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EOC NRC Slides for Public Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/15/2011
Download: ML111640063 (21)


Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Annual Assessment Meeting 2010 Reactor Oversight Program Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region III Presented at Oak Harbor, Ohio June 15, 2011 1


  • Introduction
  • Review of Reactor Oversight Process
  • National Summary of Plant Performance
  • Di Discussion i off Pl Plant Performance P f Results R l
  • Davis-Besse Response and Remarks
  • NRC Closing Remarks
  • Break
  • NRC available to address public questions 2

NRC Strategic Plan Goals Safety Ensure adequate protection of public health and safety and the environment.

Security Ensure adequate protection in the secure use and management of radioactive materials.


Reactor Oversight Process 3 Strategic g Performance Areas are divided into 7 Cornerstones of Safety Inspection Findings and Performance Indicators are assigned to a Cornerstone Inspection Findings can be assigned a cross-cutting aspect (a causal factor for the performance deficiency)

Human Performance Problem Identification and Resolution Safety Conscious Work Environment Numerous findings with a common cross-cutting aspect could result in a Substantive Cross-Cutting Issue 4

Reactor Oversight Process Strategic Performance Areas Safety Cornerstones Inspection Performance Indicator Results Results Significance Significance Evaluation Evaluation Action Matrix Regulatory



Significance Threshold Performance Indicators Green: Baseline Inspection Program White: Increased NRC oversight Yellow:

Yellow Increased NRC oversight Red: Increased NRC oversight Inspection Findings Green: Very low safety significance White: Low to moderate safety significance Yellow:

Yellow Substantial safety significance Red: High safety significance 6

Action Matrix Concept Multiple/Rep.

Licensee Regulatory Degraded Unacceptable Degraded Response Response Cornerstone Performance Cornerstone Increased safety significance of findings and performance indicators results in movement to the right Movement to the right results in:

NRC supplemental inspections Increased Management Involvement Increased Regulatory Actions 7

National Summary of Plant Performance Status as of 12/31/2010 Licensee Response 89 Regulatory Response 9 Degraded Cornerstone 6 Multiple/Repetitive Deg. Cornerstone 0 Unacceptable 0 Total 104 8

National Summary

  • Performance Indicator Results for 2010

- Green 7009

- White 23

- Yellow 0

- Red 0

  • Total Inspection Findings in 2010

- Green 816

- White 9

- Yellow 2

- Red 0 9

Davis-Besse Annual Assessment Summary January 1 - December 31, 2010

  • FENOC operated the plant safely and in a manner that preserved the public health and safety and protected the environment.
  • Davis-Besse was in the Licensee Response Column of the NRCs ROP Action Matrix for the last quarter of 2010.


Davis-Besse Inspection Activities January 1 - December 31, 2010

  • 3781 hours0.0438 days <br />1.05 hours <br />0.00625 weeks <br />0.00144 months <br /> of inspection and related activities*
  • 2 resident inspectors on site - residents make four quarterly inspection reports per year and walk through the plant every day
  • 3 major team inspections

- SIT Inspection for CRDM Nozzle Indications

- Triennial Fire Protection Inspection

- Modifications / 50.59 Inspection

  • Includes SIT Inspection 11

Davis-Besse PIs and Findings January 1 - December 31, 2010

  • All Green Performance Indicators

NRC Inspection Findings January 1 - December 31, 2010

  • Inappropriate Design Change Control with Fuel Transfer Tube Seal Configuration
  • Inadequate or Unqualified Procedures for Certain Reactor Head Repair Activities
  • Failure to Maintain Blackout Diesel Generator Cables in a Non-Wetted Environment
  • Inadequate Procedure for Postulated Loss of Coolant Accident Outside Containment 13

NRC Plans for 2011 January 1 - December 31, 2010

  • NRC plans baseline inspections at Davis-Besse for 2011. This includes:

- Biennial PI&R Inspection; 02/14/2011-03/04/2011 (complete)

- Li License Renewal R l Inspection; I ti 04/25/2011-05/13/2011 04/25/2011 05/13/2011 (complete)

- Triennial Heat Sink Inspection; 06/27/2011-07/01/2011

- Head Replacement Inspection; 10/01/2011-11/30/2011 14

Licensee Response and Remarks Barry Allen Site Vice President, Davis-Besse FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company 15

What Do You Think of the ROP?

  • The biennial ROP external survey is coming 3rd Quarter 2011, and we want to hear from you!

Open to the Public

  • The NRC places a high priority on keeping the public and stakeholders informed of its activities.
  • At you can:

- Review NRC inspection reports

- Find public meeting dates and transcripts

- Read NRC testimony, speeches, press releases, and policy decisions

- Access the agencys Electronic Reading Room to find NRC publications and documents 17

NRC Representatives

  • Dan Kimble, Senior Resident Inspector

- (419) 244-4494

- (419) 244-4494

- ((630)) 829-9833 18

Contacting the NRC

  • Report an emergency

- (301) 816-5100 (collect calls accepted)

  • Report a safety concern

- (800) 695-7403


  • General information or questions


- Select What We Do for Public Affairs 19

Reference Sources

  • Reactor Oversight Process


  • Public Electronic Reading Room


  • Public Document Room 800-397-4209 (Toll Free) 20

End of Presentation 2010 Reactor Oversight Program Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region III Presented at Oak Harbor, Ohio June 15, 2011 21