IR 05000312/1986023

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Enforcement Conference Rept 50-312/86-23 on 860620.Major Areas Discussed:Violation Noted During Insps of Emergency Preparedness Program & Radioactive Effluent Mgt (Insp Repts 50-312/86-14 & 50-312/86-15)
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 07/18/1986
From: Hamada G, Prendergast K, Scarano R, Yuhas G
Shared Package
ML20203H401 List:
50-312-86-23-EC, TAC-64735, NUDOCS 8608040402
Download: ML20203H413 (4)


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Report No. 50-312/86-23 Docket No. 50-312 License No. DPR-54 Licensee: Sacramento Municipal Utility District 9. O. Box 15830 Sacramento, California 95813 Ficility Name: Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Inspection at: Clay S n, California Inspectors: w w K.'Prendergasts/ Emergency Preparedness Analyst 7//7/96 Dath Sitned

. W w div G. Hamada, Radiation Laboratory Specialist 7-i7-th Date Signed


G. YM-u 1llTlVb s, Chief, Facilities Radiological Ddte Signed Protect Section Approved By: .

A vR. A. Scara#o, Direcf'or,) Division of Radiation


7lI/Id Dath Signed Safety and Safeguards Summary:

An Enforcement Conference was held on June 20, 1986. The following topics were discussed: Apparent violations identified during inspections of the emergency preparedness program and radioactive effluent management (Inspection 1;eport Nos. 50-312/86-14 and 50-312/86-15). Matters of concern to the NR k G



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[' * DETAILS k* Enforcement Conference?Farticipant ; >


NRC Participants -


~J. B. Martin', Regional Administrator


B H.- Faulkenberry, Deputy Regional Administrator R. A. Scarano, Director, Division of, Radiation Safety and Safeguards F. A. kenslawski, Chief, Emergency Preparedness and Radiological-Protection Branch R. F. Fish, Chief, Emergency Preparedness Section P. Yuhas, Chief, Facilities. Radiological Protection Section F. Miller, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 2 D. Johnson, Enforcement Officer Marsh, Director, RV Office of Investigation G. Kalman, NRR Rancho Seco Project' Manager K. M. Prendergast, Emergency Preparedness Analyst M. Cillis, Radiation Specialist SMUD Participants J. E. Ward, Assistant General Manager, Nuclear G. Coward, Plant Manager R. G. Croley, Manager, Nuclear Technology P. E. Turner, Manager, Nuclear Training R. Colombo, Supervisor, Regulatory Compliance R. Myers, Supervisor, Emergency Preparedness E. W. Bradley, Supervising Health Physicist B. Thomas, Public Information Officer, Rancho Seco A. Tate, Emergency Preparedness Training Instructor- Observers State of California D. Honey, Chief, Radiation Standard Section, Department of Health Services A. Vasquez, Chief, Radiological Preparedness, Office of Emergency Services R. Kuntz, Chief Consultant, Senate Subcommittee on Nuclear Safety and Emergency Preparedness L. Carter, Health Physicist Enforcement Conference On June 20, 1986 an Enforcement Conference was held at the NRC Region V office in Walnut Creek, California, with the individuals listed in paragraph 1 above in attendance. The conference was related to the recent inspections of the emergency preparedness program and the management of radioactive ef fluents. These inspections covered the'

periods April 2-11 and 21-25, 1986 and April 1, 2 and 29, 1986 and May 15, 1986. The results of these inspections have been documented in





report Nos. 50-312/86-14 and 50-312/86-15. The conference was announced in a letter to the licensee dated June 12, 198 Following the brief opening remarks by the Regional Administrator, M .Scarano discussed two matters of a general nature that were of concern to the NRC. The first matter involves too many instances of top level SMUD management making commitments, whether in the form of technical specifications or responses to NRC violations, etc., that seem to be forgotten as soon as they were made. We have found that the people at the staff level who are ultimately responsible for fulfilling those commitments have been totally unaware of them. The second matter involves deficiencies noted repeatedly not only by the NRC but by SMUD's own QA department. Mr. Scarano specifically noted Emergency Plan training as an area that has been shown as deficient by the NRC in 1983, 1984, and 1986, and SMUD QA in 1984, 1985, and 1986. These two situations appear to show a lack of a tracking system on the part of management to assure that appropriate corrective actions and commitments are implemented. Mr. Ward agreed with the conclusion that these items are a reflection of a management problem.

, Mr. Wenslawski stated that two of the three apparent violations related to the emergency preparedness program have been characterized as having multiple examples rather than listing each example as an individual violation in order to better show the nature of the problems. He also said that some of the violations related to the April inspection were initially identified during the inspection of the December 26, 1985 incident. Mr. Fish presented the three apparent violations and discussed the two that had multiple example The licensee discussed actions that have taken place and are taking place to address the problems related to the emergency preparedness progra The responsibilities for emergency preparedness training of the onsite and EOF / ENC staffs have been clearly established and the onsite training staff now includes a person assigned exclusively to emergency preparedness. Additional staff for emergency preparedness will be obtained, including clerical support for maintenance of the emergency preparedness records. A corrective actions list will be generated to assure that all items identified during the last three years as needing improvement will be adequately addressed. Quality Engineering, a newly established group, will cooperate with Emergency Preparedness to assure that corrective actions are taken. The Emergency Plan and related implementing procedures will be updated with a long range plan of reformating them. A new, improved communications system for providing information to the counties and State is being discussed with the involved parties. The last of the new sensors for the meteorological tower should be installed in the near future which is expected to complete the upgrading of the system to meet the expected capabilities.

l Mr. Yuhas discussed the apparent violations involving the release of l ' liquid radioactive effluents in terms of the licensee's previous commitments and the management issues associated with changes made to the



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The licensee presented a chronology of their implementation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, and described the actionc to be taken to assure future compliance. The actions will include:


Major modifications to the waste water handling system;


Revision of the Technical Specifications related to the land use census and the lower limit of detection capability;


Training to assure that safety evaluations of changes to the


facility are performed;


Revision of operating procedures;


Correction of the error analysis;


Duplication of effluent release records; and


Additional staffing to assure that effluent reports are timely and accurat The licensee also stated that Chapters 2 and 11 of the Final Safety Analysis will be revised to correctly describe their effluent release practice Mr. Croley presented a new organization which will increase the amount of health physics expertise at the sit The licensee was asked if they disputed any of the findings presented in Inspection Report No. 50-312/86-15. The Supervisor, Regulatory a

' Compliance, stated that he did not know that the numerical lower limit of detection limit presented in the Technical Specifications would not meet the 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, criteria. The Plant Manager stated that he


did not believe that the Plant Review Committee is required to review all

changes to procedures. In response to this point, NRC stated that the a

licensee should consider revising Technical Specification 6.8.3c. The Supervising Health Physicist pointed out that the 1985 land use census was technically complete since Technical Specification 4.27 does not specifically address the liquid effluent pathwa !

The Supervising Health Physicist also pointed out five typographical


, errors: Page 2, NUREG/CR-4298 should be -4286; Page 3, November 26, 1986 should be Novembec 26, 1985; Page S, "No Peaks" should be "No Gamma Peaks"; Page 22, T-651 should be T-621; and Page 26, 1500 pCi/Kg should s

be 1400 pCi/K The NRC Enforcement Officer informed the licensee that their comments will be considered in evaluating the apparent violation The NRC Regional Administrator summarized by noting that while the offsite releases did not threaten the public health, it is clear that this and the emergency planning issue show that the Sacramento Municipal

Utility District management team must establish better control of their


activities. The Assistant General Manager, Nuclear agree l


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