ML022100206 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Brunswick, Turkey Point |
Issue date: | 07/25/2002 |
From: | Travers W NRC/EDO |
To: | Meserve R NRC/Chairman |
Nieh H | |
References | |
-nr | |
Download: ML022100206 (94) | |
July 25, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman Meserve FROM: William D. Travers /RA/
Executive Director for Operations
JUNE 2002 UPDATE OF THE STAFFS RESPONSE TO THE CHAIRMANS TASKING MEMORANDUM Attached for your information is the June 2002 update of the staffs planned actions to address the issues raised during the July 30, 1998, hearing before the Senate Subcommittee on Clean Air and Wetlands, Private Property, and Nuclear Safety, and the July 17, 1998, Commission meeting with stakeholders. Significant additions to and changes from the May 2002 update are highlighted by redline and strikeout markings.
Since the last update, the staff completed the following significant milestones:
- 1. Renewed the operating licenses of the Turkey Point nuclear power plant Units 3 and 4 for an additional 20 years.
- 2. Completed the staff review of the Brunswick Units 1 and 2 15 percent power uprate amendment requests.
- 3. Completed the staff review for the safety evaluation report on the General Electric (GE) topical report on the boiling water reactor (BWR) Constant Pressure Power Uprates.
- 4. Prepared a Research Information Letter to provide technical basis for revising Regulatory Guide 1.157 to incorporate performance-based ECCS evaluation model and acceptance criteria for 10 CFR 50.46.
- 5. Published a NUREG/CR report describing a generic flaw density and size distribution as part of the effort related to reevaluating the technical basis for the Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule (10 CFR 50.61).
- 6. Completed the fuel behavior and kinetics code modifications to support the evaluation of the use of mixed oxide fuel in nuclear power reactors.
Since the May 2002 update, there were schedule changes associated with several ongoing NRC staff activities, including: (1) the completion of the review of the GE topical report for BWR thermal power optimization power uprates; (2) the completion of the license transfer orders for Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2; (3) the issuance of the Part 71 Certificate of Compliance and safety evaluation report related to the BNFL Fuel Solutions cask review; and (4) providing additional recommendations to the Commission on exemption issues related to the Part 40 rulemaking effort.
Chairman Meserve 2 In addition to the NRC staff activities described in the Chairmans Tasking Memorandum, the staff continues its efforts in responding to the reactor vessel head degradation at Davis-Besse.
These activities include the monitoring of licensee activities by the NRC special oversight panel, the pending issuance of a new Bulletin by the NRC staff to address interim vessel head penetration inspection methods and frequencies, and the NRC Task Force conducting an independent evaluation of the NRC's regulatory processes.
As stated cc: Commissioner Dicus Commissioner Diaz Commissioner McGaffigan OGC CFO SECY
Chairman Meserve 2 In addition to the NRC staff activities described in the Chairmans Tasking Memorandum, the staff continues its efforts in responding to the reactor vessel head degradation at Davis-Besse.
These activities include the monitoring of licensee activities by the NRC special oversight panel, the pending issuance of a new Bulletin by the NRC staff to address interim vessel head penetration inspection methods and frequencies, and the NRC Task Force conducting an independent evaluation of the NRC's regulatory processes.
As stated cc: Commissioner Dicus Commissioner Diaz Commissioner McGaffigan OGC CFO SECY DISTRIBUTION: See next page
- See previous concurrence DOCUMENT NAME: ML022100206.wpd To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copy OFFICE ROPMS* C:ROPMS* EDO*
NAME HNieh JShea WDTravers DATE 07/16/02 07/17/02 07/25/02 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
Distribution: via e-mail B. John Garrick, ACNW Gary Holahan, NRR George Apostolakis, ACRS F. Eltawila, RES John T. Larkins, ACRS/ACNW M. Johnson, NRR G. Paul Bollwerk, III, ASLBP F. Gillespie, NRR Karen D. Cyr, OGC J. Johnson, NRR John F. Cordes, Jr., OCAA C. Grimes, NRR Stuart Reiter, CIO D. Matthews, NRR Jesse L. Funches, CFO B. Boger, NRR Hubert T. Bell, IG B. Sheron, NRR Janice Dunn-Lee, OIP R. Wood, NRR Dennis K. Rathbun, OCA T. Quay, NRR William M. Beecher, OPA D. Allison, NRR Annette Vietti-Cook, SECY J. Jacobson, NRR William F. Kane, DEDR L. Chandler, OGC Carl Paperiello, DEDMRS J. Flack, RES Patricia G. Norry, DEDM EDO Staff John Craig, OEDO EDO R/F Michael L. Springer, ADM DEDR R/F Richard Borchardt, NRR Frank Congel, OE Guy P. Caputo, OI Irene P. Little, SBCR Samuel J. Collins, NRR Paul H. Lohaus, STP Josephine Piccone, STP Hubert J. Miller, RI Luis A. Reyes, RII James E. Dyer, RIII Ellis W. Merschoff, RIV Marty Virgilio, NMSS John Greeves, NMSS Don Cool, NMSS Josephine Piccone, NMSS Michael Weber, NMSS Robert Pierson, NSIR William Brach, NMSS Susan Shankman, NMSS Wayne Hodges, NMSS Margaret Federline, NMSS Roy Zimmerman, NSIR Ashok C. Thadani, RES
June 30, 2002 Table of Contents I. Topic Area: Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A. Risk-Informed Regulatory Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- 1) Risk-Informing the Scope of Certain Part 50 Requirements (Option 2) . . . . . 4
- 2) Risk-Informed Technical Requirements in 10 CFR Part 50 (Option 3) . . . . . . 6 B. Develop Standards for the Application of Risk-informed, Performance-based Regulation in Conjunction with National Standards Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 C. Reevaluate the Technical Basis for the Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule (10 CFR 50.61) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 II. Topic Area: Reactor Inspection and Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A. Enforcement Program Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 III. Topic Area: Reactor Oversight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A. Reactor Oversight Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 A. Improved Standard Technical Specifications (iSTS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 B. Decommissioning Regulatory Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 C. Potassium Iodide (KI) Rule Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 D. Reactor Fire Protection Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Rulemaking . . . . . . . . . 22 E. Utilization of Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel in Nuclear Power Reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 F. High Burnup Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 G. Power Uprates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 H. Steam Generator Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 I. New Reactor Licensing Readiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 J. Instrumentation and Control Research Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 V. Topic Area: License Renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 A. License Renewal (includes Plant Specific Reviews and Generic Process Improvements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 VI. Topic Area: License Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 A. License Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 A. Dual Purpose Spent Fuel Cask Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
- 1) BNFL FuelSolutions - FuelSolutions Cask Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
- 2) NAC-UMS Cask Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 B. ISFSI Licensing - Private Fuel Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 C. Generic Spent Fuel Transportation Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
- 1) Re-examination of Spent Fuel Shipment Risk Estimates, NUREG/CR-6672
............................................................ 57
- 2) Package Performance Study: Update of Spent Fuel Shipping Container Performance in Severe Highway and Railway Accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
- 3) Characterization of Fuel Stored in Dry Cask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
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June 30, 2002 D. Part 41 Rulemaking: Domestic Licensing of Uranium and Thorium Recovery Activities and Uranium Recovery Concerns - and Related Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 E. Part 40 Rulemaking: Licensing of Source Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 F. West Valley Decommissioning Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 G. Site Decommissioning Management Plan Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 H. Prepare for Licensing a HLW Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 I. Control of Solid Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 J. Part 73 Rulemaking: Spent Fuel Shipment Information Protection Requirements . . . 72 K. Part 71 Rulemaking: Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material . . . . . . 73 L . Part 70 Rulemaking: Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material . . . . . . . . . . . 75 M. Develop Rulemaking for Parts 40, 75, 110, and 150 (Implement IAEA Safeguards Agreement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 N. Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Facility Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 O. Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Oversight Program for Fuel Cycle Facilities
.................................................................... 81 P. Material Protection, Control, and Accounting (MPC&A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
- 1) MPC&A Regulatory Program Support to Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan
............................................................ 83
- 2) Part 74 Rulemaking: Material Control and Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 VIII. Topic Area: Changes to NRCs Hearing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 A. Use of Informal Adjudicatory Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 IX. Topic Area: State Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 A. Agreement with the State of Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 B. Agreement with the State of Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 C. Agreement with the State of Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 X. Topic Area: NRC Administration and Support Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 A. Agency-wide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) . . . . . . . . . . . 90 B. Strategic Workforce Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 XI. Topic Area: Nuclear Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 A. Reactor Safeguards Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
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June 30, 2002 I. Topic Area: Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Regulation A. Risk-Informed Regulatory Initiatives
- 1) Risk-Informing the Scope of Certain Part 50 Requirements (Option 2)
SES Manager: Christopher Grimes, Program Director, RPRP/DRIP/NRR Objective: To modify the scope of special treatment requirements to be risk-informed in accordance with the rulemaking plan of SECY-99-256 and its associated SRM of January 31, 2000.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Commission paper assessing Advanced Notice of 9/7/00C T. Bergman, Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) comments and other issues DRIP (199900061) (SECY-00-0194)
- 2. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) complete draft guidelines 1/19/01C N/A submitted for staff endorsement
- 3. Initiate pilot program 3/01C M. Shuaibi, DLPM
- 4. Provide final round of comments to NEI on NEI 00-04 2/08/02C T. Reed, DRIP Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 5. Submit proposed rulemaking to Commission 09/30/02 T. Reed, DRIP (199900061)
- 6. Provide proposed rule to House and Senate SRM + 1 T. Reed, DRIP Appropriations Committees one month after Commission month approval (199900061)
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 7. Submit final rulemaking to Commission (199900061) milestone 6 T. Reed, DRIP
+ 15 mos
- 8. Final rule to Congressional Appropriations Committees SRM + 1 T. Reed, DRIP one month after Commission approval (199900061) month
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
- 3. During the June 27, 2001, public meeting with NEI, the staff indicated that there were no major issues that couldnt be resolved regarding the categorization portion of the guidance and that pilot effort (which focuses predominantly on the categorization portion of Option
- 2) could proceed. Three owners groups are participating in the pilot effort: BWROG, CEOG, and WOG. The BWR pilot (Quad Cities) held its integrated decision-making panel (IDP) on August 15 and 16, 2001. The WOG pilot plants (Wolf Creek and Surry) held its IDPs on October 24-25, 2001, and February 4, 2002, respectively. The IDP for the CEOG pilot (Palo Verde) was completed during March 2002.
- 4. NEI has informed the staff that its best estimate for submittal of submitted the revised draft of its implementation guideline, NEI 00-04, is on June 28, 2002. Significant changes from the previous draft are anticipated in view of the staff comments, ACRS comments and pilot plant experience. The staff plans to meet with ACRS in September to discuss the proposed rule package including the ACRS concerns with the implementation guidance.
- 5. The comment period on the draft rule language ended on December 31, 2001. Ten sets of comments were submitted. The staff reposted posted the second draft of the rule language on the NRCs website for information on April 5, 2002. NEI provided comments on the draft language by letter dated May 15, 2002, indicating their view that substantive issues remain to be resolved. The staff also expects ASME to provided comments in early by letters dated June 3, and 17, 2002. The staff is planning to meet met with NEI, ASME, and other stakeholders in on June 18, 2002, and discussed mid-June 2002 to discuss the draft rule language and the stakeholder comments. The staff will post a final version of the draft rule language on the web site during July 2002. This version will be the basis for the proposed rule that is due to the Commission during September 2002.
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June 30, 2002 I. Topic Area: Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Regulation A. Risk-Informed Regulatory Initiatives
- 2) Risk-Informed Technical Requirements in 10 CFR Part 50 (Option 3)
SES Manager: Mark Cunningham, Branch Chief, PRAB/DRAA/RES Objective: To identify and evaluate technical requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 that are candidates to be risk-informed and then to recommend modifications to Part 50, consistent with Option 3 of SECY-98-300 and its associated SRM dated June 8, 1999. The goal is for the technical requirements of Part 50 to be commensurate with their contribution to public health and safety such that safety is maintained without unnecessary regulatory burden.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Identify preliminary set of proposed changes and 9/14/00C M. Drouin, RES recommendations (199900062)
- 2. Status report to Commission (199900062) 2/05/01C M. Drouin, RES
- 3. Feasibility study and recommendations on risk-informing 7/23/01C M. Drouin, RES ECCS (10 CFR 50.46) (199900062) (SECY-01-0133)
- 4. Recommendations on risk informing requirements for 8/23/01C S. Magruder, combustible gas control systems (10 CFR 50.44) NRR (200100003)
- 5. Plan and schedule for completion of Option 3 7/23/01C M. Drouin, RES (199900062) (SECY-01-0133)
- 6. Submit proposed 10 CFR 50.44 rulemaking to the 5/13/02C A. Markley, Commission (200100003) NRR/DRIP Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 8. Prepare Research Information Letter to provide technical 07/02 R. Meyer, RES basis for revising Reg. Guide 1.157 to incorporate 6/20/02C performance-based ECCS evaluation model and acceptance criteria for 50.46
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June 30, 2002 Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
- 6. Proposed rulemaking submitted to Commission in SECY-02-0080.
Page 7
June 30, 2002 I. Topic Area: Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Regulation B. Develop Standards for the Application of Risk-informed, Performance-based Regulation in Conjunction with National Standards Committees SES Manager: Mark Cunningham, Branch Chief, PRAB/DRAA/RES Objective: To make efficient use of agency resources by actively participating in the consensus standards process to develop standards for PRA that support the implementation of risk-informed regulation in a manner that maintains safety.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Draft PRA standard on external hazards (e.g., seismic) 01/26/01C M. Drouin, RES released by the American Nuclear Society (ANS) for public comment.
- 2. Final fire PRA standard issued by National Fire 04/01/01C N. Siu, RES Protection Association (NFPA).
- 3. Review and provide NRC comments on ANS draft PRA 05/17/01C M. Drouin, RES standard on external hazards.
- 4. Final PRA standard on internal events issued by ASME 04/05/02C M. Drouin, RES Through December 2002
- 5. Draft PRA standard on Low Power and Shutdown 12/02 M. Drouin, RES (LPSD) issued by ANS for public comment.
- 6. Final ANS standard on external hazards completed. 12/02 M. Drouin, RES Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
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June 30, 2002 I. Topic Area: Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Regulation C. Reevaluate the Technical Basis for the Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule (10 CFR 50.61)
SES Manager: Michael Mayfield, Director DET/RES Objective: To develop the technical basis for a risk-informed revision to the pressurized thermal shock (PTS) rule, 10 CFR 50.61, screening criteria by applying recent advances in probabilistic reactor pressure vessel (RPV) integrity analysis, methods for calculating the thermal-hydraulics (TH) response of a PWR to potential PTS loading transients, and application of PRA results in identifying key operational transients that could affect the RPV.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Develop revised PTS risk acceptance criteria 6/23/00C N. Siu, RES (199900115) (SECY-00-0140)
- 2. Present details of revised PTS methodology to ACRS 1/15-16/02C E. Hackett, RES Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 4. Publish NUREG/CR report describing a generic flaw 6/28/02C D. Jackson, density and size distribution RES
- 6. Present the technical basis for proposed changes in 10 12/02 S. Malik, RES CFR 50.61 PTS screening criteria to ACRS
- 7. Present the technical basis for proposed changes in 10 12/02 N. Chokshi, CFR 50.61 PTS screening criteria to NRR for consideration RES of potential rulemaking.
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
- 3. The complex three-step process required to determine the risk estimates has been more difficult than anticipated. Extensive revisions to computer codes have been required to better address human factor elements. Unanticipated grouping of risk sequences has been necessary for use in the available computer codes. Additional interactions with licensees have been needed to assure model and data accuracy. To date, estimates for three of the four plants have been generated and are in various review stages. Efforts on the fourth plant have begun. The milestone schedule is being has been readjusted re-evaluated and changed and will be included in the next CTM update.
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June 30, 2002 II. Topic Area: Reactor Inspection and Enforcement A. Enforcement Program Initiatives SES Manager: Frank J. Congel, Director, Office of Enforcement Objective(s): Develop and implement improvements to the Enforcement program to increase efficiency and effectiveness, reduce unnecessary regulatory burden, and be aligned with the reactor oversight process.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Develop Enforcement Policy for the new reactor 3/9/00C B. Westreich, OE oversight process (200000022)
- 2. Publish Revised Enforcement Policy incorporating 5/1/00C R. Pedersen, OE Reactor Oversight changes
- 3. Develop 10 CFR 50.59 Enforcement Guidance 5/1/00C T. Reis, OE
- 4. Revise Enforcement Manual to incorporate Reactor 6/1/00C R. Pedersen, OE Oversight Program changes.
- 5. Provide Commission with Draft Recommendations of 5/9/01C B. Westreich, OE Discrimination Task Group. (200000090)
- 6. Provide recommendation on Enforcement Program 6/25/01C J. Luehman, OE following first year of ROP implementation (200000060)
- 7. Draft Staff Recommendation to Commission regarding 9/20/01C J. Luehman, OE use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Enforcement (2000000070) (SECY-01-0176)
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 9. Inform the Commission of the status of its review on the 6/4/02C J. Lubinski, OE use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the NRCs C. Cameron, OGC Enforcement Program, including a summary of public comments on the issue and plans for providing a final recommendation (200000070)
- 10. Recommendations regarding the Discrimination Task 7/02 B. Westreich, OE Group Report to the Commission (200000090) H. Nieh, OEDO
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June 30, 2002
- 11. Provide the Commission a proposed pilot program for 11/15/02 J. Lubinski, approval or provide an alternative recommendation B. Westreich, OE regarding the use of ADR.
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
- 10. The EDO directed that a senior management group review the final DTG report. This review will serve as a basis for developing the EDO recommendations regarding the DTG report for the Commission. The senior management review team completed its review on June 14, 2002. The preparation of the associated Commission paper is expected to be completed by mid-July 2002.
- 11. The staff plans to re-engage stakeholders through the issuance of a FRN requesting public comments on its plans to develop a pilot program and may hold public meetings or workshops. The staff is seeking stakeholder input in order to support development of the proposed pilot program or alternative recommendation.
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June 30, 2002 III. Topic Area: Reactor Oversight A. Reactor Oversight Process SES Manager: Cynthia A. Carpenter , IIPB/DIPM/NRR Program Managers: Mark A. Satorius, IIPB/DIPM/NRR Douglas H. Coe, IIPB/DIPM/NRR Objective: To continue to improve and implement a more objective, risk informed, efficient, and effective Reactor Oversight Process (ROP). The ROP will continue to require close scrutiny, oversight, and actions to develop and enhance processes such as Inspection, Significance Determination Process, Performance Indicators and Thresholds, Assessment, and Enforcement.
Coordination: Issue III.A. Reactor Oversight Process, requires close coordination and integration of specific tasks by the NRC staff. Responsible IIPB project managers are coordinating these tasks including assessing the impact of proposed program changes with other ongoing activities, to ensure that the overall objectives for each project are achieved. Examples of these activities include intra-project task force participation, workshop attendance, concurrent review of projects and periodic senior management briefings.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Issue Commission paper and brief Commission on the 3/00C W. Dean, DIPM Revised Reactor Oversight Process results of the pilot program and staff recommendation for initial implementation (199900070)
- 2. Commence initial implementation of new reactor 4/00C W. Dean, DIPM oversight process at all operating sites
- 3. Conduct internal lessons learned workshop to identify 3/01C W. Dean, DIPM Revised Reactor Oversight Process initial implementation issues, propose recommendations to address these issues, and issues to be considered for discussion in the lessons learned public workshop
- 4. Conduct lessons learned public workshop to obtain 3/01C W. Dean, DIPM stakeholder feedback on Revised Reactor Oversight Process initial implementation issues
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June 30, 2002 Prior to June 2002
- 5. Complete evaluation of implementation and 6/25/01C M. Johnson, effectiveness of the first year of implementation of the DIPM revised assessment process (199900070) including issuance of Commission paper (SECY-01-0114)
- 6. Brief Commission on the results of initial 7/20/01C M. Johnson, implementation of the Revised Reactor Oversight Process DIPM (199900070)
- 8. NRR and RES decision on direction of future RBPI 10/01C M. Johnson, program developments, including resolution of stakeholder NRR, comments on the Phase-1 RBPI report and consideration of a User Need letter for appropriate changes to the S. Newberry, Phase-1 and Phase-2 RBPI reports. RES
- 9. Provide a summary report describing NRCs historical 1/31/02C M. Satorius, efforts related to development and use of performance DIPM indicators
- 10. Provide status on SRM items with the annual ROP 4/03/02C M. Johnson, self-assessment results (200100034) DIPM
- 11. Issue SECY paper on the Industry Trends Program 4/01/02C T. Boyce, DIPM (200100034)
- 12. Issue annual SECY paper to the Commission on the 3/08/02C P. Baranowsky, Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) program (199200101) RES
- 13. Conduct Agency Action Review Meeting 4/02C C. Carpenter, DIPM Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Page 14
June 30, 2002 Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 14. Conduct end-of-cycle review meetings for each plant 02/03 Regional Administrators
- 15. Conduct Agency Action Review Meeting 4/03 C. Carpenter, DIPM
- 16. Conduct public meetings at all operating sites to 4/03 Regional discuss the results of plant performance Administrators
- 17. Issue SECY paper on the Industry Trends Program 4/03 T. Boyce, DIPM
- 18. Issue SECY paper on the annual ROP self- 4/03 C. Carpenter, assessment DIPM
- 19. Brief Commission on the results of annual ROP self- 5/03 C. Carpenter, assessment and Industry Trends Program DIPM Comments:
Page 15
June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight A. Improved Standard Technical Specifications (iSTS)
SES Manager: William Beckner, Branch Chief, RTSB/DRIP/NRR Objective: Conversion of facility technical specifications to the improved standard technical specifications (iSTS) will promote more consistent interpretation and application of technical specification requirements, thereby reducing the need for interpretations and frequent changes to the technical specifications.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Issue iSTS Amendment for NMP-2 2/15/00C R. Tjader, DRIP
- 2. Issue iSTS Amendment for IP-3 2/28/01C R. Tjader, DRIP
- 3. Issue iSTS Amendment for LaSalle 3/01/01C C. Schulten, DRIP
- 4. Issue iSTS Amendment for Quad Cities 3/01/01C C. Schulten, DRIP
- 5. Issue iSTS Amendment for Dresden 3/01/01C C. Schulten, DRIP
- 6. Issue iSTS Amendment for Point Beach 8/08/01C C. Harbuck, DRIP
- 7. Issue iSTS Amendment for ANO Unit 1 10/29/01C C. Harbuck, DRIP
- 8. Issue iSTS Amendment for North Anna 4/5/02C T. Le, DRIP Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead 109. Issue iSTS Amendment for Prairie Island 7/027/31/02 C. Schulten, DRIP 910. Issue iSTS Amendment for FitzPatrick 8/028/30/02 T. Le, DRIP Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None11. Indian Point 2 5/30/03 T. Le, DRIP Comments:
- 9. Licensee is re-evaluating their original ITS conversion submittal for final submittal.
Entergy is the new licensee and the previous submittal was prepared by the former
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June 30, 2002 licensee (New York Power Authority). Final submittal has not been received by the staff as of 4/25/02. Date is tentative pending resubmittal.
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June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight B. Decommissioning Regulatory Improvements SES Manager: Christopher Grimes , Program Director, RPRP /DRIP/NRR Objective: Initiate rulemaking activities based on an integrated approach to decommissioning nuclear power plants as discussed in SECY-99-168.
Coordination: This issue requires close coordination with internal and external stakeholders, including NMSS and RES, interested individuals and public interest groups, various federal and state regulatory organizations, and the industry. Responsible staff, supervisors and managers are ensuring that each step in the development of the various milestones is evaluated for its need to have active participation by the stakeholders. There have been numerous meetings, correspondence and telephone conversations throughout the process with the stakeholders. Examples of stakeholder involvement have included placing public and industry representatives on the agenda for Commission meetings with the staff, stakeholder attendance and participation at decommissioning workshops, and various public meetings to provide input into the staffs regulatory development activities.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Submit an integrated, risk-informed rulemaking plan for 6/28/00C B. Huffman, decommissioning nuclear power plants that addresses DRIP/RPRP emergency planning, insurance, safeguards, operator staffing &
training, and possibly other areas (SECY-00-0145)
- 2. Technical staff to finalize decommissioning spent fuel pool 12/20/00C G. Hubbard, draft study and risk objectives that can be used for DSSA/SPLB decommissioning regulatory decision making (199900132)
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 3. Submit policy options paper to the Commission (200000126) TBD B. Huffman DRIP/RPRP
- 4. Develop Commission memorandum providing supplemental TBD P. Ray information on safeguards issues and treatment of existing DRIP/RPRP exemptions provided to EDO for signature (200100085)
- 5. Submit a long-term plan of action for broad-scope TBD D. Dudley decommissioning regulatory improvement (199900133) DRIP/RPRP
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June 30, 2002
- 6. Revise as necessary and resubmit the integrated TBD B. Huffman, decommissioning rulemaking plan based on conclusions of DRIP/RPRP finalized decommissioning spent fuel pool risk study.
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
- 3. The staff briefed the ACRS on July 11, 2001, regarding the decommissioning policy issues contained in SECY 01-0100. Policy paper, SECY-01-0100, has been withdrawn per Commission memo dated 10/25/01 in consideration of the safeguards implications of the September 11, 2001 events. A schedule for resubmitting this paper will be developed in conjunction with findings and recommendations from the NRCs ongoing comprehensive review of its security and safeguards programs.
- 4. This paper has been returned to the staff in consideration of the September 11, 2001 events. The schedule for resubmitting this paper will be developed in conjunction with milestone 3.
5, 6. The long-term plan for broad-scope decommissioning regulatory improvement and the integrated decommissioning rulemaking plan schedule was to be provided to the Commission within 60 days of receiving the Commission response to the policy options paper, SECY-01-0100 dated June 4, 2001. The policy options paper has now been withdrawn in light of the 9/11/01 events and the staff memorandum to the Commission of 10/25/01. Until safeguards policy issues are reconsidered, the schedule for related decommissioning rulemaking activities cannot be determined.
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June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight C. Potassium Iodide (KI) Rule Implementation SES Manager: Theodore Quay, Branch Chief, IEHB/DIPM/NRR Objective: To implement the Commissions decision regarding the consideration of KI as a supplemental protective measure for the general public after a severe reactor accident. In addition, to work with other Federal agencies to revise the Federal policy on the use of KI in the event of a severe nuclear power plant emergency and to establish procedures, processes, and guidance for KI program implementation.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Publish Final Rule (199800173) (NRR) 1/19/01C M. Jamgochian, DRIP
- 2. Provide draft NUREG-1633 to Commission 5/7/02C K. Halvey Gibson, (200100005) (NRR) DIPM
- 3. Provide draft public information brochure on use of 5/7/02C K. Halvey Gibson, KI to Commission for review (200100005) (NRR) DIPM
- 4. Provide final public information brochure on use of KI TBD K. Halvey Gibson, to FEMA for publication DIPM
- 5. Develop procedures, processes and guidance for KI 11/21/01C K. Halvey Gibson, program implementation DIPM
- 6. Provide draft KI program implementation procedures, 11/21/01C K. Halvey Gibson, processes and guidance to Commission for review DIPM (20010020) (NRR)
- 7. Provide final KI program implementation procedures, 12/18/01C K. Halvey Gibson, processes and guidance to FEMA for publication DIPM
- 8. Develop final KI Federal policy FRN reflecting 11/21/01C K. Halvey Gibson, FRPCC review and send to Commission (199700193) DIPM
- 9. Publish KI Federal Policy FRN 1/10/02C K. Halvey Gibson, DIPM
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June 30, 2002 Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 10. Publish final NUREG-1633 TBD K. Halvey Gibson, DIPM
- 11. Post bid for KI procurement 12/21/02C DCPM/K. Halvey Gibson
- 12. Award contract for KI 2/1/02C K. Halvey Gibson/DCPM Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
11,12. DCPM in support of NRR request, prepared and posted offering for KI procurement.
Bids were received on January 9, 2002. The contract was awarded to Anbex, Inc. on February 1, 2002. As of, April 26, 2002, the States of Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Arizona, New Hampshire, Vermont, Florida, Delaware, New Jersey, and Alabama have received KI shipments. Pennsylvania has submitted a request that requires additional information prior to submittal for FEMA review and subsequent KI order. Ohio has submitted its request, which was forwarded to FEMA for review.
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June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight D. Reactor Fire Protection Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Rulemaking SES Manager: J. Hannon, Branch Chief, SPLB/DSSA/NRR Objective: To revise the fire protection regulations to endorse a risk-informed, performance-based consensus standard, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 805, Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, as an alternative to the existing requirements.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Update Commission on status of NFPA activities 12/22/00C E. Connell, SPLB (199900032). Commission paper signed 12/22/00.
- 2. Conduct public meeting with interested stakeholders 8/30/01C E. Connell, SPLB
- 3. Develop a revised rulemaking plan based on 10/09/01C L. Whitney, SPLB interactions with industry regarding their concerns with NFPA 805 (199900032)
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 4. Brief ACRS fire protection subcommittee and Full 6/02 L. Whitney, SPLB Committee on rulemaking efforts 6/7/02C
- 5. Brief CRGR on rulemaking efforts 6/02 L. Whitney, SPLB 6/11/02C
- 6. Submit Proposed Rule to Commission (199900032) 7/31/02 L. Whitney, SPLB
- 7. Publish proposed rule change for public comment 11/02 L. Whitney, SPLB Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 8. Resolve public comments 5/03 L. Whitney, SPLB
- 10. Submit final rule for Commission approval 11/03 L. Whitney, SPLB (199900032)
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
- 2. On August 30, 2001, agreement with NEI was reached on the rulemaking/guidance development process. Accordingly, the staff revised its NFPA 805 rulemaking plan to reflect the delays required for interactions with the industry, and issued a memorandum to the Commission (ADAMS ML012560401) to inform the Commission of (1) NEI agreement with the rulemaking process, and to (2) convey the revised rulemaking plan and completion schedule. The staff has placed draft rule text on the NRC Rulemaking Web site for early public comment. Comments received were generally in favor of this initiative. During spring, 2002, the staff placed two interim draft versions of the rule language on the NRC Rulemaking Web site for public information.
- 6. The staff has revised the date to the Commission (earlier). but remains within the bounds of the October 9, 2001, memorandum from the EDO to the Commission (see line item 3 above).
- 9. The staff has revised its rulemaking schedule to provide two months between ACRS review and CRGR briefs and submission of the final rule to the Commission. The due date to the Commission was not changed.
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June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight E. Utilization of Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel in Nuclear Power Reactors SES Manager: Farouk Eltawila, Director DSARE/RES Program Manager: Richard Lee, RES Objectives: To modify NRC neutronics and fuel codes, to obtain the necessary experimental data needed to confirm these codes, which will be used to perform analyses to assess the risk associated with the use of MOX fuel in commercial PWRs. This program will also develop the technical basis to evaluate whether the regulatory criteria and guidelines developed for UO2 fuel is adequate for MOX fuel.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Complete agreement with Institut de Protection et de 12/13/00C A. Szukiewicz, Sûrete Nuclnaire (IPSN), France, to obtain data on MOX RES fuel.
- 2. Issue draft agreement with Japan Atomic Energy 01/26/01C A. Szukiewicz, Research Institute (JAERI) Japan, to obtain data on MOX RES fuel.
- 3. Issue draft phenomena identification and ranking 03/26/02C R. Lee, RES tables (PIRT) report on reactivity insertion accidents, PWR LOCA and the applicability of NUREG-1465 source term to MOX fuel.
- 4. Meet with the ACRS subcommittee to discuss PIRT 05/02/02C J. Schaperow, results and proposed research plan to address source RES term issues Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
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June 30, 2002 Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 6. Complete fuel behavior code (FRAP) modification. 02/03 R. Lee, RES
- 7. Complete kinetics code (PARCS) modification. 09/03 R. Lee, RES
- 68. This activity is long-term with an anticipated TBD R. Lee, RES completion date (e.g., SRM, Regulatory Guide) in 2005 Comments:
- 5. The agreement with JAERI includes data for both MOX and high burnup fuel (CTM Section IV.F). Draft agreement sent to JAERI for review in January 2001. Due to recent re-organization in JAERI, additional time is needed for them to review the agreement.
Additional time is needed for JAERI to resolve administrative issues, with the Science and Technology Agency (STA) and other government organizations, to allow them to enter into an agreement with NRC directly. A revised draft agreement was sent to JAERI on June 28, 2002, for their review/comment and approval. The revised document includes future cooperation and information exchange in the area of HTGR designs. Review time is needed for JAERI and their associated ministries (MEXT/MOFA) to review and approve the agreement. Recently JAERI resolved their internal administrative issues, and issues with MEXT (formerly Science and Technology Agency (STA)) and other government organizations which will allow them to enter into an agreement with NRC directly. This agreement was on hold for over one and a half years until the new reorganized ministries would permit JAERI to enter into an agreement with the NRC. Negotiations to complete this activity are ongoing.
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June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight F. High Burnup Fuel SES Manager: Farouk Eltawila, Director, DSARE/RES Objectives: To develop the technical bases for confirming or revising existing criteria and analytical methods for high burnup fuel with respect to reactivity insertion accident, the loss-of-coolant accidents and requirements in 10 CFR 50.46, Appendix A and Appendix K, and related source term.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Complete umbrella agreement with Institut de 10/23/00C A. Szukiewicz, Protection et de Sûrete Nuclnaire (IPSN), France, to obtain RES data on RIA Tests for high burnup fuel.
1a. Complete bilateral agreement between IPSN and NRC. 01/26/01C
- 2. Issue draft agreement with Japan Atomic Energy 01/26/01C A. Szukiewicz, Research Institute (JAERI) Japan, to obtain data on RIA RES Tests for high burnup fuel.
- 3. Issue Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables 07/20/01C R. Meyer, RES (PIRT) report summarizing the expert elicitation to identify, important rank phenomena affecting high burnup fuel behavior under reactivity insertion accidents (RIA), BWR stability, and LOCAs to high burnup fuels.
- 4. Meet with the ACRS subcommittee to discuss PIRT 04/04/01C R. Meyer, RES results (Milestone 5) and proposed research plans
- 6. Issue an interim PIRT report on applicability of NUREG- 03/26/02C J. Schaperow, 1465 source term on high burnup fuel. RES
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June 30, 2002 Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 7. Summarize the results from 2 RIA tests at the Cabri 12/03 R. Meyer, RES (sodium loop) reactor and issue confirmatory assessment Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 9. The activity is long-term with an anticipated completion TBD R. Meyer, RES date for the RIA tests and issuance of modifications to the associated SRP and Regulatory Guide 1.77 in 2008 Comments:
- 8. The agreement with JAERI includes data for both high burnup fuel and MOX (IV.F E-MOX). Draft agreement sent to JAERI for review in January 2001. Due to recent re-organization in JAERI, additional time is needed for them to review the agreement.
Additional time needed for JAERI to resolve administrative issues, with Science and Technology Agency (STA) and other government organizations to allow them to enter into an agreement with NRC directly. A revised draft agreement was sent to JAERI on June 28, 2002, for their review/comment and approval. The revised document includes future cooperation and information exchange in the area of HTGR designs. Review time is needed for JAERI and their associated ministries (MEXT/MOFA) to review and approve the agreement. Recently JAERI resolved their internal administrative issues, with MEXT (formerly Science and Technology Agency (STA)) and other government organizations which will allow them to enter into an agreement with NRC directly. This agreement was on hold for over one and a half years until the new reorganized ministries would permit JAERI to enter into an agreement with NRC. Negotiations to complete this activity are ongoing.
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June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight G. Power Uprates SES Manager: S. Singh Bajwa, Director, Project Directorate III, DLPM Objective: Review licensee applications for increased reactor power levels.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Completion of staff review for safety evaluation report for 03/20/00C I. Ahmed, the ABB Cross Flow Meter Topical Report DE
- 2. Completion of Final Rule change revising 10 CFR 50, 05/03/00C J. Donoghue, Appendix K DSSA
- 3. Completion of staff review for 5% power uprate 05/09/00C M. Shuaibi, amendment for LaSalle units 1/2 DLPM
- 4. Completion of staff review for 5% power uprate 06/01/00C M. Shuaibi, amendment for Perry DLPM
- 5. Completion of staff review for 5% power uprate 10/06/00C M. Shuaibi, amendment for River Bend DLPM
- 6. Completion of staff review for 2% power uprate 10/27/00C M. Shuaibi, amendment for Diablo Canyon Unit 1 DLPM
- 7. Completion of staff review for 1.4% power increase 01/19/01C M. Shuaibi, amendment (w/ flow meter) for Watts Bar Unit 1 DLPM
- 8. Completion of staff review for 5% power uprate 05/04/01C M. Shuaibi, amendments for Byron/Braidwood DLPM
- 9. Completion of staff review for 1.4% power increase 05/25/01C M. Shuaibi, amendment (w/ flow meter) for Salem. Application received DLPM on 11/10/00.
- 10. Completion of staffs Acceptance Review of GE topical 06/13/01C M. Shuaibi, report on BWR Constant Pressure Power Uprate DLPM
- 11. Completion of staff review of Susquehanna 1.4% power 07/06/01C M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment request. Application received on DLPM 10/30/00.
- 12. Completion of staff review of San Onofre 2/3 1.4% 07/06/01C M. Shuaibi, power uprate amendment request. Application received on DLPM 04/03/01.
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June 30, 2002 Prior to June 2002
- 13. Completion of staff review of Hope Creek 1.4% power 07/30/01C M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment request. Application received on DLPM 12/01/00.
- 14. Completion of staff review of Beaver Valley Units 1/2 09/24/01C M. Shuaibi, 1.4% power uprate amendment request. Application DLPM received on 1/18/01.
- 15. Completion of staff review of Shearon Harris 4.5% 10/12/01C M. Shuaibi, power uprate amendment request. Application received on DLPM 12/14/00.
- 16. Complete review of Comanche Peak Units 1 / 2 1.4% 10/12/01C M. Shuaibi, and 0.4% power uprate amendments. Applications DLPM received on 4/5/01.
- 17. Completion of staff review of Duane Arnold 15% power 11/06/01C M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment request. Application received on DLPM 11/17/00.
- 18. Completion of staff review of Dresden 2 17% power 12/21/01C M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment requests. Applications received on DLPM 12/29/00.
- 19. Completion of staff review of Dresden 3 17% power 12/21/01C M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment requests. Applications received on DLPM 12/29/00.
- 20. Completion of staff review of Quad Cities 1 17.8% 12/21/01C M. Shuaibi, power uprate amendment requests. Applications received DLPM on 12/29/00.
- 21. Completion of staff review of Quad Cities 2 17.8% 12/21/01C M. Shuaibi, power uprate amendment requests. Applications received DLPM on 12/29/00.
- 22. Completion of staff review of Clinton 20% power uprate 03/29/02C M. Shuaibi, amendment request. Application dated 6/18/01. DLPM
- 23. Completion of staff review of Waterford 3 1.4% power 03/29/02C M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment request. Application dated 09/21/01. DLPM
- 24. Completion of staff review of South Texas Units 1 and 04/12/02C M. Shuaibi, 2 1.4% power uprate amendment requests. Application DLPM dated 08/22/01.
- 25. Completion of staff review of Arkansas Nuclear One 04/24/02C M. Shuaibi, Unit 2 7.5% power uprate amendment request. Application DLPM received on 12/19/00.
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June 30, 2002 Prior to June 2002
- 26. Completion of staff review of Sequoyah 1 and 2 1.3% 04/30/02C M. Shuaibi, power uprate amendment requests. Application dated DLPM 11/15/01.
- 27. Completion of staff review of Brunswick Units 1 and 2 06/02 M. Shuaibi, 15% power uprate amendment requests. Application dated 05/31/02C DLPM 08/09/01.
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 28. Completion of staff review for SER on GE topical report 06/2002 M. Shuaibi, on the BWR Constant Pressure Power Uprates (Extended 06/20/02C DLPM Power Uprates). Revised application received on 7/26/2001.
- 29. Completion of staff review of GE topical report for BWR 06/2002 M. Shuaibi Thermal Power Optimization Power Uprates (Measurement 07/2002 DLPM Uncertainty Recapture Power Uprates)
- 30. Completion of staff review of Davis-Besse Unit 1 1.63% TBD M. Shuaibi, power uprate amendment request. Application dated DLPM 10/12/01.
- 31. Completion of staff review of Grand Gulf 1.7% power 07/2002 M. Shuaibi uprate amendment request. Application dated 1/31/02. DLPM
- 32. Completion of staff review of Palo Verde 2 2.9% power 12/2002 M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment request. Application dated 12/21/01. DLPM
- 33. Completion of staff review of Point Beach 1& 2 1.4% 10/2002 M. Shuaibi, power uprate amendment request. Application dated DLPM 04/30/02.
- 34. Completion of staff review of River Bend 1.7% power 11/2002 M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment request. Application dated 05/14/02. DLPM
- 35. Completion of staff review of Robinson 1.7% power 11/2002 M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment request. Application dated 05/16/02. DLPM
- 36. Completion of staff review of Peach Bottom 2 & 3 11/2002 M. Shuaibi, 1.62% power uprate amendment request. Application DLPM dated 05/24 /02.
- 37. Completion of staff review of Indian Point 3 1.4% power 11/2002 M. Shuaibi, uprate amendment request. Application dated 05/30/02. DLPM Page 30
June 30, 2002 Through December 2002
- 38. Completion of staff review of Crystal River 3 0.9% 12/2002 M. Shuaibi, power uprate amendment request. Application dated DLPM 06/05/02.
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
- 27. General Electric Nuclear Energy (GENE) requested approval by December 2001. The staff decided to request a review of the safety evaluation by the Office of General Counsel. To allow time for the review, the staffs schedule for completion has changed from May 2002 to June 2002.
- 29. The staff technical review is substantially complete; however, the staff will not complete one area of the safety evaluation until late early May July 2002. Therefore, the staff now expects to issue the safety evaluation by the end of June July 2002.
- 30. The staff is evaluating the impact of work related to control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) and vessel head issues on the schedule for this power uprate.
- 31. Application was dated January 31, 2002. The licensee requested completion of staff review before June 2002 to support summer electrical demand. The staff has reviewed the licensees application and determined that there is a need to request additional information. Therefore, the staff estimates completion in July 2002.
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June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight H. Steam Generator Action Plan SES Manager: John Zwolinski, Director, DLPM Objective: The objective of the Steam Generator Action Plan (SGAP) is to ensure that safety from a steam generator tube integrity standpoint is maintained, that public confidence associated with steam generator tube integrity is improved, and that NRC and stakeholder resources are effectively and efficiently utilized. The SGAP is intended to direct and monitor the NRCs effort in this area and to ensure that related issues are appropriately tracked and dispositioned.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. (SGAP Item 1.11) Review the NRC inspection program and, if necessary, revise guidance to inspectors on overseeing facility eddy current inspection of steam generators. This involves the following major substeps:
a) review and revise the baseline inspection program. 04/30/01C C. Khan, DE b.1) review how ISI results/degraded conditions should be 09/21/01C S. Long, DSSA assessed for significance by a risk-informed SDP and define needed revisions to the SDP
- 2. (SGAP Item 1.19) Issue generic communication related 10/31/01C Z. Fu, DE to steam generator operating experience and status of steam generator issues (Information Notice 2001-16)
- 3. (SGAP Item 2.6) Incorporate experience gained from the IP2 event and the SDP process into planned initiatives on risk communication and outreach to the public a) Issue NRR input for incorporation into OEDO initiative. 1/31/02C M. Kotzalas, PMAS
- 4. (SGAP Item 2.8) Review and revise, as appropriate, the amendment review process, including concurrence responsibilities, supervisory oversight, and second-round requests for additional information.
a) Develop OI LIC-101 08/20/01C M. Banerjee b) Develop a process for NRR request and RES review of M. Fields, NRR SEs. 02/27/02C DLPM
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June 30, 2002 Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 5. (SGAP Item 1.11) Review the NRC inspection program and, if necessary, revise guidance to inspectors on overseeing facility eddy current inspection of steam generators. This involves the following major substeps:
b.2) develop and issue draft revision of risk-informed SDP 02/21/02C P. Koltay, DIPM using information identified in 1.b above c) review and revise the training program for inspectors c.1) Provide training materials to regions 10/11/01C E. Kleeh, DIPM c.2) Provide formal training to regional inspectors 01/24/02C C. Khan, DE
- 6. (SGAP Item 3.2) Confirm that damage progression via 12/31/01C J. Muscara, jet cutting of adjacent tubes is of low enough probability that RES it can be neglected in accident analyses.
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 7. (SGAP Item 1.14) Staff completes review and draft 08/31/02 E. Murphy, DE safety evaluation of NEI 97-06 including addressing issues raised in OIG report and IP2 lessons learned report
- 8. (SGAP Item 3.9) Develop a more technically defensible 12/31/02 J. Hayes, DSSA position on the treatment of radionuclide release to be used in the safety analyses of design basis events.
- 9. (SGAP Item 3.1.f) Estimate crack growth, if any for a 12/02 J. Muscara, range of crack types and sizes using bounding loads from RES calculated addition to the pressure stresses and including the effects of tube support plate movement in these evaluations and any effects from cyclic loads.
- 10. (SGAP Item 3.1.g) Estimate the margins to crack 12/02 J. Muscara, propagation for a range of crack sizes for MSLB loads and RES displacements in addition to pressure stresses.
- 11. (SGAP Item 3.1.h) Based on margins calculated over 12/02 J. Muscara, and above bounding loads, determine if more refined TH RES analyses need to be conducted to obtain forces and displacements of structures under MSLB conditions 12 . (SGAP Item 1.20) Staff briefs Commission on 12/31/02 L. Lund, DE endorsing NEI 97-06 (199400048)
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June 30, 2002 Through December 2002
- 13. (SGAP Item 2.6) Incorporate experience gained from the IP2 event and the SDP process into planned initiatives on risk communication and outreach to the public b) Develop SG communication plan required by SRM 12/31/02 M. Kotzalas, (M11203) dated 12/26/01. PMAS Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 14. (SGAP Item 1.21) Staff issues endorsement package 01/31/03 E. Murphy, on NEI 97-06 in a safety evaluation and includes the DE approval of the generic technical specification change in a Regulatory Issue Summary
- 15. (SGAP Item 3.5) Develop improved methods for 06/28/03 H. Woods, RES assessing the risk associated with SG tubes under accident conditions.
- 16. (SGAP Item 3.1.i) Conduct tests of degraded tubes 06/03 J. Muscara, under pressure and with axial and bending loads to validate RES the analytical results.
- 17. (SGAP Item 3.11) In order to resolve GSI 163, it is 12/31/05 M. Banerjee, necessary to complete the work associated with SGAP DLPM Items 3.1 through 3.5 and 3.7 through 3.9. Upon completion of those tasks, develop detailed milestones associated with preparing a GSI resolution document and obtaining the necessary approvals for closing the GSI, including ACRS acceptance of the resolution.
- 18. (SGAP Item 3.12) Develop outline and a detailed 12/31/05 L. Lund, DE schedule for completing DG 1073, Plant Specific Risk-Informed Decision Making: Induced SG Tube Rupture General Comments:
- 1. The SGAP was originally issued via a memorandum from B. Sheron and J. Johnson to S. Collins dated November 16, 2000, Steam Generator Action Plan (ADAMS ML003770259).
- 2. The SGAP was revised via a memorandum from J. Zwolinski, J. Strosnider, B. Boger and G. Holahan to B. Sheron and R. Borchardt dated March 23, 2001, Steam Generator Action Plan Revision and Completion of Item Nos. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, 1.8, 1.15, 2.1 and 2.2" (ADAMS ML010820457), and via a memorandum from S. Collins and A. Thadani to W. Travers dated May 11, 2001, Steam Generator Action Plan Revision
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June 30, 2002 to Address Differing Professional Opinion on Steam Generator Tube Integrity (WITS Item 200100026), (ADAMS ML011300073).
Milestone Comments:
7,12,14. The scheduled completion dates for these milestones are dependent on industry actions related to NEI 97-06, Steam Generator Program Guidelines. The target dates assume industry submittal of an acceptable generic license change package to NRC by 6/30/02. The staff is currently discussing the implications of the Commissions 1996 Perry decision on the scope and schedule of the NEI 97-06 initiative.
- 3. The SGAP item 2.6 has been broken down into two activities to address direction from the Commission in SRM (M11203) dated 12/26/01 (refer to milestone 13).
- 8. The target completion date for item 3.9 has been changed to accommodate higher priority work including staff activities to support agency response to the September 11 event as well as regular full load of licensing issues.
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June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight I. New Reactor Licensing Readiness SES Manager: James Lyons, Director, NRR/ADIP/NRLPO Objective: Prepare the NRC staff for new applications, (i.e. early site permits, design certifications, and combined licenses), assessing technical, licensing, and inspection capabilities, and identifying any necessary enhancements.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Staff Requirements Memorandum 2/13/01
- 2. SRM response describing future licensing preparation 5/01/01C J. Sebrosky, activities (200100018) NRR/NRLPO
- 3. Submit a SECY paper (with recommendations) to the 10/12/01C N. Gilles, Commission resulting from the Future Licensing and NRR/NRLPO Inspection Readiness Assessment (FLIRA) (200100018)
- 4. Submit a SECY paper to the Commission to address 11/20/01C A. Cubbage, legal and financial issues raised by Exelon regarding NRR/NRLPO licensing of the pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR)
- 5. Submit a SECY paper to the Commission to provide 4/05/02C J. Sebrosky, recommendations regarding programmatic inspections, NRR/NRLPO tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria (ITAAC)
- 6. Submit a SECY paper to the Commission to address 4/01/02C L. Burkhart design acceptance criteria for AP1000 (200100108) NRR/NRLPO (SECY-02-0059)
- 7. Submit to the Commission a proposed rule containing 5/08/02C J. Wilson, 10 CFR Part 52 revisions (199700060)(SECY-02-0077) NRR/NRLPO
- 8. Submit a SECY paper to the Commission with the first 5/08/02C J. Williams, semi-annual update of the status of new reactor licensing NRR/NRLPO activities. (200100018)(SECY-02-0076)
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June 30, 2002 Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 9. Provide SECY papers on key policy and technical 06/02 J. Flack, RES issues on High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) 07/02
- 10. Submit a SECY paper providing final policy 8/30/02 A. Cubbage, recommendations on issues associated with modular and NRR/NRLPO merchant plants.(200100080)
- 11. Provide recommendations to Commission regarding 09/24/02 S. Koenick, NEI petition PRM 52-1 proposing to treat previously- NRR/NRLPO reviewed information as resolved.
- 12. Provide recommendations to Commission regarding 09/24/02 N. Gilles, NEI petition PRM 52-2 for alternative sites, alternate NRR/NRLPO sources, and need for power
- 13. Provide SECY Paper on Advanced Reactor Research 11/02 J. Flack, RES Plan (200200066)
- 14. Provide SECY paper on recommendations on the 12/02 J. Flack, RES policy issues associated with milestone 9.
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 15. Submit to the Commission a final rule containing 10 8 months N. Gilles, CFR Part 52 revisions (199700060) after SRM NRR/NRLPO is issued on proposed rule
- 16. AP1000 Draft SER (with open items) issued to 28 weeks L. Burkhart, Westinghouse. after all RAI NRR/NRLPO responses received.
11 - 12. Completion dates based upon date of publication of petitions in the Federal Register.
1614. The original intent was to develop a policy paper specifically to address the PBMR.
Because of Exelons announcement to not submit an application for PBMR this SECY paper will not be issued. Instead, a generic policy paper on HTGR will be submitted in the latter part of this year.
- 16. Tentative schedule is June 2003.
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June 30, 2002 IV. Topic Area: Reactor Licensing and Oversight J. Instrumentation and Control Research Program SES Manager: Daniel Dorman, Chief, ERAB/DET/RES Objective: To assure that the current level of plant safety is maintained as digital systems are integrated into current and future plants in the face of ever changing technology.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Issue Commission paper (SECY-01-0155) on the Digital 08/15/01C S. Arndt, RES Instrumentation and Control Research Plan. (200100053)
- 2. Issue for public comment Draft Regulatory Guide 1077 09/26/01C C. Antonescu, on effects of temperature, humidity and smoke effects on RES digital systems.
- 3. Issue complete report on the status of Emerging 03/31/02C S. Arndt, RES Technologies.
- 4. Issue revised program plan on emerging digital 04/30/02C R. Shaffer, RES technology on the potential vulnerabilities of nuclear power plants to cyber-terrorism.
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 5. Issue for public comment Reg. Guide 1.180 Rev 1 on 08/02 C. Antonescu, EMI/RFI in safety related I&C. RES
- 6. Submit for publication a NUREG on the characteristics 12/02 E. Lee, RES of operating systems and provide appropriate review guidance to ensure their safe use.
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 7. Issue report on the potential vulnerabilities of nuclear 03/03 R. Shaffer, RES power plants to cyber-terrorism.
- 8. Issue report on the use of wireless technology in 12/03 C. Antonescu, nuclear power plant applications. RES
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
- 3. A draft report was developed in September 2001, however, additional work is needed to broaden the scope of the effort to better focus on technology emerging within the next 5-10 years.
- 4. Further consideration of the issue of cyber security yielded the conclusion that this subject warrants more attention and more robust treatment. Therefore, a revised program plan will be developed which includes an expanded scope with participation from outside experts.
- 5. The requesting Program Office required additional time to review the draft Regulatory Guide due to the assignment of a new reviewer. Therefore, additional time is required to address the comments and prepare the draft Regulatory Guide.
- 7. Because of the revised program plan, this report will be developed with greater participation of a broader base of stakeholders and will result in a more robust treatment of the issue of cyber security.
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June 30, 2002 V. Topic Area: License Renewal A. License Renewal (includes Plant Specific Reviews and Generic Process Improvements)
SES Manager: P. T. Kuo, Program Director, RLEP/DRIP/NRR Objective: Demonstrate that license renewal applications submitted under 10 CFR Parts 54 & 51 can be reviewed effectively, efficiently, and promptly.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. License renewal decision complete for Calvert Cliffs 3/23/00C C. Grimes, DRIP
- 2. License renewal decision complete for Oconee 5/23/00C C. Grimes, DRIP
- 3. Issue draft Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) 8/31/00C C. Grimes, DRIP report, Standard Review Plan (SRP), and Regulatory Guide (RG)/industry implementation guideline (NEI 95-10) for public comment (199900103)
- 4. Receive Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, license renewal 9/11/00C C. Grimes, DRIP application
- 5. Submit final GALL report and SRP to the Commission 4/26/01C C. Grimes, DRIP for approval (199600056)
- 6. Receive Surry, Units 1 and 2, and North Anna, Units 1 5/29/01C C. Grimes, DRIP and 2, license renewal applications
- 7. Receive McGuire, Units 1 and 2, and Catawba, Units 1 6/14/01C C. Grimes, DRIP and 2, license renewal applications
- 8. Receive Peach Bottom, Units 2 and 3, license renewal 7/2/01C C. Grimes, DRIP application
- 9. Issue Turkey Point Draft Environmental Impact 6/12/01C C. Carpenter, Statement Supplement DRIP
- 10. Issue Turkey Point SER and identify open items 8/17/01C C. Grimes, DRIP
- 12. Provide recommendations to the Commission 8/17/01C C. Grimes, DRIP regarding potential rulemaking (199900104)
- 13. Decision on ANO-1 license renewal 6/12/01C C. Grimes, DRIP
- 14. Receive St. Lucie, Units 1 and 2, license renewal 11/30/01C C. Grimes, DRIP application
- 15. Receive Ft. Calhoun license renewal application 1/11/02C C. Grimes, DRIP
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June 30, 2002 Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 16. Issue Turkey Point Final Environmental Impact 1/11/02C C. Grimes, DRIP Statement Supplement
- 17. Decision on Hatch license renewal 1/15/02C C. Grimes, DRIP
- 18. Issue Turkey Point Supplemental SER 2/27/02C C. Grimes, DRIP Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 19. Inform the Commission of GALL demonstration project 7/02 S. Lee, progress and any significant issues (200100059) DRIP/RLEP
- 20. Decision on Turkey Point license renewal 6/6/02C P. Kuo, DRIP 7/02
- 21. Receive Robinson license renewal application 6/17/02C S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP
- 22. Issue Surry and North Anna Supplemental SER 11/02 S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP
- 23. Issue Surry and North Anna Final Environmental 12/02 J. Tappert, Impact Statement Supplements DRIP/RLEP Page 41
June 30, 2002 Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 24. Issue McGuire and Catawba Supplemental SER 1/03 S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP
- 25. Issue McGuire and Catawba Final Environmental 1/03 J. Tappert, Impact Statement Supplements DRIP/RLEP
- 26. Issue Peach Bottom Supplemental SER 2/03 S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP
- 27. Issue Peach Bottom Final Environmental Impact 2/03 J. Tappert, Statement Supplement DRIP/RLEP
- 28. Issue St. Lucie Final Environmental Impact Statement 6/03 J. Tappert, Supplement DRIP/RLEP
- 29. Decision on Surry and North Anna license renewal 7/03 S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP
- 30. Decision on Peach Bottom license renewal 7/03 S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP
- 31. Issue St. Lucie Supplemental SER 7/03 S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP
- 32. Issue Fort Calhoun Final Environmental Impact 8/03 J. Tappert, Statement Supplement DRIP/RLEP
- 33. Issue Fort Calhoun Supplemental SER 9/03 S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP
- 34. Decision on McGuire and Catawba license renewal 12/03 S. Lee, (See comment) DRIP/RLEP
- 35. Decision on St. Lucie license renewal 1/04 S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP
- 36. Decision on Fort Calhoun license renewal 1/04 S. Lee, DRIP/RLEP Comments:
- 34. Petitions to intervene and requests for hearing were received on the McGuire and Catawba renewal applications from the Nuclear Information and Resource Service and the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League. In a Memorandum and Order issued January 24, 2002, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board issued its ruling on standing and the admissibility of contentions finding that both petitioners have standing and concluded that two admissible contentions were proffered. The NRC staff and Duke Energy Corporation have filed separate appeals to the Commission regarding the
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June 30, 2002 Boards decision to grant a hearing. The Board also certified a third contention to the Commission for consideration relating to the risks to the McGuire and Catawba nuclear stations posed by terrorism. The Commission issued an Order (CL1-02-14) on April 12, 2002, agreeing with Dukes and the NRC staffs appeal that MOX contention is inadmissible and therefore reversed the MOX ruling in ASLBs decision (LBP-02-04).
The Order also deferred consideration of the SAMA and terrorism issues. In May 2002 the staff received eight late-filed contentions pertaining to the environmental review for the McGuire and Catawba license renewal application.
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June 30, 2002 VI. Topic Area: License Transfers A. License Transfers SES Manager: John Zwolinski, Director, DLPM/NRR Objective: To ensure that license transfers are conducted in a timely and technically correct manner and that review and submittal guidance is appropriately disseminated.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Complete the order and conforming amendment for 6/6/00C S. Richards, PDI the direct license transfer for Oyster Creek resulting from the sale to AmerGen.
- 2. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 5/15/00C S. Bajwa, PDIII the direct license transfers for Monticello and Prairie Island 1/2 resulting from the merger of Northern State Power and New Central Energy.
- 3. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 5/15/00C S. Bajwa, PDIII the license transfers for Duane Arnold, Kewaunee, Monticello, Point Beach 1/2, and Prairie Island 1/2 resulting from the formation of the Nuclear Management Company, LLC, to operate these facilities.
- 4. Complete the orders for the indirect license transfers 4/21/00C S. Richards, PDI for Hope Creek, Peach Bottom 2/3, and Salem 1/2 resulting from the acquisition of Conectiv's interest in the facility by PSEG Nuclear.
- 5. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 6/6/00C S. Richards, PDI the direct license transfers for Susquehanna 1/2 resulting from the restructuring of PP&L Inc. to PPL Susquehanna, LLC.
- 6. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 8/3/00C S. Bajwa, PDIII Braidwood 1/2, Byron 1/2, Dresden 1/2/3, LaSalle 1/2, Limerick 1/2, Peach Bottom 2/3, Quad Cities 1/2, Salem 1/2, and Zion 1/2 resulting from the merger of UNICOM and PECO.
- 7. Complete the orders for Indian Point 1/2, Millstone 1/2/3, 8/22/00C S. Richards, PDI and Seabrook resulting from the merger of Consolidated Edison and Northeast Utilities.
- 8. Complete the order and conforming amendment for 7/7/00C S. Richards, PDI the acquisition of Vermont Yankee by AmerGen.
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June 30, 2002 Prior to June 2002
- 9. Complete the order for the acquisition of Florida 5/22/00C H. Berkow, PDII Progress (Crystal River 3) by Carolina Power & Light.
- 10. Complete the order and conforming amendment for 7/27/00C C. Holden, PDIV Trojan resulting from the acquisition of Portland General Electric by Sierra Pacific Resources.
- 11. Complete the order and conforming amendment for 4/13/00C L. Marsh, REXB Waltz Mills resulting from the merger of CBS Corporation and VIACOM.
- 12. Complete the orders for Seabrook and Millstone 3 7/18/00C S. Richards, PDI resulting from a minority owner reorganization (United Illuminating Company).
- 13. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 6/30/00C S. Richards, PDI Calvert Cliffs 1/2 resulting from the restructuring of Baltimore Gas & Electric, and its parent company (Constellation Energy).
- 14. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 9/29/00C C. Holden, PDIV Palo Verde 1/2/3 resulting from the reorganization of Public Service Company of New Mexico (minority owner).
- 15. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 11/9/00C S. Richards, PDI Indian Point 3 and Fitzpatrick resulting from the acquisition of the plants by Entergy.
- 16. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 12/04/00C C. Holden, PDIV Palo Verde 1/2/3 resulting from the restructuring of El Paso Electric Company.
- 17. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 12/21/00C S. Richards, PDI Clinton, Oyster Creek, and TMI 1, resulting from the merger of UNICOM and PECO (AmerGen).
- 18. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 12/27/00C S. Richards, PDI transfer of ownership of Salem 1&2, Hope Creek, and Peach Bottom 2&3 from Atlantic City Electric and Delmarva Power to PECO and PSEG Nuclear LLC.
- 19. Complete the order and conforming amendment for Order S. Richards, PDI Vermont Yankee resulting from the merger of UNICOM Expired and PECO/AmerGen. (Application withdrawn by 7/1/01 AmerGen on 8/27/01) 8/27/01CW
- 20. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 3/9/01C S. Richards, PDI Millstone 1/2/3 resulting from the acquisition of the plants by Dominion Nuclear Connecticut.
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June 30, 2002 Prior to June 2002
- 21. Complete the order and conforming amendments for 3/07/01C C. Holden, PDIV the indirect transfer of TMI 2 and Saxton (demonstration reactor) resulting from the proposed merger of GPU, Inc.
and First Energy Corporation.
- 22. Complete the license transfer order for Wolf Creek 6/01/01C C. Holden, PDIV resulting from the restructuring of Kansas City Power &
Light into a corporate holding company
- 23. Complete the orders and conforming amendments for 8/27/01C S. Richards, PDI Indian Point 1&2 resulting from the acquisition of the plants by Entergy Corporation from Consolidated Edison
- 24. Complete the order and conforming amendment for 4/19/01C S. Bajwa, PDIII Palisades resulting from the merger of Consumers Energy Company (owner of Palisades) with Nuclear Management Company LLC.
- 25. Complete the license transfer order for Calvert 6/19/01C S. Richards, PDI Cliffs 1&2 resulting from a corporate realignment of Constellation Energy Group, Inc., which will transfer control of the plant to Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC.
- 26. Complete the license transfer order for Nine Mile 6/22/01C S. Richards, PDI Point 1&2 transferring ownership of the plant to Constellation Nuclear, LLC.
- 27. Complete the indirect license transfer order for 5/25/01C S. Richards, PDI Susquehanna 1&2 transferring ownership of the plant to PPL Energy Supply, LLC, a newly-formed and intermediary parent company.
- 28. Complete the direct license transfer order for transfer 9/22/01C S. Bajwa, PDIII of the extent of ownership of Kewaunee held by Madison Gas & Electric to Wisconsin Public Service Corporation.
- 29. Complete the revision of existing 9/29/00 license 6/25/01C C. Holden, PDIV transfer order to Public Service Company of New Mexico for Palo Verde resulting from New Mexico Senate Bill 266 which delays deregulation in New Mexico.
- 30. Complete the indirect license transfer orders for R.E. 12/10/01C S. Richards, PDI Ginna and Nine Mile Point 2 transferring ownership of the plants from Rochester Gas & Electric to Energy East Corporation.
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June 30, 2002 Prior to June 2002
- 31. Complete the license transfer orders for McGuire 12/20/01C H. Berkow, PDII 1&2, Oconee 1/2/3, and Catawba 1&2 transferring operating authority for the plants to Duke Energy Nuclear, LLC, a new, wholly owned subsidiary of Duke Energy Corp.
- 32. Complete the license transfer orders for Comanche 12/21/01C C. Holden, PDIV Peak 1&2 resulting from restructuring of TXU Electric to conform to the deregulation laws of the State of Texas.
- 33. Complete the license transfer orders for South Texas 12/20/01C C. Holden, PDIV 1&2: indirect transfer of HL&Ps interest in STP1&2 to CenterPoint Energy, Inc., a new parent holding company of HL&P; direct transfer of HL&Ps interest in STP1&2 to Texas Genco LP, wholly owned by CenterPoint Energy, Inc. License transfers result from restructuring of STP Nuclear Operating Company to conform to the deregulation laws of the State of Texas.
- 34. Complete the license transfer order for Pilgrim Unit 1 3/15/02C S. Richards, PDI to change the plant operator to Entergy Nuclear Operations.
- 35. Complete the supplemental order (to the existing 10/30/01C S. Richards, PDI 6/22/01 license transfer order) for Nine Mile Point 1&2 authorizing a phased transfer of NYSEG ownership.
- 36. Complete the direct license transfer order for S. Richards, PDI Vermont Yankee transferring operating responsibility from 5/17/02C Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation to Entergy Nuclear Operations.
- 37. Complete the indirect transfer of the license for the 3/26/02C C. Holden, PDIV Trojan Nuclear Plant, and the material license for the Trojan ISFSI, from Portland General Electric Co. to Northwest Natural Holdco, a new holding company.
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June 30, 2002 Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 38. Complete the indirect transfer of the license for the 6/28/02 C. Holden, PDIV Humboldt Bay Power Plant resulting from the proposed 7/19/02 separation of Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) from its current parent organization, PG&E Corporation, as part of the Plan of Reorganization for PG&E as filed under Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings.
- 39. Complete the direct license transfer order for transfer NRR review H. Berkow, PDII of ownership of North Anna 1&2 and Surry 1&2 from terminated Virginia Electric Power Co. to Dominion Generation. 5/13/02
- 40. Complete the direct transfer of the Central Power & On hold C. Holden, PDIV Light Co. interest in South Texas 1&2 to CPL Genco LP, a Licensee wholly owned subsidiary of American Electric Power Co. requests to suspend review
- 41. Complete the review of the license transfer order for TBD P. Madden, the Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor. DRIP/REXB
- 42. Complete the indirect license transfer for Millstone On hold S. Richards, PDI Units 1, 2, & 3. to Dominion Energy Holdings, Inc., a newly The staffs created intermediate subsidiary of Dominion Resources, review has Inc. been closed.
- 43. Complete the license transfer order for Diablo 7/31/02 C. Holden, PDIV Canyon 1&2 to Diablo Canyon LLC, a new wholly-owned 9/30/02 subsidiary of Electric Generation LLC, a new generating company created in connection with the Chapter 11 reorganization plan for PG&E.
- 44. Complete the indirect license transfer for D.C. Cook 8/29/02 S. Bajwa, PDIII Units 1&2 transferring ownership from Indiana Michigan Power Company to a new parent company, Central and South West Corporation. The transaction is a result of corporate restructuring.
- 45. Complete the transfer of the existing operating TBD C. Holden, PDIV licenses for Palo Verde Units 1, 2, and 3 from Arizona Public Service Co. (APS) to Pinnacle West Energy Co.
The application results from restructuring of APS to conform to deregulation requirements of the State of Arizona requiring separation of electric generation supply from transmission and distribution activities.
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June 30, 2002 Through December 2002
- 46. Complete the direct license transfer order for transfer 11/15/02 S. Richards, PDI of ownership of Seabrook Unit 1 from North Atlantic Energy Service Company to FPL Group.
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
- 38. A preliminary determination by the staff indicates that a license transfer order is not required for this application. The staff is proceeding with an SE which is necessary for a final determination that a license transfer order will not have to be issued. The target completion date has been further revised to 06/28/02 07/19/02 due to staff resource limitations, and other priority issues on the Humboldt Bay project. This date is still ahead of the licensees requested 7/31/02 completion date.
- 39. In a letter dated 1/30/02, Virginia Electric Power Company (VEPCO) has requested that the application for order and conforming license amendments directly affecting North Anna 1 and 2, and Surry 1 and 2, [and indirectly affecting Millstone 1, 2, and 3] be held in abeyance. On 12/18/01 the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) denied VEPCOs request to transfer its generation assets to Dominion Generation, an affiliate company. VEPCO has appealed (1/17/02) the SCC's order, and has notified the staff that the appeal process is not expected to be completed until the fourth quarter of 2002.
By letter dated May 13, 2002, the staff informed the licensee that the staffs review activity has been formally closed, but may be reopened by VEPCO after the appeal of the SSC denial decision has been resolved.
- 40. Awaiting information from the licensee regarding the name of the new ownership entity.
The licensee, by letter dated May 21, 2002, requested NRC to suspend its review of the application and added it will notify the NRC when the necessary regulatory approvals are in place and the review of the application can recommence.
- 41. Aerotest Operations has been acquired by a parent company, Autoliv, Inc., resulting in foreign ownership of the facility, which continues to be operated by Aerotest. The current review is being conducted per Action Plan for an indirect license transfer that has, in effect, already occurred (without NRC concurrence).
- 42. In a letter dated 1/30/02, Virginia Electric Power Company (VEPCO) has requested that the application for order and conforming license amendments directly affecting North Anna 1 and 2, and Surry 1 and 2, [and indirectly affecting Millstone 1, 2, and 3] be held in abeyance. On 12/18/01 the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) denied VEPCOs request to transfer its generation assets to Dominion Generation, an affiliate company. VEPCO has appealed (1/17/02) the SCC's order, and has notified the staff that the appeal process is not expected to be completed until the fourth quarter of 2002.
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June 30, 2002 The staff is planning to inform the licensee that the staffs review activity has been formally closed, but may be reopened by VEPCO after the appeal of the SCC denial decision has been resolved.
- 43. Due to the complex nature of the anti-trust issues of the request and the consideration of additional written comments, as directed by the Commission, the expected completion date is estimated to be 9/30/02.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs A. Dual Purpose Spent Fuel Cask Reviews
- 1) BNFL FuelSolutions - FuelSolutions Cask Review SES Manager: Charles L. Miller, Deputy Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, SFPO Patricia K. Holahan, Chief, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS)
Project Manager: Mary Jane Ross-Lee Objective: To issue a Part 72 storage Safety Evaluation Report (SER) and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 (transportation) certificate of compliance for the FuelSolutions dual-purpose cask system.
Coordination: The Part 72 storage SER and certificate of compliance (CoC) have been issued in draft for rulemaking. SFPO coordinated with OGC and IMNS to complete rulemaking and issued the CoC in January 2001.
Prior to June 30, 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 2. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use 1/30/01C M. Tokar, SFPO under Part 72 Through December 31, 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 3. Staff issues Part 71 CoC and SER 6/30/02 M. Ross-Lee, SFPO 8/30/02 Beyond December 31, 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
- 3. On April 20, 2001, BNFL Fuel Solutions (BFS) submitted an application for a new transportation package to be used with the Fuel Solutions storage system. SFPO has established the schedule for completion of the 10 CFR Part 71 transportation review.
The schedule has been revised as a result of emergent higher priority work activities
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June 30, 2002 associated with responding to the post-9/11 initiatives. The new completion date has been extended by two months to 8/30/02.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs A. Dual Purpose Spent Fuel Cask Reviews
- 2) NAC-UMS Cask Review SES Manager: Charles L. Miller, Deputy Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO)
Patricia K. Holahan, Chief, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS)
Project Manager: Steven Baggett (SFPO)
Objective: To issue a Part 72 storage Safety Evaluation Report (SER) and certificate of compliance (through rulemaking) and a Part 71 transportation certificate of compliance (CoC) for the NAC-UMS dual purpose cask system.
Coordination: The Part 72 storage SER and certificate of compliance have been issued in draft for rulemaking. SFPO coordinated with OGC and IMNS to complete the rulemaking, and issued the certificate of compliance for use in October 2000.
Prior to June 30, 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Staff completes rulemaking; issues CoC for use under 10/02/00C M. Tokar, SFPO Part 72 Through December 31, 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 2. Issue Part 71 SER and CoC 10/31/02 S. Baggett, SFPO Beyond December 31, 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
- 2. On July 16, 1999, NAC submitted an amendment request for the Part 72 application to include all fuel to be stored at Maine Yankee. At the request of NAC to expedite the review of the storage amendment, the staff agreed to a delay in the review of the NAC-UMS transportation application, after issuing a Request for Additional Information (RAI) in August 1999. NAC responded to the staffs August 1999 RAI on June 29, 2000.
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June 30, 2002 On October 26, 2000, NAC withdrew its June 29, 2000 RAI response, based on deficiencies identified by the staff. NAC submitted revised responses dated March 14 and March 30, 2001, to address the original RAI. SFPO staff issued another RAI on June 14, 2001, requesting the applicants response by August 13, 2001. NAC responded to the RAI on November 16, 2001. SFPO staff has completed its acceptance review of the RAI response and developed a schedule to complete the review by October 31, 2002.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs B. ISFSI Licensing - Private Fuel Storage SES Manager: Charles L. Miller, Deputy Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO)
Project Manager: Mark Delligatti Objective: Complete all actions associated with the review of the Private Fuel Storage, LLC application (includes: development of a Safety Evaluation Report, an Environmental Impact Statement, and completion of adjudicatory hearings before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board).
Coordination: The SFPO coordinates with the OGC, particularly on matters associated with the adjudicatory proceedings before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.
In addition, the staff has sought and received review assistance for the review of the financial aspects of the license application, accident analysis, and review of the Emergency Plan and geotechnical issues from NRR.
Review assistance is also being received from NMSS for the review of the physical security plan and fire protection issues. This assistance has also extended to activities related to the hearings.
Prior to June 30, 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Issue Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 6/23/00C M. Delligatti, SFPO
- 2. Staff issues supplement to Safety Evaluation Report 9/29/00C M. Delligatti, SFPO (SER)
- 4. Issue Final SER 9/29/00C M. Delligatti, SFPO
- 6. Hearing on Environmental Contentions and 4/8/02 - G. P. Bollwerk Remaining Safety Contentions (Round 2) 6/28/02 M. C. Farrar, ASLB 7/03/02 Through December 31, 2002 Milestone Date Lead
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June 30, 2002 Beyond December 31, 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 7. 8. Final Decision on Licensing TBD Comments:
5-7. On March 30, April 5, April 10, April 13, April 16, and May 31, 2001, PFS submitted revised information on aircraft hazards and geotechnical analyses. The staff completed the Final EIS and SER supplement and provided limited distribution to the ASLB and the other parties to the hearing by December 31, 2001. On January 11, 2002, the staff filed an unredacted version of the Final EIS with the Environmental Protection Agency and released to the public an unredacted supplement to the SER. The ASLB has rescheduled the second round of hearings for April 8 through June 28, 2002. A final Commission decision on licensing will take place after the hearings are concluded.
6-7. The ASLB will hold the second round of hearings from April 8 through July 3, 2002. The Board has scheduled December 6, 2002, as the date for its decision in this case.
(Judge Farrar replaced Judge Bollwerk as the presiding Judge earlier in this proceeding).
- 8. A final Commission decision on licensing will take place after the Board has rendered its decision.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs C. Generic Spent Fuel Transportation Studies
- 1) Re-examination of Spent Fuel Shipment Risk Estimates, NUREG/CR-6672
- 2) Package Performance Study: Update of Spent Fuel Shipping Container Performance in Severe Highway and Railway Accidents SES Manager: Michael Mayfield, Director, DET/RES Project Manager: Andrew Murphy, DET/RES Objective: Reassess previous assumptions and analysis contained in: (1) NUREG-0170, Final Environmental Statement on the Transportation of Radioactive Material by Air and Other Modes, and (2) NUREG/CR-4829, Shipping Container Response to Severe Highway and Railroad Accidents.
Coordination: The Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO) will coordinate internally with HLW, OGC, NRR, RES, OPA, OCA, and OSTP, and externally with the U.S.
Department of Transportation to ensure that all technical, regulatory and stakeholder issues are considered and addressed.
Staff conducted a series of public meetings in November-December 1999 and in August/September 2000 to obtain public stakeholder views on spent fuel package performance under severe accidents. NMSS and RES are coordinating on possible follow-on analyses and testing, which may be recommended. As of March 2001, RES has assumed the lead on this issue, as some additional confirmatory analyses and/or testing is planned.
NMSS/SFPO will continue to provide support for further public interaction.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Complete Review of Sandia National Labs (SNL) 08/15/01C A. Murphy, RES Proposal (NRC Form 189) for Package Performance Study (PPS)
- 2. Complete Prospectus Soliciting Co-funding Partners 11/30/01C A. Murphy, RES (Domestic and International) for PPS
- 4. Complete review of SNL test protocol for spent nuclear 05/28/02C A. Murphy, RES fuel response to impacts
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June 30, 2002 Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 5. Complete review of SNL report on barge accident 07/02 A. Murphy, RES event trees Beyond 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 6. Complete review of SNL report on tractor trailer 09/03 A. Murphy, RES accident event trees Comments:
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials Programs and Waste Programs C. Generic Spent Fuel Transportation Studies
- 3) Characterization of Fuel Stored in Dry Cask SES Manager: Michael Mayfield, Director DET/RES and Jack Rosenthal, Branch Chief, SMSAB/DSARE/RES Objective: Develop the technical basis to establish standard review plans for the renewal of certificates for Spent Fuel Storage Dry Casks.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Provide preliminary consequence analysis for PRA for 07/16/01C J. Schaperow, dry storage of spent fuel. RES Through December 2002 Milestones Date Lead
- 2. Perform destructive and nondestructive examinations 09/02 H. Scott, RES on the Surry fuel; compare results from the Surry fuel examinations to segments from controlled environment to determine if there are any differences between the condition of the two claddings Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 3. Meet with the ACRS/ACNW subcommittee to discuss 01/03 H. Scott, RES test.
- 4. Develop technical bases for evaluating the high-burnup 9/03 S. Basu, RES nuclide inventories and associated source terms to be used for the cask license renewal
- 5. Provide data and issue report NUREG/CR and RIL for 9/03 R. Kenneally, updating existing Standard Review Plan (SRP) or DET developing a new SRP for dry cask storage license renewal.
- 6. Develop the technical bases for evaluating high burnup 9/03 S. Basu, RES cladding integrity by performing creep tests on high burnup fuel rods.
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
- 2. Date to complete the destructive and non-destructive examinations of Surry fuel revised because the preparation of creep testing specimens turned out to be a far more complicated process than originally anticipated. It involved sectioning of irradiated rods and welding sections to loading grips which required development of new procedures to assure that the creep specimens were not damaged in the process.
- 3. Due to the above delay and the lack of any joint scheduled meetings of the ACRS/ACNW for the remaining part of the year, we are estimating a briefing date of January 2003.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs D. Part 41 Rulemaking: Domestic Licensing of Uranium and Thorium Recovery Activities and Uranium Recovery Concerns - and Related Guidance SES Manager: Daniel Gillen, Chief, Fuel Cycle Facilities Branch, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards (FCSS)
Objectives: Update uranium recovery guidance documents to implement Commission direction.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. SECY-01-0026 to the Commission (199800177) 02/15/01C M. Haisfield, IMNS
- 2. Publish draft versions of NUREGs 1569 and 1620 01/31/02C J. Lusher, FCSS for public comment.
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 3. Final versions of NUREGs 1569 and 1620 to 10/02 J. Lusher, FCSS Commission (200100050) (SECY-01-0026)
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
In an SRM dated May 29, 2001, the Commission directed the staff to discontinue the current 10 CFR Part 41 rulemaking efforts and focus staff resources on updating guidance documents to implement Commission direction set forth in the SRMs for SECYs99-012, 99-013, and 99-277.
Since that time the staff has incorporated into the guidance documents the information from SECY-99-0011, SECY-99-0012, SECY-99-0013, SECY-01-0026, SECY-99-277, and other studies such as Surety Estimation Methodology for Groundwater Corrective Action at Title II Conventional Mills, August 2001; NUREG-6733, A Baseline Risk-Informed Performance-Based Approach for In Situ Leach Uranium Extraction Licensees, September 2001; and Risk Informing Uranium Recovery, December 2001. NUREG-1569, Rev. 1, Draft Standard Review Plan For In Situ Leach Uranium Extraction License Applications, and NUREG-1620, Rev. 1, Draft Standard Review Plan For the Review of a Reclamation Plan for Mill Tailings Sites Under Title II of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act were issued for public comment January 31, 2002. On February 05, 2002, issuance of NUREGs 1569 and 1620 was
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June 30, 2002 placed in the Federal Register and placed on the NRC Web site. The public comment period closed on April 22, 2002. The comments have been docketed and entered into ADAMS.
Comments were received from the following: State of New Mexico, Environmental Department; State of Texas, Department of Health; Nuclear Energy Institute; National Mining Association; Wyoming Mining Association; Kennecott Energy; Rio Algom Mining LLC; and NRC Staff.
The comments received have been forwarded to our contractor (CNWRA) for incorporation into the SRPs.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs E. Part 40 Rulemaking: Licensing of Source Material SES Manager: Patricia Holahan, Chief, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS)
Objective: Develop risk-informed and coherent regulations for licensing of source material and work towards addressing the jurisdictional and technical issues associated with regulating low-level source material (excluding uranium recovery), minimizing duplication in regulatory authority between NRC under the Atomic Energy Act (AEA), the States under State law, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under various Federal statutes.
Coordination: STP, OGC, OE, ADM, CIO, CFO.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Status report on interaction with States and 3/23/01C T. Taylor, IMNS other Federal Agencies (199800203)
- 2. Rulemaking plan (on control of distribution) to 4/25/01C G. Comfort, IMNS Commission (200000042)
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 3. Provide additional recommendations to 06/28/02 C. Mattsen, IMNS Commission on exemption issues based on results 07/30/02 of ORNLs report (199000208) (Paper will also include recommendations on byproduct material.)
- 4. Provide recommendations on jurisdictional issues 07/30/02 T. Taylor, IMNS (199800203)
- 5. Proposed rule for transfer of exempt material 7/31/02 G. Comfort, IMNS (40.51) to SECY
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June 30, 2002 Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 6. Final rule (on transfers from licensees) to 6 months after end of G. Comfort, Commission (200000041) public comment period IMNS Comments:
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs F. West Valley Decommissioning Criteria SES Manager: J. Greeves, Director, Division of Waste Management Objective: Prescribe decommissioning criteria for use by the Department of Energy for the West Valley Demonstration Project and for any follow-on licensing activities.
Coordination: Region I Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Commission Paper, with revised policy statement, to 12/04/00C J. Parrott, DWM Commission for approval (199800178)(SECY-00-0226)
- 2. Publish revised policy statement in Federal Register 02/02/02C C. Glenn, DWM
- 3. Hold public meeting to discuss policy statement 04/17/02C C. Glenn, DWM Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 4. After DOEs publication of West Valley draft 10/04 C. Glenn, DWM decommissioning EIS, NRC will review and comment on the DEIS.
- 5. Determine whether preferred alternative meets 06/2005 C. Glenn, DWM decommissioning criteria identified in policy statement.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs G. Site Decommissioning Management Plan Status SES Manager: J. Greeves, Director, Division of Waste Management Objective: Implement the Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP).
Coordination: Region I Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. SDMP Master Schedule developed 3/31/00C L. Camper, DWM
- 2. Complete Environmental Assessment/Safety Evaluation 6/01C L. Camper, DWM Report for Cabot-Revere site
- 3. 2001 Annual Update to Commission - Status of 8/17/01C L. Camper, DWM Decommissioning Program (199900100)
- 4. Commission Paper to remove Cabot-Revere site from 7/26/01C L. Camper, DWM SDMP (200100035) (SECY-01-0138)
- 5. Remove the Cabot-Revere site from SDMP 9/01C L. Camper, DWM
- 6. Remove Lake City Army Ammunition Plant from SDMP 10/01 C S. Brown, DWM Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 7. 2002 Annual Update to Commission - Status of 09/2002 L. Camper, DWM Decommissioning Program (199900100)
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 8. Remove Heritage Minerals Site from SDMP TBD C. Gordon, Region I Comments:
Note: Based on recent survey results, the owner of the Heritage Minerals Site wants to conduct additional characterization and clarify liability for further cleanup. At this time, the timetable for removal of this site from the SDMP list is uncertain, and so reference to this site should be removed from the CTM. Note, however, that the staff has met the Green Book FY 2002 metric
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June 30, 2002 to remove one site from the SDMP by the removal of the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant from the SDMP.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs H. Prepare for Licensing a HLW Repository
- 1) Part 63 Rulemaking and Guidance Development: HLW Repository Licensing SES Managers: Janet Schlueter, Chief High-Level Waste Branch, Division of Waste Management Patricia Holahan, Chief, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS)
Objective: To develop licensing criteria and guidance for disposal of high-level radioactive waste at the proposed geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.
Coordination: OGC Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Draft final rule to Commission (SECY-00-0084) 4/12/00C T. McCartin, DWM (199800029)
- 2. Submit Revised Draft Final Rule to Commission 7/10/01C T. McCartin, DWM (199800029) (SECY-01-0127)
- 3. Issue Federal Register Notice on Final Part 63 11/02/01C T. McCartin, DWM
- 4. Submit proposed rule on unlikely events 11/16/01C C. Prichard, IMNS (200100100) (SECY 01-206)
- 5. Schedule Public Meetings on Part 63 02/28/02C J. Kotra, DWM
- 6. Provide a schedule of the public meetings on the 05/10/02C J. Ciocco, DWM Yucca Mountain Review Plan (SECY-M020304)
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 7. Submit Draft Final Rule on Unlikely Events 06/2002 C. Prichard, IMNS 07/24/02
- 8. Submit Draft Final Yucca Mountain Review Plan 12/2002 J. Ciocco, DWM Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
- 7. The draft final rule package is currently under management review.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs I. Control of Solid Materials SES Managers: Patricia Holahan, Chief, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS)
John Greeves, Director, Division of Waste Management (DWM)
Cheryl Trottier, Chief, Radiation Protection, Environmental Risk and Waste Management Branch, DSARE, RES Objective: To examine NRCs regulatory approach for control of solid materials, including enhanced public participation in such a process.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Issue Commission paper (SECY-00-0070) (199400059) 3/23/00C F. Cardile, IMNS
- 2. Draft report on methods to survey material containing 7/10/01C C. Trottier, RES low levels of radioactivity provided to NMSS.
- 3. National Academy of Sciences study completed 3/22/02C C. Trottier, RES (200000039)
- 4. Submit quarterly report to Commission (200000039) 4/15/02C F. Cardile, IMNS Through December 2002 Milestones Date Lead
- 5. SECY paper on results of NAS study, technical basis, 6/02 F. Cardile, IMNS and recommendations 7/02
- 6. Commission briefing 8/02 F. Cardile, IMNS TBD
- 7. Issue final NUREG-1640 on individual doses 10/02 C. Trottier, RES
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June 30, 2002 Beyond December 2002 Milestones Date Lead None Comments:
- 5. Paper has been submitted and is currently under management review.
- 6. The need for a Commission briefing will be determined following the outcome of the Commissions review of the SECY paper in milestone 5.
- 7. Although individual sections will be delivered to NRC starting in May 2002, significant effort has been expended in acquiring data to resolve comments and update the report. Some scenarios had to be re-analyzed and others added, hence, the work on steel, aluminum and copper scenarios has been more complex than expected. Additional time is needed to resolve comments and provide a document with realistic estimates.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs J. Part 73 Rulemaking: Spent Fuel Shipment Information Protection Requirements SES Manager: Patricia Holahan, Chief, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS)
Charles L. Miller, Deputy Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO)
Objective: This rule would require licensees to notify federally recognized Native American tribes of certain radioactive waste shipments, including spent nuclear fuel, before shipments are transported to or across the boundary of tribal lands.
Coordination: OSTP, OE, OGC, NRR Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Rulemaking plan to Commission for approval 2/02/01C R. Broseus, IMNS (199900123) SECY 01-0021
- 2. Proposed rule to Commission (199900123) On hold R. Broseus, IMNS Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 3. Final rule to Commission (199900123) One year after R. Broseus, IMNS end of public comment period Comments:
- 2. This rulemaking is put on hold due to activities and considerations following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack. The status will be reflected in the next update of Rulemaking Activity Plan (RAP).
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs K. Part 71 Rulemaking: Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material SES Managers: Patricia Holahan, Chief, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS)
Charles L. Miller, Deputy Director, Licensing and Inspection Directorate, Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO)
Objectives: To prepare a rule to revise Part 71 to: (1) make it compatible with the IAEA Transportation Standards, (2) revise the fissile material exempt and general license provisions to address any unintended economic impact caused by the 1997 emergency final rule, and (3) implement other changes directed by NRC Management (in accordance with Commissions SRM - SECY-99-200 dated 9/17/99).
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Revised Commission paper to the 5/31/00C N. Tanious, Commission (199800008) (SECY-00-0117) IMNS
- 2. Proposed rule to Commission (199800008) 3/02/01C N. Tanious, (SECY-01-0035) IMNS
- 3. Proposed rule package to SECY for 3/22/02C N. Tanious, publication (199800008) IMNS
- 4. Proposed rule published. 04/30/02C N. Tanious, IMNS Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None 5. Conduct two public meetings during 06/04/02C N. Tanious, comment period 06/24/02C IMNS Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 6. 5. Final rule to Commission (199800008) 07/29/03 N. Tanious, IMNS
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
6.5. This is one year after the end of the public comment period.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Program L . Part 70 Rulemaking: Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material SES Manager: Daniel Gillen, Chief, Fuel Cycle Facilities Branch) (FCFB),
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards (FCSS)
Project Manager: Yawar Faraz, FCFB/FCSS Objectives: Now that the amendments to Part 70 have been published (65 FR 56211 dated September 18, 2000) the objective is to complete the associated guidance documents.
The amendments to Part 70, identify appropriate consequence criteria and the level of protection needed to prevent or mitigate accidents that equal or exceed these criteria; require affected licensees to perform an integrated safety analysis (ISA) to identify potential accidents at the facility and the items relied on for safety necessary to prevent these potential accidents and/or mitigate their consequences; require the implementation of measures to ensure that the items relied on for safety are available and reliable to perform their function when needed; require the inclusion of the safety bases, including a summary of the ISA, with the license application; and allow for licensees to make certain changes to their safety program and facilities without prior NRC approval.
Coordination: The Part 70 guidance development has involved and will continue to involve close coordination with the stakeholders. These include representatives of the fuel cycle industry, DOE, private citizens, and other groups who declare an interest. OGC will be consulted as legal matters arise.
NMSS Risk Task Group will be informed of new guidance, such as the Standard Review Plan, that defines acceptable licensee responses to the rules requirements to evaluate and manage risk.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Final rule and draft Standard Review Plan to 5/19/00C A. Persinko, FCSS Commission (199500041) (SECY-00-0111)
- 2. Develop guidance document regarding §70.62 ISA 2/06/01C T. Cox, FCSS plans
- 3. Develop guidance document regarding §70.74 3/30/01C M. Lamastra, reporting requirements. FCSS
- 4. Final Standard Review Plan 12/14/01C Yawar Faraz, FCSS
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June 30, 2002 Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 5. Develop guidance document for §70.76 Backfitting 12/02 Yawar Faraz, FCSS Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
Stakeholder agreement on the contents of the Standard Review Plan (SRP) was achieved in November 2001. The NRC staff finalized the SRP in December 2001, and made it available from the NRC website in mid-January 2002. The staff published the SRP as NUREG-1520 on March 29, 2002. The NMSS Risk Task Group was significantly involved with the finalization of the SRP chapter on ISAs.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs M. Develop Rulemaking for Parts 40, 75, 110, and 150 (Implement IAEA Safeguards Agreement)
SES Managers: Patricia Holahan, Chief, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS)
Catherine Haney, Deputy Director, Division of Nuclear Safety, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR)
Objective: To incorporate into NRCs regulations the requirements contained in a new Protocol agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Coordination: OIP, OSTP, OGC Draft rulemaking plan was sent for Agreement State review on February 8, 2000.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Submit options paper to Commission (SECY- 8/24/01C B. Moran, 01-0164) (200100047) FCSS
- 2. Submit supplement memo to SECY-01-0164 to 1/25/02C B. Moran, Commission FCSS Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 3. Submit final rulemaking plan to Commission for 6 months after US P. Eng, approval (199900118) Government IMNS assignment on responsibility
- 4. Submit proposed rule to Commission for 9 months after P. Eng, approval (199900118) Commission approves IMNS Rulemaking plan
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
3, 4. Awaiting US Government assignment on responsibility after Commission decision on SECY-01-0164 and supplement.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs N. Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Facility Licensing SES Manager: Melvyn N. Leach, Chief, Special Projects and Inspection Branch, FCSS Project Manager: Andrew Persinko, SPIB/FCSS Objective: To review license applications for the construction and operation of the MOX fuel fabrication facility and to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.
Coordination: NMSS has the agency lead for coordination with the MOX consortium and internally with NRR, RES, OIP, and ADM on issues concerning MOX fuel fabrication licensing and subsequent irradiation. OGC will be consulted on legal matters regarding MOX.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Initiate review of construction authorization 3/1/01C A. Persinko, FCSS application received 3/1/01
- 2. Issue Notice of Intent for environmental impact 3/07/01C T. Harris, DWM scoping meetings
- 3. Complete acceptance review of construction 3/28/01C A. Persinko, FCSS authorization application
- 4. Conduct environmental impact scoping meetings 4/17/01C T. Harris, DWM 4/18/01C 5/08/01C
- 5. Issue environmental impact statement scoping 8/09/01C J. Davis, DWM meeting summary report for MOX fuel fabrication facility
- 6. Issue draft safety evaluation report for MOX fuel 4/30/02C A. Persinko, FCSS fabrication facility
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June 30, 2002 Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 7. Initiate review of supplemental environmental report 7/02 T. Harris, DWM
- 8. Initiate review of supplemental construction 10/02 A. Persinko, FCSS authorization request supplement Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 9. Issue draft environmental impact statement for MOX 2/03 T. Harris, DWM fuel fabrication facility for public comment
- 10. Issue revised draft safety evaluation report for the 4/03 A. Persinko, FCSS MOX fuel facility
- 11. Issue final safety evaluation report, Record of 9/03 A. Persinko, FCSS Decision and licensing decision on MOX fuel T. Harris, DWM fabrication facility construction authorization application Comments:
This program depends on a number of factors outside of NRC control, including national policy, DOE funding, and Russian progress on dispositioning excess plutonium.
6-10. On February 13, 2002, the applicant informed NRC: 1) about changes to the MOX facility that result from DOE-announced changes to the surplus plutonium disposition program, and 2) that it will be supplementing its application for construction authorization in October 2002 and its Environmental Report in July 2002.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs O. Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Oversight Program for Fuel Cycle Facilities SES Manager: Melvyn Leach, Chief, Special Projects and Inspection Branch (SPIB),
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards (FCSS)
Program Manager: William Troskoski, Inspection Section, SPIB/FCSS Objective: To develop and implement a revised oversight program for fuel cycle facilities that is more risk-informed and performance-based. The revised oversight program is intended to: maintain safety and national security; increase public and other stakeholder confidence; increase effectiveness, efficiency and realism; and reduce unnecessary regulatory burden.
Revision of the oversight program will address risk-informed inspections, assessment of licensee performance, and communication of risk significant performance to the licensee, public, and other stakeholders.
Coordination: NMSS is soliciting public and other stakeholder views in developing revisions to the oversight program. Program development is coordinated with NMSS organizations; Regions II, III, and IV; NRR; NSIR; OPA; OCA; OSTP; OE; and OGC. Program development is also integrated with other NRC initiatives, such as described in CTM items II.A., Risk-Informed Oversight Program (for reactors), and VII.L, Part 70 Rulemaking, to ensure the revised oversight program will comport with emerging requirements, guidance, and policies pertaining to fuel cycle facilities.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Revise Inspection Manual Chapter 2604, Licensee 6/287/02(C) W. Troskoski, Performance Review (LPR). FCSS
- 2. Issue revised MC 2600, Fuel Cycle Inspection 09/30/02 W. Troskoski, Program. FCSS Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
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June 30, 2002
- 2. This project will be closed at the end of FY 2002. Beginning in FY 2003, risk-informed revisions to the fuel cycle oversight programs inspection procedures will be made during normal updates of the inspection program, commensurate with the implementation of the Part 70 revisions. The Commission was informed of the staffs change in approach by memorandum dated 03/18/2002. The implementation date for the revised LPR Manual Chapter has been changed to June of 2002 to allow completion of the current round of LPRs under the existing process.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs P. Material Protection, Control, and Accounting (MPC&A)
- 1) MPC&A Regulatory Program Support to Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan SES Manager: Catherine Haney, Deputy Director, Division of Nuclear Security (DNS),
Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR)
Project Manager: Michael Kelly, Materials Safeguards Section, DNS/NSIR (MPC&A)
Nancy Fragoyannis, Materials Safeguards Section, DNS/NSIR (Physical Protection)
Objective: To provide MPC&A regulatory program support to the regulatory agencies of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Commission paper on the status of the NRCs 2/1/02C M. Kelly, NSIR MPC&A support efforts under the Department of Energys Interagency Agreement funding (200100036)
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 2. Meet with the regulatory agencies of Russia, 7/31/02 M. Kelly, NSIR Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. (SRM on SECY-02-0024)
- 3. Based on regulatory agency meetings, determine if 8/30/02 M. Kelly, NSIR NRC should continue to provide MPC&A support to any of these countries. Provide results of the determination to the Commission, while addressing issues identified in SECY-02-0024 SRM dated 2/22/02.
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
In July 2000, the NRC signed an Interagency Agreement with DOE to continue MPC&A support to the regulatory agencies of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. With the exception of providing limited direct support to DOE in its MPC&A support program activities to Russia, limited progress to date has occurred with regard to the NRCs providing direct assistance to Russia.
Discussions continue with DOE management to pursue funding for Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
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June 30, 2002 On March 22, 2002, an SRM was issued pertaining to SECY-02-0024, directing the staff to meet with the three regulators. From these meetings, NSIR will determine which MPC&A projects identified by the regulators, if any, merit NRC support. After these meetings, the staff is directed to provide the Commission with a paper on any identified needs of these countries for NRC MPC&A support, and address the following three issues for any candidate projects to be funded by other than DOE or Freedom Support Act Funds: 1) whether the needs are, or can be met, by other agencies/organizations; 2) the estimated level of NRC funding needed to support all or part of each project; and 3) the impact of NRC funded projects on DOEs program. SECY provided a due date of August 23, 2002, for staff to address all of the SRM directives.
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June 30, 2002 VII. Topic Area: Materials and Waste Programs P. Material Protection, Control, and Accounting (MPC&A)
- 2) Part 74 Rulemaking: Material Control and Accounting SES Manager: Patricia Holahan, Chief, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS)
Catherine Haney, Deputy Director, Division of Nuclear Safety, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR)
Objective: To amend the material protection, control and accounting (MPC&A) requirements. The reporting requirements for submitting Material Balance Reports and Inventory Composition Reports are being revised to reduce unnecessary regulatory burden on licensees. The remaining MPC&A requirements are being relocated to Part 74 (from Part 70) and the requirements for Category II facilities are being more risk-informed.
Coordination: OGC Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Proposed Rule to Commission (200000088) 4/20/01C M. Horn, IMNS (SECY-01-0066)
- 2. Publish proposed rule (200000088) 5/30/01C M. Horn, IMNS (66 FR 29251)
Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 3. Final rulemaking package to Commission (200000088) 8/20/02 M. Horn, IMNS Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Comments:
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June 30, 2002 VIII. Topic Area: Changes to NRCs Hearing Process A. Use of Informal Adjudicatory Procedures SES Manager: Joe Gray, OGC Objective: Streamline the hearing processes required by Part 2 of the regulations for license applications and amendments.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Commission decision on proposed rulemaking 2/16/01C OGC S. Treby
- 2. Publish proposed rules for comment 4/16/01C OGC S. Treby
- 4. Submit Final rules to Commission 4/26/02C OGC S. Treby
- 5. Commission approves/affirms final rules 7/30/02 OGC S. Treby
- 6. Publish final rules in Federal Register 8/14/02 OGC S. Treby
- 7. Final Rules effective 9/15/02 OGC S. Treby Comments:
- 3. Comment period was extended from 7/15/01 to 9/14/01.
- 4. Receipt of comments was impacted due to events from 9/11. Final rule date changed.
Additionally, a large number of comments were received which also impacted the due date for the final rules.
5-7. Adjustments were made to subsequent milestones to reflect the granting of the comment period extension.
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June 30, 2002 IX. Topic Area: State Programs A. Agreement with the State of Pennsylvania SES Manager: Josephine Piccone, Deputy Director, Office of State and Tribal Programs Objective: To enter into an Agreement with the State of Pennsylvania pursuant to Section 274b of the Atomic Energy Act, as amended.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Through December 2002 Milestones Date Lead None Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Pennsylvania Governor to file application for an 1/02/03 R. Blanton, STP Agreement
- 2. Negative consent paper to Commission (199900121) 9/01/03 R. Blanton, STP
- 3. Negative consent SRM to publish proposed agreement 10/01/03
- 4. Commission paper reconsidering final agreement 1/02/04 R. Blanton, STP (199900121)
- 5. Commission SRM approving the Agreement 2/02/04
- 6. Agreement effective 3/02/04 Comments:
In a letter dated November 26, 2001, from David E. Hess, Secretary of the Environment, Pennsylvania notified NRC that the formal request by the Governor for an Agreement will be delayed for one year until January 2003. The reasons stated for the delay include the events of September 11, 2001, and Commonwealth personnel resource limitations. Based on this letter, the projected effective date for the Agreement is Mid-FY 2004.
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June 30, 2002 IX. Topic Area: State Programs B. Agreement with the State of Wisconsin SES Manager: Josephine M. Piccone, Office of State and Tribal Programs Objective: To enter into an Agreement with the State of Wisconsin pursuant to Section 274b of the Atomic Energy Act, as amended.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Through December 2002 Milestones Date Lead
- 1. Wisconsin Governor to file application for an 10/01/02 L. Bolling, STP Agreement Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 2. Negative consent paper to Commission (200100090) 1/14/03 L. Bolling, STP
- 3. Negative consent SRM to publish proposed agreement 1/28/03
- 4. Commission paper reconsidering final agreement 5/06/03 L. Bolling, STP (200100090)
- 5. Commission SRM approving the Agreement 6/03/03
- 6. Agreement effective 7/01/03 Comments:
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June 30, 2002 IX. Topic Area: State Programs C. Agreement with the State of Minnesota SES Manager: Josephine M. Piccone, Office of State and Tribal Programs Objective: To enter into an Agreement with the State of Minnesota pursuant to Section 274b of the Atomic Energy Act, as amended.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead None Through December 2002 Milestones Date Lead
- 1. Minnesota Governor to file application for an 9/30/02 C. Maupin, STP Agreement Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 2. Negative consent paper to Commission (200100091) 01/21/03 C. Maupin, STP
- 3. Negative consent SRM to publish proposed agreement 02/03/03
- 4. Commission paper reconsidering final agreement 05/12/03 C. Maupin, STP (200100091)
- 5. Commission SRM approving the Agreement 06/09/03
- 6. Agreement effective 07/07/03 Comments:
The State of Minnesota has revised its schedule for submission of an Agreement per a fax and e-mail from the State dated 3/7/02.
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June 30, 2002 X. Topic Area: NRC Administration and Support Functions A. Agency-wide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)
SES Manager: Lynn B. Scattolini, OCIO/ADAMS Program Manager: Lynn B. Scattolini, OCIO/ADAMS Objective: To execute tasks in the ADAMS program plan to improve ADAMS functionality, reliability, and document and data integrity. ADAMS supports electronic document creation or capture, distribution, records management, and search and retrieval by both NRC staff and the public.
Coordination: CIO is coordinating with senior managers, the ADAMS Working Group, and office and regional management as necessary to implement policy/procedural changes and software upgrades.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Transfer responsibility for completing the processing 7/01C L. Scattolini, OCIO of staff generated documents to OCIO
- 2. Complete development and deploy ADAMS Version 9/01C A. Levin, OCIO 3.3 Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 3. Deploy ADAMS legacy library Schedule to J. Schaeffer, OCIO be established in 11/02
- 4. Implement ADAMS as an electronic recordkeeping 3/02C L. Scattolini, OCIO system. Begin filing records electronically. Obtain NARA approval of record schedules.
Beyond December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 5. Complete development and deploy ADAMS Version 10/02 J. Schaeffer, OCIO 4.0
- 6. Improve ADAMS data integrity by completion of 10/02 L. Scattolini, OCIO cleanup of ADAMS database
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
- 3. Staff has converted all legacy data from the NUDOCS and PDRs legacy system to the ADAMS Legacy Library for the NRC staff and the public. A final checkout of the system is being conducted prior to deployment. Three performance issues have been identified that require resolution. Because two of them require a change in the custom code and need to be installed on users desktops, they cannot be deployed until the next planned desktop release of ADAMS. In addition, data migration issues have been analyzed, and the significant ones that require action prior to system deployment are being resolved. Plans are to have a group of NUDOCS users from the offices do further testing on the system and provide input into the disposition of other data migration issues. In order to minimize the risks related to the deployment of ADAMS Version 4.0, we will first deploy ADAMS 4.0 (see comment 5), and then establish a schedule in November 2002 for deploying the ADAMS Legacy Library.
- 5. In preparing for ADAMS 4.0, we completed an interim upgrade of ADAMS underlying COTS product in February 2002. This was the first time we performed such an upgrade in coordination with FileNET, the product vendor. Based on resources expended and time taken, we are working with FileNET to establish a more robust upgrade project team and procedures for moving to ADAMS Release 4.0. We have met with the product vendor and custom code maintenance contractor and established an integrated project plan with an ADAMS Version 4.0 completion date of October 2002.
- 6. OCIO has refined data standards and is cleaning up the values of other data elements in the database to ensure that documents are properly profiled for subsequent search and retrieval. The date for cleanup was extended due to system related problems that have inhibited progress at the originally planned pace.
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June 30, 2002 X. Topic Area: NRC Administration and Support Functions B. Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP)
SES Manager: James McDermott, Deputy Director, Office of Human Resources Project Manager: Len Reidinger, Chief, Specialized Training and Support, Office of Human Resources Objective: Take steps to plan for, acquire, develop, maintain, deploy and retain NRCs core scientific, engineering and technical staff capacity in support of current and future NRC strategic goals.
Coordination: Staff will coordinate with EDO, NMSS, NRR, RES, CIO, CFO, OGC, and other NRC offices as appropriate.
Prior to June 2002 Milestone Date Lead
- 1. Submit Action Plan for Maintaining Core Competence 1/31/01C Bird/
critical skill needs for current, FY 2003 PBPM cycle, and McDermott/
future needs Office Directors
- 3. Analyze Office Director survey results and identify skill 3/31/01C Lee gaps
- 4. Develop and implement sourcing strategies to address 3/31/01C Lee skill gaps identified by Office Directors
- 5. Survey selected NRR, NMSS, and RES Branch/Section 4/30/01C Lee Chiefs on critical skill needs for current and future needs
- 6. Brief PRC on Core Competency/Human Capital Initiatives 4/27/01C Bird/McDermott and funding requirements for FY 2002 and FY 2003
- 7. Develop pilot skills survey to assess core competencies 5/23/01C Lee within selected NRR, NMSS, RES branches/sections
- 9. Evaluate both commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) 8/31/01C Reidinger automated strategic workforce planning (SWP) software tools and alternative software means of automating SWP data collection, needs assessment, and workforce analysis
- 10. Analyze branch/section pilot survey results and identify 9/28/01C Reidinger skill gaps
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June 30, 2002
- 11. Determine automated software tools to be used for both 8/31/01C Reidinger interim and longer-term strategic workforce planning (COTS or alternative means of automating SWP data collection, needs assessment, and workforce analysis)
- 12. Identify with Office Directors and Regional 4/02C Bird/McDermott Administrators critical skill needs, skill gaps, and gap closure Reidinger strategies for the FY 2004 PBPM cycle Office Directors Through December 2002*
Milestone Date Lead
- 13. Evaluate pilot implementation of skills survey to assess 11/30/01C Bird/McDermott core competencies and incorporate lessons learned as Reidinger appropriate Office Directors
- 14. Implement employee self-assessment on-line skills 6/02C Reidinger survey for staff in Engineering, Scientific, and Technical Occupational Series Beyond December 2002*
Milestone Date Lead
- 15. Implement employee self-assessment on-line skills 7/02 Reidinger survey for staff in Occupational Series not defined in item 14
- 16. Evaluate SWP software for applicability as long term 6/03 Reidinger solution.
- Subject to funding Comments:
- 14. The Strategic Workforce Planning Web Site was launched on May 28. The Employee self-assessment on-line skills survey and related tools for staff in Engineering, Scientific, and Technical Occupational Series was launched on June 10.
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June 30, 2002 XI. Topic Area: Nuclear Security A. Reactor Safeguards Initiatives SES Manager: Glenn Tracy, Director, Division of Nuclear Security (DNS), Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR)
Objective: Revise physical security requirements to require power reactor licensees to identify target sets of equipment that must be protected to maintain safe operation or shutdown of the plant, develop protective strategies to protect against an armed assault by the design basis threat of radiological sabotage, and exercise these strategies periodically.
Conduct a pilot of the Safeguards Performance Assessment (SPA) program, an industry initiative, and incorporate lessons learned in the rulemaking effort. Update power reactor safeguards and security regulatory guidance for the revision to 10 CFR Part 73.55 requirements.
Coordination: NRR, NMSS Through December 2002 Milestone Date Lead
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June 30, 2002 Comments:
NOTE: NSIR staff is currently drafting a road map document that will outline the major activities the office is tracking. Once this document is complete andA roadmap paper was transmitted to the Commission on June 14,2002 (SECY-02-0104),
topic area XI will be modified in the next CTM update to reflect additional milestones from this activitythese activities.
7, 8, 10. SECY-01-0060, The Safeguards Performance Assessment (SPA) Pilot Program, was issued on April 5, 2001. This paper informed the Commission of implementation and policy issues associated with the initiation of the pilot program. The SRM for SECY-01-0060 was issued on July 5, 2001, and approved the SPA pilot program. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the industry has been operating at Security Level 3, with significant NRC oversight. As a result, the inspection activities associated with force-on-force drills and exercises have be suspended, including the initiation of the SPA pilot program.
1 - 6, 9. The staff issued SECY-01-0101 on June 4, 2001, which discussed extending the schedule for completing the final rule until June 2003, from the current date of November 2002, in order to take full advantage of the lessons that can be learned from completion of the one-year SPA pilot program. In accordance with an SRM dated October 30, 2001, SECY-01-0101 has been withdrawn to allow the staff to consider whether the events of September 11, 2001, would require revision of the staffs proposed rule in SECY-01-0101.
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