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Confirms Commitments Made During 960722 Meeting W/Nrc at Region I Headquarters in King of Prussia Re Issues Raised During 960717 TMI-1 MOV Program Insp
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1996
From: Keaton R
5000-96-035, 5000-96-35, 6710-96-2273, GL-89-10, NUDOCS 9608120006
Download: ML20116H252 (2)



e l G PU Nuclear, Inc.

( One Upper Pond Road NUCLEAR Parsippany, NJ 070541095 Tel 201316 7000 August 5, 1996 5000-96-035 6710-96-2273 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (TMI-1)

Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Meeting to Resolve Issues Related to Generic Letter (GL) 89-10,

" Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and Surveillance" GPU Nuclear met with the NRC at Region I headquarters in King of Prussia on July 22,1996 to discuss the issues raised during an inspection of the TMI-l Motor Operated Valve (MOV) program conducted the week ofJune 17,1996. The purpose of this letter is to confirm the following commitments made by GPU Nuclear management during the meeting:

1. We will perform a detailed review of the TMI-l GL 89-10 MOV program to confirm proper design basis differential pressures, sc!ection of valve factors, and verification of calculations to support the setup conditions for all program valves. Any needed changes to the TMI-l program or supponing documentation will be completed with respect to the recommendations of GL 89-10 by January 31,1997.
2. The documentation described above will include an evaluation of the margins for each valve and either our basis for acceptance or options for further action to increase the margin where appropriate. Any modifications to improve margins will be completed by the Cycle 12 Refueling (12R) Outage, which is scheduled to begin in September 1997.
3. An independent review team, as described in the July 22,1996 meeting, is reviewing the historical and current TMI-l MOV program (s) to provide assurance that problems are resolved and to recommend corrective actions. This review is expected to be completed 9608120006 960805 PDR ADOCK 05000289 G PDR


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af 5000-96-035 6710-96-2273 Page 2 of 2 I

around the end of August 1996 with a report issued by the end of September 1996. We plan to address the team's recommendations by no later than January 31,1997. We would be glad ,

to meet with you after the independent review team report is issued to discuss its conclusions and any recommendations.

If you have any questions on the TMI-l MOV program or our planned actions, please contact Bob Knight (717-948-8554) of TM1 Regulatory Affairs.

Sincerely, R. W. Keaten Director Engineering MRK cc: Administrator, Region i TMI-l Senior Project Manager TMl Senior Resident inspector l

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