IR 05000424/1987030

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Summarizes Enforcement Conference W/Util on 870520 Re Recent Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-424/87-30,50-424/87-27 & 50-424/87-12 Re Proper Sys Alignment & Attention to Detail. Attendees List Encl
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/1987
From: Grace J
To: James O'Reilly
NUDOCS 8706250087
Download: ML20215J720 (3)


'c lN




JUN 0 01987

Docket No. 50-424


License No. N' F-68 (

, Georgia Power Company


V ATTN: Mr. James P. O'Reilly Senior Vice President-Nuclear Operations P. O. Box 4545 Atlanta, GA 30302 Gentlemen:

SUBJECT: MEF71NG SUMMARY ENFORCEMENT CONFERENCE - V0GTLE FACILITY, UNIT 1, DOCKET N0. 424 This refers to the Enforcement Conference conducted in the NRC Region II Office on May 20,1987.

This meeting was held to discuss the recent violations identified in NRC Inspection Reports 50-424/87-30, 50-424/87-27, and 50-424/87-12 involving Proper System 4lignment and Attention to Detail.

It is our opinion that this meeting';was beneficial and has provided additional information on the Vogtle Unit 1 co'nponent alignment program.

This in-depth presentation will better enable the NRC to further evaluate the issues involved in the violations.

In accordance with Section 2.790 of NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room.

Should you have any questions concerning this letter, we will be pleased to discuss them.

Sincerely, 5&J u/jy



J. Nelson Grace Regional Administrator




Attendance Lfst 2.

Georgia Power Company - Plant Vogtle Unit 1 NRC Enforcement Conference " Component Alignment",

May 20, 1987 cc w/encis:

(See page 2)

8706250087 e70609 PDR ADOCK 0500



f,Lb i


. _ - - _ _ _ _ -



' Georgia Power Company

M 0 S 1987 -

. 'cy w/encls:


M.: D. Rice, Vice President, Project -

Engineering c A. W. Hayes, Vogtle Quality d,AssuranceManager i


Bockhold, Jr., General Manager,




Nuclear Operations

. d Gucwa, Manager,~ Nuclear Safety d.andLicensing


.A. Bailey, Project Licensing


Manager B. W. Churchill, Esq.,.Shaw, d.Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge


E. Joiner, Troutman, Sanders, d.LockermanandAshmore



Kirkland, III, Counsel, Office of'the Consumer's Utility


Council-lA Feig, Georgians Against uclear Energy


. B. Margulies, Esq., Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board


/ Panel

, VDr. O. H.. Paris, Administrative Judge


Atomic Safety and Licensing Board


/ anel P

VG. A. Linenberger, Jr., Administrative Judge

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel j

l Accw/ enc 1:


V F,. Reis, OGC l

L41. Miller, NRR


M. Sinkule, RII



@DocumentControlD6skC Resident Inspector


L State of Georgia







stnot:jw MSinkule V84 mfg enkins JS o r LR es 6f)/87 6/3 /87 #/y87 6/4/87 6/

6/7/87 6/T/87


a ENCLOSURE 1 LIST OF ATTENDEES U.S. - NRC-Region II M. L. Ernst, Deputy, Regional Administrator J. P. Stohr, Director, Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards (DRSS)

L. A. Reyes, Director, Division of Reactor Projects (DRP)

G. R. Jenkins,.' Director, Enforcement and Investigation Coordination Staff (EICS)'

V. L. Brownlee, Acting Deputy Director, DRP R. J. Goddard, Regional Counsel C. A. Julian, Chief, Operations Branch, Division of Reactor Safety M. V. Sinkule, Chief, Section 2C, DRP T. R. Decker, Chief. Emergency Preparedness Section, DRSS'

B. Uryc..Enfcccement Coordinator, EICS J. F. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector - Operations, Section 2C, DRP

'R. J. Schepens, Resident Inspector - Operations, Section 2C, DRP B. K. Revsin, Radiation Specialist, Facilities Radiation Protection (FRP).

Section, DRSS F. N. Wright, Radiation Specialist, FRP, DRSS E. F. Christnot, Project Engineer, Section 2C, DRP U.S. - NRC Reactor Regulations M. S. Miller, Project Manager Vogtle, Project Directorate 11-3 Georgia Power Company.

i J. P. O'Reilly, Senior Vice President - Nuclear Operations T..Greene, Plant Manager, Vogtle J.. F. D' Amico, Manager, Nuclear Safety and Compliance W. E.- Burns, Manager, Nuclear Licensing D. G. Smith, Manager, Nuclear. Performance and Analysis C. C..Eckert, Manager, Nuclear Safety and Engineering J. E. Swartzwelder, Deputy Manager - Operations Vogtle

J. Hopkins, Shift Supervisor, Vogtle


H. Schurman, Plant Equipment Operator, Vogtle l
