineered Safety Features Materials 6-1 6.1.2 Protective Coatings Systems (Paints) Organic Materials 6-11 6.2 Containment Systems 6-16 6.2.1 Containment Functional Design 6-16 6.2.2 Containment Heat Removal Systems 6-77 6.2.4 Containment Isolation System 6-122 6.2.5 Combustible Gas Control in Containment 6-148 6.2.6 Containment Leakage Testing 6-157 6.2.7 Fracture Prevention of Containment Pressure Boundary 6-174 6.3 Emergency Core Cooling System/Safety Injection System 6-176 6.3.1 Introduction 6-176 6.3.2 Summary of Application 6-176 6.3.3 Regulatory Basis 6-177 6.3.4 Technical Evaluation 6-179 6.3.5 Combined License Information Items 6-194 6.3.6 Conclusion 6-195 6.4 Control Room Habitability System 6-195 6.4.1 Introduction 6-195 6.4.2 Summary of Application 6-196 6.4.3 Regulatory Basis 6-196 6.4.4 Technical Evaluation 6-197 6.4.5 Combined License Information Items 6-206 x

6.4.6 Conclusion 6-207 6.5 Fission Product Removal and Control Systems 6-207 6.5.1 ESF Atmosphere Cleanup Systems/ESF Filter Systems 6-208 6.5.2 Containment Spray System (CSS) 6-215 6.5.3 Fission Product Control Systems and Structures 6-219 6.6 Inservice Inspection and Testing of Class 2 and 3 Components 6-224 6.6.1 Introduction 6-224 6.6.2 Summary of Application 6-224 6.6.3 Regulatory Basis 6-225 6.6.4 Technical Evaluation 6-226 6.6.5 Combined License Information Items 6-230 6.6.6 Conclusion 6-231 7 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS 7-1 7.1 Instrumentation and Controls - Introduction 7-1 7.1.1 Introduction 7-1 7.1.2 Summary of Application 7-1 7.1.3 Regulatory Basis 7-2 7.1.4 Technical Evaluation 7-4 7.1.5 Combined License Information Items 7-129 7.1.6 Findings and Conclusions 7-129 7.2 Reactor Trip System 7-129 7.2.1 Introduction 7-129 xi

7.2.2 Summary of Application 7-132 7.2.3 Regulatory Basis 7-132 7.2.4 Technical Evaluation 7-133 7.2.5 Combined License Information Items 7-166 7.2.6 Findings and Conclusions 7-166 7.3 Engineered Safety Features Systems 7-167 7.3.1 Introduction 7-167 7.3.2 Summary of Application 7-167 7.3.3 Regulatory Basis 7-168 7.3.4 Technical Evaluation 7-169 7.3.5 Combined License Information Items 7-192 7.3.6 Findings and Conclusions 7-192 7.4 Systems Required for Safe Shutdown 7-192 7.4.1 Introduction 7-192 7.4.2 Summary of Application 7-193 7.4.3 Regulatory Basis 7-194 7.4.4 Technical Evaluation 7-195 7.4.5 Combined License Information Items 7-204 7.4.6 Findings and Conclusions 7-204 7.5 Information Systems Important to Safety 7-204 7.5.1 Introduction 7-204 7.5.2 Summary of Application 7-204 xii

7.5.3 Regulatory Basis 7-205 7.5.4 Technical Evaluation 7-207 7.5.5 Combined License Information Items 7-221 7.5.6 Findings and Conclusions 7-221 7.6 Interlock Systems Important to Safety 7-221 7.6.1 Introduction 7-221 7.6.2 Summary of Application 7-222 7.6.3 Regulatory Basis 7-224 7.6.4 Technical Evaluation 7-225 7.6.5 Combined License Information Items 7-234 7.6.6 Findings and Conclusions 7-235 7.7 Control Systems Not Required for Safety 7-235 7.7.1 Introduction 7-235 7.7.2 Summary of Application 7-235 7.7.3 Regulatory Basis 7-238 7.7.4 Technical Evaluation 7-240 7.7.5 Combined License Information Items 7-293 7.7.6 Findings and Conclusions 7-293 7.8 Diverse I&C Systems 7-294 7.8.1 Introduction 7-294 7.8.2 Summary of Application 7-294 7.8.3 Regulatory Basis 7-295 xiii

7.8.4 Technical Evaluation 7-296 7.8.5 Combined License Information Items 7-336 7.8.6 Findings and Conclusions 7-336 7.9 Data Communication Systems 7-337 7.9.1 Introduction 7-337 7.9.2 Summary of Application 7-337 7.9.3 Regulatory Basis 7-338 7.9.4 Technical Evaluation 7-339 7.9.5 Combined License Information Items 7-397 7.9.6 Findings and Conclusions 7-397 8 ELECTRIC POWER 8-1 8.1 Introduction 8-1 8.1.1 Introduction 8-1 8.1.2 Summary of Application 8-1 8.1.3 Regulatory Basis 8-1 8.1.4 Technical Evaluation 8-2 8.1.5 Combined License Information Items 8-10 8.1.6 Conclusion 8-10 8.2 Offsite Power System 8-10 8.2.1 Introduction 8-11 8.2.2 Summary of Application 8-11 8.2.3 Regulatory Basis 8-12 xiv

8.2.4 Technical Evaluation 8-14 8.2.5 Combined License Information Items 8-25 8.2.6 Conclusion 8-27 8.3 Onsite Power Systems 8-27 8.3.1 AC Power Systems 8-27 8.3.2 DC Power System 8-70 8.4 Station Blackout 8-92 8.4.1 Introduction 8-92 8.4.2 Summary of Application 8-92 8.4.3 Regulatory Basis 8-93 8.4.4 Technical Evaluation 8-94 8.4.5 Combined License Information Items 8-111 8.4.6 Conclusion 8-111 9 AUXILIARY SYSTEMS 9-1 9.1 Fuel Storage and Handling 9-1 9.1.1 Criticality Safety of Fresh and Spent Fuel Storage and Handling 9-1 9.1.2 New and Spent Fuel Storage 9-29 9.1.3 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System 9-73 9.1.4 Light Load Handling System (Related to Refueling) 9-88 9.1.5 Overhead Heavy Load Handling System 9-99 9.2 Water Systems 9-112 9.2.1 Essential Service Water System 9-112 xv

9.2.2 Component Cooling Water System 9-132 9.2.3 [Reserved] 9-147 9.2.4 Domestic Water and Sanitary Systems 9-147 9.2.5 Ultimate Heat Sink 9-152 9.2.6 Condensate Storage Facilities 9-160 9.2.7 Chilled Water System 9-166 9.2.8 Turbine Generator Building Closed Cooling Water System 9-177 9.2.9 Turbine Generator Building Open Cooling Water System 9-183 9.3 Process Auxiliaries 9-187 9.3.1 Compressed Air and Gas Systems 9-187 9.3.2 Process and Post-Accident Sampling Systems 9-194 9.3.3 Equipment and Floor Drainage System 9-199 9.3.4 Chemical and Volume Control System 9-210 9.4 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems 9-229 9.4.1 Control Room HVAC System 9-229 9.4.2 Fuel Handling Area HVAC System 9-236 9.4.3 Auxiliary Building Clean Area and Compound Building HVAC System 9-247 9.4.4 Turbine Generator Building HVAC System 9-256 9.4.5 Engineered Safety Feature Ventilation System 9-259 9.4.6 Reactor Containment Building HVAC System and Purge System 9-273 9.4.7 Compound Building HVAC System 9-283 9.4.8 Design Features for Minimization of Contamination 9-283 xvi

9.5 Other Auxiliary Systems 9-287 9.5.1 Fire Protection Program 9-287 9.5.2 Communications Systems 9-309 9.5.3 Lighting Systems 9-334 9.5.4 Emergency Diesel Engine Fuel Oil System 9-344 9.5.5 Emergency Diesel Engine Cooling Water System 9-356 9.5.6 Emergency Diesel Engine Starting Air System 9-364 9.5.7 Emergency Diesel Engine Lubrication System 9-370 9.5.8 Emergency Diesel Engine Combustion Air Intake and Exhaust System 9-376 9.5.9 Gas Turbine Generator Facility 9-382 10 STEAM AND POWER CONVERSION SYSTEM 10-1 10.1 Summary Description 10-1 10.2 Turbine Generator 10-1 10.2.1 Turbine Generator Operation and Speed Control 10-1 10.2.2 [Not Used] 10-12 10.2.3 Turbine Rotor Integrity 10-12 10.3 Main Steam System 10-20 10.3.1 Design, Components, and Operation 10-20 10.3.2 [See Section of This Report] 10-29 10.3.3 [See Section of This Report] 10-29 10.3.4 [See Section of This Report] 10-29 10.3.5 [See Section of This Report] 10-29 xvii

10.3.6 Steam and Feedwater System Materials 10-29 10.4 Other Features of the Steam and Power Conversion System 10-38 10.4.1 Main Condensers 10-38 10.4.2 Condenser Vacuum System 10-45 10.4.3 Turbine Steam Seal System 10-49 10.4.4 Turbine Bypass System 10-53 10.4.5 Circulating Water System 10-57 10.4.6 Condensate Polishing System 10-65 10.4.7 Condensate and Feedwater System 10-68 10.4.8 Steam Generator Blowdown System 10-78 10.4.9 Auxiliary Feedwater System 10-87 10.4.10 Auxiliary Steam System 10-104 11 RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT 11-1 11.1 Source Terms 11-1 11.1.1 Introduction 11-1 11.1.2 Summary of Application 11-2 11.1.3 Regulatory Basis 11-3 11.1.4 Technical Evaluation 11-4 11.1.5 Combined License Information Items 11-8 11.1.6 Conclusions 11-8 11.2 Liquid Waste Management System 11-8 11.2.1 Introduction 11-8 xviii

11.2.2 Summary of Application 11-8 11.2.3 Regulatory Basis 11-12 11.2.4 Technical Evaluation 11-15 11.2.5 Combined License Information Items 11-28 11.2.6 Conclusions 11-30 11.3 Gaseous Waste Management System 11-30 11.3.1 Introduction 11-30 11.3.2 Summary of Application 11-30 11.3.3 Regulatory Basis 11-34 11.3.4 Technical Evaluation 11-36 11.3.5 Combined License Information Items 11-47 11.3.6 Conclusions 11-48 11.4 Solid Waste Management System (SWMS) 11-49 11.4.1 Introduction 11-49 11.4.2 Summary of Application 11-50 11.4.3 Regulatory Basis 11-53 11.4.4 Technical Evaluation 11-55 11.4.5 Combined License Information Items 11-62 11.4.6 Conclusions 11-63 11.5 Process and Effluent Radiation Monitoring and Sampling System 11-65 11.5.1 Introduction 11-65 11.5.2 Summary of Application 11-65 xix

11.5.3 Regulatory Basis 11-69 11.5.4 Technical Evaluation 11-71 11.5.5 Combined License Information Items 11-80 11.5.6 Conclusions 11-81 12 RADIATION PROTECTION 12-1 12.1 Ensuring that Occupational Radiation Exposures Are As Low As (Is) 12-1 Reasonably Achievable 12.1.1 Introduction 12-1 12.1.2 Summary of Application 12-2 12.1.3 Regulatory Basis 12-3 12.1.4 Technical Evaluation 12-4 12.1.5 Combined License Information Items 12-8 12.1.6 Conclusion 12-9 12.2 Radiation Sources 12-9 12.2.1 Introduction 12-9 12.2.2 Summary of Application 12-9 12.2.3 Regulatory Basis 12-12 12.2.4 Technical Evaluation 12-14 12.2.5 Combined License Information Items 12-46 12.2.6 Conclusion 12-47 12.3 Radiation Protection Design Features (including Dose Assessment) 12-47 12.3.1 Introduction 12-47 12.3.2 Summary of Application 12-48 xx

12.3.3 Regulatory Basis 12-50 12.3.4 Technical Evaluation 12-53 12.3.5 Combined License Information Items12-100 12.3.6 Conclusion 12-102 12.4 Dose Assessment and Minimization of Contamination 12-102 12.5 Operational RPP 12-102 12.5.1 Introduction 12-102 12.5.2 Summary of Application 12-102 12.5.3 Regulatory Basis12-103 12.5.4 Technical Evaluation 12-103 12.5.5 Combined License Information Items12-104 12.5.6 Conclusion 12-105 13 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 13-1 13.0 Conduct of Operations 13-3 13.1 Organizational Structure of the Applicant 13-3 13.1.1 Introduction 13-3 13.1.2 Summary of Application 13-3 13.1.3 Regulatory Basis 13-4 13.1.4 Technical Evaluation 13-5 13.1.5 Combined License Information Items 13-5 13.1.6 Conclusion 13-7 13.2 Training 13-7 xxi

13.2.1 Introduction 13-7 13.2.2 Summary of Application 13-8 13.2.3 Regulatory Basis 13-8 13.2.4 Technical Evaluation 13-9 13.2.5 Combined License Information Items 13-10 13.2.6 Conclusion 13-10 13.3 Emergency Planning 13-11 13.3.1 Introduction 13-11 13.3.2 Summary of Application 13-11 13.3.3 Regulatory Basis 13-15 13.3.4 Technical Evaluation 13-16 13.3.5 Combined License Information Items 13-25 13.3.6 Conclusion 13-25 13.4 Operational Program Implementation 13-25 13.4.1 Introduction 13-25 13.4.2 Summary of Application 13-26 13.4.3 Regulatory Basis 13-26 13.4.4 Technical Evaluation 13-26 13.4.5 Combined License Information Items 13-26 13.4.6 Conclusion 13-27 13.5 Plant Procedures 13-27 13.5.1 Introduction 13-27 xxii

13.5.2 Summary of Application 13-27 13.5.3 Regulatory Basis 13-27 13.5.4 Technical Evaluation 13-28 13.5.5 Combined License Information Items 13-34 13.5.6 Conclusion 13-35 13.6 Physical Security 13-36 13.6.1 Introduction 13-36 13.6.2 Summary of Application 13-36 13.6.3 Regulatory Basis 13-39 13.6.4 Technical Evaluation 13-40 13.6.5 Combined License Information Items 13-62 13.6.6 Conclusion 13-63 13.7 Fitness for Duty 13-64 14 VERIFICATION PROGRAMS 14-1 14.1 Specific Information to be Addressed for the Initial Plant Test Program 14-1 14.2 Initial Plant Test Program 14-2 14.2.1 Introduction 14-2 14.2.2 Summary of Application for DCD Section 14.2 14-3 14.2.3 Regulatory Basis for DCD Section 14.2 14-3 14.2.4 Technical Evaluation for DCD Tier 2 Subsections 14.2.1 through 14-4 14.2.12 14.2.5 DCD Tier 2 Subsection 14.2.13, Combined License Items 14-78 14.2.6 Conclusion 14-83 xxiii

14.3 Inspections, Tests, Analyses and Acceptance Criteria 14-84 14.3.1 Selection Criteria and Methodology for FSAR Tier 1 14-84 14.3.2 Structural and Systems Engineering - Inspections, Tests, Analyses, 14-91 and Acceptance Criteria 14.3.3 Piping Systems and Components - Inspections, Test, Analyses, and 14-101 Acceptance Criteria 14.3.4 Reactor Systems - Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance 14-110 Criteria 14.3.5 Instrumentation and Controls- Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and 14-117 Acceptance Criteria 14.3.6 Electrical Systems- Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance 14-168 Criteria 14.3.7 Plant Systems - Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria 14-190 14.3.8 Radiation Protection- Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance 14-197 Criteria 14.3.9 Human Factors Engineering - Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and 14-218 Acceptance Criteria 14.3.10 Emergency Planning- Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance 14-230 Criteria 14.3.11 Containment Systems - Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance 14-230 Criteria 14.3.12 Physical Security Hardware - Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and 14-238 Acceptance Criteria 14.3.13 Design Reliability Assurance Program - Inspections, Tests, Analyses,14-262 and Acceptance Criteria 15 TRANSIENT AND ACCIDENT ANALYSES 15-1 15 Transient and Accident Analyses 15-1 15.0.0 General Information for Safety Analyses 15-1 15.0.1 Radiological Consequence Analyses Using Alternative Source Terms 15-11 15.0.2 Review of Transient and Accident Analysis Methods 15-11 15.0.3 Design Basis Accident Radiological Consequence Analyses for Advanced Light Water Reactors 15-38 15.1 Increase in Heat Removal by the Secondary System 15-72 15.1.1 Decrease in Feedwater Temperature 15-72 xxiv

15.1.2 Increase in Feedwater Flow 15-75 15.1.3 Increase in Steam Flow 15-77 15.1.4 Inadvertent Opening of a Steam Generator Relief or Safety Valve 15-78 15.1.5 Steam System Piping Failure Inside and Outside Containment 15-84 15.2 Decrease in Heat Removal by the Secondary System 15-96 15.2.1 Loss of External Load, Turbine Trip, Loss of Condenser Vacuum, 15-96 Inadvertent Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure, and Steam Pressure Regulator Failure 15.2.2 Turbine Trip 15-103 15.2.3 Loss of Condenser Vacuum 15-104 15.2.4 Closure of the Main Steam Isolation Valve 15-104 15.2.5 Steam Pressure Regulator Failure 15-104 15.2.6 Loss of Nonemergency AC Power to the Station Auxiliaries15-104 15.2.7 Loss of Normal Feedwater Flow 15-107 15.2.8 Feedwater System Pipe Break Inside and Outside Containment 15-109 15.3 Decrease in Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate 15-115 15.3.1 Loss of Forced Reactor Coolant Flow 15-115 15.3.2 Flow Controller Malfunctions15-120 15.3.3 Reactor Coolant Pump Rotor Seizure and Reactor Coolant Pump 15-120 Shaft Break 15.4 Reactivity and Power Distribution Anomalies15-124 15.4.1 Uncontrolled Control Element Assembly Withdrawal from a Subcritical 15-124 or Low Power Startup Condition 15.4.2 Uncontrolled Control Element Assembly Withdrawal at Power 15-130 15.4.3 Control Element Assembly Misoperation (System Malfunction or 15-135 Operator Error) xxv

15.4.4 Startup of an Inactive Reactor Coolant Pump 15-141 15.4.5 Flow Controller Malfunction Causing an Increase in BWR Core Flow 15-144 Rate 15.4.6 Inadvertent Decrease in Boron Concentration in the Reactor Coolant 15-144 System 15.4.7 Inadvertent Loading and Operation of a Fuel Assembly in an Improper 15-150 Position 15.4.8 Spectrum of Control Element Assembly Ejection Accidents15-154 15.5 Increase in Reactor Coolant Inventory 15-168 15.5.1 Inadvertent Operation of the Emergency Core Cooling System that 15-168 Increases the Reactor Coolant Inventory 15.5.2 Chemical and Volume Control System Malfunction that Increases the 15-171 Reactor Coolant Inventory 15.6 Decrease in Reactor Coolant Inventory 15-177 15.6.1 Inadvertent Opening of a Pressurizer Pressure Relief Valve 15-177 15.6.2 Failure of Small Lines Carrying Primary Coolant Outside Containment 15-180 15.6.3 Steam Generator Tube Rupture 15-183 15.6.4 Radiological Consequences of Main Steam Line Failure Outside 15-191 Containment (Boiling Water Reactor) 15.6.5 Loss-of-Coolant Accidents Resulting From Spectrum of Postulated 15-191 Piping Breaks Within the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary 15.7 Radioactive Material Release from a Subsystem or Component 15-229 15.7.1 Radioactive Gas Waste System Leak or Failure 15-229 15.7.2 Radioactive Liquid Waste System Leak or Failure 15-230 15.7.3 Postulated Radioactive Releases Due to Liquid-Containing Tank 15-230 Failures 15.7.4 Fuel Handling Accident 15-230 15.7.5 Spent Fuel Cask Drop Accident 15-230 xxvi

15.8 Anticipated Transients Without Scram 15-230 15.8.1 Introduction 15-230 15.8.2 Summary of Application 15-230 15.8.3 Regulatory Basis15-233 15.8.4 Technical Evaluation 15-234 15.8.5 Combined License Information 15-237 15.8.6 Conclusion 15-237 15.8.7 References15-237 16 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 16-1 16.1 Introduction 16-1 16.2 Summary of Application 16-1 16.3 Regulatory Basis 16-1 16.4 Technical Evaluation 16-3 16.4.1 Selection of Limiting Conditions for Operation 16-18 16.4.2 TS Chapter 1.0 Use and Application Section 1.1 Definitions 16-25 16.4.3 TS Chapter 1.0 Use and Application Section 1.2 Logical Connectors; 16-30 Section 1.3 Completion Times; Section 1.4 Frequency 16.4.4 TS Chapter 2.0 Safety Limits Section 2.1 Safety Limits; Section 2.2 16-31 Safety Limit Violations 16.4.5 TS Chapter 3.0 Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCOs) and 16-33 Surveillance Requirements (SRs) Section 3.0 LCO Applicability; Section 3.0 SR Applicability 16.4.6 TS Chapter 3.0 LCOs and SRs Section 3.1 Reactivity Control 16-37 Systems 16.4.7 TS Chapter 3.0 LCOs and SRs Section 3.2 Power Distribution Limits 16-61 16.4.8 TS Chapter 3.0 LCOs and SRs Section 3.3 Instrumentation 16-70 16.4.9 TS Chapter 3.0 LCOs and SRs Section 3.4 Reactor Coolant System 16-188 xxvii

16.4.10 TS Chapter 3.0 LCOs and SRs Section 3.5 Emergency Core 16-271 Cooling System (ECCS) 16.4.11 TS Chapter 3.0 LCOs and SRs Section 3.6 Containment Systems16-286 16.4.12 TS Chapter 3.0 LCOs and SRs Section 3.7 Plant Systems16-300 16.4.13 TS Chapter 3.0 LCOs and SRs Section 3.8 Electrical Power 16-359 Systems 16.4.14 TS Chapter 3.0 LCOs and SRs Section 3.9 Refueling Operations16-378 16.4.15 TS Chapter 4.0 Design Features16-394 16.4.16 TS Chapter 5.0 Administrative Controls16-397 16.5 Combined License Information Items16-403 16.6 Conclusion 16-403 17 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RELIABILITY ASSURANCE 17-1 17.0 Quality Assurance and Reliability Assurance 17-1 17.1 Quality Assurance during the Design Certification Phase 17-1 17.1.1 Introduction 17-1 17.1.2 Summary of Application 17-2 17.2 Quality Assurance during the Operations Phase 17-2 17.3 Quality Assurance Program Description 17-3 17.4 Reliability Assurance Program 17-3 17.4.1 Introduction 17-3 17.4.2 Summary of Application 17-4 17.4.3 Regulatory Basis 17-4 17.4.4 Technical Evaluation 17-5 17.4.5 Combined License Information Items 17-7 xxviii

17.4.6 Conclusion 17-9 17.5 Quality Assurance Program Description - Design Certification 17-9 17.5.1 Introduction 17-9 17.5.2 Summary of Application 17-10 17.5.3 Regulatory Basis 17-10 17.5.4 Technical Evaluation 17-10 17.5.5 Conclusion 17-11 17.6 Maintenance Rule 17-12 17.6.1 Introduction 17-12 17.6.2 Summary of Application 17-12 17.6.3 Regulatory Basis 17-12 17.6.4 Technical Evaluation 17-13 17.6.5 Combined License Information Items 17-13 17.6.6 Conclusion 17-13 18 HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING 18-1 18.1 Human Factors Engineering Program Management 18-2 18.1.1 Introduction 18-2 18.1.2 Summary of Application 18-2 18.1.3 Regulatory Basis 18-3 18.1.4 Technical Evaluation 18-4 18.1.5 Combined License Items 18-20 18.1.6 Conclusion 18-20 xxix

18.2 Operating Experience Review 18-20 18.2.1 Introduction 18-20 18.2.2 Summary of Application 18-21 18.2.3 Regulatory Basis 18-21 18.2.4 Technical Evaluation 18-22 18.2.5 Combined License Items 18-29 18.2.6 Conclusion 18-29 18.3 Functional Requirements Analysis and Function Allocation 18-29 18.3.1 Introduction 18-29 18.3.2 Summary of Application 18-30 18.3.3 Regulatory Basis 18-30 18.3.4 Technical Evaluation 18-31 18.3.5 Combined License Items 18-37 18.3.6 Conclusion 18-37 18.4 Task Analysis 18-37 18.4.1 Introduction 18-37 18.4.2 Summary of Application 18-38 18.4.3 Regulatory Basis 18-38 18.4.4 Technical Evaluation 18-39 18.4.5 Combined License Items 18-50 18.4.6 Conclusion 18-51 18.5 Staffing and Qualifications 18-51 xxx

18.5.1 Introduction 18-51 18.5.2 Summary of Application 18-51 18.5.3 Regulatory Basis 18-52 18.5.4 Technical Evaluation 18-52 18.5.5 Combined License Items 18-57 18.5.6 Conclusion 18-57 18.6 Treatment of Important Human Actions 18-58 18.6.1 Introduction 18-58 18.6.2 Summary of Application 18-58 18.6.3 Regulatory Basis 18-59 18.6.4 Technical Evaluation 18-59 18.6.5 Combined License Items 18-66 18.6.6 Conclusion 18-66 18.7 Human System Interface Design 18-66 18.7.1 Introduction 18-66 18.7.2 Summary of Application 18-66 18.7.3 Regulatory Basis 18-68 18.7.4 Technical Evaluation 18-69 18.7.5 Combined License Items18-121 18.7.6 Conclusion 18-121 18.8 Procedure Development 18-121 18.9 Training Program Development 18-122 xxxi

18.10 Human Factors Verification and Validation 18-122 18.10.1 Introduction 18-122 18.10.2 Summary of Application 18-122 18.10.3 Regulatory Basis18-123 18.10.4 Technical Evaluation 18-124 18.10.5 Combined License Items18-168 18.10.6 Conclusion 18-168 18.11 Design Implementation 18-169 18.11.1 Introduction 18-169 18.11.2 Summary of Application 18-169 18.11.3 Regulatory Basis18-169 18.11.4 Technical Evaluation 18-170 18.11.5 Combined License Items18-172 18.11.6 Conclusion 18-172 18.12 Human Performance Monitoring 18-172 18.12.1 Introduction 18-172 18.12.2 Summary of Application 18-172 18.12.3 Regulatory Basis18-173 18.12.4 Technical Evaluation 18-173 18.12.5 Combined License Items18-173 18.12.6 Conclusion 18-173 19 PROBABILISTIC RISK ASSESSMENT AND SEVERE ACCIDENT 19-1 EVALUATION xxxii

19.0.1 NRC Regulatory Requirements and Related Policies 19-1 19.0.2 Structure of the APR1400 DCD Chapter 19 19-5 19.0.3 Combined License Information 19-5 19.1 Probabilistic Risk Assessment 19-6 19.1.1 Uses and Applications of the PRA 19-7 19.1.2 Quality of PRA 19-10 19.1.3 Special Design/Operational Features 19-20 19.1.4 Safety Insights from the Internal Events PRA for Operations at Power 19-25 19.1.5 Safety Insights from the External Events PRA for Operations at Power 19-49 19.1.6 Safety Insights from the PRA for Other Modes of Operation 19-81 19.1.7 PRA Related Input to Other Programs and Processes19-117 19.1.8 Conclusion and Finding 19-125 19.1.9 References19-127 19.2. Severe Accident Evaluation 19-133 19.2.1 Introduction 19-133 19.2.2 Severe Accident Prevention 19-133 19.2.3 Severe Accident Mitigation 19-139 19.2.4 Containment Performance Capability 19-175 19.2.5 Accident Management 19-183 19.2.6 Combined License Information 19-185 19.2.7 Conclusion and Finding 19-185 19.2.8 References19-186 xxxiii

19.3 Beyond Design Basis External Event 19-191 19.3.1 Recommendations 4.1 and 4.2 - Station Blackout and Mitigation 19-191 Strategies for Beyond Design Basis External Events 19.3.2 Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (Based on Recommendation 19-240 7.1) 19.4 Loss of Large Areas of the Plant Due to Explosions or Fire 19-247 19.4.1 Summary of Application 19-247 19.4.2 Regulatory Basis19-247 19.4.3 Technical Evaluation 19-247 19.4.4 Combined License Information Items19-257 19.4.5 Conclusion 19-259 19.5 Aircraft Impact Assessment 19-260 19.5.1 Introduction 19-260 19.5.2 Summary of Application 19-260 19.5.3 Regulatory Basis19-263 19.5.4 Technical Evaluation 19-264 19.5.5 Combined License Items Identified in the DCD 19-277 19.5.6 Conclusions19-278 xxxiv

APPENDICES Appendix A Chronology A-1 Appendix B References B-1 Appendix C Acronyms C-1 Appendix D Principal Contributors D-1 Appendix E Index of NRC's Requests for Additional Information E-1 Appendix F Report by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards F-1 xxxv