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Forwards Clarification of Items in 811005 Ltr Re Human Engineering Discrepancy Summary Categories A,B & C
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 10/07/1981
From: Van Brunt E
To: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ANPP-19117-JMA, NUDOCS 8110130206
Download: ML17297A906 (19)




ACCESS IOV>>V8R o 811 0130206 DOC ~ DATKi: 81/10/07 NOTARIZED: YES FACILE: STN~50~528 Palo Ver de>>Vucl ear Station~ Unit 1~ Arizona Publ i STN~SO 529 Palo Verde Nuclear Station~ Unit 2E Arizona Publi 05000529.

STIV 50 530 Palo Verde Nuclear Station~ Unit 3r Arizona Publi 05000530 AUTHI, Nh>>BIEI AUTHOR- AFFILIATION VAN BRU ViT p Kt, Ei~ Arizona Public Service Co.

REC IP ~ VAM-I RECIPIENT AFFILiIATION TEDESCO i R 0 I '0 Assistant Director i for L'icensing SUSJKCT:: Forwards clarification>> of items on 811005 1 tr re>> humani engineer ing discr epancy summier y Categor ies A~B. L CD DESTRIBOTION CODEI: B0010 COPIES RECEEVEO:LER J ENCL< S IZEjs:

TITLKi: PSAR'/FSAR AHDTS and Rel ated Cor r espondence VOTES>Standardized Plant, 1 cy:C Grimes 05090528 Stendardiz.ed Plant. 1 cy,'C: Grimes 05090529 Standardized Plant, 1 cyjC Grimes 05000530 RKC IPI KN T COPIES RKCIPIENT COPIES I3'OOK/NAMKI LTTR EiVCLi ID COOK/NAME LiT'TRI K N C L<

'ACT>>ION:" A/0>> LI CENSNG 1 0 L>>IC SR ¹3 BC 0 LIC>> BR ¹3 I.A 1 0 KKRRIGANEJ ~ 04 1 INTERNAl.i: ACCID KiVAL SR26" 1 1 AUX SYS BR 2'7 1>>

CHEM EVG BR 11 1 1 CONTi SYS BR 09 1 1 CORK PKRF BR 10. 1 1 EFF TR SYS BR12 1 1 1 0 EQUIP QUAL BR ib 3 3>>


HYO/GEO>> BR 30, 2 2 IEC SYS BR 1 1 I II,r.l 06>> 3 35 16'E'/EPDB 1 1 IK'/EPLB LiIC GUI0 SR 33 1 1=

QUAL BR 36'iIC 1 1 'iATLE KNG SR 17 1 1 18 32'ECH SPA 0.


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ESS BR22'. 1 1 REAC'YS BR 2'3 1 1 REG FIL 01 1 1 SIT ANAI.>> BR 24 1 1 G BRP5>> 1 EXTERNALi: ACRS 41 16 16 F Ei~IA~REP DI V 39 1 1 03>> 1 1 VRC PDR 02 1 1


p IP 1

D O ÃUIIKIICP tBKZKIOQa GKOBIMKF STA. P.o. SOX 21666 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85036 October 7, 1981 ANPP-19117 JMA/ECS Mr. R. L. Tedesco Assistant Director of Licensing Division of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555


. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) Units 1, 2 and 3 Docket Nos. STN-50-528/529/530 File: 81-056-026; G.1.10


ANPP-19099, E. E. Van Brunt, Jr. to R. L. Tedesco dated October 5, 1981

Dear Mr. Tedesco:

Attached is our response for clarification of items covered in the reference letter.

If you have any questions, please contact Ed Sterling on (602) 271-7280.

Very truly ours E. E. Van Brunt, Jr.

APS Vice President, Nuclear Projects ANPP Project Director EEVBJr/ECS/av Attachment cc: J. Kerrigan (w/a)

P. Hourihan (w/a)

A. C. Gehr (w/a)

R. Ramirez (w/a)

A. Ramie-Smith (w/a)

~8i iOi30206 Bi i007 PDR ADOCK 05000528I PDR


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) ss.


I; Edwin E. Van Brunt, Jr., represent'hat I am Vice President Nuclear Pro)ects of Arizona Public Service Company, that the foregoing document has been signed by me on behalf of Arizona Public Service Company with full authority so to do, that I have read such document

. and know its contents, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements made therein are true.

Edwin E..Van Brunt, Jp'.w"~'~

so IJ Sworn to before me this~~i~ ey of WHg'o 1981.

otary Public My Commission expires:

~ ~

~ 4


1. The results of studies called out in the "Corrective Action" columns of Attachment A HED 77 and 118 will be provided to the NRC 120 days prior to issuance of license.
2. Enclosed is a revised Attachment A clarifying HED's 4, 30 and 104.
3. Enclosed are revised sheets of Attachment B clarifying HED's 67 and 95.
4. Enclosed are revised sheets of Attachment C clarifying HED's 94, 98, 103 and 109.
5. Revised title on the first sheet of each attachment.
6. To further clarify HED 53, in our lighting survey of the real Unit 1 control room glare measurements will be retaken of the CRT screens to determine will be if any change to the "Corrective Action" is needed. This done 120 days prior to issuance of license.
7. Item 4a For HED's 1, 2, 3 and 32, we are currently investigating other fixes for detecting lamp failures. Lamp surveillance will be performed each shift.
8. Item 7 There will be appropriate relamping procedures.
9. Item 8 If the operator needs the discrete value for a parameter, other indicators on the panel will provide that value.
10. Item 10 Will review under Item 12.

ll. Item ll The addition of high speed printers review of system impact.

will remain open pending


HED No. Discre anc Corrective Action Reaching annunciators to replace Obtain stepladder for control lamps (B01). room of suib<Llc constr vcr'< o~

4o pr~ve~+ boar h cont'acT.

Units of measured parameter Add engineering units.

missing from all Foxboro displays.

15 Labels missing on "CR ESSENTIAL Add labels.

AHU FAN" switches (B02).

25 Switches too close to panel Install switch protection edge accidental activation devices (e.g., guard rail)

(B03, 04, 06, 07). or change knobs. (nicer 29 Inadequate indication of safety Add master indicator panel.

systems status (SIASy MSISp CIAS etc.) on B05.

30 Logic for reactor trip buttons AJd i~s frucki ~r I not clear (B05).

66 Label not readable for CWP/ Change to white letters on red Bypass switch (B04). background.'4 Wrong label color on "HOT LEG Change to green label.


76 Inconsistent terminology between Change labels.

SESS and board item labels (B02).

77 High Press Safety Injection Flow Flow indicator redundancy indication confusing on loss of under study.

one train (B02).

79 Mimic missing on CVCS items used Add mimics.

during LOP (B03).

80 Labels on CVCS charging pumps Change labels.

imply incorrect operation (B03).

TABLE 3-2A (Continued)

HED No ~ Discre anc Corrective Action 81 Annunciator legend incorrect for Correct window legend.

T-AVE and T-REF temperature deviation and for RC SYS TRBL (B04).

84 Missing labels on RAS ACTIVATION Add labels.

controls (B05) ~

86 Lacking adequate switch guards Change to deep-ring type on reactor trip buttons (B05). button.

89 Inadequate SG level indication Add wide-range level indicators.

during manual auxiliary and main feedwater control (B06).

104 .Obscured label viewing on Relocate labels q,nJ m~kC.

Poxboro displays on most Vn, a,w4iyuo uS, vertical panels. L o,lrllng o~ Jva.l

[ w d i c ~Wc r c ~ y a.w 4 i g v o u S' 108 Wrong location and lack of valve Relocate and add position position indication on jog-open indicators.


112 Lacking demarcation of all boards'emark affected control boards.

major systems on most 118 Annunciator System has several Initiate study to determine deficiencies- corrections.




CATEGORY B (Reliability 90% Availability Criterion; Mandatory Zmplamantatdon)

HED No. Corrective Action 11 Labels missing on Electric Mimic Add labels.

Bus (B01).

17 Lacking wide-range pressure and Add wide-range indicator.

level indication near pressurizer controls (B03).

35 Incorrect color of ON/Off buttons Change pushbuttons to correct on Generex panels (B06)- color.

40 Labels missing and non-descrip- Add and correct labels.

tive on FW & SR Systems Board (B06).

45 'acking main generator trip Move alarms to near controls.

alarms near controls (B06).

46 Labels missing on MSR switches Add labels.

(B06) ~

59 One key-operated switch requires Orient switch for teeth pointing teeth pointing up (B03). down ~

60 Missing NORMAL label on some key- Add label.

operated switches.

67 Lacking phone Coverage on some Study effect of longer cords on panels- simulator p r ov i 0 C cp+kerd'ovPd medt,n J'or oy.g 4 p)vsfc pkoptc +f8 68 Control room floor is hard. Install carpet.

'70 Diesel generator synchroscopes Add synchroscopes near controls.

~ 9 feet from controls (BOl).

71 Wrong label on diesel generator Change label.

Start/Stop switch (B01).

83 SG level scales are 0-100% for Change scales to Engineering both narrow and wide range Units.

indicators (B05).

~C t

TABLE 3-2B (Continued)

HED No. Discre anc Corrective Action 87 PPS relay status lights are Change to Mue lens.

wrong color (B05).

88 PPS controls illuminated when OFF Change to black lenses due to (B05). addition of 'logic alarm box.

95 Condensate low vacuum alarm Nova c Ic. iw o 805 +o location not convenient ore Qog.

Jog should be dn Qo 7.

96 Reactor coolant pump and backup Change knob on backup heater heater switches are similar and switch.

closely located (B04).

100 Specular glare on Foxboro displays Change to matt surfaces.

, from polished surfaces.

101 Varying specular glare on Foxboro Change to rigid surfaces.

displays from fexible surfaces-106 Lacking narrow range trend infor- Change to 2-speed recorders mation on Foxboro recorders where needed (B02).

122 Uncomfortable knob on CMC Review compliance and criteria switches for jog-valves. for Push-to-Stop switches.

~ /


TABLE 3-2C HUMAN ENGINEERING DISCREPANCY CATEGORY C (Reliability-Enhancement; Mandatory Implementation)

HED No. Corrective Action 1 Lack of distinction between lamp gevtsw<w$ Sar I

svl vE Wc QL~<

failure and status change in CMC switches.

2 Lacking lamp redundancy in CMC etym/ Lp<AQ gr J by~4} Ic 41IE.


3 Lacking lamp test capability for Pev)em d>.5 iQ~

.I Pauli IXdm'C CMC switches.

5 Interchange of legend screens on Change procedure to single-legend Electric Bus panel (B01). screen removal.

13 =

Sharp edges on book stops Round all edges and corners.

(B02, 07).

14 Interchange of legend screens on Change procedure to single-legend SESS panel (B02). screen removal.

20 Confusing mimic of flow to and Change mimic to clarify.

from reactor on CVCS panel (B03).

21 Interchange of legend screens Change procedure to single-legend on CEDM panel and Reactor. Power screen removal.

cutback system (B04).

23 Wrong label on Reactor Coolant Change label.

Pump 1B Start/Stop switch.

31 Lacking valve position indication Add valve position indicator.

on demineralizer bypass jog valve (B05) ~

32 Lacking lamp redundancy on Rf Vlf&I <) y>Y ZQI'f/p(I Generex panel (B06).

33 Lamp removal is from back of Redesign for removal from front. 'f Generex panel (B06). panel 3-7

TABLE 3-2C (Continued)

HED No. Discre anc Corrective Action 47 Inconsistent terminology on Change alarm window.

alarm window for header pressure (B06) ~

49 High glare on Cooling Tower Fan Change to matt finish displays.

Control panel displays (B07).

50 'nterchange of legend screens on Change procedure to single-legend Cooling Tower Fan Control panel

'C screen removal.


51 Typing-over of data on multipoint Re~>ex J.~Tg gag i /') J recorders (B07). a t aecessa ~j~ + 4;7 J~T~ uje'.

52 Non-functional colored strips on Remove strips.

some boards" 53 Glare on CRT screens. Install CRT hoods.

54 Missing labels on CRT data Reprogram to add labels.


55 Lacks label highlighting on Reprogram to highlight labels.

CRT data display.

56 Inadequate bookshelves. Add bookshelves.

58 Lack of, operator understanding Provide operator training.

of control board design.

63 Lack of distinction between 'Provi 4c diffi~yviphi~p ~art-'<<~$ 0 legend switches and backlighted Z~ipf,p r 4 n ck d >Pal a,yc, displays.

64 Specular glare from all displays Use matt surfaces for these on lower 2 slopes of each board. displays.

65 Excessive CRT brightness from allow operator discretion on room lighting (B01). room lighting level.

69 Glare on SESS panel binders light- Change to matt surface displays.

on determination.


TABLE 3-2C (Continued)

HED No. Discre anc Corrective Action 72 Use of green light brightness for Ensure a clear distinction in faulted vs. normal status on light brightness.

Electric Bus (B01).

73 Inconsistent terminology between Change alarm windows.

H2 train alarms and control labels (B02).

75 Lacking overload indications on Add overload markings.

ammeters for large pumps.

78 Non-conformance between SESS Change SESS panel layout.

panel and control panel layouts (B02) ~

82 Inconsistent label location for Relocate labels.

the four DNBR/LPD calculators (BOS).

85 Inconsistent alarm legends for Change window legend.

linear power density (B05).

90 Inconsistent alarm legends Change legend to. correct COND vs- CNDS on B06. terminology.

91 Inconsistent terminology between Change alarm window legend.

alarms and controls for generator seal oil (B06).

92 Large size of Power Factor meters Change to smaller MEGAVAR meters.

not consistent with importance.

(B06) ~

93 Inconsistent mode select sequence Change mode select lineup.

of MSR switches (B06) ~

94 PMS trouble alarm location not Move alarm to Bog.

convenient (Solg.

97 Interference of Control Knobs at M ove. knobs.

lower board slope change (B07).

TABLE 3-2C (Continued)

HED No. Discre anc Corrective Action 98 Glare on switch surfaces hinders Change to matt surfaces, og-light-on determination. adggaSt a mbgC'C fgyh+<<y levC l S 102 Moving scales in Foxboro displays. Change procedures to preclude movement by operators.

103 Low light intensity on scales of Change to lighter colored Foxboro contro'llers. filters o.n d 4'tag'+}gic M i~ Vms figg-teoVCnlt hf a t +>/S gg 4 ~ ehgPg 105 Over-similarity in appearance Color code facing.

of the 5 types of Foxboro controllers/displays.

109 Wrong label for alarm acknowledge Change +knee i*keir.

button on Radiation Monitor Terminal Lacking parameter units on Use pre-printed paper.

Foxboro recorders.

113 Uncomfortable key size on key- Change to larger keys.

switches for jog-valves.

114 More than 3 lines of text on Reduce text where possible.

several legends and indicators.

115 Missing mimics on Electric Add mimics.

Mimic Bus (B01).

116 Wrong colored lights on CPC Change lenses.

mode indicators.

117 Unnecessary location of Generator Move to miscellaneous cabinet.

Ground Voltmeter on B06.

h t

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