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Midcycle Performance Review and Inspection Plan, Wolf Creek Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 08/26/2002
From: Graves D
To: Maynard O
Wolf Creek
Download: ML022410202 (7)


E,. UNITED STATES 0, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION IV 611 RYAN PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 400 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011-4005 August 26, 2002 Otto L. Maynard, President and Chief Executive Officer Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 INSPECTION PLAN



Dear Mr. Maynard:

of its midcycle plant performance assessment On August 1, 2002, the NRC staff completed 0305, with NRC Inspection Manual Chapter Wolf Creek Generating Station. In accordance of all the midcycle review involved the participation "Operating Reactor Assessment Program," facility of your Wolf Creek Generating Station technical divisions in evaluating the performance fThe cycle, January 1 through December 31, 2002.

for the first half of the current assessment during this assessment of your safety performance purpose of this letter is to inform you of our an opportunity to at your facility so that you will have period and our plans for future inspections conflict us of any planned inspections which may prepare for these inspections and to inform with your plant activities.

of the was within the Licensee Response column Plant performance for the most recent quarter very low safety findings being classified as having NRC's Action Matrix, based on all inspection requiring indicators indicating performance at a level significance (Green) and all performance we plan to conduct only baseline and safety no additional NRC oversight (Green). Therefore, 30, 2003. However, the significance of a issues inspections at your facility through September heat exchanger tube degradation is still under finding regarding emergency diesel generator Process.

review as part of the Significance Determination 30, 2003.

inspections scheduled through September The enclosed inspection plan details the for the resource impact on your staff and to allow The inspection plan is provided to minimize to be resolved in advance of inspector arrival scheduling conflicts and personnel availability nature.

listed due to their ongoing and continuous onsite. Routine resident inspections are not at the end-of-cycle tentative and may be revised The last 6 months of the inspection plan are review.

a Temporary Instruction (TI) that will be used In addition, the NRC is in the process of finalizing Measures required by the Agency's to review implementation of the Interim Compensatory power plants dated February 25, 2002. Schedules Security Order to all commercial nuclear next that these inspections will begin within the have not yet been finalized, but it is anticipated will be communicated by separate calendar quarter. Once finalized, the details correspondence.

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

If circumstances arise which cause us to change the inspection plan, we will contact you to discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact me at 817/860-8141 with any questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.

Sincerely, David N. Graves, Chief Project Branch B Division of Reactor Projects Docket: 50-482 License: NPF-42


Wolf Creek Generating Station Inspection/Activity Plan cc:

Vice President Operations Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.

P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Jay Silberg, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 2300 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 Supervisor Licensing Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.

P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Chief Engineer Utilities Division Kansas Corporation Commission 1500 SW Arrowhead Rd.

Topeka, Kansas 66604-4027

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Office of the Governor State of Kansas Topeka, Kansas 66612 Attorney General Judicial Center 301 S.W. 10th 2nd Floor Topeka, Kansas 66612-1597 County Clerk Coffey County Courthouse 110 South 6th Street Burlington, Kansas 66839-1798 Vick L. Cooper, Chief Radiation Control Program, RCP Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Air and Radiation 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310 Topeka, Kansas 66612-1366 Frank Moussa Division of Emergency Preparedness 2800 SW Topeka Blvd Topeka, Kansas 66611-1287 Gene Merry, Chairman Coffey County Commissioner Coffey County Courthouse 110 South 6th Street Burlington, Kansas 66839 Rebecca Jewett Coffey County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Coffey County Courthouse 110 South 6th Street Burlington, Kansas 66839 The Honorable Ron Stump Mayor, City of Burlington City Hall P.O. Box 207 Burlington, Kansas 66839

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation -4 The Honorable Bill Freemen Mayor, City of LeRoy 406 2nd Street LeRoy, Kansas 66857 The Honorable Robert Harkrader Mayor, City of New Strawn City Hall P.O. Box 922 New Strawn, Kansas 66871 The Honorable Leon Sutton Mayor, City of Waverly 717 W. 6th Waverly, Kansas 66871 David Beck Allen County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Allen County Courthouse P.O. Box 433 Iola, Kansas 66749 Jackie Miller Lyon County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator 425 Mechanic St.

Emporia, Kansas 66801 Gary Benjamin Anderson County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator 315 Orange Street Garnett, Kansas 66032 Cecil L. Wright, Executive Director Public Service Commission P.O. Box 360 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Federal Emergency Management Agency Dick Hainje, Regional Director Region VII 2323 Grand Blvd., Suite 900 Kansas City, Missouri 64108-2670

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation -5 Ronald A. Kucera, Deputy Director for Public Policy Department of Natural Resources 205 Jefferson Street Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 Gary McNutt, Deputy Director Section for Environmental Public Health P.O. Box 570 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Jerry Uhlmann, Director State Emergency Management State Emergency Management Agency P.O. Box 116 Jefferson City, Missouri 65109 Randy Rogers, Sheriff Coffey County Sheriff's Dept.

110 South 6th Street Burlington, Kansas 66839 The Honorable Larry Kelley Mayor, City of Gridley P.O. Box 182 Gridley, Kansas 66852 The Honorable Ed Fisher Mayor, City of Lebo P.O. Box 14 Lebo, Kansas 66856 Robby Atkins, Sheriff Allen County Courthouse P.O. Box 433 Iola, Kansas 66749

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Electronic distribution by RIV:

Regional Administrator (EWM)

DRP Director (KEB)

DRS Director (EEC)

Senior Resident Inspector (FLB2)

SRI, Callaway (JDHI1)

Branch Chief, DRP/B (DNG)

Senior Project Engineer, DRP/B (RAK1)

Staff Chief, DRPITSS (PHH)

RITS Coordinator (NBH)

RidsNrrDipmlipb B. Henderson, PAO (BWH)

W. A. Maier, RSLO (WAM)

C. J. Gordon (CJG)

DRS Branch Chiefs (GMG, ATG, CSM)

W. D. Travers, EDO (WDT)

C. A. Carpenter, Chief, NRRIDIPM/IIPB (CAC)

R. K. Frahm, PPR Program Manager, NRR/DIPM/IIPB (RKF)

R. W. Borchardt, Associate Dir. for Inspection and Programs (RWB1)

B. W. Sheron, Associate Dir. for Project Licensing and Technical Analysis (BWS)

J. Shea, Chief, Regional Operations Staff, OEDO (JWS1)

W. Ruland, NRR Project Director (WHR)

S. Dembek, Chief, Section 2, NRR/DLPM (SXD)

Jack Donohew, Project Manager (JND)

Hard Copy:

Records Center, INPO S:\DRP\DRPDIR\Midcycle 2002\WC.wpd IDNGr ves;df EER21lia KEBrockman DNGraves 8/ ý /02 8/V-;/02 8/ '02 81b t /02 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY T=I elephone i:=l--mall i-=Fax

Page 1 of 1 Wolf Creek 08/09/2002 10:55:49 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 08/18/2002 - 09/30/2003 Unituml No. o of Number n SStaff i t 8 " I[ Planned Dates Inspection 1vet Inspection Activity R[ I Title S...on . SIte I Start End Tvne EMS - TRIENNIAL FP .4 IP 7111105T Fire Protection 09/23/2002 09/27/2002 Baseline Inspections IP 7111105T Fire Protection 10/07/2002 10/11/2002 Baseline Inspections PSB-EP1 - EP PROGRAM BASELINE INSPECTION Ip 7111402 Alert and Notification System Testing 12/09/2002 12/13/2002 Baseline Inspections 1P 7111403 Emergency Response Organization Augmentation Testing 12/09/2002 12/13/2002 Baseline Inspections IP 7111404 Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes 12/09/2002 12/13/2002 Baseline Inspections IP 7111405 Correction of Emergency Preparedness Weaknesses and Deficiencies 12/09/2002 12/13/2002 Baseline Inspections IP 71151 Performance Indicator Verification 12/09/2002 12/13/2002 Baseline Inspections PSB-S1 - ACCESS AUTH/CONTROL, SEC PLAN, PIV 1 IP 7113001 Access Authorization Program (Behavior Observation Only) 01/06/2003 01/10/2003 Baseline Inspections IP 7113002 Access Control (Search of Personnel, Packages, and Vehicles: Identification and Authorizati 01/06/2003 01/10/2003 Baseline Inspections IP 7113004 Security Plan Changes 01/06/2003 01/10/2003 Baseline Inspections IP 71151 Performance Indicator Verification 01/06/2003 01/10/2003 Baseline Inspections EMB - BIENNIAL MR INSPECTION 1 IP 7111112B Maintenance Effectiveness 02/03/2003 02/07/2003 Baseline Inspections EMS -SSD&PCI 5 1 IP 7111121 Safety System Design and Performance Capability

! 06/02/2003 06/06/2003 Baseline Inspections IP 7111121 Safety System Design and Performance Capability 06/16/2003 06/20/2003 Baseline Inspections EMB - 50.59 1 IP 7111102 Evaluation of Changes, Tests, or Experiments 06/02/2003 06/06/2003 Baseline Inspections PSB-EP1 - EP EXERCISE BASELINE INSPECTION 2 1 IP 7111401 Exercise Evaluation 06/04/2003 1 06/05/2003 Baseline Inspections IP 7111404 Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes 1 06/04/2003 06/05/2003 Baseline inspections IP 71151 Performance Indicator Verification 06/04/2003 06/05/2003 Baseline Inspections EMS - HEAT SINK 1 IP 7111107B Heat Sink Performance 06/16/2003 06/20/2003 Baseline Inspections OB-R0 - REQUAL INSPECTION 2 iF 7111111B Licensed Operator Requalification 08/04/2003 08/08/2003 Baseline Inspections This report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities, This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures,